HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-10-08, Page 2!i la. ITN EXPOSITOR Established 1860 dished at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- levy Thursday afternoon by McLean A. Y. McLean, Editor ember of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Advertising rates on application. PHONE 41 Authorized as Second Class Mail Poet Office Department. Ottawa ZE.AFORTH; Friday, October 8, 1954 FIRE PREVENTW N V. -EEK This is Fire Prevention Week. It is the one week in the year when special attention is attracted to the ways in which lire, can be prevent - <ed and ,which serves as a lesson, the effects of which should extend throughout the year. It is not enough to pay heed to the danger of fire only during fire prevention week. If we as Cana- dians are to reduce the toll which fire takes each year, we must be fire - conscious every week, every day of the year. Human carelessness is responsible for most of our fires. The people who cause fires are probably expos- ed to just as much fire prevention talk as the rest of us, but too often it doesn't "take". Matches and smoking are still the top cause of fires and have been for year. An old story—but thousands have evidently never really listened! In Seaforth, as in other communi- ties, the law requires that fire safe- ty rules be enforced in public places. But in our own homes, only we can enforce the necessary fire safety practises which may well -mean the difference between life and death. Fire Prevention Week can be suc- cessful only to the point that it in- spires such year-round care on the _part of each of us. LONDON'S MILK • We may think there are problems in Ontario in the handling and dis- tribution of dairy products." But the problems here are as noth- ing compared to those that exist in London, England, where the supply- ing of milk to millions is a major feat of organization. The capital is dependent on farmers all over the country for its supplies and milk comes from as far north as Cumber- land, more than 300 miles away, and from Devonshire and South Wales to the west. The agency which organiz- es the buying and the collection of the milk Londoners consume every week is the Milk Marketing Board, and the amount consumed is about 49,000,000 pints a week. A NEW DAY There was a day when education came to youth in the little red school house and after school hours by a complete program of work, often aided by frequent trips to the woodshed. Entertainment, too, was simple and centred about' those ac- tivities which youth itself was able to arrange. Evenings were spent • with heroes Huckleberry Finn or Horatio Alger. But all that is changed. We are reminded by the Winnipeg Free Press that education and entertain- ment come to children today by new media and new techniques. Those of us who have grown into the sere and yellow of middle age, the Free Press says, find it all hard to keep up with. This is the era of the comic strip, the animated cartoon, the radio, and (in less civilized regions) TV. Every so often those of us whose childhood is behind us are brought up short and made to realize how dated we are, the Free Press says, as it recounts an incident which hap- pened the other day in conversation with an eight-year-old child. Mr. Eight -Year -Old, who is a radio -ad - diet, was speaking of the adventures a one , Howdy Doody, and his Mend, Buffalo Bob. ” Y oulinean Buffalo Bill," we cor- 'd. uttrite Bill?" was the answer. Lily, we tried to explain. he was one of the great her - early West. lie was a believe, of Wik& Bill S•\XPi :�tli�. s?tri+t.9�a@It u$iL�nr'n +?i rNEdzi: "Oh, I know Wild Bill Hickock. But his friend now is Jingles." There is no doubt about it. Edu- cation and entertainment standards have changed. Learned in Office (Sudbury Star) Municipal law sets out the duties and responsibilities of elected and appointed representatives, and yet how often do we find people in these positions who are ignorant of the law, or who look for loopholes to "beat" the law? Such representatives do not fill the offices they hold. They do not serve the public. The people are better off without them, and an aroused pub- lic can easily get rid of either elect- ed or appointed representatives who are reluctant to observe the law, or to accept the responsibilities of their office. If a person seeks public office, he should be prepared to learn every- thing there is to be learned about the position he will occupy. In this sense, as an elected or appointed re- presentative, he owes it to the peo- ple who gave him their trust. Trying To Run the Town (St. Marys Journal -Argus) The members of the staff of this newspaper occasionally hear them- selves accused of "trying to run the town". Their accusers are usually people who do give thought to • the many matters which concern our community—but seldom do anything about it. There are a number of things peo- ple can do who are afraid that some- one else is having a little too much to say. 