HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-05-28, Page 41 ) jr si Pd Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR BALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Ord Week MI Cent Minimum charge, each tnaertlgn... 25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Gave/ of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word Minlmam, 6.0 seats per week. Ringtdrlea may be directed to a Boa No., oto The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads In above class are not paid within 10 days of date of anal insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors,. Etc. --,Rates on application. • Coming Events DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF CLAR- ence 'Petrie and the Night Hawks, every Friday night, from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. 4505-4 Ft IDELITY LODGE No. 55,meets first and third Wed- nesday evenings of each month at 8 Dm. Noble Grand, L Trewartha ; Record- ing Secretary, Harry McLeod. 4493-18 THE MRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RE - 'union Picnic of the Troyer Family and friends will be held in Lions Park, Seaforth, on the afternoon of Saturday, June 12, (In the event of rain, in the Community Centre). Registration at 1.80 (Daylight Time) with races and games at 2:80 and supper at five. illustrated ad- dress on "John Troyer, the Pioneer," by Rev. Herb Troyer, of Toronto. 4501-3 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -4934 PLYMAUTH SEDAN five passenger: lately overhauled. Ap- ply F. A. WOOD, Hensall. Phone 88. 4507x3 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE STAN - ley Township School Area Board for the installing of satisfactory oil heating units in Nos" 1 and 7 Schools, and tenders will also be received for installing of pressure systema with flush toilets in Nos. 5, 10 and 14 Schools, up until 12 o'clock noon, June 12, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For inspection of the above schools, contact MR. ARCHIE PARSONS. Chair- man of the Board, R.R. 2, Hensall, or T. 8. BAIRD. Secretary -Treasurer, Bruce - field, Ont. 4507-2 TENDERS WANTED For Weed Spraying on Township Roads T ENDERS ARE REQUESTED F O R spraying weeds on Township Roads in the Township of Stanley. Sprayers to be equipped with O.A.C. boo= Tenders to state size of supply tank. Tenders to be based on a price per Lour. Work to by completed by the end of June. Tenders must be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, June 8, 1954. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED W. WATSON, - Clerk, Township of Staley. 4508-2 TENDER Township of Tuckersmith rrENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 4 p.m., June 1, 1954, for the construction of the Layton. Drains, Township of Tuckersmith. The work consists of -approximately 13,650 cubic yards excavation open drain and 6.676 feet of tile, ranging in size from 8ff to 16”.• five catch -basins, four protections and 100 feet iron pipe. . Tenders may be submitted either: (a) for the construction of the whole work, including supplying all ma- terials ; (b) for construction of the whole work. less tile. which would be supplied by the Township. SEED BEATS FOR SALE—QUANTITY of "No. 1 iaipper and Michalite beans $5.00 per bushel. WILBER KEYES. 656 r 11, 'Seaforth. 458x1 For Rent j UR RENT — THREE,ROOM APAR'T- 'ment in Seaforth; downstairs. Hot water; bathroom. Available June 1st. PHONE 679 r 14, Hensall Central. 450851 FOR RENT—A LOVELY FOUR -ROOM self-contained apartment with mod- ern convenienoes, and windows in every room- PHONE 187-J after 7 p.m. 4507 ?2 Wanted SIXTEEN -YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL student desires position for Summer months. Apply Box 828, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4608-1 `J`TA.NTED—NURSING CARE FOR EL. derly ladies in modern farm home. Call MRS. DOUG. DALTON, 48 r 9, Brus- sels. 4507x2 WANTED TO RENT, JULY 1 — A high school teacher with two school- age children, requires a 5 or 6 -roomed house or apartment in Seaforth. Please address replies to Box 327, HURON EX- POSITOR, or write R. WHITELEY Box 615, Napanee, Ont. 4507-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods ). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. " Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Poultry POULTRY—A NUMBER OF ARBOUR - Acre White Rock started pullets, ready for range end of June. Price 51.00 each. at 10 weeks old. Please phone orders now to E. A. ROUSSEAU, Kippen. Phone 694 r 5, Hensall Exchange. 