HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-10-08, Page 3gtrie • • r e A • 4 10 td 9CtlODER. 8, 1 54 1,1 kl Veterans. CA B GEORGE H. MILLER. Prop, 'assengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH cg. Neptiew of Hensall Woman Is Honored at Edmonton Associated with ithe same grain ling superintendent for Northern Alberta, with headquarters at Ed- monton. idmonton. In 1928 Alberta Pacific created a northern division at RM.- monton and named Mr. Kyle as- sistant divisional superintendent. But 1930 saw consolidation of much DRAIN TILE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Drop in or call. J. A. Rydall, Brick & Tile Yard ELGINFIELD - ONTARIO Phone Lucan 25 r 31 HUDSON lily COAL It's NEW! DIFFERENT! BETTER! _FILL YOUR BIN...N O W .I Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 Seaforth good borgoins g01 tasty -'., wholesome -:food !. ',The world's finest cheddar cheese is made right here in Canada. And, our Canadian cheese is one of the best and cheapest sources of good food value. It's an excellent source of protein, which everybody needs for building and repairing healthy tissues. Enjoy the many varieties of Canadian cheese! New cheese recipes! Write to Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Seri'ice Bureau. t5DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO of the provincial direction in the head office at Calgary. The kd6 monton office was retained as a branch for grain inspection, north- ern traffic control and supervision of country elevator plants, with Mr. Kyle as manager, a post he held for 23 years. A company presenta- tion in appreciation of 45 year of meritorious service, made to A. J. "Bert" Kyle, was the third arrang- ed by the grain trade to honor the manager of the Edmonton office of the Alberta Pacific Grain Co. Ltd. Presentation of an engraved wrist watch and cheque was made by Arthur Boyse, of Calgary, western manager. It was attended by L. R. Wood, assistant manager, Calgary, who succeeds Mr.Kyle, and 30 Ed- monton grain men. Fourteen man- agers and departmental heads of the grain trade tendered Mr. Kyle a luncheon when he was presented with a travelling bag. Previously a gathering was held in the grain in- spection nspection offices in the McLeod building, where fellow workers of trade and government met, when on their behalf C. R. Manahan, chairman of the Dominion Grain Appeal Board, presented an ang- ler's outfit. Mr. Kyle is a nephew of .Miss Alice Kyle, Hensall, and a cousin of William and Emmerson Kyle, Kippen. Hold Harvest Home Services at Hensall Harvest Home services were ob- served in St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday evening with Rev. N. D. Knox, rector, in the pulpit, Choosing for his sermon topic, "When the Hebrew saw lightning in the heavens he believed that the w ends bore the message of God." He 'stated. "We are thoroughly in- consistent in our thinking; all a man -needs is to know how to un- lock the secrets of nature. But we must remember that God is the up- holder of nature. The processes of nature are like God's messages, guiding us into spiritual truths. In spite of the negligence of man, God is still generous." If we are to fulfil the highest in the property of man we must be loyal to God. We must give back to God what we have received from Him. Should we not be thankful to God? The most essential -thing is that we work for the glory of God and Pid you knout that, THIS 890 COAL -BURNER (S ONE OF THE CLAIMANTS TO THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE IN. NORTH AMERICA" DISTINCTION. IT WAS STEAM POWERED... REAR SEAT WAS FOR THE ENGINEER- FIREMAN. DIGGER, SOFTER SUPER— CUSHIONS BY G000YEAR"SOAK UP" THE BUMPS TO GIVE YOU COMFORT. AND YOU'LL ENJOY LONG, TROUBLE-FREE RIDING TOO, AT VERY REASONABLE COST. SEE U5 TODAY FOR THIS BIG GOODYEAR VALUE. LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF DUALITY ,v, ;Y : PHONE "452 j < YOUR SHELL SERVICE STATION. fq r,., 4•u AVS Its IUxt One of the highlights of Seaforth Fall Fair was the large en- try which featured the vr : tot's 4-H Club competitions. Here Jean Scott, Seaforth, and Audrey Godkin, Walton, are shown with "Snowball", owned by Rcbsrt Kinsman, Exeter. Constance WMS. and W.A To Appoint 1954-55 Officers The regular meeting of the iw. A. Lawson gave a reading, "Prayer." and the W.M.S. w•' s ba ii a: the home of Mrs. Lorne Lawson Fri- day evening, Oct. 1. with the presi- dent, Mrs. Lawson, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing Hymn 263, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee," after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. During the business pepriod it was decided to donate. $25 to the Chris- tian Homes For Children. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and Mrs. Frank Riley were appointed to hand in the slate of officers for the com- ing year at the next meeting. This part of the meeting closed by tak- ing up the offering. Mrs. Ross McGregor, president of the W.M.S., took charge. The meeting opened by singing Hymn 502, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." Rev, J.' T. White offered prayer. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt read the scripture lesson taken from John 12:44.50. During the busi- ness iyIrs. Austin Dexter and Mrs. Joe Babcock were appointed to hand in the slate of officers at the next meeting for the coming year. The secretary of the W.M.S. is to have all the reports ready to give at. the Sectional meeting, to be held •at Egmondville. Mrs. Earl in helping others. Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs. R. Broderick rendered a pleasing duet, "I Do Not "Know, Mr. J. L. Nicol accom- panying. Mrs, R. H. Middleton was organist for the service. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Communion will be observed next Sunday at 10 a.m. United Church Notes Last Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Rogers conducted service in the United Church. The theme was entitled, "Christian Love." Mrs. Pearl Passmore sang the alto part in the choir anthem. "Take Thou My Hand." Miss Laramie presided at the organ. Next Sunday morning, Oct. 3rd. Communion will be observed. The Mission Band will begin its fall program. Mothers are reminded of a Primary Class to meet in the vestry during the worship hour, commencing next Sunday morning, Odt. 3. A 'teacher will be in at- tendance. Children from 2 to 5 years of age are invited. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallington, of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus- kopf spent Friday in London. .Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison spent. a week in Detroit. Mrs. Fred Eckert spent, a few days in Galt. Miss Monica Byrne is spending a month in Detroit. Auguste Ducharme and son, Tom, and John F. Murphy are absent on a motor trip to Edmonton and other points in Western Canada. 0 11 cAN ", BANH" TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS UY YOU CAN BUY YOUR BONDS -for cash or by instalments - at your neighbourhood B of M branch WORKING WITH CANADIANS 1N EVERT WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 •s,:r„r;rc .fir - ` DOWN PAYMENT OF' 5 % - s2so FOR As50 BOND, s5 FOR A1100 BOND .etc. BALANCE IN EASY. INSTALMENTS OVER,A YEAR Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday • eh xL+i.ti),uan,.Ahnk ehKm.a ,; .v.., unysy r IV Mrs. Will Jewitt gave an instru- mental, and a reading by Mrs. Vera Dale, "A New Jerusalem.” The study book was given by Mrs. George McIlwain. Hymn 489, "Be- hold a Stranger At the Door" was sung. The offering was received and the meeting closed by repeat- ing the benediction, after which lunch .was served by- the bostess and Mrs. Mcllwain. MiscellaneousShower Held for Dublin Girl A miscellaneous shower in hon- or of' Miss Marie Nagle, whose marriage to Mr. William Louis O'Rourke will take place on Oct. 9, was sponsored by Miss Kay Stapleton and held at the home of Mrs. William Stapleton on Thurs- day night. Approximately 30 lad- ies were present to extend felici- tations to the bride-to-be. Various games were played, and the guest of honor was seated in a pink decorated chair to accept an assortment of beautiful and prac- tical gifts, for which she gracious- ly expressed her appreciation. A sumptuous lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. The Senior W.M.R. Auxiliary of Northside Church, with . the Mae Lane Auxiliary as guests, Met In the schoolroom on Tuesday even- ing of last week for their autun*n thankoffering meeting. The 47'pr dent, Mrs. P. B, Moffat, was 1'u the chair and Mrs. Moffat presided for the business session, which in- cluded. secretary's reports, ant Or vitation from Duff's ,Ohurcit A,usii- iary for their than coffering meet- ing on October 16th, and arrange- ments for entertaining Huron Pres- bytery on October 6. Referepce was made to the death of Rev. Mr. Stone, who was a vic- tim of the typhoon in Jiapan, also to the death of a former member, Miss M. Hartry, for whom a short memorial service was held, sing- ing inging part of the hymn, "For All the Saints, Wlho From Their Labors Rest," followed by prayer by 'Mrs. J. W. Stinson. Birthday greetings were extend- ed xtended to Mrs. Rivers, who that day celebrated her 38th birthday. Mrs. A. Crozier read the scripture