HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-06-11, Page 4til THE HURON EXPOSITOR ossified Ads C► ailed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: 1st Week • 1 gent 2nd Week % Gent 9rd Week % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion,86 Cents Each figure, Initial and abbreviation counta as one word. Oast of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Ceasing Events -1 cant per word. Minimum. e.0 canto per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. e/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents sates, Tao cents additional will be charged if ads in above clans are not Raid within 10 days, of data of final Insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Aawllon Sales, Noucca to Creditors, Etc,--(tatek on applcation. Coming, Events DANCE 'r0 THE MUSIC . OF CI.AR- ence Petrie and the Night Hawke, every Friday night. from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace. MltchelL 4506-4 FIDELITY LODGE No. 55. meets tiret and third Wed- nesday evenings of each month at •8 p.m. Noble Grand, 1. Trewurtha ; Record- ing Secretary. Harry McLeod. 4.193.18 Doeoration Day on Sunday. June 13. to Maltlandbnnk Cemetery. Members meat at Hall at 2 p.m. SUMMER FIGURE SKATING June 26th -- July tint MILVERTON ARENA' Foul- Profvoalonals Seasonal - Weekly - Weekend - Stenion Rates Sanctioned by C.F.S.A, Directed by RON AND ROSEMARIE RICHARDS 1799-R, Stratford 4510-1 Notices NOTICE -- POSITIVELY NO 'PRES- passing on or around Belle Dam STEWART BELL, Mendell. .. 4510-8 NOTICE - WE WILL DO CUSTOM chain sawing. Phone Clinton 616 r 3. ,10E GLBSON. 4'010x2 • Notice FREE SERVICE To Farmers DONT WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to you. take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analysed. GALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 876 4484.41 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL TUE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL WILL meat in the Court House, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1954 ut 10:00 a.m. WOULD GIVE 51N0) ATTENTION '11.) All correspondence.' accounts or notice eonvaleseent or elderly lady or gen- of deputations 'should be in the hands of tleman. Apply ilex 329. (HURON EX- the County Clerk by Saturdny, June 12, POSITOR. 1509-2 1054. • NOTICE -- WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. W ill sick up and dell' er. Phone JOHN MaeI.EAN, 049 r 3. Sea - forth. 4501 -If VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALI. makes ; ^_2 yearn' experience. We pick upanddeliver. eiromE. 2-W' Seaf , • h. 16 tot 4507-tr' A. H. EIRSKINE, Clerk. County of Huron, Goderich, OnL 4509-2 For Sale 13OOJUrEY---A NUMBER OF ARBOUR - Acre White Rock started pollute, ready for range end of June. Price $1.00 each, at 10 weeks old. Please phone orders now to E. A. MOUSSEAU, Kippen. Phone 894 r 6, Heneall Exchange- 4908-5 Wanted BOAJLDERS WANTED-- IN A GOOD, quiet Christian home. Apply Box 382, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4610-1 WAN'T'ED --A GOOD RELIABLE AND quiet team of horses. Apply Box 393, HURON EXPOSITOR. s. 45104 WANTED TO BUY -- A CHILD'S large crib and mattress, in good condition MRS. DON McLEAN. Phone 253. 4510x1 Property For Sale • Dull SALE IN HENSALL. 2 -STOREY solid brick. elate -roof house. double gel -age; on choice corner lot, one blocks from business section. Apply Box 330, HURON I:XI'OSI'rOR, or Phone 43-J, Henool1. 4500-3 FOR SALE --- SEVEN -ROOM FRAME dwelling, situated un Code rich Street West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heating - with oil; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very conven- ient to shopping centre. Box 621, HURON EX I'OSITOR. 4509x4 HOUSII., FOR SALE -ERA -ME ,FRME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den- 8-m leve bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or Box 824, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4006-tf Help Wanted SALES CLERK WANTED - CAPABLE girl for elerkinti in store. Steady em- ployment. Pleasant surroundings. Box 334, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4510x1 FOREM A N FU RN ITU RE FIN ISMER, fully experienced for top-gtiality, pro- gressive manufacturer. Our foreman re- tiring through age. Pleasant working con- ditions. steady employment. group insur- ance etc. Enclose photograph and give full details in first letter in confidence. Box 331, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4509-2 APPLICATIONS REQUIRED FOR LIFE GUARD lY1.Il AIIUN. W11,1. I 1 1. B RECEIVED by the undersigned for the position of rlIRL'S BICYCLE FOR•SAIT - APPLY l.ifr• Guard end Swimming Instructor at. RADIO REPAIRS ---FOR ALL KINDS G l'1 R5. NOF MAN Mnc1.F AN. Egmnnoi_ the Senforth Lions Park of radion. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- title. l'hone Seaforth 84 4310-1 Applicants are to state afire. qualifica- PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 43634.1 1' LFUI: 5:11.5; I ltl.:ltl;ll•;:, ALL CUL- ti,ms and experience and to supplytrefer- ors, ma.s and females tJso own large rn er•s. CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING DONE: flight cages: cheap for quick an lc. ,PHONE also good rod and white -(oras( calves 451(111e.'\pPlicntions to its re•tx•ived by June 19. wanted, Apply WILLIAM COLEMAN, Kippen. Phone 6>Lr 22, Hensall Central. l ''UR SALE - TWO 2 -ROW OLIVER • 4510-1 1' .............i beau cultitatary W 1 1•' ATTENTION, FAME courteous collection disabled farm animals. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Exeter. Associated with Canada Ltd. R. 1 - PROMPT, of nil dead and Call collect, ED. Seaforth. or 2:15, Darling & Co., of 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! - McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontgrio Automobile As- soc. (0.A. A. Hospitalization ineurance, Accident and Sickness insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE. Seaforth. • ens, oven ready. 45 cents 1b: 5 pounds BELL, Kipper. ]'hone 075 r 12. Hensall. I 401031 I FOR SALE- ABOUT 11 ACRE: CLOVER hay: nlso M. -H. No. 11 electric cream separator. Apply JOHN WOOD. Kippen : 6;1 33 4510x1 SPECIAL -HARD, SOFTWOOD DELIV- ,'red, $4 and 85 cord ; sand for kid- dies' playpens: other pickup jobs. Work done at reasonable rates. A. DELLON," Phone 207. Seaforth. 4010-7 FOR SALE -6 -POUND ROAST CHICK- AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton- if you have a house. apartment, furnished or unfurniehed. to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE nt Clinton, 892: local 202. 4436-tf NOTICE --GET YOUR PATIOS, TER - rare and sidewalks fixed up now. Use Senforth Concrete Frodncts flagstones. Cement floors. stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles, 10 inches and over for drainage no,8 10 "at,a•k, e" Phone Seaforth 22-51. SFAFORTI4 CONCRETE PRODUCTS. .1500-4 A GRASSLAND -DAY Sponsored by the Grey County Crop end Soil Improvement Association is being held on the farm owned by Harris Lemon. Owen Sound. on Thursday. June 21th. Machinery displays: land clenring 'and dynamite ditching demonstrations: special speakers. Visit Georgian side, Bay beautiful country -- ARTHUR LEMON - - President T. S'rEWART COOPER Seeeetary 4510-2 at 40 cents 10: B grade chickens, 35c lb. We deliver Friday morning tach week. PHONE 6.17 r 3, Senforth. 4508x3 SLARS FOR SALE HARDWOOD, 810 per load. approximately 2 cords; mix- ed wood. E0 per load, npprnximat ely 2 cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. H1lDlE. Phone Clinton 362. 4501s4 OR SALT H.F. WESTINGHOUSE electric motor, 000 volts, 60 cycle; new : 11 H.F. Hoover electric motor. 110 ,alts. 00 cycle. new : 1 electric Mall saw, hen vy duty • Coleman camp stove: child's cot. and other articles. Apply Box 335, IIIIRON EXPOSITOR 4510x'2 ONE CENT EACH HOTBED PLANTS: illi 1 .malues. cnl•lx te. cnuliflmver, hroe•- ' coli. brussels Sp P011 Spanish onions. ' sweet tempers, several kinds of flrnrcrs. Apply to MRS. GORDON H. SCHWALM. Hensall. 4509-2 (TTSED CAR PARTS FOR FORDS.' IIJJ Ohm's". Pis -mouths. DeSotos, Dodges,, Olds and Pont.ines. Save by buying used wheels, windows, generatorslights, axles for trnilers, tires 16-21 inch. ' Our leen- tion saves you money. CTTDMORE'S GRAVET.. Phone 171 r 3, Exeter. 