4508-5 Farms For Sale GRASS FARM FOR SALE -40 ACRES: Lot 23. Boundary Grey and McKil. lop, east of Walton. Also hardwood tops. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 450754 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—MODERN 5 -ROOM house on High St.: roll brick siding; 3 -piece bath with shower; heavy duty wiring; insulated; furnace. JOHN GAL- LOP, Seaforth. 45064 HOUSE FOR SALE --FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace,.. heavy wiring, insulated, water beater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth, or Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4506-ffi PROPERTY FOR SALE—IN BAYFIELD, 4 -bedroom home, furnished or un- furnished; 3 -piece bath: double garage; 1 1 /5 acres, trees, garden, etc. Reason- able. E. CAMERON, Bayfield. 4506-tf VOR SALE—HENSALL: 8 -ROOM BRICK house, 4 bedroorits, modern kitchen and bathroom; tile floors • new oil furnace • hot water heater and water softener; laundry tubs: garage. Large lot, land- scaped. Immediate possession, Apply HAROLD BONTHRON, Hensall. 4506-3 For Sale WOR SALE — QUANTITY OF GOOD mixed hay. PAUL DOIG, 662 r 3, Seaforth. 450851 FOR SALE --10 PIGS SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply VIVIAN COOPER, R.R. 3, Kippers. Phone 653 r 21, Seaforth. 4508-1 FOR SALE — PREMIUM UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner: revolving brush type, 57.00. PHONE 162,W. Seaforth. 4500-1 Marked cheque of 10% of the tender price must lee submitted with tender, and where a contractor submits tenders under, both headings (a) and (b), one cheque FOR SALE -6 -POUND ROAST CHICK- will suffice. ens. oven ready, 45 cents Ib: 5 pounds at 40 cents Ib: R grade chickens 35c lb. Plana and specifications may be seen We deliver Friday morning each week. at the Clerk's Office. PHONE 647 r 3. Seaforth. 450853 Tenders must be sealed and marked FOR SALE — CYLINDER TYPE vacuum cleaner. British make: all 'attachments. 817.00. PHONE 162-W, Sea - forth. 4508-1 'Tender." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. K P. CHESNEY. Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth. 4508-1 Notices NOTICE — WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. Will pick up and deliver, Phone JOHN MacLEAN, 649 r 8. Sea - forth. 4501-tf FjOR SALE -CEDAR FENCE POSTS; hvro poles up to 30 feet; poles for Pole harn.s. We deliver at. reasonable prices, ERNEST MURDOCK, Durham, 42507x2 QLARS FOR SALE --HARDWOOD, $10 per load, approximately 2 cords; mix- ed wood. $S per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery. FRED 2. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362, 450554 portSALE-1REGTSTF.RRD SHORT- ' - hnrn hull. 14 months old: also VAbUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL Kaknhdin potatoes. Apply to FRANK pick FALCONER: second farm south of Cli- makes: 22 years' experience. We ton R.C.A.F. houses, or phone Clinton. 6Ly up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. r 16. 4.5 2 4507-tf a'a.ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS USED CAR PARTS FOR FORDS. of radios, at TERRY'S RADiO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. '' 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals, Call collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Tnatirance, Ontario Automobile As- soc, (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness insurance, and North American Life insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. AOCOEMODATION REQUIRED FOR Alr Foree personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rentplease tall STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 982; local 252. 4488-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers Dorn WASTE MONEY ON MINER- ais year land does not need. We ar111, rrumnt dtebonite to Itake samples of earth in your fields and have them bah GALL ds Limited nom ,11F er 271 . Chevy Plymouths. Desotos. Dodges. Olds and Tontines. Save by buying used wheels. windows, generators. lights. axles for trailers, tires 1G-21 inch. Our loea- tinn naves yon money. CUTIMORE'S GRAVE{., Phone 171 r 3. Exeter. 