HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-05-07, Page 4s..7 Q'ssified Ads ASS 'ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates F9R SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent End Week % Cent 8rd Week SS Cent Minimum charge each ineertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. -Chris of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. E,n411fries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged If ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Bates on application. • Coming Events DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF CLAR- ence 'Petrie and the Night Hawks. every Friday night, from 10 - 1, at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. 4505-4 Help Wanted WANTED- HOUSFKO.M FEPER AND C- V� panion for elderly lady in small apartment. Please TELEPHONE 52. 4506-2 WANTED- RELIABLE HOUS'EKE'EPER OFT wanted in good home at Waterloo. Saturdays and Sundays off, if desired. Permanent job for right person, with good wages. For particulars, contact JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk St.. Seaforth. 4505-1 GOOD SINGLE. MEDIUM AGED FARM heftier wanted by year: one well schooled with Ontario mixed farming " methods. Must be steady, temperate. clean in habits and make his home with us. Apply to JONATHAN HUGILL. Phone 616 r 13, Clinton. 4504-2 Experienced TYPIST WANTED For part-time work ; few hours weekly. Apply, stating experience and rate Per hour, to 'Box 322 The Huron Expositor 4505-1 BOOKKEEPER WANTED Competent. experienced female book- keeper required immediately. Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Seaforth - Ontario 45054 Livestock Wanted DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect. Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Poultry 'pea SALE -300 PULLETS, 8 WEEKS old. A. TiMMERMANS, R.R. 3. Kip - pen. Phone 6a7 r 13, Seaforth. 4505-1 PORR. SALE -300 SUSSEX RED PUL- -• lets. 10 weeks old. Also Buhler wag- on on rubber. 3 years old; A-1 condition. ROBERT VIVIAN. Phone 43 i 8, Dublin. 4605-1 Agents Wanted ALERS — GOOD VACANT TERRI- DF tories in your neighbourhood. You can establish your own business in selling our 225 guaranteed Products Liked be public. such as: Toiletries. Culinaries. Medicines, Domestic Necessities, Tea, Cof- fee, etc. $18 needed. Advantageous com- mission. Free Specials each month. If you are ambitious. you can realize from 650 to 875 per week. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal 4503-4 Notices' T AWNS MOWED BY POWER .LAWN mower. Apply RAY McKEN ZIE. Hensall. 4504-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -4934 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, five passenger ; lately overhauled. Ap- ply F. A. WOOD, Hensall. Phone 88. 4504-2 MDR R SALE -1948 DODGE CONVERT- ' ibis, in good condition : privately own- ed. Apply C. J. WALKER, Cromarty, or REG ARMSTRONG MOTORS. Exeter. Al- so Heintzman piano, in A-1 condition. Phone 12 r 13, Dublin. 4505-2 For Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT - HEATED, furnished: on Victoria St. JOHN TREMF.F,R- 4505x1 PASTURE FOR 'RENT—GOOD GRASS and water for 12 or 15 head of cattle. Apply JOHN MANN. Phone 801 r 2. Clinton. 4505-1 FOR RENT APPROXIMATELY 63 ACRES OF land in the Township of Tucker - smith. for cropping purposes. Apply to McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Tel. 174. 4505-2 Property For Sale -p0& SALE — SEVEN -ROOM FRAME dwelling, situated on Goderich Street West. All modern . conveniences. Hot water heating with oil; two bathrooms. Garage and small garden. Very conven- ient to shopping centre. Box 621, HURON EXPOSITOR. 450553 FOR SALE -7 -ROOM HOUSE IN HEN- ."' hard, soft water; flush toilet; new roof; basement: full lot with garage. Small fruits. House in excellent shape. Immediate possession. Reasonably priced. Apply P. O. BOX 56, Hensall 4505x3 Farms For Sale Personals F_TYGIENIC )SUPPLIES (R U B BE it Goode). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 8 eantplea 25o: 24 eamples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Bos 91. Hamilton. Ont. MGR .SALE -FARM FORSALE OR TO rent: also a few cords of hard maple body wood. PHONE 654 r 12, Seaforth. 