HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-09, Page 5• • f 4 i t • ootball Brussels vs. Winthrop THURSDAY, JULY 15 WINTHROP !COMMUNITY PARK Game Time 7:30 p.m. Come, Out and .Support the Boys! giffigpwwwwwwwwitisvemp SPECIALS In USED CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS at DALY Motors 1952 FORD CUSTOMLINE COACH 1950 MONARCH SEDAN 1950 METEOR SEDAN -1949 PLYMOUTH COACH -1948 CHEVROLET 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN -1940 FORD COACH, 1939 CHRYSLER COACH - 1939 FORD COACH -1954 FORD %/-TON PICKUP 1954 FORDSON MAJOR 1949 FORD TRACTOR 1944 FORD TRACTOR DALY MOTORS Phone 102 : Seaforth m' ore Eickmeyer Reunion Held At Brodhagen School The public school grounds, Brod- hagen, rodhagen, was the scene of the ESC- meyer reunion. Norma Hoffmeyer, president, welcomed the gathering and Dan Eickmeyer gave a report of the last reunion. A supper was served, with Mrs. Ezra Switzer and Mrs. William Seebach as conven- ers. .Guests attended from Ralston, Alta., Detroit and Armada, Mioh., Buffalo, N.Y., Toronto, Mildmay, Fordwich, Ethel, Brussels, Lis- towel, Bluevale, Stratford, Sebring- ville, Dublin, Mitehell, Kitchener, Brodhagen and surrounding dis- trict. Race results were: girls, 5 and under, Ruth Schellenberger, Anna. Schellenberger; boys 5 and under, Paul Eickmeyer, 13arold Mutter; girls 6-8, Charlene Brooks, Joan Schellenberger; boys 6-8, Barry Eickmeyer, David Schellenberger; DRESSED Ham Supper — at — St. Columban Parish Hall WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Bingo - Booths - Etc. Admission $1.00 — Children 50o Notice We will be closed July 19th to August 3rd Last pick-up July 12th a.m. Scoins Cleaners A TREAT FROM GRAND BEND MERCHANTS! GRAND BEND KIDS DAY For Boys and Girls Up to 14 Years, Inclusive Wednesday, July 14th From 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. FREE! Roller Skating Miniature Golf Merry -Go -Round Cruiser Boat Rides FREE! FREE! Cartoon Movie Shows Ferris Wheel Rides Bump Car Rides Fun House Tour FREE !, 1 MONSTER PARADE 1:30 p.m. — Three Clown Bands • Sponsored by Grand Bend C. of C. and Public Spirited • 1 • Citizens Home Improvement Finance Plan for Home Owners Who is Eligible? Any home owner of good credit stand- ing tanding who has a reasonable equity in his home. What Improvements Can Be Financed Under the Plan? A repair, alteration or improvement of an existing structure, including a detached garage, e.g., finishing attic rooms, adding rooms, re -roofing, new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathrooms, making basement room, eta. Where Do I Apply For Advice? Go to BALL - MACAULAY. They will give you expert advice, examine your home tt you so desire, help yon to determine your exact requirements, give yon a quotation, or Ind a satisfactory contractor. 1f yon wish, you can do the job yourself. girls 10 to 12, Elizabeth Cooper, Jane Lee; boys 8-12, Robert Eick- meyer, 'Walter Pauli; girls 12-14, Marjorie Robinson; young women's race, Marilynn Cooper, Grace Hoff- meyer;- young men's race, Roy Eickmeyer, Ken Robinson; married women's race, Mrs. D. Miller, Mrs. L. Bennewies; married men, Bill Thiel, Lorne Alkene; ,women kick- ing the slipper, Grace Hoffmeyer; men kicking slipper, Charles Bor- man, Oscar Eickmeyer; three-leg- ged race, Marilyn Cooper and Eliz- abeth Cooper; youngest person pre- sent, George Clayton McPhail; old- est person, John Siemon; pin race, Mrs. F. Lee; men's and women's shoe race, Mr. and Mrs. George Mutter; mystery contest, Mrs. George Mutter; clothespin race, Mrs. Wray Cooper; jelly bean con- test, Mrs. Roy Fischer. WINCHELSEA Mr. Grant Gilfiilen spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Staffa. Master Blair Grubbe, of Green- och, is spending the week with Raymond Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Horne and son, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. J. