HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-09, Page 7A 4 A 4 ss' LUNDELL 'FARM EQ UIPMENT We are agents for LUNDELL Farm Machinery FORAGE HARVESTERS will pick up hay In swath, straw, or cut standing grass with no changing of machine. !Aar further information contact FABER BROS. Kippen, Ont. Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, Scene of Willert Reumon The ninth annual Willert reunion was held at Jowett'e Grove, Bay- field, on Saturday, when the wea- ther was ideal for a picnic. The secretary, Mrs. Oren Grace, report- ed 200 registered from, Detroit, Windsor, Sarnia, British Columbia, Brantford, London, Mt. Clemens, Exeter, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Zurich, Kippen, Stratford, Hensall and Crediton. Greetings were read from some who were unable to at- tend. The president, Ervin J. Wily lert, of Hensall, welcomed every- one, and then turned the picnic av- er to Wellington Heist, sports con- vener. Winners were as follows: girls, Expositor Want Ads Bring Results -- Phone 41 NOTICE! Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1954 License for same on or before June 30, 1954. LICENSES WILL BE ISSUED FROM THE TREASURER'S OFFICE IN THE TOWN HALL, OR BY THE TAXCOLLECTOR, H. MALONEY. After that date, summons through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR TAGS No dogs are to be allowed to run at large five to eight, Barbara Ann Willert, Dianne Koehler, Margaret San- ders; anders; boys, live to eight, Wayne Weiburg, Larry Jones, John Ran- kin; girls, eight to 12, Audrey Richardson, Barbara Beaver, Mar- ilyn Rankin; Ode, 12 to 16, Joan Koehler, Audrey Richardson, Mar- garet Keller; girls' three-legged race under 16, Joan Koehler and Audrey Richardson; boya' sack race, 16 and under, Thomas Trieb- ner, Earl Walburg, Morris Haist; ehin the orange, Otto Willert's side; walking contest, Oren Grace, Fred Walburg, Dorothy Beirling; wheelbarrow race, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Listoen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Teller; stretch that line, Glenn Koehler's aide; dodge ball, Shirley Wurm, Mrs. Lorne Listoen; trea- euro hunt, Mrs. Earl Telfer. Married ladies' race, Mrs Glenn Koehler, Mrs. Lorne Listoen; mar- ried men, Lorne Listoen, Glenn Koehler, Hubert Weiburg; rolling pin, Doris Listoen, Bernice Wei - burg; longest line of clothes, Wel- lington Heist's side; guessing the weight of the owner of two shoes went to Henry Becker who guess wan 437 pounds (right weight was WIEIM511 mower-thrust NOTICE ! Salvage WANTED WE •WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash 'Prices Paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND ONTARIO Important New Legislation respecting ELEVATORS and LIFTS ONTARIO I wish to bring to attention that The Elevators and Lifts Act, 1953, came into force on June 17, 1954. Under this legislation, in Ontario the owner of an elevator, dumb -waiter, escalator, manlift or incline lift must obtain an annual licence to operate the elevator or lift. The legislation further provides that only a person who holds a certificate of competency issued under the Act may make inspections of these installations in Ontario. In addition, contractors who construct, install, repair, or maintain elevators or lifts, etc., may now only carry on business in Ontario if they are registered under the Act. In order to comply with the legislation— Any person employed by an insurer to make inspections must make application immediately for a certificate of competency. OWNERS of elevators, dumb -waiters, escalators, manias or incline lifts must make application im- mediately for licence to operate their installations. CONTRACTORS must make application immedi- ately for annual registration. Licences and certificates of competency for the period ending December 31, 1954, are now available, and enquiries and requests for application forms should -be directed to the Chief Inspector, Elevator Inspection Branch, Department of Labour, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Charles Daley, Minister 438 pounds), the president ati tris wife's ehaee. Luring ' the eui per hoer several priz'ea were presented: oldest per- son. Mrs, Robert McBride, Kippen, 82 years; loageet married eovpie, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restameyer, Dashwood, 41 years; recent mar- ried couple, ptr. and Mrs. Oren Grace, of Dearborn, Mich., three months; youngest person, Sharon Nancy, daughter of Mr. aAd Mrs. Harold Willert, Hensall, three months; one coming longest dis- tance, Mrs. Reta Slezak (nee Reta Willert), from British Columbia. New officers were appointed as follows: president, Edviu J. Wil- lert, Hensall; vice-presidenf, Wel- lington Heist; Dashwood; secre- tary, Mrs. E. J. Willert, Hensall; table convener, Mrs. Lloyd Jones, Exeter; sports committee, Adolph Keller, Dashwood. A ball game ended the sports and the evening was spent in dancing at the Pavilion, with Desjardine's orchestra in attendance. JointLodgePicnic Set for July 9th' July 9 has been set as the date for the joint picnic of the members and families of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge and of Fidelity I.O.O.F. Lodge, to be held at the Lions Park, Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Mrs. Ed. Andrews, Mrs. Keith Sharp and Mrs. William Wilbee will be a com- mittee in charge of a program of sports. The social committee for July, August, September and October, named by Mrs. Leslie McClure, Noble Grand, includes Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. Andrew Moore, Mrs. Janet Baker, Mrs, Ab. Harrison, Mrs. William Wilbee, Mrs. Allen Campbell and Mrs. Ephriam Haase. The .first night of Rebekah nom- inations was held. A donation was made to the newly formed St. Marys Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Roy McGonigle and Miss Mae Smith, re- presentative and scholar, respec- tively, at the recent Assembly, gave reports, and Mrs. iia Dorrance thanked the lodge for the honor bestowed on her in electing her to receive the decoration of chivalry. The district inaugural meeting was held in Seaforth Wednesday evening, when Mrs. Chester Hen- derson was installed as district deputy president. ... the letters start. Then from all over the free world come such slim• ments as these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, an international daily newspaper: "The Monitor is must read- ing for straight -thinking people. . . "1 returned to school after a lapse of 18 years. 1 will get my degree from the college, but my education comes from the Monitor...." "The Monitor gives me idea for my work.. , . "1 truly enjoy its cons - pang....,, You, too, will find the Monitor infortnative, with complete world news. You will discover a construe• tive viewpoint in every news story. Use the coupon below. _ The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway Street Boston 15, Maas., U. S. A. Please send me The Christian Science Monitor for one year. I enclose $15 0 (3 mos. $3.75) ❑ (name) (address) (city) (zone) (state) NO. 6 IN A SERIES ... YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS YOUR HYDRO ...key service in a new community From 1947 to December, 1953, the num- ber of new dwelling units built in Ontario was 183,515. Each required an average of 1% kilowatts of electricity, a total of 229,000 kilowatts, or, 307,000 horse- power. These homes didn't have to wait for Hydro service. Crews were stringing lines before the homes were completed . . . Hydro was there, before the door key. To meet this demand Ontario Hydro and your local municipal system must plan far into the future. Power projects must be started years before their immediate need arises, so that new homes, new schools, new shopping centres, new muni- cipal services and new industries, all have power when and where required .. 10w -cost power that is the keynote of modern living. ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS iMltrlofloo ooncernl to your Nydro ha 1 47/ do 11 ro can be obtained by writing University Avenue, Toronto. Y,I Joseph Riop,i c J • ( Found, A6oidentat By Ju y The Toronto Star reports anee,. inquest held last- Wednesday into the June 13th shooting at St. Joseph as follows: Tile shooting of an Indian intru- der in a "bottle club" at St. Joseph, on Lake Huron on June 13, was declared accidental by a coroner's jury at Zurich Wednesday. The verdict declared that Clar- ence George, of the Kettle Point Reserve died of a gunshot wound fired by Hector Forcier, proprietor of the club, which police say, is one of the anomalies of the old Canada Temperance\ act still op- erative in Huron County. The ver diet was that Forcier fired the shot "accidentally" after a burglar alarm had gone off in his combined club, service station and grocery ,on the Blue Water Highway at 4:55 a.m. The ,bullet that killed George was a chance shot through a window, tired, Forcier said, without aiming at anything. The pellet shattered on the edge of a venetian blind, part penetrating George's chest and lung seconds after he reached to turn off an electric light. Other parts cut the wire, stopped the electric clock and fixed the time of the shooting. "We have every sympathy for the family of the deceased," the verdict said, "and the whole un- fortunate happening is a warning against the too free use of Are - arms. There are limits to the de- fence of property but after careful consideration of the evidence we feel that the actions of Hector Forcier were excusable." Two Companions Charged Nelson Bresetts and Eli Henry, George's companions, are in cus- tody. Bresgtte is charged with breaking and entering with intent to steal and Henry with having a part in the "conspiracy;' Coroner Dr. E. J. Milner, heard the nine witnesses, including George's widow, Betty, who said the 37 -year-old Indian and his com- panions'had been drinking heavily all day and after unsuccessful at- tempts to buy more beer from boot- leggers, had told her they were go- ing to "lift some beer" at Lake Huron resorts. Her husband was staggering when he left home, she said, and the other two were drunk. Henry swore they drove past Forcier's around 3 a.m. but kept going when they saw lights on, an orohestra playing and many people around. They drove on to Bayfield, burglarized