HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-09, Page 2*1 •.RSL Ywv7t'. tttt II EXPOSITOR Established 1860 Published at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- il*, .0 rsday afternoon by McLean A, Y. McLean), Editor option rates, $2.56 a ycas in S50 a year. Single cents each_ tliimber of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. ,r 'Advertising rates on application. PHONE 4.1 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa SEAFORTH, Friday, July 9, 1954 LIONS SUMMER CARNIVAL Next week the nineteenth annual Summer Carnival of the Seaforth Lions Club is being held in Lions Park. It is the opportunity that is provided each year to the people of the district to indicate in a practical manner that they appreciate the facilities which the Lions Club makes available at the Park. There is no doubt that the park is enjoyed. The thousands of citizens who each summer take advantage of the pool or of the picnicarrange- ments, or who just sit under the trees, are sufficient proof of this. +All of this costs money, and the only money the Lions Club has with which to maintain the park, is that which is earned at the Summer Carn- ival. The answer is simple—if you enjoy the Park, if you think it is an asset to the community, then come to the Carnival. The Carnival, on each of three nights, is, of course, not just an op- portunity to obtain money. It is an ipportunity for every person who attends to have a real evening's en- tertainment, highlighted this year ' an outstanding amateur show, featuring a galaxy of district 'talent competing for valuable prizes. Remember the Seaforth Lions 19th ;annual Summer Carnival Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, July 14, 15 and 16. BOARD APPROVES SEWAGE PROPOSAL The favorable decision given by the Municipal Board in connection with the sew.ge proposal advanced by the Council, was probably not en- tirely unexpected. As the Board pointed out, sewage is no longer a luxury, and it was inevitable that be- fore long Seaforth, in any event, would find it necessary to provide a sewage system. The question before the board was one of determining whether Sea- forth's financial position was such as would permit the adding of sewage debenture charges and, secondly, whether there were, in general, well- founded objections to the proposal. The board found by applying its -rule of thumb measurement of 25 per cent to the existing debenture load in relation to assessment, that Seaforth could, in its opinion, carry , direct debenture debt of up to $0,000, or considerably more when self-liquidating debts, such as water- works or hydro, and debts reduced by grants, such as the schools, were in- cluded. There was ample capacity to parry the estimated sewer system. cost of $95,000. Objections to the proposal center- ed around the fact that, in the opin- ion of many, too great a proportion of the cost was to be borne by the ratepayers ,generally, when such a small number would benefit immedi- tely. Concern was also expressed eoncerning the lack of a definite time !schedule which would indicate when various areas of the town could an - Tate receiving service. ogether, these concerns recogniz- that there were in the town many ;ratepayers who did not have the benefit of facilities that required a sewage service. That there were grounds for con- n was indicated from the nature of certain of the information given Abe board. The town's engineer indi- itd for instance, that the amount isary to be raised by a general to provide for annual operation debenture costs, Would not ex- 2;000. x2,ObO Yet previous discus' cions by Council concerning rates had been premised on a four -mill or $4,000 levy. Then, too; it became ap- parent that no. consideration had been given the question of extension. There is no doubt as to the desira- bility Of a sewage service being pro- vided. In fact, as the Board pointed out, a sewage system today is recog- nized as a necessity. In proceeding ,as it has, the Council has taken the first step leading to a complete sys- tem. Perhaps the step isn't as large a stride as some would wish; perhaps it is too large. But at least, it is in keeping with what, in Council's opin- ion, is the capacity of the town, at this time, to carry. It is a substan- tial and logical beginning. But t6 make doubly certain that ratepayers are treated equally, Coun- cil might well take another look at the rate structure to ensure that the so-called variable or amount to be borne by a general levy is held to a minimum. Council might also in- struct its engineer to prepare a plan, indicating the year in which the