HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-08-27, Page 41 , .4 • i • ' No' v • ' 193 OUR THE HURON EXP,O6ITOR 11004 Ws %ON SIMON 11 .rettlikssified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Por Word: • 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion- 36 Ceuta • Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notion Coming Event. -1 cent per ward. minims's:a, 60 cants per week. ilafildries Mar be dirasted to a Box No.. e/o The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 cents esiZa. TM .c additional will be charged if oda in above dam are not paid withba 10 days Or data or anal insertion. Bhth.. Marriage, and Deaths inserted free of chance. anetion Sal. Notices to Creditors, Etc.--Itates on application. Coming Events VERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 45.17-9 • FIDELITY LODGE 02r3 drat and third Wed- nesday evenings of No, 55, meets each month at 8 p.m. Noble Grand, L Trewartha; Record- ing Secretary. Harry McLeod. 4493-18 IMILDMAY FIREMEN'S BINGO, WED- nesday, Sept. 1st, on the new Arena floor. Dingoes every second Wednesday; Mildmay Community Centre; $2.300.00 in cash prizes. This surer special must go - 81.000. 'Three special prizes, 5200; 14 games, prizes 550.00. For 61.00, extra and special carde 25.3 or 5 for 51.00. Woo open 7:43 p.m.: games start 9 :00 P. sharp. 4520-1 Property For Sale 'OUSE FOR SALE --FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms. den. 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated, water heater lot 100 x 120. PHONE 91, Seaforth, or Box 824, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4506-tf Vs012. SALE -FRAME IfOUSE, EIGHT rooms. furnace, complete bathroom and second toilet: recently redecorated Large stable on lot which could be con- verted to house. MRS. AGN ES STEW - ART, Hensall. or Phone 297-W. Mitchell. 4S20x2 VOR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ' ling, situated on Goderich St. West,. All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil: two bathroaerts. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4514-tf For Sale or Rent ITOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT - ON " Louisa Street; two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom. All newly dec- orated. Alt on one thsor. Immediate pos- ses.sion. PHONE 582-W. POR SALE -52 ACRES ON NO. 4 Highway in Stanley Township. half mile north of Brucefield; level clay loam, never -failing stream; bank barn ; brick house; each has hydro and water in- stalled. Well fenced and drained. All in good condition. Apply to WILLIAM HENRY, Hensall. Ont. Phone 117-M. 4519x3 FOR SALE 4520-1 5 Motor Cars For Sale eeoR SALE - 1953 FORD PICKUP trask. I Ss ton ; first els-ss condition. TELEPHONE BAYFIELD 27. 4519x3 Help Wanted 'PEEP WANTED -PART TIME HOUSE- '''. keeper, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Middle- aged lady preferred. Box 853, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4520-1 WANTED - BOOKKEEPER FOR A " small 7Eoe: 4/s. days weekly. Ex- perience not necessarY. Apply to BOX 90, Seaforth 4520x2 ou-aexreopErt WANTED IN PRO- testant home; one adult. one school- age boy. Five or seven days a week continuously. Middle-aged or elderly wo- man preferred. Apply to REG KNIGHT, Eganondville (evenings). 4520x1 FOREMAN FURNITURE FINISHER, fully experienced for top-qualitY, Pro- gressive manufacturer in Western On- tario. Our foreman recently deceased. Pleasant working conditions, steady em- ployment., group insurance. etc. Kindly give full details in first letter in confi- dence. Box 335, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4518-2 MODERN RESIDENCE OF THE LATE Mrs. Charles Stewart, at corner of Church and Centre Streets. Oil heat with hot water ; hardwood floors throughout. Well landscaped. Apply McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 4519-3 Notices NOTICE - WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. Will pick up and deliver. Phone JOHN MaeLEAN, 649 r 3, Sea - forth. 4501-tf MALE HELP WANTED Lost and Found T OST -A PAIR OF CHILD'S GLASSES, last Saturday. Reward. PHONE 663 ✓ 22, Seaforth. • 4520x1 ,C1ST-A PAIR OF PINK RIMMED glasses in wine leathler case. between Main Street and Louisa Street. Apply at DtENNIS ELECTRIC. 4520-1 TAMED I ATELY, MEN CAPABLE OF filling positions in our manufacturing Plant. Apply in person to Robert Bell Industries • Seaforth STRAYED ON TO LOT 6, CONCESSION " 7, Stanley Township, a red cow, about August 13. Owner may have same by Proving property and Paying charges. HARVEY TURNER. Phone Hensall 696 ✓ 31. 