HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-09, Page 11
fllikselpillIfih Year
Mae Number 4514
Pilot Officer Richard Headley, of Seaforth and Barbados,
B.W.I., headed his class of six as the 47th consecutive radio
officer course graduated from Clinton. P/O. Headley is seen
(here receiving congratulations from the reviewing officer, Group
Captain J. C. Scott, Commanding Officer of R.C.A.F. Station,
Aylmer. Also on hand to congratulate him was his father, who
came from Barbadoes for the ceremony. P/O. 'Headley and Mrs.
Headley have been residents of Seaforth since he was posted to
the course last year, and while here he has taken an active part
in a number of organizations.
Tuckersmith Defers
Fox Bounty Action
Until Results Studied
Tuckersmith Council will take no
immediate action to reinstate a fox
bounty in the township, It was in-
dicated when a delegation repres-
enting Huron County Trappers' As-
sociation waited on the council at
its meeting here Tuesday evening.
It was indicated to Robert John-
son and Leslie Dolmage, who re-
presented the association, that in
the opinion of council the matter.
should be, left in abeyance for the
balance of the year, in order that
poultry losses could be compared
with years when the bounty was
in effect.
All members of Council were
present.. Reeve James Doig pre-
Confirmation of the appointment
of George Henderson as brucellosis
control inspector, was made on the
recommendation of the Brucellosis
Control Committee.
Robert Campbell and Joe Dev-
ereaux appeared before council, re-
questing assistance to the Seaforth
Agricultural Society, and a grant
of $125 was made. The Clerk was
authorized to paysubsidies on the
Clarke and Etue drains.
Surety bond on the Treasurer
with the Dominion of Canada As-
surance Company was renewed
and premium of $20 paid. Reeve
Doig and Clerk E. P. Chesney were
authorized to apply for subsidy un-
der the Warble Fly Control Act.
Accounts- passed included:
grants, $125; roads, $5,005 tree
planting, $89.76; poultry and live-
stock claims, $68.25 ; drains,
618.66; salary and allowance, $175;
travelling expenses, $25; postage,
The Archibald Drain Improve-
ment report was read and provi-
sionally adopted and the Clerk was
instructed to prepare a by-law.
Tenders were opened for the con-
struction of tWo concrete culverts,
from Louis J. Looby, $3,313.20;
Looby & Looby, $3,900; Seaforth
Concrete Products, $3,197.65. The
tender of Louis J. Looby was ac-
cepted subject to the approval of
the Department of Highways of
Onta rio.
Council adjourned to meet Tues-
day, August 3, at 8 p.m.
Picnickers From Near and
Far Use Lions Park Facilities
The Egmondville Mission Band
had a successful picnic at the Lions
Park Wednesday, with about 50
members and friends present.
piamers of the various races were
as follows:
Girls, 5 and under, Dianne Nott;
lags, 5 and under, Hume Milroy;
,marls, 6 to 8, Lois McLachlin; boys
'g to 8, John Deiilds; girls, 8 to -10,
llaail Finlayson; boys, 8 to 10,
Tanerd Zoethout; girls, 10 to 12,
Margaret Woods; boys, 10 to 12,
Brace Papple; girls, 12 and over,
Margaret Watts; boys, 12 and ov-
er, Donald Tremeer; soda biscuit
see, -girls, Helen Boyes; boys,
Dave Tremeer; kick-thd-slipper,
1Marjorie McLarnon, Don Tremeer;
Jelly bean guessing, Dave Tre-
sneer; birthday contest, Carol Var-
1ey, Bruce Papple, tied; dropping
the clothes pin, Sandra McGonigle;
,Sack race, Marjorie Papple, Don
°i emeer; dropping ball in pail,
Phillip Baldwin; relay races, fill-
ing pail with water and orange re-
Ilay were both won by Marjorie
Papple's team.
Mission Band leaders, Mrs. Alex
:Pepper and Miss Mae Smith, would
dike to offer a special thanks to
the -ladies who assisted them with
the picnic.
The third annual Glanville reun-
ion was held in Seaforth Lions
Park June 30 with 62 present. Af-
ter a keen ball game, races and
sports were enjoyed.
Winners were as follows: run-
ning races, children under six,
.Varolyn Glanville; girls 6-10, Doro-
thy Glanville; boys 6-10, Leon Cow -
Sad; young 4adies, Marlene Coop-
er; young men, Lloyd Cooper;
s:hiidrents three-legged race, Lloyd
Glanville and Charles Hayden;
Brown -ups three-legged race, Wib.
