HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-05-28, Page 8l"v i f!t ' 1 lt"-+'41'41,-ISA. 'Za1ize in T TERM -PAYMENT BILE INSURANCE (able In an alt-Canadlan Company. tion gladly given on an Base of insurance. SYYPDRUns GOLDEN RULE: itglye-not you would have others drive. WATSON & REID x, A. RIM - Proprietor lane and Real Estate "wow B14 Seaforth 4441/ FOR SALE Iodism Dwelling an East Wil - 8t. New air conditioning unit. Ibmiaedlate possession. Flame Dwelling with all modern ISSAveuiences. Oil heating. Suit- able uittable tor V.L.A. purchase. Modern New Dwelling, very cen- trally located; oil heating. An 1oonvenlences. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- !sessiou arranged. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville;. ttzew garage. immediate possession. Frame Dwelling on Louisa St. Modern conveniences. New fur- MSee. Other Properties Also Listed AL A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LOCAL CALLS 35 LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured 1F' HON ES: C 162-J or J(i2-W Summer Prices! 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace Oil DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 363-J or 332-X INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to 11L S. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. MR MAIN 8T. - SEAFORTH • Church Notices The Salvation Army. ---Corps Offi- cer, Lieut. H. Keats: Sunday Ser- vices: 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. Thurs- day, 4 p.m., Hobby (lane; 8 p.m., Prayer 'Meeting. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morn- tng Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin 2:30 pan., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Frvening Prayer. Northeid'e United Church. - 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., preacher. Rev. W. Meurig Thomas, of Walton United Church. Junior congregation and toddlers' group as usual. -Rev. J. W. 'Stinson, Minis - t er. Egmondville United Church. -10, a.m., Church School and Adui,t Class: 11 a.m., Morning Worship; sertuon theme, "The Ascension"; 7 p.m., An invitation is extended by Presbytery to join them at Wesley - Willis Church, Clinton, In a spe- cial service for candidates for the ministry. -(Rev. W. E. Milroy, Min- ister. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Norlene, to Mr. Willard Frederick Bennewiea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ben- newies, of R.R. 1, Bornholm, the marriage to take place in St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, June 9, at 3:30 o'clock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Mllnleter 10 A.M.-Bible Class' and Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Junior Congregation 7:00 P.M. Evening Worship REV. R. D. A. CUR.RIE, of Whitechurch, will be . the guest speaker at both ser- vices. COME TO CHIIRCH-11 find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand. as is the direction we are moving.. --O. W. Holmes. 51.500 CASH PRIZES SEAFORTH BINGO Community Centre FRIDAY, JUNE 4th PLAY STARTS AT 9 P.M. • 10 GAMES FOR $50.00 - $500.00 1 SPECIAL FOR $100.00 100.00 2 SPECIALS FOR $200.00 .. 400.00 1 SPECIAL FOR $500.00 500.00 TOTAL CASH PRIZES - $1,500 ,Sponsored by Canadian Legion Athletic Society - Community; Centre • • s -ADMISSION $106 FOR 10 GAMES.... �J- SPECIAL GAMES 25c EXTRA CARDS 4141.. J 5 for 1.00 This ie the Opening Game of the Season Prizes will be increased -a9 series progresses SECOND SEAFORTH BINGO, JUNE 18th 1 NEWS OF THE TOWN PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. MEETS The regular meeting of First Church W.M.S. was held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Thompson presided, opening the meeting by reading the poem, "Give,". by the late 11. Isabelle Graham. A hymn and prayer preceeded the secre- tary's and treasurer's report§. Forty-five calls were made on the sick and shutins. Mrs. Wm. Man - son's group arranged this meeting. Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin led in pray- er; Mrs. Thos. Bickell read the scripture lesson, and Mrs. Harry Stewart gave an interesting read- ing, "The Washerwoman's Prayer." Mrs. William Drover was the speaker at this meeting. Mrs. Drov- er spoke on two subjects, "Cheer Along the Way," as concerns .hos- pital visiting, and. "Resolved That It is Worthwhile to Educate Our Indians." The closing, hymn and prayer concluded an interesting meeting. BARBARA KIRKMAN AUXILIARY The May meeting of the Barbara Kirkanan Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held on Tuesday evening. The president, Mrs. Keith Sharp, occupied the chair during the opening and business part .of the meeting. Mrs. J. E. Daley was appointed secretary for the re- mainder of the year. The program was arranged by the Ida Whyte group. of