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brock and Lin- da, of London, are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters and family. Mr. F. Horne and Mrs. J. Horne attended the Pym picnic at Sea - forth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Batten spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kel- lett, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and family attended the Dobbs' reun- ion at Springbank on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Gilfillan and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten spent Sun- day at Sarnia, Logan Sets Tax Rate At 8 Mills For Township Logan Council held its regular meeting at Bornholm on Monday, with all members present, the reeve presiding. Road accounts to- talling $11,532.75, and general ac- counts amounting to $1,761.28, were ordered paid. The report of the Hagerty Drain Branch No. 3 was read and adopted and the Clerk instructed to prepare a bylaw with court of revision to be held August 3 at 9 p.m. Tihe report of the Weisman Drain was read and held over until July 16, pending a minor change requested by a ratepayer, the Clerk to notify Engineer Corbett of same. The Watt, Ritz Extension and Knipe drainage reports being re- ceived, the Clerk was instructed to notify the ratepayers affected that they would be read and considered Friday evening, July 16, at 8, 8:30 and 9 p.m., respectively. As there were no appeals on the Rock branch of the 'Nicholson Drain, court of revision was dis- pensed with. Petitions for muni- cipal drains being received on the Wm. Kries and John Barthel, Jas. Machan and John Ingram awards, the Clerk is to notify James A. Howes, O.L.S., to examine same and report back to council as soon as possible. The township rate for the 1954 taxes was set at eight mills. The Council drafted a resolution, on re- quest of the Town of Mitchell, that immediate action be taken on the Mitchell project of the Upper Thames Valley Authority, Council, then adjourned to meet again July 16, at 7:30 p.m. The BALL - MACAULAY Yards at Seaforth and Clinton are pleased to announce that through membership in Inter -Provincial Building Credits Ltd., they are now able to offer to HOME OWNERS a low cost Credit Plan, by which repairs, alterations and modernization of existing homes can be financed. How Do I Arrange For Credit? Fill out a simple confidential applica- tion in BALL - MACAULAY Office. Are There Limits As to Amount and Time Allowed For Payment? Yee. The minimums credit is $100 and the maximum $2,000. The repayment plan provides for equal monthly instalments in round figures over periods of six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four .months, as you may select. Yeiu say how much you can afford . to pay each month and a satisfactory plan will be selected. What is the Down Payment Be- fore I Can Get the Job Started? No down payment le necessary on build- ing material. Ball - Macaulay Ltd. WIZ - CEMENT - TILE - BRICK CLINTON Phone 97 LUMBER - 'S E A,FORTH Phone 787 5 Municipal Board Gives (Continued from Page 1) t indicated that, in his opinion, tine objections to the sewage proposal were that so few were beneditting at the expense of so many. He went on to point out that the ne- cessity for providing sewage arose because of the great many apart- ments which had been created in certain districts. "But aren't there building by- laws in the town or planning by- laws, which provide for the manner in which these apartments might be erected?" asked the chairman. "No, the Mayor didn't want them," replied Mr. Sillery. "Now, now, we don't want any politics in this," the chairman said. Board that it' would aeezia to be primarily a matter for the Council. This could be done, the Board said, just as soon as the Council wants it. If one Council doesn't want to provide additional service which the people feel is required, then the answer is for the people to get another council: Reeve James Doig, of Tucker - smith, informed the board that ratepayers of Tuckersmith were perturbed because of the effect which might be created in Silver Greek if the disposal plant dis- charged into the river. The Board indicated that it had no authority to discuss the situation that might arise in Tuckersmith, and that the only reason that the hearing was being held in Seaforth was to con- clude whether or not Seaforth can afford the Jastallation, and to learn of objections which Seaforth rate- payers might