4505x6 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH - Mrs in the Village Of Egmnndville. Main Street, on Saturday, -June 5th. at 1 :30 p.m.: Clare Jewel cook stove: Que- bec heating stove; kit' -hen table and 6 kitchen chairs: RentLy white enamel wash- ing machine; Andrew Malcolm dining room spite, 10 piocea: table, buffet, china cnbinet, serving table and 6 chairs: this is an exceptionally gond suite: pedestals; 3 -piece chesterfield (like new): green chesterfield and 2 wine chairs ; 1 wine ottoman; 3 rocking chairs; 1 walnut oc- casional chair (like new) ; 1 antique oval walnut living room table; 1 butt walnut orcnsional table: 1 fireplace acreen • 4 hrnas fireplace tongs and stand; 1 fire. Place, basket; 1 antique spool bed (refin- ished) ; springs and inner spring mat. tress (like new) : cherry cheat of drawers (refinished); 2 lawn chairs; 2 anetal flower stands; 1 living room rest, 9'x12'; mat- ter gnats; curtains and 8 pairs drapes, 8 yards lone; 1 trilight lamp; 1 floor lamp; mirrors; Swlay clock; pictures; kitchen utensils: sealers; quantity of dishes; lots of garden toots: bench emery; rotary electric lawn mower, 1/3 R.P. rooter, 100 feet of cord. Terme—Cash. MRS. HARRY PRETTY, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Charm, Clerk. R. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Hensall News of the Week Mrs. Lorne Rader, Zurioh, was the lucky winner of a television set in a gate draw at the inaugural stock car races at Ailsa Craig on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, Mr, and Mrs. L. Tiberio, Mr. and Mrs, W. Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. J, Drysdale were in Windsor over the i+csekeud, attending District No. 1 convention of the Kinsmen Associ- ation. Miss Hannah Craig, Seaforth, is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heal have tak- en up residence in the Fink apart- ment recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tudor, Miss Mary Hagan, of Seaforth, was a douse guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff spent Sunday in London, attending a diamond wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Call Reid have moved into an apartment in the Fink block. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Manns and Donald, of Toronto, spent the holi- day weekend with Mrs. F. Manns, Mr. Robert Lott, on the staff of Too Late To Classify WANTED—ROUGH WOOD, SUITABLE for furnace. Phone 644 r 2. HOW- ARD WILSON. 4508x1 pion SALE — QUANTITY MICHELITE beans, suitable for seed; also cream separator, 600 lbs. capacity, good as new, for hale' price. RUSSEL COLEMAN, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 41. 4508-2 NOTICE --GET YOUR PATIOS. TER - race and sidewalks fixed up now. Use Seaforth Concrete Products flagstones. Cement floors, stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles, 10 inches and over for drainage, now in stock. Phone Seaforth 22-M. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. 4508-4 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect. Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Cards of Thanks PAUL MATTHEWS WISHES T O thank all his friends for the cards and fruit send to him while he was a patient in Hospital: also a special thanks to Clinic. Drs. McMaster" Brady and Elliott, and nursing staff of Hospital" 450851 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to all my friends, relations and neighbors, who remembered me with cards and treats while a patient in Stratford Hospital: also Dr. Stapleton and Dr. Sproat; a special thank -you to all my kind neighbors who put in my crop and other numerous work since I have been laid up, 4;48x1 RUSSEL PRINGLE Births ALLAN—Garnet and Donna Allan, of Hensall, announce the birth of their second daughter at South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, Wednesday, May 26- A sister for Margaret. BRINTNELL—Mr, and Mrs. Jack Brint- nell, of Cromarty (nee Mary Taylor). are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Tuesday, May 25, 1954, a grand. daughter for Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brintnell, of Chiselhurst; first great-granohild for Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr., and first great -great grandchild for Mrs, Annie Richardson, Hensall. DEVER'EAUX—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on May 26, to Mr. and Mrs, Ar- thur Devereaux, R.R. 4, Seaforth a daughter, DIEGEL—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diegel, R.R. 4, Mitchell, a daughter. WALLACE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 26. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace, R.R. 4, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths DALEY—In Oshawa, on Tuesday, May 25, 1954, Edward Daley, beloved husband of the late Grace iCudmore), and fatiipr of Mrs. E. A. Southwell (Margarets. Osh- awa : Mrs, L. Palmer (Ethel), Victoria Rd.: Mrs. F. Thomson (Dorothy), To- ronto, in his 79th year" The late Mr. Daley is resting at Luke -McIntosh Fun- eral Home. Oshawa, Service at Whit- ney Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Thurs- day-. May 27, at 2 p.m. Interment in Maitlandbank Cemetery. HAGAN—In Seaforth, on Monday. May 24, Charles Hagan, in his 78th year. the Bank of Montreal, Who was married in Collingwood May 24, was presented with a smoking stand by W. W. Jarrett, manager of the bank, on behalf of the staff. Mr. and Mrs. Lott are honeymoon- ing at Niagara Falls. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Stretton, of Lucan; Miss Minnie Sangster, • of Hensall, and Miss Margaret S'ang- ster, London, spent the weekend in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Sihorthouse and family, Miss Gloria Shorthouse, Bill Saxton, all of St. Catharines, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb, Miss Ruth McLean and Miss Gwen Anderson, London, were weekend holiday guests with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert McLean. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Jim- my visited at Elmwood and Chea - ley over the holiday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr and, Mr. and Mre. Bud Orr, Mr,' and Mrs. W. W. Jarrett, Mary Lou and Margaret Reid, vis- ited; in Port Huron, Mich., over the holiday. Exeter-Hensall branch of the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs. E. Peiger Tuesday afternoon. President Mrs. C. W. Down, of Exeter, had charge of the meeting. Plans 'were made for the annual county Convention being held this year in Victoria St. Church, Goderich, Friday, June 4. 'Hold Anniversary Services .Successful anniversary services were observed in Hensall United' Church Sunday, with large congre- gations attending. Guest speaker at the morning service was Flight Lieutenant Larry Mould, Padre of R,C.A.F. Station, Centralia, who presented a verys timely message on "The Challenge of 'Christianity." The choir, under direction of S. G. Rannie. with Miss Greta Laramie at theorgan for theirselection sang "I Will Lift Up Minee Eyes.,, Two pleasing numbers, entitled, "Jesus Calls Us" and "In the Gar- den," were sung by a girls' quart- ette, composed of Jean Henderson, Mary Ann Rannie, Dianne Rennie and Gwen Spencer. In the evening Mr, Ben Stoneman provided piano accompaniment for the male choir, who for their selections chose "A Pilgr'im's Journey" and "The Heart of God." The guest minister was Rev. Harry Rodney, of Knox Pres- byterian Church, St. Thomas, who based his thoughts from the theme, "Mountain . Top Experiences," pre- senting a very inspiring discourse. Announcement Mr. William Hyde, of Hensall, wishes to announce the engage- ment of his only daughter, Violet Annetta, to Mr. Alfred Vier, of Carmen, Manitoba. The wedding will take place in Winnipeg early - in June. Initiate New Members Vice -Grand Miss Mabel White- man presided at the regular meet- ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wed- nesday ednesday evening. The degree was put on by members of Edelweiss Lodge of Seaforth, with Mrs. Anne Henderson• as degree captain, and Mrs. iia Dorrance and Mrs. Anna Kling as soloists. The following members were initiated.: Mrs. Vera Smale, Mrs. Jessie Cameron, Mrs. Margaret Eyre and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre. The Memorial Day for decor- ating the cemeteries in conjunction with the I.O.O.F., will be held Sun- day, June 13. Mrs. Henderson was presented with a gift, Mrs. Leona Parke doing the honors. At the close of the meeting a de- licious. lunch was served by the committee in charge. During the social hour a Dutch auction was held for a 'pair of pillow cases and an angel cake. Mrs.' Beatrice Rich- ardson won the pillow cases and Mrs. Anna Walker the cake. At the meeting of the local C. P. and T. Committee, $20 was voted to go to the C.P. and T. -headquarters, Girls Wanted FOR TOY PRODUCTION Apply to Ontario Textiles Limited SEAFORTH - ONTARIO WESTERN ONTARIO'S GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP Fiddlers' Contest For London Free Press Trophy 8:00 p.m. HENSALL in the Community Arena FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, 1954 COME! SEE! & HEAR! THE FIRST WINNER of this TROPHY Trophy presented by Mr. Cartier, London Free Press $250.00 IN CASH' — FIDDLERS CLASSES — 20) and under -48, $5, $3 21-35--$12, $8, $5 36-50—$12, 10, 8, 5, 3 51-75—$12, 10, 8, 5, 3 76 - 100—$12,.% I Ladies Open—$12, 8, 4 SQUARE DAN•CiNG—Best Open Square Dance Set — $35, $20 STF)P DANCING..