HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-07-02, Page 57 ' 4 s.1 ` • f 1 4 A M • s. s r ' a • t ' 4 • 4 , 9 \ I • • ZIQN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and: Mrs. Charles Roney and - tfata ly visited on Sunday with Mr. laid Mrs. Leo Wernham, Denlfleld. Mr. and •Mrs. Dalton Malcolm at - loaded the Fisher and Foster wed- ding at Mount Pleasant on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake and family, of Exeter, and Mrs. Workman, of Hensall, visited on Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton. Mr. and •Mrs. Jack Stacey and' family.visited with Mrs. Rena Stacey and Mowet. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and family attended the Fullar reunion in Mitchell on Sfunday. °See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE `With State Farm Mutual R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 - Seaforth Brodhagen, Brass Band Marks 50th Anniversary Marking 50 years of service to the community, Brodhagen Brass Band held a parade and garden party Thursday evening. And in the parade the place of honor went to Gottfried Mueller, 92 years of age, the first citizen of Brodhagen. Back in elle years that began with the organization of the Brod- hagen Brass Band in 1904, Mn Mueller often had the bandsmen in his shoemaker's shop for vil- lage band 'practice, and the vet- erans of the band still stop in to chat with shim in his shop, where he has been active as a shoemak- er hoemaker until within the past two years. Sharing the place of honor with Mr. Mueller were the two living ex -bandmasters, Albert Querenges- ser of Brodhagen, and Henry Eick- meter, of Zurich. Wearing tall, col- ored top hate, they rode together in the rear seat of the open official car. The 'busiest man on the occasion was Albert Hinz, who has succeed- ed Albert Querengesser as band- leader at Brodhagen. As well as Farm Equipment For Sale 2 NEW M. -H. ROPE HAY LOADERS For below cost to clear 1 USED M. -H. SIDE RAKE Seaforth Motors MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERVICE Phone 541 Seaforth conducting his band in the big 50th anniversary, parade, he was parade marshal, unofficial general chair- man. hairman of all the proceedings, and conducted the Brodhagen band in concert with the Milverton Red Seal Band in the band concert at Brodhagen school. Two large wagon -and -tractor com- binations ombinations were needed in the par- ade arade at Brodhagen on Thursday to convey the former members of the band who came out for the anni- versary occasion. Among the sen- ior ex -bandsmen who rode on the decorated wagons were John L. Bennewies, Ed. Scherbarth, George Eickm0er, George Siemon, George Dieger,1 all of Brodhagen; William Hinz, Mitchell; John Wolfe, Wm. Bach and Otto Ritz, all of Born- holm; Louis Eickmeier, Stratford; Russell Bolton and Louis Bolton, McKillop; Zachariah Elligsen and Daniel Buermann, Walton. The parade route led more than half a mile along the hard -surfaced road between the 8th and 9th con- cessions of Logan, from Brod- hagen village crossroads to Brod- hagen school. The visiting Milver- ton band, led by Fred Budd, Pres- ton, was near the head of the long parade column, while the Brod- hagen Brass Band, led by Albert Hint, with Phyllis Hinz of Brod- hagen and Diane King of Mitchell, as majorettes, marched as rear- guard to the column. Pupils of five rural schools turn- ed out in costume to march in the parade, although the pupils of the Brodhagen school marched the easy way. Costumed as Indians, they rode on a flat wagon, grouped around a teepee, while their teach- er, Glen Brickman, drove the trac- tor that was pulling the wagon. Other schools in the parade were Kennicott, S.S. 5, Logan, S.S. 10, Logan, and S.S. 8, McKillop. At the Brodhagen school grounds Save'on ARMORPAINT COAs HOUSE OGT AN "EXTRA YEAR" BETWEEN PAINT JOBS AND SAVE $1.25 A GALLON 1.69 Quart Gal. 6.15 Spruce up your home for Spring oitd Summer with long- lasting ARMOR COAT HOUSE PAINT. Rich, full-bodied pig- ments and the choicest raw materiels combine to give this fine paint o greater weather - resistant finish. It lasts longer and looks better. Wide colour range. ONE -COAT WHITE HOUSE PAINT - mne coot does a perfect two -coat job on