Glanville and Joyce Glanville; lad-
les kickthe,siipper, Joyce: Gian-
Viille; men kick -the -slipper, Meryl
Avian- isle; soda •biscuit and whistle,
Wired Glanville; women'sgraceful
Milk, Joyce Glanville; throwing
softball, Orville Cooper; ladies'
gaper plate 'race, Mrs. Wib. Glan-
ville; thread the macaroni, Mrs.
Tom Coward; clothes pin race,
Harold Glanville; tossing ball in
nail, Mrs. Meryl Glanville; balloon
race, Orville Cooper, Joyce Glan-
ay9lie; youngest child present, Mur -
stay Glanville; oldest person, Mrs.
Wib. Glanville; most recently mar -
ivied, Mr. and Mrs. Nervy Glan-
Ti1ie; family coming the farthest,
air. said Mrs. Tom Coward.
After a deliclous supper the busi-
ness was taken care of by Presi-
4.ent Johnny Glanville. Officers for
stoat year are: president, Jack Mo-
; vice-president, Harold Glen-
n4die ; secretary- treasurer, Mrs.
'Ib. Glanville; social committee,
Mt. and Mrs. Fred (Manville, Mr.
OM Mrs. Bd11 Riley; sports com-
,mitttee, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gian-
The Seaforth Women's Institute
*ad a very successful j?icnlc at the
tions Park on: Monday -evening. A
huge attendance of members and
Skeir families were present, A de-
Ikious supper was enjoyed, follow -
id by a splendid line of eportm. _
t41r1s, pre-se'hool -age, Sandra Hug-
ugSharon Me enzle, Ann Oamler-
tel; bo3'e, premebool age,'rent Pap-
a*, .�P�oArn��Pa,Fplei �ygIrryS, ala rears
god tutit'fl , � Papple, Lots Mara
Lachlan, Sandra Hugill; boys,
eight years and under, Jack Mc-
Lachlan, Jim .Papple; girls, 10
years and under, June McLachlan,
Mary Ann Forrest, Marguerite
Scott; boys, 10 years and under,
Wayne Hugill, Bruce Papple, Ken-
neth Papple; girls still going to
public school, Catherine Doig, June
McLachlan, Mary Ann Forrest;
boys still going to public school,
Kenneth Coleman, Douglas Hugill,
Kenneth Papple.
Young ladies' race, Jean Scott,
Catherine' Doig. Jane _McLachlan;
young men's race. Bruce Coleman,
Douglas Hugill, Kenneth Coleman;
ladies kick the slipper, Catherine
Doig, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, June
McLachlan; men kick the slipper,
Robert McLachlan, Gordon Papple,
Sandy Pepper; men and ladies
thread -the -needle race, Catherine
Doig and Kenneth Coleman, Mrs.
Gordon McKenzie and Mac Scott,
Mrs. Gordan Papple and Sandy Pep-.
per; relay race, carrying water on
a spoon, Mrs. Alex Pepper's side
won; relay race, carrying the lem-
on, Mrs. Alex Pepper's side won;
men's dressing race, Mrs. Alex
Pepper and Mac Scott; graceful
walking, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and
Robert McLachlan, Mrs. Elmer
Cameron and Gordan Papple, Mrs.
Alex Pepper and Wilfred Coleman.
A candy scramble was enjoyed
by the children. which brought the
Institute picnic to a close.
Municipal Board Gives Clearance for
Proposed Sewage System in Seaforth
1 9th Lions Carnival Promises
Three Big Nights for Young, Old
Conversion of the playing field John Longstaff, while the other
committees include: draw, Elmer
Larone, R. S. McKercher, J. R. Spit-
tal, J. A. Baldwin, Clint Smith and
John Beattie; parking and police,
Scott Cluff and George Hays;
grounds and equipment, Frank
Kling; admissions, E. C. Boswell,
H. Stewart, J. G. Mullen and H. G.
Meir; bingo, C. M. Smith, G. A.
Whitiney, A. Y. McLean, Eric Mun-
roe, Wm. Ball and Dr. J. A. Gor-
will; large refreshment booth, C.
Walden, Dr. J. McCabe, W. Stu-
art, Don Kohl and Fred Peel; 'to-
bacco booth, John Modeland and L.