—..LADIES $5, $4, $3 — ,.MEN, $5, $4, $3 Prize money given as soon as Winner declared in all classes. First number on program, 20 and under class Fifth Number—Square Dancing Competition Chairman—.Roy Jewell, CFPL Entries received on or before Wednesday, June 2, receive $1.00 cash night of contest.. Send entry today to: W, JARRETT, HENSAL1, C, of C. DANCE IN HALL AFTER—Starting 11:30 p.m. Admission 75c Children 25c SPONSORED BY THE HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 8:00 p.m. M4%Y 28, IOU Glenn Gowrie W.I. Has Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Glen Gowrie Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Ross Mc- Phail on Wednesday with a good attendance. The roll call was an- swered by naming an interesting citizen of Canada, and why, and the payment of fees. The motto, "People who are the salt of the earth season other peoples lives," was taken by Mrs. R. McCulloch. The report of the district execu- tive meeting was read. Other mat- ters of business were plans for a bus trip and possible prizes for lo- cal fairs. The secretary reported the tickets for the .Shakespearean Festival purchased. Mrs. E. Hocking gave a very sat- isfactory statement of the finances and Mrs. M. Dow, the auditors' re- port. The conveners reports were complete and well written: agricul- ture and Canadian industries by Mrs. Nairn; citizenship and educa- tion by Mrs. Gordon Parsons; com- munity activities and relief, Mrs. F. Bruce; historical research and current events, Mrs. N. Lamb; home economics and health, Mrs. N. Dow, Mrs. C. Page submitted the report of the nominating Com- mittee and the state of officers was adopted: president, Mrs. S. Gra- ham; first vice-president, Mrs. R. McPhail; second vice-president, Mrs. M, Lamlond; secretary, Mrs. M. Nairn; assistant, Mrs. F. Chap- pell; district directgr, Mrs, W. Harper; assistant, Mrs, G. Dow ; branch directors, Mrs, C. Page, Mrs. R. McCulloch, Mrs. F. Johns; pianist. Mrs. R. McCulloch; assist- ant, Mrs. G. Gill; auditors; Mrs, W. Dow and Mrs, E. Dow; conveners: agriculture and Canadian indus- tries, Mrs. K. Parsons, Mrs. G. Par - 9011s; citizenship and education, Vers. C. Christie, Mrs. F. Colqu- houn ; community activities and publicity, Mrs. C. Colquhoun, Mrs. F. Bruce, historical research and current events, Mrs. M. Lamond, Mrs. W. Dow; home economics and health, Mrs. I. Allison, Mrs, H. Harris; sunshine committee, Mrs. F. Johns. Mrs, C. Kearny, Mrs, G. GUI; resolution committee, Mrs. R. McCullough. Mrs. F. Chappell, A delightful duet by Mrs. Thos. Scott and Mrs. McCulloch and an old- fashioned spelling bee, conducted by Mrs. G. Parsons and Mrs. F. Johns, completed a satisfactory ev- ening. The singing of "God Save the Queen" and the serving of an excellent lunch closed the meeting. VARNA The country home at Varna of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt, Lon- don, was the scene of a smart in- formal Maytime dance Friday eve- ning, May 21, for more than 100 in- vited young people, including rela- tives and friends in the vicinity. Apple blossoms and Darwin tulips lent a touch of springtime to the spacious rooms. 'Phe Murdoch orchestra supplied excellent music for the round and oldtime square dances, William Hayter, a cousin, was caller. Eight charming young ladies of the neighborhood, the Misses Shirley Bail, Isobel Pickett, Donna Mc Bride, Margaret Webster, Phyllis Johnston, Margaret Hayter, Joyce Webster and Ruth Clark, assisted in serving the refreshments. The invited guests included Thos. Pryde, M.L.A., and Mrs. Pryde, Al- fred Moffatt, ex -reeve of Tucker - smith Township and Mrs. Moffatt, Alvin ;McBride, reeve of Stanley Township, and Mrs. McBride, all cousins of Dr. Moffatt. Later, Dr. and Mrs. Moffatt are planning to entertain their married friends of Huron.—(Contributed). KIPPEN Mr. William Ivison has returned home after spending the winter months Pe ta'bo'o and London. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson and Mrs. Gibson, Sr., of Wroxeter, vis- ited a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, Mrs, Gibson remaining for a .visit with her daughter and son-in-law. Mrs. Alvin Ulch, - of Windsor, spent the holiday weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, Mr. and; Mrs. Don McKnight and family, of Galt, and MissEleanor Elgie, of Waterloo, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie. Mr. Robert Thomson visited on Sunday with his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schnei- der. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Smith and children, of London, visited over the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -Wren. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Cooper is confined to Si. Joseph's Hospital. London. We hope for an early recovery. Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter included: Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Wm. Hildorth and David, of Brighton, England; Mrs. Homer Tinney and sons, of near Hensall. Sunday visitors were: Mr. E. L. Ferguson and Grant. of St, Thom- as, a brother of Mrs. Gackstetter. Mr. Wm. Riley and daughter, of Hensall, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Word was received recently of the passing of Mr, Wiliiam Coch- rane, of near Moose Jaw, Sask. He was a brother of Mr. John H. Coch- rane, of Kippen; Mrs. Bruce Walk- er, of Hensall; Mrs. Harry Puss, of near Zurich; Mrs. Hugh Cameron, of Clinton: -Miss ,Agnes 'Cochrane, Clinton, and Miss Jessie Cochrane, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashworth and Carol and Mr. Amos Ferguson, of Ilderton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jonel. Mr. Marius Bakker and Mr. Casey Shootweg, of Hamilton, visited ov- er the weekend with M•r. and Mrs. Benind5ke and other 'friends. Mr. Samuel Cudmore received word of the death of his brother- inti TaW, Mr. Ed•. Daley, of Osiitsvta, mmennommarromormormannwommonme Mr. and Mrs. Stan Neal and fam- ily, Glencoe, were weekend guests with 'Mrs. Stackhouse and Elva. Sympathy is extended Mr, and Mrs. Alex Paterson and family in the death of Mrs. Paterson's moth- er, who passed away Sunday morn- ing in Willowd'ale. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paterson attended the funeral from Verdun, Quebec, on Tuesday. Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer; spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and, .Mrs, R. P. Watson. Mrs. J. Grainger is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Swan and family. Mises Margaret and Mr. Hugh Zapfe, Mies Shawn Fowler and Mr. Ed. Noonan, all of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Glen. Mr, and Mrs. Don McDonald and family, of Sarnia., visited with rel- atives over the ,holiday. Mr. and ,Mrs. George. Mustard and dhildren, who have been visi. ing Mr. and Mrst Alex Mustard, are leaving .for their home in Calgary this week. Also home for the holi- day were Gordon, Frank and Thorn- ton hornton Mustard. This is the first time the family has been together in three years. Miss Marggrie and Robert reside at home. Mr. Jack Cairns is a .patient in Stratford Hospital, and Mr. H. Dal- rymple is confined to kis bed. Their friends hope for speedy recoveries. Visiting members of the I.O.O-F. of this district marched with the local lodge to church service oat Sunday evening, wihich was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Maines, who delivered a very appropriate and forceful sermon. Special music, with Mrs. J. Cairns as soloist, was under the leadership of Mrs. J. Mustard. Good Tools Gardening does not require ex- pensive equipment. But it will be easier with a few special toots. With most of this hand equipment it i sw- ad trails tohave longhandles les so that one does not have to stoop. It is surprising how accurate and quickly one can do thinning and, weeding of even tiny stuff with a long -handled sharp hoe or cultiva- tor provided the same is narrow or comes to a point. The D -shaped Dutch hoes are excellent things for killing weeds and loosening up the top soil, but one must be careful in using too close to sprawly vege- tables and flowers. There are all sorts of tiny rakes, trowels and cultivators. With any of this equip- ment the work will 'be cut in two if the edges are kept sharp and clean: An old file will be handy. The Ottawa River is 700 anises long. DANCE Every Friday Night HAYFIELD PAVILION May 28th to Sept. 24th KEN WILREE ORCHESTRA Enjoy Dancing in Bayfield's Favourite Dance Pavilion Attention Farmers - Having purchased tlhe, Poultry ,business from George Walker,. Hensall, your patronage will 'be appreciated, in culling and buy- ing poultry. Highest Cash Prices Paid Contact Clarence McNaughton PHONE: HENSALL 13 for the present Come One! - - - Come A111 CLINTON LEGION ING Legion Memorial Hall Kirk Street THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd at 9:4)0 pm Sharp 15 GAME FOR $1.00 $10.00 a Game • 3 SPECIAL GAMES • ,SHARE—THE—WEALTH JACKPOT OF $60 on 54 Numbers to apply on all Special Games All Proceeds for Building Fund NEW P.A. SYS'T'EM. INS'T'ALLED Check Room & Refreshment Booth STANLEY Celebrates 80th Birthday A family get-together w'as 'held on Tuesday, May 25, at ,fie home of Mr. and Mrs. George -Stephenson, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Henry