have. It was not felt that Tuckersmith would have much to worry about, however, since the Department of Health had approv- ed the proposal, and for this rea- son, then, there should not be con- cern as to whether or not the car- rying out of the proposal would affect Tuckersmith revenue. Reeve Doig indicated that. .Tuc- ersmith's difficulty arose because of the relatively small run of.. wa- ter in the river in the summertime, and because it was felt this could result in the river simply becom- ing a reservoir for sewage plant disposal until such time : s .l ring and fall floods cleaned out the river. Since Tuckersmith wrs af- fected to this extent, he felt he said, that the Township should have been consulted. However, the chair- man indicated that such was not necessary, and advised Reeve Doig to have his municii:ality consult a municipal lawyer, or to discuss the matter with the Department of Municipal Affairs, if he felt that the township was in danger of be- ing o-ing harmed. People Should Decide Frank Sills, for many years Reeve of Seaforth, in speaking to the Board, indicated that there was no objection, in his opinion, to sewage either in whole or in part, so long as the proposal was ad- vanced in a 'manner which would be in the . interests of all the peo- ple. "People resent coercion as a substitute for co-operation," he said. This has , been rammed through. The petition which was presented was not as a result of the money involved, but rather was because the people who had signed the petition were of the opinion that the ratepayers as a whole should- be given an opportunity to decide whether or not they were in favor of a sewage system. There had been no explanation 'of the proposal at all. and it was not pos- sible for people to reach a proper conclusion. He was in doubt as to whether the proposal .to provide sewage arose because of selfish in- terests, or as a result of the de- sire to assist the entire town. He pointed out that the present ar- rangement of cess pools and dis- posal beds had worked satisfactor- ily for years, and that present dif- ficulties with regard to • disposal arose because of the greatly in- creased number of apartments which had been provided in cer- tain areas. Before these apart- ments were created, he said, ar- rangements should have been con- cluded for the proper disposal of the sewage from them. Reviewing previous evidence, Mr. Sills recalled that .the engineer had said that the system would combine both sewers and drains into one system. However, he went on, the Health Unit says that solids in drains are a hazard to health, and he wondered how these two state- ments would be reconciled, He ask- ed whether the present plan would take care of sewers and drains both. The engineer, Mr. Reid, an- swered that at the moment, drains would not be used in the present proposal. Difficulties in Clinton? Indicating that it was apparent the whole proposal had been pro- ceeded with in a haphazard way, Mr. Sills reminded the Board that it had been necessary to amend the application as the hearing opened. The Board Chairman explained that the amendment was of a minor na- ture an provided for the inclusion d of a lane which had inadvertently been omitted in the formal notice of the hearing. The Chairman went on to explain that while this re- ference had been omitted in this particular instance, it was contain- ed in draft applications, in cor- respondence, and also in the ap- proval which the Department of Health had given to the plan as a whole. The Board was not in a position to indicate the proportion )f cost which should be borne by those benefitting and those not benefit- ting in the initial stages, Mr. Sills was told. In the final analysis, every ratepayer in the town will benefit, the chairma.n said, and we can't be too critical of the proposal on those grounds. The Council, we feel, he said, did right in accept- ing the recommendation of the en- gineer. Mr. Sills referred to the difficul- ties which, he said, were being ex- perienced in Clinton and which were causing unrest among rate- payers in that. town. These condi- tions grew from the fa.et that many of the charges in connection