450.5x6 • TWP. of TUCKERSMITH N By -Law No. 9, 1954 A BY-LAW TO RAISE 800.000 TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TILE. STONE OR TIMBER DRAINS. The Council of the Tow•nshii eratnith, pursuant •to The 'rile Act, enacts as .follows: of Tuck - Drainage 1. THAT the Reeve tar Mayor( may from time to time. subject to the provisions of Mite by-law, borrow on the credit of the Caorporntion of the 'Municipality such aum not exceeding in the whole 850.000, as may be determined by the Council. and may in manner hereinafter pro- vided. issues debentures of the corpora- tion in suet sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrow- ed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 of the said Act. 2 THAT, subject to Section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of the opinion that the eppliabtaon of any .person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tl le. stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may. by resolu- tion, direct the Reeve for Mayor. to is- sue debentures as aforesaid and to bor- row a sum not exceeding the amount applied for. and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A epecinl annual rate shall be imposers, levied and collected over rind aloe.- all other rntes upon the lend in respect of which the money is borrowed sufficient for the payment of the principal and interestas pro ided by the Act. Pnesed this let dal' of June, 1934, (Signed) JAMES note. Reeve (Signed) E. F CFIFSNF,Y. Clerk A. W. SILLEKY, Chairman. Seaforth Lions Park Committee. 4610.2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FEDERAI, FOR COAL AND COKE BUILDINGS --PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO to the- undersigned and endorsed as above. will be received until 11.00 p.m. IE, D S.T.1 WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, 1934. for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province t'0 Ontario. Forms of tender with. specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores. De- partment of Public Works. Ottawa, and the Purchasing and Stores Officer, 3 Sul- livan Street, Toronto. Ontario. 'renders will not be considered unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the Department and in a,eeord- ance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to it mond from any successful tenderer. be- fore awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque drawn on a hank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Saviors Bank Act payable to the order of the Honourable the Minis- ter of Public Works, equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender. in accord- ance with the Government Contracts Regu- lations now, in force or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the • Government of Canada or of the Canadian otices To Creditods i National Railway Company- and its con- stituent companies, unconditionally guarnn- teed as to principal and interest by the 'Government of Canada. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN HARRISON ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. A I. L PERSONS , HAVING CLAIMS egninst the Estate of William JohnDepartment of Public Works, Harrison. of the Town of Seaforth. in the; Ottawa. May 2R 1934. County of Huron dectastd, who died nn The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. or about the 29th day of May. 1954. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of .iuly, 1934. after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then receiv- • • • DATED at Seaforth. this Soh day of June. 1954, AhVIN W. SIi,LF.RY, Seaforth, Ontario, - Solicitor for the Estnte. 1010-3 .NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES DELANEY • A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of ,lames Delaney. late of the Township of M,Fillop. in the County of Huron. Farmer. deeensed. who died on the 7th day of September. 1953. are hereby notified to send in full particn- ! tars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the ^3rd day of June. 11154, after which date the assets .will he distrihutesl. he, ing regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED nt Seaforth. this 1st day of ,tune. 0904. ' M,CONN' :i.T, & HAYS Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4:09 4 , Corporation of NOTICE to CREDITORS Tuckersmith Township TARE NOTICE THAT THE ABOVE IS a tree ropy of n Ix,--1,a,v passed by the Council of the Township of Tucker - smith on the 1st day of June 1954 and all persona are retetvired to take notice that anyone who desires to apply to have the Sy -Law or any part thereof quashed, must nerve notion of his applieation norm the Head or Clerk of this Municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario Within