'First of all, they can attend meet- ings of the Town Council to make their influence felt by discussing municipal affairs with the Mayor or one of the Councillors. They can al- so take a real turn at "trying to run the town" by writing an editorial or two (every week if they wish it) for this newspaper. These editorials will be published either as letters to the, editor or guest editorials. Yes, sir, the fellow who thinks the other fellow is trying to run the town has a chance to help with the job right here and now—if he will take it. Is She An Engineer? (Ottawa Journal) We do not claim that old, time - tested qualifications have passed en- tirely from the contemporary pic- ture. A prudent, perspicacious younger male citizen should discov- er whether she can bake an accept- able cherry pie; he should learn her skill with a pot roast, carefully check her chocolate cake, and judge her mashed potatoes with critical ey'e and discriminating palate. In ad- dition, one should know whether she wields a purposeful broom, uses plen- ty of hot water in rinsing dishes, and rebuilds a bed so the sheets won't come out at the bottom and leave one's toes exposed to dangerously cold night air. But today, , Son, you must go fur- ther. The least you should do is to look for an honor graduate of an ap- proved engineering school. S h e should know how to repair electric motors, take radios and television sets apart and reassemble them. She must know the innards of dish wash- ers, clothes washers, food mixers and vacuum cleaners. In particular, lad, she needs an en- gineering degree before she tackles that electric stove. Instead of a woodburning, easy to operate, shin- ing kitchen range with a porcelain tank at the rear and a warming oven above, she must u-nderstand all the bells, buttons, gongs, cymbals, color- ed lights and supersonic timing de- vices that go with these modern, complicated cooking contraptions. She must not be upset when sirens sound, whistles blow and dynamite caps go off. She must be smart en- ough to pull angled levers, twist knobs, twirl dials and set time fuses so that a roast she puts in at 9:30 a.m. will start cooking at 2:17 and turn itself off at 6:26. We know she's a fine girl, Son. In olden days we would have had no hesitation. But now we are just saying that before you ask her the crucial question better find out if she has an engineering education. If she had trouble with differential caleiiltis and solid geometry in her school days she may never be able to operate that stove. 1N. } l ) THE HURON EXOSFTOR SEEN IN THE COUNTY PAPERS Celebrate Anniversary We join the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel, of town, who on Tuesday celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. A sup- per was partaken of at the Dom- inion House, Zurich, and the day was completed by taking in a movie at Grand Bend. We wish Mr. and, Mrs. Thiel good health to enjoy many more such occasions. —Zurich Herald. Thieves Enter Garage Thursday evening following the Exeter Fair, thieves broke into the Mathers' Bros. garage in Exe- ter North and stole a quantity of cigarettes, a tire, four gallons of Prestone and a five -gallon can of Varsol. Entrance to the building was made by knocking out a win- dow, glass 'and crossbars, at the rear of the building. The theft was not noticed until /he following morning.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Hurt in Tractor Mishap Stewart Youngblut, son of Mr. and Mrs. Major Youngblut, was a weekend patient in the Goderich Hospital following an accident which happened on Friday night at the farm of Clarence Daer. In company with Edgar Daer, who was driving a tractor, Stewart was also riding on the vehicle when suddenly he lost his balance and fell so that his left ankle was cut 'badly, requiring 15 stitches.— Blyth Standard. word for all, although she was confined to her bed for the day. Mrs. F. Fingland poured tea in the dining room and was assisted by her daughter, Katharine, Mrs. An- drew Little, of Teeswater, and Mrs. F. Slorach, Blyth. Her daugh- ter, Ella, received at the door and took the guests in to see her mother. Mrs. Metcalf received many gifts and cards from friends far and near.—Blyth Standard. Friends Honor Pair About 40 relatives and friends gathered last Friday to honor Mr. and Mrs. William' Bolton, of Gode- rich, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. A social eve- ning was held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, Holmesville. A son, George, who resides in God - &rich, was also present. Former neighbors of the Maitland Conces- sion, Colborne Township, present- ed a lamp to the happy couple. Many other gifts were received. Euchre and a sing -song were en- joyed and a lunch was served.