HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-30, Page 5re i a • ) L t A •, :Phone 43 Funeral and Ambulances Service Seaforth i; nail) APRILrfp�aur�.ut APRIL 30, 1954 vrnn CA:�'�g7Wri epa Town of Seaforth TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1954 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4% per annum, up to August 31, 1954, on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON - Treasurer Ft CLEANUP AND SAVE SALVAGE DRIVE WEDNESDAY MAY 19th Paper Rags -- AUSPICES -- Seaforth Lions Club liiesfiAJ9�n5 Sdiool J f. c!'4 3. lit4'1 THE ON EOS''1'OR This Week At the Seaforth High School BY ,KDN LARONE On making a quick trip to the of- fice one day this. week, I came face to face with a full-sized moose. No, it was no get-up for Variety Night. Taking a second look, it soon became apparent that the towering beast was the work of some clever artists. , Just after Christmas the Stu- dents' Council purchased several oil painting sets for some of the school's potential artists. The sets contained a canvas that looked very much like a jig -saw with spe- cific numbers on it. These num- bers correspond with the color of paints to be used. As each space was blotched, the picture became a reality. In•doing this, the Council mem- bers thought there would be a great deal more satisfaction gain- ed from these than going out and buying ordinary secondary copies. Elaine Dale and Marie Hunt are the two young ladies who can be given the credit for such a fine job on the moose. Several other groups are putting the final dabs to their masterpieces. It has been no secret around the school halls the last few years that we are housing a good artist of our own. 'Neil Broadfoot's free- hand sketches have been gaining the admiration of his classmates for many years. Within the last few weeks his work hasgained higher success. In a contest pro- moted by the Huron County Mus- eum for a new cover for their book containing the history of these parts, Neil walked off with second prize honors and $25 to the good. First, second and third prize pic- tures are to appear on the cover of this edition. When you make your next trip to the Museum, look for a little of the Seaforth touch. Our school's Red. Cross president, Bill Brock, is again catching the limelight. After having such a suc- cessful trip representing the Jun- ior Red Cross of Canada last' year at the Coronation, Bill is starting to get the bags packed again. This time he isn't, going quite so far, Montreal being the destination. On the weekend of May 14, Bill will journey to Canada's largest city, where he will address a large meet- ing of the Red Cross, His main / topic will be the Coronation and Plumbing & Heating Now is the time to put in that Bath you were thinking about last Summer! —AND REMEMBER, THAT FURNACE THAT ACTED UP ALL WINTER? REPLACE IT ! COME IN AND SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATES No Obiigaton We also have a Budget Payment Plan that will help you cover payment of anything from a Pump to a full Bath and Furnace. DON'T DELAY! SEE US TODAY! 1 • . See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE Witli State Farm Mutual R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth Lawns Rolled POWERby ROLLER Place your order as early as possible with B. F. CHRISTIE Phone 58 or ROBERT McFADZEAN NOTE,—Kindly pay Mr. Mc- Fadzean on completion of each rolling. SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB NO OUST DAG 10 EMPTY <•f course) Exclusive A#aeh'OEMatie EASY ACTION SWIVEt•TaP Cleans all oast from I Position? CLE NE regardless of its age o condition ..in trode Mafia with EASY ACTION SWIVEL -TOP Special 1 Week Trade-in Sale JUST LOOK T YOU GET DURING OUR 8%9 TRADE 44, IN ��G., 1/1 yon Roto - see It Roto -Matic //� n'C9atnes. Cdve,,,�d in / /r e. ct on,swivePer rugs Ir offers, top, the $J0 o rCmplefen great `r savings.chance to o Cols. e with deluxe clip -on cleaning R•pulor1Y "Stowaway" ler $99.95 Beautiful salts sock and S.combination TV -Bench No. Matic, all tools. 9e Chest holds Rota, Regularly sells for TOTAr`VALUE, $24.95 less !RAOE.IN foe roue oro Cf i124.90 CLEANER $25. O 1 Yelled 4" 0.64 l99 MINN 90 See Oomonstrution at Our Stoic AT -ONCE. or 'PHONE 43 for 10 -Day Home Trial! BOX FURNITURE how he saw England. and Scotland. Friday comes the big night' Sharp at 8:16 p.m., the curtains roll back. Seaforth High's theatrical presen- tation of the year, Variety Night, is two hoursfull of the school's hest entertainment. The night's program will be found very enter- taining for those from eight to 80. Do you remember the gay 90's? Not likely you will want to say 'yea', but nevertheless it won't take long to turn back the hands of time, when the colorful garbed lad- ies strut off to the "Dark Town Strutters' Ball." Ever see --a human pyramid? Three men and a limp? A football player who Charlestons his way past the opposition? This is touching the program very sketchily. Seeing is the most impressive story. Oh, it is run- ning Saturday night also. Sport Shorts (By KEN LARONE) It took the little fellows to do the big job. Whether you realize it or