HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-10-01, Page 4THE RIJRON EXPOSITOR Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: list Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 1 Cent % Cent Cent Minimum charge, each insertion— 26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counta as one word. Cards of 'Itanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coining Event -5 cent per word. Minimalta. 60 cents per week - Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in above class'are not paid within 10 dare of date of final inaertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free a Charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Comntg Events SUPPORT THE BOY SCOUTS ON Apple Day, October 30, 1954. 4525x1 a. p.VERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 rrHE SEAFORTH WOMEN'S 11.1811- ' tute will run a series of Euchre on October 22, Noveraber 19. January 7, Jan- uary 28, February 18, March 11, and April 1. 4525-1 nA-NCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel. across from City Hall, Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra; 50-75. 4525-tf EORLONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH, Friday, October 1, at'S:15 t.m, Robt P. Allan, of Brucefield, will show colored pictures of Britain. Bring all the chil- dren. Silver collection. 4524-2 WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO T H E Canadian Legion, Seaforth Branch, are prepared to cater to banquets. wed- ding parties Contact MRS. WILLIAM LITTLE, 840 r 11, Seaforth. 4525x1 FIDELITY LODGE No. 55, meets first and third Wed- nesday evenings of each month at 8 For Rent M ESS DECOltATED OIL HEATED "1 apart:mitt to rent, October 1. PHONE .5sS-W, after 6 p.m. 452,exl KENT 2 Al'..SETMENTS, FURN- " or murnished. Apply 0E.E'S LILLIARDS. 4525 -ti 1.,"OUR-RO0M, OOWNSTALRS APART- " nit nt 5 bedrooms. sun room; beatecL A‘ailable at once. PHONE 370-W. 4525x1 'TWO ROOMS TO RENT. PARTLY "L furnished ; hot and cold water, and bathroom Apply to Box 367, H1JEON EXPOSITOR. 4525x1 pOR RENT IN FEENSALL-3-ROOM uPstair apartment two-piece bath. Located on Main Street. Apply wirere ROSE STATION, Elensall. 4525x1 POR RE14T-50-ACRE FARM; GOOD frame house and moderate barn. Con- cession 8-9, McKillop. Apply to Box 368, HURON EXPOSITOR. 452282 A PARTMENT FOR RENT—SELF-CON- " tained: one bedroom, three-piece bath: ground floor: heated. Available early in Oetober. Write Box 369, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4525x2 Lost and Found p.m. Noble Grand, I. Trewartha: Record- .,. ing Secretary. Harry McLeod. 4493-18 LOST—ONE PAIR TWO-TONE GLASS- e.s. between Seaforth Public School a nd 22 Centre Street. PHONE 5.81-3. 452281 Poultry I DST—ONE GOLD SKELETON RING, about six months ago. on Mtiin St., Fee SALE, -250 COLUMBIA ROCK AND Seaforth. JACK MATTHEWS, John St.. New Hamp pullets. five months old. Seaforth. 4525x1 DONALD KENNEDY, Londesboro. Phone Blyth, 28 r 13. 4525x1 A BEAGLE FEMALE HOUND PUP, ; icked up night of MoKillop Fair. Please return at once to avoid trouble. N.RCHIE SMITH. Phone 639 r 22. Sea - forth. 4.525-1 FOR SALE — 100 RED PULLETS, three-way eros, Zito months old; lay- ing well. MRS. DAVID MILLSON. R.R. 2. Seaforth. 4525x1 POR SALE -185 RED ROCK PULLETS, sis months old: laying. Apply WM. DOLMAGE. Phone 850 r 22, Seaforth. 4,52.5x1 LOST—SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 25. on Seaforth Main St.. a little boy's cocoa brown cap. size one. with peak and ear lugs. Phone Dublin. 46 r 9, collecIt. 4525-1 Wanted Help Wanted TZtEt Vs'ANTED—AFTER SCEIOOL ONLY urANTED—WOMAN OR GIRL FOR PHONE 27.452281 " general housework daily, except Sun- day, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. To live out. Fam- JOB WANTED FOR. BOY, 14, AFTF-a ilv of five. All modern conveniences. Ap- school and Saturdays. PHONE 57. ply Pox 364, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4525x1 4525x2 WANTED — QUEBEC HEATER, IN good condition. PHONE 111. 4.52.5x1 WORK WANTED—WILL LOOK AFTER In ;Your Spare Time hildren while mother works. Apply Box 366, HURON EXPOSITOR. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN OR 4525-1 Woman who drives oven car, to earn -etre money by Part-time emp/oyment. Knowledge of farming district in Sea - forth. Hensall or Brussels trading area would be helpfuL Apply in writing to Box 346 TkiE HURON EXPOSITOR 4524-2 MAKE MONEY rtOARDERS OR ROOMERS WANTED— ▪ Room and board in private home. Clean, comfortable room. APPlY Hex 366. