HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-30, Page 4t'Classified Ads Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST -AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 3 Cent 8rd Week jt Cent Minimum charge. each insertion,-- 85 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Oak of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. .. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten centa additional will be charged if ada in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion - Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Saha, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. • Motor Cars For Sale Coming Events AN INVITATION IS SENT TO ALL TO come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Clarence Petrie eand the Night Hawk - RECEPTION FOR MR. AND MRS. John Boyes -nee Donna Sturgeunt, Seaforth Community Centre, Wednesday. e, May 12. George Smith orchestra. E: env- j., oR SALE DOH%RTY body welcome. 4:04x1 1 PHONE 11, in evenings. Tenders Wanted FOR SALE TNNDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP still 7 o'clock, May 12. 1964, for a store in Wroxeter approximately 32 feet by 22 feet. on stone foundation; shingle roof, good; basement; cistern. Three liv- ing rooms above store. House at bask. approximately 22 feet by 32 feet. kitchen 12 feet by 12 •feet ; shingle roof ; cistern. Building is in good state of repair. Lot is on Main St., approximately 45 feet by 100 feet. There is a frame garage ap- pttoxitnately 11 feet be 18 feet, with alum- inum roof. Said proppeerty may be seen at any time -night or Bast - Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Possession may be had at once. GEORGE A. MACHAN, Wroxeter P.O., Ont. 4504x2 Cards of Thanks UR SALE -1534 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, tit passenger; lately overhauled. Ap- MRS. ALEX McGREGOR WISHES TO ply F. A. WOOD. Hensall- Phone as. thank her many friends and neigh - 4504.2 bors for cards and treats, also Kippen W. 1. for fruit sent while she was sick. Many thanks to Drs. Me]laster, Brady and Elliott, special nurses and staff. while a For Sale patient in Clinton Public Hospital, 4504x1 THERE WILL BE A MEETING 0I' ALL lady and then directors and s.hool teachers of McKillop School Fair. at No. 6 School, on Thursday night. May' 6th. FOSTER FOWLER, Secretary-Treasurer. 4504 71 Lost and Found LOST -1'4, MILES NORTH OF HEN- sall, April 15, truck tarpaulin, nearly new : party driving a 19;3 two -toned blue Dodge picking it up. Please contact .W. J. F. BELL, Kippen R.R, 2. Phone 691 r 12, Hensall- 4504-1 Help Wanted GOOD SINGLE, MEDItrM AGED FARM heleer wanted by year: one well schooled with Ontario mixed farming methods. Must be steady. temperate. clean in habits and make his home with us. Apply to JONATHAN HUGILT.. Phone 616 r 13. Clinton.. 4504-2 Opportunities PIANO. 4504-1 FOR SALE -IS -FOOT HOUSE TRAIL - sr: modern; fully equipped. PHONE 1691-W, Seaforth, 4504441 'R SALE-+RENFREW ALL -ELECTRIC cream separator; used for 3,_ years. Apply to ROSS McNICHOL, R.R. 3, Kip - pen. 4504x1 FOR SALE -M. -H. 13 -DISC FERTILIZ- er drill. late model, in good condition. Apply JAMES O'SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4, Dublin. 4504x1 FOR SALE -EVERGREEN AND PER- ennial plants. Now is the time to plant.. Phone 27. DR. E. A. McMAS- TER. _ ' 4103-2 FOR SALE -1 GOOD OUTSIDE TOIL - et ; 1 chemical toilet : 1 roll of snow fence and iron posts. PHONE 29. 4503x2 .FOR SALE -PRESSURE WATER PUMP and tank. complete. in excellent con- dition. FRED BONTIIRON. Hensall. 4503x2 BECOME A BOOKKEEPER. STEN- ographer, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars. write CAN- ADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. 4503x2• Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES '(RUBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-76, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE -USED Fords. 1929-1910 Plymouths, DeSotos. Pontiacs. etc.' Our money. CUL/MORE' 171 r 3. Exeter. CAR PARTS FOR Chevs. 1932-1941: Dodges. Olds and location saves you S GRAVEL. Phone 4499-6 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Hensall News of the Week Western Ontario Championship Fiddlers' Contest for the Free Press trophy, Hensall, June 4.- (Advt.). Rev. and Mrs. Alex Rapson, of Sarnia, visited -with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock' on Thursday last. Pte. Tom Peters, who has been stationed at. Calgary, Alta., arriv- DANCE Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, MAY 7th Dancing 10 - 1 WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 58c Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society FOR SALE -CONCRETE BLOCKS AND I flagstones : an. color. now in stock. Modern concrete flagstones provide the, convenient. pleasing garden walk. Easy'' 10 lay. No experience needed. Lasts a lifetime. Economical. All kinds of con- crete work. including sidewalks cement floors. etc. SEAFORTH CONCRETE' FRODUCTS. Phone 222-3L Seaforth. 