previously pointed surfaces. Self -cleansing -etoys white.. QT. 2.15 GAL. 7,75 BARGAIN ! GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT .89 GAL. PRE -SUMMER SAVINGS ! This Gloss White House Paint is made from the "overspray and residue" of the fittest ap- pliance enamels—contains "titanium", the whitest, longest wearing white — same as on electric refrigerators, etc, Save safely! Auto Touch-up 4 -oz. Auto Touch -Up Exact factory color -match for General Motors, Canadian Ford and Chrysler pro duct s. Easy to use. .59 ARMOR COAT CAR ENAMEL • Worth 2.95 .19 QT. An "armour -plate" of durable and exciting new colour for cars boats, bicycles and outdoor fur- niture. No special skill- required to obtain a professional "body -shop" point job that will add many dollars to your car's resole value. Use this Sine product indoors or out—brush or spray— for perfect, lusting results. RERVISE= • Phone 792 SEAFORTH 0. S. & W. V. Smith 4 Ura. Rawley and Mr. aq,d lore. Middaugh and son, BM, of leen don, were Saturday guests -of r. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley. Several of the residents of Win- throp attended anniversary servio' es in Bethel on Sunday. Rev: W. M. Thomas, Walton, was the offici- ating clergyman. Lions Park (Continued from Page 1), Grace Smith, Elinor Holinan; sin- gle men, 'Oliver Davidson, Jack Davidson; married men, Percy Dav- idson, Wim. Weir; women's mys- tery, Mrs. R. Davidson, Mrs. W. Horn; men's hoop throw, Henry Davidson, Lloyd Davidson; boys hoop throw, Larry Partridge, Ken- neth Davidson; women's bean throw, Yvonne Holman, Mrs. Wim. Weir. Boys and girls bean throw, Bev- erley Davidson, Garry Osborn; dropping clothes pin in bottle, Yvonne Holman, Mrs. WM. Weir; relay race, Mrs. Henry Davidson and Percy Davidson, Mrs. Leonard Partridge and Ross Davidson; men's and women's shoe scramble, Mrs. Henry Davidson and Jack Davidson, Grace Smith and Oliver Davidson; youngest child present, Philip Davidson; most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davidson; oldest woman, Mrs. Kathleen Davidson; oldest man, Andrew Weir; lucky plate, Leon- ard Partridge; button contest, Mrs. Kathleen Davidson; coming the furthest distance, Alvin Schinck; mystery contest, Mrs. Christina Schinck. Dinner and supper were served on the grounds. where the parade disre's-d. Rev. Walter G. Becker, minister of Brod- hagen Lutheran Church, welcomed the visitors, and introduced the evening's program, Band numbers were played by the two bands sep- arately, and by the two together under the leadership of A. Hinz. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. WE PRINT IT Store Sale Bills - Business Cards Window Cards Laundry Lists Visiting Cards Bread Tickets Letter Heads Meal Tickets Filing Cards Programmes Score Cards Debentures Note Heads Bill Heads Invitations Hand Bills Pamphlets Circulars Booklets Dodgers Blotters Badges Drafts Books Tags Bills Bonds Labels Cheques Placards Vouchers Prize Lists Catalogues Price Lists Post Cards Statements Menu Cards Blank Notes Milk Tickets Legal Forms Memo Heads Order Blanks Shipping Tags' Funeral Cards Show Printing Greeting Cards Menu Booklets At Home Cards Phone 41 "stict Weddings MASON MOIR • HENS,AT.r. —A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church manse, Crediton,. Saturday, June 19, when Bertha Moir, of Hensall, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Soldan, of Hen- sel', and Mansel Mason, Jr., Grand Bend, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Mason, Grand Bend, exchanged marriage vows. Rev. W. J. Parrott was the officiating minister. For her wedding the bride chose a blue suit with white accessories with which she wore a corsage of red roses. Mrs. Lillian Hyde, Hen- sel, ensal, the bride's only attendant, wore a pink suit and a yellow rose corsage. Graham Mason, Exeter, was his brother's groomsman. Following the ceremony a lunch- eon was held at the Imperial Hotel, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Mason will reside in Bengali for the pre- sent. KNIGHT - BROWN. WALTON.