HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-16, Page 4if Lassified Ards Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cashates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: tat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week Gi Cent 8rd Week 441 Cent Minimum charms, each insertion,.. 25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts ma one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eveuta-1 cent pry ward. Minimum, G0 costa per weak. Enquiries may be directed to a Baa No., a/o The Huron Expositor, for 1.0 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above claaa are not paid within 10 days of date of Gaal Insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths !Hearted free of charge Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF CLAR- 1J ence Petrie and the Night Hawks, every Friday night, from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace- Mitchell. 4513-5 MILDMAY , FIREMEN'S EN'lS BINGO, WED- nesday, July 21st, on the new Arena floor. Bingoes every second Wednesday; Mildmay Community Centre: $2,300.00 in cash prizes. This super special must go - 31.000. Three special prizes. $200; 14 games, prizes 650.00. For 51.00. extra and special cards '_'Sa or 5 for 51.00. Doors open 7 :45 p -m. ; games start 9 :00 p.m. sharp. 4515.1 Property For Sale VOR SALE—ON HIGH ST., SEAFORTH, cottage, frame: 6 rooms and 3 -piece bath; good basement. furnace, jacket heat- er. P33ONE SEAFORTH 67-W, after- noons or evenings. 4515x1 H -- OUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den. 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring. insulated, water beater: lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31. Seaforth, or Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR: 45064f FOR SALE--rt-ROOM FRAME DWEL- ling, situated on Goderich St. West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil: two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very convenient to shop- ping centre. Box 944, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4514-tf HOUSE FOR SALE -5 -ROOM BUNGA- low with 3 -piece bath. hot and cold MOTICE — WILL SHARPEN LAWN water; large glassed and- screened sun- 1V mowers. Will pick up and deliver. rooms; insul brick siding. Roof consists Phone JOHN MarLEAN, 649 r 3, Sea - of B.C. shingles covered with heavy forth, 4501-tf asphalt shingles; oil heating;. hot and cold water; water softener. Conveniently located on John St. Phone Seaforth 379. G. A. SMITH. 4515x1 • Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -50 ACRES, SOUTH half Lot 30, Concession 9, McKillop : frame house, good barn on cement fowl-, dation ; drilled well ; $6,000. Small down payment will handle. Possession of house immediately, and of farm after harvest. For further information apply to JOHN CAMPBELL, R.R. 4, Walton, or phone 897 r 22, Seaforth, 4515x3 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE — 1959 DODGE ; PERFECT condition; reasonable. Apply C.N.R. STATION, Dublin. 4514x2 Teachers Wanted GODF.RIOH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD requires teacher for Junior Grades. Duties to commence September 7. State experience and name and address of pre- vious inspector. (Signed) S. H. BLAKE, Secretary, Goderich. 4514-2 Notices LEAVING FOR CALGARY JULY 21st or July' 23rd. Would like three pas- sengers. PHONE 4.18_W, Seaforth. 4515-1 Agents Wanted A PROGRESSIVE COMPANY I5 OF- fering you 225 well-known and guar- anteed products such as: Toiletries, medi- cines culinaries domestic. m farm necessi- ties, tea coffee. etc. $18 will enable you to earn from 8.50 to $75 per week. Good vacant territories. Money refunded if you do not succeed. Details: JITO: 5130, St. Hubert, Montreal. ' 4512-4 Poultry RED ROCK AND RED SUSSEX PUL - lets, rove), for ranee. Priced for quick sale. Apply W. C. HENDERSON. Phone Seaforth 688-J. 4513-tf 95c PULLETS $2.35 THREE -MONTH-OLD, READY TO LAY Sussex X Red : a very good cross and our popular Arbor Acres White Rocks. 'Immediate delivery. Also booking for September 15th delivery. Buy before eggs go to peak prices and pullet prices accordingly, THE LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM & HfiATCHERY LTD. Exeter — Ontario 4515.2 Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY—TO RENT r near Seaforth. CARL VANDERZON, Rail- R.C.A. Victor radio and extra wheel, ser - way St., Seaforth. 