4505-1 DESIRABLE FOR SALE—VERY DESIRAB 150-acre farm in Stanley Township. 3 miles west of No. 4 Highway. Large steel barn, Beatty stabling; considered one of the best farms in Huron County. Sub- stantial stone house with modern bath- room and kitchen : drilled well; pressure system in house and barn: machine shed. Well fenced and drained; 16 acres good hardwood bush. Can be bought half cash, remainder on mortgage. PHONE 42-3, Stratford, 4605-2 • Tenders Wanted FOR' SALE Wanted ROOMERS WANTED -ROOM FOR 8 OR 4 roomers. All modern conveniences. Apply Box 3-20, HURON EXPOSITOR. 450553 -MENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP 1 till 7 o'clock, May. 12, 1954, for a store in Wroxeter, approximately 32 feet by 22 feet, on atone foundation ; shingle root, good; basement; cistern. Three liv- ing rooms above store. House at back, approximately 22 feet by 32 feet, kitchen 12 feet by 12 feet: shingle roof : cistern. Building. is in good state of repair. Lot is on Main St., approximately 45 feet by :100 feet. There is a frame garage ap- proximately 11 feet by 18 feet, with alum- inum roof. Said property may be seen at any time -night or day. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Possession may be had at once. GEORGE A. MACHAN, Wroxeter P.O., Ont. 4504x2 Notices To Creditors FOR*a farm be FREE-Awilly who promiseto TOYTERRIERPUP give` him a good home. PHONE 222-R. NOTICE to CREDITORS Seaforth. 4505x1 NOTICE - WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. Will pick up and deliver. Phone JOHN MacLEAN, 619 r 3. Sea - forth. 4501-tf VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON 'ALL makes: 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-tf RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'SRADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dicke Haase. Seaforth. Phone 347-R. - 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS l — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. call collect. ED. ANDREWS. 8.51 r 11. Seaforth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS i - McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE. Seaforth. • AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382: local 252. 4486-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We will. without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analysed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4484 -td In the Estate of VERNA JEAN GRAVES ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Verna Jean Graves, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron. who died on the ,second day off February. 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of May. 1954. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then re- ceived. HENSALL DOG OWNERS Ple sle Take Notice TNDER BY-LAW 13, 1945, OF TTM Village of Hensall. every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a Tag before May 1st of each year, shall he liable to a fine up to Ten Dollars. Further, under this By -Li* no dog Shall be allowed to run at Targe during the months of April, May, June, July, Angttst, September and October. The pen- 'diti• Minder this Section of the By -Law DAY he tip to 850.00. Ike Police have been instructed to en- force this By-law. J. A PATERSON, Mnnlclpnl Clerk #606.1 DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of April, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4504-3 For Sale FOR SALE -8 PIGS, JUST WEANED. DERICK WALTERBEEK, after six. Phone 22 r 14, Dublin. 4505/ 1 - Lost and Found ��OUNID-0N GODER1CH STREET, ON Saturday. May 1. car and house keys. Owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying charges. Apply POLICE OFFICE, Town Hall. 4505-1' YOUNG YORK HOG FOR SALE -LONG nose breed: good for service. Apply JOSEPH CARLIN, Seaforth 661 r 24. 4005-1 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE, TUBS - day, May 18, Estate of Harry Yung- blut, 1I miles east of Auburn. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4505.41 CLEARING AUCTION SALE, THURS- day, May 13. four miles west of CKNX broadcasting transmitter. G. M. SHIELL, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4505-1 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Furniture and other Household Ef- fects, in the Village of Hensall. on Wed- nesday, May 19. 