not, some of the 11 -year-old cow- boys who have been tottin' those heavy shootin- irons around town, are real hockey champions. The Seaforth Pee-Wees took the Young Canada "B' series trophy last Mrs - day afternoon when they upset Temiskaming 5-1. Luck changed, however, on But- urday when they fought an all-out battle with Mildmay, to gain the right to meet Goderich for the Young Canada Championship. The village kids packed a powerhouse club and were able to edge the Seaforth opposition, 6-4. The work to promote these young Seaforth enthusiasts hasfallen al- most entirely into the hands Of three gentlemen: coach Archie Hub- bert, managers Harvey Mason and Carni Rowcliffe. .Although support- ed ,by the Legion, it has been the steady work of this threesome that shows successful results. The boys of 11 are now entitled to new crests and guests of the Seaforth Athletic Society at their hockey banquet. Just a point of in- terest for the TV viewers: portions of the games played at Goderioh last Saturday are to be shown ov- er London this Saturday night. It is quite likely that May 12 will be the night for the Seaforth Ath- letic Society's big hockey night. This date is not definite, but ap- pears to be the most suitable at present. By the sound of previous com- ments on this subject, it was thought by some followers that this dinner banquet was for the Baldwins only. This is only par- t.iaily true. I is for all four of Seaforth's ey teams—Baldwins, Midgets, Bantams and the Pee - Wee champions. FOR SALE 1,000 SHRUBS and TREES • JUNIPERS • CEDARS • JAPANESE YEW • MUGHO • PINE • SPIREA • FORSYTHIA • JAPANESE RED MAPLE • CUT LEAF WEEPING BIRCH • DELPHENIA All at Half Price 'JOINT MISSIONARY MEETING A joint meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Oburch was held on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Keith Sharp, presi- dent of the Auxiliary, occupied the chair and read for her introduction of the program, a poem entitled, "Take Time." Mrs. Andrews act- ed as secretary during the meet- ing owing to the resignation of Miss Pearl Patterson, now Mrs. R. K. McFarlane, of Winthrop, who for a number of years held the office. Mrs. Scott Habkirk, of the Aux- iliary, read the scripture lesson and Mrs. John Thompson, of the senior society, led in prayer. Mrs. Betty Simpson delighted the audience with her vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs, M. R. Rennie. Mrs. Wm. J. Thompson, of the McKillop branch 'of the Missionary Society, who attended the Synodical meet- ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety, held recently in Owen Sound, gave a most interesting report of that meeting, Mrs. Thompson al- ways delights her audience as she tells of the meeting place, the peo- ple she meets and those who take part in the program, the interest- ing and educational value of the addresses as they tell of the work and success of the missionaries in the various fields of the church work. Mrs. Thompson spoke es- pecially of the address given Ity Miss Kennedy of the Bhil field, n India, who is at present home on furlough. Miss Kennedy by her personality, zeal and success in her work, is giving a wonderful mes- sage to the people at home. Miss S. 1. McLean expressed the thanks of the audience to Mrs. Thompson for they report. Mrs. H. Stewart and Mrs. J. E. Daley re- ceived the offering, and the meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer. DR. E. A. McMASTER SEAFORTH, ONT. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rae and family, Stratford, visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, of Blyth, called on friends here. Miss Brenda Housting, Cran- broow, visited with Mrs. Ethel Hackwell. Mr. Charles Shannon has return- ed to his home in Toronto after visiting friends here. Miss Barbara Patterson has re- turned home after visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Murray and family, Grey Township, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. BRODHAGEN tl Logan Council tS lit it Logan Council, having completed the inspection of roads, met: Thule - day evening to discuss their 1954 program, with all members present except councillor Rock, who was unavoidably absent. A petition for a municipal drain, signed by the majority of the ratepayers on the open drain opposite Lots 12, 13 and 14, ,Concessions 2 and 3, was re- ceived, and James A. Howes, O.iL.S, is to 'be notified to examine same and report to Council. By-law No. 8, the North West Municipal Drain; was given its third reading and finally passed: TheReeve and Clerk were author- ized to execute a petition to the Minister' of Public Works for aid on, the. Rhode, Bushfield and Du - brick drains. Personals: Mrs, Minnie Elligsen. Mitchell, with Mrs. Annie Elligsen; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Messer- schanidt and Arlene, and Mrs. Litz- ner, Detroit, with Mrs. Henry Kief- er, Sr., and other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob and Helen, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt; Mrs. Toledo Beuer- mann, Rudolph, Joanne and Mayda Beuermann, Arlene Diegel, Mrs. Almira Chambers, Raymond