4515x2 ini No. 96015757. The car is located at Rowcliffe Motors, Seaforth, Ontario, Of- WANTED—IN GOOD CONDITION. A used windmill head. BOB PAT_ fere to purchase accompanied by 10r/ RICK. Phone 614 r 41, Seaforth. certified deposits should be forwarded to 4515-1 the VN ACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes ; 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4507-tf RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-R. 4363-11 NOTICE -- PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ing ; interior and exterior decorating. See our 19',4 wallpaper designs. WAL- TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 481-J, Sea - forth ; or 48 r 9, Brussels. 4514-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and m disabled faranimals, Call collect, ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-t1 ATTENTION, FARMERS I — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882: local 252. 4486-tf I THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE I As Statutory Committee of the Estate of Carl Leo Plough or buy, house with barn in o offers for sale a 1950 Plymouth Sedan, Deluxe, etnripped with air conditioner, WANTED --OLD HORSES FOR MINK feed. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect 936 r 21, or 936 r 32, Gode- rich. 4512-tf REPRESENTATIVE WANTED N OPPORTUNITY FOR MIDDLE - ' aged or retired - man or woman who drives own car. to earn extra money by part-time employment. Knowledge of farming district in Seaforth, Hensall or Brussels trading area would be helpful. Apply in writing to Box 346 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4515-2 APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED • by the undersigned until July 24, 1954, for the positions of caretakers at Schools No. 1 and No. 7, in the Stanley Township School Area. Applications are to indi- cate Salary required. - T. R. BAIRD. Secretary -Treasurer, Brucefleld. 4514-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES HAGAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Charles Hagan, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 24th day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or 'before the 30th day of July, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED nt Seafortb, this 6th day of July, 1954, McCONNELt. & HAYS, Senforth, Ontario,' Solicitors for the Executor. 4514-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of FRANK CORRlVEAU A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Frank Corriveau, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de. ceased, who died on the Slat day of .May, 1954, are hereby nottfled to Bend in fun partitulara of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of July. 1954, after aihich date the assets will be dietriliuted, having regard only to claims their received. DATED ht Seaforth, this 24th day of June. •-1954. Me0ONNS7+L & R&M Seaforth, Oritsrio, 9olteltors for the Executor. 451$•3 PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Osgoode Hall — Toronto TERMS CASH On all correspondence please number P18811-- GWA. quote the 4515-2 ' FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE— Reck-ronnerman pick-up beaner com- bines: used Keck-Gonnerman bean thresh - •s in gond condition : also all parts in stofk. For information, contact your dealer: EUGENE DI9.I RICK. Phone 01 r 1. Dashwood. Ont. 4.515-6 Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mrs. Lindsey McKellar and Mrs. Houghton and grandson, Billie, visited on Wed- nesday with Mary B. Currie, on her 88th birthday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, near Wood- stock. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace at Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKaig, of Seaforth, visited Mr. Angus Me- Kaig on Sunday. Miss Dianne Houghton spent a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Stagg at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, John Cairns, ac- companied by Mr. Bazata, of Bruce - field, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McLachlin. Quite a number of relatives and friends attended the Scott reunion held in Mitchell on Saturday. Personals r,TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LIBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91. Hamilton, oat_ LivestockWanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect. Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. For Sale von SALE—PART HEREFORD CALF. Apply W. D. WILSON. Phone 658 r 33, Seaforth, 4515-1 FOR SALE— 1 MccloamICK.DIFERING binder, 7 -foot cut. ADDIS, RALPH TURNER, R.R. 1, Zurich, 4515x1 Ft OR SALE -1940 C.Z. MOTORCYCLE, 125 c.c. Good bargain for quick sale. TED SAVAUGE. Phone 120, Sea - forth. 4515x1 FOR SALE—SOLID OAK BEDROOM suite. Apply to MRS. A. BETHUNE. Sperling St. Phone 382-W. 4515-1 FOR SALE—INTERNATIONAL ELEC- tric cream separator, in excellent con- dition. SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 5.41. 4515-2 FOR SALE—G.M. CUSTOM BUILT radio; good condition. Fits 1946-48 Chevrolet. Apply JAMES JAMIESON. Phone Seaforth, 850 r. 23. 4515x1 FOR SALE—EIGHT-FOOT MoCOR1KICK binder on rubber, in A-1 shape. Ap- ply JAMES MORRIS, Brantford St.. Sea - forth. 4515x1' FOR SALE -17 LITTLE PIGS, YOR,I{ and Tam crossed. Apply IRWI TREWARTHA. Phone 840 r 33. 4,515x1 FOR SALE --CEDAR POSTS, 4-7 INCH - es, 55 cents each, delivered. BOR- DEN BROWN, R.R. 2, Seaforth Phone 841 r 2. 4511-tf CATTLE FOR SALE SIX YEARLINGS and two heifers, to freshen in fall; heifer with two -weeks -old calf. 'Apply JOE MALONE. Phone 64 r 8, Dublin. 4515-1 VOR SALE—FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERA- tdr which was won at Hockey Club draw recently. Make us an offer. L. BAYNHAM, Hensel]. Phone 171W. 4515-1 FOR SALE — OAK BUFFET WITH plate glass mirror: dining room chairs, leather seats: 2 small tables; rang- ette; good automatic iron. PHONE 656 r 11, Seaforth, 4.515-1 QPECIAL—HARD, SOFTWOOD DELIV- ered. 84 ° and $5 cord: sand for kid- dies' playpens: other pickup jobs. Work dcne at reasonable rates. A. DELLOW Plaine 207, Seaforth, 4510-7 T1IE RLTBON EXPOSITOR Hensall News of the Week Take a vacation from hot, un- comfortable corsets this summer. Your lightweight Spencer brassiere and foundation will be designed to keep you cool and trim. Marvellous shadow -proof slips too. Mrs. Pearl Baynham, Hensall. Phone 171-W. —(Adv.). Mrs. Chester Lee has returned from a visit spent with her sister, Mrs. Herb Stirling, of Blenheim. She also attended the Stirling - Small nuptials at the Metropolitan Church, London, Saturday, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy, Oathy, Jimmy and Christine, who have been vacationing for two weeks at the Hess cottage at the Pinery re- turned to Toronto on Monday. Misses Betty Mickle, Helen Mc- Kinley and Phyllis Erskine, nurses - in -training at Victoria Hospital, Loddon, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr, and Mrs, William G. Rosser, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron last week at their summer cottage at Turnbull's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell and Mrs. S. Sararas motored to Southampton to spend the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, of Toronto, who are vacationing there. Miss Lucille Lee has accepted a position at Grand Bend. Mrs. Susie Straut, of Brooklyn, N,Y., and her daughter, Mrs. Earl Case, and Mrs. Gorley, both of Port Ann, N.Y., were weekend visi- tors with Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Dayman. 'Mrs. Straut, who is a sister of Mr. Dayman, is remaining for a week or so. Postmaster Cecil Kipfer is on va- cation, Mrs. Wilmer McGregor, of Kippen, is assisting in the office during his absence. Some hundred members of the Hensall Legion and Ladies' Auxil- iary enjoyed a delightful picnic on Sunday at Bayfield. Sports were enjoyed and also a picnic supper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer and Mr. and Mrs. John Corr, of Wind- sor, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Parlmer. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Reid and baby Terry, of Wingham, were the guests Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan. Mrs. W. A. Kerr and Carole Lynn, LAC. George Lefebvre, Mrs. Lefebvyre and Bobby left Friday of this week for a two weeks' vaca- ti to Monetville, in Northern On- rio. Mr. an Mrs. Don Rigby and of Blenheim .M1,5,spent the weekend with Mr. an ^."i rs. S. Mc- Queen and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell. Donna obtained honors in Grade 8 music and Grade 2 theory recently. Representatives of the Park Board, Chamber of Commerce, Leg- ion and Kinsmen met Monday eve- ning and opened the tenders for the artificial ice, and various items in connection with this project were discussed, A number of young people, friends of David Jarrett, who was recently transferred to the Bank of Montreal at