HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-10-08, Page 7/i flr' ;P. OR 8, T9§ • • Apple ri&e.. A Ito -size apple pie weighing OM a hundred pounds was teeentiy baked for the Washing- ton State Apple Blossom Fest- ival. The specially built alumi- num pie pan — the largest ever made — measured eight feet across. Made us wonder how big a pie you'd get if all the apple pies baked in one day on regular - size aluminum pans were put together. And that brings to mind all the different aluminum cooking utensils used today in homes and hospitals and res- taurants... No wonder Canada is stepping up her production of this light, bright metal to one and a quarter billion pounds a yeari Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). Sell that unnecessary piece of !(furniture through a Huron Expoel der Classified Ad. Phone 4L 7 Logan Council. AwardsDrainlobs Logan Township Council held a special 'meeting to hold court of revision on the Bode and Chaffe drains and also to accept drainage tenders. There were no appeals on the Chaffe drain. On the Bode drain there were three; two appeals were allowed and one disallowed. Drain- age contracts were awarded as fol- lows: Chaffs drain to Robert Nich- olson icholson for $3,940; Knipe, to Robe7t Nicholson for $480; Bode drain to C. Symington, Watford, for $1,380; Ritz Extension to R. Denatedt for $2,695; Wasman to J. Siemon for $420; Watt, to Robert Clarke for $1,200; H'agarty Drain Branch No. 3 to 0. Symington for $395. Council adjourned to meet again Monday, October 4, at 1:00 p.m. The number of housing unite built in Canada during 1953 reach- ed an all-time peak of 96,839. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, ONT. President, William A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Vice -President, Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin, DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, Cen- tralia; E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Mitchell; Alex J. Rhode, R.R. 2, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, R.R. 1, Mitchell; E. Ross Hough- ton, Cromarty. SOLICITOR—W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY - TREASURER — Arthur Fraser. Exeter. as ry pd Is rj1 `�j7 'RON a - 1a POSITQA How Much Is A Woodlot Worth? How much is a woodiet worth? The value of imwature woodland is closely associated with the cur- rent rate of interest on money, says Zone Forester R. J. R. Mur- phy. urphy. The recognized principle in valuing younger and even aged stands of timber which contain no merchantable logs is to ascertain what it would cost to establish a similar stand. Throughout Southern Ontario, he explains, Hydro lines, oil pipe lines, gas lines and public road construction often pass through farm woodlots and Zone Foresters often are called upon to give a basis for their evaluation. Here are some factors that enter in: To establish a stand of timber 30 years old, a landowner would have to invest possibly $10 per acre for the purchase of trees. If labor were hired to plant the trees, planting costs would be pos- sibly $15 an acre. This $25 per acre at four per cent compound interest for 30 years would amount to $81. Added to this, the land- owner might have to pay annual taxes up to $1 an acre. In all, $110 per acre is the technical va- lue of a fully stocked, 20 -year-old woodlot. No distinction need be made be- tween a natural stand of trees and YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kidneys fail to remove mimes acids and wastes, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Villa stimu- late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep better. work better. Get Dodd'e at any drug store You Gan depend on Dodd'a a planted stand, Mr. Murphy says, as, in getting a good natural stand, tete landowner probably fenced to exclude livestock and left seed trees or cut the area so that good natural regeneration resulted. A more difficult problem is to va- lue an even aged stand of timber, that is, a stand approaching ma- turity, experts agree. Good stands of hardwood timber in Southern Ontario over 100 years old have yielded upwards of 16,000 board feet per acre with values as high as $600 per acre. These stands, it is explained, were where low quality trees had been removed for fuelwood and the best trees allowed to accumu- late a relatively large amount of high quality log material. How- ever, the average mature woodlot with a normal mixture of low- priced beech and elm along with higher -priced maple and 'basswood, does not run over 10,000 board feet per acre and a price of $350 per acre for a fully -stocked 100 -year- old woodiot is common. If the woodlot is 70 years old, for example, as it is expected to be worth $350 an acre when ma- ture, then the present value could be taken as $350 discounted back to the present which, at four per cent interest, is also about $110. However, this method or calcula- tion does not give a true picture since, by the time the average hardwood bush is 70 years old, much log material could have been profitably removed without lessen- ing the value of the final harvest, Zone Forester - Murphy points out. "The more usual situation in Southern Ontario,” he says, "is uneven aged stands or a woodlot with several age classes of trees, either patches or as an under - story to the larger trees. In these woodlots, the owner can make an- How the international Plowing Match can improve Canadian crop production! SVherever plowing matches have been held in Canada, the increased interest aroused has resulted in better plowing. has, ''Phis year the International Plowing Match is being held in Waterloo County at Breslau, October 12, 13, 14 and 15. Plowmen from many parts of Canada will be competing for top honours. Farmers everywhere share a great interest in agriculture and a determination to increase their efficiency in production of food and fibre. They realize that— MI III IN all MIS IIIIII hat- TheCanadian Bank of Coinmerce extends a welcome and good wishes to all those competing at the International Plowing Match. With more than 87 years' experience in promoting better