4504-4 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge- For prompt and efficient service. phone 'STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Farms For Sale ACRE FARM, SITUA18.11 SIX 1 miles from Seaforth; frame house. bank barn, hydro: 30 acres plow- ed, rest in hav and pasture. Fifty acres may be purchased separate. Immediate possession. Apply HAROLD JACKSON. Seaforth. 4504-1 Agents Wanted DEALERS —• GOOD VACANT TERRI- tories in your neighbourhood. You can establish your own business in selling our 225 guaranteed Products liked by public. such as: Toiletries. Cu line ries, Medicines, Domestic Necessities, Tea, Col-,' fee, etc. 518 needed. Advantageous ,com- mission. Free Specials each month. If you are ambitious, you can realize from $50 to $75 per week. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal 4903-4 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS articles on Saturday. May 8th, at 3:00 p.m., at St. Thomas' Parish Hall. Sea - forth. Articles will include: Electric heater. A-1: electric motor, 25 cycle; book shelves; sewing stand; high chair; small crib: bed springs; brass fire irons: fire net: chair: iron; set venetian blinds; 2 blankets. new; morns chair; spring mat- tress; bed springs, all steel; end table: goldfish bowl: flower pots; small cook stove and pipes; small bathroom mirror; dresser and washstand; used tire; baby carriage: large crib: dishes: 15 lengths 7- ! inch stove pipes and 5 elbows ; small coal 1 oil brooder : 2 pipe hole stoppers : 6 tin pie plates: electric light fixture: glass 'shade for light bulb; back for stove; lamp stand: flower stand; Dodge radiator .cov- er; medicine cabinet; rocking chair: foot- ( stool ; lamp shade: towel rack : book ends: set coasters: toaster ; strainer : lawn 'mower: small oak table: table lamp: lamp shades: ottoman': 2 -burner coal oil stove: 'screen door sun blind; potato chit, ma- - chine: lawn mower: stair tread. More complete list will appear next week. • HAHOLD JACKSON. Auctioneer. 4504-1 Wanted WANTED–A REED ORGAN WITH AT least 17 stops. PHONE 334, Sea - forth. 4303-2 WANTED - MEDIUM SIZED . BABY crib. in good condition. Phone 691-W, Seaforth. 4.501x1 WAN140 TO BUY - SECOND-HAND stove annex. Apply NORMAN EG- GERT. Phone 81 r 14, Dublin. 4304x1 Notices LAWNS MOWED BY POWER LAWN ' mower. Apply l RAY MIKE N . l,tE Hensall. 1504-2 GRASS FOR CATTLE --ROOM FOR 20 head of cattle: 50 acres: running wa- ter. JOHN ANDERSON. R.R. 2, Hen- , sail. 4504x1 ; l Property For Sale NOTICE - WILL SHARPEN LAWN; , mowers. Will pick up and dell$e7,,,,"F',OR SALE- -d 50 ACRES, 2ry MILES Phone JOHN MacLEAN, 649 r 0. 'Sea- northeast of Dublin : close to church forth. 4501-tf' and school. Gond land with a large barn and double thresh floar. and a tie-up of 22 head of cattle: drilled well: Krick house and hydro. Apply Box 119, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4504x1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects. in the Village of Hensall, on Wednesday, May 5. 1954. 1 p.m. sharp: Buffet: dining room table and 6 chairs: sideboard: 2 electric radios ; rockers : kit- chen table and chairs : china cabinet: citing desk and bookcase: cupboard: small tables : sewing machine; electric washing machine; couch: rollaway bed: beds: mattresses and sprints: dressers: , quilt blankets: pillows :,. mats: curtains linoleum rugs : lamps: electric heattr ; Astral refriweratnr; dishes: Ocx stove: cook stove: hot plate; clock..: pictures: kitchtn utensils: sealers : fruit : quantity 1,f coal and wood: garden tools, and other . article. Also the ;klousehold Effects of the late Fred Srnallacombe: Dresser with mirror: washstands : 2 single beds, springs 'and mattresses: 5 heavy dining room chairs: 4 rocking• chairs: 2 upholstered rhairs: small buffet: chest drawers; has- nrk : 2 small tables : rug : kitchen cab- inet: kitch'n stool: Blond e.xt.'•nsion table and 4 chairs: fernery : fluor mats : lamps; club hay; coal scuttle', aluminum kitchen 'utensils: 3 -piece heavy aluminum cook - 'ware set : sealers ; crocks: cream can: garden tru,ls. lawn mower: ower: etc 'terms--- Cash. MISS Gf..4DYS ^LUKER, Prnprie- tress: P. 1.. McNaughton. Clerk : Ed. Corbett. Auctioneer. 450.1-1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-tf RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADiO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 34'7-R. 4863-tf FIDEJITY LODGE No. 55, meets first and third Wed- nesday eveninga of each month at 8 p.m. Noble Grand, I. Trewartha: Record- ing Secretary, Harry McLeod. 