HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-06-18, Page 5• , d° • • ti • • �Ya 4+� 'it rpt if jVNE 20 IS DAD'S 8IG DAT See these at CANADIAN TIRE • "AIR -WAY" COMPASS -For auto, boat or plane. Accurate. Dial is j e w el mounted with compensator 2■29 MARINE COMPASS - Direct reading; for small craft. Gimbal mounting, built - in compensator. 4 inches 8■29 high AUTO ALTIMETER - Shows how high the hill, how deep the val- ley. Smart plastic case. Easy to attach ■ 60 DRESS -UP CAR STARS -Brilliantly chromed - for fenders, trunks, gas doors. Size 3s/."..49 Each -THERMOMETER - Neat . airplane dial; 49 suction cup mount ■ .MAGNETIZED THERMO- METER -Holds tightly to any metal oa surface CURB SIGNALS -Warn when car is too close Pair ■ 9 curb. to DELUXE CURB GUARDS -P1easingtone. 1.29 Pair & 1.39 MOTORING HIT - In- cludes magnetized Memo Pad, magnetized Pencil and Magnetized Utility Dash Tray. Sturdily. plastic. Wide 2■ -9 color choice DASH FENCE -(at top). In Fluorescent "fire - glow" plastic. 29 Suction mount • SUPER -CHROME DASH FENCE - Holds cigar- ettes. etc. .89 _LOCKING GAS CAP - '53 -54 Ford Chevrolet .. ■ 1.0 ivlost others.. 1.79 Plain Gas trap .20 to .39 KLEENEX DISPENSER - Chrome -plated face; fits under glove compart- ment.Complete 1 45 with tissues .. ■ "POCKET -PACS" TISSUE DISPENSER -Fastens to sun visor. Plastic. COM - pieta with tissues .24 VISOR HOLD -ALL - Fits on visor and holds road maps, cigarettes, sun glasses ready for use ■54 AIR -WINGS - Polished ..,plastic in popular col- ors. Scoops in ■29 fresh air. Pair CAR VENTILATORS - Fit all cars. Fluorescent red plastic with blue medallion and 74 metal trim. Pair ■ BUG DEFLECTOR -Lust- rous plastic. Diverts bugs away from windshield. Install. an hood. 39 Each . ..., SUPER- - SIZE B U G DEFLECTOR -Big, beau- tiful and efficient, in plastic and 1 ■ 10 stainless steel .AGLAMOUR-QUEEN BUG 'DEFLECTOR - In high lustre chrome a n d oloured plaetlo ...... 1.29 EXHAUST GUARD - In flashing chrome plate. Eliminates rear bumper tarnish. With 1■ 1 0 bright jewel DELUXE EXHAUST EX- TENSION - Custom styled for most cars. Popular long straight type. 1.49 "VENTURI JETT EX- HAUST GUARD -Mirror - chrome finish. Gives low" look.. 1.45 that "long "SNACK BAR" TRAY- Flts instantly on front .r back car window. Holds drinks, 1.10 sandwiches .. WHEEL RINGS -Hand- somely styled in gleam- ing stainless steel for added car b e a u t y. Set of 10.98 4 .a CHROME WHEEL COV- ERS -Add definite class to any cat with' 15" wheels. Very smart. 21.95 Set of 4 CONTINENTAL WHEEL COVERS -Authentically styled with embossed spokes. 15" 23.85 Set of 4 .. 'SPARE KEY KEEPER - Plastic box with perman- ent magnet holds spare .key in hub cap. .' tc. ▪ 74 D 0 0 A HANDLE GUARDS - Beautifully polished; stainless steel. Prevent c a r door scratches. 1.09 Pair ■ GAS DOOR GUARDS - For most cars equipped with fender gas doors. Give "custom- 89 look" 'Chromed LICENSE PLATE PHRASES - Humorous quotations for mounting above rear ,39 license plate. Ea. Phone 792 ,. G. t & W. V. Smith J This Week At the Seaforth High School BY ZEN LARONE Ath-h-h! Breathe that good fresh air! While most people have been accepting this present heat wave with kind comments, some students have regarded it .with one big frown. This is the time of the year when all thoughts are divert- ed ;to reaching the years goal. Any- where from the last three months to ,the past six weeks, students have been preparing for the big trial, which has been in/session for the past two weeks. Middle and Lower School finished for the year on Tuesday of this week. Upper School isn't quite so fortunate. They will still be sweating it out until next Wednesday morning. Then everyone can feel they can go back to living again. For those in Middle and Lower School_ who worked hard in the Christmas and Easter exams, they were liberated two weeks ago, pro- viding they thad the required 70 per cent in each subject. No matter when the work is done, it requires hard, tedious hours of concentra- tion and understanding. 