with sewage appear to have been hid- den and now were resulting in increased costs. As he concluded, Mr. Sills asked the Board to carry back a message to the policymak- ers and the Cabinet to indicate that it was time small towns were given greater consideration in the matter of subsidies, The Board indicated that it was not possible for it to give consideration to policy mat- ters, but the chairman said that it was appreciated that real estate was carrying pretty well all the taxes it can stand. Higher costs of education, the chairman said, are raising taxes on real estate. Alvin, W. Riflery, Seaforth solici- tor, who next addressed the Board, Questions Operating Costs Mr. Sillery went on to -indicate that in his opinion consideration must be given to the cost of opera- tion of the sewer, and that under the existing arrangement, ratepay- ers on back streets throughout the municipality would be called on to pay the costs of operating a sys- tem which was to bent but a few people on the main streets. "Sewers are no longer a luxury in this enlightened age," the chair- man said; "they are a •necessity, and if in a particular section of the town, over -population has re- bulted in creating a condition which is hazardous to health, then some- thing must be done to correct the situation. A start must be made somewhere." This additional ac- commodation which has. been cre- ated in these areas has Made it possible for many additional peo- ple to live in Seaforth, and that in turn, has benefitted the whole town." In answer to a previous question, Mr. Reid informed the Board that', ir, his opinion, the additional amount required to be raised by general levy in order to carry out the annual operation of the pro- posed plant, would not exceed $2,000.00. Suggesting that a ratepayers meeting should have been called so that the entire matter could have been discussed in a more informal fashion, Mr. Sillery told the Board that his prime objection was that so many were being called on to pay for the benefits which would go to so few. The Council should have taken the property owners in- to its confidence and have discuss- ed the pros and cons. This isn't possible in a formal hearing, as was being held. Notices To Petitioners Miss Gladys Thompson asked the Board why all the ratepayers had not been informed by letter of the hearing. She was 'told that the hearing had been advertised twice in local papers, but to make cer- tain that those who hadexpressed a particular interest in, the matter, that is, those whose names ap- peared on the petition, the Board had directed that letters go for- ward to these people. Asking why the sewer route was to be parallel to Main St., and not along other streets where greater numbers of people lived, Miss Thompson was told that the deci- sion rested with Council on the recommendation of its engineer. Mr. Reid, the engineer, interpolated to indicate that he had been direct- ed by Council to give consideration to this particular area first since,. in Council's opinion ,this area was the worst from a sanitary stand- point. The Board of Health had informed Council to this effect, he said. No Consideration To Extensions Asking the Board again how long it could be anticipated it would be before the rest of the town could be served, the chairman replied by asking Mr. Reid, whether or not there had been any discussions about extensions, "Not with me," Mr, Reid replied. Mayor McMaster. who was pres- ent atthe hearing, informed the Board that it was the intention of Council to make extensions from time to time on the advice of the Huron -County Health Unit. He went on to point out that difficulty already existed insofar as disposal of sewage from Scott Memorial Hospital was concerned, and that perhaps an extension in that area would be necessary very shortly. Miss Thompson, in summing up, indicated that she felt that the town as a whole had a requirement for a sewage system, as well as for agarbage pick-up system,stem and felt that the town should be treated equally. The chairman indicated that while these things were desir- able, the matter of cost had to be taken into consideration, and sug- gested that perhaps