HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-08-06, Page 4n 1F IllIfllh �l'Y(4a PALE, FOUL THE HURON EXPOSITOR Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR BALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent lind Week g��} Cent erdWeek % Cent Minimi charm each insertion... 25 Conte Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. earns o1 Tbwka, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. MI:abstain. 60 crab per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Boa No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 Dente cafes, Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of anal insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Cx•(tditoxs, ,Etc. -Rates on sgMllcatiea, Coming Events EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitrbell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 Poultry • Help Wanted WANTED -A TRUCK DRIVER FOR dump truck Apply, stating age and experience, to Box 349, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4517-1 WAITRESS WANTED - PLEASANT surroundings; good working condi- tions: steady employment. MONETTA MENARDS. Phone 88-J, Exeter, - FOR SALE 300 SIX -MONTHS -OLD 4517x1 pullets, Red X Rock; laying good. Ap- FOREMAN FURNITURE FINISHER.- ply JIM BARRY. Phone 668 r 15, Sea- 1' Fully experienced for top-quality, pro - forth. 4517x1 gressive manufacturer in Western On- tario. Our foreman recently deceased_ RED ROCK AND RED SUSSEX PUL- Pleasant working conditions, steady ern - lets, ready for range. Priced for ployment, group insurance, etc. Kindly quick sale. Apply W. C. HENDERSON. give full details in first letter in confi- Phone Seaforth 6834. 4513-tf dense. Box 350, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4517-2 Property For Sale 1 OR SALE -DESIRABLE PROPERTY, house and furnishings; one acre of land; Goderich St. East, Seaforth. PHONE 358. 4517-3 HOUSE FOR SALE -FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy 'wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4506-uf FOR SALE -R -ROOM FRAME DWEL- ling, situated on Goderich St. West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Bort 344, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4514-tf Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5, 10, 15 lb3: New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; For Rent new healthy flesh; new vigor. New,. "get - acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. 45174 FOR RENT - THREE-ROOM APART- �YGIEtQIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E Y meat .with three-piece bath. heated; suitable for couple without children. Ap- Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed ply Box 351, HURON EXPOSITOR. Hist- envelope with prloe t- • 6 samples 264: 451.7x1 24 samples 61.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-76, I NOVA -RUBBER CO:, Box eL Hamilton. FOR RENT --COMPLETELY FURNISH - Ont ' ed 'modern home: oil heating. Pos- session September 1. Apply Box 252. HURON EXPOSITOR 4517.2 Wanted `WANTED TO BUY -r3 H.P. GAS EN - gine, I.H.C. GEORGE WHEATLEY. Phone 849 r 14, Seaforth. 4517x1 GIRL, 17 YEARS - WOULD LIKE housework ; fond of children. Apply D. KAPTEIN, R.R. No. 3, Kippen. on London Road. 4517x1 PIANO WANTED -WANTED TO BUY. an elpright piano, in good condition and reasonable, Box 648, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4517x1 WANTED -OLD HORSES FOR MINK feed. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. Gode- rich, 4512-tf WORK WANTED---DUTCiiMAN, AGE 22 'years, wants steady job; experi- enced farmer; can also do electric weld- ing. Apply SJAAN SEGEREN. Telephone 20 r 13,. Hibbert Township, Concession 6. Lot 2, Staffa. 4517-1 Farms For Sale FOR RENT -FURNISHED OR UN- Lost and Found LOST AGAIN-,W13ST GODERICH ST., Seaforth, two months old kitten, grey and black. PHONE 41. 4517x1 OUND-A PAIR OF' GLASSES IN Seaforth. The owner may have same by identifying them and paying cost of ad. Apply Box 852, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 45.17-1 C ATTLE BEAST STRAYED TO LOT 55 Concession 5, Logan Township, Here- ford, about 1,100 pounds, has ear tag. Owner can have same by proving proper- ty and paying expenses. Apply MRS. CATHERINE RYAN, Dublin. 4516x3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS CAIRNS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Thomas Cairns, late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron., Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 5th day of July, 1954. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 27th day of August, 1954, after which date" the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of August. 1954 McCONNELL & 'HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4517-3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feet, in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, August 14th. at 2 p.m., on Railway Street: Bed. springs and mat- tress; 1 day bed: dresser: complete din- ing room suite: 2 commodes: rocking chairs; 'antique high chair: trunk: 2 sets of dishes: linens: bedding laundry tub; kitchen utensils: kitchen clock; eongoleum rug: sewing box: pillows; 7 pairs cur- tains: feather tick : some dishes and tools. Terms --Cash. MRS. SOL. WIL- LIAMS, Proprietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 45172 AUCTION SALE --THE UNDERSIGNED auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public aunt ion et the •premises, West William St. Seaforth, on Saturday even- ing, August 7, 1954, at 7 o'clock sharp, the following: Finlay kitchen range; Superior two -plate, electric ; Raymond drophead sewing machine in good condi- tion: dining room round est,•nsion table; mahogany three-piece parlor suite: bed- room suite with Gold Seal spring mat- tress; iron bed and mattress; antique bureau. 175 years old : 6 kitchen ' chairs end large rocker: day bed. in good condi- tion : electric feather -weight iron : long handle Fuller brush: garden rake: wash Boiler and pails: quantity of gems: some bedding; dishes and cooking utensils. all nearly new ; down for making a com- furnished apartment: no children. forter. and other articles too numerous FARM FOR SALE --100 ACRES, CLAY Contact MRS. ELVA REID. West William to mention. MRS. J. J. HUGILL. Pro - loam; good buildings; water and St.. between the 9th and 14th of August. prtetress ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. hydro throughout Apply Box 347, HUR- 4.517x1 ; 4517-1 ON EXPOSITOR. 4517x1 Fj ARai FOR SALE --60 ACRES, SOUTH half Lot 30, Concession 9, McKillop; frame house, good barn on cement foun- dation; drilled well ; 16.000. Small down payment will handle_ Possession of house immediately, and of farm after harvest For further information apply to JOHN CAMPBELL. R.R_ 4, Walton, or phone 637 r 22, Seaforth_ 4516x3 FARM FOR SALE --VERY DESIRABLE 150 -acre farm in Stanley Township, 3 miles west of No. 4 Highway. Large steel barn, Beatty stabling. Considered one of the best farms in Huron County. Substantial stone house with modern bath- room and kitchen; drilled well: pressure; system in house and barn: machine shed. Well fenced and drained: ] �� acres Cres good hardwood bush. Can be bought half cash, remainder on mortgage. PHONE 42-J, Stratford. 48173 Notices NOTICE - WILL SHARPEN LAWN onmowers.JOH"-Will- Pick ftp and , a - Phone JOHN MnaLEAN, 649 r 3, Sea- forth. FOR RENT - FIVE -ROOM APART- ment. heated: separate bath. Avail- able September 1. Apply JOHN TRE- 1 MEER on the premises after 7 p.m -- FRESH PICKLING Phone MRS. JAMES EL- ' LtOTT, 249-W, Seaforth. 4517.1 For Sale 4517x1 FOR SALE cucumbers. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to and including Friday, August 6, 1914, for the supply and installation of an oil -fired heating boiler to serve the west wing of Scott Memorial Hospital. Plans and specifications nary be seen upon application to the undersigned, The Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily- accepted. 1't4t SECRETARY, ISCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOARD, Seaforth. 4516.4 I VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 22 years' experience. We pick j UP and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. • 4501-tf TENDERS ARE INVE11✓41 FOR. THE construction of the Archibald Munici- 1QADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS pat Drain of approximately 1675 cubic of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- ;yards of excavation. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-R 436341 Marked cheque for 10`; of tender to accompany tender and tenders • to be in NOTIOE -PAINTING. PAPERHANG :he Clerk's hands by 8 p.m. ;E.D.T.r, August 19. 195.1. ing : interior and exterior decorating. See our 195.4 wallpaper designs. WAL-; Lowest or any tender not necessarily TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 481-J, Sea- accepted. forth ; or 48 r 9. Brussels. 