The Huron Expositor, 1954-09-24, Page 4THEN'HURON EXPOSITOR a1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: let Week 2nd Week Ord Week 1 Cent % Cent ' , Cent Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per weak - Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 centa extra. Ten cents additional will be cbarged if ads in above clans are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion, Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events T OSPLTAL AUXILIARY WILL HOLD a Rummage Sale, Saturday. October 23, in the basement of the Library. 45.4-1 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at .the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 DANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall. Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra; 50-75. 4525-tf EtGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH, Friday, October 1, at 8:15 p.m., Robt. 1'. Allan, of Brucefield, will show colored pictures of Britain. Bring all the chil- dren. Silver collection. 4524-2 Property For Sale HW' OUSE FOR SALE -ON WEST RL- liam St., three bedrooms, newly paint- ed and decorated; good basement. SRS. ROLAND KENNEDY, Seaforth. 452224x2 HOUSE FOR SALE -FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or write Box 324. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4521-tf h1OR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ]ing, situated on Goderich St. West. All modern conveniences. Het water heat- ing with oil: two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4521-tf Wanted Help Wanted WAN'l'E1t- WOSIA-'v OR GIRL FOR general housework by the week. To li.e out. F;nily of five. All modern convenience. Apply Box 164, HURON EXPOSITOR 4524x1 MAKE MONEY In Your Spare Time A N OPPORTUNITY FOR MAN OR woman who drives own car, to earn extra money by part-time employment. Knowledge of farming district in Sea - forth. Hensall or Brussels trading area would be helpfuL Apply in writing to Box 346 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4524-2 WANTED TO TRADE -A NUIII.BER OF good Rock roosters for pullets, ready to lay. Apply Box 363, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4524x1 WANTED -TWO -WHEEL TRAILER IN good condition ; 15 -inch tires prefer- red. Apply STAN BRAY, Seaforth. Phone 686-W, 4523x3 WANTED TO BUY -ONE TON OF alfalfa or clover hay.; second cut pre- ferred. Apply MURRAY TYNDALL, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634 r 12. 4524x1 WANTED TO RENT - 50 TO 100 acres, suitable for growing grain; sod or stubble. Apply MURRAY DEN - NIS, R.R.' 1, Walton. Phone Seaforth 843 r 32. 4523x2 WANTED -OLD HORSES, 3 CENTS per pound ; dead cattle and homes at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. 4522-tf For Rent FOR RENT-- 2• APARTMENTS, FURN- ished or unfurnished. Apply OKE'S 4524-tf BILLIARDS. FOR RENT -FIVE -ROOM APARTMENT, heated: separate bath. On Victoria Street. Possession October 1. Apply TORN TREMEER after 6:30. 4524x1 R RENT -FURNISHED APARTMENT in Town of Seaforth. Available Oa- tober 1. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 661 r 14. Seaforth. 4523-2 WANTED One Stenographer Fully experienced, for sales depart- ment. ' New office. Excellent working. condi- tions. Employee benefits and profit shar- ing. Apply. giving full particulars, to W, A. SHAEFFER PEN CO, OF CANADA LTD. Goderich, Ont. ' 4524-1 WANTED -A MIDDLE-AGED MAR- ried couple to rent part of house from elderly widow. •Matst be reliable and of Protestant faith. .. For particulars ap- ply to Box 360, HURON EXPOSITOR. 452332 Personals (~\ HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LI B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton - Notices NOTICE -PLEASE LEAVE YOUR OR - der for dressed chickens with DALE PRODUCE, not later than Friday noon. 4524x1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes ; 22 years' experience. We pick up. and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4521 -ti RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4521-tf WANTED Two Female Office Clerks NOTICE - PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ine : interior and exterior decorating. See our 1954 wallpaper designs. WAL- 11iR PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9, Brussels. 4521-tf Some typing advantageous. To work in' cost department and sales accounting. New office. Excellent working conditions. Employee benefits and profit sharing. Apply. giving full particulars, to W. A. SHAEFFER PEN CO. OF CANADA LTD., Goderich, Ont. 4524-1 Notices To Creditors Poultry FOR SALE -1461 RED AND SUSSEX Pullets, starting to lay; 31.65 each. FRANCIS COLEMAN, 1 Seaforth. Phone 838 r 2. 