HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-05-14, Page 4,V"?' ag(agraeir neeeerereetelarti ssified Ads ified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOI”AL.E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd WeekCent 3rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion... 25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. 4/40 11 0f Thanks, In Memoriam Notfcee, Coming Events -1 cent per word. 60 cents per week. lguirtes may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if•ada in above claaa are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. • Minimum, Coming Events TRANCE TO THE MUSIC OF CL -AR- '+ encs 'Petrie and the Night Hawks. every Friday night, from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. 4505-4 QEd.FOR1tli WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will sponsor Don Messer and his Inlanders in the Community Centre early in June. 4506-1 R2IOEPTLON FOR MR- AND MRS. AL - vin Reeder will- be held in Seaforth Community Centre on Wednesday, May 19. George Smith and his Orchestra. Every- body welcome. 4506x1 FIDELITY LODGE No. meets and third Wed- nesday evenings of each month at 8 p.m. Noble Grand, I. Trewartha; Record- ing Secretary, Harry McLeod. 4493-18 Help Wanted ANTED—HOUSEKWEPER AND OOM- panion for elderly lady in small apartment- Please TE EPHONE 52. 4505.2 BOOKKEEPER WANTED Competent, experienced female book- keeper required immediately. Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Seaforth - Ontario 4505-2 FOREMAN Furniture Finisher FULLY EXPERIENCED FOR TOP- qualffy. progressive manufacturer. Our foreman 'retiring through age. Pleasant working conditions, steady employment, groupinsurance etc. Enc lose og P hot ra h P and give full details in first letter in con- fidence. BOX 323, HURON EXPOSITOR 4106-2 Agents Wanted FALF.RS —. GOOD VACANT TERRI- toriea in your neighbourhood. You can establish your own business in selling our 225 guaranteed Products liked by public. such as: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic Necessities, Tea, Cof- fee, etc. $18 needed. Advantageous com- mission. Free Specials each month. If you are ambitious, you can realize from 350 to 375 per week. 37TO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal 4503-4 Notices NOTICE — WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. Will pick up and deliver. Phone JOHN MacLEAN, 649 r 3, Sea- forth- 4501-tf VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth[ 4482-tf RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. • 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREW'S. 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED QT. JAMES' SCHOOL., SEAFORTH, duties to commerce in September. Apply. stating salary expected and pre- vious Inspector, to Secretary -Treasurer, LEON BANNON, Box 186, Seaforth. 4506.1 For Rent FOR RENT — SELF - CONTAINED apartment in new building, furnished, 3 rooms. bath ; all conveniences. Prefer one or two businessmen. Box 325, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4506-1 FOR RENT APPROXIMATELY 63 ACRES OF land in the Township of Tucker - smith, for cropping purposes. Apply to McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Tel. 174. 4605-2 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE --VERY DESIRABLE 150 -acre farm in Stanley Township, 3 miles west of No. 4 Highway. Large steel barn, Beatty stabling: considered one of the best farms in Huron County. Sub- stantial stone house with modern bath- room and kitchen : drilled well; pressure system in house and barn ; machine shed. Well fenced and drained; 16 acres good hardwood bush. Can be bought half cash. remainder on mortgage. PHONE 42-J, Stratford. 4505-2 Property For Sale T_TOUSE FOR SALE—MODERN 5 -ROOM house on High St.: roll brick siding;'. 3 -piece bath with shower; heavy duty wiring ; insulated: furnace. JOHN GAL- LOP, Seaforth. 4506-3 HOUSE FOR SALE -7 -ROOM HOUSE on West William St.; three bed- rooms new roof : newly painted decor- ated. Good basement. MRS. ROLAND KENNEDY. Seaforth. 