P, Plutnsteel; rides, E. P. Ches-
ney; weight guessing on animals,
Harvey Leslie and Homer Hunt;
penny sale, J. A. Stewart and Wm.
Hart; panabear game, J. E. Keat-
ing, Ross Scott, G. C. Brightrall
and Dr. F. J. Bechely; balloons and
dents, J. M. Scott and John Long -
at Seaforth Lions Park into a carni-
val site began Wednesday, when
members of the Lions Club started
the big job of erecting booths,
stages and fences, in readiness for
the 19th annual summer carnival,
which opens next Wednesday.
Highlighting the three -night pro-
gram this year is an amateur show
in which leading amateurs from
Western Ontario will compete for
major prizes. A special feature this
year is the beautiful fireworks dis-
play planned for the Friday eve-
ning show. The show is under the
direction of Johnnie Brent.
Prize drawings take place on
each of the three evenings.
}.-leading the carnival committee
is James A. Murray, and he is as-
sisted by C. Rowcliffe and John
Longstaff The program has been
arranged by Ross Hamilton and
The annual Procter reunion was
held Thursday, July 1, in the Lions
Park at Seaforth. The afternoon's
program included ball games, rac-
es, games and swimming. The
youngest member present was Mar-
jorie Procter, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Procter, Brussels; old-
est couple present. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller Procter, of Wingham.
There were 47 members who
signed the register. The commit-
tee in charge of sports were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Higgins and Charlie
The president, Robert Procter,
was in charge of the election of
officers for the coming year, and
they are as follows; president,
Wilbert Procter; vice-president,
Jack Higgins; secretary -treasurer,
Miss Ruth Procter; sports commit-
tee, Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs. R.
Procter, Mervin Stephens and
George Howson; lunch committee,
Mrs. J. S. Procter, Mrs. Clarence
Yuill, Mrs, Walter Kerr and Geo.
Hensall Council Finds
Expenditures Higher
p g
In First . Half of Year
Battle Blaze for Hour to
Save Hibbert Farm Home
Hensall expenditures are some-
what higher for the first six
months of 1954 than for the cor-
responding period last year, Clerk-
lerkTreasurer J. A. Paterson told Hen -
sail Council at its meeting Monday
evening. All members were •pres-
ent and Reeve A. W. Kerslake pre-
E. R. Davis told council he had
one week's holidays, but had con-
tinued• at the same time to carry
out part of his duties, Council con-
curred in this suggestion regarding
the erection of 'U' signs at the in-
tersections of Nelson and Welling-
ton Streets, with King, and instruct-
ed the Clerk to prepare a. by-law to
Council authorized Reeve Kers-
lake to proclaim Monday, August 2,
as Civic holiday. The Reeve told
council of his attendance at a
meeting of the Mayors and Reeves'
Association in Windsor.
Reeve Kerslake, Clerk Paterson
and possibly a member of Council,
will go to • Toronto August 4 to
complete the transaction of the
arena debentures and deposit the
cash to the credit of the Park
Board with the Guaranty Trust
Company. -
Council considered correspond-
ence, which included communica-
tions from the following: Canadian
Mobile Home Association; County
of Huron; Township of Tucker -
smith Department of Highways;
W. Dougall; W. Brown; C. A. Mc-
Dowell; W. G. Bickell; Command-
ing Officer R.C.A.F., Clinton; Mon-
teith & Monteith; Department of
Public Welfare; Workmen's Com-
pensation Board; Community Pro-
grams Branch, Department of Edu-
cation; Bell Telephone Co.; County
Engineer; Ontario Municipal Board
Engineer ; Ontario Municipal
Board; Harrison & Company; Re-
ceiver General — same considered
and filed.
Weeds were cut on private prop-
erty, Council was told, as follows:
Mrs. E. McAllister, $17.36; Mrs. H
Welsh, $2.60, and Mrs. M. :Stephan,
$3.45. The Clerk will bill the dif-
ferent parties concerned.
Bilis and accounts approved for
payment included: A. W. Kerslake,
expenses, Windsor, $42.20; J. Ben-
gough, repairs, streets, $14.65;
Municipal World, supplies, $10.05;
R. Middleton, Supplies, $14.88; Bell
Telephone, services, $15.70; J. A.
Paterson, salary, •$183.33; E. R.