a place and stole a couple of cases of beer which were handed out through .ad' window. Af- ter drinking some of their new sup- ply they arrived back at St. Jos- eph's, halted near Forcier's and walked on in the dark. Henry said he was instructed by his compan- ions "if we are not back in 20 min- utes, tail off with the car." Henry said he tell asleep and awakened at the crack of a gun which he told Crown Attorney Glenn Hay$ he took to be "a farmer shooting crow" at dawn. He left without picking up his companions. Robbed Several Times Bresette said they used an auto spring to-jimmey a door. They pil- ed half a dozen cases of beer for removal through a window and had a couple out when Bresette said he told George, "We better get out of here." George reached and turned out the light. Four seconds later, he said, a rifle cracked. George fell, muttered Bresette's name and died. Bresette was still in the place when Provincial Constable C. E: Gibbons arrived. Foreier said his place had been burglarized several times in the past three years. First $1,600 worth of batteries and tires were taken. Next $600 worth of groceries. Then blankets and tools. His dog died and, a six -months -old pup, kept to watch the place, was stabbed by burglars. His cash register was repeatedly looted. insurance com- panies withdrew his burglar insur- ance and he installed the burglar alarm that awakened him June 13. He said he raced from his home to the garage in a pick-up truck, carnying a .303 Lee Enfield rifle and leaving his wife to call police. "It was the first experience of the kind I ever had," Forcier testi- fied. "I had no time to think it out. It jarred me when the light went out inside and the first thing that came to my mind was to fire a shot through the window to let them know that I was armed and to scare them to stay till police came. Somebody was inside. I was a sitting duck outside. I fired from the hip at the window and not at anybody. I only thought to break the glass." Had No Malice Crown Attorney Hays asked if Forcier had any malice toward George, who previously had stolen a .pump, door mat and light bulbs. Forcier said he did not know nor recognize George and did not know of his identity till after the' shoot- ing. "Could it have been a desire for revenge or to inflict pain or death on whoever was in there, because of your anger over these things?" the crown asked. Forcier answered. "That is not my nature. 1 thought If I could get and hold somebody who was doing these things we could clear it up through the police." The mystery of bottle club oper- ation was explained by Huron rest- dents. It is illegal for a man to buy beer in a legal store and bring it into Huron County for his own use. But he can buy and bring it in for a friend. The friend can do as much for him. Several friends can bring it to one place and set up ts•club where each owner drinks what has been given to him. For- tier operates the club, cools and keeps the beer. Members who pay a membership fee, drop in to drink, each Brom his own case. Pollee say the law is a hangover of the half-eenttlry-old Canada Temper - ante Act.. (Continued from Page 2) tite was maintained at a. satielac- cry, level. No digestive disorders or pathological upsets were noted in either sheep or swine. Although the moulds found on he grains used in these trials hap- ened to be harmless, in practice t would be wise to either test mouldy feeds on one animal first r introduce mouldy grains into he ration gradually and keep a lose watch on the animals for any signs of digestive disturbances. t P 0 t c Car Overturns What might have been a more serious accident occurred to Mrs. Minnie Weido of London Saturday morning while travelling from Blake to the Zurich highway, about a mile north, when some loose gravel, some fog, and a narrow stretch of road near a culvert caus- ed her to loose control of her car and it rolled over in a. 11 -foot ditch upside down. A Mr. Denomme, of Michigan, happened along and pull- ed Mrs. Weido out of the car and was assisted by Clare Geiger in getting her to the top of the ditch. Mr. Denomme took the patient to Zurich, where she was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is progressing very favorably The car was considerably damaged.— Zurich Herald. Celebrate Silver Wedding Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ostrom celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 26, when many friends called at their home to congratulate them. They were married on June 29, 1929, in High Park Baptist Church, Toron- to. Young Robert Ostrom answer ed the door to callers on Saturday, and his parents received them. Two sisters of Mrs. Ostrom poured tea, Mrs. A. G. Clarke and Mrs. R. A. Perigoe, both of Toronto. They were assisted in the dining - room by Mrs. Ostrom's sister-in- law, Mrs. R. E. Davey, and her two nieces, Miss Linda Perigoe and Miss Carol Clarke. Miss Nor- ma Thompson and Mrs. Donald Hancock, both of Georgetown, re- plenished the serving platters and prepared the tea in the kitchen. Tea was served from a daintily ar- ranged table, centred by a three- tier wedding cake and decorated by twin cornucopias, one pink and one blue, filled with pale pink peonies and roses and decorative ivy. A large number of friends'call- ed and left their greetings. Con- gratulatory cards and gifts of china and silver were received by the celebrating couple. — Clinton News -Record, jThel6tho consecutive GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada DIVIDEND 150 a share - rate of 6% per annutir payable July 15th, 1954 to shareholders of record June 30, 1954 J. WILSON BERRY President and General Manager BERRY 1,11111.