HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-09-24, Page 5i 1 ti 4 4 4 !d: tll'24,195 ipjr i ill ty This Week At the Seaforth High School and office, are to be iiniahed in three weeks. We also have a new chemistry lab and agricultural sci- ence room. Along with the new class roams, we have three new teachers and a former teacher has again return- ed. These include Miss Fennell, our French teacher, who left u$ a year ago on a year's leave of ab- sence; Miss Ryan, P.T. teacher, an original Seaforth student, who "On September 7, 1954, the stv- ¢lents and teachers• strolled leisure- ly up the streets to a familiar building Seaforth District High ;School—to begin . the fall term. The noise and commotion that has been with us for nearly half a year, is there. The old gym .has been translated into three new class rooms: a library, also used ,>as a study room, a French room, and a typing room. However, the new gymnasium, plus the lockers Violin = Viola -. Cello • - Theory Instructions PHONE 526-R Northside United Church Sunday School Room Commencing Saturday Evening, Oct. 2nd at 6:00 p.m. 'For further information write or phone: EDWARD OSCAPELLA, A.R.C.T. R.M.T. 74 Nile St. — Stratford, Ont. taught in Preston lea year: tom'. Qiibiteley, our(agricultural teacher, and Mr. Gaye, our commercial teacher, who prevtoualy 'taught In Napanee and .St. Thomas, respec- tively. I like to welcome you to our school, and I hope your stay will be a pleasant one. To Miss Fennell, welcome back! Head an Interesting chat with Bill Flannigan, the school's bandmas- ter, and I learned that our eehool bugle band is to lead the Fall Fair parade this year. Just to prove that holidays are very good and worthwhile, Bill says that the band plays better coming back to school and with no practise, than staying all year and practising quite a bit. Amazing, tent it? • b Anyone wishing steady employ- ment as traffic cop, apply S.D.H.S. Now that we have three addition- al classrooms, leading on the stairs down (now don't forget that stairs is down), there are far too many students on one stairs at once. Ev- erythini from esculators to eleva- tors along with any other stairs, have been suggested as a solution to the problem. But we'll sit back and wait, for it's amazing what teachers can do. From the looks of things now, I don't believe our lucky First Form- ers will ever be initiated. Without TO ALL EGG �o�ERcin� PRODUCERS EGG ENTRIES IN THE SEAFORTH FALL FAIR WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING .TO GOVERNMENT STANDARDS However, eggs in' a tray need not be matched for color, as the color will not be taken into account by judges. ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE IN BY NOON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th Compliments of Seaforth Farmers Co -Op PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Mir Fresh Pork Schneider's Breakfast Meat ' Shoulders ib. 39cl�Z-• Pkg BatOnl�indYess • . 43e Specials Bologna -1b. 29c By the Piece WEEKEND SPECIALS s r Wieners 31b. for $1 Weston's Special Pack Cookies ..24c Pkg. York Tendersweet Peas, 20 oz.. 2/43c Jello Puddings 3/29c Jewel Shortening . 29c HEINZ BABY FOODS All kinds 3/29c CASCADE SALMON Fancy Pink Cohoe, 44's • • . 29c SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET (Formerly COOPER'S GROCERY) WE DELIVER PHONE 8 Wet Weather Curbs Head na Richardson, Grath GaCkatitterA, OutIan Kyle; boys under 6, Brian Fink, Leslie Hohner, 1,011; Keith (Oonntin'ued from Page 1) Allurt Bilstra, 1T; Bob Munn, Ade- line ,Ohappel. (Grades 5 and 6) : John Moddijanga, 1T; Judy Eldier, 1011; Sharon Elder, 19H. (Grades 7 and 8): Murray Bell, 1T; Geral- dine Parker, 1T; Earl Bell, . 