Davis, salary, $193.90; Reeelver
General, income tax, $3.10; South
Huron District High School, part
levy, $679.97; G. Flynn, labor,
streets, $2; E. Munn, labor, streets,
$22.50, miscellaneous $12; Hensall
P.U.O., Hydro and water, Hall,
Physics professor: "Give me an
example of wasted energy."
Student: "Telling a hair-raising
story to a bald man."
Members of the I.O.O.F. and: Re-
bekahs of Hensall, together with
their families, held their an-
nual picnic at Seaforth Lions Park
on Wednesday. Although the day
Was cool, the' large crowd of more
than 125 enjoyed a sports program
anfl a picnic lunch.
In charge of arrangements were
Mrs. E. Chipchase, P. L. McNaugh-
ton and Thomas Meyers
Winners of the sports events
were: boys and girls, 5 and under,
Marie Denomme, Gail Richardson,
Mervin' Bell ; boys and girls, 8 and
under, Robert McNaughton, Gerald
Johnston, Donna Riobaadson; girls
12 and under, Audrey Richardson,
Sharon Black, Marion Bell; boys,
12 and under, Earl Bell, Jerry
Broderick, Gerald Chaddick; girls,
15 and under„11Hleen McLean, And-
rey Richardson, Sharon Black;
60entinned on Page 4)
Seaforth firemen successfully
fought an hour-long battle with
flames that threatened to destroy
the farm home of Norman O'Con-
nor, second concession of Hibbert,
five- miles southeast of Seaforth, at
noon on Wednesday.
Pupils Honor Teacher
At S.S.S. 1McKillop
The pupils of S.S.S. No. 1, Mc-
Killop. honored their teacher, Miss
Joan Flanagan, on Monday, June
28, who has resigned to accept a
position in Waterloo. Miss Cath-
erine Ryan read an address and
Miss Anne Maloney presented her
with a large plate glass mirror.
The following is the , address:
Dear Miss Flanagan: We are here
today with feelings of both glad-
ness and sorrow. We are sorry you
have decided to leave us, but we
are glad that we were fortunate
enough to have been your pupils
during the past few years. No doubt
there were times when we provok-
ed you with our thoughtlessness,
and we thope you will forgive us.
As the years go by, we will re-
member how well you taught us
our religion and our ABC's, as well
as teaching us both by word a,nd
example to be ladies and gentle-
men. We assure you that we will
often think of and pray for you.
We wish you every success in
your new school, and ask you to
accept this small gift as a token
of the love and respect of your
pupils of S.S.S. No. 1, McKillop.
Miss Flanagan replied gracious-
ly and thanked the pupils for their
The pupils of S.S.S. No. 1, Mc-
Killop, who were successful in
passing their Entrance exams are:
Beatrice Maloney, Ronald Ryan,
Kenneth Maloney, Viola Givlin
Anne Maloney, Cecilia Krauskopf
and Marie Givlin.
Old Photograph Recalls
Football Greats of 1888
In going through some papers at
his home here recently, Mr. Fred
Beattie found a photograph of the
Seaforth Collegiate football team of
1888: In the photograph were a
number of well-known players, who
established names for themselves
in years past. They included
George Dewar. Allan McLean, Gen.
Hammill, John Muldrew,- James
Dickson, William McDonald, .lack
Livingston, Dave McDonald, Frank
Buggin, Walter Willis, Duncan Mc-
Callum and Bob Livingston.
staff; rings on blocks, A. W. S:il-
lery and Gordon McGavin; ring -the -
money. Fred Snow and H. Travisn;
fowl wheel, W. 3. Duncan, Willis
Dundas and C. A. Barber; chil-
dren's games, M. Ross Savauge and
W. E. Southgate; grocery wheel,
M. E. Clarke, Ralph McFadden, Ed.
Smith and J. W. Crick;; special
draw, Dr. E. A. McMaster and Car-
man Rowcliffe.
The blaze was discovered by
Mrs. O'Connor, who was alone in
the house with her three children,
Pat, 3 years, Betty 2, and Rose
Marie, four months.
When flames prevented sending
an alarm b'y telephone, she bundled
the children out of the blazing
house and ran a quarter of a mile
to her neighbor, J. •F. Murphy.
When she had given the alarm she
Neighbors, quickly summoned by
phone, formed a bucket brigade in
an effort to confine the blaze to the
rear of the home. Seaforth brigade
arrived in.a few moments and took
over the fight. When the water
supply the tank truck carries was
exhausted, additicuLa1 supplies were
taken from a well and cistern.