$1,4S1161111111'I II;IIIGi111,111 ,111'Illfl ' THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Puslinch Township, in Wel- lington County, will remain dry. In May voters voted about four to one against permitting beer or liquor outlets within the township borders. Thus did the people of Puslinch strongly affirm the last liquor vote, tak- en 40 years ago. The vote was on five questions: liquor sale from Government stores; beer sale from Government outlets; beverage rooms for men; bev- erage rooms for women; dining room sale of beer and wine. This victory was not won with- out hard work by a local com- mittee. Into every home went a pamphlet packed with facts about the issues at stake and challenging the propaganda of wet advocates. Some extracts follow: "Really now, is Pus- linch Lake (a delightful and popular summer resort) a good place to put a beer parlor? According to an estimate sup- plied by an O.P.P. officer, 70 per cent of the deaths due to accidents in 1952.were caused by drinking drivers. Dare we increase the hazard to our chil- dren? Remember, DRINKING PLACES ATTRACT DRINK- ING DRIVERS." Re taxes: "We hear a good deal of talk about how these outlets will help our taxes. The fact is they will COST US PLENTY in additional POLICE, WELFARE and other costa. . To get even one dollar of this tax, the Township must provide Police Protection. In cash terms—for each 10,000 gallons sold, the township Bete less than $200.. How mudh liquor and beer must flow be- fore the salary of even one policeman is paid?" A final note: "In 17 places in Ontario since September, 1953, where a vote was taken, the electors have maintained the dry status"--(Advt.). Goderich Memorkii riday, New 1954 21" T V Sets .. with Manufacturer's Warranty 3 Normal Retail Value $379.50 Each uP L US 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $100.00 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $75.00 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $50.00 12 REGULAR GAMES for $25 each 1 SHARE THE WEALTH GAME Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 5 for $1.00 Doors open at 8 p.m. GAMES START SHARP AT 9 P.M. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 sa Your Business Directory LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH - : ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic . Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- day, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CLINTON—Monday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (McLaren's Studio). INSURANCE FOR ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE LOW COST PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE and RETIREMENT PLANS Phone, Write or Wire E. C. (Ned) BOSWELL JOHN ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Special Representative: The Occidental Life Insurance Co. of California. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont OFFIOBRS : President - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -Pres. - J. R. McEwing, Blyth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. 'Whit. more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonlhaydt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seer forth; John IL McEwing, Myth, William S. Alexander, Walton; Her. vey Fuller, Goderich; J. B. Pepper, Brueefieid. AGENTS: William taper. Jr.. Londeelloao1 J. L�..�, �. yBredh Betels ; Bet Baker, DrUtriNe; Rri9 el& .i... 6zaa'Shne 3;'f„s4 ii xK' bfk MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 : Seaforth If no answer, call 59 JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 • Hensel& JOHN A.. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician land Surgeon Phones; Office 5-W; Res. 6-3 Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internes! Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made, VETERINARY D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon HENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 93 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105 • Seaforth ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 465 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 65 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH L RYAN Specialist in farm stook and ins - pimento and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 a 1, Dublin. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly 331 313‘ ed. Immediate arrangements elin be made for Bale dates b phosI 4254, Clinton. Chart's malt* and satlsfaetion guaranteed. PERCY C. WRil9HT Licensed Auetleneer . Livestock end Parra *II TOr to bettelr °(alraDOii►.25e0 ✓ rmettoins1i.