The Huron Expositor, 1954-09-17, Page 4:l 1 : WAI1T ADS WORH ified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: let Week End Week 8rd Week Minimum charge, each insertion.., 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Card* of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Mbinimum, SC ,„ 50 tents per weak. quIrie6 may be directed to a Boa No., 0/0 The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten menta additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days ' of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. 1 Cent % Cent 1,6 cent Coming Events EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom Mitchell Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4617-9 COMING TO NORTHSIDE UNITED Church on Monday, Septeunber 27, at 8:15 p.m., E.S,T., colored pictures of the British Isles, shown by Robert Allen, Brucefieid. Sponsored by Group Three W.A. Silver collection. 4523-1 Lost and Found FOUND — IN SEAFORTH, RUBBER key container wjth two keys. Own- er may have same by proving property and paying charges. Apply Box 362, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4523-1 Wanted WANTED--TWO-WHEEL TRAILER 1N good condition : 15 -inch tires prefer- red." Apply STAN BRAY, Seaforth. Phone 6S6 -W. 4523x3 WANTED TO RENT — 50 TO 100 acres, suitable for growing grain : sod or stubble. Apply MURRAY DEN - NIS, R.R.' 1, Walton. Phone Seaforth 843 r 82. 4523x3 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E It Goutai mailed postpaidold 1L plain, sealed ; envelope with Deice lint. 6 samples 25c 24 awn:plea 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER GO., Box 91. Hamilton. TIRED,. WEAK MEN! GET NEW PEP ▪ at 40, 30, 60. Feel years younger. Try Oateex Tonic Tablets. Invigorates both sexes. "Get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. Help Wanted HELP WANTED Experienced Bookkeeper State age and experience. For local grain elevator. Apply in writing only to BOX 356, HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth. 4522-2 For Rent ',loft RENT—HEATED APARTMENT, ▪ behind Seaforth Clinic. ADp'S DR. E. A. McMASTER, Seaforth. 4323-1 WANTED --OLD HORSES, 3 CENTS RENT—APARTMENT, FOR RENT ---AP per pound; dead cattle and horses Ffurnish Wil. Available T, at value. important to phone at once, on day or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK October 1. PHONE 370-W. RANCH. Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. 432 2-tf WANTED—GOOD WARM ROOM AND board for an elderly man. In a home on ground floor that has central heating and modern conveniences, and in a town or village. Prefer with someone who can give liver hypo once a week. Will .pay extra for good warm place. Write to Post Office Box 67. Hensall. Ont. 4522x2 Property For Sale 4 -ROOM - or before FOR SALE. -QUANTITY HARDWOOD 4523-1 slabs. foot long : also quantity liard- wooei tons. McKillop -Grey boundary. AP - FOR RENT— M FURNISHED APARTMENT ply JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 604, in Town of Seaforth. Available ()is -Brussels. 452272 tuber 1. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON. FOR SALE—QUANTITY HARDWOOD Phone 661 r 14. Seaforth. '4523_2 slt,bs. foot''tioni also quantity hard- , ',v. a+d tops. 11cl:illop-Grey boundary. Ap- APARTMENT FOR RENT—COMPLETE- ply' .l A.MES STEVENSON. • Phone 604. bself-contained apartment, one bed- Brussels- 45E3x2 room, three-piece bath: heated. On WOOD FOR SALE — HARDWOOD ground floor. Available October 1. Ap- slabs have been piled all summer, PIN' in writing to Box 357. HURON EX- POSITOR. 4522x2 $n14roxipermateload,ly 3 or $cor5 ds peperr singleloacd. ord'. ApsyAP- ly �%(� ANTED—.A -MIDDLE-.AGED MAR- 1 WM. CALDWELL, • Brueefield. Phone " • ried couple to rent part of house Clinton, 627 r S. 4518x7 For Sale OR SALE—EASY WASHING MACH- 'ine; used two years- PHONE 888.R. 46.284 HOLSTEIN VEALEIR FOR SALE -- W ILLI AM ALE—WILLIAM BOYD, Walton. Phone 848 r 41. Seaforth. 4523x1 POR SALE—QUANTITY CORNELL 596 wheat for seed, grown from register- ed seed. JAMES LAN'DSBOROUGH- Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 452232 FOR SALE -ONE RED PURE BRED Shorthorn bull. 14 months old ; ac- credited. CHARLES REID, Varna, Ont. - 4628-2 WRECKING '42 HUDSON. '42 DODGE. '41 Dodge, '41 Chev., '41 Fords ani many older models. CUDMORE'S GRAV- EL. 171 r 3, Exet6r. 4518-6 POR SALE- FILTER QUEEN V ACUUM Cleaner; all attachments: wonderful auction. Only 935.00. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4523-1 SALES AND SERVICE ON ALL MEAT and grocery store 'equipment; cash register and adding machines. L. NOR- TON, 339 Wellington St., London. Phone S-,401. 4520-1 MODERN FINDLAY COAL RANGE— Enamel front, high back, shelf; 32 - inch width; complete with waterfront and +eater pipes. Bargain for quick sale. PHONE 120, Seaforth. 4523x1 SEE THE NEW 1955 NORI'Hr,RN ELEC- tric TV. We handle complete anten- nae installations. Prices on request. F. A. DUTTON, Brucefield. Phone Clinton: 634 r 4. 4521-tf PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects Tables, chairs, beds, sectional writing desk and bookcase combined, side- board. chest of drawers. Apply to Box :161. HURON EXPOSITOR. 452.'4-1 LABS FOR SALE --HARDWOOD, 510 per load. approximately 2 cords; mix- ed wood. $5 per load, approximatele 2 cords. 'Prompt delivery FRED J. HL DIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4523x8 Births HOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, ' from elderly widow. Must be reliable and of Protestant frith. For 'EXPOSITOR. bedrooms, den; 3 -piece bathroom, ply to Rox 360, HURON EXPOSITOR. I modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring. 4523,:2 i insulated. water heater: lot 100 x 120. ' PHONE 31, Seaforth. or write Box 324. • HURON EXPOSITOR. 4521-tf FOA. SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ling, situated on Goderich St West.FOR SALE — 400 PULLETS, 51...2All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- months.. black with silver laced necks ing with oil : two bathrooms. Garage and'„I good weaner pigs. VIVAN COOPER. small garden. Veryy eonconvenient to shop - 4323x1 r 21. Seaforth. 4323x1 ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR ''0R SALE—RED ROCK AND RED 45., 1-tf I t Sussex pullets. ready for range. Priced 'for quick sale. Apply W. C. HENDER- SON. Phone 6834, Seaforth. 4521 -ti Poultry GRAND BEND -10u+ ACRES OF LAND containing two small dwellings. barn and garage. Excellent location for future business interests of village. Frontage on Blue Water Highway. Choice clay loam land. has natural drainage: also water an estate. Terms : cash. Apply HENRY GREEN. Grand Bend. Ont. pressuresystem.Must be sold to close; Notices To Creditors 4523x1 1 NOTICE to CREDITORS Notices In the Estate of MARGARET IRVINE ALL- PERSONS HAVING CLAI M'S a ninst the Estate of Ma aret Irvine. NOTICE — MRS. PETERlCHRISTEN- c ' !rte of the Town of Seaforth. in the sen. Main St., will give best of day care to bab>f under school age. PHONE • 22-11/1. 452.3x1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL 'minty of Huron. Widow. deceased. who !i• d on the 3th day of August, 1954. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or ll'efore the. Sth' day of October. 1954. after makes ; 22 years' experience, We pick whirh date the assets will be distributed. up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. having regard only to claims then re-; WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR 4321-tf o•d,ed neighbors and friends for their many kind acts of sympathy and help during day of l our recent sad bereavement, Special ;hanks to Rev. J. W. Stinson, to all those ho loaned their cars. -and for the many autiful floral tributes. o THE ARMSTRONG FAMILY 4'.28-1 4523-3 DALTON --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 14, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Mur- ray Dalton, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a son. FESRGUSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on September 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson, R.R. 1, Hensall, a son. HARBURN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on September 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Harburn, R.R. 8, Dublin, a daugh- ter. HUTCHINLSON—At St Mary's Hospital. Kitchener, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hutch- inson, a son. MoNICHOL—At Scott ,Memorial Hospital, on September 16, to Mr. and Mrs, Glen McNichol, R.R. 2. Walton, a daughter. McNICHOL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'M,cNichol, R.R. 4, Walton, a daughter. RYAN- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice .Ryan, R.R. 3, Dublin, a daughter. FOR SALE — WD ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor, fully equipped, in A-1 condi- tion. Priced reasonably. Will sell out- s fight or trade for cattle. Apply DON CRICH- R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone Clin- ton 614 r 3. 