Spectators also aided in carrying
water to the pumper. Called later,
when it was thought the blaze
might get out of hand, Mitchell fire
brigade arrived as the fire was ex-
Damage by fire was confined to
the rear por ion of the neat, trim,
two -store“ ame house, but the en-
tire building was badly damaged by
smoke and w .' ter. The home tad
been remodel ed and refinished re-
cen y. hbo s succeeded in re-
moving muc of the household,
furnishings. Mr. O'Connor, who
was in Seaforth when the blaze was
discovered, arrived home shortly
after. Cause of the blaze is not
Mrs. O'Connor and the children
are with her mother, Mrs. Joseph
Instal Mrs. Henderson
As Deputy President
Mrs. Chester Henderson. past
noble grand of Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge, Seaforth, was installed as
district deputy president of Huron
district 33, at an inaugural meet-
ing held in the Oddfellow•s' Hall
here. Mrs. Roy McGonigle was ap-
pointed district secretary.
Mrs. Kay Cann. Exeter, retiring
D.D.P., presided over the opening
of the meeting.
Following her installation, Mrs.
Henderson presented Mrs. Cann
with the jewel of her office, Mrs.
Cann gave a report of her year's
work in the district. Mrs. Hender-
son announced that her project for
the year would be "Something For
the County Home.”
All Rebekah lodges in the dis-
trict -- Exeter. Hensall, Goderich,
Clinton, Brussels and Seaforth—
were well represented at the meet-
Mrs. J. L, Smith, well-known Seaforth resident, who ie In
her 89th year, Is shown here with her daughter, Mr's. C. S. Hun-
ter, of Toronto; her granddaughter,- Mrs. Mike Mrs.
of To-
ronto, and her great granddaughter, Linda Lee, The picture was
taken In Toronto recently while Mt ii, BmIth was visiting her
Mr. C. B. Stewart, son of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Harry Stewart, Sea-
' forth, who with his wife and
'family sailed for England on
Monday. Mr. Stewart, who has
been "manager of the Robert
Simpson Co. store in Halifax,
has been placed in charge of
the Simpson and • Simpson -
Sears buying organization in
England and the Continent. In
addition to English headquar-
ters, the organizations main-
tain eleven offices on the Con-
tinent. Prior to sailing, Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart spent some
time in Seaforth visiting his
A proposal for the installation of
sewers in Seaforth was given a
green light by the Ontario Munici-
pal Board following a public shear-
ing held in the Town Hall,on Mon-
day afternoon. The proposal pro-
vides for an expenditure of $95,000
for the installation of a treatment
plant and a partial distribution sys-
tem in the business section of the
town. In giving its approval of
the proposal, the Board indicated
that a vote of the ratepayers would
not be necessary.
The Municipal Board who attend-
ed at the meeting included R. C.
Rowland, board chairman, and C.
W. Yeates, a member.
The purpose of the meeting was
to obtain the opinions of those
who in a petition had indicated
there •were objections to the pro-
posal as advanced by the Town
Recent Surpnse Party
Honors Miss Langtry
Honoring Miss Margaret Langtry,
Huron County Health Unit nurse,
who is leaving Seaforth in mid -
refuse to entertain any proposition
July, Mrs. T. J. Flynn held a s
prise patty at her home Wednes from the municipality insofar as a
day evening. About thirty friends total system was concerned. F. D.
attended. McConnell, solicitor of the town.
Mrs. R. S. Box and Mrs. Frank at this point indicated to the Board
Sills. Jr., were in charge of the that no application had •been made
entertainment, and the many games for a system other than that which
were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Ross
'Presently presently being considered by
Hamilton rendered two lovely the Board.
songs. and Mrs. Alice Stiles play -
Define Borrou;ing Powers
ed many popular pieces in a gen-
In answer to a question from
eral sing -song for everyone.
Mrs. Anson Gilbert read an ad- .(Re -eve Scoins as to whether or not
dress which she composed for the the borrowing powers of the muni -
occasion: "We've gathered here eipality were limited to $100 (Wi 00
to say adieu to a girl well liked,
and we do mean you; we've had
lots of fun playing bridge and such,
and hope you've enjoyed our good
Limes as much. Time seems to fly
so awfully fast, it's hard to believe
your year is past; so here is a gift.,
especially- for you, to remember us
all, and we hope you do. Our wish
for you is great success, along with
health and happiness."