—The United Church manse in Walton was the scene of a pretty wedding when Rev. W. M. Thomas united in marriage, Mar- jorie Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Monkton, and Mr. Allan Goldwin Knight, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. J. Knight, of Brussels. The bride chose a strapless waltz -length gown of white net ov- er taffet with lace bodice and matching bolero with peter -pan col- lar. She wore white lace mittens and carried a cascade of red roses and maiden hair fern. Her finger- tip veil was edged with appliqued flowers and was caught to a coron- to of seed pearls. Her only at- tendant was her sister, Miss Ber- nice Brown, who wore a matching gown of pale blue with headdress of seed pearls. She wore white ny- lon gloves and carried a nosegay of pink carnations and maiden hair fern. The bridegroom's attendant was his nephew, Mr. J. Knight. The wedding reception was held at the home of the bride. The table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake and the room was decorated with pink and white streamers and spring flowers. The bride's mother wore a navy crepe dress with navy and rhinestone accessories and a pink rose corsage. For their wedding trip to Nia- gara Falls and points east, the bride donned a figured nylon taf- feta dress with a rose shortie coat and white accessories with a cor- sage of carnations. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Knight will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Grey Township. POTIER - REGIER ZURICH.—St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, was the setting for a charming summer wedding, when Jean Vivian Regier and Fernard Potier exchanged marriage vows. Rev. M: D. Monaghan performed the ceremony in the Sanctuary, decorated with American Beauty roses and white and pink peonies. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Regier, Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr. Julien Potier and the late Mrs. Potier, of Belle River. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a white Chintilla lace gown over net with white satin underskirt. A nylon net front skirt panel gracefully fell in acedrdian pleats. Her sleeves were lily point and long train of lace over net and satin. Her shoulder - length veil was of tulle illusion with rhinestone settings. Her halo was of flowered pearls, also rhine- stones. She carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and white carnations. Miss Rosalie Regier, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore a fitted ballerina gown with embossed yellow lace to hip- line, failing in full net skirt over net taffeta. Her headdress was of matching net with rosebud settings. She carried yellow roses and pink carnations. Fashioned on similar lines were the gowns worn by the bridesmaids, Mrs. Beatrice Potier and Joanne Dawson, of ballerina style blue lace over net taffeta. Their bouquets were yellow roses BEMBERG DRESSES For cool comfort, choose from these Ano silk Bemberg Dresses, in neat cool printed patterns. Attractively styled, In a number of popular Summer shades. Sizes 80 7.95 to 44. VERY SPECIAL NEW, POPULAR SUN DRESSES Made of fine quality printed cottons In the pont- lar sun dress style. Some have bolero tops to match or contrast. Many have neat fitting elasticized waists. SIX- 2 es 12 to 42. SPECIAL. AT COTTON BLOUSES S SHORTS TO MATCH See the new cotton short arid blouse sets featured in blue, pink. white, yellow and red. Blouses are sleeveless; the shorts have cuff bottom- Sizes 12 to 18.1.98 eQ VERY SPECIAL AT VERY SPECIAL -2 TO 6 YEARS CHILDREN'S DRESSES Made of sturdy waffle cotton, daint- ily lace trimmed, and full flared skirts. Deep hems and detail mak- ing feature these dainty dresses. Sizes 2 to 6. Regular to 2.98. VERY SPECIAL TO CLEAR �� TO 2.98 VALUES SPECIAL 'T' SHIRTS Special table of fine inter- locked knit T -Shirts, in white, blue and flamingo. Regular 2.98 value. 