1954, at 1 p.m., sharp. G. M. DRYSDALE, Proprietor; P. L. Mc- Naughton, Clerk; Alvin Walper and Ed. Corbett, Auctioneers. 4505.1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fecta in the Town of Seaforth, on West William Street, on Wednesday; May 12, at 1 p.m., D.S.T.: 1 radio; 1 drop- leaf table; rocking chairs; 1 sofa: 2 glass cupboards; Raymond sewing machine; small tables: organ; extension table; leather rocking chair: day bed; chest of drawers; 6 kitchen chairs; armchair: 2 bedroom suites; spool bed and dresser; living room table; Quebec heater: copper wash boiler; lawn mower; McClary's Que- bec stove; china; pictures; bedding; gar- den tools: shovels: other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms -Cash. ES- TATE OF LATE AGNES CORNOCHAN: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4505-1 'roe SALE ---QUANTITY SEED OATS ; won first prize at Seaforth Fall Fair. Apply to JOHN McGAVIN. Phone 831 r 23. Seaforth. 4505x1 p0R SALE—•BATHROOM FIXTURES, incl0di'ng toilet. basin and tub; the lot for 880. PHONE 185, Seaforth. 4505-2 TR SALE -A NUMBER OF GOOD young pigs. APPLY JACK McIVER, St. Columban. Phone Dublin 22 r 21. 4506x1 FOR SALE -A USED 2 -BURNER AND a used 4 -burner electric range. both in good condition : Westinghouse electric refrigerator, like new. BOX FURNI- TURE, Seaforth. 45052 AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS articles on Saturday, May 8th, at 3:00 p.m., at St. Thomas' Parish Hall, Sea- forth. Articles will include: Electric heater, A-1; electric motor, 25 cycle; book shelves; sewing stand: high chair: small crib: bed springs: brass fire irons; fish net: chair; iron: set venetian blinds; 2 blankets, new: morris chair: spring mat- tress: bed springs. all steel; end table; goldfish bowl; flower pots; small cook stove and pipes; small bathroom mirror ; dresser and washstand; used tire; baby carriage; large crib; dishes: 15 lengths 7 - inch stove piles and 5 elbows; small opal oil brooder: 2 pipe hole stoppers; 6 tin Pie plates ; electric light fixture: glass shade for light bulb; back for stove; lamp stand: flower stand; Dodge radiator cov- er; medicine cabinet; rocking. chair: foot- stopl ; lamp shade: towel rack; book ends ; set coasters: toaster: Wainer: Jason mower: small oak table; table lamp; lamp shades : ottoman ; 2 -burner coal oil stove; screen ..door : sun blind: potato 'chip ma- chine; lawn mower; stair tread; Coleman Eas stove; electric hot plate with oven; electric ovens; copper boiler; wicker laun- dry basket; collector's items -horse whip, scales. muzzle loader. HAROLD JACK- SON, Auctioneer. 4605-1 Cards of Thanks MR. WILLIAM HAY'PER WISHES TO thank hie many friends and neigh- bors for flowers, cards, etc.. Bent him while a patient in Clinton Hospital, and also those who came to viejt him. Many thanks to Dr. Oakes and special nureee and staff of Clinton Hospital. 45054 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements, Grain and Household It- ems will be held at Lot 7, Concession 8, Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles south of Highway No. 8, 1 mile east of Egmond- ville, on Wednesday, May 19, starting at 12 o'clock sharp. Offered for sale will be: CATTLE — 1 registered Holstein cow (Nancy Alcartra Rag Apple Pride). four years old: 2 aged cows: 8 cows, 5 'years old: 1 cow, 4 years old; 1 cow, 8 years old; 1 heifer cow, 2 years old (all Iowa milking) ; 1 steer 1 year old. IM,PL,E- MEITTS—SN Ford tractor, standardized power take -off attachment; Ford tractor pulley: power mower mounting equip- ment: Massey -Harris No. 44 row crop tractor with power take -off and live hy- draulic M. -H. manure loader ; M -H: mounted 2 -row corn and bean scuffler; M. -H. 10 -ft. No. 25 stiff tooth cultivator; M. -H. 15 -run fertilizer seed drill: M.4-1. 