which Mrs. L. Hemberger and. Mrs. Charles Felkar are conveners. Mrs, Frank Swale read the scripture lesson and Mrs. H. R. Scott gave the Glad Tidings Prayer. Miss Alice Ann Nixon sang very sweetly, "Even- ing Prayer," aecom,panied on the piano by Mrs, J. A. Munn,, Mrs. Kelkar gave interesting items of current events. and the offering was taken by Mrs. Mae Dorrance and Mrs. D. Nixon. Mrs. W. A. Wright took the opening part of the topic on the education e ork among the Indians in Western Can- ada. The presenting of the topic took the form of a debate, Mrs. Weight and Mrs. Daley giving the benefits and results of the work carried on by the Federal Govern- ment and the Church. airs.. Scott Habkirk and Mrs. C. Reith gave criticisms of the work as held by - some people. The re -ports in favor of the work far exceeded those of the opposition. Mrs. Felkar, who at one time was a resident of Sas- katchewan, told of the experiences of her family with the Indians in their neighborhood. and of their appreciation and thanks for any neighborly acts. shown them. "What's the idea of having a bath before you go to see your lawyer?" "Well, when I saw him last week he advised me to come clean next time ! " COAL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth avammellasiassalilinssossfillilarsalttlemssa .FOR SALE 0. 5 -ROOM AND BATH in St. Colum,ban 8 -ROOM BRICK on Railway St. • 5 -ROOM HOME on James St.. -Call- W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL NEW LOW PRICES SUPER LASTIC TIRES AT EXTRA SAVINGS -AND BIG OLD TIRE ALLOWANCE 6.00-16 6.10-15 13.4® n 14.45 OldTire end triOtiotessessassearassassamtreas St;%hkik,'�Rt u'lLaie SEAFORTH al, s. S W. V. 'whit 4 * Weddings -K McCLINCHEY - McDONALD Barbara Mae McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McDonald, Goderi•ch Township, became the ,bride of William Edgar McClin- chey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McClinahey, of Seaforth,. The cere- mony was performed Eby the Rev. J.' H. James in St. Thomas' Angli- can Church rectory on Saturday•af- ternoon. The bride wore a etreet-length dress in aqua shade with white accessories and red roses formed her corsage. Mrs. Mac Scott, sister of the groom, chose a mauve .dress with matching accessories and 'a corsage of lavender chrysanthe- mums. John McC'linchey was his brother's groomsman. A buffet luncheon was served at the home of the groom's parents, following which the couple left for points east. The groom is in the Royal Canadian Navy and is pres- ently stationed at Halifax. HARBURN - UPSHALL The manse, Kippen, was the set- ting on May 15. for the wedding of Elaine Upshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James FJpshall, R.R. 2, Kippen, and Donald Arnold Har- burn, Staffa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, Staffs. The Rev. Norman McLeod offici- ated. The bride wore a suit in pow- der blue shade with navy and white accessories and a red rose corsage. Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Cromarty. bridesmaid for her sister, wore a suit in turquoise with !brown and yellow accessories and, corsage of red roses. Theodpre Hartburn, of Cromarty, was best man for his brother. A reception and wedding dinner was' held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harburn will reside near Staffa. Obituaries MRS. BEN J. DORRANCE Word was received this week of the death at her home in Chicago of Mrs. Ben J. Dorrance. She was the widow of the late Ben J. 'Dor- rance, formerly of the Township of McKillop. Formerly Gertrude Farnham, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allen Farnham, of Hul- lett Township. She was born ' on the Sth concession of that town- ship, and received her education there. About 50 years ago she mar- ried B. J. Dorrance, and since that time had resided in Chicago.. Her husband died about eight years ago. She is salrvived ,by her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. I.. Farnham, of Clinton, ands three nephews, Messrs. A.. H..- and C. Farnham, residing in different sections in Ontario. LATE CHARLES HAGAN Charles Hagan, well-known Zur- ich aur. Seaforth resident, died sud- denly in Scott Memorial Hospital Monday. May 24, in his 78th year, following a short illness. Son of the late John Hagan and Jane Gorman. early residents of Stanley Township, he was raised and farmed •s number of years on the Parr Line, near Varna. Upon leaving the farm, Mr. Hagan mov- ed to Zurich. residing there for seven years. On November 25, 1930• he was married in St. Boniface's Church, Zurich, to Suzanne- Smith, and in 1937 they moved to Sea - forth, where they 'have since re- sided, For the past year he had been in failing health, but was able to be about until he took seriously ill lase Friday and was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr, Hagan was a devout member of Si. -_Fames' Church. the Holy Name Society, and the Propogation of the Faith. Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter. Mary, of Essex, Arid one aster, Mrs. M. Breen, De- troit. Six brothers and one sister predeceased hint a number of years ago. The funeral was ,held Wednesday morning from the W. J. Cleary Funeral Home to St. James' Church for Requiem High Mass at 9:30 a. -m., sung by Rev. E. P. Weber. Interment was in St. Boniface's cemetery, Zurich, with Rev. Father ltonoghan officiating at the grave. The pallbearers were Lloyd Bed- ard. Joseph Heffernan, Adelbert Smith, Louis Farwell, Leo Hagan and Orval Smith. LOCAL BRIEFS -Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mulrhead and family, of Oollingwood, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey. Mlas Ernestine White, Reg.N., has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. M. mite. Mrs. E. ,Ritchie, London, is vis- iting this week with Mrs. Alex Wallace in Tuckersmitth and with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Nielson and son, of New Hamburg, were week- end guests of Mrs. J. Flannigan. Mr. and Mrs. John McNab and son, Paul, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hemberger and Marian spent the weekend in Kit- chener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Knowles. Mr. Joseph O'Reilly, of Kitchen- er, spent the weekend in ,Seaforth at the home of Mrs. J. Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adair and George, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. John Sclater. .Mrs. Ray Everingham and Carla Miss Evelyn •McPhee, of Sarnia, and Miss Shirley McPhee, of Lon- don, spent the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. Ethel McPhee. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson White and family, of London, spent Sat- urday with his mother, Mrs. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ferguson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Tam Flynn, Seaforth, spent the week- end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alcox, of Thornbury, and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Alcox, of Markdale, were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Talbot. Mr. H. G. Meir spent the week- end in Collingwood and W.asaga Beach, the guest of. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Frand Cudtmore and Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg, were guests at the home of Miss Hazel Reid. Mr. George Israel, Toronto, and Mr. Russel Israel, Windsor_ spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. Mrs. J. E. Keating has returned after spending a couple of weeks in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hart were in Detroit over the weekend. Mrs. W. Wilbee, Allan and Ted, were in Sarnia over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F. Karl Ament, of Mimico, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Anent, John St. Mrs. John Dick and daughter, Suzanne Peggy, of Waterloo, -spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trap- nell. . Miss Rena Fennell sails from Quebec on the S.S. Atlantic May 28, to spend three months in France, Italy and. the British Tsles. ,Mrs. John 'Smith and Mr. Glen Smith spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Toronto. Miss Annetta Ukrig, Waterloo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trapnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary spent the weekend in Detroit with their daughter, Mrs• L. J. Matthews and Dr. Matthews. Miss Clifton and Mr. ,and Mrs. R. Clifton ancigrandchild, of Toronto, spent Victoria Day with their sis- ter, irter, Mrs. George D. Ferguson. Mrs. Earle Bell is spending the summer in her home here. Miss Hartry is in Toronto this. week attending the operas given'by the Metropolitan 'Opera Company, under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson McQuerter and family, of Midland, -spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Storey and family. Miss Ethel Storey spent the weekend in Flint, Mich. Miss Ruth Joynt spent the week- end with her parents. Mrs. Eva Kerr spent the week- end in Flint, Mich. Miss Jessie Finlayson and Mrs. William Finlayson, of Lorne Park, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas. BRADSHAW'S GREENHOUSE FOR PLANTS Spanish Onions, Tomatoes, Br000ili, Cabbage. Early and Late Red Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Peppers. FLOWERS -Asters, Salvia, Snapdra- gon, Stocks, Petunias, Verbenas, Pan- sies, Cleome (Spider Plant), Alyssum, Marigolds. 