— Goderich Signal -Star. Attended Convention During the past weekend Mr. and Mrs. L. Scrimgeour attended the seventh annual convention of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters which was held in the Norton Palmers Hotel, Wind- sor. The Minister of Lands and Forests, the Hon. C. Mapledoram, and several other Deputy Ministers as well"as the president, secretary and chairman and co-chairman of the Federation, were also present. A banquet and floor show provided entertainment. Mrs. Scrimgeour is staying in Windsor for a -few days. —.Blyth Standard. Dropping In For Breakfast Flying 40 miles to a farm for breakfast is part of the entertain- ment stunts of Sky Harbor Air Services, On Sunday morning shortly, after eight o'clock, five planes, carrying eight aviation en- thusiasts, took off from Sky Har- bor and landed on the farm of Len Bannerman at Greenock, near Walkerton. After the group had "dropped in for breakfast" they took off again for Goderich, ar- riving home at 11 a.m. This is the second outing of this kind, the first one being to the farm of Jim Armstrong, at Brussels.—Goderich Signal -Star. Cheery on 98th Birthday On the occasion of her 98th birthday, Mrs. Frank Metcalf, Bly-th's grand old lady. receivted her many guests with a cheery Years Agone Interesting Items Picked From The Huron Expositor of Twen- ty-five and Fifty Years Ago Youth Injured in Car Accident Arthur Mitchell, 17, of R.R. 3, Exeter, is in serious condition in Victoria Hospital, London, suffer- ing from internal injuries received in a one-man accident Sunday af- ternoon. The youth was a passen- ger in a car driven by Merlyn Mc- Lean, 15, of Exeter, which ran in- to the ditch near Elimville and rolled over. The car was travel- ling on a township road one-half mile north of Elimville. The two youths were rushed to South Hur- on Hospital in Hopper -Hockey am- bulance after being treated by Dr. M. C. Fletcher. The driver, wlto suffered bruises on the back and shoulder, was released after treat- ment but the Mitchell youth was transferred to London. — Exeter Times -Advocate. From The Huron Expositor October 11, 1929 Mr. Allan McKenzie, of Cuba, and Mr. John McKenzie, of Detroit spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McKenzie, Brucefleld. Mr. Lorne Lawson, of the Strom - berg -Carlson Telephone and Ra-dio Co., 'Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, Constance. Thieves On Prowl Again Riverside Motors was entered again in the early Sunday, morning hours by thieves who got away with $17 and several cartons of cigarettes. An early Sunday morn- ing customer wanting gas discov- ered a front door unlocked and no one on the premises. He summon- ed the proprietor, George McCut- cheon, who found that entry had been gained through a window on the southeast side of the garage. Two men were frightened off while trying to force an entry into the garage of the New American Ho- tel. "The barking of "Rudy" the dog, awakened the owner of the hotel, Mrs. J. Baker, who investigating the noise, discovered two men try- ing to force the garage door. The men ran through a 'back alley to the next street and when she turn- ed on. a light in the yard and gave chase. It was found the men, when disturbed, had removed a hinge from the garage door. Provincial police are investigating.—Brussels Post. CROSSROADS (By James Scott) COLLEGES AND BUMS There has been quite a to-do in the public prints these past few- weeks ewweeks about college 'Initiations. Almost from coast to coast there has been, if all one hears is true, a rash of violence among the un-' dergrads of our higher institutions of learning, which is somewhat alarming' In Toronto, one if my sagest counsellors of college clays, was manhandled by a group of unruly first-year engineers. In London, an excitable policeman fired off his revolver to quell some serenaders at a college residence. Out on the west coast, at U.B.C., they have been having similar troubles. So it goes. As I write this, I' am just back from my first visit of the season to the campus of the University of Western Ontario. I am .happy to report, in case you are interested, that the campus looks unusually beautiful and peaceful, and that among the several hundred fresh- men I saw today, there was no more than the usual percentage who looked depraved. In short, as far as I could see, this year is really no worse than those of the past. ,At the risk of being tedious, I again go hack to my own school days. Oh, we had college initia- tions then too. When I was a