sev- eral areas of the town could antici- pate having service. True, such a plan would not necessarily be bind- ing on succeeding councils, but it would be a consistent target on which to aim, and would have the effect of creating a more orderly program in the years ahead. It would indicate, also, to any who may have had any doubts, that Council is thinking in terms of the whole community, not just part of it. SNAKE BITES ARE FATAL It is not often that we learn of some one having been bitten by a snake. Indeed, there will be few who can recall any such incident, let alone a snake bite which proved fatal. Yet the snake bite takes a toll of 30,000 to 40,000 lives yearly in coun- tries about which information is available. These estimates were made by two statisticians from the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), and the survey was under- taken to determine whether snake bite deaths on a global basis consti- tute a problem of worldwide impor- tance, and thereby, a matter of con- cern to the international health ag- ency. Snake bites in Asia account for some 25,000 to 35,000 deaths, follow- ed by South America with 3,000 to 4,000. North 'America, including Mexico, turns up third with 300 to 500. In the United States venomous bites caused 51 deaths in 1950,.but a number of these were inflicted by spiders and scorpions. The last two areas in the survey are Europe with fifty fatalities yearly, and Australia and New Zealand, ten. SLOPPY ENGLISH— SLOPPY THINKING Too frequently, we think, many of us are prone to condone the careless use of the English language. We get lazy and we think it doesn't matter. But now comes a highly placed ex- ecutive who says, to get a job, im- prove your English. This advice, in effect, was given by T. J. Emmert, of Windsor, in an address prepared for delivery to the annual convention of the Ontario Urban and Rural School Trustees Association. Mr. Emmert, executive vice-presi- dent, Ford Motor Company' of Can- ada, said the superintendent of Ford's trade school rejects any appli- cant with low marks in English, be- cause he has found that use of slop- py English indicates a sloppy mind. Increasing concern was being felt by a great many people at the inabil- ity of numerous high school gradu- ates to write in straight -forward, convincing language. "Often the unclear writing simply reflects unclear thinking; often an imposing array of syllables is strung together for sound effects, not for sense." Mr. Emmert opposed too -early specialization in school. Rather, for- mal -education years should lay a broadbase for future development. He had a word of promise for the student who seemed not to be able to confine his interests to one subject. "My objection," he said, "is to over- specialization. verspecialization. The jack-of-all-trades so often deplored by the copy book :will very frequently end up in a top etecutive position.' SEEN IN THE COUNTY PAPERS Wins Two Gold Medals Robert Kennedy, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy, won top honors in both classes in which he competed at the Waterloo Band Festival on Saturday last. He was awarded the gold medal in the open tenor saxophone class with 86 marks, and the under 20 tenor saxo- phone with 89. David Kennedy was fourth in a class of eight, in the alto saxophone under 16, with 84 marks.—,Brussels Post. Boy Tangles With Bees A two-year-old Wingham district boy, Charles Irwin, is a patient in the Wiiigham Hospital suffering from a bout with a swarm of bees in which he was stu.lie Iron# head to foot. Hr,,;•pita1 authorities rep5rt that he Is improving and that his Condition is not considered serious. The lad wandered to a neighbor's farm and chose the beehive as a plaything. The bees objected to the intrusion and attacked the boy. —Blyth Standard. Celebrates 90th Birthday Cards and many words of con- gratulations were extended to Mr. John Steiss, who on June 30 quietly celebrated his 90th birthday. Mr. Steiss is quite alert in every re- spect and has keenly enjoyed all the progress and modern inven- tions as they have taken place in the past 90 years. While not en- joying the most robust health, Mr. Steiss never loses interest in all the doings of his many friends and neighbors.—Brussels Post. Mark Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Orvis, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Art Edgar, Neil and Donna, all of Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone- house, of Belgrave, and Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar and Brian, of Clinton, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston on Sunday on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston's fifteenth wedding anniversary, the date of which was Monday, June 28.