had all these proposals been advanced at the same time, it would have been dif- ficult to obtain approval. Following an adjournment of five minutes. which was called when it appeared there were no further objections on the part of those present, the Board handed down its ruling. In its opinion, the objec- tions centered about the fact that the proposal of the moment did not cover a sufficiently large area. But, it pointed out, it must be appreci- ated that a start e�m?nust be made at some point, and vftr the advice of its engineer. the town had consid- ered that the proposal as advanced was the most satisfactory. The chairman reviewed the debenture structure and indicated that as a result of many of the debentures being either self-supporting, such as waterworks and hydro, or being charges against other organiza- tions, such as Seaforth District High School, the picture was not as serious as it appeared to be at first glance. "Seaforth can afford this work and could, at the same time, go ahead with possibly some extensions," he concluded. Raising a doubt as to whether or not $95,000 would be sufficient to complete the proposed work, the Board was told by Mr. Reid that already firm bids in this amount had been received. In concluding, the chairma.n indicated that the Board thinks Seaforth is on the right track, and that its financial set-up is such that 11 is in a good enough financial situation to carry on the Work, as well as perhaps, with some extensions. STENf4RT BROS. BIG JULY SA: STARTS JULY 8 - -ENDS JUL COME EXPECTING REAL BARGAINS! WE WON'T DIS J PO YOU! HERE ARE A FEW OF THE BIG VALUES — BUT THE; ARE HUNDREDS MORE ! MEN'S DEPT. Men's Suits Nylogab Slacks Men's Gaucho Shirts Men's 'T -Shirts Men's Work Shirts ' Men's Nylon Hose Men's Sport Shirts Men's Jockey Underwear Men's Sport Jackets Men's Swim Trunks Men's Sport Coats Boys' 2 -Pant Suits Boys' Sport Shirts Boys' Nylon Sox Boys' Swim Trunks Boys' Jockey Underwear 2195 5.55 2:39 98c 2.28 88c 2.79 69c 21-0 Off 2.35 14.95 uP 14.95 up 1.391 64c 1.59 up .. - • 49c LADIES DEPT. 39.50 Shortie Coats Ladies' Suits °All -Weather Coats Children's Dresses Blouse Sale 1.50 Nylons Sale of Brassieres Flannelette Blankets 19 20% 19.E 1.1, 2.91- 95c lie 1.95 ea - Pillow Cases ...........°..... 1.19 Pr - 12.95 Dresses Better Dresses 59c Prints 95 to 1.25 Guest Towels 7.9 20% off 45c YIL 59c 55C Yd. 49c 34c pd - 36" Seersucker Rayon Panties Colored Plastic STEWART BROS. Promotions Listed For S.S. 12, Grey The following are the results of June examinations at S.S. 12, Grey, where the teacher is Mrs. Edna Hackwell: Promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9—Ronald Uhler. To Grade 8— Harmon Brodhagen, Catherine Buchanan, •Norma Hoegy, Barry Hoegy, Donna Smith, Josette Del- bergue, Michael Gulutzen, Allen Johnston. To Grade 7—June Brod- hagen, Marilyn Johnston, Bert Clarke. To Grade 6—Billy Uhler, Arlene Williamson, Marion Turn- bull, John Baan, Larry Johnston, Ronald Williamson, Larry Perdue. To Grade 5—Anne Cardiff, Eileen Williamson, Fred Uhler, Alexan- der Gulutzen. To Grade 4—Ruth Ritchie, Barbara Turnbull, Irene Johnston, Douglas Murray, Gerald Smith. To Grade 3—Gerald Will- liamson, Wayne Williamson, Don- ald Nolan, Andre Delbergue, Ken- neth Williamson. To Grade 2— Mary Helen Buchanan, Kathryn Murray, Barrie Nolan, Bonnie Uhler, Kenneth Brodhagen, Eric Williamson, Shirley Ann Johnston. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. William Storey attended the Flynn -Norris wedding on Wednesday, June 23, at the Mr. M i eparents. home of the bride's and Mrs. Harry Norris, Cromarty. Miss Nancy Bloomfield, Barrie, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Clarke. Miss Agnes Breen. St. Thomas, was a recent guest with her friend, Miss Donelda. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd, Sea - forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke and Miss Belle McCully were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McMichael. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs• Ernest Adams and Miss Donelda Adams were recent guests with Cpl. and Mrs. K. T. :\dams• Centralia. Mrs. Martin Richmond, Kimbley, Sask.. is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Rev. T. J. White preached a very inspirational sermon on Sunday. A pleasing feature of the service was 12 of the young people uniting with the church. Mr. and Mrs. Mansal Cook joined by letter. There was also a baptismal service when William Patti and Raymond Russell, sons of Mr. and Mrs. N. Cook, and Robert Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Phillips. This is strong evidence of the commend- able work peing done by the pas- tor, Rev. T. J. White. Mr. Robert Banks, who spent the past week at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Jewitt, left. on Monday for his home in Hazenmore, Sask. He was accompanied as far as Caldeon by Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. R. Jewitt. Mrs. Jack Medd was hostess at a shower at her home on Wednes- day ednee-day evening, June 30, honoring Miss Patricia Morrison, bride -elect of this month. Miss Donelda Adams is taking a summer course tit Educational Col-- HFA Football News, Hullett Will Retain I Property Clinton Waw HOLSTEIN - WALTON TIE Holstein and Walton played a tie game in the Huron Football As- sociation at Walton Monday night. Goalie Hunter, of Holstein, was injured in the dying moments :.of the first period, when his collar- bone was fractured. The Question Box Mrs. M. R. asks: Whyjoes rn4r- ingue sometimres form a watery base? Answer: Liquid forms at edge of meringues when egg whites are beaten too much or too 'fast rafter sugar is added. Other reasons may be too coarse or too much sugar. Mrs. C. W. aske: Why do pota- toes placed around the roast re- main white instead of brown? Answer: There may not be suffi- cient fate on roast in which case add % cup dripping or shortening to brown potatoes. Some varieties are not mealy enough and to remedy this, they may be parboil- ed, drained and added to, roast one hour before end of cooking.. Mrs. T. K. asks: How can I re- move unpleasant smell of fish from deep -fat fryer? Answer: Add one teaspoon dry mustard to one quart water and heat to steaming point. Let stand 15 minutes, covered. then wash with sudsy water and steel wool. lege, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston and Mrs. Agnes Dale. Clinton. spent the first of July with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Miss Belle McCully is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Miss Marlene Taylor bad her tonsils removed in Clinton on Fri- day. Mr. Lyle Montgomery, Toronto, and Mr. Murray Dale. Weston, spent the holiday weekend at their respective homes here. Hullett Township will not refea6 a part of lot 26, concession 2, fir the Town of Clinton, Connell Sedge ed at its meeting Monday. In doe ciding on • this action, Connells sew called the property had, for 1 years,"`been considered a part the township. Council sat as a court of mete sion on the Bunking Drain. "Me Reeve Dale .as chairman, bat ie>! appeals were presented. The Ober* was instructed to advertise for Sew dens, with tenders to be in by Jut 1i.. Accounts approved for payment included: Insurance, $379.45; isles planting, $31.17: salaries, $141.8 sheep killed, $885; relief, $63J warble fly, $51.96; roads, •$4,451erg THESE ARE FOR YOU! HAY BALERS ALLIS-CHALMERS, PTO BAL. ER—Has baled only 50 acres ei hay. One year old — Like New. - Price $925 NEW HOLLAND No. 80, Wow tie Baler, with motor. Good all new. Uses Small Coils of Mew. - Price $1375 NEW HOLLAND No. 77 BALER w;th motor. Two years old. Ex– ceptionally good. Price 1'+495 V Will Sell These Machines Gunfight —or Trade on Good PTO Bistype. Allis-Chalmers or MasseyJliarsis Combines. O Phone 01 wtite today: L. Hawken - : Arkona Lambton County MelowallIPmeINISPowEESomallilemle Streamline Your Work . . a s • Stamp It To Speed it — Let Us Supply You With — Rubber Stamps And All Types Of Marking Devices Rubber Stamps Made to Order .- . Bank Stamps ... Circular, Oval and Rectangular Stamps .. . Stalfips with Changeable Dates and Numbers . . . Signature Stamps . . . Die Plates for 'All Purposes . . . Printing Wheels . . . Numbering Machines Stamp Racks . . . The Huron Expositor Phone 41 &she h ri v h.'e"`s,., � .5+�..n•.:�tdiiN'�.�iliAwi