4 -bar rubber tire rake: new International No. 200 rubber tire manure spreader: 10 - foot International disc: Case harvester with hay and corn attachments (nearly new) ; Case blower and power unloader with pipe for 55 -foot silo: 2 new 16 -foot ensilage boxes; 2 rubber tire wagons: 16 - foot cut -hay box; 6 -foot Massey Clipper combine; new Clipper swath . spreader • Clipper pickup; new top canvas roller: bean screen : buckwheat screen ; flax screen: 6 -foot swather ; 41S -foot one-way disc : 3 -furrow M. -H. plow 423A bottoms) ; 3 complete 21 bottoms; 8 -section diamond barrows 110 ft.) ; 4 -section diamond har- rows • 10 -foot flexible harrows; 4 -section New Land harrows 16 ft.) ; straw blower; 6 -ft. horse-drawn mower; horse dump rake; horse scuffler: 2 walking plows; 2 - yard steel box dump trailer: car trailer 'metal box) ; hand barrel sprayer: James- w^ay 500 -chick electric brooder; Jamesway X300 -chick coal brooder; new set tractor chains; new electric fencer: set sloop sleighs; steel box wheelbarrow; number of metal pie troughs; 2 iron kettles ; new 75 -ft. hammer mill telt: number of hay fork rope pulleys; 90 feet of 3,4 -inch rope; buzz saw with :10 -inch blade: rip saw with 12 -inch blade: 100 feet of snow fence; number of cedar posts: block and tackle; grindstone: forge: one-man McCulloch chain saw: Surge milker with two pails and outlet for 20 cows : 6 milk cans 180 Ibs. capacity); large filter strainer; milk pails; 2 lawn mowers; forks, shovels. etc. POULTRY -45 New Hampshire 1 -year-old hens 'laying). GRAIN -10 bushels buck- wheat : quantity mixed grain: quantity Clinton oats. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS-Roi- oleum rug. size 91 x 12s; . metal bed and springs: dresser: wardrobe; kitchen ex- tension table (8 leaves) ; step stool; cop- per boiler; clothes horse; sealers: knitting machine: girl's C.C.M. bicycle; man's C. C.M.' bicycle: other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash RAYMOND NOTT, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer; ^Edwin P. Chesney, Clerk. 4505-2 QLABS FOR SALE -•HARDWOOD, 810 per •load, approximately 2 cords; mix- ed wood. $8 per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDTE. Phone Clinton 1462. 4605x4 USED CAR PARTS FOR FORDS, Chew Plymouths, Detotos, Dodges, Olds and Poetises. Save by buying used wheels, windows. generators, lights. axles for trailers, tires 16-21 inch. Our loca- tion ., saves you money. CUDMORE'S GRAVEL Phone 171 r 3 ,,Exeter. .. r,f' 4505x6 pORL' `ALE-iONGREITE -aRICKS AND ▪ flagstoned; any dolor, now in stock. Modern concrete flagstones provide the convenient, pleasing garden walk. Ensu to lay. No experience needed. Lase; a lifetime. Economical. All kinds of con- erete work, including sidewalks, cement floors and septle tanks, etc. SEA1'O11311 CONCRETE PRODUOrS. Phone 22-M, 8eaforib. 4504-4 IWISH TO AVAIL MYSELF OF' THIS opportunity of expressing my sincer- est thaitks to my many friends and neigh- bors who sent me cards, letters and many other treats; also a special thanks to all those who visited me from a distance while I was a patient in London Hospital. 4505-1 W. E. HAWLEY MRS. CHARLES DEXTER WISHES TO thank her many friends and neigh- bors for cards, treats and flowers receiv- ed; also Constance W.A. for fruit sent. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and Dr. Scratch and the nurses and staff of Strat- ford General Hospital, also to Mr. Whit- ney. 4505-1 MR. HOWARD WRIGHT AND FAMILY Wish to express their sincere thanks. to their many friends, neighbors and rela- tives who remembered them with cards and floral tributes in their time of be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Dun- canson, those contributing special music and singing, and G. A. Whitney and Heath's Funeral Homes. 4505-1 In Memoriam ELGIE-IN LOVING MEMORY OF John T. Elsie who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1963. Many a lonely heartache. Often a silent tear, But always a bedutiful memory, Of a dad whom we loved so dear. -Over remembered by Wife and Daugh- ters. 4505x1 DICE IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear husband and daddy, Arthur W. Dick, who passed away two years ago. May 8, 1952. His memory is a keepsake With which we will never part; Though God has him in His keeping, We still have him in our hearts. -Ever remembered by his Wife and Family, 4505x1 Try Huron Expositor Want Ads. Phone 41, Seaforth. HENSALL Western Qntario Championship Fiddlers' Contest" for the Free Press trophy, Hensall, June .4.