Deep River, ar- ranged a party for him at Snow - den's Grove and presented him with several gifts. Visitors with Miss Minnie Reid last week were: Mr. and Mrs. C. erson, of Ontario, California; iss Jiliett, of Wlinnipeg; Mr, Wrenn, of Toronto, and Mr,nd Mrs, Anckorn and Mrs. Crane of Owen Sound. P LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -3 It.a.ODER M steers. weight about 550 pounds, and one Shorthorn cow, 4 years, with calf. 3 months, at foot. Apply W. P. ROBERTS. Lot 31, Con. 2, Tuckersmith, 4515x1 T'OR SALE—BIG PARTS AND LITTLE parts for Fords, Chev.. Pl}mouths, Desotos. Dodges. Olds and Po, flocs. Com- plete front-end for trailers. An assort- ment of good. tires. Our lo•ation saves you money. ' CtTDMORE'S GRAVEL. Phone 171 r 3, Esters 4512-6 FREE SERVICE To Farmers • D'T ONWASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need. We will,' without charge to you, take samples of .he earth in your fields and have them .nalyzed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 876 4484-tf PROCLAMATION Township -of Tuckersmith UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- cil under authority of By-Law'No. 13, 1952, Township of Tuckersmith. I hereby Proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondyjlle and Harpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1954, to November 1, 1954. Owners or harborers of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of $60.00. (Signed) JAMES DOLO, Reeve, Township of Tuckersmith: 4511-tf NOTICE Township of Hullett THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Hullett will receive Tenders up to .luly 17th. for the digging of the open portion of the Hunking Municipal Drain. Approximately 6,332 feet in length. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. A certified cheque for 9200.00 must sreom.pnny all tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GFA. W. GOWAN, Clerk. Londeshnro, Ont. 4514-2 NOTICE Township of Hullett THE COUNCIL OF Lett. TOWNSHIP of Hallett will receive Tenders up to July 17th for the digging and laying of approximately 1.990 feet of 0 -inch tile on the Hunking Municipal Drain. Plans and speelflcatient, may be seen in the Clerk's Office. A certified cheque for $200.00 must accompany all Tenders. Lowest or any tender not neeessaril. accepted. ado. W., OOWAN, Clei4c. Lordeaboro, Ont. 4514-2 Cards of Thanks WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SIN - mere thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses and help shown us in our recent bereavement. MR, AND MRS. JOHN CAIRNS 4515x1 I WISH TO THANK ALL MY NEIGH - hors and friends for visits. cards, treats and flowers sent to me when I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. I offer special thanks to Rev. Mr. Stinson and Doctors McMaster and Elliott. 411,7x1 FRED C. COOK R. BERTRAM BRADBURN AND Miss Buelah Rradburn wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation to their neighbors and friends. the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. Dr. M. W. Stapleton and Rev. J. H. James. before and during their recent bereavement. 4115-1 In Memoriam DUNGEY—IN FOND AND LOVING memory of Mrs. William Tlungay. who passed away two years ago. July 16, 1952. God sew you getting weary, Then did what He thought best; He nuts His arms around you, And whispered : Came and rest, It doesn't need a special day Tn bring you to our mind, For days we do not think of yon Are very hard to find. Letinvly remembered by Bedford and Lois Dungey. 4515x1 Births ANDERSON -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. on July 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson, R.R. 1. Londeaboro, a son. HUTSON -Mr. and Mrs. Jock Rutson, Staffs (nee Wilma Dow). announce the birth of their daughter. Rae Christine, nt Stratford General Hospital. on Sat- urday. July 10. 1954, FEENEY—Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney wish to announce the arrival of a daughter in Stratford General Hospital on July 9, 1914. FEENEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, orr July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Feeney, R.,R. 2, Dublin, a son. 11ANEY-+fit Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Warden Haney, R.R. 4, Seaforth, a non. HARRISON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Harrison, EgmondvlJle, a daughter, MURRAY—At Soott Memorial Hospital. on July 14, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Murray, R. 6, Seaforth, a daughter. WORK112A Mr. and .Mrs. T. 0. Work- man, Kippen wish to announce 'the birth of n 8611, jf%eanns, hi Clinton Commun. ity Hospital, do sot -ardor, Jnly 8. 