4524x1 pan SALE -RED ROCK AND RED Sussex pullets, ready for range, Priced for quick Dale. Apply W. C. HENDER- SON. Phone 663-J, Seaforth. 45621-tf NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR SALE - 1,000 PULLETS, 8% months old, half Wyandotte; 1,000 pullets 3 weeks old, now take delivery any time; 100 pullets 51/2 montha, laying 40 per cent. Apply L. MEDEMA, R,R, 2, Walton. Phone 830 r 6, Seaforth. 4524-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 100 -ACRE FARM. Lot 13. Concession 4. Huron Road Survey. 'fuckersmith. Frame house, good hank barn ; farm situated just three miles from the Town of Seaforth. Priced rea- sonable to wind up estate, Immediate possession. For particulars apply to WILLIAM CAMERON, Administrator ..of the Caranochan Estate, R.R. No. 4, Sea - forth, Ont. Phone 652 r 2. 4525-2 Auction Sales Grey -Bruce THE Stock Co-operative are holding their Third Annual Sale of Feeder Cattle at Wiarton, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th 1700 head. Sale commences at 10 a.m. All cattle sorted, graded and divided into truck and car load lots. 1. T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co-operative, Markdale, Ont. 4524-2 In the Estate of WILLIAM DORSEY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William Dorsey, late of the Township of Hibbert. in the County of Perth. Farmer, deceased. who died on the 4th day of August. 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of October, 1954, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DA PED at Seaforth, this 21st day of September, 1954. `McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4524-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET IRVINE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAI3d5 at7kinst the Estate of Margaret Irvine, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who lied on the nth day of August, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of October, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 13th day of September. 1954. MCCONNELL &.HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 45234 For Sale FOR SALE -ASTRAL FRIGIDAIRE; good conditions; 545. PHONE 216, Seaforth. 4524x1 FOR SALE -SHORTHORN BULL: 15 months old. WILF'. McQUAID,- 46 r 22. Dublin. 4524x1 FOR SALE -NAVY BLUE WOOL SUIT, size 38: scarcely worn. PHONE 4524x1 FOR SALE -DRESSED CHICKENS. Ap- ply LESLIE PRYCE. Phone 840 r 14. Seaforth. 4524x - FOR SALE -ONE RED PURE BRED Shorthorn hull, 14 months old; ac- eredited. CHARLES REID, Varna, Ont. 4523-2 FOR SALE -160 NEW HAMP - SUSSEX pullets. five months old : laying. TfORERT SLcLACHLAN. Phone 601 r 13. Seaforth. 4524-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stuck and Machinery, at Lot 22, Concession 9, Logan Township, 2 miles east of Brodhagcn, or 1t•:, west of Born- holm, on Thursday, October 7th, at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE- 11 Durham and Holstein cows, fresh and due to freshen ; 10 spring calves and 5 steers: 42 pigs; 5 York sows; 1 York hog. POULTRY -400 White Col- umbia Rock pullets. 51.2 months old. Hay and Grain ; Full Line of Farm Machinery, including 2 tractors: also farm: 100 acre farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid: 100 acres. more or less, all workable clay loam land: large bank barn 1 drive shed. 1t:2 -storey frame house, new furnace, modern kitchen, Hydro, drill - rd well, pressure system. Terms: Chat- tels- ,Cash ; Property- 10'; down, balance in 30 days. ESTATE O1" THE LAT'F, WILLIAM NOCK: Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. Booth on grounds. 4524-1 NOTICE --THE ANNIVERSARY SER- FOR_ SALE-2 CHOICE. CHUNKS OF Sea - vices of Duff's Church. McKillop, Sun- Tilts R. DODOS. R.R. 2. Sma- Aay. September 26. at 11 a.m. and 7:10 forth. Phone R33 r 14. Seaforth. n M1.;_4-1 r.m.. Standard Time. Rev, Norman Mc- Leod Kippen. speaker.OR SALE -REGISTERED HEREFORD 4524x1 ' F ball 16 months old. CARL Mc- CT.'NCHF,Y. R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone Hen - ATTENTION, FARMERS ; - PROMPT. ,all 679 r 14. 4;25x1 courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. FOR SALE- 2, HEIFER COWS, DUE TO ANDREWS. 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235 freshen now, and 2 Durham cows Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., or ,bee to freshen in .January. Apply UR- Car.ada Ltd. PAN DIJCHARMF,. Phone Zurich 91 r 7. 