'Po do this means giving up the pleasures do- ing that particular time, this is what some unfortunately xyz xyz? do not, and it shows up later. * S S Wednesday afternoon is gradua- tion day for close to 100 energetic students, who have earned their ribbons of reward. Grade 10 will be the big class of the afternoon, while Grades 12 and 13 dwindle down in number respectively. Our good friend. Mr. James R. Scott, returns for the big day hold- ing bhe pages of the valedictory address. This will be the second year Mr. Scott has held the fea- ture spot in the day's exercises. Already many are planning to be on hand for his wise words of wis- dom. Summer holid• ays aren't just what the title suggests. For most of the scholars it means getting out and doing two months of good hard work. Already some have packed their bags and are beading for the northland summer resorts, while just as many are helping Dad with his 200 acres. Whatever it• is, the theory, 'a change is as good as a rest', still holds. Well, gang, that just about winds See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON -AUTO INSURANCE With State Farm Mutual R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth up this corner of chatter for the summer. However, the editor haf3 been kind enough to give space to us for a summary of the year's ac- tivities. Around the first of July, if you would like to find out what• you did this past year, keep your eye on The Huron Expositor. s S S Question of the week: Do you realize the 'Old Prospector' will be pulling up his stakesthis week? KIPPEN EAST W. I. The annual picnic of Kippen East Women's Institute was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Friday evening, with 70 sitting down to supper. The prize for the one with the nearest birthday was won by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; plate prize, Mrs. W. Workman; couple present that were married' the longest, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLellan; candles in a jar, Mrs, Morley Cooper; rope - guessing contest, Mrs. Jim Drum- mond. Race results, were: girls, 6-8, Julie Chappel, Catherine McGre- gor; boys, 6-8, Al Kyle, Doug Up - shall; girls, 8-12, Margaret Jean Broadfoot, Marie Sinclair; young women, Bonnie Kyle, Marie Sin- clair; young men, Braun Bennin- dyke, Ron Eyre; married women, Mrs. B. McGregor, Mrs. Gemmell; married men, John Sinclair, Bruce McGregor; women kick the slipper, Bonnie Kyle, :Marie Jarrott; men kick the slipper, Ron Eyre, Hank Bennindyke; three-legged race, Ron Eyre, Hank Bennindyke; necktie race, Bruce McGregor and Mrs. J. Sinclair; paper race, Mrs. Gemmell, Bonnie Kyle; alley relay, Mrs. M. Cooper's side. Sports conveners were Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, Jr. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family-, of West Lorne, former- ly of Seaforth, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. Ronald Savauge, of Toronto, was a weekend guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ross Savauge. Mrs. Patricia Troutbeck is in Northern Ontario, attending a con- vention of representatives of the Eaton Organization. Mrs. Dolena McCuaig, who re- cently was in the Western Prov- inces visiting friends, has return- ed home. Mrs. J. G. Dillane, of Hamilton, was a visitor in Seaforth on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Savauge and daughter, of Toronto. visited Mr. Savauge's mother, Mrs. F. S. Savauge, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey and LAC. James McKindsey were in Ottawa this week attending the LP Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assoc. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" If you have cows ,to be bred, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association for artificial Insemination from any breed. PHONE COLLECT TO CLINTON 242 between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. Week Days '7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Sundays and Holidays All Breeds Low Cost ,r\ 1 it t, It\ Your Lawn Is no Longer a Chore With':..a Lawn -Boy Rotary Power Mower • Speedy and Effortless • No Raking - No Trimming • Powered by Famous Iron Horse' • Economical - Trouble -Free TRY A LAWN -BOY TO -DAY ! Only 95.00 • Baldwin Hardware Main Street • Seaforth Gifts for "F Sunday is the day to honour Dad, and there's no finer way than to give hum a man's gift from STEWART BROS. Every Father's Day Gift will be boxed, if desired Give Dad a New Tie Hundreds of new cool -looking, new design Tles to choose from. Give Dad a new tie for Father's Day. 1.00 1.50 2.00 DAD ALWAYS NEEDS AN EXTRA WHITE SHIRT ,.r"S ., :.. .