Cham- bers. Mrs. Rosena Miller and' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Chambers, Preston; Miss Helen Goehz, Kitchener, with her sister. Mrs, Walter Becker and Rev, Mr. Becker; Mrs, Alvin Pryce. Roger and Peggy, of Kitchener, with Mrs. Edith Beuermann, Mrs. Beuermann returned with them on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser and Patricia at Guelph with'Mr. and Mrs. Don Bar- bour. Susan Querengesser return- ing home with them atter spend- ing a few days there; Miss Mar- jorie Hodgert, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert: Mr. and Mrs. Albert • Smith, Arthur and Sandra, of Simcoe, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. L. Bennewies in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth; Mrs. Mary Dittmar returned to the home of her brother, John Preuter, after a week with Mr. and Mrs. Vin, Ditt- mer. Wingham; Rev. Walter Dono- van, Kenora, and Miss- Patricia Bell, Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Leonharllt. Mitchell. with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligsen; Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz in Fort Erie; Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe, Lorne and Don with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Seebach's Hill; Jimmy Ar- buckle in Toronto with friends.' Canada's play shoe Sisman Scampers Also Thoro - Biles - Sismans' WOoRK BOOTS 'FOR FARM AND FACTORY— Smith's Smith's Shoe Store Seaforth CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and family and with Mrs. H. Moore at Lindsay. Miss Dianne Houghton spent her Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg in Exeter. Mrs. F, Glossop and daughter, Bette, spent a few days last week at Port Albert, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster. Mrs. Margaret 'Puffin is spending a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig. Mrs. M. Houghton, accompanied by Gordon Houghton and Shirley Gale, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken •Ralph at Mite hell; Mr, and Mrs. Duncanson and Marguerite were in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and son, Rob- bie, of Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, F. Glos- sop, Mrs, Ross is a sister of Mr. Glossop and Mr„ Ross is a mem- ber of the C.B.C. ZION The Women's Association held a quilting in the church basement last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Murdie, Mr. and Mrs,, George Rome, Wood- stock; Mr. and Mrs. George Pep- per, Mr, Clarence Cully, Mrs. Geo. Graffham and Mrs. Will Murdie, of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mrs. James Malcolm. Mrs. Murdie staydng over for a week's visit. Mrs. Albert Roney is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Tubb, and Mr. Tubb. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Bruce, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper visit- ed with her uncle, Mr. Bill Wright, who is very 111. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb and Miss Patsy Thorne visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Phone 97 USED GRAIN DRILL Massey -Harris Fertiliz- er 11 -Run Disc Drill WITH ' GRASS SEED BOX, MARKERS, FOOTBOARD In Perfect Condition $65,00 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth Clearance e MISSES' AND V1O11M EW$ FUd.L. LENGTH S C RIN ATS 39.50. to 55.00 29.95 & 39.95 Every coat left from oar Spring range of full [engin styles goes into this tog Discount Sale. You can save up to 15.05 on tots style all -wool coats nowt Naturally the range its limited, but there's still a big choice in every size from 12 to 261/2. Choose from navy, roy- al, powder, wine, rust, copper, beige, grey and, black, in either full back or fitted styles. CHOOSE YOUR COAT NOW ! REGULAR 39.50 to 42.50 ......SALE REGULAR 49.50 to 55.00 _ ......SALE Children's SPRING COATS 29.95 39.95 REDUCED 20% Stewart Bros. SATURDAY STORE HOURS -9 a.m. to 10 pate. Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 • Buy With Confidence SMOKED PICNIC HAMS CLARK'S VEGETABLE SOUP -10 oz. ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIX—(Golden & White) With Coupon worth 20c on purchatie of 1 ib. of Coffee WESTON'S FANCY MALLOWS—(Lernon, Orange, Apple). Cello—Package HEINZ KETCHUP -15 oz. 55c lb. 3/29c 2/59e 2SSO TIP-TOP PEAOHES-20 oz. FOOD SAVER WAX PAPER—Per roll 92* MORNING GLORY COFFEE -1 Ib. 1.10 We Have a Full Line of Greb Work Boots, Miner Rubber Boot, SPECIAL Work Shirts and Pants, all lines 20% Discount Clair Haney - Egmondvillc Phone Phone 72 Free Delivery Free Delivery ;n. fALIJWELIUTOIITELS Reg. value $3.98 FOR ONLY Here's a very special offer! One embroidered initial free on each towel of this particular set of super -soft, extra -absorbent towels in Simplicity design. This is one of CALDWELL's famous VELVA-SORB lines. The Meistergram lock stitch monograms will last the life of rhe towels, vSee them in our linen department—then choose the number of sets you require. But be sure to get your order in early; time's limited on this exciting offer! •504.0- 3 -Piece Set Bath Towel Hand Towel Face Cloth ONE WEEK DELIVERY TIME STEWART CROS.