4514-tf TENDER Tuckersmith Township. ATTENTION. FARMERS 1 - PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235 ' Exeter_ Associated with Darling 4k Co or E. P. CHESN-EY. Clerk. 1 F OR SALE -SIX 2 -YEAR-OLD STEERS. • white heads: good shape. GORDON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth. 4517x1 SALE -TWO CHOICE BUILDING lots. tin Highway No. 9. Good drain- age and water. FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 33 r 667. Seaforth. 4517x2 FOR SALE -KITCHEN RANGE 1NEAR- lw n w -I : Quebec ;!uebec heater, medium size. Bargain prices. J. JONES, Goderich St. East. Seaforth. • 4517 -If For Sale pox SALE -TAN LEATHER BRIEF- ' never used. Box 648, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4517x1 Fj OR SALES --20 YOUNG PIGS. APPLY BORDEN R1EHL, 13.36, 2, Walton. Phone Dublin 24 r 9. 4517-I YOUNG CALF FOR SALE. PHONE 667 r 24, Seaforth, GORDON REY- NOLDS. 4617-1 port SALE -ALL KINDS OF HAMMER and sledge handles on hand, made of good quality timber and inserted free. Hand -saw sharpening a specialty, JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 4517x1 Opportunities RICH OPPORTUNITY FOR AM111- 11, tious women to build a business. of- fering a pleasant career, and future security; no canvassing. Write BOX 38. Seaforth, 4617x3 Cards of Thanks T WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL those who so kindly sent me cards and treats when 1 was sick. It was greatly appreciated. 4,517x1 DOROTHY KEYS MRS, GORDON HARRISON WISHES to thank those who sent cards and gifts while she was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to the' hospital staff and doctors and the social services of St. Thomas' Anglican Church. 4517-1 T WISH TO THANK MY FRIENDS AND neighbors for their kindness during my illness and the W.A. of Northside United Church for their lovely box of fruit. Special thanks to Dr. Elliott, the Nurses and Staff of Seaforth Hospital. 4517x1 VELMA KELLAND TG ALL THE FRIENDS WHO SHARED with us, by word and in deed, our deep sorrow in the death of a beloved husband, father and brother, we extend our sincerest thanks. MR -81, JAMES/E. LOVE AND FAMILY MPSSES, IDA AND EVE LOVE 4;17x1 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to those who were so kind to me and my family while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, for the flowers, fruit, gifts, cards and letters. Special ;thanks to Drs. Stapleton. Gibson, Kiel and :Stuart; Sister St. Monica and Sister Leola, the nurses and Ladies' Auxiliary. It was deeply appreciated. MRS. MICHAEL McGRATH 4517x1 WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR 1 neighbors and friends for their many kind acts of 'sympathy and help during our recent sad bereavement; also special thanks to Rev. H. E. Livingstone and Mr. D. A. Rann. The kindness of all was very much' appreciated and will always be remembered_ MRS. DUNCAN McNICHOL 4517x1 AND PHYLLIS In Memoriam Hr'ILI7EBRANT-IN LOVING ory of a dear husband and who passed away one year ago, 10, 1953. MEM - father, August The shock was• great, the grief severe, We little thought the end was near: And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you. Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know'' the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed. -Always remembered by his wife Mary and children. Anne and Marlin. 1517-1 I MUNN-IN LOVING MEMORY OF our darling son. Bryan Alexander, who was accidentally kilted four years FOR SALE - DINF.1.1 E SET, GREY , ago. August 1. chrome: table, 2 chairs Perfect con- I We wonder why it had to be, nitron. Reasonable. PHONE 358. That death took you away from us; 4517-1 There are others, yes, we know, FOR SALE -ONE UPPER ELEVATOR But you were ours. and we loved you so, canvas for Massey -Harris binder: good • Four years ago we had to part 41 new, JOSEPH L. O'REILLY. P17ne' With the one we loved with all our 41 r 13, Dublin, •-t61Sxi-' heart; R SALE- STAKE BODY RACK, IN The wound's so deep it will not heal. FOR, condition 71„' by 10', 4t;, -foot Only those who have lost know ,how we ,ides. .Apply- FRANK S. MAIANEY. , feel. Phone 81 r 14. Dublin. 4517x1 I _ ,Sadly missed but FOR SALE-- 10 CHOICE PIGS. EIGHT loved and longed for ROYCE, R.R. 5. Sea - forth. Phone '52 r 11. Seaforth. 4517x1 FOR SALE --A untrrnD AMOUNT OF Cornell -9a and Daubel seed wheat, grown from registered seed. Apply ROB- ERT McMILLAN. R.R. 2. Seaforth. 