1954. Wound Requires Stitches( Nine stitches were required Oto close a deep gash in the left arm of Hilliard Lawrence on Monday evening. Hilliard was trying to raise an upstairs 'window which had become stuck from,fresh paint and ran his elbow through the win - flow. Dr. R. W. Read attended him at his office in Exeter. Best Fifer At Orange Meet Mr. T. J. Sherritt won first prize for the best fifer at the L.O.L. cele- bration held at Kincardine on July 12, competing with fifers from London, Lions Head, Owen Sound, Brussels and many other places. Tom is a member of the L.O.L. 24, Bayfield, his late grandfather hav- ing organized the lodge there. Entertain on 25th Anniversary Hotel Clinton, Clinton, was the setting for a delightful affair when Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Cairo, Michigan, entertained to a turkey supper in honor of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Some fifty im- Now in California Former Resident Here Returning to Seaforth for the first time in nearly 40 years, Geof- frey .T. Hamilton, of San Clemente, California, spent several interest- ing hours renewing acquaintances among those in the town whom he remembered here as a boy. Mr. Hamilton was accompanied by his wife. While in Seaforth they visited bis cousin, Miss Nor- ma Jeffery. Mr. -Hamilton left here in 1903 when he went to Toronto to join the staff of a bank, and some years later removed to California, where .he has since resided. His father for a number of years was in part- nership with the late William Kers- lake, and traded under the firm name of Kerslake & Hamilton. I am finding some difficulty. he said, in locating people who re- member me when I used to be in Seaforth. He did have interesting conversations, however, with Jas. F,. Willis and with Frank Sills. He was interested in a letter which had appeared in The Expositor some months ago on the occasion of the death of the late C. P. Sills, and which listed the names of those who had been at school with Mr. Sills. Mr. Hamilton was a member of that class. While in the district, Mr. and M•rs. H7arnilton are the guests of the Jefferys in the Staffa area. mediate relatives attended the af- fair from Hamilton, Exeter, Kip - pen, Brucefield and Hensall. The tea tables were very attractive, centred with bowls of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Love were made the pres- entation of a silver tea service and other gifts. Mrs. Love, who is the former Oliver Cooper, of Kippen, and Mr, Love, a native of Hills - green, and a prominent business- man, of Cairo, Mich., have lived there practically most of their mar- ried life, with the exception of a few years spent in Lansing, Mich. KIPPEN Mrs. K. J. McLeod, of Lennox- ville, Que., arrived in Kippen .Mon- day evening to spend a week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. N. D. Mc- Leod and Rev. McLeod, at the manse. Dr. 13111 and Mrs. Sproat and bay Janet, of Windsor, and Mrs - Myrtle Sproat, of Hensall, visited Monday with Mr. and .Mrs, John L. Henderson, Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell are their daughter and son-in-law and three children, of Montreal, Mrs. J. Moorhead, of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs, F. Doig and grandson, of Egmondvil1e, --were recent visitors of Mrs. L. J. Do'lg and Miss Janet. We are pleased to report Miss Marilyn Mousseau was successful in passing with honors her musi- cal examination In London, through the Royal Academy of Music, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Dichert and Merle visited Sunday evening with relatives in Clifford, Mrs. Beverley Beaton, of Gode- rich, was a Sunday guest of her father. Mr. Jonah Green. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Long, ac- companied by Mr. Bud McLeod, had a pleasant weekend at Rown- tree Beach, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Rowntree, and on the way horde visited Mrs. Ducker, of Southampton. Mr. Robert and son, Bert, spent Monday afternoon in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Howson en- joyed a few days Last week with friends in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, visited on Sunday y w lth the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore, A number attended the Cochrane reunion at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordan Wren vis- ited Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren, of Mount Forest, Mrs. Minnie Little, of London, visited friends in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. McClymont attended the wedding of her granddaughter, Donna Joyce McClinchey, of Var- na, on Saturday afternoon, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. A number of the Anderson fam- ily attended the Clark reunion on Sunday at Harbor Park, Goderich. Mrs. James Wright, of Kippen, returned last week after -visiting her nephew and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stewart, of Windsor, Nova Scotia, She also visited in Hali- fax and Truro and many other his- torical centres. On her return she visited with her son and daughter- in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wright. of Lorne Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright and son Alex. of Lorne Park, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. James Wright, and brother, Frank, this week. on their way to Van- couver, where they will spend a few weeks. W.I. Meeting Postponed Kippen East Women's Institute meeting, which was to be held at the home of Mrs. William Cald- well on July 21, has been postpon- ed until July 28, at 8:30 p.m. Mem- bers are asked to consult their programs for this meeting, WINCHELSEA Messrs. William Walters, Harold Rowe and Phil Hern spent the weekend at Chesley Lake. Mr. Ezra Willard and Mrs. Hat - ars, of Mount Pleasant, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Family Dinner Marks Birthdayiof Mrs. M. Miles Members of her ramily honored Mrs. Mark Miles On Sunday when they (held a dinner in her honor on the occasion of her 79th birth- day, Mrs. Miles. who formerly Liv- ed in St. Colutnban, spent the past two years in Stratford. Her hus- band died two years ago. The occasion was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilson Little, Winthrop, when Mr. -and Mrs. Little entertained members of the family which includes: Mrs. Syd Gibbings, of Brampton; Sister Anachela. of Guelph; Mark and Charles Miles, of Tavistock; John Miles, of Baden, and Norman. Miles of Kitchener, BERNICE PILLING of R.R. 2, Klppen, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dil- ling. A graduate of Seaforth District High School, she will teach ,in Sarnia. While at Teachers' College she worked on the college year book, join- ed the literary and glee clubs and is Interested In sport&, home economlcs and reading. J MISS LORRAINE SMITH, 1 will teach at S.S. 8, McKillop, at Manley. She le a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Smith, R.R. 2, Walton. Miss Smith graduated from Seaforth District High School, and at Teachers' College was interest- ed in music, dramatics and woodworking. New Division Engineer Assumes Highways Post Lloyd E. Walker, 1 Erie St., divi- sion engineer for the Stratford division of the Ontario Department of Highway's since 1952, will take up his new appointment as division engineer with the Kingston divi- sion on July 16. His transfer to this post was one of those mentioned in the reshuffle of 'highways department officials announced last month by Deputy Minister M. A. Elson. His successor is B. R. Heavysege, former construction engineer with the Port Hope division, who will commence his new duties officially on July 16, but who will be work- ing beside Mr. Walker during the next few days. WALTON MTs. Robert Mowbray, Toronto, visited with Miss Mary Mowbray. Charles McGavin is a patient in the Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis and Ruth Ann, Miss Olean Dundas and Herb Kirkby visited Ron Ennis at Ipperwash Camp. ,Misses June and Audrey Hack - well and Miss Doris Johnston "are on a concert tour in Northern On- tario with the London Boys' and Girls,' Band. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Somerville and Mr. 