Mrs. Nelson Cardno presented a
lovely chest of silver with a setting
of four inside it to Miss Langtry,
who thanked everyone for such a
beautiful gift.
Preliminary work necessary
before actual construction of
the sewage system commences
is proceeding, Mayor E. A. Mc-
Master told The Expositor on •
Thursday. Final passing of
the enabling by-laws must
await receipt of a formal order
from the Municipal Board, and
this, may be received in time
for action to be taken at the
regular meeting of Council
Monday night. In the mean-
time, contractors for the dis-
posal plants and the distribu-
tion system have been alerted.
Council. At the same time, the
Board invited objections from any
ratepayer. The meeting, held on
the second floor board room of the
town building; attracted between 40
and 50 citizens, about one-quarter
of whom were women.
In an effort, he said, to clear up
points which Were in doubt and
about which he had been asked by
ratepayers, Reeve Norman Scoins
directed a series of questions to the
Board, Hequestioned whether or
not a simple majority of Council
was sufficient to have given first
and second readings to the sewage
by-law. The Board indicated that
a simple majority was all that was
required in the case of an initial
installation. Had the proposal been
to add to an existing system. and
without reference to the Board,
then a larger majority would have
been required, he was told.
The Department of Health has
approved the proposal. but the
Board was not aware as to whe-
ther or not a firm order had been
made on the municipality to" pro-
vide a sewage disposal plant, Mr.
Scoins was told in answer to an-
other question.
Has the Board refused a proposal
to provide for a total system?
Reeve Scoins asked, and was told
by the chairman that he knew- of
no reason why the Board would
mately will make use of existing,
drains throughout the'town, as well:
as newer lines, Mr. Reid expleallefii
in answer to another .question It
is in_ tended to 'handle both • storm
and sanitary sewage, he said. lalhate
the disposal plant will not reslil,t
in completely pollution -free Wa-
age, Mr. Reid assured the board it
would be mueh -freer of'^ polutip>st
than is the case at the moment.
There is no such thing" as total
freedom from pollution, he said'.
Asking why the proposed plea
had not been explained in detail
to the public and as a result of
which there was lack of condi-
onideuce on the part of the public in
the work, Reeve Scoins was told
that that was a responsibility for
the municipal council. A sugges-
tion that the sewer route might
better have been along Main St_ to
South Main St., rather than turn-
urning at Crombie St., was advanced
by Reeve Scoins. It was felt, he
said, that a route of this nature
would provide immediate service
to a greater number of residents.
At the same time, it would, he
said, make available a. sewage ser- -
vice to a greater number of exist-
ing industries, and also would
serve an area wherein future indus-
tries might be located.
Hensall Woman Splits
lits p
at Bingo
Over 900 attended the monster
cash bingo in Hensall- Monday
night, with proceeds for artificial
Winners of the $1,000 special
were Mrs. Richardson. of Wood-
stock, and Miss Hannah Murray, of
Hensall, Who each received $500.
The $200 special was split three
ways, Mfrs. D. J. Appleton, Grand
Bend; A. Riley, Londesboro,. and
Mrs. Albert Traquair, Exeter. The
first $100 special was won by Mrs.
Ernie Chipchase, Hensall, and the
second $100 special by Mrs. Ernie
Fisher, Goderich.
There were also 12 regular
games at $60 each, which were
won by bingo fans from Stratford,
Mitchell, Goderich, London, Dash-
wood, Thedford, Exeter, Preston,
Clinton, Centralia, Kippen, Sea -
forth, Woodstock, Grand Bend,
Clandeboye, Watford, Fort Wil-
liam, Zurich, Lunen and Hensall.
Winners from Hensall in the $50
games were Mrs. F. G. Bonthron,
Mervyn Eyre and Jim Sangster.
The bingo was -sponsored by the
Legion and Auxiliary.