1 AG TO CLEAR AT.. Half Price ASSORTED COLOR HALTERS AT Half Price Clearing of assorted color halters to wear with shorts for cool Summer wear. Regular 1.00 to 2.25 value. REDUCED TO CLEAR AT 58c to 1.13 1.50 VALUE GOTHAM Nylon HOSE Three new Summer shades in this famous Gotham Gold Stripe Nylon Holies Sizes 9 to 11. Regular 1.50 first quality. �■ TO CLEAR AT.... STEWART BROS. and pink carnations. Attending the groom were Chas. Potier, of Belle River; Bob Regier, of Windsor, and Lenard Jennings, of London. Ushers were Lorne Regier and Walter Bryne. Wedding music was provided by the church organist, Helen Farwell. Soloist was Linda Bedard, Receiving at the home the bride's mother chose silver grey Chinese silk with an orchid floral design drdss with orchid accessories and corsage of pink roses and white mums. The groom's stepmother wore a navy, blue dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white mums. Dinner was held at the home of the bride's par- ents with an afternoon buffet lunch and reception in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Potier, now . honeymoon- ing in Northern Ontario, will make their future home in Belle River. For travelling the bride wore a rose linendress, sky blue coat with accessories in white.. Out-of-town guests attended from Windsor, Belle River, London, Price, St. Joseph, Detroit, Bruce - field, Dresden and Sarnia. SEAFORTH LIONS 19th ANNUAL Summer Summer Carnival Lions Park, Seaforth WEDNESDAJULY 14�RGDAY - 15nAY- 16 OUTSTANDING AMATEURS Bch Night For PRIZES TOTALIN $600 Western Ontario's BINGO GAMES - BANDS - FERRIS WHEEL - MERRY - GO - ROUND - FIREWORKS See the Startling Beauty of This Display Programme Commences Each Night at 9 p.m. In event of rain, Program will be held in the Community Centre DRAWING For VALUABLEFive Drawings Each Night FREE PARKING ADMISSION 25 CENTS CHILDREN UNDER 12, FREE 'PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE AND MAINTENANCE OF LIONS PARK AND POOL .,u '.a+�-•r`ti11, ae;yini�r�id. Leu CROMARTY A picnic was held Monday after -1 noon at No. 6 School. A ball game and a full line of sports was con- ducted by the committee in charge. Supper was served in the basement and in the evening a dance in the; school. room was the closing feat- ture of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor and family ,of Burlington, accompanied ; by Miss Dianne Mure.bland. of Hamilton, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reg ,Stagg visited with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mrs. J. Wilson, of Toronto. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howe. Moose Jaw, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chappell. Sunday visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christie with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and family. of Mit- chell, with Mr.' and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar;' Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lam- ond of London with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; Miss Jean Shute, of Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gardiner; Mr. and Mrs. John Jef- ferson, of Munro, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and family with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking, of Mitchell; Mary Robertson of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig- MIr.. and Mrs. William Binning and sea Richard, and Mrs. R. Homntlt„ sir Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Nese.- McKellar. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kemp aadk Audrey and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roe*, and little daughter, Susan, vianddr with Mr. and Mrs. Rose Houghton on Sunday evening. Mr, William Hamilton has me- turned home from St. Joseph's fins-, vital, London, where he underwear ;In operation on his foot. Frankie Houghton, son of Ifs and Mrs. Len Houghton, has so= turned to his home in Winghanl assds is leaving shortly for cadet casae at Ipperwash. The Misses Alice Walker, Mr - ' tis' garet Russell. Margaret Wanaeee, ' Sandra Ramsay and Joyce`Dow as- sisted in the service of prate GBP Sunday evening in First Presbyter- ian Church. Seaforth. H.F.A. Football Wingham vs. Winthrop WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 WINTHROP COMMUNITY PARR Game Time 7:90 p.m. Come Out and Support the Ilksga i Swimming Instruction Seaforth Lions Park JULY and AUGUST 10 a.m. to 12 noon daily (Monday to Friday) • Learn -to -Swim Classes • Intermediate Swimming Instruction CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, JULY 5th at 10 a.m. Application forms, which are available from the Life Guard, should be completed and returned as soon as possible. GEORGE SILLS Life Guard