freshman I was paddled and my face shoeblacked the same as all the rest of them. I once took part in a raid on a neighboring resi- dence which, to this day, I look back on with pride. After careful calculation we so arranged .things that when the dawn broke it was impossible for any one to get out, of that residence, and equally im- possible for any one to get in. That, I submit, was a highly in- tellectual exercise. (I won't tell you how it was done or I'll be ac- cused of leading youth astray'). Suffice it to say that it was in retaliation for a jape by which our enemies of the neighboring house spirited one of the univers- ity workhorses up to the third floor bathroom of our building. Ev- er try to get a horse down three flights of steps? That, I can tell you, to no mean feat either. Oh yes, there is lots to be learn - company since 1908. and a resi- dent of Edmonton since 1919, J. Albert' "Bert" Kyle, manager of the Edmonton office of the Alberta Pacific Grain Company Ltw., retir- edThursday after 45 years in the grain business. Hie successor will be Douglas .MacKercber, another long-time official of the company, who moved to the city from La- combe in 1818. Born in. Ontario at Kippeft, Mr. Kyle went west as a youth with hie' parents to settle at Wetas"',# II, IP OCTOBER 8, :1054 "Keeper of the Trees" (By MR8. M. C. DOI(3) (Continued from last week) v The opportunity to pick up. that two hundred dollars came right out of the blue a few days later. It al- most seemed as Providence must have had a hand in causing Harry to make that mistake in his boob' keeping. It wasn't made deliber- ately. No, sir! Bert Welch was away on a co- operative talk -fest and was not ex- pected back for two more days. Harry was really a very busy young man. ,,He was showing a good deal of executive ability for one with such a small, amount of business experience. Bert thought of him with a good deal of satisfaction. It looked as though the time was coating when he could leave the Brig End Co-op in Harry's hands and devote all his time to pro- selytising. Harry must have been thinking about that two hundred dollars with his 'subconscious mind be- fore he knew it he had made an entry in the sales column of his ledger: Wilbur Thompson. 5 tons of mixed grain at $40 per ton, $200. It should have been 10 tons, be- cause here vas ,Thompson's $400 in his hand in cold cash. Thomp- son was a great one for dealing in cold cash. The colder the better! In thinking it over Later, Harry was able to blame practically the whole transaction on Thompson's fondness for paying in cash. This fondness dated back to a time when a fertilizer salesman had raised one of Thompson's cheques and almost cleaned out his bank account. But Harry did not know that. All Harry knew was that if Thompson had paid for his grain by cheque there would have been no chance to make blunders with it. Mr. Will Dale, of the Dominion Bank, returned to Toronto after spending two weeks' holidays with his parents in Constance. His mother returned with him to spend a week or so with her daughter and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Forsythe and Mr. R. Cooper, Tuckerismith, visited friends in •Corrie during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hobin, To- ronto, spent the weekend at the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Chesney, and other friends in Tuckersmith. Mrs. Herbert Kirkby, Walton, who has been suffering for some time with a sore thumb from the effects of blood poisoning, under- went an operation in Clinton Hos- pital on Monday and had the thumb amputated at the first joint... Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Johnston and Miss Annie Johnston, Walton, have returned home after spending a week with relatives in Stevens- ville. Mrs. Anne Hagan and son, Frank and daughter Dolly, of Hillsgreen, were Monday visitors with friends 'iu London. Miss Mary Hagan re- turned with them after spending the weekend at her home. Mr. Will Hoggarth, London, call- ed of bis uncle, Mr. Richard Hog- garth, Cromarty, on Sunday-, 'Commencement is being made for the new mill which is being erected in Cromarty. Mr. Malcom McBeath, editor of the Milverton Sun, Mrs. Mc.Beath, Isabel Mc -Beath. Mrs. S. H. Pugh and Mr. W. M. Pugh, of Milverton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, McKillop, on Sunday. Mrs. George E. Thompson and her son, Mr. S. W. Thompson, have returned home after spending two weeks with friends in Battle Creek, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, Kippen, spent Sunday with friends near Elimi- ville. Mr. Henry Schade has sold his 50acre farm, west of Dashwood. to Mr. Harrison Weigand, of the 15th ,concession, Hay, and gets posses- sion on Nov. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Schade will remain on the farm until next spring. Mrs. Thos. Pepper Hensall, who is now in Clinton Hospital. is re- ported as resting much more com- fortably and is expected to soon be able to sit up, from the effects of a serious fall she had a'number of weeks. ago when ascending the cellar ,steps. win in 1903. The year after the province was formed, he settled on a homestead at Strome-, where two years later he entered the grain business as assistant agent. He was promoted to agent in 1910, and in 1919 was appointed travel- ed at college besides what you get in the classrooms. But in all fairness. I also have to report the man who lost an eye in a campus battle in which bottles were thrown, and the man who lost a year of college because he was so badly injured in an inter - faculty scrap. There is a difference. There is a line which separates good clean— albeit nonsensical—fun and down- right rowdyism. For over twenty years . now I have been associated with one or another of our Canadian universi- ties, either as a student or teach- er. On the basis of my own obser- vation I am quite convinced that you will never, never succeed in outlawing the kind of antics which go on at all universities at the be- ginning of every year. They may be silly, but most of us who par- ticipated in them count them among our most enjoyable memor- ies. That is, until some one got hurt. Now why is it that people some- times get hurt? Every case I have ever known of where a group of students got out of l'knd can be traced back to a group of undesirable students who sparked the riot. Meeting the en- trance requirements of a college is not necessarily a guarantee of civ- ilized behaviour. It is just as easy to be a bum on the campus as any- where else, if you are that kind of character in the first place. If you are the sort of person who thinks that it is a mark of superi- ority to throw your weight around you do damage no matter where you are. If you are so slovenly mentally that- you don't take the consequences into account, and act before you think, you're going to do harm before you're through. Unhappily such people sometimes slip into colleges the same way they slip into everywhere else. Us- ually they either get civilized or thrown out before they go too far, but sometimes the gther fellow gets hurt first. When this happens there is only one thing to do, and that is expel every ringleader before he can do any more damage. Bums are found on campuses, but they are no as- set. As soon as;. a..man declares himself to have the instincts of a hi11ab4'lly, he has marked himself as milt college materiel. Then, with every justification the college auth- orities can .ask- iitm, to leave. atm go -,-and .d goods t ddrinae. '1644i Rry • From The Huron Expositor October 7, 1904 E. C. Wilford, who has been teacher in No. 7 School, Hullett, for the „past couple of years. was recently presented with a toilet set and address by his pupils. Mr. Wil- ford is giving up teaching and will study medicine. A rather painful accident hap- pened to the little daughter of Mr. James Henderson• of the Blue,vale Road. on Saturday afternoon. She was playing about the stove and upset a bowl of hot grease on her arm, burning the flesh on the wrist considerably. Mr. Caspar Walper, of Hay, had an narrow escape from being crush- ed to death on Tuesday. He was standing beneath the straw shed which ,had been filled up that clay with cut straw from the threshers, when the weight of the straw cau&. ed the support in the centre to give way. Mr. Walper was knock- ed down but escaped serious in- jury. Miss Bessie Weber, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Snell, Bayfield, for some months, has returned to her home in To- ronto. Mr. Al Brigham left Londesboro on Monday to resume his duties at London Medical College. Mrs. William Blair, who has been a highly esteemed resident of Kl'ppen, has disposed of her handsome residence to Mr. John Whiteman, of Exeter. The many friends of Mrs. Blah` will be sorry if the sale should lead to her re- moval from the village. A serious accident happened last week when Master Roy Crawford, Moncrieff, had his leg broken while climbing onto a wagon as he was going home from school. Dr. McKenzie, of Monkton, attended his injuries and we are pleased to learn that he is doing as well as can be expected. Charles A. Mustard, Brucefield, one of our bright young men, left on Monday for Toronto, where he intends taking an art course, af- ter which he will study for the ministry. 