one month after the mid data This notice was first published on the lith day of June, 1954, and the last (publication win be on the 1st day of 1964;.. E. P. OI EY. - t 4610' In the Estate of THOMAS MURRAY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Thomas Mnrrny. lots of the Township of McKillop, in the County orf Huron. Farmer, diseased. who died on the 16th day of March, 1954. are hereby notified to send in fall particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the lard day of June 1954. after which date the asset; will be distributed, havingt regard only M claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this Tat day of Junes 1954. McCONNELL & RATS, Seaforth, Ontario. Bolicitoto for the Eseacatri. 4509.$ Motor Cars For Sale pp,R, SALE -4949 METIMR COAQii, port blue; heater, defroster. Clean throughout; tires good PRONE SEA+,. FORTH 898. 4610-1 AR CARS FOR SALE -454 OHEV. Beat cline. hardtop or '48 Desoto Sedan. Terme to suit. DENNIS ELECTRIC. Phone 467, Seaforth. 4510-2 ROIL- SALE --,1951 5TWO-TONE METE/OR sedan, overdrive, radio, heater. In goad condition. GEORGE WALKER, Hen- sall. Phone 119 4610.2 CAR FOR SALE -1941 PONTIAC. FIVE - passenger Coupe; pew tires; fair con- dition ; 8120.00. H. BOLY'SE, c/o Notts' harm, Egrnondville 4610x1 For Rent FOR RENT - THREE-ROOM APART- mcnl In Senforth: downstairs, Hot water; bathroom. Available now, PHONE 079 r 14, Hernial) Central. 4509-l-8 Farms For Sale GRASS FARM FOR SALE -40 ACRES; Lot 23, Boundary Grey and McKil- lop, east of Walton. Also hardwood tops. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4607x4 Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B BE A Goods), mailed postpaid In plain. sealed envelope with mrloe list- 8 samples 26e: 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales POSTPONED AUCTION SALE OF House Fuenishinge in the Village of Egmondville, Main St.. Saturday, June 12, at 1:30 p.m.; Clare Jewel cook stove; Que- bec heating stove; kitchen table and' 6 kitchen chairs; Beatty white enamel wash- ing machine; Andrew Malcolm dining room suite, 10 pieces: table, buffet, china cahinet, serving table and 6 chairs; this is an exceptionally good suite; pedestals; 3-piee•e chesterfield (like new): groan chesterfield and 2 wine chnirs: 1 wine ottoman: 3 rocking chairs; 1 walnut oc- e•asionnl chair (like new): 1 antique oval walnut living room table; 1 butt walnut o,a•a.cional tattle; 1 fireplace screen : 4 brass fireplace tongs . and stand: 1 fire- place basket: 1 antique spool bed (refin- ished( : springs and inner spring mat- tress 11ike• new) ; cherry chest of drawers (refinished): 2 lawn chairs: 2 metal flower stands; 1 living room rug. 9+x1211 scat- ter mats: curtains and 3 pairs drapes, 3 yards long: 1 trilight lamp; 1 floor lamp: mirrors: S -day clock : pictures; kitchen utensils; sealers; quantity of dishes: lots of garden tools: bench emery: rotary electric lawn mower, 1/3 H.P. -motor, 100 feet of cord: 1 kitchen set, including table, buffet and 4 chairs. Terms -Cash, MRS. HARRY PRETTY, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4510.1 Cards of Thanks T WISH '00 THANK ALL MY FRIENDS and neighbors who sent cards, flowers and treats to me while 1 was a patient in Scott 'Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Rev, E. P. Weber and Dr. Stapleton end the nursing staff. 4510x1 MRS. P. .1, KELLY THIS IS TO EXPRESS THE SINCERE appreciation and thanks of Ida Dick and children, for the kindness shown them and help given in their bereavement, by neighbors. family. Hensall Canadian Leg- ion. Legion Auxiliary, Mr. Fox. Dr. God- dard and all those who helped in any w -ay. 4610x1 THE FAMILY OF .l`;\IIE LATE WIL- liam J. Harrison wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them during the recent bereavement: also to them who loaned cars or helped in any way. 451031 In Memoriam REEVES -1N LOVING REMEMBRANCE of my husband, George Reeves, who Passed away June 11, 1945. Though life brings much that is altered. And` time brings friends that are new; There is one thing that never alters, That's my memory, dear husband, of you, -Lovingly remembered by his Wife 101031 - MUSTARD -IN LOVING MEMORY OF Jessie Isabella Mustard,' who passed away five years ago. June 11, 1949: Her life was earnest, her actions kind. A generous hand and an active mind; Anxious to please. loathe to offend. A loving mother and faithful friend. ---Ever remembered by the Family 101031 TAYLOR -IN LOVING MEMORY OF William Taylor, who .passed away two years ago. June 9. 