les- son, followed by prayer ,by Mrs. Rally Day Observed At Cromarty Church Rally Day was observed here on Sunday morning with Rev. Mr. Kerr in charge. A children's choir provided special music. accompan- ied by Mrs. Kenneth McKellard Dorothy Scott, Carol Anne Howe, Shirley Gardiner, David and Hugh Scott all received certificates for memory work. Three ohildren were baptized: Linda Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie; Janet Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Alen. and Ronald David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gard- iner.. Auxiliary Meets The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary met in the basement of the church with Mrs. Wes. Russell presiding. Mrs. Robert Laing read the scrip- ture; Mrs. Russell led in prayer; Margaret Walker gave a reading; Anita and Alice Sorsdahl sang a duet, accompanied by Shirley Wal- lace, and Mrs. Gerald Carey gave a reading. Mrs. John Templeman took the topic on the "Founder of Sunday Schools." WMS, and WA of Egmondville Church Hear Fine Program Dublin Newlyweds Honored Recently Mrs. E. Stephenson presided at the -meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Egmondville United Church, which was held at the home of Mrs. Roy McGonigle. The call to worship was follow- ed by prayer, led by Mrs. A. Forbes. Mrs. D. Wallace read a poen', "Harvest." India was the theme of the devotional exercises led by Mrs. E. l'apple and Mrs. E. Cameron. Miss Mae Smith read a poem, "Grateful Thanks." Miss R. MacKenzie introduced the new study boow, "The Church in In- dia." An article on Christian Stew- ardship wits read by Mrs. John Watson. Plans were made for the Presbyterial meeting Oct. 15, and. plants to .be sold at the October meeting. Mrs. E. Boyes presided over the W.A. meeting. The minutes and treasurer's report were read .lily Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. James Hay. Mrs. M. Nott read the scrip - lure lesson. Mrs. A. Boyes lec� in prayer, a.nd Mrs. E. Smith ream a splendid paper on "Doing Your Nearest Task." Mrs. W. E. Milroy reported on her holiday at. Glen Rock, Muskoka. Mrs. A. Boyes and Mrs. E. Smith and committee served tea to about forty ladies at. the close of the meeting. Mrs. E. Cameron moved a vote of thanks to the hostess, Mrs. R. McGonigle. A post -nuptial reception, honor- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Butters, recent newlyweds, was held, in Sea. :ortb Community Hall on Friday night. A large assemblage of friends and relatives was present to extend. good wishes to the hon- ored guests. A congratulatory address was read by Edward Rowland and a purse of money was presented by William Feeney. The bridegroom responded gratefully. Music for dancing was supplied by the Nor- ris orchestra. A group of young volunteers served lunch. Staffa Briefs Mr. John Agar, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Agar. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Gray, Mill- bank, visited with Mrs. Ruby Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smale. Mrs. Ruby Reed visited with Mrs. Emma Cogden, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Earl- Barker and son, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Granton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Jeffery. The dog was the only domestic animal of the North American Indians. Horses, cattle, pigs and sheep were all brought from Eur- ope in the continent's early days of settlement. i ‘4ni F oat xvollgag. ORT 'Ili Of awrooloOon aTi4- c posolou 1.044Word of; those; few fortunately ill te4 45+- *YIN duet, "The Silent Vetere: Ruth Stuff and Mss Ross Samilten, with, Mrts'. Stewart as aceompanist, 'was' uncle appreciated. Mrs. Lawson cowered the thauks QC tins meet- ing and Mie Lawrence led in the closing prayer. A spclal had.' -hour. fo.owedi I4410S end Plain Illeowo QueRitt. BIJi dul�Ty :FRUIT. $Ft'iflce' N USE A >a, See the Exclusive features in Royal Portable As Low as 79.95 Ask for your FREE copy of "How To Type Your Way To Extra Money," at the Huron Expositor SEAFORTH — ONTARIO iT'S LAY -AWAY TIMEi . time to think about Christmas! This year, give the finest gift... a sparkling Bridal Bell Diamond Ring. There is a Bridal Bell for her, for him and for you, and each distinctive design is a leader in beauty, quality and value. See your Jeweller now, and aslc him about the exclusive Bridal Bell Stepping Stone offer ... a full credit of your purchase price if you ever wish to in- crease the size of your diamond. CHOOSE A 3125. DIAMOND RING Now/ s USE YOUR JEWELLER'S LAY -AWAY PLAN SAVAUGE'S SEAFORTH FRANCHISED BRIDAL BELL JEWELLER ii>lilA0;y4a4 la, int