11111111111 1953 Dodge Sedan 1951 Dodge Sedan -Dark Green 1951 Ply -mouth Sedan -Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan -Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan -Gunmetal 1951 Dodge Sedan -Blue Automatic Transmission 1951 Chevrolet Sedan -Gunmetal; Radio 1951 Chevrolet Coach -Light Green 1951 Pontiac Sedan -Dark Blue 1950 Custom Dodge Sedan -Radio; dark blue 1948 Dodge Sedan -Dark Blue 1941 DeSoto Sedan -Black Rowchfle Motors Phone 267 - ' Seaforth EGMONDVILLE Mr. and *a:Palmer Palmuer-Goomlbs, Mr. Ray Coombs, London, were weekend visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kerb 'Coombs. Pte. Gordon Messenger, London, spent the weekend with his mother and brother. The new house recently 'built by Mr, Everett Smith and sons is nearing completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and family, of Stratford; andMies Laura McMillan, of Toronto, spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Miss Jessie Finlayson and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and son, of Lorne Park, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. James Finlayson. Miss Jean Watson, Reg.N., of St. •Michael's Hospital, Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mrs. Emmerson 'Durst was hos- teas to a large joint meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Egmondville Church on Wednesday. The vice- president of the W.M.S., Mrs. G. McGonigle, presided. After the call to worship, "All Praise to Our Re- deeming Lord" was sung. Mrs. W. E. Milroy led in prayer, and Mrs. McGonigle read- a poem, "Pray, Go, Give," The devotions were in charge of Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs. F. Chapple. Due to the con- tinued illness of the secretary, Mrs. D. McLean, the minutes were read, by Miss R. MacKenzie. Two visitors, Mrs. Aiken and Mrs. Brooks, gave quite a unique whis- tling duet, accompanied by Mrs. E. Durst. Mrs. Paul Doig gave an in- structive review of a chapter in "Wlhere'er the Sun -Missions in China." Two invitations f r o m Northside, June 4 and 29, were gratefully received. Mrs. Milroy spoke on the need -for the Train- ing School fund. Mrs. Ed. Boyes, president of the W.A., read a poern, "God's Servant." "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was sung. Mrs. A. Forbes led in prayer. The roll call, answered by "Serve," and the minutes, were read by Mrs. W. Tremeer. Miss Mae Smith gave a very compre- hensive report of a Red • Cross meeting in Windsor. Mrs. Aiken and. Mrs. Brooks favored with an- other duet. Mrs. James Hay, the treasurer, reported on a very suc- cessful 'banquet and the improve- ments made in the church base- ment. Arrangements were made for Vis- itors' Day in June and a garden party. A committee, consisting of Mrs. P. Doig, Mrs. M. Nott and Mrs. A. Brown, was appointed to pack a W.M.S. bale in September. Mrs. E. Boyes and, Miss R. Mac- Kenzie presented reports on the Huron Presbyterial in Walton. Mrs. E. Cameron thanked the (hostess. Lunch was served by Mrs: I. For- syth's and Mrs. R. Tyn•dall's grottp. McKILLOP Mr. Jack Murray spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray. A special meeting of the W.M.S. will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednes- day next in the church. Mrs. Mc- Gill, Clinton, will be the guest speaker. The Cavan ladies will be ,hostesses to Constance, Burns' and Walton auxiliaries. - At the close of the meeting, there will be a bazaar, sponsored by .the W.A. Members are reminded to bring mystery boxes valued at 25 cents. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " A SLIGHT CASE OF. LARCENY " MICKEY ROONEY. EDDIE BRACKEN Together in a laugh -packed jamboree -of slapstick comedy at its best. A laugh a minute! MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY " AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD RITA HAYWARD GLENN FORD also " TARGET, HONG . KONG " RICHARD DENNING THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS " BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO Coming Soon - "LILI" THE BARE FACT IS: we are overstocked in MISSES' and CHIL- DREN'S SHOES, and have put "ON SALE" about 75 Pairs at $24195 a Pair (Sizes are 81h, in Childs to Size 3 in Misses) NOTE.-"Skipalong" or "Savage" Shoes are not in this Sale WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" - SEAFORTH Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 Finlayson in Egmondville. Mr. and, Mrs. James E. Hannon; Miss Bertha Hart, Mr. Jack Hart and- daughter, Miss Marie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Scott. Harpurhey. Miss Yvonne Bolton, of London, spent the holiday at her home. Miss Sadie Queenan, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hibbert and Miss Annie Howells, of Paris, and Mrs. Anna Trout, of Brantford, vis- ited with Mrs. Trout and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson. Mr. Jack Dorrance, St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend with this mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mis-s Helen Smith, Reg.N., leaves For Calgary by° air on :Saturday, to take a refresher course in polio- myelitis at the University of Al- berta in Edmonton. Upon comple- tion of the course, Miss Smith will assume the position of head nurse of the isolation department of the Calgary General Hospital in Cal- gary. Miss Smith is a daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. H. E. :Smith, Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Wigg and family, of Barrie, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. F. W. Wigg. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flyn, °Lon- don, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. Mr. Oban MacTavish, of Lon -don, and Mr. Donaldr MacTavis'h, of To- ronto, spent the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. John MacTavi.sh. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stapleton, of Sarnia, spent the weekend' at the home of Dr. M. W. and Mrs. Stapleton. - Mr. Ross Hamilton, wlho is tak- ing a course in Toronto, spent the weekend here. Mr. Joe Laudenbach, of Montreal, Mr. Mike Laudenbach, Toronto, and Mr. John Laudenbach, Stratford, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. L. Laudenbaoh. Mr. Nell Beattie, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welland, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, in Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armitage and daughter, Elizabeth Anne, of Guelph, visited, this week with Mrs. Armitage's mother, Mrs. M. White. Miss Helen MoKercher and Mise Nora Grin's, of Ottawa, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. F. McNereher. Mr. Thornton.Howard, of Forest, is visiting withfriends in town. LLASHMAR CLINTON rw 17.0 O04. �C7es�r. .t`• APO '11' 9 �o 048 96 CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE Thurs., Fri. - May 27-28 "As Young As You Feel" Jean Peters David Wayne Sat, and Mon. - May 29-31 "CATTLE TOWN" Tues., Wed. - June 1-2 "Diplomatic Courier" Tyrone Power Patricia Near', Thurs., Fri, - June 3-4 "My Favourite Spy" Dennis Morgan Rita Moreno Bob Hope Hedy Lamarr CARTOON and' NEWS At Each Performance Stevens' Grocery Commencing Tuesday, June 1, our New Cash Policy comes into effect PAY CASH AND SAVE ! Take advantage of these Cash Specials: June 1 to June 5, inclusive , 'DELMARMARGARINE 2 lbs. 59c NIAGARA BRAND CORN -20 -oz. Tins 2 for 29c HOLLY PEAS -15 -oz. Tins 2 for 33c• 1 GRAPE NUT FLAKES Q '1 LARGE SUGAR KRISP BOTH FOR 39c JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS Introductory Offer 2 FOR PRICE OF 1, 15c PHONE 443 FREE DELIVERY FREE DELIVERY is being continued, but is on a C.O.D. basis THE • ULTIMATE IN CARRIAGES The body is removable for auto seat, while the frame folds into the car trunk LLOYD'S TRAVEL CRIB has all the famous "Lloyd Extras" SEE THESE AND OTHER LLOYD CARRIAGES - at - hjtney Furniture FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES! 119; REB, ell t SEAFORTH "You Always Shop With Confidence" 4 1 J 1 C.T.C. STANDARD PASSENGER TIRES SUPER-LASTIll SUPREME PASSENGER TIRES ace Reg. Allowance Your Rog. Allowance Your Lid kw your Net List for your Not Price old The Cod Price old Tire Copt 6.00/16 17.80 4.40 13.40 24.90 7.65 17.25 6.50/16 23.10 6.65 16.45 31.70 12.7o 18.95 6.70/15 18.75 4.30 14.45 27.20 9.79 17.45 7.10/15 - 24.75 8.00 16.75 31.00 11.35 19.65 triOtiotessessassearassassamtreas St;%hkik,'�Rt u'lLaie SEAFORTH al, s. S W. V. 'whit 4 * Weddings -K McCLINCHEY - McDONALD Barbara Mae McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McDonald, Goderi•ch Township, became the ,bride of William Edgar McClin- chey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McClinahey, of Seaforth,. The cere- mony was performed Eby the Rev. J.' H. James in St. Thomas' Angli- can Church rectory on Saturday•af- ternoon. The bride wore a etreet-length dress in aqua shade with white accessories and red roses formed her corsage. Mrs. Mac Scott, sister of the groom, chose a mauve .dress with matching accessories and 'a corsage of lavender chrysanthe- mums. John McC'linchey was his brother's groomsman. A buffet luncheon was served at the home of the groom's parents, following which the couple left for points east. The groom is in the Royal Canadian Navy and is pres- ently stationed at Halifax. HARBURN - UPSHALL The manse, Kippen, was the set- ting on May 15. for the wedding of Elaine Upshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James FJpshall, R.R. 2, Kippen, and Donald Arnold Har- burn, Staffa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, Staffs. The Rev. Norman McLeod offici- ated. The bride wore a suit in pow- der blue shade with navy and white accessories and a red rose corsage. Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Cromarty. bridesmaid for her sister, wore a suit in turquoise with !brown and yellow accessories and, corsage of red roses. Theodpre Hartburn, of Cromarty, was best man for his brother. A reception and wedding dinner was' held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harburn will reside near Staffa. Obituaries MRS. BEN J. DORRANCE Word was received this week of the death at her home in Chicago of Mrs. Ben J. Dorrance. She was the widow of the late Ben J. 'Dor- rance, formerly of the Township of McKillop. Formerly Gertrude Farnham, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allen Farnham, of Hul- lett Township. She was born ' on the Sth concession of that town- ship, and received her education there. About 50 years ago she mar- ried B. J. Dorrance, and since that time had resided in Chicago.. Her husband died about eight years ago. She is salrvived ,by her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. I.. Farnham, of Clinton, ands three nephews, Messrs. A.. H..- and C. Farnham, residing in different sections in Ontario. LATE CHARLES HAGAN Charles Hagan, well-known Zur- ich aur. Seaforth resident, died sud- denly in Scott Memorial Hospital Monday. May 24, in his 78th year, following a short illness. Son of the late John Hagan and Jane Gorman. early residents of Stanley Township, he was raised and farmed •s number of years on the Parr Line, near Varna. Upon leaving the farm, Mr. Hagan mov- ed to Zurich. residing there for seven years. On November 25, 1930• he was married in St. Boniface's Church, Zurich, to Suzanne- Smith, and in 1937 they moved to Sea - forth, where they 'have since re- sided, For the past year he had been in failing health, but was able to be about until he took seriously ill lase Friday and was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr, Hagan was a devout member of Si. -_Fames' Church. the Holy Name Society, and the Propogation of the Faith. Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter. Mary, of Essex, Arid one aster, Mrs. M. Breen, De- troit. Six brothers and one sister predeceased hint a number of years ago. The funeral was ,held Wednesday morning from the W. J. Cleary Funeral Home to St. James' Church for Requiem High Mass at 9:30 a. -m., sung by Rev. E. P. Weber. Interment was in St. Boniface's cemetery, Zurich, with Rev. Father ltonoghan officiating at the grave. The pallbearers were Lloyd Bed- ard. Joseph Heffernan, Adelbert Smith, Louis Farwell, Leo Hagan and Orval Smith. LOCAL BRIEFS -Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mulrhead and family, of Oollingwood, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey. Mlas Ernestine White, Reg.N., has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. M. mite. Mrs. E. ,Ritchie, London, is vis- iting this week with Mrs. Alex Wallace in Tuckersmitth and with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Nielson and son, of New Hamburg, were week- end guests of Mrs. J. Flannigan. Mr. and Mrs. John McNab and son, Paul, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hemberger and Marian spent the weekend in Kit- chener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Knowles. Mr. Joseph O'Reilly, of Kitchen- er, spent the weekend in ,Seaforth at the home of Mrs. J. Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adair and George, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. John Sclater. .Mrs. Ray Everingham and Carla Miss Evelyn •McPhee, of Sarnia, and Miss Shirley McPhee, of Lon- don, spent the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. Ethel McPhee. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson White and family, of London, spent Sat- urday with his mother, Mrs. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ferguson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Tam Flynn, Seaforth, spent the week- end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alcox, of Thornbury, and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Alcox, of Markdale, were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Talbot. Mr. H. G. Meir spent the week- end in Collingwood and W.asaga Beach, the guest of. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Frand Cudtmore and Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg, were guests at the home of Miss Hazel Reid. Mr. George Israel, Toronto, and Mr. Russel Israel, Windsor_ spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. Mrs. J. E. Keating has returned after spending a couple of weeks in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hart were in Detroit over the weekend. Mrs. W. Wilbee, Allan and Ted, were in Sarnia over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F. Karl Ament, of Mimico, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Anent, John St. Mrs. John Dick and daughter, Suzanne Peggy, of Waterloo, -spent the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trap- nell. . Miss Rena Fennell sails from Quebec on the S.S. Atlantic May 28, to spend three months in France, Italy and. the British Tsles. ,Mrs. John 'Smith and Mr. Glen Smith spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Toronto. Miss Annetta Ukrig, Waterloo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trapnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary spent the weekend in Detroit with their daughter, Mrs• L. J. Matthews and Dr. Matthews. Miss Clifton and Mr. ,and Mrs. R. Clifton ancigrandchild, of Toronto, spent Victoria Day with their sis- ter, irter, Mrs. George D. Ferguson. Mrs. Earle Bell is spending the summer in her home here. Miss Hartry is in Toronto this. week attending the operas given'by the Metropolitan 'Opera Company, under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson McQuerter and family, of Midland, -spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Storey and family. Miss Ethel Storey spent the weekend in Flint, Mich. Miss Ruth Joynt spent the week- end with her parents. Mrs. Eva Kerr spent the week- end in Flint, Mich. Miss Jessie Finlayson and Mrs. William Finlayson, of Lorne Park, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas. BRADSHAW'S GREENHOUSE FOR PLANTS Spanish Onions, Tomatoes, Br000ili, Cabbage. Early and Late Red Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Peppers. FLOWERS -Asters, Salvia, Snapdra- gon, Stocks, Petunias, Verbenas, Pan- sies, Cleome (Spider Plant), Alyssum, Marigolds. 11111111111 1953 Dodge Sedan 1951 Dodge Sedan -Dark Green 1951 Ply -mouth Sedan -Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan -Blue 1951 Dodge Sedan -Gunmetal 1951 Dodge Sedan -Blue Automatic Transmission 1951 Chevrolet Sedan -Gunmetal; Radio 1951 Chevrolet Coach -Light Green 1951 Pontiac Sedan -Dark Blue 1950 Custom Dodge Sedan -Radio; dark blue 1948 Dodge Sedan -Dark Blue 1941 DeSoto Sedan -Black Rowchfle Motors Phone 267 - ' Seaforth EGMONDVILLE Mr. and *a:Palmer Palmuer-Goomlbs, Mr. Ray Coombs, London, were weekend visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kerb 'Coombs. Pte. Gordon Messenger, London, spent the weekend with his mother and brother. The new house recently 'built by Mr, Everett Smith and sons is nearing completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and family, of Stratford; andMies Laura McMillan, of Toronto, spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Miss Jessie Finlayson and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and son, of Lorne Park, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. James Finlayson. Miss Jean Watson, Reg.N., of St. •Michael's Hospital, Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mrs. Emmerson 'Durst was hos- teas to a large joint meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Egmondville Church on Wednesday. The vice- president of the W.M.S., Mrs. G. McGonigle, presided. After the call to worship, "All Praise to Our Re- deeming Lord" was sung. Mrs. W. E. Milroy led in prayer, and Mrs. McGonigle read- a poem, "Pray, Go, Give," The devotions were in charge of Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs. F. Chapple. Due to the con- tinued illness of the secretary, Mrs. D. McLean, the minutes were read, by Miss R. MacKenzie. Two visitors, Mrs. Aiken and Mrs. Brooks, gave quite a unique whis- tling duet, accompanied by Mrs. E. Durst. Mrs. Paul Doig gave an in- structive review of a chapter in "Wlhere'er the Sun -Missions in China." Two invitations f r o m Northside, June 4 and 29, were gratefully received. Mrs. Milroy spoke on the need -for the Train- ing School fund. Mrs. Ed. Boyes, president of the W.A., read a poern, "God's Servant." "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was sung. Mrs. A. Forbes led in prayer. The roll call, answered by "Serve," and the minutes, were read by Mrs. W. Tremeer. Miss Mae Smith gave a very compre- hensive report of a Red • Cross meeting in Windsor. Mrs. Aiken and. Mrs. Brooks favored with an- other duet. Mrs. James Hay, the treasurer, reported on a very suc- cessful 'banquet and the improve- ments made in the church base- ment. Arrangements were made for Vis- itors' Day in June and a garden party. A committee, consisting of Mrs. P. Doig, Mrs. M. Nott and Mrs. A. Brown, was appointed to pack a W.M.S. bale in September. Mrs. E. Boyes and, Miss R. Mac- Kenzie presented reports on the Huron Presbyterial in Walton. Mrs. E. Cameron thanked the (hostess. Lunch was served by Mrs: I. For- syth's and Mrs. R. Tyn•dall's grottp. McKILLOP Mr. Jack Murray spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray. A special meeting of the W.M.S. will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednes- day next in the church. Mrs. Mc- Gill, Clinton, will be the guest speaker. The Cavan ladies will be ,hostesses to Constance, Burns' and Walton auxiliaries. - At the close of the meeting, there will be a bazaar, sponsored by .the W.A. Members are reminded to bring mystery boxes valued at 25 cents. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " A SLIGHT CASE OF. LARCENY " MICKEY ROONEY. EDDIE BRACKEN Together in a laugh -packed jamboree -of slapstick comedy at its best. A laugh a minute! MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY " AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD RITA HAYWARD GLENN FORD also " TARGET, HONG . KONG " RICHARD DENNING THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS " BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO Coming Soon - "LILI" THE BARE FACT IS: we are overstocked in MISSES' and CHIL- DREN'S SHOES, and have put "ON SALE" about 75 Pairs at $24195 a Pair (Sizes are 81h, in Childs to Size 3 in Misses) NOTE.-"Skipalong" or "Savage" Shoes are not in this Sale WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" - SEAFORTH Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 Finlayson in Egmondville. Mr. and, Mrs. James E. Hannon; Miss Bertha Hart, Mr. Jack Hart and- daughter, Miss Marie, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Scott. Harpurhey. Miss Yvonne Bolton, of London, spent the holiday at her home. Miss Sadie Queenan, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hibbert and Miss Annie Howells, of Paris, and Mrs. Anna Trout, of Brantford, vis- ited with Mrs. Trout and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson. Mr. Jack Dorrance, St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend with this mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mis-s Helen Smith, Reg.N., leaves For Calgary by° air on :Saturday, to take a refresher course in polio- myelitis at the University of Al- berta in Edmonton. Upon comple- tion of the course, Miss Smith will assume the position of head nurse of the isolation department of the Calgary General Hospital in Cal- gary. Miss Smith is a daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. H. E. :Smith, Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Wigg and family, of Barrie, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. F. W. Wigg. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flyn, °Lon- don, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. Mr. Oban MacTavish, of Lon -don, and Mr. Donaldr MacTavis'h, of To- ronto, spent the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. John MacTavi.sh. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stapleton, of Sarnia, spent the weekend' at the home of Dr. M. W. and Mrs. Stapleton. - Mr. Ross Hamilton, wlho is tak- ing a course in Toronto, spent the weekend here. Mr. Joe Laudenbach, of Montreal, Mr. Mike Laudenbach, Toronto, and Mr. John Laudenbach, Stratford, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. L. Laudenbaoh. Mr. Nell Beattie, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welland, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, in Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armitage and daughter, Elizabeth Anne, of Guelph, visited, this week with Mrs. Armitage's mother, Mrs. M. White. Miss Helen MoKercher and Mise Nora Grin's, of Ottawa, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. F. McNereher. Mr. Thornton.Howard, of Forest, is visiting withfriends in town. LLASHMAR CLINTON rw 17.0 O04. �C7es�r. .t`• APO '11' 9 �o 048 96 CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE Thurs., Fri. - May 27-28 "As Young As You Feel" Jean Peters David Wayne Sat, and Mon. - May 29-31 "CATTLE TOWN" Tues., Wed. - June 1-2 "Diplomatic Courier" Tyrone Power Patricia Near', Thurs., Fri, - June 3-4 "My Favourite Spy" Dennis Morgan Rita Moreno Bob Hope Hedy Lamarr CARTOON and' NEWS At Each Performance Stevens' Grocery Commencing Tuesday, June 1, our New Cash Policy comes into effect PAY CASH AND SAVE ! Take advantage of these Cash Specials: June 1 to June 5, inclusive , 'DELMARMARGARINE 2 lbs. 59c NIAGARA BRAND CORN -20 -oz. Tins 2 for 29c HOLLY PEAS -15 -oz. Tins 2 for 33c• 1 GRAPE NUT FLAKES Q '1 LARGE SUGAR KRISP BOTH FOR 39c JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS Introductory Offer 2 FOR PRICE OF 1, 15c PHONE 443 FREE DELIVERY FREE DELIVERY is being continued, but is on a C.O.D. basis THE • ULTIMATE IN CARRIAGES The body is removable for auto seat, while the frame folds into the car trunk LLOYD'S TRAVEL CRIB has all the famous "Lloyd Extras" SEE THESE AND OTHER LLOYD CARRIAGES - at - hjtney Furniture FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES! 119; REB, ell t SEAFORTH "You Always Shop With Confidence" 4 1 J 1