HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-06-11, Page 8COST TERM -PAYMENT T•OMQBILE INSURANCE I available In art all -Canadian Company. illikenatson gladly given on all MOM of insurance. Mormon GOLDEN RULE: inglive--itl0f „you would have others drive. WATSON & REID A. BUD - Proprietor Xlitaranee and Real Estate 02d14 Seaforth yv FOR SALE allIodeau Dwelling on East Wil- St.; three-piece bathroom; easy wiring. New .lir rouditiou- 'g'o'on. Immediate possession. Prune Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil heating. Suit - sable for V.L.A. pure Modern New Dwe'lIng, very cen- trally located; oil heating. All aoonveaiences. Frame Dwelling un Virruria St., 'with all modern conveniences. Pos- session arran.ged. Warne Dwelling in Egmuudville; mew garage. Immediate possession. , Ammo Dwelling on Louisa St. Modern conveniences. New fur - race. Large Frame Dwelling on Centre ffi excellent condition. Can be anitelly and economically converted 10 ,duplex, or suitahle for large *fatuity. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID ZEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LOCAL LEMON'S CALLS TAXI 35 All passengers insured PHONES: C162 -J or 162-W Summer Prices! 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace Olt DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 3634, or S32 -R INSURANCE _• Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. B. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN 8T. - SEAFORTH COAL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth FOR SALE 5 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE IN EGMONDVILLE WITH BARN on one acre of land. Possession at once — Call — W. C. OBE Phone 458 1DFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL a.erre— anallelleleseallielimeemoomieemoggeemeges 11 Church Notices The Salvation Artny—+Oot+pe phi cer, Lieut. H. Keats: SUtlday Oar' vices: - vices: 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. There - day, 4 p.m., Hobby Class; 8 p-nt., Prayer Meeting. 8t Thomas' Anglican Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.w., Morn - Ing Prayer; 7 p.m., EveningPrayer. St. Marys, Dublin 2:30 pin., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. Northside United Church. — 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., sermon theme, "Learning To Live," Masonic ser- vice, ervice, Junior congregation and Tod- dlers' Group; 7 p.m., guest preach- er, Rev. S. W. Pattison, Walkerton United -Church, Walkerton.—Rev. J. W. Stinson, Minister. EgmondvIlle United Church.— Friday evening. June 11. at 8:15, The Singing Men of the Canadian Bible Institute, Regina; Sunday, 10 m., Church Scahool; 11 a.m., morn- ing wvp ; sermon theme, "Watching With Jesus''; 7 pen., Evening Praise; the sound film, "The Shield of Faith, • of special interest to young .People, will be shown; Wednesday at 8 •p.m, mid- week service.—Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell MI raster 10 A.M. Church School and Bible Class 11 A.M. Sermon: WALKING UP AND DOWN 7 P.M. Report of Pre -Assembly Congress COME TO CHURCH—Chris- tianity is the good man's text; his life,- the ' Wustra- tion. H.F.A. Football Listowel vs. Winthrop FRIDAY, JUNE 11th WINTHROP COMM -UNITY PARK Game Time --7:30 p.m. Consultations and fittings by appointment in your own home Mrs. John Ronnenberg PHONE 3634 : - MITCHELL, TEA HOME BAKING SALE AT THE HOME OF MRS. FRANK SILLS, Sr, 1 THURSDA', JUNE 17th 3-6 Auspices of C.W.L. 4 GETTING BIGGER AND BETTER! $1,600 CASH PRIZES INCLUDING $100.00 GATE PRIZE to be paid out at the Seaforth BINGO COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, 9 p.m. GENERAL,&DMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS AND SPECIALS, 25c — 5 FOR $1.00 NEXT SEAFORTH BINGO — FRIDAY, JULY 2nd 000000 00000000000 • W. J. CLEARY 00 0 Seaforth, Ont. O UCEN8ED EMBALMER O 0 and FUNERAL DI RECTOR O • 0 Night or Day Calle — 335 0 • O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 BOX o Janerar arerbice oR. 8, BOX O 0 LJosnaed Embalmer 0 0 Prompt and Hospitalddattention 0 00 PLOW POR ALL O 0 OCCASIONS 0 0 Rea NNW Phones: Store 49 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director 0 and Ambulancls Service 0 DUBLIN ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: O Phone 43r10 O O O O 0 O O 00000000000 • G. A. WHITNEY G. O Funeral Home o O Goderlch 8t. W., Seaforth O A.MBIJLANCE 881M= 0 O Adjustable hospital badge 0 O torr rent p O MOWERSDI/CANON? 