1T. Safety rule poster (junior) : Doro- thy Parker, IT; Ruth Ann .Mc- Nichol, 2T; Margaret J. Broadfoot, 2T. (Senior): Jane Horton, Ron Broderick, Kathleen Damm, 1T. Writing and Printing Writing (Grade 3): Elaine Keys, Carol Howe, 7H, Connie Rumpel. (Grade 4): Carolyn •Smillie, Mary Scone, Peggy Goddard. (Grade 5): Billie Shaddick, Betty Bell, 1W1-11; Linda Oesch. (Grade 6): John Moddej•anga, 1T; Arlene Hoggarth, Joyce Munn, 7H. (Grade 7) : Kath- leen Damm, 1T; Jane Horton, Nel- son McClinchey, 2T. (Grade 8): Gwen Spencer, Douglas Brintnell, 7H, Marion Pepper, 1T. Printing (Grade 1): Craig Chapman, 1013; Glen Harburn, Nancy Kyle. (Grade 2): Ruth Ann Traquair, Brenda Smillie, Robert McNaughton. Sports Girls' running races, (6 to 7 years) : .Mary Norris, 2T; Nancy Kyle, Ruth Smale; (8 to 9): Carol Brown, Connie Rumpel, Margaret Hoggarth, 7H; (10 to 11): Margar- et Broadfoot, '2T; Peggy Goddard, Judy Elder, 1011; (12 and over): Catherine Damm, 1'r; Sharon El- der, 10H; Eleanor Boa. Boys (6 to 7): Craig Chapman, 10H. P.oy Oesch, John Elder, 101; t k 't) 9) : Larry Jones, Dennis Mock. C ham Bell, 1T.; (10 to 11): Bill Mc'::in- non, Steven Kyle, Jerry D! s ale; (12 and over): -Murray Bell. 1T; Ronnie Anderson, Doug Br.n nell, 7H; kicking slipper (girls), Elean- or Boa, Nellie Greenway, 1OH; Mar- garet. Broadfoot, 2T; (boys): Geo. Smith, Bill McKinnon. r'cnnle ^n- derson. Girls' rue., under 6: Don - a place barge enough to assemble, all the students at once to have election speeches for Student Coun- cil, the First Formers don't get to be one of us legally. The Students' Council. is in charge of that, and if it ever stops raining long en- ough we can always go outside and set up. the P.A. system outside the Home Economics rooms and Shop. But Grade Nine, if we don't get you now we'll get you later! Rugby is trying very hard to get started. but will it ever, Mr. Dobson? Try a sun dance. There was general regret on learning of the passing of Miss S. 1, McLean. The majority of stu- dents from Seaforth at the S.D. H.S. started kindergarten with Miss McLean as teacher. Question of the Week: If I wanted to find out who was going with whom, would I really ask Mr. Plum%el, a • First Former? HomeBakingSale AFTERNOON TEA and a NOVELTY BOOTH SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd at 3 p.m in the Oddfellows' Hall SEAFORTH Pnder the auspices of the order of the Eastern Star ZION Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and family and' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper spent a day last week at London Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McKerchel', Seaforth, visited Tuesday evening with Mrs. James Malcolmn. Mrs. H. Workman, Hensel", is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Herb Britton, and Mr. Britton. Mrs. James Malcolm spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. George Pepper; and 'Mrs. Pepper, and accompanied them on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Roes Gordon's, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper_ and family visited Mrs. Leon Kemp, of Fullerton, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family visited with Mrs. Bal- four and Dalton on Sunday. HENSALL 'l'hp first in a series of Immuniza- tion Clinics for Seaforth and dis- trict, starting Friday, October lst, at' 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock, will be held in the branch office of the Health I'nit in Seaforth. 'rhe Seaforth branch of the Health i'nit is located upstairs in the Post Office building. Use north outside entrance. Don't miss the Giant Frolic in Hartsell Friday night, Sept. 24th. Outstanding program in Arena, featuring popular numbers, includ- ing Mires, master of ceremonies, and his new magic show. Proceeds for artificial ice fund. Admission 50 cents and 25 cents.—(Adv.). Dr. and Mrs. Melville Griffen and Mrs. Frieda Ritz, of Chats- worth, and Miss Jean Giffen, of Toronto, were guests for the week- nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Mr. and Mrs. S. Irwitl, of Blen- heim. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Me. and Mrs. Chester Lee and Lucille spent the first part of this week with relatives in Blenheim. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian resbyterian Church are at present having their kitchen modernized. During the summer a beautiful set of factory -made cupboards were installed. This week the town wa- ter system is being brought in, and plans are being made for re- decorating. Announcement The engagement is announced of Margaret Elaine, eldest daughter of Mrs. Minnie Sangster, }Jensall, and the late William Sangster, to John Scotland Macfarlane, son of Mrs. Margaret Macfarlane, of Riv- erside, Ont., and the late Hugh Macfarlane. The marriage will take place quietly in London early in Oetober. The second. third and fourth dates of this series have been set tor October 22. November 12, and December 3. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and fam- ily visited on Sunday with Mary B. Currie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, near Woodstock. Mrs. Grace Scott was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking in Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. Tom Hay, of Mitchell, vis - ted with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Mrs. Jack Kemp and daughter, Mrs. Laverne Rose and young son, John, of •:Mitchell. visited with Mrs. M. Houghton. An interesting feature took place on Monday afternoon at the home of T. L. Scott. when two loads of grain were threshed with a Strat- ford -made device and a horse- power. Five teams of horses sup- plied the power for the threshing. The Mission Band meeting was held in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon. ina Scott presided. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl had charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Wesley Russell read ttvo chap- ters from the study book, "The Mischief Maker" and "The Closed Church." The offertory prayer was given by Alice Walker. Children of 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these Clinics to receive initial im- munization or reinforcing innocula- tion for diphtheria, whooping, cough. tetanus and smallpox, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT secomempevecommeeenessmeampeet FUEL OIL COAL yoga 45•14•01-000fre CHILLY NIGHTS REMIND US TO PREPARE FOR WINTER We Can Offer Fuel Oil, and CoaI From the top of Vat No. 1. Delivered to your tank by an accurate meter from our truck, used for FUEL OIL ONLY! From one of the deepest mines in Pennsylvania. TOP QUALITY . . . AND DOUBLE SCREENED Wm. M. HART - - Coal & FueI S PHONE 784 OUTSTANDING BARGAINS 1951 G.M.C. 3/4 -TON PICKUP Completely reconditioned and refinished. One owner. Low mileage. Only $795.00 Two 1948 DODGE PANELS Excellent bodies and tires. Motors reconditioned like new. Bargains at $595.00 1948 CHEV. PICKUP Commercial red. Motor over- hauled and new brakrs• Ex - c ellent tires. To Clear $595.00 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH Torpedo body end whitewall tires. Air conditioning, heater. Excellent condition throughout. Only $895.00 JACK RICE See Our NE' at the Seaforth Fa. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Septeiirlber 23, 24, 25 This year our Booth at the Fair will be devoted entirely to the display of Drapery Material, Drapery Hard- ware, Curtains, Venetian Blinds, etc. You'll want to .see this breath- taking display of the newest drap- ery fabrics to brighten up your home! So, stop at STEWART BROS.' display and pick up some new ideas on window treatment! FAIR SPECIAL ! During Fair Week and through to Saturdayy, October 2nd, we will make up your Overdrapes ABSOLUTELY .FREE when you buy your Drapery Material from us. STEWART BROS. Call Collect 2-1147 LONDON - ONTARIO qusowmirommiiroweaswimmi FLOOR COVERINGS For the Kitchen . For the Bathroom for the Whole House PLANNING TO REMODEL OR REDECORATE THIS FALL? You can do it economically with Linoleum or Tile Floor Cover- ings. Just the thing for baths, kitchens and rumpus rooms. COME IN TODAY! Estimates gladly given on material or complete job. FLOOR MAINTENANCE Our expert workmen can make your floor look like new by sanding and refinishing. ° Let u's tell you about this service! PHONE TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES BOX FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE • HOUSE FURNISHINGS Floor Sanding PHONE 43 • FLOOR COVERINGS Westinghouse Appliances SEAFORTH