—Blyth Standard. Over 2,000 Visit Museum Well ahead of last year's total at this time, the Huron County Muselim in Goderich had its 2,000th visitor for 1954 on Sunday, Miss Nancy Aitcheson, of R.R. 2, St. Pauls. Including Sunday's total of 143, there have been 2,203 peo- ple tour the Museum so far this year. Curator J. H. Neill is hop- ing to boost the number of visitors well past the 9,000 mark this year. --Goderich Signal -Star. Car and Truck Collide No one was injured in a car - truck collision Wednesday' of last week one-half mile west of Kirkton. Involved in the crash were a truck driven by Harold Stenion, of Gode- rich, and a car driven by Mrs. Zuaantze Eringa, R.R. 1, Kirkton. The Eringa car was said to have been making a left turn when it struck the truck. Damage amount- ed to about $125. Constable Cecil Gibbons of the Exeter detachment, Ontario Provincial Police, investi- gated,—Goderich Signal -Star. utbrm Razes Barn Twice within a month, Granton has been hit by bad storms. Last Monday's storm of wind, rain and h a i 1, disrupted Comnrualeaties broke wiadnws, uprooted trees and ei19i3(3ed telephone poles. It killed 18 pigs and blew down Warner. Westman's barn, part of Norman Riddell's barn, and removed the roofs of John Gray's, Harvey Ken- nedy's and John Prekup'a barns. The 18 pigs were killed when the Westman barn collapsed on them. With no hydro, those with deep- freeze units suffered considerable loss.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Five Girls Go West Five young ladies from Exeter left at noon on Wednesday on a combined business and pleasure trip to the west coast. The busi- ness angle of the trip is to deliver a new car in Vancouver. The plea- sures they expect to have on the trip are unlimited and include a stop -over at the Calgary stampede where seats are reserved for them. Included in the party are Jean Taylor, May Schroeder, Barbara Hunter, Maxine Reeder and Mar- jorie Doherty. Jean, May and Bar- bara arbara plan to take turns driving. July 12 is the date set for deliver- ing the car in Vancouver. After sightseeing on the coast the girls plan to return to Winnipeg .by bus and continue the homeward trip by train.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Boy Scouts Hold Amateur Night The Boy Scout amateur night program was held as scheduled in the Community Centre on Monday night. Only a small, crowd attend- ed but the public feeling was that those who did not attend missed one of the best revues of amateur performances held for some time. The program consisted of a variety of instrumental, vocal and baton numbers and was judged by public applause to reveal the following winners: first prize, Ronald Klopp, tap dancing; second, Sylvester Kends, accordian; third, Paul Yungblut, saxaphone. The section for duets was won by Jack Yung- blut, Bobby Thiel and the Klopp boys, who sang a double duet.— Zurich Herald. To The Editor Toronto, July 3, 1954. Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: I've read that guest editorial, "Career Qualifications for Farmers" The Rural Scene), with almost a nostalgic interest, and particularly that rather classic re- ply to "A high school student with no experience in farm work, and no capital to invest in farm property". (who) "thinks he would like to be- come a farmer "Our answer is that it all depends on himself. If he has the average physical and men- tal ability, and the character necessary to success in a voca- tion in which a man must stand upon his own feet, depend on his own judgment and accept the consequences of his own actions, he need not worry about his lack of experience or of capital. These things can be acquired." In the above connection, howev- er, I think it deserves to be re- corded that: (a) the average capi- tal invested• in the nation's 620,000 farme,,is today nudging $16,500; al- so that, (b) as one of my neigh- bors nicely puts it: "It takes a life- time to become•,a master farmer." ' While having entered these twin caveats in the general picture, may I be privileged to send the follow - ling data to the spotlight. It seems to this reader that they are timely and very pertinent. They are cull- ed from a moving reference to one of the farm leaders, who died in late May, at Winnippeg, "W. A. MacLeod—He Told the Story of Wheat," by Miriam Green Ellis, in one of the farm journals: "Be- neath the crystal chandeliers, the farmers sat on cushioned seats. In tragic tones they voiced their fears on price of wheat and cheese and meats. At