— (Advt.). Mr. James Wilkinson and Albert of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen. Mr. W. F. Riley left for Hamil- ton on Sunday, where he has ac cepted a position with Grand Un- ion Oarrdll's Limited. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Redd, Jer- ry and Allan spent Sunday with relatives at Teeswater. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church realized $80 from their rum- mage sale and cafeteria tea on Thursday of last week. A London man escaped injury a mile and a half -north of Hensall Sunday morning when his car left No. 4 Highway and snapped off a hydro pole. He is Donald' R. Dews, London. Damage to the car was $150. Provincial Constaible Cecil Gibbons, Exeter, investigated. Recent visitors with Mrs. A. Blatchford were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, St. 'Marys; Mr. and 11drs. Edwin Halliday and Cathie, Clark - eon, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Brough, Linda, Donnie and baby, Port Cred- it, and Mrs. William Halliday, Lorne Park. Mrs. C. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Irwin, of Scarboro, visited last week with Mr., and ,Mrs. S. Mc- Queen. Mrs. Peter McQueen re- turned to Scarboro with them. Carmel Church Notes At the morning service in Car- mel Presbyterian Church the choir rendered `the anthem, "The End of the Road." Mr. Fox spoke on the theme, "The Recovery of the Fam- ily." The evening service was with drawn.in favor of the induction ser- vice for the Rev. Norman Knox, in Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter. Next Sunday morning a special Mother's Day service is planned for the morning: Members of the Church School will attend and take part, and attendance certificates for the past year will be awarded. TAKE^T{iE JOjL_fs OUT' OF'Gi1RDENiNG -MAKE.IT ON. • A..CCiMPLETE LINE. Johnnie Blue PHONE 646 , . SEAFORT'HI CAR BINGO Sponsored by- Kinsmen Club of Clinton sun IN PRIZES CLINTON Lions Arena Friday, May 14 Commencing at 9:00 P.M. (DST) Look At These Prizes ! • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $25 EACH • TV SET SPECIAL—VALUED AT $350.00 • TWO SPECIAL GAMES FOR $100.00 EACH Special Car Bingo VALUED AT $2,500 ADMISSION: 15 Regular Games: $1.00 Special Games: 25c per Card Car Bingo: $1.00 per Card The Senior Sunday School will meet as usual at 10 a.m., and the junior congregation will remain up- stairs for the service, The Sacra- ment of Baptism is to be adminis- tered at the morning service. ' Mrs. B. Stoneman and Mrs. Boyce were in charge of a special program during the Sunday School period in "Chiselhurst Church last Sunday. Following the hymn, "Jesus a Little Child Began," Lavern Hamilton read the scripture lesson; the Lord's Prayer was re- peated, and Wayne Coleman and Douglas Eyre each quoted a Mis- sion Band verse. Mrs. Stoneman told a short story, "When Love Does the Packing," written by William Scott, a missionary in Korea. The hymn, "Stand Up For Jesus," was sung, and a film fol- lowed, a continuation of the Life of Moses, as shown by Rev. W,. L Rogers. Mrs. Boyce presented the script. The closing hymn was "Nearer My God To Thee." Mr. Rogers pronounced the benediction. 'The I.O.O.F., Huron District No. 8, are invited to attend divine wor- ship in Carmel Church Sunday. Members of Rebekah Lodge will al- so attend. Mrs. James W. Bonthron, who has been wintering in Florida; has u let rued home. Dr. Harold Smythe and his bride, of Nelson, B.C., flew east by plane this week to spend their honey- moon with the former's aunt, M'rs. C. Cook. Dr. Smythe, who was born in Hensall, graduated in Ed- monton, Alta, and interned in Vic- toria Hospital, London. His par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. F. Smythe, of Nelson, B.C. They left Wednes- day by motor on the return trip. Mr. G. W. Patrick Elliott, who has been holidaying with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. El- liott, has returned to Dorval and Montreal During the Sunday school service at the United Church last Sunday morning, Mr. Jack Tudor, who has been assistant superintendent for the past three years, was presented with a Hymnary. Rev. W, J. Rog- ers expressed appreciation to Mr. Tudor for his valued services to the Sunday school. KIPPEN The tkowers in the church on Sun- day were placed there by the Jar' rott family. Mr. and Mr -s. Stewart Cudmol e and Lorne, of London, were Sun- day unday visitors of the former's par- ents, arents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more. �. ' Mire. McClemont has returned home after, spending two weeks with cher daughter, 'Mrs: Alice Cook, of London. Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and family, of Goderioh, visited Sun- day unday with Mr. and Mrs. John Sin- clair. Mr. and Mrs. Meer Mousseau spent Monday in (London. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle includ- ed: 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray, Gordon, Jean and David, all of Crandall; Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Mur- ray, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, of Listowel. Mr. Robert Thomeou spent Mon- day onday do London with his daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. .S'token. Mr. Royal McClymont, of Belle River, visfted a few days this week with Mrs. McClymoat. We are pleased to report Miss Margaret Sinclair is able to be out again after her regent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison of St. Thomas, visited over the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mollis. Mr. a>sd Mrs. Norman Long, ac- companied by Mrs. McLeod and Bud, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and M'rs. Wyman Sparling, of London. Special Mother's Day service will be held at Sit. Andrew's United Church next Sunday. The follow- ing Sunday, May 16, the Y.P.U. will hold their annual spring nnivers- ary. The guest speaker "at the Births HODGERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil lied - Bert, R .4 Seaforth a daughter. STAPLES—At Soott Memorial Hospital, on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Staples. Blyth, a daughter. WAY—At Scott Meanorial Hospital, on April 80, to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Way, B.R. 2, Walton, a daughter. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE This "Voice" recently told an interesting and startling per- centage story about increasing drinking and crime in Canada. Here follow other percentages," just -a few, but they tell a story, of an increasing realiza- tion i!1 Ontario, at least, of the need' for action. in 1933 there were 26 local option votes held. A "No" vote was recorded in 21, or 80% of these. The a.ctual percentage of people voting against additional outlets for legal sale was 53. In votes on cocktail bars during the period 194'7.1953, 33 out of 60, or 55% were "No" votes. These votes, a practical test of temperance sentiment in Ontario, are en- couraging, especially when it is recalled that the Trade 'brings on votes only where , they feel confident of success. At the same time it should be noted . that our Temperance forces, Dominion, Provincial and County, are alive as per- haps never before, to the situ- ation.. The people of the Churches especially, are co- operating in greater numbers than ever. Herein lies the main hope for success in the crusade against 'the liquor evil. (Advt.). IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING BUILDING OR REMODELLING — CONSULT US ! • We will be pleased to give you an "estimate on all your building problems. And, of course, there is no obligation. Loans can be arranged to suit your budget Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 • Seaforth C. M. (Smitty) Smith, Manager ort Cash Bingo ST. COLUMBAN HALL " Share the Wealth " FRIDAY, MAY 21st 8:45 p.m. ADMISSION — 50 CENTS Immedia service" IN YOUR LOCALITY 'EOR Estate Planning and wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2%qo on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention aril RAYE B. PATERSON Trust (Veer Henan, Ontario, PLotse 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MON INAL OTTAWA • cane roe IQ&CAL& Vit • 60DSURY SAUULT n78 KARIM CALGARY • VANCOUVER� morning servlee at 11 SM. 