• Forsyth, Arrow and Van Heusen White shirts, in all the new collar styles, and every desired sleeve length. Gift boxed at 3.95 to 4.95 COOL PYJAMAS Cool stripes or platin shades in fine broadcloth pyjamas. Make a grand gift for Dad on his day! Ati famous makes and all sizes at 4.95 HUNDREDS OF NEW COOL SPORT SHIRTS Fine rayons, gabardines, spans, pucker nylons and now "Dan River" wrinkle shed cottons. Choose from dozens of cool Summer shades, in plains, checks and fancy weaves. SIZES - SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE and OVERSIZE SHORT SLEEVE STYLE - 2,95 to 95 LONG SLEEVE STYLES -3,95 tocQrt�■ �" DAD WILL LIKE THE NEW FIT -ALL -SIZE STRETCHY NYLON SOX OTHER FINE SOX AT 50c to 1.95 Don't worry about the size -just pick his favorite color and they'll fit any size from 10 to 13. Long, long wearing Nylons, in plain or fancy patterns. A VERY POPULAR SELLER AT 1.50 pr. "1-IICKOK" BELTS The best in solid, smooth, tanned leather belts, in tongue or slide buckle styles. Colors: grey, brown, black and blue, In plain or two-tone, at I.50 to 3.00 CASHMERE SWEATERS Fine soft cashmere sweat. els are a "must" In any man's wardrobe. These come in grey, beige, pow- der, aqua and wine., Ali sizes In long sleeve or sleeveless styles, 4.95 & 8.9a SUMMER Windbreakers Nylon gabardines, vene- tian gabardines and shark - skins, in plain or .novelty two-tone styles, of navy, grey, fawn, royal a n d rust. Sizes 36 to 46 in stock. 7.95to1595 THE STORE FOR BEST "FATHER'S DAY" GIFTS STEWART BROS. funeral of Mrs. McKindsey's moth- er. Mr. Lionel Fortune. of London. spent the weekend at his home here. M. and Mrs. B. M. Francis, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Herald Lawrence. Mrs. Nettie Sampson, of Toronto, who is well known in Seaforth, had bhe misfortune to fall and fracture her hip recently. She is a patient in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. M. A. Reid, who has been seriously ill in Hamilton for some weeks, was 'able to return to his home here this week. Mrs. William Skinner. of Detroit, was in Seaforth on Wednesday at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. William Ament. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and family, of Detroit, visited relatives here over the weekend. Mrs. William Bubb. Los Altos. California, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Elder during her visit here, Miss Rena MacKenzie and Mr. John C. MacKenzie attended the graduation exercises at Convoca- tion Hall. Toronto, on Wednesday, when their two nephews. Donald MacKenzie and Robert. MacKenzie, received their diplomas, in Medi- cine. Among those who were in Toron- to on Saturday attending the Stew- art - McMaster wedding were: Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs, P. D. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brightrall, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. I3echely-, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Mc- Millan, Mr and Mrs. James A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. G. 'A. Whit- ney, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boussey and Mr. Ronald Suis. Miss Flora McDonald, of London, is spending a few days this week at the home of Mrs. Theresa Maloney. Miss Margaret Best, of Brussels, spent the past week the guest of Mrs. Geo. D. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. J. Doherty and Joffre, of Toronto. spent the weekend with Mrs. Hertld Lawr- ence. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornett, of Vancouver, were visitors on Mon - (Continued on rage 8) Said one woman to another as, they stepped off the tram: "Mat conductor looked at me as if I hadn't paid my fare." "And what did you do?" "1 looked at him as if I had." Ham and Strawberry SUPPER St. Andrew's Church Kippen TUESDAY, JUNE 22 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Variety Program ADMISSION: Adults 75c Children 50c Strawberry Festival with SPRING CHICKEN BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, JUNE 25th Supper served indoors 6 - 8 p.m. Variety Program Admission: Adults $1.00 Children 502 Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 SEAFORTH ARENA SATURDAY, JUNE 19th 8:30 p.m. Wilf Carter and His Daughters COMING IN PERSON Direct from WSM Grand Olde Opry DANCING AFTER THE SHOW Adults $L00 Children 50c Sponsored by Huron County Junior Farmers