4500x2 HOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den, 3 -piece bath- room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, heavy wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31 Seaforth, or Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4506-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE—IN HAYFIELD, 4 -bedroom home, furnished or un- furnished: 3 -piece bath; double garage; 1 1/5 acres, trees. garden, etc. Reason- able- E. CAMERON, Hayfield. 4606-tf FOR SALE -3 NSALL: 8 -ROOM BRICK house, 4 bedrooms, modern kitchen and bathroom; tile floors; new oil furnace; hot water heater and water softener; laundry tubs; garage. Large lot, land- scaped. Immediate possession, APPLY HAROLD BONTHRON, Hensall- 4506-3 FOR SALE — SEVEN -ROOM FRAME dwelling, situated on Goderich Street West. All modern conveniences. Hot water heating with oil; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very conven- ient to shopping centre. Box 621, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4505x3 FOR SALE -7 -ROOM HOUSE IN HEN- sall; hard, soft water; flusb toilet; new roof; basement; full lot with garage. Small fruits. House in excellent shape. Immediate possession. Reasonably priced. Apply P. 0. BOX 36, Hensall. 4505x3 For Sale FOR SALE--6-PIECE DINETTE SUITE: Duo -Therm oil burner. PHONE 299, Seaforth. 4506-1 ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE— Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' "7 31.00 per hundred. F. B. PURCELL, Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- Pox 460. Seaforth, Ont, 4506x1 Poe. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, --.., ecident and Sickness Insurance, and orth American Life Insurance. Consult IC 13. M'UNROE, Seaforth. • F°' SALE --TWO PURE BRED TAM - worth boars, almost ready for ser- OMMODATION REQUIRED FOR rice APP] y FRANCIS COLEMAN. Jr. A Force personnel stationed at Clin- Phone 838 r 22, Seaforth; 4506-1 ton. 1re. you have a house. apartment i FOR SALE ---GLADIOLUS 50 LARGE, 52.50; 50 medium, $1.50, not deliver- ed. MURRAY TYNDALL, Brucefield, Phone 634 r 12, Clinton. 4506-2 furnished 'er unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882: local 252. 4436-tf' FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We wDi, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4.484-tf Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JAMES J. Hugill wish to express their ap- preciation to all those who remembered them during their sad bereavement- ' 4506-1 MRS. STEWART BELL WISHES TO express her sincere thanks and ap- preciation to the many friends who so kindly remembered her with many acts of kindness while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, and since her return home. Everything was deeply appreciated: 4506-1 I WISH TO EXPRESS MY THANKS and aerpre6iation to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats, and visited me while a patient for five months in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home. Special thanks to the Mensal' Firemen for their kindness. FRED PETERS, 45064 Hensall ••• WISH TO THANK ALL WHO SO kindly sent flowers and especially the friends and neighbors of Tuckeramith who remembered me in my sad bereavement, and 3140 for the kindness of the staff of Scott" Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Leeming. Mrs, 3lnvis, Dr. Elliott, Rev, J. 3L James and -Mr. Whitney. 1505x1 . MISS FOWLER, '))AVID 1/14LEAN WISHES TO thank the members.. of the L.O.LA., Eastern Star, Regekahs and all her other 19f 'cis for «0were, gifts, cards and visits ilehila,ishe Was a Patient in Scott Memor- •IM SPital and efnee returning home: �So., Stitlsorty Rev Campbell and Rev. or rlsitli and kind words of en- hetit.: else the nurses of Scott kI Ro*plt4i1 and Dr. John A. C44144 45064 toaF;'.i:i FOR SALE—ELF,CTROLUX VACUUM cleaner, late model. all attachments; excellent condition. Owner will sacrifice. PHONE 162-W. 4506-1 port SALEr-(PART HEREFORD CALF; also 1 lawn mower, English Clipper, two years old. W. D. WILSON, 658 r 33. Seaforth, 4506x1 FOR SALE—(BATHROOM FIXTiJRES, including toilet, basin and tub; the lot for $80. PHONE 185, Seaforth. 450512 FOR SALE—A USED 2 -BURNER AND a used 4 -burner electric range. both in good condition; Westinghouse electric refrigerator, like new. BOX FURNI- TURE, Seaforth. 