4523x1 FOR ALE — DUO THERM SPACE berate with 'pipes. and Empire coal and wood nge: both in excellent condi- tion. Also 90 -gallon oil tank. Reason- able. Apply. MAX CARTER. Egmondville. Phone 454-W. 4522-2 Agents wanted GOOD DEALERS Kippen United WA Plans Bazaar to Help Pay for New Floor wanted to establish a business of their own with our 925 guaranteed and well- known products such as: Toiletries, Cul- inaries, Medicines. Domestic Necessities, Tea, Coffee, etc- Excellent opportunity to earn from 950 to 975 Per week. Specials each month with free products. Substan- tial discount. Exclusive territory. 518 needed. NO RISK. Details— JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, MontreaL 4521-4 Cards of Thanks RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS; DATED at Seaforth. this 13th • of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- ' September. 1954. PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth.I Phone 347-R. I McCONNELL & HAYS. 4521-tf Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE — PAINTING. PAPERHANG in¢ : interior and exterior decorating. See our 1974 wallpaper designs. WAL- TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9. Brussels. 4521-tf The Woman's Association met following the W.M.S. last week. The president, Mrs. W. Workplan, opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer. It Was reported the new floor had been laid in the manse kitchen. It was decided to hold a bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 20. A vote was held' regarding a fowl supper, which resulted in no fowl supper, so a canvass will be held right away. A dainty lunch was served. Auction Sales ATTENTION, FARMERS — PROMPT. cnurteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 235 Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., nn Canada Ltd. 4321-19 ATTENTION, FARMERS! McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind insurance. Ontario Automobile As- , roc. 10. A.A.1, Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Ccr.sult ERIC H, MUNROE, Seaforth- 45221-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house. apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please ' call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 382 : 'local 252. 4521-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- sla your land docs, not need. We will. without charge to you. take samples of the earth in your fields and hare them analysed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PRONE t6 or 876 4484-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery will be held at Let 25Concession 11. McKillop Town- ship. 6t_ miles north of Seaforth, on 16. Sara Isabel McLean. in her Thursday. September 30th. at 1 p.m. List year. next week. JOHN BYERMAN, Proprie- Deaths OIG -In Tuckers-rnith, on Saturday, Sept 11. Mae C. McGeoch, beloved wife of Paul Doig, in her 59th year. McLEAN---In Seaforth, on Thursday. Sept. 87th tor: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer: E. P. 'Chesney. Clerk. , 4723-1 FERGUS Aberdeen -Angus Sale SEPTEMBER 28th. 1 :30 P.M. Among the consignors to this important sale are those who have won top honors in the big shows. Angus cattle are al- aays at the top in the show ring and on the markets. 