4521-tf 4524x1 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - MCKTLLOP Fire insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc, (O.A.A.1, Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life Insurance Consult ERTC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. 4521-tf A1o0 OCo ATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. 51 you have a house. apartment., furnished rat' nnfurniehed. to rent nleasc call STATION HOUSING OFFICE, nt Clinton. 382: local 252. 4521-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DOWN WASTE MONEY ON MINER- ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take smelts of theh In your fields and have them me Topnotch Feeds Limited - P130 tK. or 9741 �...: tlrli rh�lRlifr`i p'OR SALE --1 GIR.,,I.'S,_ WINE WINTER Coat, PisP 8: 1 girl's green jacket with fur collar. size 8: 1 boy's navy Mue blaz- er. size 12: 2 pairs boy's pants, size 30 •^Dist.. All in excellent condition. PHONE 324-W. 4.524x1 Lost and Found LOST IN SEAFORTH, ON SEPTEMBER 16th, or at McKillop School Fair, pair glasses, ,gold mounted. Reward. MRS. JOHNHILLEBREOHT. Phone 661 r 11, Seaforth. 4524x1 FOUND -A TORTOISE S37'F.T.r, KITTEN straying on Goderich St., September 18. Owner may have same by PHONING 89, Seaforth, and paying charges, 4524x1 Agents Wanted GOOD DEALERS wanted to establish a business of their own with our 225 guaranteed and well- known products such as: 'toiletries, Cul- inaries, Medicines, Domestic Necessities, Tea, Coffee, etc. Excellent opportunity to earn from $50 to $75 per week. Specials each month with free products. Substan- Gal discount. Exclusive territory. $18 needed. NO RISK. Details- JITO: 5.130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4521-4 Tenders Wanted CLEARING AUCTION SALE - J. L. Ryan has received instructions from William O'Reilly to sell by public auction on Saturday, October 2, at 1:30 sharp, on Lot 5, Concession 5. McKillop Township, 2'2 miles north of Dublin and 1t/a miles west, the following: HORSES -1 general purpose horse. 12 years old. CATTLE - 1 Holstein and Hereford cow, 6 years} old, .with calf by, side; 1 Hereford cow 4 years old with calf by side; 4 red Durham cows, pasture bred: 2 Durham steers, 1,000 lbs. each:.. 4 Hereford steers, 700 lbs. each; 0 Durham calves, 400 lbs. each; 2 black yearling heifers: 1 Durham bull 1 year old. PIGS2 sows due November 1: 2 York sows. bred two months; 5 chunks, 80 the. HENS --•50 Rock and Red yearling hens. IMPLEMENTS -1 M. -H. binder, 7 -foot cut: 1 M.-11. 'mower, 6 -foot cut; 1 M. -H. hay loader: horse rake: 1 M. -H side rake; 1 M. -H. grain drill. 11 hoe: M.H. '.t; -tooth cultivator: - team corn scuffler; hose scutP.er; set 5 -section diamond har- rows; 2 -furrow riding plow : 1 -furrow rid- inv plow: 1 Walton plow; 2 -wheel trailer .vth racks : steel land roller : farm wagon; 1 hay rack and sliding car; wheelbar- row : stone boat: fanning mill: 1 2.000- Ih, scales: team sleigh ; cutter ; buggy; 1 Renfrew cream separator: extension lad- der : forks, shovels, ropes. chains, tools, and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve: this farm is sold. Arms -Cash. WILLIAM O'REILLY, Proprietor: J. T.. Ryan,. Auctioneer: Wm. Maloney. Clerk. 4524-2 ZEE THE NEW 1955 NORTHERN ELEC- tric TV. We handle complete enten- nne installations. Primes on request. F. 9. DUTTON. Brucefleld- Phone Clinton: 834 r 4. 4521-tf SLABS POR SALE -HARDWOOD. '910 ser load. anp,oximately 2 cords: ,d wand, 98 per loud, approximately 2 emits, Prompt delivery FRED 3. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4523x8 FOR SALE -QUANTITY HARDWOOD) .• sIbbs, font long: also quantity hard- wood tops. McSillon-Grey boundary. Ap- 'lv .TAMES STEVENSON. Phone 604, Bruasete. 4529x2 TENDER Tuckersmith Township TENDERS ARE INVITED BY THE UN- dersigned for snow plowing township roads in the Winter of 1954-55. V -type eight -foot plows to be used with plow and wing hydraulically operated. Four -ton or better trucks to be used and rating of trucks •must meet Depart- ment of Highways specifications. Contractor to supply all equipment and labour. Tender to state a flat rate per hour, and must be in the Clerk's hands by 2 p.m., October 5, 1954. .Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FAISM '' Stock and Machinery at Lot 25, Con- ssiun 11. McKillop Township. 