4505-2 FOR SALE --2 COWS, OWE FRESH with Hereford calf. one heavy milk- ing Holstein, to freshen soon. Apply GORDON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth, 4506-1 SLABS FOR SALE—HARDWOOD, $10 1 per load, approximately 2 cords: mix- ed wood, 38 per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery. FRET) J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 162. 4505x4 VOR SALE — GRAHAM TWO -BURNER electrie hot platechrome top: Sun- shine gondola pram, blue, new snow run- ners; baby's maple high chair; aim Thistle baby walker; all in good condi- tion. PHONE 561-W, Seaforth. 4506-1 PiGS AND CALVES FOR SALE -- 14 young pigs ready to wean May 18: York sow due to farrow May 21; also sev- eral calves from 2 weeks. to 6 months of age, bred from Durham cows and A. Angua bull. Apply to J. W. CATCH. Phone 617 r 23, Clinton, - 4506x1 USED CAR PARTS FOR FORDS, Chews. Plymouths. DeSotoa, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs. Save by buying used wheels, windows, generators, lights, axles for trailers, tires 16-21 inch. Our loca- tion naves you money. CUDMORE'S GRAVEL. Phone 171 r 8, Exeter. 4605x6 ••• SALE-CONcimit3 'BRICKS ANY) flagstones; any color, now 'TM stock. Modern concrete flagstones provide the convenient, pleasing gerden walk. Easy to -lay. No experlence needled. Lasts a lifetime. Economical. All kinds of con- crete work, including sidewalks, cement floors and sesta tanks. etc. SEAPOR14i CONS PRODUCTS. Phone 22-M, Seaforth. 4604.4 For Sale pou SALE--M11ASSEY-HARRIS NO. 7 ▪ drophead hay loader. SAM SCOW, 83 r 11, Seaforth. 4506x1 pox SALE—WINE COLORED BABY'S ▪ pram. in good condition : cheap. PHONE 442... 4506x1 FOdl SALE—TWO STOCKER S1 S. about 750 pounds. Apply JAMES LAND.SBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Sea - forth, 4506x1 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge- For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" colleet, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 666 r 2. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE, T1TES- day, May 18, Estate of Harry Yung- blut, 14miles east of Auburn. Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4505-2 SALE GREY - BRUCE - HURON AJ3ERDEEN Angus Breeders' Association Sale of 10 Bulls, 29 Females, is being held at the Walkerton Sales Arena on Thursday, May 20th. 'Duncan Brown, Auotioneer, and Donald Blue, Ring Master. Catalogues on request. T. STEWART COOPER, Markdale, Secretary. 4506-1 SALE GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD BREEDERS' Association sale of 15 bulls, 21 fe- males, is being held at the Markdale Sales Arena on Wednesday, May 26th. W. S. O'Neil. Auctioneer, and Donald, Blue, Ring Master. Catalogues on request. T. STEWART COOPER, Markdale, Secretary. 4506-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Machinery and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 27, Concession 6, Morris Township, 11!i south and 1 mile west of Brussels, on Thursday, May 20th, at 1 p.m., D.S.T,: CATTLE ---1 Durham cow with calf at foot: 1 Hereford cow with calf at foot; 23 Western Hereford heifers, approximately 625 lbs.; 1 two-year-old Hereford steer. 1000 tbs. MACHINERY— Minneapolis Z Tractor, Standard, fully equipped (like new): 3 -furrow ace bottom International plow: Faco tractor disc; 16 - disc, 1S -inch plate; Case tractor maure spreader 1 like. new) : McCormick -Deering drophead hay loader; 4 -section diamond harrows; rubber tired farm wagon; wagon box : 16 -foot flat hay rack (like new): oil drums: wheelbarrow: fanning mill, 2.000 -ib. scales; International cream sep- arator; set harness; horse collars; colony house, 10 x 10: 2 chicken shelters; num- her cedar posts; quantity lumber and Plank; shovels; chains. HAY and GRAIN . 200 bushels el of mixedrain • 15 tons to s mixed hay, POULTRY -75 Hybrid hens: 2 ducks; 1 drake. Quantity of Household Effects. No reserve; farm sold. Terms— Cash. FRANK NICHOL, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk, v 4506-1 A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Furniture and other Household Et. fects, in the Village of Hensall, on Wed- nesday, May 19, 1954, at 1 p.m.., sharp: 1Coldwall Frigidaire frig; Sunshine four- ( burner electric stove; jewel combination electric and coal stove: Gilson electric washing machine; walnut Singer electric sewing machine with leather top bench console type Queen Anne design; electric floor polishes-; electric heater; walnut Rogers -Majestic