'To start with Angus in fifty-four spells gain in fifty-five. Cata- logue free. SECRETARY. CLAUDE RUNNING. Fergus - 4523 -1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- leets in the Town of Seaforth. on North Main Street on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, at 1:30 p.m.: One chesterfield and chair: walnut coffee table: 8 dressers. stands: settee 3 small tables: occasional chair and rockers: 1 fernery : drophend Singer sewing machine: wardrobe: day bed: 6 kitchen chairs: modern brown Led, springs and mattress: maple kitchen set: table. buffet and 4 chairs: Finlay Quebec heater: white enamel Wingham Clipper cook stove (like new) : 2 -burner electric rangette 'like new 1 : white enamel elec- tric washing machine; aothes horse tubs: floor polisher :. garden tools : garden oulti- vatnr : i•na'l • oil stove. Terms -- Cash. JAMES PRETTY. Proprietor: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4522-2 UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- ell under authority of By -Law No. 13, ; 1952, Township of Tuckersmith. I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Eginondville and Harpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1964. to November 1, 1954. Owners or harborers of dogs eontraven-, ing the provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of 560.00. I (Signed) JAMES DI NO. Reeve, Township of Tisckersntlth, 4511-tf In Memoriam A th--tx LOVING Ilt' e.MORY OF A 'Yl deur *wither and srandrriotlter, Mrs. Jahn iNllir vdlto ,Versed awn' two Yellin an* Reritian'ber 17, tea boli kind it ell her ways, �b-,...atit Mol to the end of her days; ten and token her heart and rrditd. mgdfii1 notaries she hitt Schild iq "tl hated bW'. Bart, Oaten, Cheryl iia?l AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD HP- `ects id the Town of Seaforth. on Saturday. September 18th, on Goderich Street West: Antique walnut sofa: 2 walnut occasional chairs: leather platform rocker: oak parlor table: antique walnut steeple clock : walnut table: mantel clock : mahogany settee: walnut platform rock- er: rocking chairs : hall rack ; large ex- tension table; 6 oak dining room chairs: oak buffet: china cabinet: walnutdrop- leaf table: 6 walnut dining room chairs: ertunel Beach cook stove; 1 glass kitchen cupboard: 6 kitchen chairs; McCrary ,stove: solid walnut bed. springs and mat- t rasa : 2 walnut cabinets : walnut bedroom table: walnnt chest of drawers':' walnut table and antique mirror ; walnut ward- robe; 5 walnut chairs with cane bottoms: 3 linoleum rugs: rosewood antique chest of drawers: Axminster rugs, 12x10: Ax- minster rug, 12x14; wool carpet. 10x12: scatter mato ; carnet sweeper: pillows : blankets ; quilts' ; curtains : hammock chin, including Lemoges set of dishes, sherbet glosses, number cut Klass dishes : ornaments ; pictures ; flower stand ; tuba pails: 2,burner bot -plate: scales t 26 -foot extension ladder; Step ladder lawn mower ; trunks; garden tants : kitchen utensils : other articles. .Temps — Cash. if1SS MtA'IuRTita FOW• art, Proprlstreas unsold ;hones, Auctioneer; 1G, P. Chea- lt 'CIerlc. 4522-2 GARNET MINERS EX17TE7R---iGardtet Miners, 66, who had farmed all his life in Us, borne Township, on the Harm where he was born, died suddenly an Monday from a heart attack. In addition to farming, he was a widely known hog drover, and was a member of Elimville United Church. Surviving besides his wife, the former Vera Batten, 1s one ran, John, on the home farm; and two daughters, Mrs, Howard Johns, Uaborne, and Mrs. Eric Garscad- den, Exeter. The remains rested at the Hop- per -Hockey Funeral Home,Exe- ter, where services were cOII illct- ed 'rhursday at 2:30 p.m., by the Rev. W. J. Moores, and interment made in Exeter cemetery. THOMAS LAING EXETER.—Thomas Laing, 82, died Sunday night in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Born in Hay Township, he had been a resident of Exeter since 1916. His wife, the former Ann• Bell, died in 1925. He was a member of Caven Presby- terian Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ulric Snell (Hazel), Exeter; two sons, Hilton, Exeter; Cecil, Bur- lington. The body rested at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Ex- eter, where tho Rev. Samuel Kerr conducted services Tuesday after- noon. Burial was in Hensel]. Union Cemetery. Nntralia Girl to Enter Full Time Service' of Church Hensall News of the Week Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. Alex Mousseau and Allan Crerar were in Detroit recently, and while there attended the Michigan State Fair. Mr. William Foster is a- patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Loudon, where he underwent an operation. Don