noon they dined on T-bone steak (a dozen such would buy a steer) ; they thought stock prices on the farm are far too cheap—or steak too dear! Their breakfast toast cost them -as much as half a bushel of their wheat; while cheese and butter—weighed like gold—were doled out as a spe- cial treat. Farm life, they said, is hard and tough; and city life is dear and gay, but give us prices, just enough; and we'll choose farm- ing any day!" Thank you, Mr. Editor. "WESTERNER" Farm News of Huron Some sections of the county es- caped without rain last week and considerable haying was done in these areas, Approximately 25 per cent of the haying has been com- pleted in the county and the hay crop will be an average yield. All crops are making good growth. Fall wheat is commencing to turn color and most of the spring grain is now outin head. Culti- vated crops, such as corn, sugar beets, white beans and soybeans, are making exceptional growth. Feeding Mouldy Grain Is 'mouldy grain a satisfactory feed for„ livestock? In'tihe spring of 1952 the Peace River region alone had an estimated one million bush- els of grain on hand. With large quantities of grain stored outside in piles last winter there is con- siderable likelihood of more being available this year. The opinion is generally held that such grain makes poor feed and consequently it sells at a very low price. Most of the common moulds are not poisonous to live- stock and therefore grain which Is badly moulded may be entirely harmless. It has been suggested that the presence of some moulds such as penicillium may even have a beneficial effect. On the other hand, a foto i nouids dangerous` and an environment which pro 'ue- es'cmoittds Will also encourage iiwlo• trial adieu Which might in turn produce toxic material. L. M. Bebeau reports that at the Lethbridge Experimental Station, oats, rejected because of mould, were fed to sheep and swine and in addition mouldy feed wheat was fed to swine. The moulds present on the grain were identified and found to be all harmless types. Bacteria of several species were present and they too were harm- less. The rejected oats, when fed to sheep were 65 per cent digestible, while No. 1 feed oats were 72 per cent digestible. When fed to swine the rejected oats were 59 per cent digestible, and the No. 1 feed oats 65 per cent digestible. The differences in digestibility would warrant only a 5 to 9- -per cent per bushel spread in pride if the weights per bushel were the same. No. 5 wheat was 84 per cent di- gestible when fed to swine wihlle the mouldy feed wheat was 87 per cent digestible. The difference in favor of the mouldy wheat might be account for by the' presence of species of penicillium which are antibiotic producing moulds. Un- der the conditions of this experi- ment mouldy wheat was fully es nutritious for swine as No. 5 wheat. In some oases, with both sheep and swine, the mouldy teed was tees palatable than the flonyno1I1- dy feed, but once the animals be- oame-accuntomed to it their apps. (continued on Page 7$ Years Agone Interesting Items Ploked"From The Huron Expositor of Twen- tyflve and Fifty Years .Apo From The Huron Expositor July 12, 1929 Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson and daughter, Norma, are spending a Couple of weeks in Oshawa and Port Perry. Mr. Norman Kaercher, of the State of Montana, visited old friends in Hensall for 'a few days last week. He has been away for 17 years and noted many changes fit tub village. - Mre, Mary Forrest and daughter, Miss Annie, and Mrs. Smith and Children, of Moose Jaw, Sask., are guests at the homes of Mrs. For- rest, Mrs. H. Fuss and Mrs .J. H. Cochrane. Mr. Andrew Archibald has sold the coal business he has been con- ducting for several years in Sea - forth to W. Ament & Co. Mr. Ament has also purchased the large warehouse at the station own- ed by Mrs. W. L. Keyes, and which has been used by Mr. Archibald. Before moving from Lynden to Mount Forest, Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Cosens were made recipients of two upholstered walnut chairs, a walnut end table and a pyrex pie plate set in a silver stand, accom- panied by a complimentary address from the congregation, and another from the Young People's Society. In the recent Entrance examina- tions, Seaforth Public and Separate Schools made an exceptionally good record. Nine pupils from the Separate Schoolwrote. and nine passed, six taking honors, In the Public School, 18 pupils wrote, 17 passed and five took honors. Miss Winnie Savauge, of the Seaforth Public School, won the scholarship, having 671 marks out of a total of 750, the highest