1952. So many things have happened Since you were Called away. Things you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay. So many things to share with you In just the usual way. Things thatcould be so much nicer, If you were here today, -Ever remembered by his \rife and Family 4510-1 HAY '. ' H aY ! HAY Baler Twine • EXCELLENT QUALITY • IN ANY QUANTITY Salt COMMON FINE - BLOCKS PLAIN IODIZED or COBALT IODIZED in either forms Seed Still Availably FOR WHITE BEETS and BUCKWHEAT W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Phone 32 Hensall Hensall News of the Week Mrs. William Brown was taken by Bonthron ammbulance to St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, Saturday night in the interests of her health, .An accident occurred on No. 4 Highway in trout of the White Rose Service Station, Hensall, on Satur- day, when «T car driven by Jack Boa,. Hensall, was in collision with a hydro pole, Damage is estimated at $500. The driver and passen- ger, Arthur Parker, of Hensall, es- caped uninjured. The accident was investigated by Goderich Provin- cial Police, Mr. and Mrs. Howes, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryck- man, Exeter, and Mrs. Stewart, of Seaforth. called on Miss Hannah Craig, who is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm list week. Bingo Winners Niue hundred and fifty bingo fans attended the monster bingo in Hensall Monday at which $3,500 in prizes were given. The car, com- plete withheater, license and tank or gas, was won by Arthur Parker, 24, sun of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker. of Hensall. Arthur, who is employed at the General Coach Works in Hensall, walked to the bingo as he does not own a car, but. certainly did not walk home. Winners of the specials were: $200, Mrs. Frank 'Cousins, London, former Betty Smale of Hensall; $100, Mrs. George Yundt, Monkton; $100, Mr. Siemon, Zurich, and Barney Hildebrand, Seaforth. There were 15 regular games at $30 each. D;tve Sangster was mas- ter of ceremonies. The event was CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, Francis Glossop visited at Wroxeter and Port Al- bert over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell and Margaret Jean visited on Sunday )):ll' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns and family. Mr. :and Mrs. Neil Lamond, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Miller ;and family, of Woodham, visited with Mr. and Mrs, 'Lloyd Sot'sdahl on Sunday. Mr. and \ rs Garnet Cockwell , Jack C), hw 11 and daughter, Neva, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker on Sunday. Mrs. Lorne McKellar, of Clin- ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Moughton on Monday. We are sorry to report. Mrs. Ken McKellar had the misfortune to fall and is convalescing at the home of her daughter and. son-in- law. Mr, and Mrs. William Binning, in Mitchell. W.M.S. To Make Quilt The Women's Missionary Society was held in the basement of the church with Mrs. Houghton presid- ing. The Home Helpers were in- vited guests at this June meeting. Tlie devotional period was taken by the president. The roll call was answered by naming a Bible wo- man. A paper, which was prepar- ed by Mary B. Currie, a former member of this auxiliary, and now residing near 'Woodstock, was read by Mrs, Frank Alden. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl gave a sketch of Miss Margaret Kennedy's address, which leas given at the W.M.S. Synodical m Owen Sound. Plans- were made to make a quilt, and other items of business were discus sed. The meet- ing closed with prayer by Mrs. Houghton. with all joining in the Lord's Prayer, TUCKERSMITH The regular meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Don Crich on Wednesday afternoon with twelve menibers and eight visitors pres- ent. Mrs. William Pepper presid- ed over the meeting, which opened, with the "Ode" followed by the Lord's Prayer. This was followed by whistling the song, "Seeing Nel- lie Home," The roll call was an- swered . by "a suggestion for the annual club picnic." There were some good suggestions given for the picnic, which will be held the latter part of