Brock, student at Seaforth District High School, has been in- formed that he has been awarded the... Atkinson Charitable Founda- tion Bursary of 3.400. Don, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, of Hensall, is entering the degree course at the O.A.C., Guelph, this term. Rev. W. J. Rogers conducted ser- vice last Sunday morning. His theme was "God is Not a Has - Been,” Mr. S. Rannie sang a solo, "O n e Sweetly Solemn Thought," accompanied by Miss Laramie. At the morning service in Chis- elhrust last Sunday, the Misses Faye Ross, J'i mss, Maja Roo- bal and Marilyn Eyre sang, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross." Next Sunday morning, Sept. 19, marks the W.M.S. thankoffering service. Rev. J. W. Stinson, of Seaforth, is guest speaker. Mr. Stinson bas the Chiselhurst service at', 9:45 o'clock. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie on Sunday were: Mrs, R. S. Hopkins and Mr. W. E. Cochrane, of Hinsdale, Ill.; W. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. J To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coch- rane, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Cameron and daughter, Anne, Seaforth; Mr..and Mrs. C. A. Rob- inson. Zurich; Mr. and Mrs, L. S. Eiler, Hensall; Mrs. R. T. Dick and children. Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurtrie, Kippen, and Carol, of Hensall. Announce Sale Of Tasty Grill Restaurant Sale of Tasty Grill restaurant by Edward A. Wright, was announced Thursday. . The new proprietors, George and Wing Wong, obtain im- mediate possession and will reopen within a fey days. following ex- tensive alterations to the premises. Y1tr14�''Lv1�.i«o"1 1-1950 DESOTO—Four-Door 1-1949 DESOTO—Four-Door 1-1951 CHEV. COACH -1-1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1-1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1-1950 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN 1-1951 DODGE' SEDAN 1-1951 CHEV,. SEDAN 1-1947 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1-1941 FORD SEDAN Used Machinery 1 Model C Forage Harvester, with pickup and recovery attachment 1 Case Model D Tractor 1 Case Model S Tractor 1 Case Model LA Tractor 1 Case Model VA Tractor 1 Oliver 77 Tractor, with scuffler and bean puller 1 Cockshutt 70 Tractor 1 John Deere Model "C" Tractor, with scuffler Rowcliffe Mol'Ors Phone 267 • Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart' McQueen enjoyed a motor trip to Carleton Place and Ottawa last week. Hensall Bride -Elect Entertained at Tea An impressive service took place in the Centralia United Church last Sunday night, when 'Miss Frances Clarke, daughter of the minister, Rev. and Mrs. Clarke, volunteered for full time service in the church. Miss Clarke was presented by Mrs. M. Elliott, presi- dent of the W.M.S. During her re- marks, Miss Clarke paid -tribute to her Christian home, mentioned' camp work, C.G.LT. work, etc„ af- ter which her father offered the dedication service. The guest speaker, Mrs, W. J. Moores, Thames Road, had a stir- ring message. To quote: "Let us catch light from the vision we have seen tonight. The important step i8recruiting ruiti for students and can- didates, Young women are need- ed The United Church needs you. If Christianity loses its vitality in the Wiest, we have only ourselves to blame for what will happen in the East. There is an urgent need for qualified women workers. Can we find the workers? Can we raise the budget? The opportunity is ours. We must act now. Dare We fail? Do you love Me: feed My sheep. Let us get behind them KIPPEN Mrs. George Armstrong enter- tained ntertained' at a trousseau tea Saturday afternoon and evening in honor of her daughter, Betty, whose mar- riage®to Donald Roy Flar, Grand Bend, takes place in the United Church, Hensall, Saturday, Sept. 18, at.3 p.m. Mrs. Armstrong and her daughter, Betty, assisted by Mr& Roy Flear, of Grand Bend, re- ceived the guests. The trousseau and gifts were displayed by Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Exeter; Mrs. N. Mattson. and the Misses Betty Moir, Betty Mickle, Shirley Flynn, all of London; Miss Shirley Tay- lor, Exeter, and Miss Lois Hender- son. Miss Jean Armstrong invited the guests to the tea