0 O • Telephone: Reside NK ight 119 0 0 0 O 00000004>00 100 Next Week, Undergoes Operation Daniel Barry, probably the oldest resident in Hibbert Township and district, under- went nderwent an operation for ,hernia in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. Mr. `Barry will be 100 years old June 21. The opera- tion was performed by Dr. E. A, McMaster and Dr. P. L. Brady. Announce Details of Holy Name Rally Sunday Rev. E. P. Weber, St. names' Church, Seaforth, and director of District No. 5 in the London diocese for the .Holy Name Society, has announced that the Holy Name rally for this district will be held this year, on Sunday, June 13, at St. Brigid's Church, Logan (Kenn wicott) at 3 p.m. Societies in District No. 5 in- clude parishes in Seaforth, Dublin. St. ,Columban, Logan, Clinton and Blyth. St. James' Holy Name Society members will receive Holy Com- munion in a body at the 8:30 Mass Sunday, followed by the past year's report of activities and the elec- tion of officers for 1954-55. In the afternoon the members will leave about 2:15 for the rally at Logan. Program for the afternoon will consist of parade, Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, hymn, "Come Holy Ghost"; sermon, Marian Hymn, Renewal of Holy Name Pledge, Benediction of the Must Blessed Sacrament. and conducting with the hymn, "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name." Hold Reception For Mr., Mrs. Jack Boyes Following the 'regular Oddiellows meeting on Wednesday evening, June 2, a social hour was spent, whet" the Oddfellows and their wives entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyes, newlyweds. Euchre was played. after which Glen Haase and John Carnochan presented Mr. and Mrs. Boy es with a lovely trilight lamp, WINTHROP'. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Blanchard of Brussels., .visited with Mr. and Mrs, A. Dolmage and called on other McKillop friends. Mr. Sam Pethick is building a garage: Mrs, M. Miles, Mrs. W. Little's mother, is in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. Harrison, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Hawley. GROUP I OF NORTHSIDE W.A. Mrs. J. W. Stinson was hostess to 29 members of Group 1 of the W.A. of Northside United Church at their June meeting. The presi- dent, Mrs. W. Campbell, welcomed several new to mbers and took charge of the business period. This will be the last meeting until Sep- tember. Mrs. Mary Stewart and Mrs. R. Murdie were in charge of the program and led in the wor- ship service, while Mrs, Murdie read two lovely poems by Patience Strong, "A Chance" and "The Test." Mrs. Murdie introduced Elva El- lis, who took as her topic the story, "I Married the Klondike." She told of Laura Beatrice Burton's experiences in the Yukon as a kin- dergarten teacher, and later as a 'wife and mother. it was a most. interesting address. Mrs. Murdie thanked the speak• er and the Mizpah benediction was repeated. A delicious lunch was served by Marguerite Weldon, Elva Ellis and Eleanor Henderson. SEAFORTH SWINE CLUB A meeting of the Seaforth ,Swine Club was held at the farm of Mr. William Turnbull, Brussels. on Thursday. June 3, with all members present. Mr. Baker was in charge and Bob McMillan spoke on what, to look for when judging pig,. Af- ter this a class of breeding sow; was judged by club members. The club members answered questions on a quiz. The meeting was then adjourned. TEE HURON EXPOSFTOB EGlifONDYILLE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scotchmer, of Baytdeld, visited, recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scotohener. Mrs. Robert Wallace and baby have returned home after having spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer. Mr. and -Mfrs. Ken Smithhave moved into their new home w hioh they recently built. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple were visiting in London for a few day's with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dalrymple and: Jean. Miss Kay Dalrymple, of Glencoe, was a recent visitor with her father, Mr. Robert Dalrymple, and Mrs. Dalrymple. Mr. Ray Coomber, of London, spent the weekend wits his par encs, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Coombes. Miss Nyal Doig, Toronto, was a weekend visitor at her home. Are. Barton visited in Listowel on Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown, Kit- chener, spend the weekend at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Flunk Kennedy and family, of Bright, were guests of Mrs. Theobald and Mr, and Mrs. Mike Canter, and also called on other friends. Obituaries NomiesL MRS. M. J. O'HANLEY There died in Chicago, 111., on Saturday, June 5, Mrs. Neil J. O'Hanley, formerly Anne 'Pren- dergast. Mrs. O'Hanley is surviv- ed by her husband, two sons, Louis and Dr. Allan, of Chicago, and two daughters, Mrs. Itoy Coleman, of Forth Worth, Texas, and Mrs. D. MacKay, of Chicago; also two brothers, - Dr. Jyseph Prendergast and Dr. Louis G. Prendergast; three sisters, Mrs. Den. Molyneaux of Chicago, Mrs. Camilla Ryan and Mrs. Thomas