'Wil be Rev, H. I. Livingstone, of "Win- throp; evening service at 7:30 p.m., Rev. Larry Mould, R.C.A.F. Padre of Centralia. Special musks will be rendered by the choir. Mr. Rinn, Howard and Bill, of St. Marys, also 'Mjes (Lorraine Walkom visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor and Sons. Rev. Norman McLeod preached on Sunday afternoon at Ebenezer United Church. "Wins your husband insured?" "No, he was a total loss." NOTICIE Anyone interested in purchasing New Homes, with Low Down Payments — See — , W. C. OKE CHICKS "STARTED PULLETS" CHICKS AVAILABLE AT ANY AGE Some now on range. Free delivery on any number. Call and ask about them. We also have Capone. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT SUSSEX - RED RED X SUSSEX RED X ROCK WM. HENDERSON "Started Chicks" Phone 683-J — Seaforth, Ontario CHICKS "STARTED CAPONS" . CHICKS MI(i( LE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall GROW PULLETS BIG AND STRONG Many a Clock, off to an ex- cellent start, fails to hold that advantage through the grow- ing period. Sometimes that's because the owner is so busy with other work that he neg- lects eglects his growing pullets sometimes because, with ev- erything going out and nothing coming in, he cheapens the quality of growing ration or cuts down the quantity; some- times because he is impressed by the theory that they should! be "lied back." Purina Research shows that birds must be fed ADEQUATE- LY to grow chem to good body size. The real egg money, nowadays. is madeeby hitting the top -price top -premium Sum- mer and Fall markets, with Big eggs. and plenty of them. And to get early, heavy, solid- ly grown. fully developed birds. You can economize on your growing costs by "making full use of short, tender, green pas- ture; but en.,the best of range it still pays to feed a well-bal- anced growing ration. • Farmers. our up-to-date plant can mix yeti a properly b a1enc - ed Growing ration with Purina Chowder Concentrate. If you have plenty of grain, 'let us make you a growing ration. If you are shortof grain, we can supply you with our precision made Purina Chowmix Growing Ration, EGGS . , . Rrices have reached bottom with only slight further weakness in scattered areas. Upturn in prices will be delayed until July this year. Doane TRICKS TO ALL TRADES The Purina dairy calf plan • Phone 103 draws a laugh from people who've never tried it 'because it says: ". . .. on the 4th days teach calf to eat Calf Startena." They say it's such a chose.\to teach a baby calf to east Actually it's easy. Try it this way and see if It doesn't work: After eaif has finished her Nursing Chow, let her suck a little Calf Startena, off your fingers. Then put the bucket next to an open feed troughs and sprinkle a little Calf Startena in it and in the trough. Usually after two or three tries, she'll get the idea and start nibbling from the trough. HEALTH 'HINT One way to cut down on calf losses is to cut down en germs. We have a wonderful disinr fectant that you can use to clean up the calving stall, the calf pen, and the old cow her- self. You wouldn't thunk of rais- ing a baby in dirty. surround Ings, so why try to raise calves that way. Get some Purina Disinfectant. Remember, ,,.Poultrymen, if your blydn are picking and feather -pulling, put a stoptoit1 We are happy to ibe able to help our customer's by debeak- ing their chickens. We are looking forward to that visit from you. If ?,here is any way we can help with your livestock or poultry feeds ing or management problems, remember;: we are here to serve you. Geo. T. Mickle At Sons HENSALL, ONT. LTD. PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1953 BF.LAIRE CHEV. 4 -DOOR 1946 PONTiAS SEDAN 1953 CHF/V. STANDARD SEDAN 1940 CHEV. SEDAN 195E CHEM. STYLELINE SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 195E PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH 19511 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. TON PIoEJuP - 1950 DODGE CUE/POM SEDAN 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHEV. STATION WAGON 1950 CHEV. DE LURE COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN A written guarantee for 60 days en all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCKS 1946 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE TRIM 1 ARMY TUCK 1942 DODGE 1'FO'N TRUCE{ SPECIAL -1952 CIHEV. SEDAN—SIMSIM SPECIAL—New No. 20 Cockohutt Tractor BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS '— ONTARIO PHONE 73-X—"The 'Home of Better Used CaW' OPEN EVERY EVENIHa