1Miss Mary Delaney, of Beech- wood, is attending the Normal School in Ottawa. We wish this clever young lady continued •saic- ces's in her studies. Mr. and Mrs. J. Strothers, W. Mason, Hugh Somers and J. Hef- ron, Blyth, took in the Teeswater Fair last Wednesday. While li'ftipg a tea kettle from the stove on Wednesday of last week, Edna Turner, daughter of Mr. Albert Turner, Clinton, had the misfortune to .pour a quantity of boiling water lata her shoe, salesmen, transport and truck drivers, and all who might be call- ed the progressive element, if the, progressive element really consists - of those people who measure pro- gress by the number of the cylin- ders or the smooth working of the flush toilets. The "Againsts" were mostly far- mers armers who either did not own cars or who left them in the garage-- after arage-after the first heavy snowfall, pull- ed out the cutter, greased the sin- gle ingle harness, and curry -combed the driver that had been running care- free on pasture all summer. Sigmund was neutral on the' question. Or as neutral as a man can be who occupies a position in the very heart of the jungle of conflicting ideas. If anything, hes leaned towards the side of the snow -ploughs. He thought it bet- ter tor business. And ploughing: the roads would let the transport through, and when the transports. could get through, that meant that he didn't have to hire a Parr to. hitch up a team and haul supplies• from the railway station at Tan- ner. If there was one thing that. Sigmund grudged it was throwing, money in the path of a Parr, even if it only took the form of credit. for tcvlyac•co. The Parrs were in the "For"' camp. They figured that if the - township bought a snow -plough they stood as good a chance as any of getting the job of running it — Henry and Jitn by day at eighty cents an hour; Mike and Serge at night when the storms were bad, at time and a half. The - Parrs would certainly be in the: - money. And then there were those chances to chisel. W'ho was• to cheek on Mike -and Serge to see • it they really put in all that night work with which the township was - charged? For some time the Parrs, had been contemplating a fuel oil' heating unit in the house. No wood to split, no coal to shovel, no ash es to carry out. That was the life,. And who' was to know if a few' gallons. or even many gallons of township fuel oil found its way in- to the Parr furnace? It was the unexpected that tip- ped the scales for the township - snow -plough and confounded the' "Agait:sts". Reeve 7ltcAllister''s nine-year-old Bessie took appen- dicitis in the middle of the storm- iest night in February; the ambu lance from Tanner stuck in a snow drift a quarter -mile out of Brig - End Mills, and Doc Suencer made - the rest of the trip on snowshoes. to the McAllister farm. He remov- ed Bessie's appendix on the din- ing -room table by the light of an Aladdin lamp • and two Coleman. lanterns, while Reeve McAllister administered the 'anaesthetic, andi Mrs. McAllister handed Doc this Instruments—.sterilized in the pre- serving kettle—with a steady hand. Next morning Bessie was as - bright as a dollar, but Reeve Mc- Allister had had enough. Two days. later a special council meeting was - called in Brig End and the snow- plough was ordered. The Against were rather cynical' about the whole business. "How about it if it had been MY daughter's appendix?" demanded Arnie Bristow, a dyed-in-the-wool believer in what was good enough for my father is good enough for- me. orme. "Oh, you'd have had to sharpen up those knives you butcher with," commented Jack Freelong, with a grin. "Nothing like the good old' days." VIII If Harry- had been asked how that $200 got into his trouser's pocket he would almost, have been willing to take his oath that it got there itself. He felt as, though a disembodied hand, similar to the hand that drops the sleeping pills into the tumbler in the movies, had folded the roll of bills and shoved it down there with his key ring and cigarette lighter. It was as simple as that. All that was necessary now was to al- ter the loading slip from the mill when it came into the office, and that was easy. It was made out in duplicate in pencil, quite often a stubby, poor writing 'pencil at that. There was nothing to it. Of course, when they took inventory they would be shot five tons of mixed grain, but theft the inventory was months away and by that time he would have the $200 saved up and all paid back. Harry was a little vague in his thoughts as to .how this was to be brought about, but there was no question that it would be paid back. He wasn't stealing the money, of course. Only bor- rowing it. VI It certainly was a nide running car. Harry had had it a month and he hadn't had to crank it once. The starter•worked like a charm.. Everything he had forseen had come to pass. He,had picked Kar- en up on the way home from school nearly a dozen times. and they had seen Clark Gable in "Test Pilot" and