Most Economical Route
The Board, he was told, is inter-
ested in servicing present residents
and frowns on the construction of
sewers in areas which would r
suit- in the sewers' -lying idle, look-
ing tc the day when they might
possibly attract industry. It was
felt, the chairman continued, that
if there was a basic installation of
sewers, the problem of providing
connections for industry which
might locate in5the municipality at
a later date, would be a relatively
simple matter. Mr Reid told the
board that the route which is pro-
posed had been selected because,
in his opinion, it was the most
economical route and at the same
time would avoid a disruption, in-
sofar as is possible, of existing
paved streets. He went on to in-
dicate that eventually all parts of
the municipality would be served:
Reeve Scorns queried the enginr
eer as to what the meaning of ev- .
entually was. "When can it be an-
nticipated that all parts of the town
can be served?" he asked. The
Board Chairman felt that the mat-
ter was being approached in a
reasonable fashion. He indicated
that certainly some would not be
attached in the initial stages, but
any persons desiring service would.
be at liberty to petition the Coun-
cil and to ask for an extension. He
was of the opinion that Council
would pay attention to such peti-
tions. Sewers, he said, are now a
necessity, not a luxury. It is nec-
eessary that a start be made some
Discussing the proposed location
of the disposal plant which it was
suggested was in a clay area, and
in a most unsuitable area from the
standpoint of construction and of
disposal, Reeve Scoins was told by
Mr. Reid that again, in his opinion,
the location was not only the most
economical. but the most logical.
It is adjacent, .he said, to the only
outletting stream, and the land is
available here.
Discuss Rate Structure
The Board discussed with Reeve
the chairman of the Board stated Scoins the manner in' which the
that as a rule of thumb the Board rates are to be established.` It was
considers that when the debenture agreed that there must be a vari-
load of a municipality is approach- able and that it would not be pos-
sible to cover the entire costs by
means of a frontage tax or 'on a
rental basis, because it was not
known in advance the number of
persons or properties to be served.
Tt was felt, however, that the vari-
kble, that is the amount which is
to be a charge on the general rate,
would not be great. Reeve Scoins
pointed out that the feeling was
that there were a great many more
ratepayers who were not benefit-
ting than there were those who
were benefitting. and that this
greater number should not be call-
ed on to contribute through the
general rate for the benefit of
roughly. he said, 50 ratepayers. It
was indicated to the Board by the
engineer that the provision of a
plant lo serve the entire munici-
pality would cgpt between $450,000
and $500,000. The plant, which it
is now proposed to erect, is large
enough to accommodate the whole
town, and the greater proportion of
this additional charge would be in
the provision of sewers and con-
nections. He pointed out that the
plant, as proposed, would not res•
quire any additional work in order
to serve roughly one-third of the
citizens. However, when the load
on the plant went beyond this fig-
igure of one-third, it would be neces-
sary to provide secondary treat-
reatment. In his opinion, the present
plan will serve between 15 and 20i
per cent of the residents. Complete
service throughout the municipality
would be possible within the next
15 years. 5
ing 25 per cent of the assessment
of the municipality,. then, as he put
it, "the flag is getting near the top
of the pole." Referring to the Sea -
forth picture, he indicated that an
analysis of the debenture load here
indicated that at the moment it was
still considerably below 25 per cent
of the assessment of $1,434,412.00.
Reeve Scoins explained that he was
attempting to establish whether or
not the municipality was in the
position to carry a greater deben-
ture load and make possible the
installation of an entire sewage
system at one time. He felt, he
said, that such a procedure would
save considerable money, and it
was for these reasons he was in-
quiring whether or not there was
a limit on the amount which. the
town could borrow.
The Board inprmed him that
there was noXequirement to ob-
tain approval\from the Township
of Tuckersmith or from a property
owner in that township who might
be adjacent to Silver Creek, pro-
viding that the Department of
Health has approved of the plans
for the installation. It was indi-
rated that this approval hacl been
received. Asking whether or not
the estimate included an amount
for the expropriation of properties
and the deepening of Silver Creek,
to provide an outlet, G. G. Reid, of
Graham. Reld & Co„ the town's
consulting engineers, stated that
the cost of obtaining easements
and the necessary lands were in-
cluded in the estimate, but that no
provision had been made for deep=
ening of Silver Creek. He indicat-
ndicated that if action of this nature was
to be taken, it would not be a
sewage matter, but would have to
be proceeded wfth under the Drain-
age Act.
'the system, as proposed. niti-
Up To Council
Pressing for a firm answer as to
when It Could be anticipated that
additional connections wetIiti be.
provided and the sewer aerlrfcl•
tended throttglieut the rilti'li a%as+
sty, ReeO'e Seoins arty <`telt t *Ate ,.
(ContinilOd ofl Page e)