4520x1 4520-2 Wanted WANTED 'l'o RENT --A 1101JSE AND " barn. Apply CAROL VANDERZON, Railway Street. 4520x'2 Personals ANTED -- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for upstairs work. Apply QUEEN'S HOTEL, Seaforth. 4520x1 WANTED - 25 CYCLE 14 HORSE- " power electric motor. PHONE SEA - FORTH 265, August 27 to August 29. 4520-1 ITYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER 'LA Gomm). mailed postpaid in plain. moiled envelope with price list. 6 samples 2&c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91., Hamilton, Ont; NOtices To Creditors WORK WANTED -WOULD LOOK AF- " ter children five days a week while mother works. Apply Box 354, HURON EXPOSITOR. • 4520-1 WANTED -OLD HORSES FOR MINK feed GILBERT BROS., Phone collect 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. Godes rich, 4512-tf NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JEAN FREEMAN ‘TACULIM GLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL v makes years' experience. We pick ALL PERSONS, HAVING C L A TM S up and deliver. PHONE 162-W. Seaforth. " against the Estate of Jean Freeman. 4507-t8 late of the Town of Seaforth, County of , Huron, deceased. who died on or about RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS the 18th day of August. 1954. are hereby of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- notified to send in to the undersigned on PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. or before the 21st day of September. 1954, Phone. 347-R. 4844 -et full particulars ,,of their claims. after which date the assets will be distributed. having qALES ANSI SERVICE ON ALL HEAT i regard only to claims then received. and grocery store equipment; cash" register and adding machines. L. HOR- DATED at Seaforth. Ont.. this 23rd day TON, 339 Wellington St., London. Phone ;of August. 1954. 3-3401. 45,20-4 , BODING HOUSE WANTED IM medintely for single man. Apply Box 337, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4519-2 WANTED -WAY TO LONDON SUN- " dav night. August 29th, after 10 p.m., or Monday at 8 a.m.. for three girls. PHONE SEAFORTH 265. -woe SALE -175 RED Apply JOHN E. PULLETS, SIX 4520-1 months old; laying. CARTER. Phone 847 r 14. Seaforth. 4520x1 NOTICE here. COOMBS, forth depot, ice cream, chocolate bars and cigarettes. 45184 MOTICE - PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ing : interior and exterior 'decorating. See our 1954 wallpaper designs.. WAL- TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone '48 r 9. Brussels 45.14-tf NO MONICEY BUSINESS We give service. CLEAVE j A. Service. Phone 582. Sea- For Sale liptEE'rS, 6 QUARTS, 60c, BUSHEL 51.25; "" Bantam corn, dozen , 24e; Gladioli blooms, 50c. B PURCELL, Market St. 4520-1 volt SALE -10E BOX, AND HEAVY duty electric range, four burners; also coal blower for furnace. All in good condition. STAFFEN'S PLUMBING & HEATING, Seaforth. 4619-2 VOR SALE -90 GOOD YOUNG IBREED- '1 ing ewes. Apply MRS. CHARLES ARMSTRONG, Lot 2, Concession 13, Grey Township, or phone Bruaeels 42 r 4. 4519-2 pott, SALE-QUANT1TY CORNELL 595 wheat for seed. grown from register- ed seed. JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 45194 FARM MACHINERY FO.---SALE-- Keck-Gonnerman pick-up beaner com- bines; used Keck-Gonnerman bean thresh- ers in good condition; also all parts in stook. For information. contact your dealer: EUGENE DIETRJOK. Phone 31 r 5, Dashwood. Ont, 4515-6 QANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SEP- " tic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary mod- ern equipment_ All work guaranteed sat- isfactory. For quick service, write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, Brussels, Ont, Phone Brussels, 42 ring 6. 4619x4 A RTICLES FOR SALE - STOVE S, large enamel cook stove, burns coal or wood; splendid baker: bas high shelf and heater; burns wood and coal, in first class condition. Would make nice heater for summer cottage; kitchen white enamel sink almost new; cheap for quick sale. MRS. ROBERT BAKER, Hensel]. Box 26. 45184 Poultry ALVIN W. SILLERY,' Barrister. &c.. Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4520-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS AND OTHERS E T TE OF DUNCAN LOUIS IN THE S A McNICHOL, late of the Township of ATTEN'TION. FARMERS 1 - PROMPT McKillop, deceased, who died on July courteous collection of all dead and 19th, 1954. disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 235 -1-3- A LL PERSONS CLAIMING AGAINST Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., 111( the above Estate are required to for - Canada Ltd. 4399 tf ward full particulars to the undersigned not later than September 20th, 1964, after ATTENTION. FARMERS! - McKILLOP which date the assets will be distributed. Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As -1 DA l'•..0 at Goderich. August 16. 1954. For Sale -h-sOR SALE, --12 LOADS OF GOOD ' clban oat straw. PHONE 847 r 4, rTHE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Seaforth. • 4520x1 .i. William A. Freeman wish to thank her friends for the many kindnesses FOR SALE -USED UPRIGHT PIANO, shown during her last illness ' excellent condition. Will sasrifice. 45.2051 Phone Seaforth 265. STAN SMITH. ' 4520-1 • Cards of Thanks goes (0.A -A-), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Commit ERIC H. MUNROE, Seafiarth. By DONNELLY & DONNELLY, 18 the Square. Goderich, Solicitors for the Estate. Lk OCOIVIMODATION REQUIRED FOR ▪ Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton: If you have a house apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at lirston, 382; local 252. 4436-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers nON"T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- '‚ • ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth In your fields and have them analyzed. GALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 876 4494-tf TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA NO. 1 Notice of Ratepayers' Meeting MEETING WILL BE HELD 523 S. A' S. No. 4 on Tuesday. September 7, 1954. at 830 p.m. The object of this meeting is to ascer- tain the wishes of the ratepayers regard- ing school property. S.S. No. 6. Signed: WILMER BROADFOOT. Chairman •Tuckeramith School Area No. 1. 46204 45194 NOTICE to CREDITORS WRECKING '42 HUDSON. '42 DODGE, '41 Dodge, '41 Chev., '41 Fords and many older models CUDMORE'S GRAV- EL, 171 r 3. Exeter. 45184 FOR SALE - GREY CLOTH COAT, suitable for fall and winter small 16. MRS. M. MENNELL, Seaforth. 4520x1 FOR SALE - CABLE PIANO AND stool. Has been thoroughly over- hauled. Apply MISS BRISTOW, R.R. 3. Seaforth. 4519x3 In the Estate of MARY MAUDE HARTRY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Maude Hertry, late of Seaforth. Spinster. deceas- ed. who died on or about the 4th August. 1954, are hereb11notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of August, 1994, full particulars of their claims. PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith TTPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM 005125. oil ender authority at By -Law No. 18. 1952, Township or Tockeramith, I hereby reclaim that all dose in the hamlets of Etnnondville and Harporhey are prohibited froai running at large ening the 'sated Iran June 1, 1954, to November 1, 1954. Otreers or herborens at 'doss coatroom - his the provisions of this by-law will be rbt to a mannatatt Desalts a 1150.00. (Maned) 1=119 DOJO, Toiriehb Wrakagrath. 41111.11 VOR SALE -PURE BRED TAMWORTH sows and boars. six months and un- der. Priced to sell. Apply to FRANGIS COLEMAN. Jr. Phone 828 r 22, Sea - forth. 4520x1 QEE IRA. NEW 1955 NORTHERN ELEC- `-' tric TV. We handle complete anten- nae installations. Prices on request. F. A. DUTTON, Brucefield. Phone Clinton: 634 r 4. 4520-tf WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD slabs have been piled all surnsmer, 214 per load, or 55 per single cord. Ap- proximately 3 cords per load. Annie WM. CALDWELL, Brucefield, Phone Clinton, 627 r 3. • 4318x7 Immediately after the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice: to the exclusion of all others, and the, undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 9th day of August. 1954. ALVIN W. SILL.ERY, Seaforth. Ont,, Solicitor for the Estate, 4519-8 Auction Sales C1LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. ' Farm Stock and Implements. at Lot 10. Concesaidn 13, McKillop Township, 114 miles south and 384 esst of Walton. on Wednesday. September 8th. at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -1 Registered 2 -year-old Here- ford bull; 14 good milking cows. all bred; 2 heifers; 22 heifer and steer year-old relate. PIGS -31 York Pigs. abont 140 Tbs. MACHINERY - W-6 McCormick -Deering tnictor. fully equipped: full line tractor machinery, including plow, mower, epring tooth cultivator on rubber; dies, roller, harrows, manure spreader, siderake. Wag.' on, drill, hamnier mill, sleighs, drive belt, cream separator; Renfrew milking mach- 1ne, 2 single units. scale% forks, shovels, chains, electric van, baled hay, Inbred grain. Property will be offered if not prevloualy sold: 87 acres good workable land' barge bank bent; excellent water supply; steel drive shed. henhouse, mo- ots- comae: 114 -storey brick house, bath- room, ha and cold water. Terms -Clint - tele. cads: property, 10% down; balance So days. Sold sables to reserve Md. MAIN OF LATE DUNCAN 14014101f. OL; Harold Jackson, Auctioseer; P1. P. Chesney, Clerk. 