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4525-1 WANTED—TWO-WHEEL TRAILER IN good condition : 15 -inch tires prefer- ) red. Apply STAN BRAY, Seaforth.1 Phone 686-W. 452283 ! 'XTANTED—EAVETROUNotices To Creditors GHS FIXED. A short chimney cleaned; some odd jobs. CLARISSA MITCHELL, Hensall. 4525x1 NOTICE to CREDITORS WANTED—SNOW SUIT. SIZE 5 OR 6, v,v for a boy. IVIiist be in good condi- tion. PHONE 680-31. ' In the Estate of WILLIAM DORSEY AxLI, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 452.5x1 f, avainet the Estate of William DorseY, CIET YOUR SEWAGE WORK DONE late of the Township of Hibbert. in the - County of Perth. Farmer, deceased. who "e' now. Onli $2 per foot on contract died on the 4th day of August. 1954. are basis. All work guaranteed Contact beersy notified to send in full particulars 850 r 33. Seaforth_ 452„tzt ! of their claims to the undersigned on or TVper HORSES, 3 CENTS Per pound : dead cattle and horses • at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r before the 22nd day of October, 19.84, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. having regard only th claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 21st day of September. 1954. 32, or 936 r 21. 4525-ff McCONNELL & Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. Notices iefcCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — ALL i • models and complete service avail- able at AcCULLOCH SAW SALES, 428 ' Huron St., Stratford. 452501 WINTHROP STORE WILL CLOSE ' throughout the Winter months at 6,30 p.m., commencing October 1st. A. DOLMAGE, Winthrop. 452281 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL ✓ tnakes: 22 years' experience. We pick up, and deliver. PHONE 162-W. Seaforth. 4-525-tf RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4525 -If SAVE MONEY, MILEAGE WITH ▪ Shell gasolines with T.C.P. Corne to the Shell and you will get courteous ser- vice. You never have to blow your horn. NEIL BF.LL. Seaforth. 452281 MOTICE — PAINTING. PAPERHANG- " ine : interior and exterior decorsting. See our 1954 wallpaper designs. WAL- 4-524-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET IRVINE A21, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "•'" against the Estate of Margaret Irvine, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. who lied on the Sth day of August, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars et' their claims to the undersigned on or ')efere the 8th day of October, 1954. after iehich date the assets will be 'distributed. having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth. this 13th day of September. 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4523-8 Farms For Sale pARM FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM, I.ot 13. boncesnion 4. Huron Road TER PRATT'. Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9, Survey, Tuckersrnith. Freme house, good 13russels. 4525-tf hank barn: farm situated just three miles AITENTION, FARMERS — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 235 Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.. rd Canada Ltd. 4525-tf ikTTENTICIN, FAWNERS! — McWILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.). Hoopitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North Ameriean Life Insurance. Coamilt ERIC H. MUNROE Seaforth. 4521-tf A CCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR £' Air Force nersonnel stationed ton. if you have a house, npartmeot, furnished or unfurniahed.- to rent. nlease tall STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 362: loan! 262. 4525-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers reCIIPT *WASTE MINE1R- • Ai your land does nat. need, We win, without &awe to von, take sereples of ete In sew fields iked have diem cAta, h Feeds Limited is 6* % Prom the Town of Seaforth. Priced ma- Motor Cars For Sale pan SALE -17 FORD V4 -MOTOR, IN good condition. PHONE3674, Sea - forth, 45254 Property„ For Sale pos. SALE--TWO4S'rOHEY HOUSE ON George St. Seven rooms; good bace- silent : furnace; bathroom. Box 365, HURON EXPOSITOR- 452511 HOUSE FOR SALE—ON WEST WIL- Liam St., three bedrooms, newly paint- ed and decorated; good basement ALBS. ROLAND KENNEDY, Seaferth. 