O'Loughlin, of Sea - forth. Sixteen grandchildren also survive. ST. COLUMBAN C.W.L. MEETS The regular monthry meeting of St. Columban C.W.L. was held in. the church hall with the president, Mrs. John Moylan, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wm. McMillan. The first vice-president reported 106 paid-up members. A parcel of literature was sent to 1 Father Flaherty, Fort William. MMrs, Kale gave a very interest - ing reading on the Canadian League Magazine. Mrs. F,dward Melady and Mrs. Vincent Lane vol- unteered to do the altars for July. Mrs. Moylan and Mrs. McMillan gave an excellent report on their t.ri,p to the convention in Chatham. /The meeting adjourned and closed with prayer. WALTON The W.A. of Walton 'United Church met on Thursday- afternoon in the church basement, Mrs. Love presiding and opened the meeting with the W.A. theme song. follow- ed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Scripture reading was I Corinthians 2-4, Mark 12th chapter, verses 38- 41. Hymn 374 was sung and the secretary's report was read and ap- proc ed, also thank -you cards. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. Coutts, It was moved by Mrs. H. Johnston, seconded by Mrs. Coutts, that a card of thanks be sent to Mrs. Blair. Final ar- rangements for the garden party ),:ere made for Wednesday, June 23. supper being served from 5 to 8 o'clock. Moved by Mrs. McMich- nc1. seconded by Mrs. Martin, that an invitation .he extended to the C.G.I.'r. girls. to be held in Walton in September. LEHIGH PREMIUM HARD COAL Mose heat per ton Seaforth Lumber Ltd. PHONE 47 Seaforth Ontario THE ULTIMATE IN CARRIAGES The body is removable for auto seat, while the frame folds into the car trunk LLOYD'S TRAVEL CRIB has all the famous "Lloyd Extras" SEE THESE AND OTHER LLOYD CARRIAGES ,— at Whitneyy FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES: 119; RES. M BEAFORTN "You Always Shop With Confidence" S.D.H.S. Studnts ('Continued from Page 1) Beth ,Boyd, Alice BTaeker, Sohool crests—,(1) To students of the second and third years who obtain the required academic stand- ing: Barbara Boyd, Marion Hem- ingway, Grace Siemon, June Smith, Margaret :Stuart, Donald Dearing, Ronald Ennis, Ronald Spins., Bruce Coleman, Helen Mcliwain, Joanne Beuermann, Betty Goudie, Janet McGregor, Maja Roobol, Rose Sie- mon, Lois A. Somerville, Dora A. Stinson, Hugh Gorwill, William Scott, Peter Spittal. (2) To not more than one stu- dent for contribution to the work of Art or Dramatics in the School: Neil Broadfoot. (3) To not more than one student fer contribution to Music in the School: Doris Johnston. (4) To not more than two girls and two boys for athletic attain- ment: Sheila McFadden, Ruth Sills, Leon Murray, Wayne McMichael. 5 To not more than three stu- dents who have made a worthy con- tribution to school activities gen erally: Hugh Gorwill, Betty Camp - `.)ell, Peter Spittal. School Letters 1) To students of 'Grades XII and XIII who obtain the required acad- emic standing: Elaine Dale, Anne Steffler, Ruth Hemingway, James Axtmann. Joyce Johnston, Beth Boyd, Marion Chamberlain, Edna Martin, Nancy Nott, Hazel Slavin, William .Brock, Donald Brock, (2) To not more than two girls and two boys of Grades XII and XllI, who obtain the highest stand- ing in athletics in the school— Hazel Slavin, Nancy Spittal, Doug- las Keys, Ron Muir, Sandy McMil- lan. 13) To not more than two stu- dents of Grades- d s XlI and XIII, who have made an outstanding contri- bution to Dramatics. Music or Art: Free' Jarnes, Marie Hunt. (4) To not more than three stu- dents of Grades XII and XIII who throughout their course have been - outstanding in leadership, or who have made a worthy contribution to the student activities in the school: Janes Flannigan, William Brock, John McGavin: • BABY BEEF CALF CLUB The third meeting of the Sea - forth and Brussels -Calf Club was held at the farm of Mr. J. F. Scott on Monday evening, June 7, with a good attendance. Harold. Baker demonstrated the main points in judging, a Dual -Purpose Shorthorn cow. The two clubs judged four cows and four members gave reasons for their placing. Mr. Baker gave the official placing and the reasons why they were placed. in that order. Member's answered, a short quiz on the manual. Interesting films of Mr. Scott's travels were enjoyed by all. After this, the meeting adjourned. MERRY MAIDENS GARDEN CLUB Because of the very backward season, your gardens will be later than usual, but if not all planted, try to do so as soon as possible. When transplanting, use fertilizer transplanting solution, disturbing the roots as little as possible and packing the -soil firmly around each plant. When the first blossoms ap- pear on tomatoes, cucumbers and squashes, spray with no -seed set and you will have earlier, larger fruits with no seeds. After planting, weed control is the chief reason for cultivation and should be cultivated once after each good rain and more often if weeds. appear. Weeds. must not get more than a small start, for they are the easiest to kill when they are just pushing through the soil. Only the slightest stirring of the soil kills those that come up from seed, about one-half inch deep. To go deeper involves hard work and cuts off many of the plants' roots. Cul- tivation also loosens the soil's sur- face, se that the water will soak in during showers. McKillop Church Scene • Of Rally on Sunday The Stratford District Evangeli- cal United Brethren Church Chris- tian Education rally was held at McKillop 'Church Sunday, at which the new officers were elected. They are: president, Edward Doerr, of Rostock; vice -,president, Newell Geiger, Zurich; treasurer, Ray Moriock, Crediton; secretary, Joyce England, Daahrwood; chil- dren's secretary, Doris Jacobs, Mil- verton; youth work, Rev, E. N. Mohr, Orediton, and adult work, Mrs. D. 'Payne, 205 Birmingham St., Stratford. The Milverton youth fellowship took the worsthp service 'which was led by Mr. Ross Taylor and Mr. Robert CIemens. Mary Schneck sang a sole, "Green Pastures." Margaret 'Scbneck gave a short talk on cycle graded literature for Sunday Schools. The address in the afternoon was given by Rev. Warren Hartman, Dayton., O. Be spoke on "Leading Young People to Commitment and Service." Young people are not only the church of tomorrow but they are the people of today and the church should ,provide social functions for young people, Mr. Hartman said. Rev. W. F. Krotz, conference superintendent, cloned with a con- secration service. The evening meal was served on the spacious lawn, of the Eggert home by ladies of the congregation. "Good grief!" said the city slick- er. "Why did' they put the depot Eo far from the town?" "I dunno," said the local yokel, "unleab they wanted to get the de- pot jtas close tie Possible to the The drat In the( suit uer aeries of Sutuday evening band concert will be held in Victoria Park next Sunday, commencing at 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mien Harold Hotham, of 74 Doulton Ave., London, spent Sunday with the former's uncle, Mr. John Hotham, Wilson S't. Mr. and Mrs. ,Bedford Dungey and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tali visit- ed isited over the weekend with Mre. Ouagey's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Hogg, in 'Collingwood, LAC. James B. Southgate, of RCAF Station, Trenton, was in Sea - forth over the weekend. Mrs,. South- gate and children, who had been visiting here for a week, returned with thim. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and family, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Smith. Mrs'. G. G. Elliott, Toronto, visited friend's in Seaforth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling spent the weekend in Lindsay. Miss Isobel Cummings, Ottawa, is visiting her brother, Mr. John Cummings, and Mrs. Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with Mrs. Herald Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shera and. Toni Warren spent Sunday with Mr, Shera's mother, Mrs. Eva Shera, St. Marys, and his sister, Miss Mae Shera„ Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMillan, of Spring Lake, Mich., are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, also other cousins in the surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum, of Loudon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Hotham, Wilson St. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Musselman, Kitchener; visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. Mr. :u:d Mr's. Harold Cummings and family, of Stratford, spent S'un- da with his nor Y' s eats• I Mr. andMrs .. John C'utumings. Mr. and, Mrs. Ai thur Day and Mrs. Fletcher, of Exeter, were re- cent guests of Mrs. Herald Lawr- ence. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Den Burg. of Sarnia, s -pent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Mat- thews. Next Seaforth Bingo Slated for June 18 Cold, damp weather resulted in a small attendance at the opening bingo, sponsored by the Legion, Athletic Association and Arena. The next bingo is being held Fri- day evening, June 18. Prizes were won as follows: (1) Elly Van der Jon; (2) Mrs. Sym- onde, Walkerton, and E. Jones, Goderich; (3) William Austin, Sea - forth, and Mrs. H. Bucking, At- wood; (5) Mrs. John Wilson, Clin- ton; R. Woodlacott, Mitchell, Mrs. M. E. Clarke, Seaforth; Mrs. J. Scott, Seaforth, and Leonard Con- nolly, Bornholm; $200 special, Sgt. Harold Harris,RCAF, Clinton; (6) John Maloney, R.R. 4, Seaforth; (7) Mrs. Joseph