room. Serv- ing lunch were Mrs Ken Elder, Mrs. J. Simmons, Mrs, Harold" El- der, Mrs. L. Baynham, Miss Jean Mousseau;, pouring tea, Mrs. J. D. Buchanan, London; Mrs. C. Ken- nedy, Grand Bend, and Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mrs. E. Sproat, Hensall. Mrs. Mary Hildebrant' was hos- tess at ,her home last Thursday night for a presentation for Miss Betty Armstrong, bride -elect of this Saturday. Mrs. Norman Matt- son, of London, arranged the af- fair, to which 40 were' invited guests. Betty was made the pres- entation of a ibrldge table and chairs and many other gifts. The address was read by Miss Jean Mousseau. Contests were enjoyed Twin Calves Born To McKillop Heifer At Western Fair Mr. and M.r91►'Dave Russell, of Sault Ste. Marie, spent the past week with their niece, Mrs. Alex McGregor and family. Mr. and 'Mrs, J. H. Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. A- Gackstetter spent Friday in London and also visited Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Horney in Exe- ter. Mr. and Mrs. W.ni. Ness, of Osh- awa, visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor. Mr. Edward Gackstetter, Zur- ich, visited oh Sunday evening with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Munroe and Mrs. William Dietz returned home from a two weeks' vacation on Lake -of -Bays. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Win- throp, visited Sunday with the lat- ter's parel!ts, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. .Mr. Elzar Mousseau and Mr. Herb Mousseau, of Zurich, have been to Parry Sound for a few days on a fishing trip. Several from the community are attending the Western Fair this week. :Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Beaton, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors of Mr. Jonah Green. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stokes and son, Larry, of London, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Stokes' father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod have returned home after a pleas- ant trip to Lennoxville, Quebec, and Montreal, and on the return trip visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. Garth Mosher, of Trenton. Mrs. Robert McBride attended morning and evening anniversary services Sunday at Goshen United Church. Mrs. Dickert, of .Clifford, who has been the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Dickert, the past week, re- turned to'her home on Sunday. 1pdr, and Mrs. Roy Gibbons and Mrs. Trott, of Ottawa, •and now of Clinton, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones and sons visited Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman in Exeter. We are happy to report Mr. Ed- gar McBride is home after being a few days in Victoria Hospital, London. with spiritual and material support. How much enthusiasm do we show' when young people give -their all to His service?" t1 Miss Clarke enters the United Church Training School. 41,31r0. Skinner was 'pianist. M'asteiGieo. Godbolt sang a solo, "Dare To Be a Daniel." Miss Arlene Skinner offered a solo, t'Have Thine Own Way." At the close, Iiev. 'Down pronounced the benediction. Miss Clarke was presented with a Hymnary on behalf of the W.A. by Mrs. K. Greb. Miss Greta Laramie, Mrs, Pearsy Graham • and Gladys Luker attended this service. When a two-year-old pure bred Holstein heifer was selected from his herd. to represent Huron Hol- stein breeders at . London Fair, William Boyd. McKillop, was well pleased. But his pleasure was as nothing compared to how he felt when he learned on Tuesday that the heifer had given birth to twin calves while still at the fair. At last word, mother and children were doing well. 12. ...ns,,,ltefta .tt4 sir '4110" 11 la, Pe e, Mz MIN Mier, I.:Patten,. Mrs. ut W -Ba and ;Bilk Spent $1pndayTarOlgt ) : Marini. Batten , 0L t •.fir day' "with her VroUtilMireitta. *tc and Wo. +1. 4.01418. IMISS Wilma, Walter* iastd 71_ and M: J. Wick ellept 'ha .weetrr end; with 4dr., did 'Mrs Wal- te1Rt. Miss Ruth Horne had the mi - fortune to break her toot and noir has ithiacast. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walters Spent Sunday afternoon with her mother. Mrs. Mand Clark. Mrs, B- Morgan, Johnny and Larry, of the Thames Road, spm Sunday evening with and Mrs. N. Clarke. Graham Chisel PIow The Graham Plow breaks up hardpan — stores moisture bleaseed into sub -soil — increases yield — prevents washing — eavee Your soil — saves your, money. For further particulars or demonstration, contact your 1061al dealer R. M. PECK, KiPPen Phone 671 r 11. -- Hensall — or --- JOHNNIE JOHNNIE BLJE Phone 645 — Seaforth. Johnny: "What makes the new baby at your house cry so much, Nancy?" Nancy: "It doesn't cry so much, and anyway, if all your teeth were out, and your hair was off, and your legs were so weak you couldn't stand up, I guess you'd cry too." - Money -Making Ways Discussed By Hensall .. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held a pot -luck sup- per in the church schoolroom Mon- day evening. The tea tables were artistically decorated with lovely autumn flowers. Hostesses were 1 Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. 11. .Mc - Ewan. President Mrs. D. McKelvie presided' for the business session which followed. The secretary, Mrs. W. - Richardson, read thank - you notes from the Scott family and Mrs. R. Mock. Rev. W. J. Rogers showed lovely senic views, Mrs. Howat'd Searle voiced thanks to Mr. Rogers for his kindness. Mrs. B. Kyle had an assortment of Christmas cards on display. Volun- teers for flowers on Sundays are: Sept. 19. Mrs. R. Cook and Mrs. "H. Scone; Sept. 26, Mrs. Harvey Keys and Mrs. Jack Simmons; Oct. 3, Mrs. Eugene Forrester and Mrs. R. Reaburn; Oct. 10, Mrs. Ken El- der and 'Mrs. A. Shirray. The president brought up mon- ey -making schemes. The 'group bas decided to donate a free-will offer- ing to make extra funds. Bach member is asked to present dona- tions at the October or November meeting. Mrs. McKelvie moved a vote of tanks to the hostesses for the lovely arrangements. At this time Miss M. Ellis fittingly thank- ed the girls for their recognition of her faithful service in making presentation of lovely brass urns to the church. Hostesses for October are Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. W. Miekle. Mrs. J. Drysdale will take the devotional, and 'Mrs. D. Cook H.F.A. Football Final Fifth Game • HOLSTEIN • WINTHROP FRIDAY, SEPT. 17th At Winthrop Community Park Game time'— 6 o'clock Brussels Fall Fair on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st $2,000.00 PRIZES FOR HORSES Afternoon Performance Midway - GIANT COLORFUL SCHOOL PARADE Two Bands F. A. Lashley to Open the Fair Races Come and see for yourself the Big Fall Fair at Brussels or send for Prize List if interested in exhibits. GEO. WESENBURG - Secretary Giant FROLK HENSALL'. Friday, September 2411i IN COMMUNITY ARENA PROGRAMME 8:30 SPECIAL VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUNG AND 9LD, Featuring— Everette Mires, Master of Ceremonies, mul kis New Magic Show! Mr. Mires has just concluded a trip in New Yo79c, bringing back with him new.tricks, new fun! Audry—The Beautiful Blonde Guitar -Player Joey Ilollingsworth—High Class Tap Dancer Dalt Walpole—Pianist — A GOOD SHOW FOR ALL — Chinese Auction, Fortune Telling, Clowns, Miniature Circus, Bingo Come and Relax and Have a Good Time PROCEEDS FOR ARTIFICIAL ICE Sponsored by HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Admission — 50e and 25e IS prbgrahl convener. 1 • SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market �USED CARS SPECIAL—A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar- anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, etc. �� 895, �O As low as a 3-1952 'CHEV. SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1950 CHEV. STATION WAGONS 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN A number of 1953 Chevrolets and Poetises. Fully equipped, as low as 0,595 SPECIAL -1948 Mercury Sedan ---- S225.00 Number of older models TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS—Ranping from 54 -Ton Pickup to 5 -Ton Stake A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Caw MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTO BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO PHONE 7$ -X --''The Home of Better 'Used Caren OPEN 'EVERY EVENING l anfi't, A a A • , 4 , c • • 4 • • • • , , • , 41 a , • 4 ,I