marks made at any centre in the inspectorate. Miss Annie Consitt, of Hensall, has been engaged to teach in School Section No, 5, Stanley, for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack, of Rochester, N.Y.; Sisters Stephen Joseph and Mary Magdelon, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Burke and family and Miss K. O'Connor, of Hibbert, and. Mr. and Mrs. P. Maloney, of Beechwood, were visitors at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hoskins, of Detroit, spent the past week with Mr. L. Hefferan and daughter, Miss Evelyn, and also spent part of the time with relatives in Centralia and other places. Dr. A. Moir is having the timbers of his fine new barn on his farm, a mile south of Hensall, on the Lon- don Road, raised in position, and will have a large and modern barn to take the place of the one de- stroyed by fire about a couple of years ago. • From The 'Huron Expositor July 8, 1904 Some nine years ago Mr. E. H. Wise, of Tuckersmith, purchased a thoroughbred Shorthorn cow from J. and W. B. Watt, of Salem. She had then a calf by her side, and Mr. Wise paid $265. Since this noted cow has been in his posses- sion she has had 11 calves inside of nine years, Five months ago she had triplets, two bulls and one heifer calf. These are alive and well and weigh at this age nearly 1,100 pounds. The mother weighs nearly 1,600 pounds, and four of them together make a happy look- ing family. A man giving his name as John Defell, employed in Close's brick- yard, near Stratford, while driv- ing over the railway track at the east end of the city, was struck by a train and hurled 30 feet into a ditch. The buggy was smashed, the horse escaped, rut Defell had to, go to the hospital with an in- jured hip. He did not receive sev- ere injuries and is likely to re- cover. Rev. and Mrs. Rogers, of Ford- wich, recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIndon, of Wingham, will leave there short- ly to make their home in Califor- nia, where Mr. Mclndon has accept- ed a good position, Misses Lillian and Irene Jackson, daughters of Mr. Thomas Jackson of Clinton, who have been attend- ing the Conservatory of Music in Toronto, have passed their first- year examinations most success- fully. A Smile or Two A woman applying for registra- tion as a voter came to the ques- tion: "What other names have you been called by in the past five years?" She wrote: "Mother." • Moe; "Why is it an after-dinner speech is like a steer's horns?' JoetI don't know." Moe: "There is a point here amt --a. point. there, wtth a lot of bull in between.". .. •, Julie: "I'm madly in love with Henry, but I don't think he'll ever marry me." Jane: "What makes you say that?" Julie: "He's studying for his bachelor's degree!" • The school was gofg to have a boxing owe t i ed ouand t four it. young Some were good, and some --were not so good. Ono of the not -so -goods, af- ter trying hard for a couple of roundta, said b. , : ' o •, "Nave 11 done him any damage?" "No," said the disgust coa*h. 'But keep ell swinging. The draft moor sive him a acrid," "Deeper of the Tree `�' (By m;1-8. M. C. DOM) (Continued from last week) Carrie Allen was middleaged, but in reality she was a throwback to about the year 1836. In physique, in spirit, in outlook on life, she was the pioneer woman at her best. Built like a man, she could work like one, tirelessly, skillfully, for long hours. In her early 'teens on a summer holiday at one of the lake ports, she had met and fallen head over heels in love with a sailor, Louis Allen, never to be known by anything but `Chip'. A sailor who would never be able to see even twenty-four hours ahead all the days of his life. For eight years they had lived in Chip's home town, never getting one dollar ahead in the game of life, Chip was_ first mate on a grain boat, and a good one, but the idea of getting a job in a mill or a shop when the lakes were frozen over, was so repugnant to him that he had never even tried it out. He made good money in the summer and it all went to keep them in the winter. At the end of the eight years Carrie, who was smart, could see nothing ahead for Chip but a sailor's home, and for her, the county poorhouse. And then Carrie's father had died and left her a farm. Mortgaged for all it was worth, of course, but still a farm. Carrie never told any - 'one the time she bad persuading Chip that to move to this farm was a bright idea, and move to it they did, with the three little boys. Chip stuck to his sailoring, and Carrie buckled down to paying off the mortgage. Her last payment was due the next year. She lived alone the greater part of the