June. Various reports were given and during the business discussion it was decided to name a table com- mittee for the picnic. There were four ladies who volunteered: Mrs. E. Townshend, Mrs. E. Layton, Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. W. Rob- erts. Following the business, Mrs. Ernie Crich gave a very interesting account of the bus trip, which was taken to Toronto recently. The main places visited were the Rock Gardens at Hamilton,,., Christie's Biscuit factory. the Happy Gang and Casa Loma. The ladies all re- ported a good time. Mrs. Christina Brown gave a number of riddles, and the meeting was brought to a close with a song and the Homemaker's Prayer. A tasty lilac]] was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Group No. 1. Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service. phone 'STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 866 r 2. Births DELANEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De- laney. R.R. 1 Dublin. a daughter. DUFFY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duffy, R.R 1, Dublin, a daughter, LLOYD -At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June 10. to LAC. and Mrs Donald Lloyd, Seaforth. a daughter. McKENZIE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, • on June 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie R,R. 1, Bracdle1d, a son. NOLAN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jnne'7, to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Nolan. 11..R. 4, Mitchell a daughter. PEPPER -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pepper, Hensall, announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hospital, Friday, June 4, 1954. Deaths O',R'ANLEY--eTn Chicago, on Saturday, June 6. Mm, Neil J, 011anley, formerly Anna Prendergast sponsored 'by the 'Hensall Legion and Legion AvailiarY. ' The Hensall Institute meelbere are asked to attend a business meeting in the Legion Hall on Wednesday night, June 16. Impor- tant matters must be dealt with prior to the holiday season. Municipal Board Okays Hensall Arena By -Law Hensall officials were noti- fied Tuesday that the bylaw providing for the issuing of $30,000 debentures in connec- tion with the installation of artificial ice equipment in the Hensall Arena had received Municipal Board approval. The by-law will now come 'before Hensall Council for third read- ing and final passing. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Chesney, Kippen, left Tuesday for a trip to the Canadian West to visit rela- tives. At the regular meeting of the W.A. of St. Andrew's Church, 'Kip - pen, it was decided to hold a straw- berry supper on June 22. Institute To Hold Picnic The Kippen Institute picnti'c will be held June 11 at the Lions) Park, Seaforth. All are welcome and are asked to .bring a :picnic basket. Committees are: table commit- tee, Mrs. J. ,Sinclair, Mrs. H, A. Caldwell, Mrs. E. Whitehouse; sports. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mr. and Mrs.. W. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper, Jr.; ice cream, Mie. J. McNaughton; tea, Mrs. J. Mc- Lellan. c- Lellan. Each member is asked to 'bring enough dishes and silver for her own family. ZION Mr. and Mrs, Charles Roney and family visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Reg. •Cudmore, and Mr. Cudmore, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs., Ross Pepper visit- ed with Mrs. Balfour and Dalton on Sunday. A good crowd from Zion attend- ed the anniversary services at Roys Church on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Gibb and Allan, of Stratford, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb in Glencoe on Sunday and attended anniversary service. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and Donna and Betty Ann visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- Phail. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Pepper and Mrs. James Malcolm spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. George Moore, Staffa, Miss Gwen Britton has taken a position in 'London, starting her new work on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and family visited' in Burford on Sun- day with his sister and brother-inr law, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Williams, ATTENTION FARMERS! Having purchased the Poultry business from George Walker, (Hensall, your patronage will be appreciated in culling and buy- ing poultry. Contact Clarence McNaughton H ENSALL Phone 158-J - Hensall mommommom A real bargain in good reading FmilYH and * WeeldY Star Canada's National Farm Magazine NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL STORE DEALER! 