Alice Faye in "Alexan- der's Ragtime Band" when those shows came to Tanner. They had even gone up to Beaver Meadows with the high school basketball team, of which Karen was the star basket -getter. They stayed for the dance afterwards and the drive home later in the moonlight, with the back seat full of singing, laugh- ing noisemakers was worth all Har- ry's twinges of conscience at not having saved anything towards paying back the $261). Harry was finding- thc. $4.0( a week instal- ment tough going, and Isabel hadn't seen a cent of board money since the car was first parked in front of the Fox house. It. beat the Dutch how the cost of oil and gas ate into a fellow's earnings. it happened that there were one or two things about the Chev. that Spender could have told Harry, but hadn't. For one thing, she was a gas hog. Sometimes when his money was low and Har- ry put his foot on the gas, he im- agined that he could hear the Chev say Ah! with a sucking sound. She was also an oil hog. That wasn't as bad as being a gas hog, but it ivas bad enough. VII Another thing that Harry had neglected to reckon with was the Brig End winter. There were few winters in Brig End Mills when cars could do much running on the roads. That' meant that he would have to have some sort of garage in which to house the Chev for the winter. The township council was a thrifty aggregation, and although times were better than they had been, still it would' have been as match as a councillor's job was worth to spend money on snow- ploughing equipment; to say noth- ing of the wages necessary to pay an operator to run it. The people of Jayson County, in which Brig End Mills, Tanner and Beaver Meadows was situated, were divided into two classes -tot good and had, not rich and poor, not Grits and Tories with the oc- casional C.C.F.'er, but between those who thought the townships and the county should keep the roads ploughed in winter so the cars could run, and the others who thought the roads should be left alone and nature allowed to take its course. Kelson's store was the parlia- ment buildings where the pros and cons of snow -ploughing were threshed out, and often long after she was In bed Janet could hear the raised voices at it, hammer and tongs, drowning out the howl- ing of the blizzard outsides The "Fors" consisted of most • of the young in all communities, es• pedally the young who drove cars Maidllig her leg and .foot severely: Ixt had access to care; travelling 1 r..t t ,iFa �it�,r„+kd+.„�.fa°itPv�r�l�!.4`ir,4rkv.14�tFsrri,;1!�ta�ta;r>",ra`�vtsthk)t�§`i'�S-,. So now Harry Fox was confront- ed with a new excuse. With the - roads kept clear throughout the winter, there would 'be no chance of laying up the Chev and thus laying by some money. Now he would have to run the darned thing the year round. He wished that he had never seen it. He wished that it was in I-Ialifa_x. The only thing that kept him from run- ning away to sea, or Mexico, or the Fiji island, was the thought of Karen Kelson. The idea of Karen, hearing about his crookedness and he far away where he could not. explain' just how it happened, kept him bound to Brig End Mills by invisible iron bands. IX Harry Fox could not believe un- til he sat down and thought it out, that it was nine months since he ' had put Wilbur Thompson's two hundred dollars into' his pocket in- stead of into the Co-op .safe. Nine months! And he hadn't saved a cent towards paying it back. Well, he had' certainly ,intended doing the right thing. There was some- thing queer about money, the way it got away from a fellow was not only astounding, it was disheart- ening. Here he had been getting twenty dollars a week for nine months— seven hundred and twenty dollars _and not even the shadow of a hank ,account to show for it! That four dollar weekly instalment sure ate into a guy's wages. He had kept that up, thank goodness; or rather thanks to Spender's gar- age, and especially Frank Spender himself who, if Harry faltered in his payment for one miserable week was right there with his hand out on pay day of the next week. It used to make Harry tired, but now he was glad. As far as Harry could figure out he was as safe as if he had never taken it. There was no reason on earth why the amount on Thomp- son's receipt should ever be com- pared with the entry in the Co-op books. And with that secretive- ness often shown by thoroughly honest people, Thompson was the last person in Brig End to discuss his business with anyone, let alone to go showing his receipts to all and sundry. (Continued Next Week) The value of Canada's mineral production in 1958 reached the record high of $1,881,000,000. Larg- est gains in' the year were in crude.. t etroleui"n, iron• ore and dement. 4‘,04,1:4 a • , 4 1