4524x2 MOR SALE OR RENT—BRICK HOUSE Seafotth. Possession November I. J. W. THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31. 4525-1 TTOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, " three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated. water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or write Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4525-tf OR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ling. situated on Goderich St. West. 9.11 modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil ; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4526-tf Auction Sales THE Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co-operative are holding their Third Annual Sale of Feeder Cattle at Wiarton. on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7th 1700 ht.ad Sale commences at 10 am_ All cattle sortedgraded and divided into truck and car load lots. T. STEWART COOPER. Secretary. Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co-operative, IVIarkdale. Ont. 4524-2 sonahle to wind up estate. Immediate ' possession. For particulars apply to : WILLIAM CAMERON, Administrator of : the Caranochan Estate. 31.14. No. 4. Sea- ' forth. Ont. Phone 652 r 2. 4525-2 Tenders Wanted TENDER Tuckersmith Township TENDERS ARE INVITED BY 1 Bit, UN- dersigned for snow plowing tovrnahtp roads in the Winter of 1954-55. V -type eiaht-foot plbws to be used with plow and wing hydraulically operated. Four -ton or better trucks to be used end rating of trucka must meet Depart- ment of Highways apecifications. Contractor to supply all equipment and labour. Tender to state a flat rate per hour, and moat be in the Clerk's hands by 2 p.m., Oetober 5, 1954. -Lowest ot, any tender not necessarily accePfe• E. P. 011:MINEY, Clerk, Tovnelde of leeketsmittr. Mee AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE " and ,Chattels, in Village Of Henson, Wednesday, October 6, 1954, at 1 p.m.: PEAL ESTATE --Consists of two lots, Situated on one of these lots is a two- storey insulated seven -room frame house with furnace bathroom, town water and basemen ts C A TTELS- -B ed room suite: steel bcd. springs and mattress : vanity oak library table; bedside table; studio couch: drop leaf table: walnut smoker: card table; wicker sewing stand ; wicker f••rnery ; 2 wicker chairs ; kitchen table and s chairs : buffet : kitchen chairs : 7 ft. x Axminster rug : congoleum rive : scatter muss: 2 pairs drapes : 36 -inch bevel glass mirror : Protane gas stove inew) ; electric washing machine, like new : eight-day clock'. dishes; kitchen utensils; ironing board: 2 -burner hot plate; single hot plate; kitchen sink, hand basin and stool; soil pipe; 2 cistern pumps; well pu.na.p ; garden tools, and numerous other articles. Tern -,s of Chat- tels—Cash Real Estate -10e', day of sale; balancein 30 days. if not sold before sale date. Sold subject to reserve bid. CHES- TER LEE, Proprietor; Bert Horton, Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4525-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE — J. L. Ryan has received instructions from William O'Reilly to sell by public auction on Saturday. October 2, at 1:30 sharp, on Lot 5, Concession 5, MoKillop Township, 212 miles north of Dublin and Ws miles weet, the following: HORSES -1 general purpose horse. 12 years old. CATTLE - 1 Holstein and Hereford cow. 6 years old, with calf by side: 1 Hereford cow 4 years old with calf by side: 4 red Durham cows, pasture bred: 2 Durham steers, 1.000 lbs. each: 4 Hereford steers. 700 tbs. each; 3 Durham calves. 400 tbs. each; 2 black yearling heifers; 1 Durham bull 1 year old. P11252 sows due November 1: 2 York eows brrd two months : 5 chunks, 80 tbs. HENS -20 Itssek and Red yearling hens. IMPLEMMNTS---1 M. -H. binder, 7 -foot COI ; I M. -H. mower. 6 -foot cut: 1 M. -H.. hay loader : horse rake; 1 M. -H side rake: 1 M. -H. grain drill. 