time because the boys had followed their father to the boats. When the mortgage was finally paid off she had her plans all laid to take a trip, Where? On Chip's grain boat, of course, as chief cook and bottle washer. The only thing on earth Carrie was afraid of was fire. She had fire extinguishers all over the place —at the syrup shanty, in house and barn, and she paid the highest fire insurance rates of anyone on her concession. Carrie listened attentively as Colin told, a little diffidently, the object of their pilgrimage, She ap- proved heartily; offered them the use of her shanty to cook their din- ner; she would certainly give them a job helping to gather buckets— she would even give them another job, Whelping to wash them, if they wanted one—and as for sleeping in the shanty, they were as welcome as the flowers in May. She would listen for the weather on the radio when she went up at noon and let them know. She thought there might be rain not far away. The sky was too clear and bine; the dog was eating grass that morning; had they noticed that there was no dew last night? And did they hear that high -holder. calling from his hole in that beech tree? Apretty sure sign of rain. "Have we got to work all after- noon just to earn a place to sleep?" Nels inquired a little peevishly, af- ter Carrie and her team had clat- tered down the lane to the house, 'I'd rather push on up the river and take a chance of getting caught in the rain. We could always find a barn to sleep in." "I think we should stay and help her, lad," Colin said, gently. "You like maple syrup, don't you?" Nels' eyes sparkled. "Well then, you'll appreciate it as never before if you share the work of making it with some one, even if it is only cleaning up after. We can make up the time tomorrow that we lose' today." They built a fire in the furnace of the evaporator; the wood was dry and ready to hand, and Pete Armstrong's bacon and his wife's bread disappeared like magic. They found a little bit of maple syrup in the bottom of the big syrup can, and when they stretch- ed out on the south side of the shanty with the sleeping bags for pillows to await the return of their hostess, not even the thought of the afternoon's work ahead could dim Nels' feeling of contentment and well-being. III They earned their board and lodging that afternoon. They not only gathered the balance of the sap buckets, but when Mrs. Alien brought with her to the bush a wash tub, dish cloths and soap, the three set to work with a will, and by the time the promised rain had materialized in the form of a dark cloudbank in the west, the Allen syrup equipment was disposed of for another season. But Carrie Allen had brought more than work materials •to the bush with her. As the last stack of buckets was wired together and stored away on the poles near the roof of the shanty, she brought a cardboard carton from the wagon box. With a wink of her eye at Nels, she brought out a sealer of sausage. Nels said- "M -m -m -m!" With an- other wink she brought out a pud- ding dish of boiled potatoes to fry. "Either of you know leeks when you meet them in the bush?" They both knew leeks. "Then, you hustle out and find some to go with this sausage. I'll have supper well on its way by the time you get back." She was as good as her word. Not only was the sausage cooked and the potatoes fried, but Carrie Allen was busily converting pan- cake batter into panoakes at the rate of four a minute. Colin and els, with the aid of a package of pancake mix, had made their own pancakes on several occasions, but this was the first time they had ever watched an expert." "Sow can you tell when they are ready to turn?" Colin inquired, he looked at the netfly-turned upper of a perfectly browned pan- cake. ancake. "Are you clairvoyant'? can you see right through that batter to the underside? VVhy. % lam to tura mine over two or threo tame Ott ticet, Vitt .�C before they are done." "Anyone who turns a pancake' twice should be shot!" said Mrs. Allen, gravely. "Or hanged! I', really a capital offence. 