combination 'radio and 're- cord player; G.E. mantel radio: Duro- Therm oil heater and blower: chesterfield silk covering walnut frame; chesterfield rep covering; walnut bookcase and writ- ing desk: walnut corner bookcase; wablut 10 -piece dining 'room suite; walnut dinner wagon; walnut living room table; walnut half round hall table, chair to match; walnut coffee table, pie crust top, Queen Anne: walnut tilt -top table; walnut what- not; walnut smoker; 2 walnut arm chairs, velour cane backs; walnut arm chair, needlepoint seat; walnut living room chair tapestry; walnut windsor chair ; 2 walnut arm chairs; walnut rocker; oak knee -hole desk (antique), 100 years old; oak hall tree: oak umbrella stand; walnut 4 -piece bedroom suite, mahogany finish bed. springs, mattress and dresser; pearl grey ted. spring and mattress with chest of drawers to match: spool bed, 4 -foot springs and mattress: walnut bureau; walnut cedar chest; davenport and two matching chairs; mahogany chair, needle point seat: 2 fireside arm chairs; rockers: ')0x83 mirror, gilt frame: bevelled plate glass bathroom mirror with frame; 2 taupe rugs, 41,x 10 27x51;, ; 2 -tone rug, °x10• Barrymore rug, oriental design, 9x l0 u•, : all rugs have cushions to match: table lamps: dresser lamps: 8 -day living room clock ; fireplace for coal or wood with tile and mantel: kitchen table; kit- chen clock: wicker sewing table; walnut fernery; 2 single fern stands: card table; 2 verandah chairs; lawn chairs; bathroom scales; 1 golf clubs in corduroy bag; 1 10 -volume set Book of Knowledge: 1 10 - volume set The Source Book ; dishes; lamps:,, curtains; dcnk light; floor polish- er: waxing brush and polisher; Electro- lux cleaner; lawn mower: 26 -foot exten- sionladder, and other articles too numer- ous to mention. This furniture is all in first-class condition. Terms -- Cash. C. M. DRYSDALE. Proprietor; P. L. Mc- Naughton, Clerk: Alvin Wainer and Ed. Corbett, Auctioneers. 4506-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements, Grain and Household It- ems wr,l be held at Lot 7, Concession 3, Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles south of Highway No. 8, 1 mile east of Egmond- ville, on Wednesday. May 19, starting at 12 o'clock sharp. Offered for sale will be: CATTLE — 1 registered Holstein cow (Nancy Alcartra Rag Apple Pride), four years old; 2. aged cows; 3 cows, 6 years old; 1 cow, 4 years old; 1 cow, 3 years old; 1 heifer cow, 2 years old (all cows milking); 1 steer 1 year old. IMPLE- MENTS -8N Ford tractor, standardized power take -off attachment: Ford tractor pulley : power mower mounting equip- ment; Massey -Harris No. 44 row crop tractor with power take -off and live hy- draulic M. -H. manure loader: M..H. amounted 2 -row corn and bean scufiier; 51.-11. 10 -ft. No. 25 stiff tooth cultivator; M. -H. 15 -run fertilizer seed drill; M. -H. 4 -bar rubber tire rake; new International No. 200 rubber tire manure spreader; 10 - foot International disc; Case harvester with hay and corn attachments o nearly new) : Case blower and power unloader with pipe for 55 -foot silo; 2 new 16 -foot ensilage boxes; 2 rubber tire wagons; 16 - foot cut -hay box: 6 -foot Massey Clipper combine: new Clipper swath spreader; Clipper pickup: new top canvas roller; bean screen; buckwheat screen; flax screen: 6 -foot swathes: 4,4 -foot one-way dist : 3 -furrow M, -H. plow (23A bottoms) 3 complete 21 bottoms; 3 -section diamond harrows (10 ft.) ; 4 -section diamond ber- mes. 10footflexible harrows ; '4 -section New Land harrows ,(6 ft.); straw blower' 6 -ft, horse-drawn mower: horse .dump rake; horse scorner: : 2 walking plows; 2 - yard steel box dump trailer; car trailer (metal box) : hand barrel'sprayer; .Tames - way 500 -chick electric brooder; ,Iameeway 300 -chick coal brooder; new set tractor chains: new electric fencer; set sloop sleighs: steel box wheelbarrow; number of metal pig troughs; 2 iron kettles; new 75 -ft. hammer mill belt; number of hay fork rope pulleys: 90 feet of %4 -inch rope; buzz saw with 30 -inch blade; rip saw. with 12 -inch blade: 100 feet of snow fence; number of cedar posts; block and tackle; grindstone; forge: one-man McCulloch Chain saw ; Surge milker with two pails and outlet for 20 cows; 6 milk cans (80 lbs. capacity); large filter strainer; milk pails: 2 lawn mowers; forks, shovels, etc. POULTRY. -46 New Hampshire 1 -year-old hens (laying): GRAIN -10 bushels buck- wheat; quantity mixed grain; quantity Clinton oats. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS--Rex- oleum rug, size 9, x 12,; metal bed and springs; dresser; wardrobe: kitchen ex- tension table (8 leaves); step stool; cop- per boiler; clothes horse; sealers; knitting machine; girl's C.C.M. bicycle; man's C. C.M. bicycle; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -- Cash RAYMOND NOTT, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer; Edwin P. Chesney, Clerk. 46064 THE Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, is holding the 106th an- niversary services on. Sunday, May. 16. The special preacher for the services is Rev, Richard Stewart, min- ister of New St. James' Church, Lon- don. HURON EXPOSITOR Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RIF BEER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, aeahed envelope with prioe list. 6 samples 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box Yl, Hamilton, Oat Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE ---1934 PLYMOUTH.•SEDAN, five passenger; lately overhauled. Ap- ply F. A. WOOD, Hensall. Phone 88. 4506-1 FOR SALE -194'8 DODGE CONVERT- ible, in good condition ; privately own- ed. Apply C. J. WALKER, Cromarty, or REG ARMSTRONG MOTORS. Exeter. Al- so Heintzman piano, in A-1 condition. Phone 12 r 18, Dublin. 4505-2 Wanted HENSALL ''Western Ontario Championship Fiddlers' Contest for the Free Press trophy, Hensall, June 4.— (Advt.). Mr. Jack Hill, Moose Jaw, Sask., and Dr. L. Hill, Sarnia, visited with Miss Minnie Reid this. week. Mrs. Jas. W. Bell, who has been wintering with relatives in Oak- land, Cal„ has returned home. 'Miss Katie Scott, who has been in poor health, was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Tuesday, in the further interests of her health, Gerald Regele, 12, pupil of grade 7 of Hensall Public School, is at present a patient in South Huron Hopital, Exeter, suffering a double ine.tUre of the left arra above the BOARDERS WANTED—ROOM FOR 3 tt'rist. Gerald was playing tag with or 4 boarders. All modern conven- stlne boys on Sunday afternoon. It fences. Apply Box 320, HURON EXPOSI- was raining at the time and he TOR, 4506x2 Slipped and struck his arm on a piece of broken cement. URGENTLY WANTED — SELF-CON- tainerl apartment required by single school teacher, unfurnished: with heavy duty wiring and complete bathroom. PHONE 4884 after .5. 4506x1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of VERNA JEAN GRAVES ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Verna Jean Graves, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on the second day of February, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of May, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of April, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4504-8 Births BROOME—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Broome, Seaforth, a son. DALE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 9, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Dale, R.R. 4, Clinton, a son—Nelson James. HOOVER—In Windsor, on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover, the birth of a son. SMALE—.Mr. and Mrs.' Howard Smale, Hensall are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday, May 7, 1054. Deaths TAYLOR—In McKillop. on Saturday-. May 8, Dina Clarke, widow of the late Robert Taylor, in her 93rd year. FOWLER—In Seaforth, on Monday. May 10, Elsie Dawson Fowler, age 74 years. McGRATH—In Lucan, on Wednesday. May 12, 1954, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ed. Conlin, Nora Williams, be- loved wife of the late John McGrath. formerly of Dublin, Ont., and dear mother of Mrs. Walter Blonde (Annie) of Chathaun, and Mrs. Ed. Conlin (Nora) of Lucan, and John, of Toron- to, and sister of Mr. Dan Williams, of Lake Wales Florida, ire her 79th year. Resting at the -residence of 'her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ed. Conlin, of Lucan, croon where the funerial will be held on Sat- urday, May 15, at 8:45 a.m. to St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, where Requiem High Mass will be sung at 10 a.m. In- terment in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Dub- lin. Be thrifty! Phone 41, Sea - forth. Classified ads. are re- sult -getting. The Huron Expos- itor. KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. C. Kaiser and Mrs. Lila Kaiser, Toronto, and Mrs. Earl Sproat, Hensall, were guests of Mrs. Jen Grieve, Grosse Isle, formerly of the i Ki e pp n district, while on a recent trip south. Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey, Varna; Mrs. Jenny Schilbe, Exeter; Mrs. Alice Cook. London, and Mr. Leonard Wagner. Zurich, visited on Mother's Day with Mrs. McCly- mont. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wahl, of Lis- towel, visited Saturday with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Norman Dickert. We are pleased to see Mrs. Ivan Forsyth out again after her recent accident in breaking an ankle bone. - Mr. and Mrs. Beverley' Beaton; of Goderich, visited Sunday with Mr. Jonah Green. • Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of 'Stratford, visited Sunday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss 'Mabel White- man, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore returned home Monday after visit- ing their sons and daughters-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cud - more, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Win- throp, visited Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Miss Phyllis, Lostell is at present confined to her hone through ill- ness, We trust for a speedy recov- ery. A meeting of the Y.P.U. execu- tive was held at the manse Mon- day evening to make plans for the anniversary services and other matters. We are sorry to learn Sharon McBride has been ill, Cpl. Garth Mosher, of Trenton, now taking a course at R.C.A.F., Clinton, was a weekend guest with Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod and Bud. •Mr, and -Mrs. Ed. McKay and daughter, of Seaforth, and Mrs. E. McKay, of ,Bowmanville, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKay and also attended the christening of their granddaughter and great-granddaughter, Diane Cheryl in St. . Andrew's 'United Church. Mr. Bob Love, who has complet- THE 106th ANNIVERSARY — of — CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Hensall will be held SUNDAY, MAY 16th Services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. GUEST PREACHER: REV. RICHARD STEWART Minister, New St. James' Church, London MEMBERS AND FRIEtiDS CORDIALLY INVITED Bargain Day" Specials SMOKED PICNIC HAMS DELMAR MARGARINE SCHNEIDER'S LARD SCHNEIDER'S SHORTENING MOTHER PARKER'S TEA --ill's SUTANA RAISINS MONARCH WHITE CAKE MIX WITH PIE CRUST (Golden Yellow Cake Mix FREE) SPECIAL — RED ROSE COFFEE ���� 1 Pound 55c 2/59c 2/53c 2/53c 49c 2/37c 2/68c F6R CONVENIENCE — Order your McCall Patterns from Order Books, our Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 Free Delivery BRUCEFIELD Mr$. Geo, 'Mustard and sons, of Calgary, are visiting 'Mr. and Mrs, Alex 'Mustard. Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer, spent the weekend at her 'home. Mies Tena, (McNaughton was in Goderich over the 'weekend. Miss Ina Scott, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead celebrated her birthday on 'Mother's Day when all 'members of the family were at the home of her daughter and son- in-l'aw, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe, for the Happy occasion. Christian Family Day was ob- served in the United Church Sun- day at the morning service with Rev. Mr. Maines in charge. Bap- tism was administered to three babies: Marion Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill; Sandra Ann, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Mel- vin Graham, and Stephen Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor. A mothers' choir led the singing and rendered an anthem. Scripture readings were given by Jim Broad - foot and Ron McClinchey and Mary Alan and Evelyn Turner told stor- ies. Mr. Maines' sermon was appro- priate on the Mother's Day theme. There was a very large attendance, ed his term at the University of Toronto, has accepted a position with the Hydro -Electric " Power Commission of Ontario, Ln t6ae Exe- ter office for the summer Month's, Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill, visited .recently with her fath- er and sister, Miss Jean Ivison, Miss Kathryn Howard, London, and Mr, Relit. Gabriel, Sarnia, vis- ited Mrs. Charles Sweitzer over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mousseau spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Priestap and fam- ily, of 'Mitchell; Mr. and' Mrs. R. Stokes and Larry, of Loudon; Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family, of Goderich, and Mr. Tom Hay, Cram - arty, visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thomson. Get Your FENCING NEEDS NOW ! A limited amount Barbed $9.30 Wire — a spool Woven Wire $ 1 QQ7 q a Rod e20 T -Iron Posts 880 Each Apply to MERTON T. KEYES PHONE SEAFORTH 656 r 11 MAT 14, 1954 MICKLE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall Phone 103 PIG BOOSTERS In our territory many farm- ers are using Pig Startena and Pig,Plus to help them in their Hog Raising Program. PIG STARTENA—in its com- pletely new Checker formuia— has been built by Purina Re- search to help the hogman give his feeder pigs a good, fast start toward profitable market- ing. arketing. It is a complete feed and is creep fed to pigs from a week after farrowing to a week past weaning. PIG -PLUS, the concentrate, is mixed into the ration at a 2 per cent level. 'Cont'aining all the 'nutritional elements found in sow's milk, plus extra vita- mins, ,minerals and antibiotic supplements. These powerful Pig Boosters are proving them- selves in hundreds of feed lots. HOGS—An increase in win- ter pigs will begin to strain the Hog market early this fall. Prices will decline, but will remain profitable. —Doane. Get those hogs off to mar- ket before this decline, by fol- lowing the Purina Hog Pro- gram. Have your Chickens bees r wormed? Werms cost yea Honey and their removal saves you in feed costs. Purls& Check -R -Ton and cheek Rrrcnt Granules will effectively warm your pullets at low costs. These two prodUcta also server to stimulate appetites few slow growing chickens. Pullets should be worm twice: 1. At 12 weeks of age while en rangy 2. Just before you put them in the laying peals. This Safe, Effective . way OG Worming your pullets wW Save You Money. We are 'happy to be able to supply you with a top line of poultry brooders, feeders and waterers. If there is any other equipment that you may need in your feeding operations that we don't stock, let us knew and we can get it for you. We are looking forward to a visit from you. If, there is any way we can help with your livestock or poultry feeding or management problems, •remem- ber wee are serve you. Geo. T. Mickle Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED 1953 OHEV. ,DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 BELAIRE CHEV, 4 -DOOR 1953 CHEV, STANDARD SEDAN 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN`' 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. %-TON PICKUP 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON 1950 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 DODGE. SEDAN CARS 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 CHEV. SEDAN ' 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH TRUCKS 1946 CHEV. 2 -TON STAN TRUCK 1ARMY TRUCK 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCK SPECIAL -1952 ON EV. SEDAN -81,095.00 SPECIAL—New No, 20 Cocksbutt Tractor A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 73-X—"Tho Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Dollar Day'Bargains: Baldwin Hardware BLACK PLASTIC HOSE SO400t lengths Regular 4.10 For 32'99 60 -WATT LIGHT BULBS Reg. 20c Each SPECIAL 2 for 25c SA N I - QUEEN The Modern Kitchen WASTE CAN Reg. 7.95 On Sale — ELECTRIC HOT PLATES Two -Burner Reg. 7.95 On Sale — a55, SMALL APPLIANCE SPECIALS Automatic Irons—Reg Steam and Dry Irons Pop -Up Toasters Two and Four -Slice T Sunbeam Mixneasters; 12.98; On Sale.... 10.95 On Sale—Less 20% On Sale—Less 2004 To Less 20% reg, 64.50 for .... 52.95 GALLON PICNIC JUGS Puny insulated. A real, buys Reg. 4..80--$3,29 I SANDWICH 1 O AS y ERS Fully Guaranteed Reg. 10.95 On sale _$&i5 LAWN MOWERS — Power or Hand — AT BARGAIN PRICES Our Complete Line of Farm and Garden Tools At Bargain -Prices OUR OUTSIDE PAINT SALE CONTINUES UNTIL MAY 22nd Get Yours Today py BALDWIN HARDWARE. fm 4 1. A 4 0 , d 4 1 4 4 4. 5 4. A'.