46204 Births Hensall News of the Week Your silhouette is showing! Let me give you a. preview of the love lier figure you can have in. Spencer Supports, designed for you alone. No obligation. MRS. PEARei BAYN- HA M. Hensall. Phone 171-W.- (Advt.). Brother-in-law Dies in Toronto Mrs. George Walker received word of the sudden death of her brother-in-law, Mr. David Fergu- son, of Toronto, who died of a heart seizure Sunday while yam: tioning at a Haliburton summer re- sort. A resident of Toronto for 38 years, he was married in 1916 to the former Jean Grassick, of Hen- sel], who survives. with two SORB, Dr, Allan Ferguson and Mr. Ross Ferguson. of Toronto, and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Toronto on Tuesday. CURTIN At Scott Memotial Hospital on August 25. to Mr. and Mrs. James Cur- tin, Dublin, a daughter. MILNER-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on August 23. to Mr. and Mrs Eric Milner, Seaforth. a daughter. Deaths KIPPEN KENNEDY-At,Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, August 24, John N. Kennedy, of Dublin, in his 76th year. MOYLAN-In St. Mary's Hospital, Lon- don, on Friday, August 20, Thomas Joseph' Moylan, of McKillop, in bis 93rd year. M.cFADDEN-In Vancouver, on August 19, Effie D. Hamilton, wife of the late W. J. McFadden, and elder daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Hamilton. formerly of Tuckersmith, in her 67th year Survived by one son, William H. McFadden, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.; two daughters. Mrs. Joseph Stephenson iJean) and Mrs. Edna McKee. both of Vancouver. and four grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. James E. Love, Tucker - smith, and Stewart Hamilton, Victoria, B.C. Mrs. James Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright had as guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petch, of Regina; Mr. Ted Cousins and sister, Mrs. Irwin, of Detroit; Mrs. McMurdo, of Owen Sound. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Lorne Park. Mrs. James Wright spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs John Gaff- ney at Monkton and attended the funeral of the late Jos. McCarthy in Mitchell last week. WINCHEISEA Attending the funeral were Mrs George Meeker, of Hensalle UT. Jim Grassick, and his, daughter and son-inelaw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong, of Exeter. Win First Game in Finals Hensall Finks defeated Lucknow Legionaires 7,6 at Henson Mdn- day night in the first game of the Intermediate 'IB" group 2 W.O.A.A. softball finale. Hensall got nine hits and committed three errors, while Lucknow tallied four hits and had two errors. .Cameron and Desjardine hit homers for Hensall, while 'Westlake connected for a home run for Lucknow. Mousseau went the route for Mensal with Masse catching, while Chisholm hurled for Lucknow and Westlake caught. At the morning service in the United Church, Rev. J. B. Fox preached effectively, choosing the text found in Proverbs 4, verse 13. Mr. S. Rennie sang a touching solo, "How Soft Were' Your Hands, Dear Jesus." Miss Greta Laramie was at the organ console. Next Sunday morning, August 29, owing to the absence of Mr. Fo-x, Rev. William Henderson, of Knox Church, Wal- kerton, will offieiate here and in Chiselhurst at 9:45 am. During the -• holiday season Miss Maja Roobol is ably supplying as pianist ut Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Gordon visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of Wel- burn. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and children and Miss Patsy Dodds spent Supday with relatives at Langton. Mrs, Nelson Clarke, of Farquhar, spent Monday with jher daughter, Mrs. William Walters Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, is spending her vacation with her sisters, ,Mrs. Harry Ford and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Several ladies of this commun- ity attended a, shower on Thursday evening last at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Johns. in honor of Mrs, Vincent Benseik, formerly Miss Bessie Johns, Mr. and, Mrs. Andrew Hardy,. of Ebenezer, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr, and Mrs: Newton Clarke and Mr. and Mrs'. Harold Clarke at- tended the Clarke reunion at Gode- rich on Sunday. . Mrs. Louisa Kyle, of Exeter, vis- ited on Thursday with 'Mrs. W. F. Batten. CROMARTY Goderich Business College OPENS Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1954 SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Practical Instructionin all Commercial Subjects modern Equipment - Friendly Experienced Teachers 'High Standards - Placement Service TUITION: Our Tuition is STILL only $17 per month Prompt Registration Advisable In order td obtain best results, we urge all students to commence on the opening date. Call 428W or 1272 for Appointment Ask for the Bulletin of Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association. 1951 Dodge Sedan -(Blue) 1951 Pontiac Sedan -(Blue) 1951 Chev. Sedan -Radio (Gunmetal) 1951 Chev. Coach -(Green) 1950 Dodge Club Coupe, with Radio 1950 Dodge Sedan -Radio (Blue) 1949 Plymouth Sedan -New motor (Black) USE]) TRUCKS 1950 Chev. 3/4 -Ton Express 1949 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Express 1946 Ford 1/2 -Ton Express USED TRACTORS Model LA Case Tractor (with Hydraulic) Model S Case Tractor Model 70 Cockshutt Tractor Model VAC Case Tractor Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 • Seaforth .14 lee eeteeeeperliTipiee-We3TTeeereevereeemr„tmremomrermeetpeene.4.,.,, AUGUST # 1954 A urrey With or Without The absent - minded professor drove up to the door of his garage, looked inside, blinked and then leaped back lite his car and drove at breakneck speed to the police station. "Sergeant!" he gasped, "my ear's been stolen!" • "All extremely bright men are conceited." He shrugged gracefully: "Oh, I dpn't know; I' banot!" • "Thankful! Wbat have I to be thankful for! I can't pa ymy bills." "Then, man alive, be thankful you aren't one of your creditors." RECEPTION (From The American Magazine) The horse and buggy are here tO stay! If you doubt it, just ask E. J. Knapp, president of the Stan- dard Vehicle Company of Lamm: enceburg, Ind. He not only claims to be the one manufacturer in the United States who makes these Dobbin -affairs exclusively, but says the buggy business is booming. Or- ders are stacked up waiting to be filled. He adds that he has a hard time finding trained craftsmen, for it takesan expert worker to turn carefully selected hickory wood in- to shafts and wheels, and oak in- to strictly non -streamlined but durable bodies. Some of Knapp's beet custom- ers own one or more expensive automobiles, but also like to slap the reins and jog along at a leis- urely 10 -mile -an -hour. clip around their country estates from Califor- nia to Long Islaaad. Many prefer a two -seated surrey, either with or without the fringe on top. Others select their ve- hicle from 49 other models made try Knapp, or it may be one of many different types of buggies, all with an 189e look, or a phaeton, a fancy carriage, or a pony cart. Knapp also sells to resorts like Mackinac Island in Michigan, For Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubert (Celia Norris), Seaforth, In Staffa Hall TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Ladies please bring lunch Everybody Welcome! Rev. A. Campbell, of St. Marys, occupied the pulpit on Sunday and will .be the speaker on August 29. Miss Nettie Scott, of Paisley and Mrs. James Hill, Miss Belle Camp- bell and Mrs. Campbell, of Sea - forth, called on friends in the vil- lage on Tuesday. Mrs, Sam McCurdy, accompan- ied by Mrs. Horton McDougald, Mrs. George Wallace •and Mrs. Wilbur Miller were the guests of Mrs. Harold McLeod in honor of their cousin, Beatrice Hodgert, who is leaving shortly for her home in Vanceever. • Mr. and, Mrs. Freak Allen have returned home after a two months' trip through the Western Prov- inces. • Mr. and Mrs. William McKaig and three ,daughters; of Sudbury, are spending a few days with An- gus McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Cal- der McKaig. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and Mrs. M. Houghton visited with Mrs. George Dalrymple and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunlop, and also called on Mrs. Belle Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen, of Mit- chell, visited on Wednesday with Mrs, Thomas Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour, of Sault Ste. Marie, are spending their vacation among their many relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and fam- ily were at Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, Frank and Leonard Gordon visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. James Watt, of Pictou, N.S., and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Munroe, of Tbree Brooks, Nova Scotia, and Mr. and Mrs. Wass, of Granton, were weekend, visitprs with Mrs,. T. Macintosh and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay. Mise Dianne Houghton has re- turned home after spending a few days in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth and family are spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Bella Hog- garth, and Jim. Rutb Howe and Mildred. Howe are holidaying in Detroit with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edi. Howe. The Hamilton families held a re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller in honor of Mr. Albert Hamilton, who is here from Wirmi- peg, and, celebrated his 75th birth- day on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MeLachlin, accompanied by Mr. Albert Ham- ilton, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, ,Mise Nettie Scott and Mrs, Dtpican Mc- Kellar visited with Mary B. Cur- rie on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, near Wood - tock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glossop and Betty, Mtge Alice Howe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster, Port Albert. The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary held its regular meeting in the basement of the church with a large attendance. Alice Sorsdahl presided and read the call to Wor- ship, Mrs. Andrew Meleaehlan read the scripture. Margaret Walker had the topic on "The Sheaf of Cern," and Mrs. James ,Miller and Shirley discussed the 1)00k. leelaseeesageeeeeeee, e,,,e,,,..seleeeee,..,,Jeceeekelestikeeke • S, .111 1111 a 1 il 11,a 1 '1'.1 THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The Canada Temperance Act is doing a far better job than its enemies would,have us be- lieve. We need to keep in mind some facts about it that are too easily overlooked. This law, characterized as "ancient" by some critics, and as a "horse and buggy days" statute by others, was Passed by the Dominion Government in 1876 for the purpose of as, sisting the Provincial Governr went to control the liquor traf- fic. It wee. effective in reduc- ing the evils of the liquor traf- fice, but due to the difficulties encountered in the matter of enforcement, the courts on ap- peal having decided that it was the duty of the Provincial Government to enforce this, a Dominion law, it was repealed in 1888. But again in 1914 the O.T.A. was put to the people and was carried in • Huron County. This law has so irked the liquor interests that on two occasions appeals have beenmade to the courts to have it deleted from our sta- tute books. Both the Supreme Court of Canada and the Privy .Couttcil in England rejected the appeals and declared the Canada Temperance Act good law. We who have lived most of our lives under the C.P.A. cannot easily realize that in spite of its imperfections it is very preferable to the L.C.A. Under the C.T.A. no licenses can be granted for the sale of liquor, and no liquor can be legally sold. -(This advertise- ment sponsored by Huron County Temperance Federa- tion). where autos are not allowed... MS delivers elaborate carriaget7 diude ranches and oneilunSe gies with no fancy adornment* tdt Amish and other religiose groat* which ban asitomobilee. Bach year his company of SO employees,' all skilled cransMea, doing piecework, turns out arounit 800 vehicles. Some men work ear elusively on wheels, while othr* specialize in cushion making Or tilt Painting frames. The Wished pro. ducts sell anywhere from II160 fr a plain but spanking ROW MUDS, buggy to $500 for a large daluzer dude -ranch carriage. The was started by Knapp's tenter, William, in 1891, and has turnedt out approximately 1,000,000 ee.. hicles since there Each day Knapp rides to his fito• tory, not in one of his buggies, but in a gasoline -powered vehicle media in Detroit. To visitors who wane der at this seeming heresy he eare plains he is just a bit timid arcuate horses. "Ah, my boy," the actor Sabi, profoundly to his fellow Thespian, "I owe a great deal to that old - lady." "Your mother?" "Heaven's no, my landlady!" NocoximmemoDoccom - M I CK L