61", miles arch .of Seaforth. on Thursday. Septem- L«r 80th. at 1 pm,: CATTLE- -Pure bred registered Shorthorn bull, 0 ye9s old; Hulst••in heifer due in January : Brindle cow due in January: Durham heifer due in January: Holstein heifer due in Janu- - • : 6 Durham cows due in February; Holstein cow due in February : 3 cows due in March; 1 steers rising 2 years old; heifers rising 2 years old ; 12 winter and s n'ing calves: 1 sow due October; 1 sow due November: 1 sow just bred ; 7 chunks. Ho the.: 6 chunks. 90 lbs.; 8 chunks, 8 weeks old. POULTRY -60 geese. MACH- INERY 1951 Case tractor, like new; 52 L' inn threshing machine. 22x317, two years old ; 13 -plate International seed drill. 2 years alrt: 7 -foot rut International mower 1 year nIO: culta packer: Cockshutt grain ;:rimier. International 2 -furrow plow; 7 - foot rut Massey -Harris hinder: wagon and flat rack : hay loader. Massey -Harris: dump rake; corn scuffler : 17 -tooth culti- ,,tor ; platform scales : 29 pieces of maple plank, 12 x 3: 100 galvanized sap buckets and sap pans: pile inch lumber, hard and soft maple; set harness; horse collars; walking plow : .i -section harrows; new and used Viking cream separators. Terms -Cash. Tractor and Dion thresher, 20 per cent down. balance in six months by giving approved joint notes. Booth on. grounds. Farm is rented. JOHN RYERMAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4524-1 'FOOD POR SALE -- HARDWOOD slat's hay$ been piled all sntnrner, 914 ser load. or 85 per single cord. Ap- proximately 8 cords per load. Apply WM. CALIDWELL, Brnce$eld. Phone dllntofl•, COY a L 4618x7 /11 i1 tachlfanr,[4,' 14th ANNUAL SALE Registered HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. 2 =miles north-east of Forest 24 miles north-east of Sarnia 14 mile east of Highway 21 Friday, October 1st E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersneith. 4524-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR TOLE CONSTRUCTION 1 of Leeming Brain, McKillop 'town- ship, according to Engineer's specifies - tions, will be received until October 2nd, 1954. Excavating and levelling 1,525 lineal feet open drain, 150 feet closed drain, and 1 field stone protection. A marked cheque of 5100.00 to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to state when work will be done. \Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Twp., Seaforth, Ont., R.R. 1. •1524-1 Cards of Thanks Kippen News of the Week Don't miss the Giant Frolic in Hensall Friday night, Sept. 24th. Outstanding program in Arena, featuring popular numbers, includ- ing Mires, master of ceremonies, and his new magic show. Proceeds for artificial ice fund. Admission 50 cents and 25 cents. -(Adv.). St. Andrew's United Church sem- vice ervice will be held at 11 o'clock, standard time, on Sunday. An organ recital was held at the United Churoh on Sunday evening, given by Mr. Nicol, of Hensall. Miss Henderson, of Hensall, ren- dered two solos, which were muck enjoyed -by all. We are sorry to report Mrs. Mc- Clymont is confined to her bed. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Rally Sunday was held at St. An- drew's United Church on Sunday morning with the Rev. Norman McLeod as speaker. A large choir of Sunday School pupils rendered an anthem, under the direction of Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mrs. John Sinclair, Marie and Ann Sinclair sang a duet. The remaining pupils and teachers of the Sunday School occupied the front news of the church. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and son, of St. Thomas, visited on Sun- day with ' Mr, and Mrs, Harold Jones. Mrs. Moon and family, of Lon- desboro, visited recently •with Ml's. Moon's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Denomme, Wil- lie and Jean Ann, of Exeter, visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Arn- old Gackstetter. I WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends, hospital and nurses, Dr. Gor- will. Rev. Stinson and the Northside W. A. and particularly the young baseballers, for their kind thoughts and concern. 4524-1 0 ADAM AST - 35 Head - ?fi Ri-SoLd AROi-NT) 1 YEAR OLD 20 BRED HEi1FERS Herd Fully Aeeredited Bulls Blood Tested Heifers Calfhood Vaccinated All are eligible For American. Registration Sale at 1 p.m. Cataloytle on request W. S. O'NEIL F. M. LESTETR LILAC. WIHITE Auctioneers ' �i1t Via',5-tx .c:ItLr T WOULD LIKE 'PO THANK ALL those who visited me in Victoria Hos- pital; also thanks for boxes ttf treats, flowers and cards. These were greatly ap- preciated. 