11 hoe: MAI 13 -tooth cultivator - team corn scuffier; horse scufFier: set 5 -section diamond har- roWS ; 2 -furrow riding plow: 1 -furrow rid- ine plow : 1 Walton plow 2 -wheel trailer with racks: steel land roller: farm wagon : I hay rack and sliding car: wheelbar- rOw Stene beat: fanning mill ; 1 2.000. Ib. scalesteam sleigh; cutter: buggy; 1 Renfrew cream separator: extension lad - r : forks. shovelsropes, chains, tools, and a hot of other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve; this farm is Torres -Cash. WILLIAM O'REILLY, Proprietor; J. L. Ryan, Auctioneer; Wm. : a lon•5 Clerk, 4524-2 C LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. Farm Stoek and Machinery, at Lot 22 Concessien 9. Loean Township, 2 miles • est ef Brodha-en or 11,, miles west of Bornholm on Thuredeys October 7. at 1 p.m.: Two Durham heifers due to fresh- en around Nov. 15 ; 1 Durham cow due Nov. ; 4 Durham cows, milking well and r•bred ; 1 part jersey cow, milking and rehred : 1 Durham heifer. bred July 5; D-urham steera. from 60 to 000' rhs.; o Durham and Hereford spring calves. PIGS ---12 York pigs, ranging from 50 10, 100 ISa, 4 pigs. 0 weeks old: 5 York :sows rel -red 1 York hog one year old. POULT5Y 400 White Columbia Rock pullets 51-,. months old. HAY. and GRAIN 7() tons cut mixed hav 400 bushels mixed grain ; 3 acres corn : 1 acre of turnips. IMPLYdMENTS • - Ford - Fer- xuson tractor, recently overhauled ; Dear- born Ford plow 1 year old ; 1 Avery trac- tor; 1 13 -run seed drill : 16.4iss fertilizer drill. 1 year old : corn scuflier : net of diamond harrows : stiff tonth cultivator ; manure spreader : steel roller : 2 gas drums : hay loader: 2.000-1b. Reales : root euleee: truck wagon : set farm sleighs : electric fencer (ne',v 1 1, H.P. electric motor: pump jack hay fork : forks: shovels: other artieles too numerous to mention. FARM- 100 -acre farm, more or lrss all workable creel slily loam : large Inane harm drive shed, 11.; storey frame hoese: new furnace: modern kitchen ; drilled well nresaure system Hydro throughout buildings. Terms Chattels— Cash Property le': flown balanee .30 disys. ESTATE OF THE I,ATE WILLIAM VOCK • Harold .Tueksen. Auetiooeer Lunch booth at sale. 025-1 AUCTION SALE. OF' FARM STOCK. MaChinerv and Household Effects. at I.oi 17, Coneession 12. Hullett Township, 2 miles south and 1 mile east of Blyth. on Tuesday October 12. at 12:10 p.m.: HORSES- Team wagon horses, grey and Hack. middle-aged. CATTLE -10 well bred Durham rows, due to freshen in Marsh and April : 4 aurham steers. 1.000 Tbs.: R Dorham steers rising 2 years old : 2 T1tirhem • heifers rising 2 years old : 7 Durham heifer and steer spring calves. M0ICHTSTERY--714asseysHarria 81 Model tractor. folly equipped, in A-1 condition : Massey -Harris binder: 2 -furrow Oliver rime): O-scrtion diamond harrows 1 sprints tooth en It ivator ; disc : harrows : seed drill: McCorrnick-nocrimr. mower: hay loader; side rake: Massey -Harris manure spreader: 2 sets farm sleighs: rubber tir- ed wagon : 16foot flat hay rack : farm wagon ; fanning mill ; 1,000-15. scales; tritornational cream separator (like new): set of double harness: collars: 4 iron ket- tles: chains; wheelbarrow; leg vise; power emery: colony house. 10x12 (like new): chicken shelter; 30 rods new chick- en fence; 22 cords of maple wood: 14- ireb body wood : quantity maple limbs: 75 cedar posts: 3.01h1 feet of inch hem- lock, 12? to 16?: quantity of plank ; aquare timbers up to 26 feet long: Grim evaporator: gathering tank; 800 buckets: IA ro 110 feet li tning d cable, points mid glassea; ch ns•, forks: other articles. HAY and IN -415 tons mixed hay; 2,000 bushels mixed grain. Quantity of houtehold effects, including tables, chairs, rocking chairs, floor covering, other art- ieles too truinerons to 'Mention. Terms— Caab. GEORGE BROWN, Proprietor; Harold esoksen, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4525-2 For Sale FOR SALE—COLEMAN OIL HEATER, good as new; also large trunk.. PHONE 143-W. 4625-3 VO,R SALE -9 CHUNES OF PIGS. AP - "L' ply CLIFFORD AMENS, Lot 30. Con- cession 6, Fullarton. 4525x2 pon SALE—ONE LARGE SHED.— MRS, H. F. BERRY, Brucedeld. 452281 pott SALE -4 BUDGIES, ALL COLORS. ,55 and up. W. BENNETP„ Seaforth, Phone 254-3. 4525x1 von SALE — EVERGREEN TREES. Apply DR, E. A. McMASTER. 4525x1 FOR SALE---MASSEY-HARRIS CLIP- eer combine, 6 -foot. PHONE CLIN- TON, 628 r 52. 4521 pon SALE—AN UPRIGHT PIANO, IN exoellent condition. MARIE ELLIOTT, Brucefield, Ont. , 4.32281 FOR SALE—KITCHEN RANGE, IN good condition. • CLARE REITH. Phone 244-W, Seuforth, 4525-2 MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE FOR SALE— to A-1 condition; 2 years old. Phone 222-3. 452511 (1.U1NEA PIGS FOR SALE.