1 go by the bubbles on top, mostly, That and my intuition. Something goes• click in my head and says, 'tuns 'em.' And I turn them and there' they are." "And they are always right?" "Always! That is, if I'm watch- ing what I am doing. Of course, if my wits are off wool-gathering I/. can make a mistake as easily as• you can yourself. Almost every one has something like that they can do. My mother could boil an egg and have it exactly right—not too hard, not too soft, without clock, or a watch, or an hour -glass or a thing. She would just drop ft into boiling water and after an in- terval nterval say, `I guess that egg is done now.' And it would be. E never learned to do it. I alwaye had to stand there with my eyes fixed on the clock, or it would come out of the water only fit for the dog, My father could make maple syrup the same way. He never had to use a thermometer. All he had to do was look at it and say, 'I guess that can come off now,' and there it would be, thirteen pounds two ounces to the gallon. right to the ounce. Almost every- body has something they know by instinct." "I always know when Miss Risch is going to flunk me in French," remarked Nels, morosely. "Some, thing tells me." "That insn't intuition," said Mrs: Allen; "that's a guilty conscience. It isn't the same thing." Colin had 'been thinking. "I can tell when the hens are going to take a drop in production," he said. "Before they actually do.- too. o.too. I'll look at them in the hen. house and they'll look exactly aa they always look, but I'll think to myself, 'You beggars are going to - moult in a day or two,' And sur, enough they do." "Chip, that's my husband, says he can always tell when it's.going to be a good voyage or one jams Packed with trouble the minute hes sets foot on deck." Colin smiled at Nels. "Something tells me that this 1ih.• tle trip of ours is going to be phen- omenally successful," he said. "Shelter when we need it, good food cooked by good cooks, the very fishes in the water lying there• waiting to be caught. And for' supper tonight, pancakes made by the champion pancake baker of the county." Mrs. Allen had even thought of a: tablecloth to spread upon they chopping block, and as the wester- ing estering sun still shone warm and bright above the threatening rain clouds, Nels and Colin gave their' hospitable „hostess the immense - satisfaction of seeing every crumb, of the supper she had prepared dis- appear before her eyes. The team, which had been stand- ing tied to a small sapling, began to turn their heads in the direction of the human, who were heartless enough to fill their stomachs before the eyes of the horses who had done all the heavy work. "I must go," Mrs. Allen finally said, with a sigh. "Or Barney and Dan will be pulling off their hal- ters and going to the house without me. If it isn't raining tomorrow, the trucks will be in for those logs at the edge of the bush. That might be something you would like to, see," turning to Nels. "Those log' truckers really know their busi- ness. I have to bring the team. back and help- to load them. Y rather like doing it. You need a good steady team for the job. If you've never seen it done, you'd: find it interesting to watch." "We'll stay," said Colin. "I've seen it many a time, but now T try to grow the trees -instead of cutting them down." "I've enjoyed your company more than I can say, and appreciated the help no end. You are welcome• to the use of the shanty as long as you care to . stay Be sure tam lock it and hang the key behind that upright on the nail under the eaves. If I know my weather you'll be glad of a roof over your heads tonight." With •a wave of the hand Mrs. Allenclimbed into the wagon box. The team broke into a trot and Colin and Nels settled down to watch the approaching storm. "Hi, Nels!" Colin suddenly ex- claimed, "We should throw soma of this wood into the shanty so it will be dry for the morning. It may rain all night and even be a wet day tomorrow, and we'll need IL" They threw in several armfuls - of the good maple wood, and as they worked the approaching storm flashed and thundered, riding high- er every minute. The robins were singirfg their 'Lyric before rain,' and the Allen bush might have been named Rob- inville, so thick were they around the syrup shanty. One sat on the limb of a maple tree and sang; one sat on a cedar post of the bush fence anal. sang; one sat on a guy wire that •braced the steel smoke- stack and sang. And not one of them sang exactly the same song. "We'll put crumbs out for them tomorrow," said Nets. "They would just be washed away if we put them out tonight." The first big raindrops dashed its their faces and they retreated into the shanty, hooking the door be. hind them. It was a sound build- ing, the roof was good, and whets the ventilator was closed they were as., cozy as if they had been is Marion's five thousand a year apart- ment a thousand miles away. (Continued Next Week) Druggist: "Yes, miss, you'll find most ladies like this lipstick." - Young Girl: "You couldn't,ah- tell me the kind that men like„ could you?" • Patient (showing bill) : "Where , the extra $s tort" Dentist: "For squeezing the arms of rn chair out of shape." 4 4