farming and looking after farmers' banking needs, this bank is vitally interested in every important agricultural event. ,P.15 ..9 1111 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE w�iflt ✓at 1 04.1 nual or periodic harvests without greatly reducing the growing stook of timber. If the older timber has leen culled or high -graded, the annual return will be low. If the area has. been heavily pastured, for years, then replacement growth will be absent. However, if the larger trees are of good quality and if livestock have not interfer- ed with the development of young- er growth, then a good periodic harvest may be had. "Many woodlot owners claim that from such woodlots they have averaged $10 an acre per year ov- er a period of years. To get a similar return from another in- vestment at four per cent interest would require a capital of $250. It has been found by actual measure- ment that a fully -stocked woodlot is quite capable of producing 200 board feet per year plus a cord of stovewood. I8 the woodlot is growing trees of high value such as well -formed hard maple, ash, oak or basswood, then the annual revenue of $10 per acre is con- servative and a price of $250 per acre justified. 1f the woodlot was growing trees which have a poten- tial value only for fuelwood, the annual revenue would be only $2 or $3 per acre and the technical value would be only $50 to $75 per acre. • "These values, of course, assume that lumber prices will remain sta- tionary and do not include values such as might be accorded to maple syrup, shade for cattle, or protection to agricultural land. "This price of land, to oil com- panies, is a current topic in Lamb - ton and Middlesex. 'Rather than put an absolute value on young timber, the report to the landown- er states: "'This is a basis on which your immature stand can be valued.' Landowners have been quite hap- py about receiving this technical advice. There has been no com- plaint from the companies, either," Fire Prevention Week ... Need for Safety Fire Prevention Week, October 2-9, is being observed throughout Canada, and it is designed to focus public attention on the ever-present need for fire safety and protection. 150 Fires Every Day On an average, between 55,000 and 60,000 fires are reported every year, or over 150 fires every day. These losses account for anything from $60,000,000 to $70,000,000 per annum_ This tremendous sum of money is lost, chiefly through care- lessness, for instance, smokers' carelessness and matches cause ap- proximately- 25 per cent to 30 per cent of reported fires, misuse of electricity 10 per cent, stoves, fur- naces, boilers and smoke pipes, 10 per cent; defective and overheated chimneys and flues, hot ashes and open fires, 9 per cent. The above are the chief causes of reported fires and it leaves lit- tle to the imagination of how many are caused through just careless- ness. Fire is man's most useful force, but it is never completely servile. A moment's carelessness, a brief lack of respect for it can cause a lifetime of grief. Carelessness Major Cause Further. the (•losing of premises damaged or destroyed by fire af- fects the population; men and wo- men• are thrown out of ,jobs until such time as the premis.es are re- built and ready for production of goods. For years Government authori- ties. Insurance Associations, Fire Marshals. Fire Chiefs and many other associations have endeavored to awaken the public from its apathetic attitude to one of aware- ness. It is well known from statis- tics Ghat the major cause of fires is carelessness. Make this year a real "Fire Pre- vention" year! Down Memory's Lane My memory stirred the other night, And as I mused, what a delight To be again a little lad, In home, sweet home, with Mom and Dad. There came to mind a man named John, -1 kindly neighbor. long since gone; He was a farmer. prospered too, An honored churchman. through and through. John was a big man.' every way; Men listened when he had his say; The neighborhood his wisdom sought, 'Twas better than the wisdom bought. in church, he sat in front of me, His head was bald as bald could be; One day a big had hold church fly Stopped to explore as it went by. It seemed to feel so much at home, Running about on that bald dome; And then another came along, Just as we rose to sing a song. But what of that, John loved to sing, I -Ie fairly made the rafters ring. The years went by and John grew 111, Did not respond to doctor's pill. The faithful nurse beside his bed Listened, and this is what he said: When is the funeral, my dear? You're not dead, Dad, you still are here. i thought I was, he whispered low, But maybe I'm not due to go; And then he turned away his head, And all was still, big John was dead. His life, a benediction rare, A life of service and of prayer; He was a man who stood four- Square— Pm oursquare— Pm glad he lived when I was there. JOHN BEA rrna .g L�a'fkli'bi6'�!'" alcan'v �.a,4e,lo,. Walton Groups, WA, WMS Hear Reports The September meeting of the Walton W.A. and V.M.S. group was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Walters on Wednesday eve- ning with 241 members and five vis- itors in attendance. The president, Mrs, Ronald Bennett opened the meeting with Hymn ass, "O Mas- ter, Let Me Walk With Thee." Following 0 prayer, the scripture lesson w'as read from Matthew 6, verses 22.32. A poem entitled, "To the End:" was read by Mrs. M Thomas. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. D. Ennis owing to the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Fern Patterson. The treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. F. Kirkby. Mrs. Geo. Dundas gave an interesting topic on "Profit and Labour." The meeting closed with the hymn, "Work. For the Night is Coming," and the Mizpah benedic- tion repeated in unison. Contests were conducted by Mrs. F. Kirkby and Mrs. R. Bennett. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. F. Walters, assisted by Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Mrs. Ethel Hackwell, Mrs. Jas. Clark and Mrs. Frank Kirk- by. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Ennis. • Home, School Group Hear Huron Inspector The Home and School Associa- tion held its meeting Tuesday eve- ning in the public school auditor- ium with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Frank Kling. pre- sided. The meeting opened with the singing of "O Canada." followed by a minutes silence for Miss S. I,.. McLean. and all repeated the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. K. I. McLean acted If secretary and Mrs. Pat Troutbock gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. Alt. Byermann called the roll. Mrs. R. iioussey's class won the picture for the month. having the most mothers and fathers present. Mrs. Ed. Piercy won the prize for having the youngest child attend ing school. it w'415 decided to buy three dozen stainless steel tea- spoons for the kitchen. Mrs. Frank Kling introduced the guest spkaker, Mr, J. H. Kinkaid, who gave a very interesting talk on the relationship of the school with the commuity. Don Morton 1..1,111,11'11, h1,1111,IIIL1111.1lil•Il11.111ldltl,ll ,1 if Ili FHE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Parental example has a greater impact on the minds of young people than advice from any source. This is the conclusion drawn by Dr. Rob- ert Strauss, professor of pub- lic health in Syracuse Univers- ity, N.Y.. after a study of the drinking habits of more than 16,000 U.S. college students. Example IS more powerful, than advice, and parental ex- ample is especially so. "Son -- daughter ---don't touch liquor until you are older. I am a m.oderatc drinker. Liquor does me no harm. it might get. You." Good advice? Excel- lent., But granted that your advice is more potent than your example. don't forget to -ask the experts for the pre- test you ran .give your boy or girl that will marl: them as future MODERATE drinkers. There may he some such test. As yet it has been given no publicity. The sad truth is that many a "moderate" drink- ing parent has seen his son ruin his life with liquor after he had begun to drink "mod- erately" just as his dad did. A recent report. by Yale Centre of Alcohol Studies gives statis- tics that are apropos here. "Ninety per cent of young men whose parents are both drink- ers --drink at least occasion- ally. ccasionally. Less than twenty per dent of young women whose parents are both abstainers take to drinking."—(Adat.), f hf II' 1 I' 11 Ip 1 Illi 1111 I1I'1 I!11II',illtrP All in the matter of seconds You can cash a cheque or bank your money without leaving the seat of your car at the curb -teller which the Bank of. Montreal has installed as part of its newly opened main office at London, Ont. It saves endless time and trouble look- ing for a parking space and queuing up 'inside the bank, and most transactions are com- pleted in Tess than a minute. The first curb -service• banking unit in Canada,,this new in- stallation was designed by the bank's chief architect in collab- oration with the manufacturers and is the only one of its kind in the world. Picture shows London's Mayor Allan Rush, an old customer of the bank, who cut the ribbon signalizing the openling. of "Canada's most modern banking office," mak- ing the first deposit in the new bank. Serving him at the tell- er's window is Gordon Ball, B of M president, who 30 years before was teller -accountant at the little Ailsa Craig branch, 17 miles from London. Standing by the curb -teller are Broad- caster Ward. Cornell and B. C. Gardner, chairman of the bank's board of director& thanked the speaker for his inspir- ing address. Evan Hoffman accompanied Miss M. Turnbull, who led in a sing- song. ,The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the Queen." Mrs. Angus MacLean, Mrs. Jack Taylor and their committee served tea and cookies. 5-1-11111-RIEff $va4c!pOwER SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are incited. Exeter Phon• 41-J Clinton Phone 103 Your Business Directory LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted Phone 791 MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- day, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CLINTON—Monday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (McLaren's Studio). ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON •ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 45b A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. INSURANCE THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: President - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -Pres. - J. H. McEwing, Blyth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whit- more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert A.rehibald, Sett - forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Wiliam, S. Alexander, Walton; Har- vey Fuller, Ooderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefldtd. AG'EN'TS: William L.eipAr, Jr., Londesboro; J. P. Prneter, 'Brodbagen; Selwyn Raker, Brussels; %trio mums, Se*' i,stiiWu rJ a l�Y m n!d •ikuairthatoM MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 : Seaforth If no answer, call 59 JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensel' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-3 Seaforth - SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 P. L BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. VETERINARY D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon FIENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 99 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105 - Seaforth AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH L RYAN Specialist In farm stock and her plements and household effeet•. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open date* write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAS. R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r II,, Dublin. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence pro 'tip ed. Immediate artmento be made tor sale di k'. by Dko 455-J, Clinton. t h : s aB !noels i and satisfaction tiitirante06. PERCY C. *RIGI Licensed Auctioneers ,.. Livestock and Farm Mit a Spealatty For a ,better auction, an W11/0111' Ali tieneer. said, 690 r 92. n,rwi's. ti)r,