4524x1 CARL DALTON I SINCERELY THANK MY NETGH- bors. friends and relatives for the many flowers, treats, visits cards and let- ters while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. J. McCowen. Rev, E. Weber, Rev, F. Moylan, Dr Brady, Dr. Elliott and the nursing staff of the hos- pital for their kindness.. 4524-1 ANNIE LYNCH In Memoriam TNGS--IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear uncle. Mr. Alfred Ings, who pass- ed away one year ago, September 27, 1953, His memory is a keepsake, With which we will never part; Though God has hint in His keeping, We still have him in our hearts: --Sadly missed by Gordon, Mary, Gerald and Shirley. 4524-1 McCUTa3 EON --IN LOVING MEMORY of Lorne Elwood and William David, who passed away September 23, 1953. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of ones we loved so well; And while they sleep a peaceful sleep, Their memory we shall always keep. -Lovingly remembered by Mother, Brothers and Sisters. 4524x1 Births TURNBULL-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 21. to Dr. and Mrs. John Turnbull, Seaforth, a daughter. Anniversary Services 'CONSTANCE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPT. 26th at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Standard Time Rev. Brook, of Belgrave will be the special speaker. SPECIAL MUSIC WILL BE PROVIDED TO FIT YOUR WINDOWS - DOORS Save time and labo costs by installing modern, permanent CombinAtion Storm Windows and Screens! Once in, they stay in! 'Seasonable changeovers can be done from inside in a few seconds! ASK US FOR ESTIMATES ON STORM WINDOWS They keep out cold; cut heating costs. • • \---*Wionilx Visit our exhibit at the Seaforth Fall Fair, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 23, 24, 25. OBTAIN A TICKET IN OUR FREE DRAW ! • Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Builders' Supplies - Sash - Doors Lime - Cement SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 Phone 97 Mrs. Chandler, formerly of Kip - pen and now of Parkhill, and her daughters, Mrs. Elliott (Dorothy) and 'Miss Shirley Chandler, at- tended ttended church service here on Sun- day and later visited Mends in the village. Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill, is spending a few days with her father, Mr. Henry Ivison- Mrs. Brownlee attended the wedding of her niece in Windsor on Saturday, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Barnby. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Moffatt, of Regina, have left for their home after waiting some time with his brother and sister -in-laws Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 'Moffatt and other friends in the district. - Mr. and MTs. Marsh, Stewart, of Seaforth, were Sunday guests of, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ondmore. Mr. and' Mrs. Norman D.ekert visitedi in Listowel on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, of Lucknow, called on Mr. and Mrs. Long recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glen 'McBride, of Windsor, visited on Monday at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Robert McBride, and their aunt and uncle, Mir. and Mrs. Eddie Mc- Bride. •Mr. and Mrs. Long, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Mellis, . visited Sunday) afternoon in Wroxeter at the home of. -Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson. Mr. and Mas. Richard Cornish and family, of Goderich, visited on Sunday) with the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. The Kippen East Women's Insti- tute will meet at the home of Mrs. William Kyle on Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. William Bell is co -hostess. The motto, "There is humor, health, beauty and power in country life," will be taken by Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, while the roll call will consist of a donation of fruit, pickles or jam. Special speaker for the meeting will be Jim Chapman, and the ,pro- gram will include a poem by Mrs. Charles Eyre and music by Mrs. Ross Chapman. Current events will be taken by 'Mrs, W. Broad - foot, and the members of the lunch committee are Mrs. N. Slavin, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. 'R. Upshall, Mrs. R. Peck and Mrs. V. Alder - dice. WALTON 41410 SEPTEMBER Miss .Marilyn Bolger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Bolger, is teaching in the Wellesley school area. FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE ON CENTRE ST. Has oil furnace. Newly decorat- ed. Can be bought with $1,500, balance like rent. if. 50 -ACRE FARM On No. 8 Highway. Close to Seaforth. Good buildings. FOR RENT Close to Seaforth, eight -room House, 2 bathrooms; good furnace. -Call- W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE lit1, THE QUEEN'S HOTEL walsOs■'■1sslere NOTICE. 