4517x1 T,'OR SALE- 12 -FT. LONG SAULT PLY - wood tr,nt 5125.00: 10 H.F. Mercury outboard motor. R150.30 : 1 rubber tired 4.61__2 wagon. roller bearings. 522.00 GORDON GILP.ERT. R.R. No. 2. Bayfield. Phone <'0'-22. Clinton. 4517x1 Canada Ltd, 43yy tf TENDER ATTENTION. FARMERS 7 - McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As- soc (O.A_A.1, Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE. Seaforth. AOCODiMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, • furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 382: local 252. 4436-tf WOOD. SAWING. PIGS. CARS FOR , Sale.--L.at us cu• down your trees,' tut up your wood. We have chain saw and rircular saw, 'Our one-horse mower will cut down vane weeds. Two good cars, '37 Wiltys Sedan. '31 Chev. Sedan for sale_ Also 22 shrinks. 150 pounds. for sale. as well as two sows. See er ;-ail JOE BURNS. Phone 69-R. Seaforth 4,17.1 FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON M1NEl1- ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your Gelds and have them analysed CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 7176 4484-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith TTPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- 411 tinder authority of By -Law No. 13, 1952, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby termeinitn that all doge in the hamlets of re ntondville end Herpnrbey are ya'ohilsited 1Xofn running at large dating the period. froth June 1, 1934, to November 1, 1954: Owners or harborer, of doge contraven- ing the a rovfelona o8 this by-law win be ettbieet to a teestmmn 4Seneltt of $611.00. (sogneo) 1AMPA nom, nntenebi naiveTf ekerstsitb, 45114f Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS ARE INVITED BY THE Township of Tuckersmith for the ex- cavation of approximately 2000 cubic yards at site of new culverts between Lots 2-5- 16. Concessions 1-2. L.R_S.. excavated ma- terial to be loaded on trucks supplied by the Township. Tender to state a rate per hour. and. work to be commenced on instruction from the road superintendent, and completed by September 20, 1954. Tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by 8 p.m., August 19. 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk. 4'•17-2 FOR SALE -RIG PARTS AND LITTLE parts for Fords, Chev.. Plymouths. Dcsotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs. Cotn- nlete front-end for trailers, An assort -hent of good tires. One location saves 500 money. CUDMORE'S GRAVEL. Phone 171 r 3. E.eter. 4512-6 FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE- Krek-Genn erman pick-up beaner com- bines : 'used Keck -Gonnerman bean thresh- ers in good condition : also all parts in stodk. For .. information. contact your drxler: EUGENE DIETRICR: Phone 31 r s. Dashwood. Ont. 4-5163 ARTICLES FOR SALE-DUO -THERM oil spans heater with blower and =leve pipes : Zenith w•ashine machine. 8 - sheet capacity : P water pumps : electric hot plate, two -burner. with regulated tient: radia and nhonneranh rombinatinn. All in A-1 condition, PHONE 182-J, Sea_ `nrth 4517x1 ever remembered, by Mummie and 4.517x1 Births CLARKE--In Leiden, Holland, on July 22, to Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Clarke, a son --Ernest Paul. DUCHAR-ME-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ducharme, R.R. 2. Hensall, a daughter. FEENEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 24. to Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin. a daughter. HUDSON -In Windsor, on July 31. 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Hudson. a son. MILLER --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Staffs, a daughter. MILADY -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday. August 1. to Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Milroy. Egmondville. a son - Ross Edward. MUIR-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 1, to Mr, and Mrs. John E. Muir. Seaforth, a daughter. SIROT-At. Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sirot, R.R. 2, Seaforth. a son. Deaths DORSEY . In St. Mary's Hospital, Lon- don. on Wednesday. August 4, William Dorsey. of Hibbert. in his 83rd year. HARTRY- In Seaforth. on Wednesday, August 4. Mary Maude Hartry, in her 75th year. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, also Mrs. Charlie Cudmore and son, of Wa- terloo, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stokes and Larry, of London, spent Friday ev- ening with the batter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Miss Mae Somerville, of Winni- peg, who visited two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood, re- turned to her home on Monday, August 2, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long, Owen Sound, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, and on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Cameron, of Stratford, call- ed at their hoYne. Mr. John Doig, of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited over the holiday weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, and sister Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mich- ael and Joan, of London, visited over the holiday with Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Wren, Mrs. Smith and chil- dren remaining with her parents a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Alien Meier and Dougie, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert, Sunday guests included Mr. and Mrs. Anson Wolfe, John and Grant, also Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lawrence, all of Melbourne, and Mary Davis, of Wardsville. Miss Kathryn Gackstetter, of near Hensall, spent last week with her cousins•, Gail, Lynn and Karen Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs, Alban Fawcett and family, of Caledonia. were recent visi'tor's of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Miss Marlene Keyes, of Varna, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden and Verna, of Denfield. and Mr. Abe Linden. of Wardsville, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and Walter, of London, were recent vis- itors of Mr. Wm, G. Thomson. A number of local' children are attending Bible School in Cromar- ty for two weeks, sponsored by the Mennonite Church of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashworth and Carol Ann, of Ilderton, spent an evening last week with Mr. and '3lrs. Harold Jones. Miss Kathryn Anderson spent last week with her cousin, Miss Bonnie Burham, in Salem, Mich. The Anderson family- reunion was held recently in Canatara Park, Sarnia. About 40 of the rel- atives sat down to a sumptuous picnic dinner. Relatives attended from Marlette, Decker and Salem, Mich„ Hensall and Kippen. ,Miss Etta Jarrott visited friends in Detroit recently. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young, of London, visited recently with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Jini Young, Mrs, James. Wright was called to Mitchell last week. Her sister, Mrs. Frank Wasmann, had passed away after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Wasmann, was the former Mar- garet Stewart, of Logan Township. Mrs, Wright is the only surviving member of the Stew -art family. Mr, Frank Wright and sister, Mrs, O. Reichert. attended the funeral e dl of aunt. their a 1 e t . Mrs. Was- mann. in Mitchell on Tuesday last. Miss Donelda Lostelle. daughter of Mr. Joseph Lostelle. was oper- ated on for appendicitis Wednes- day morning in Clinton Public Hos' Aral. Mrs. Amelia Whiteman. Birming- ham, Mich., visited Friday with her cousin, Mrs. Dinsdale, and Miss Mabel Whiteman, and on Saturday they went to Inuverhuron Beach. Mr. Ross Faber, sol of Mr. and Mrs. Rochua Faber, was admitted to Victoria Hospital, London, Sun- day evening with a mild attack of polio, Mrs. Robert McBride is spending a few days in Wtngham with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Beattie, where she attended the recent celebration there, WINCHELSEA Miss M. Hackman, of Centralia: spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sholdice, of London, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten and Sharon and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Batten. of Exeter. visited with .M'r. and Mrs, Reg. Doupe. of Sr. Marys, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey srpent Sunday with friends in Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. Reg. Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters "spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, William Brock and Linda, of London. spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, F. Walters. cawg the Co Igl®OD Hensall News of the Week It's sensational what Spencer does for yrair figure. But no won- der! onder! Spencers are designed, cut and made for you alone. MRS. PEARL BAYNRAIL, Hensall. Phone 171-W.