—APPLY TO Ls' JOHN SCOTT. Phone 853, Seaforth, 4525x1 Hensall News of the Week Marlin Hildebrant, of Hensall, has been selected as one of the "typical newspaper boys of 1954" and will be a guest at a ceremony in London, Saturday. Mr, Chester Lee has purchased a block containing a barber shop and two apartznents from Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, Parkhill, and takes pos- session October 4. Mr. Lee will continue with his barbering busi- ness. The many friends of Mrs. Bertha Bell will regret to learn suffered a heart attack on Sunday and was removed to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer re- turned to their home in Windsor Sunday after, spending a week's holiday with Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Parlmer. Mr. Parlmer has been an employee of Silverwoods for over 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid spent the first part of this week in Toronto. " Brian Fink, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pink, Grade 1 pupil at Hen- sall Public School, who celebrated his sixth birthday on Sunday, Sept. 26, had the misfortune to fracture his right arm when he fell off a teeter-totter at the school. X-rays taken at South Huron Hospital, pos. SALE—A USED BEA'rTY WASH- ' ing machine, in operation but requires minor repairs, therefore very reasonably priced. PHONE 133-3. 4525-1 -won, SALE—SEVEN TAMWORTH PIGS ready to wean. FRANCIS COLE- MAN, Jr, R.R. 1, Seaforth. Phone 836 r 22. 452511 VOR SALE—BEACH OIL BURNER. IN good condition. Apply GEORGE HENDERSON, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 635 r 41. 4525x1 port SALE—ONE GIRL'S BICYCLE IN good conditions: 620. MARGARET HEMBERGER. Phone 796-3, Seaforth. 4525x1 port SALE -1 BICYCLE: COLOR, RED: two now fenders. In good Condition. FRANK BRYANS, Seaforth. Phone 118-3, 4525x1 pos. SALE -- ZIP GRIP CLOTHES- ' lines : the line that needs no pins. Apply HARRY JESSONIE. Phone 296, Seaforth. 452281 volt SALE—LARGE SIZE COLEMAN space heater ; neerly new. PHONE 642 r 12 or 584-W, Seaforth. 452281 pOR_SALE-1 PRINCESS ROSE COOK stove. in good shape. GORDON EL- LIOTT. R.R. 3, Seaforth. 452.281 port SALE --1 OLIVER 2 -FURROW tractor plow. Apply to ART AN- DERSON. Seaforth. Phone 844 r 25. 452281 FOR SALE—A COAL HEATER, HAR- riston make. in godd condition. Ap- ply to MRS. VICTOR FEE, Hensall, Ont. 4525-1 'poll SALE — 400 HEAVY BREED " Black pullets, and 20 weaner pigs. Phone 653 r 21. V1VAN COOPER, R -R, 2, KiPPou. 4525x0 pOR. SALE—DINING ROOM EXTEN- ' siSall table. MRS. A, E. CROZIER, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 22. 452511 FOR SALE—ABERDEEN ANGUS CAT- tle : some young males and females. J. W. THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31, Sea - forth. 4525-1 F°3" SALE -8 -FOOT EXTENSION IIIN- jng room table and 6 chairs. Phone 634 r 12, Clinton. MURRAY TYNDALL. 4525x1 port SALE—MAN'S GLIDER BICYCLE, " good eonditions ; $15. Consider gun in trade. Wanted: .57 Snyder ammunition. ALLAN ,T. HAUGH, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 23, Seaforth. • 452281 TWO BEAN THRESHERS. KECK-GON- " nerrnan 36,", x; 48/e steel machine on rubber: White wood machine on rubber. Apply HOMER JUDGE, R.R. R. London. Phone 2-0008. . 4525-2 pOR SALE—COLEMAN SPACE HEAT- ' er in good condition Quebec heater also several pairs used boys' skates. ADAM AST. Phone 561, Seaforth, 4-52o-1 SLABS FOR SALE—HARDWOOD, $10 Per lend aiiproximately 2 cords: mix ed wood. 8.5 per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery ERED J. HUME. Phone Clinton 362. 4523x8 SEE THE NEW 1955 NORTHERN ELEC- k' trio TV. We handle complete anten- nae installations. Pricrss on request. F'. A. DUTTON, Brucefield. Phone Clinton: 634 r 4. 4525-tf pRESHLY KILLED TURKEYS FOR -L Thankseiving banquets, and recep- tions. Special prises for turkey suppers. Purina fed. Oven ready. GRAHAM WORK, R.R. 5, Brussels, Ont. Phone 12 18. 4S25x1 FOR SALE — COCKSHUTT POWER corn hinder on rubber with loader; guaranteed in A-1 shaoe• only used four seasons. APPly STANT:EY .1 A CKSON, Kilroen, Phone Seaforth 51 r 4525-2 vonSALE -- REGISibarn CLYDES- ▪ r1,•'• heeed mare revernment inspect- ed : middleeetel: "nod worker. Overeteck- ed sr would not be for sale. ROSS GOR - DON. Seaforth. Phone 849 r 21. 4525x1 W.D. A LLIS-CH A LMERS 'PRA CTOR. ^,•,,,. in A-1 cohdition : al- so hydraulie manor., loader with gravel elate, nearly new: prised reasonably. Will cell together or se-parately. or will consider trade for rattle. Apply DON CRTCH. R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 614 r 3. 