E S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall • • Phone 103 WHATt YOU CAN DO TO HELP MAKE A PROFIT • a. Reduce feed wastage by not filling feeders too full. A level full feeders will waste a great amount of feed If you ever sit down and watch chickens eat, the billing out of feed is tre- mendous in a case like this. This feed is lost and your costs Per dozen eggs or pound of meat produced will go up. Critical Levels - Anything over one-half full. You can save at least 1 bag in every ton of feed, simply by never filling over onethalf full. This often will take one more lilt- ing a day -but it will save you as liana money as a $5.00 a ton reduction in feed price. Correct Height: Lip of feed-, er even with bird's back. Keep- ing chickens from getting into the feeders and scratching out feed is necessary before you can save a pound of feed per bird -or more. All feeders should have guards properly adjusted to the size of the birds. Improve water facili- ties if needed, to assure birds are getting lots of fresh cool water. Birds won't do as well if they have to climb over each other to get a drink. I have seen such cases and let's make sure it is not your pen where 'this is happening. If birds are getting ample fresh, cool water, the •returns in weight and egg production will be greater. WE HAVE SANITATION PRO -DUCTS FOR EVERY POULTRY NEED 1 I have listed for your con- vience the following sanitation products that may be helpful for your needs some day. In-, s'ect Oil and Insect Oil Concen- trate -Insect Oil i& a heavy- duty disinfectant that kills mites, ticks, sticktight Only one application a year is needed. The •Concentrate has less odor 'than regular Insect 'Oil and is the only product Purina recommends , for treat- ing dirt :floors. Disinfectant and Disinfectant Concentrate - A. colorless deodorant ansi pout, try drinking sanitizer. can be used to spray metal equipment, concrete floors, metal siding; also to disinfect and deoclionze laying, range, starting ands broiler houses. The Conceit - trate has the same formulation as Disinfectant, but is four times as strong. Ciheck-R-Tabs - A disinfect- ant and fungicide in tablet form that kills common germs, in drinking water for 12 to 24 hours. Recommended for alt. baby chicks and poultry- the first four weeks or until autos* matic waterers are used. Bultdr ing Spray (liquid and...powder): liquid spray contains main. thion, which kills files resist- ant to chemicals such as rozur and ,Lindane. Can be used for spraying walls and ceilings at - laying houses or sprinkling on 'floors or burlap sacks. The powdered form contains Un- done and is approved for all farm buildings Kills tiles in both cool and hot weather and) gives residual control for one week or longer. Poultry Insecticide: Espec- ially recommended for small houses, it keeps birds free of lice, controls bloodsucking poultry pests and flies in and around buildings. Ready to use as a roost paint. Check-R-Mycin; Gives birder a fast, effective antibiotic treat- ment in their drinking water. Recommended f or chickens,' with C.R.D. that go oft fee. Check -R -Ton: Mixed with mash, this popular product re- moves large round worms and acts as an appetizer to increase feed consumption for 'birds cif any age. As a wormer, it is shockless and easy on birds; as an appetizer, it gets *births back on feed' andlivens theta up. Sulfa-Nox (Liquid and pow- der and concentrate):,All three forms help prevent and contra coccidiosis, typhoid, parer typhoid and fowl cholera lir chicken and turkey flocka Con- venient, sizes of these product make them good buys tor large or small poultrymen.. Long established as a favorite coccidiosis control: Geo. T. Mickle St Sons , LTD. HENSALL, ON. PHONE 103 VIM • SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED SPECIAL -A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar. anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, eft.' $1895.00 Ae low as 1953 CHM. DE LUXE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 2-1952 OHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS ass PONTIAO MAN 1950 DODGE orrerom SEDAN 1950 arrnv. STATION WAGON CARS 1947 CHEV. inteEleiene COACH 1946 PONTIAC 64PASSENGER COUPE SPECIAL ---46 CHEV. SEDAN Number of older models TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS-RangIng from %Too Pickup to 5 -Ton Stake A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 72-X---ArThe iHome of Better Used Caron OPEN EVERY EVENING , „ j„„4 • - 011 4 4 4 4 4 1 4