—(Adivt.), Mr. and Mrs, Frank Forrest and. Clark left on Saturday for Bagot, Man-, for a three week's vacation to visit relatives_ Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., spent last weekend in London. Her sister, Mrs. Pearl Nihol, returned home with her. MTs. Edna Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. George Parker visited in Ox- ford and Fenton, Mich., over the weekend. Miss Gladys Luker is spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs.' T. D. Wren. In a severe electrical storm which passed over here early Sat- urday morning, lightning struck a hydro pole in front of the home of Mr- Ed Munn, burning the wires out and plunging the town into darkness for several. hours. The home of Homer 'Pinney, who re- sides half a mile west of Hensall, was struck. The casings on the switches on the wall were blown, to bits, and light .bulbs and fuses burnt out. The phone was also struck. A number of trees were struck and hail fell in great quan- tity. Residents in the village took precaution, got up and dressed in case of an emergency. Mr. Ron Passmore, who is at- tending the Radio College of Can ada, Toronto, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Carl Pass- more, Miss Helen Dunlop, nurse-in- training urse-intraining at Stratford General Hos- pital, calledon her grandmother, Mrs. William Pepper, last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, Stealer, Alta., Miss B. Gibson, Clinton, and Mr. Gordon) Copeland, of Calgary, visited with Mr: and' Mrs. G. W. Elliott and G. W. P. Elliott last Wednesday. G. W. Patrick Elliott, who has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elliott, return- ed to Dorval and Montreal by plane last Thursday. Miss Olive Walker, Reg,N., St. Petersburg, Fla., flew home to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Walker. Bingo Winners Winners at the bingo held Tues. day night and sponsored by Hen- sall Legion Branch 468, attended by nearly 600, are as follows: $500 special, Mrs, Wes, Hugill, Zurich, Mrs. J. Galey, Russeldale, Cyril Foote, Ingersoll, and Percy Harris,. Hensall; $500 special, Eric Coiling - wood, Embro, and Earl Parsons, Exeter; $1110 special, Mrs, Harriot, Lunen; $100 special, Allan McKer- cher, Jamestown; $100 special, Mrs. Stewart Baird, Brucefield, W. G. 'Bickel), Hensall. Regular games of $50 were won by: lst, E. Fothergill, Londssbom, Mrs, J. Everest, (London, Mrs. Joe $alley, London, and Mrs. Fred Sie- mon, St. Joseph; tad, Mrs. Robert Taylor, London; 3rd, Bert Selves, Hensall - 4th, Mrs_ Frank Walters, Walton; Stb, Mrs. Peter Martin, Hanover; 6th, Fred Leonhardt, Walton, and S. J. Temrne, Strat- ford; 7'th•, Mrs, Tom Kyle, Hensall, Mrs. Tom Munroe, Kippen, Clay- ton Zavitz, Thedford; nth, Mrs. Larry Legate, Herman; 9th, Mrs. R. Taylor, Henan, Mrs.. Jack Ben- nett, Mitchell, E. G. Diegel, 1GIit- cheil, Clayton Zavitt, Thedford, Russell Brintnell, Hensall, J, P. Manto, Hanover,' Mrs. Boone, Cen- tralia, Mas. William Chambers, Exeter, and John Selves, 'EXeter; 10th, Mrs- Ethel Goall, Clinton, and Mrs", Harriet, Lucan; 11th, Helen Fairservice, Clinton; 12th, Mrs. V. Kennedy, Londesboro, and .Mrs. L. Hudson, St. Marys; 13th, Aunt= Hartman, Goderich, and George Royles, Ingersoll; 14th,`Joyce Beth -- ler, Goderich, M'rs. D. McKelvie, Hensall, Carol Beadle, Auburn, Adrian Denomme, Zurich, and Mm Robert McLean, Hensall. Proceeds are to be used for arti- ficial ice in the Hensall arena. AUGUST fi,:, 1954 Benefit DANCE A Benefit Banco for - Mrs. John Wood Bayfield Pavilion, WEDNESDAY, AUG. it Admission 60c MUSIC BY NORRIS ORCUESIFILiki sponsored by the Kippen East W. 1, Rxx0:05:050444000:60com MICKLE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall Phone 103 WATCH THOSE COSTS Over the past few weeks poul- try men have experienced a sharp decline in the price of their eggs. Many of us believe that this price drop may be temporary, due to stored) eggs moving onto the market. Dur- ing uring this price slump costs --eve to be watched closer than ever before. There are many small innocent looking pitfalls that may dwindle those profits, or even put you in the red. Check Those Feeders and find out if there is any wast- age. Feed and feed costs con- stitute a large portion of money spent on those birds, so let's not waste that feed. Cull birds and get rid of those pro- fit eaters and non -producers. Keep clean, fresh water in front of them at all times. How