'and Mrs. Carson Allen, of Guelph, are visiting with friends in Detroit and Toledo. McKILLOP Mrs. W. E. Hawley had an un- fortunate accident last week when she fell from a car as it turned in- to the garage at her home, She: received a bad cut on her right arm, and her right shoulder and leg were badly bruised. Mr. David Hackney and sons, Leslie and Alex, of Kirkton, and Ronald Broderick, of Exeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Church on Sunday. Miss Minnie Somerville, Sea forth, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville, McKillop, and Mr. and Mrs. Car- son Allen, Guelph, are spending two weeks in Florida, Bunted By Ram, Falls, McKillop Lady Injured When she fell after being bunt- ed by a ram at her home in- Mc- Killop on Saturday, Mrs. John Byerman suffered a fractured leg. Mrs. Byerman was looking after some geese when the accident oc- curred. Her husband and daugh- ter, who were nearby, called medi- cal assistance. Visits John Hannah On Western Trip Writing to A. W. Sillery, Sea - forth, William Little, of Brantford, tells of a recent trip he had to the Western Provinces. During a visit to Winnipeg be visited his uncle, Walter Little, who is 96, and also John Hannah, who at 104, is Winnipeg's oldest citizen. Commenting on his visit with Mr. Hannah, Mr. Little says: ;',We also called on Winnipeg's oldest citizen, John Hannah, 104 last October, who was born on the farm across from Harpurhey that has Hannah's school on it. He looks very fresh, with no wrinkles on his face so far. He looks as if he would see several more years. I had not seen him for nearly 50 years. He used to live in Portage la Prairie when . I was a bay." Canada produces nine million tons of pulp and paper a year, District Obituaries W. D. (DON) EVANS HENSALL. — Wellesley Dorlaud (Don) Evans, Frederick St. at Turner St, Kitchener, died at the K -W Hospital Friday night, July 9, after a lengthy illness. A profes- sor of romance languages at Wa- terloo College for 16 years, . he previously taught in Toronto, Ham- ilton and Winnipeg. After gradua- tion from the University of Toron- to with his master of arts degree, be took post -graduate work in Madrid, Paris and at Columbia University. He was born in Toronto, son of the late William M. Evans and Wilbertize Ttorland. MT. served overseas with the Axmy in the That Wprid was a member of die Church of the Holy!/WOW, terloo, and had been j1.eopte'& den six years. He belonged to versity Lodge, .&.F aid 4411.. ronto, and to the Stott -115h A.A.O.S.R., 32nd degree. Surviving are bile wife, the mer Margaret Maclaren, e sail; two sons, Robert Darlene Evans, 8, and John Msedasrii Evans, 5; one daughter. MesgreD Louise, 3; two 'brothers, W. We Evans, Edmonton. Alta., and IL Van Evans, Detroit - Public funeral service was a is- ducted Monday at 2:94 peas. bean Holy Saviour Church, Alien Street,. Waterloo, with Rev. E. P. Bishupb rector, assisted by Dean Lbw& Sehaus, of Waterloo College 1ni charge. Interment was in Mem- ory Gardena. • 115(0 (RR5 1953 Dodge Sedan—(Blue) 1951 Dodge Sedan, Gyromatic—(Blue) 1951 Dodge Sedan,. Radio (Green) 1951 Dodge Sedan—(Gunmetal) 1951 Chev. Sedan, Radio—(Gunmetal) 1951 Chev. Coach—(Green) 1951 Pontiac Sedan—(Blue) 1950 Chev. Sedan, Radio—(Grey) - 1950 Dodge Sedan—(Black) 1950 Dodge Sedan, Radio—(Blue) Used Trucks 1950 Chev. 3/4 -Ton Express 1946 Ford 1/. -Ton Express Used Machinery 1 Case Model LA Tractor 1 Cockshutt Model 70 Tractor 1 John Deere Model H Tractor, with muffler 1 International Hay Loader (drop head) r3— Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 : Seaforth BALDWIN'S OFFER YOU THIS GREAT WEEK - END SPECIAL ! GALVANIZED PAILS Rolled edge and heavy rolled wire handle. Regular 85c SPECIAL • 69c CanNow andBeatHighPricesLater 7 -QUART CANNER Complete with rack an tight -fitting cover. 2e69 We also have a complete supply of your Canning Needs! Baldwin Hardware Phone 61 • Seaforth_ SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS SPECIAL—A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar- anteed mileage under 10,000. Fully equipped; radio, heater, signals, eta $1995.00 As low as 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 OHNV, STANDARD SEDAN 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELiNE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. %-TON •PICiKUP 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON 1950 CHEV. DE LUX3I COACH A written guarantee for 60 MANY OTHER MOD 1948 CHEV. FLEEMiNEI COAOH—Riniq' equipped 1946 PONTIAd SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH TRCKS 1948 CHEV. 1 -TON PUCK II ----. 1951 G.M-C 1A -TON 5 -2 -TON STAKE BODIES 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCK SPECIAL—New No. 20 Coekahutt Tlfaafar days on all Late Model Cara ELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 73-X-- 'The !Home of Better Used Cars" 4111111/1►, OPEN EVERY EYtNINO t, t 4 • d