4525,01 Cards of Thanks MR. PAUL DO1G AND FAMILY WISH TS, express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kind- ness and the sympathy shown during their recent sad bereavemcnt. 4525x1 TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO WERE SO kind and generous in their support. of the dance sponsored by the ladies of the Seaferth Women's Institute on my be- half, I extend my sincere thanks and Ap- preciation. 4525x1 MRS. JOHN WOOD ATERNA FORBES WISHES .,,TO EX- ' tend her thanks to those who made visits, sent her letters, cards, flowers and treats, while a patient in the Hospital. A special thanks to the nuraes. m Dr. Munn. Dr. Gorwill and Dr. Oakes, Clin- ton; AIRO to Rev. Milroy, ROY. Stinson end Rev. Campbell. 452511 WISH TO EXPRESS OUR HEART - felt thanks; and appreciation to our relatives. neighbors, Barfield L.O.L. and friends for the many note of kirainesa, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes tendered to us during our recent sad hereave'ment in the IORS of a loving husband and father. MRS. G. W. ET.LIOTT AND RILL 4525-1 Be thrifty! Phone 91, Sea - forth. Classified, ads. are re- sult -getting. The Huron Expos - eke'. ,deet. AA' CONSTANCE, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne La,wson Sunday- were: Mr. Jack Busby, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson and Andrew, Huron Road Wle-st; Mr, Robert Lawson and his mother, Clinton. Mr. Bruce Bloomfield, Barrie, spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Ellwood Clarke and Mr. Clarke. David Medd spent the weekend with his aunt and uncel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vincent, Clinton. Guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter were: Rev. Brook, Bluevale; Mr. Britton, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball and fam- ily, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanderson and family, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glousier and family, Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson McClure, Seaforth. Thos. Adams, Londesboro, was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dexter, Mr. Guy Cunningham, Auburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jew- itt. Murray Dale, Georgetown, spent the weekend ,with his parents.. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gorbutt, of Syracuse, N.Y., spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Colson, of Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoggard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoggarth attended the funeral of the late James Shurrie, Brussels, Wednes- day, Mrs, Ephriam Clarke and Mrs. Velma McCully returned- home on Friday after a week's visit with friends in Strathroy. Mrs, Myrtle Carnochan, Wayne, Mich., spent the weekend with rel- atives and friends in the dictrict. The death occurred in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday of Mrs. Donald Lamont. formerly Dor- is Mann. The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke spent the weekend in Barrie. Constance W.M.S. are -holding their thankoffering service in the church Tuesday, Oct. 5. They will have as their guests the ladies of Burns' Church, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson spent Tuesday- in Goderich. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11 UBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. "OLD" AT 40, 50, 60? MEN! GET new pesr quick. Feel years younger. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. For both sex- es. "Getacquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. Births BEUERMANN—At Scott Mesnorial Hos- pital, on Sept. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Beuermann, R.R. 5, Seaforth, a son. HENDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Henderson. Mitchell, a son. WRIGHT—At Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, Sept. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. R.R. 3, Kippen, a son. Deaths CAMERON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sept. 26, Miss EliSabeth Morrison Cameron. Resting at Ball and Mutch Funeral Horne, High St, Clinton, until Friday noon. Funerals, services from Trinity Anglican Church, Bayflaid,, Fri- day, Oct- 1. ht 2 o'clock. The casket will be open in the church from one o'clock until time of service. Interment in Barfield Cemetery. SMILLIE—At Kamloops General Hospital, Kamloops, B.C., on Friday, Sept- 24, 1954, Alexander Gray Smillie, in his 85"th year beloved husband of the late Agnes Murray and dear father of Stew- art, St. Catharines: Murray. Toronto, and Dr. Ivan Smillie, of Kamloops, B.C. Funeral held from the Turner & Porter Chapel, 436 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, Wednesday afternoon. Inter- ment Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. WHITE—In Seaforth, on Friday, Sept. 24, Margaret Mary Murdie, widow of the late Ernest W. White, in her 71st year. Too Late To Classify -pion SALE — 12 REAM WATER bOwls; one float box. Apply EARL RONEY, R.R. 2, Dublin, Phone 19 r 3, Dublin. 452511 ONEY FOR SALE — SEPTEMBER hone; 15 menta in your containers. This will be the last week to get some of thin delicious honey in your own con- tainers. WALLAOE ROSS APIARIES. Phone 1.35-3, Settforth, 4525-1 BOOKKEEPER WANTED Bookkeeper to look after hooka and who is interested' in More merchandis- ing. Appiy in Writing to PRANK KIANG, Phone 19 — Seaford, 4525-1 Exeter, revealed the fracture. Dr. and Mrs. W. Sheltie's, Long- wood, Florida, " were guests last week with Mrs. Jae. W. Bonthron. l? Mr. and Mrs. George Hess spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McOloy, Toronto. They were ac- companied home by their three grandchildren, Cathy, Jimmy and Christine, 'w'ho will remain until Thanksgiving. Former Resident Dies In Toronto Word was received here of the death of Mr. A. G. Smillie, of To- ronto, and former vvell known res- ident, who died- at the home of his son, Dr. Ivan G. Ssnillie, Kamloops, B.C., where he had gone for a vis- it two weeks ago. He was in his 85th year. Mr. Smillie was born in the Hens -all district and farmed liere for many years, taking up residence in Toronto; later he re- tired to Hensall, and following the death of his wife went to Toronto Surviving are three sea; Murray, Toronto; Stewart, St. Catharines; Dr. Srnillie, Kamloops, B.C. The body was taken to Toronto where funeral services were held on Wed- nesday. Dies in London W. E. Foster, well known resi- dent of the village, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Satur- day in his 81st year. Mr. Foster was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago, where he underwent a major operation. Born in Varna district, he has been a resident of Hensell for some 18 years. He was a member of the United Church. -Surviving are his widow, the for- mer Winnie Rathwell, at present a patient in South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, and one sister in the West. Serves were held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Bonthron Fun- eral Home, Rev, W. J. Rogers of- ficiating. Burial was in Bayfield cemetery. KIPPEN Carmel Chur5h Notes At the special Rally Day service on Sunday morning, the children of the church school worshipped with the congregation. Members taking part in the service were; Oarol Brown, Earl Bell, Joan Kers- lake, Douglas McGregor, Marlin Hildebrant. Miss Jean Henderson rendered a pleasing solo. Members of the Young People's Bible Class I assisted in taking the offering', and the Junior boys said the 'offertory prayer. Annual promotion awards were made to the following: Mervy Bell, Christine Cameron, Rosemarie Campbell, Charles Dalrymple, Kar- en McArthur, Charles Schwalm, Gregory Tinney, Billy Bell, Danny Cameron, Charles Dunlop, Brian Fink, Bobby Fox, Bobby Moir, Bar- ry Mousseau, Brian McArthur, Ronald Tinney, Gerald Volland, James Wright, Pauline Bell, Carol Campbell, Bonnie Peters, Barbara Schwalf, Garry Lawrence, Eric Mousseau, Donald Oesch, Patsy Schwalm, Caron Tinney, Earl Bell, Alvin Campbell, jim Hyde, Doug McGregor, Bill McKinnon, Jerry Reid, Don Volland, June Tin- ney, -Marlin Hiklebrant, John Mc- Gregor, Gerald Oesch , Margaret Moir. Memory Work awards -were also given out as follows: Parts of the Beginners' Certificates: Slharon McArthur, Brian Fink, Gary- Scholl, Gerald Volland, Eric Campbell, Ann Lawrence, Margaret Hyde, Gwen Forrest, Kathryn McGregor, Star Memory Awards: Margaret Hyde, Kathryn McGregor, Bill Brown, Fred Hyde, Carol Brown, 11/1arion Bell, Joan Kerslake, Vera Tinney, Earl Bell, Doug McGregor, Bill McKinnen; The Lord's Prayer, Gwen Forrest, Kathryn McGregor, Margaret Hyde, Brian Fink, John McGregor, Marlin Hildebrant; The Twelve Disciples: Earl Bell, Wayne Forrest, Jim Hyde, Bill McKinnon, Doug McGregor. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CHISELIIURST UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 2:30 a.m. — 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker— Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn B.A., B.D., of Lucknow Afternoon Subject— "0 FOR A LORD AND KiNG" Evening Subject— "THE GREATEST ADVENTURE" Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, visited Saturday at the home of Mrs. Dinsdale and Mies Mabel Whiteman, Mrs. Dinerale returning home after spending three weeks with them. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutohl- sett, of St. Thomas, visited over the weekend with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and family, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Pinkney's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, and on Sunday their son and daughter-in-law and Lorne were afternoon visitors. Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Win- throp, visited on Thursday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Mr. Robert Thomson visited on Sunday afternoon in Mitchell with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Priestap. Mrs. Winder, of London, was 'a guest the past week of Mrs. Wm. Winder and Mr. and Mrs. Dowson. Sunday visitors of Mrs. MeCly- mont included.: Mrs, Schilhe, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson visited. on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W7I1. Cook, of G-oderich. A number attended Exeter and Seaforth Fairs, On Sunday Mrs. Robert Edgar, of Varna, celebrated her 84th birth- day. Relatives present included her daughter, Mrs. James A. Edwards, of Sault Ste. Marie; a granddaugh- ter, Mrs. Alex McGregor and fam- ily; Mr. Wm. Edgar, of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. J. Flannigan and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, Mr. and Mrs: A. Riley- -Ind Mr. and Mrs. Tom 181,i en 11, OCTOBER' 1 PR Wilbee, an of Seatorth. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride 44*r tended a -wedding of a Mena ON Brantford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jonas and sons visited Sunday with Mr. OWE Mrs. Arthur Ashworth. !Mar Etter, ton. Rev. Norman McLeod was gnat speaker at anniversary service& allf Duns United Church, Mailillapi., cnu Sunday. Rev. H. E. Livingstone Wea in charge of the service In St. Andrew's United Church here. Mrs. John L. Henderson Is vbee, iting a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Jessie Fowler,. et Aurora. TEESWATER FALL FAIR OCTOBER 5th and 6th • Outstanding Horse Show • Regional Aberdeen Angus aria Yorkshire Shows • Bruce County Black and White Show Harness Races: 2.24 - 2.18 RUNNING RACES TORONTO SCOTTISH PIPE BAND Vaudeville - Exhibits RIDES Cape Croker Legion Band ADMISSION: Adtats and Cars, 59e School Children, 12 and under, Me INCREASED GRANDSTAND ACCOMMODATION FINAL NOTICE Any owner or harborer of dogs in the Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, who have not paid tax on same by Saturday, October 2nd, please be advised that after this FINAL NOTICE, Court action will follow. THIS TAX CAN BE PAID TO TAX COLLECTOR HAROLD MALONEY or D. H. WILSON At the Town Clerk's Office CLEAN UP, AND SAVE! SALVAGE DRIVE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20th PAPER RAGS — Auspices _ SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED SPECIAL—A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar. anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equIPPed; radio, heater, signals, etc As low as $189520 3-1952 CHEV. SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1950 CHV. STATION WAGONS 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN CARS A number of 1953 Chevrolets and Pkontlacs. Fully equipped', as low as SIAS SPEC I A L-1948 Mercury Sedan ..•. 0295.00 Number of older mode!. TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS—Ranging *dm 14-Tos1 Pickup to STon Stake A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Care MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELSMOTORS BRUSSELS '-- ONTARIO PHONE 73-X--0The ,Hetne of Setter lilted Cane OPEN EVERY EVENING A 4