Schneider, Wing - ham; $200 special, Mrs. Charles Wood, Sr., Seaforth; (8) Harry Ross, Wingham; (9) Mrs. Ken Swan, Brad Smith, Mrs. Fred E. Willis and William Austin, all of Seaforth; $500 special, George Crich, Dublin, and Delores Bedard, Zurich; (10) Norm Baird, Bruce - field. Canada's banks are among the soundest and best -managed in the world, CONSTANCE ° Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mfr. and Mrs. Nelson McClure spent a few days last week with friends, at Pontiac and Flint, Mich. Mrs. Jack Dod-ds, London, was' a recent guest at the homes of Mr. and Mrs'. Verne Dale, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan, Wayne, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, Seaforth, were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ad- ams. Mr. Murray Dale visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale, ov- er the weekend. Mr. Lyle Montgomery, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and MTs. Clarence Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Clarke. Mr, and Mrs. Oke, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Coleman, visited Sunday with Mr. and- Mrs. George Hoggart. Warden W. J. Dale is in Wind- sor attending the Mayors and Reeves convention. Mrs. Dale ac- companikl. him. Mr. and Mrs-. Earl Lawson were in London Friday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren). Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt spent the weekend with friends in Sarnia. Mr. 'andMrs. Russell Coleman, Tuckersmith, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke. Regular meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. of Constance United Church was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday, with the president, Mrs. Lorne Lawson, in the chair. The meeting opened' with the singing of bymn 285, "W'bat a Friend We Have in Jesus," follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes of the last [meeting were read and adopted. During the beeriness period it was decided to 'buy new carpets for the stairs. Hymn 21 was sung and the meeting was turned over to the W.M.S. president, Mrs. Ross McGregor. This part of the meeting was op- ened with, the singing of Hymn 81. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lorne 'Lawson, and the min- utes of the last sleeting were read and adopted. Committees were formed for the union meeting. A Christian Stew- ardship reading was givew by Mrs. George .Addison, and Hymn 152 was sung. Mre, George Mcilwain, gave a reading, "A Wee Bit of Every' - thing," The study book was given by Mrs. J. Babcock, and the meet- ing concluded with Hymn 170 and Mre. 'M Gregor closet] with prayer'. REGENTSEAFORTII THEA R� THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " SPRINGFIELD RIFLE " GARY COOPER PHYLJJS THAXTER The story of the introduction of the Springfield rifle to the Union Army in the daysof the Civil War. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY " PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET " RICHARD WIDMARK JEAN PETERS A sunblazing drama of brute )passion and hit and kiss romance, throbbing with raw emotions. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " HALF A HERO " RED SKELTON JEAN 'HAGEN Coming Soon — "GLENN MILLER STORY" SMART SANDALS For MISSES and CHILDREN S2,'95 a Pair "JUNIORS"—With Platform Soles and. Wedge Heels, in White and Multi -Color. "SKIPALONGS" .Which will give as much wear as an Oxford, ill White Red and Multi -Color. Children's Sizes -6 to 12 Misses' Sizes -12%e to 3 ALL ONE PRICE — S'29� A PAIR WILLIS' SHOE STORE "WALK ON AIR" with "STRIDE" Foam Cushion Insoles. ON SALE AT THIS STORE AT 40c A PAIR LASHMAR CLINTON CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE Thurs., Fri. T June 10-11 "Joe Louis Story" (Color) Colley Wallace Tues. - Wed. — June 15 - 1ta "Quebec" (Color) • John Barrymore - Corinne Calvet Sat. - Mon. — June 12 - 14 j Thurs. - Fri. —. June 17 - 18 "Stop, You're Killing Me" "To Have and Have Not' " (Color) - Humphrey- Bogart ,. • Broderick 'Crawford Claire Trevor Lauren Bacail CARTOON and NEWS At Each Performance YOUR NEW McClary Dealer IN SEAFORTH is the - Dennis Electric COME IN AND SEE OUR '54 MODELS including the NEW 1954 30 -INCH OVEN — • Dennis Electric Shop & Sales — Commercial Hotel Phone 467 Main St. Ir 7 1953 Dodge Sedan 1951 Dodge Sedan—Dark Green 1951 Plymouth Sedan—Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan—Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan --Gunmetal 1951 Dodge Sedan—Blue Automatic Transmission 1951 Chevrolet Sedan—Gunmetal; Radio 1951 Chevrolet Coach—Light Green 1951 Pontiac Sedan—Dark Blue 1950 Custom Dodge Sedan --Radio; dark blue U5ED (RR5 Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth • • 4 4 a A