would you like to drink dirty, warm, stagnant water! You wouldn't an d neither would hens. Hens need a lot of water to maintain their body needs and produce eggs. Water, eggs. body weight are closely related. Fresh, clean water in front at all times can mean more eggs. Are your pens hot? If they are, maybe there is not enough ventila- tion. Keep those windows op- en. Allow cross -ventilation. Screen the door leading to the pen to provide extra ventila- tion. If necessary, add a fan or so. When hot and dry, dampen litter so birds have some cool spot to dust in. Watch feed consumption in bat weatiser, A drop in feed con- sumption can mean a drop in eggs. A bird needs a certain: amount of feed to maintain its body weight and a certain amount to produce eggs. If a feed drop occurs, the bird will look after body weight and stop producing eggs. Keeping pens cool, having fresh, clean water, having adequate feeding space, feeding a balanced Purina Laying Mash will help you keep birds in high produc- tiara. PURINA have a complete feed for top feeding on the regular laying mash. This Mgt protein feed helps ward oft an? slump during bot weather aa, birds can get quickly that ex- tra protein they need f!or main- taining production. Purina says that even well- grown pullets are not COM- PLETELY developed whets they begin to lay. They cone tinne to fill out, adding another 1 to 2 pounds. Trying to grove,. manufacture eggs, and main- tain. body condition, all at the - same time, puts/ heavy dde mends on them and on their feed. Without feed fortified for this three -fold job, they toted lay themselves into a false or partial moult and an expensive rest period. Purina Booster Checkers ar made to supply extra proteins: vitamins, minerals, antibiotte ,. to deal with ' that situation. Feed 6 pounds per 100 birds per day, on top of the regular ration. FLIES in your pens cam bring disease to your .flock. - Kill them to protect your flock. Use Purina Liquid Build. ing Spray, Lin -Dairy Spray or Powdered Bulidisig Spray. Deane in and find, out how to wee these Sprays We are looking forward to that visit. Just Stink it over: You need our Service. You. need our Helpful Hints. YOU need our Insecticides and 'Dia. infectants. You need our Purina Chowmix Anality Peed_ We give you the Best Feed. at very competitive prices. 'W will be seeing YOU. Geo. T. Mickle Sons HENSALL, ONT. LTD. - . PHONE 102 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS SPECIAL—A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar. anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, etc. $1895 ,QO As low as , 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 CHEV, STATION WAGON 1947 CHEV. FLEE/MINE COACH 1946 PONTIAC 5 -PASSENGER COUPE SPECIAL -46 CHEV. SEDAN ........ -. $293 Number of older models TRUCKS NUMBER OF TRUCKS—Ranging from Pickup to 5 -Ton Stake A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 73-X—"'The Home of Better Used Care" y2.Ton OPEN EVERY EVENING By Roe Fa DON'T PUT ALL THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, BOSS. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING EGGS FOR HATCHING NEED A SPECIAL FEED. WHE-E-W ! AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU,DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELL THE BOSS A BOUT YOUR 6OLDEN E66 BREEDfRS'MASH. WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTERS FAULT. A FERTILIZED EGG MUSTCONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWING. LOOK AT THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT 15 MADE UP OF THE SHELL' ALBU MEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE EGG BEFORE SHE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST &ROW A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GOING FOR NEARLY IO DAYS AFTER HATCHING. TNATS'A B16 t/OB AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. COME AND GET IT, GIRLS! ROE GOLDEN EG' G FOR GOLDEN EGGS, ) THERE'S SURE SENSE IN WHAT, YOU SAY, DOC. ROE GOLDEN EGG MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET -AND IT'S ONLYA FEW CENTS EXTRA FORTH'S SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS' MAS rms Service Dept • w11 ->fa FOR BIGGER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE rveRES arRA Pox foR)Vu IN • W. R. Kerslake, Seaforth Lorne Eiler, Hensall A. tI. Mustard, Brumfield J. A. Sadler, Staffa R. Shouldice, Brodhagen 4 4 1 a • 4 4 • 1' f 1 4 11 1 4 4 e • • 1, .1