Erratt, who celebrated her 80th 'birthday. About 15 of the immedi- ate family were present. A social hour was spent. Lunch was sere ed and messages of good -will were extended to Mrs. Erratt, with the wish that she would have many more yearn of health and: happi- ness. Illissonnaamoallnamormilansallftras Reception and Dance STAFFA HALL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 'for Mr. & Mrs. Don Harbt EVERYONE WELCO i&E strameamisonnimmommagmsmaggilielna • all Make Fanning More Profitable! ,r,1 IIANiI Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with polus nearest Bank of Montreal manager. ro r puna grA0aI7 p G(m BANK OF MONTREAL working with Canadians 1a waik of cif• st•a• IOU AD,ar Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Rider MICKLE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall Phone 10 It Pays to START Them Right — Then RAISE Them Right The calf -starting plan outlin- ed here really GROWS calves. It HELPS SAVE calves, too. In the big Purina -Research Farm herd every heifer calf dropped in over two years has been successfully raised. Dis- infecting calving stalls, disin- fecting isinfecting the dam's udder and flanks, disinfecting utensils, holding down flies, all Whelped too, MAKE THE CALF ISTREPCH to drink. Place milk bucket one foot above floor and tilt toward calf. This helps keep milk from entering wrong section of stomach. When calves reach .the age of two months, :hay may be fed. Also remember to keep fresh water, Calf 'Startena and block saltin front of them at all times. After a good start it pays to keep them coming. If you fol- low a feeding plan which grows them fast, yet keeps them clean-cut and dairylii e, you can breed them earlier, and get more milk in their first lactation, And it costs no more, for you save several months of unproductive feed- ing. In one year, recently, 14 grade Holstein heifers came in- to production in the Purina herd. They calved at an aver- age of 34 months, but they were fully developed and weighed an average of 1,244 lbs. So they gave around 3.000 lbs. of milk before most heifers have even started, and in 10 months averaged 10,691 lbs. milk„ 404:5 fat. Heifers like that are worth more, whether you keep or sell them. Fiver hear of a top-notch boor er or runner who didn't build up for a big match with the right diet and exercise? Your cows that will calve in the Spring need the right kind of diet, too. First step is to dry them os two months before due. Thin can be done by taking cows oft silage and milking feed. Just feed hay for a few days. Stop milking and don't mak again for 7 days, unless the udder shows painful swelling. Press sure in the udder causes the system to "turn off the milk." At the end of 7 days, milk out, and your cow is dry. Now put her on, a Purina (tt cow feed. (We have one to feed straight and one to mix with oats.) This special drat cow ration puts on solid, milk - making flesh—,builds her up. And this extra flesh will make more milk after freshening. The extra milk should pay you back 3 or 4 times the cost, or the feed. Don't Forget! On Friday, May 28, 1954, 1 Hensall Spring Fair Day. At this Fair, as you no. doubt know, the Feeder Calf Club Calves are shown and fudged These calves also are put on the auction block this same day. We also have two calve* feel for the Calf Club and w411 be sbown at the fair. Cost an* feed consumed will be shows, too. Make it a point to Come to the Hensall .Spring Pair Friday, May 28th, and see these boys and their calves. Also I would like to mention that we will pmblish the re, sults of the calves next week. Geo. T. Mickle It Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT: PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CH.EV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CI:MY. STANDARD SEDAN 2.11s953 43HM. STYLELINE SEDANS 195E PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHIEV, %TON PICKUP 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHEV, STATION WAGON 1950 CHEV, Del LUXE COACH 1949 CHBV, SAN 1949 DODGE MANN 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1946 CHEV, FLEETLINE COACH—runt 1946 PONPIAq SEDAN' 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH --- TRUCKS 2--1948 'CHEV, 1 -TON PICKUPS 1950 G:M,C, %-TON 5—.3•TON STAKE BODIES 1942 DODGE 1.r1K TRUCK TAL—New No. rap Coolcohuft *Meter A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cate MANY, OTHER MODELS TO CHQQSE FROM .BRUSSELS 'MOT RS. R tom.. ONTARIO PHONE 78-X—'Ths Herne of Settler Used Care 1 OPEN EVERY EVENING • ] y J r f 3 1 • • l