0; . Town of Seaforth Daylight Savineime. IN THE TOWN OF SEAPORT'S Will End at 2 a.m. SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 26 SUNDAY WILL BE ON STANDARD TIME Ladies-! Don't Miss the MONSTER BAZAAR SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd at 1 p.m. Town Hall, CLINTON Auspices Clinton Hospital Auxiliary 13 Wonderful Booths TEA 'SERVED FROM 1 'TO 6 P.M. 2 - CAR BINGO EXETER ARENA Friday, October 1st 12 Regular Games for $50.00 Each 3 Special Games for $200.00 Each 1 Special. for 1954 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR CARDS $1.0O FREE SPECIAL FOR 1954 FORD MAINLINE TUDOR CARDS FREE -This is the Car not won at July 30th Bingo • ADMISSION -$1.00 - Extra and Special Cards 25e - 5 for $1.00 Games start at 9 p.m. sharp SPONSORED BY EXETER LEGION MICKLE'S' CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall Phone 10* SUCCESS . Last week I attended the Ontario Broiler Growers' Meeting at Kitchener. The guest speaker, Mr. Leon Johnston, a successful farmer frgm Indiana, spoke to the group gathered, about manage- ment of poultry flocks, especially broiler -raising In relation to success. The points he reviewed and emphasized were true to all poultry raisers. In earlier talks with you I have pointed out certain manage' ment problems. Our speaker gave us very interested instances, ,backing up his management ideas. Some of these ideas are as tfoliows: Starting with the baby chick, Mr. Johnston stated that too many poultrymen baby their chicks too much. The biggest fault was closing windows tight to keep room warm. "FRESH AIR is a necessity," stated Mr. Johnston. It costs us nothing, so why not use all we can. Mr. Johnston went on to tell us some of the rea- sons why one must keep a room well ventilated at all stages of poultry raising. The cheapest medium for moving moisture out of the poultry pens is by ventilating. Keeping. air moving and cir- culating isculatillg through one's pen. Au instance related' by Mr. Johnston was: A 1,000 bird 'broiler dock put on a 1,000 square feet and rais- ed to market would consume 25,000 pounds of water or 2,500 gal- lons of water. This, if not taken out of the pen by air, would cover the floor to a 'depth of six inches. So one can see if you ventilate "properly you can maintain a dry litter. Mr. Johnston also went on to state that a wrong move is made by closing windows when a disease strikes a flock. Keel• those windows open. and open more to keep the disease germ population. in the pen diluted. Also as first signs of disease get in., find out, and treat for such disease. Protect that investment by correcting the trouble quickly if possible. Do not leave it to Na.tllre to look after your sick chickens. She can be very cruel. Adequate feed and water space are nedessary to do a good job raising your chickens. Following recommendations can and will prove beneficial. Do not make your hinds go too far for feed or water. Lack of water in laying pens for a short period of time has shown a decrease in egg size. "Do not make a bird go any further than 10 feet for water or feed," Mr'. Johnston tells us. Mr. Johnson relates that the key to success is management. From his success it proves that he practises what he preaches, and therefore is in the top one-third class of farmers. PENNY SALE in Beattie's Furniture Store September 25'to October 2 Some Valuable Prizes in Penny........ Sale: • Valuable Fur Neckpiece • Hostess Lounge Chair • Combination Lounge and Floor Lamp. Geo. T. Mickle it Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT. : or 17747 A d, A PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS SPECIAL -A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar- anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, etc. $189 As low as %p O al00 ar U 3-195.2 CHEV, SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 2e-1950 CHET. STATION WAGONS 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN A number of 1953 Che'vr'olets and Pentium. Fully equipped., as low an 131.6.5 SPECIAL -1948 Mercury Sedan -... =295.00 Number of older models TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS -Ranging from 54 -Te. Pickup to 5 -Tan Stake A written guerante$, for 60 days en all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS --- ONTARIO PHONE 7S-X-PThe Home of Better Used Cars" - OPEN EVERY EVENING • • • 4 4 r