5si A Canadian magazine for Canadians from coast-to-coast. BRUCEFIELD Allan J. Baugh, Who successfully passed( his Junior year examina- tions at Western Ontario Agrloul- tural School, Ridgetown, has been named the best school citizen for the Juniora feltA JUNE 14,19501 One out of four Canadians is em- ployed todlay in manufacturing. NCE Every Friday Night BAYFIELD PAVILION KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Bay4ield's Favourite Summer Dance Pavilion For Private Parties or Rentals, PHONE 658 r 6, SEAFORTH, or 684 r 31, HENSALL Plan To Attend - Tho Fourth Annum; KINSMEN DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION IN EXETER AFTERNOON AND EVENING PERFORMANCES Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 For Lease WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION In Thriving Town Possession 1st July Apply to - SAM McDONALD Box 329 ccococom4commocomx MICKLE'S- CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall Phone 103 BEAUTINA, The Purina Hol- stein Heifer Calf, is now on Display in Our Showroom. This Calf is owned by the Hur- on uron County Holstein Breeders' Association and is .beitg fed by. us. The calf came from the farm of 'Peter Simpson, Seaforth. Beantina, a Regis- tered Purebred Holstein Heif- er. eiler, is being raffled by the As- sociation to promote Junior 4-11 Club Wbrk in Huron. The draw is to be made in October. We are very happy to be able to feed this, calf for the Association. We also invite all to coma and see this call Beautinta is being fed. on the Purina Program for Dairy Calves, This program, tells us tihatl, for Capacity -Built Cows starting calves and following the program as outlined below is necessary. Let the calf suck the that three days (in order to get the full value of the colostrum milk). Then move to a small individual pen, if possible, itor a .week or two. AT 4 DAYS teach to eat Calf Startena. Feed Nursing Chow Gruel from clean bucket twice daily, at 100 degrees F. Feed large breeds 8 lbs. of gruel per day for 3 weeks; reduce to 4 lbs. on 4th week; at end of 4th week cut off Nursing Chow. Small breeds, 4 lbs. per day for 3 weeks; 2 lbs, for 4th week; then, cut off, Keep Calf Startena, block salt and water continually., before calf from 4 days to 4 months. At 2 months begin feeding 'bright leafy hay. At 4 months change to a Purina Leifer growing ration. Do not turn out to pasture until 4 months old. At the end of this four- months period, you will notice that this Purina, fed ,heifer looks like a miniature cow and is 'being built for capacity. GET THOSE HOGS TO MARKET`I Prices are high and, farimelee let's collect on them while they remain high. If you have grain. bring it to us and get it ground, mixed with Purina Concentrate. If you are out of grain, feeds 'Purina Chawmix Hog Feeda- These top quality rations are built to give you the beset. quickest results at the lowest costs. Get In on those Higho Markets! Feed your hoar Purina for Quick Gains. Drop in and see Beautina and other displays while you're in town. We would be happy to see you and answer any ques- tions you may ask. We're looking forward; to that Wait, Geo. T. Mickle Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED 1953 CHEV. DE Luxii SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELiN'E SEDANS 196E PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 OHEV- %-TON PICKUP 1950 DODGE OUSPOM SEDAN 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHET. STATION WAGON 1950 CH.EV. DE LI= MACH 1949 'MEV. SEDAN 1948 CHEV. FLEEThINE COACH -Fully equipped 0/ CARS 1950 .G.M.C. %- rON 1948 PONTIAO SWAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH TRUCKS 1940 CHiOV. 1-ITON PICK-UP 1951 G.M.0 ye -TON 5 -2 -TON :STAT CE BODIES 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCK SPECIAL -New No. IM Cookohu$t written guarantee for 80 days on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM :BRUSSELS MOTORS BRA ONTARIO PHONE 73-X-a'Th• 94ome of Better Used Cm** Treater OPEN EVERY EVEt4IN* 17