4493-18 NOTICE - ANYONE WISHING TO have grass cut or llavelawns mowed, please contact me. 1 have a power mower for the season. Also he'd and springs for sale. Phone 313-W or calf C. H. ADDT- NOTICE to CREDITORS COTT, Goderich St. East. 4504x1 WANT TO RETIRE? SUITABLE FOR LADY OR COUPLE: brand new cottage in •Mitchell, with one bedroom: large dining room, modern kitchen, 3 -piece modern bathroom. Only hall a block frown butliTess section and church. Fu11 price 54,400.00. -- PHONE MITCHELL, 101 OR WRITE BOX 101 4504-1 Notices To Creditors ATTENTION, FARMERS ! - PROMPT courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animt'hi. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r .11, Seaforth. or 235, Exeter. Aaaociated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - McKiLLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario -Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H, MUNROE, Seaforth. AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please rail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882- locai 252. 4426-01 FREE SERVICE To Farmers WDO111"T WASTE MONEY ON MINER. ed sour land does not need- W6 WM. Alma to y take samples of as earth In your fields and have them CALL pno'th reeds Limited Pews it or sot -Gu,+wlis CO' M;4KJ'tAt. In the Estate of VERNA JEAN GRAVES • ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Verna ,Lean Graves, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. who died on the second day of February, 1054, are heretsS 'notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of May, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this nth day of April, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. FARMERS! Make Your Acres Pay One of your best Cash Crops this year should be White Field Beans. This crop is now supported with a floor price of $4.10 per bushel, with an average price paid this year of $4.25 per bushel. In order to serve you better, we are constructing a 30,000 -bushel addition to our elevator for farmers' storage. Drop in and see us. We have a full selection of commercial and registered bean seed in stock. Cook Bros.. Milling Co. PHONE 24 HENSALL 4:504-2 Births ■ OK Guaranteed 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN Radio, Power Glide — $1,850.00 1951 Chev. -Sedan $1,375.00 1951 Dodge Coupe (radio) 1,375.00 1948 Dodge 5 -Passenger Coupe (radio) 850.00 1946 Chev. Sedan 675.00 1941 Ford Coach 300.00 1940 Ford Coach 240.00 1939 Chev. Sedan—Extra clean 350.00 1937 Plymouth Sedan 225.00 1937 Pontiac Sedan 275.00 1937 Ford 1/'Y -Ton Pickup 150.00 1937 Chev, Sedan—Excellent 225.00 Seaforth Motors Seaforth Phone 541 ed home Saturday, having received his disciharge. Bill Brock, who represented 'the Canadian Junior Red Cross at the Coronation, has -been invited . to speak at the 1954 rally of the Greater Montreal Council, Satur- day, May 15. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Price al lit- tle son, of Hamilton, were Ester guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock were guests last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mt•Elrea, Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs. Hatcher of 1Meaford, who have been wintering in Flori- da; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, of Sarnia. and Mrs. Jarrott and Mrs. Johnston. of Brigden, spent 'rues - day afternoon with Mr. and. Mrs. William Hyde. Rev. W. J. Rogers was in charge of services in the United Church. In the morning he chose the theme, "There is No Other Plan." The choir sang the anthem, "Take Thou My Hand." the alto solo being tak- en by Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Ser- vice next Sunday will be as usual, at 11 o'clock. Chiselhurst at 3 o'clock, Sunday evening, May 16, marks Carmel Church anniversary. May 23 is anniversary day in the Unit ed Church. Mr. William Bell, who is in his 90th year and is not enjoying the best of he ilth, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde. 1 District Obituaries MRS. ISAAC JARROTT KIPPEN.-lKip'pen has lost one of its most 'highly respected citi- zens in the person of Mrs. 'Isaac Jarrott, the former Catherine Mc- Donald, o-Donald, who passed away Satur- day evening at her home on the London Road. Sate was born in Stanley Township 85 years ago, and had lived in this district all her life. Her husband, Isaac Jarrott, died 15 years ago. She was one of the oldest members of St. An- drew's United Church, and a life member of the W.M.B., having been active all through her life in church work. Leftto mourn her loss are two sons, Dr. James T. Jarrott, Lon- don; Dr. Gilbert C. Jarrott, Strat- ford, and one daughter, Miss Etta Jarrett, of Toronto, and two grand- children - The body rested at the family residence until Tuesday at 2 p.m:, where private funeral services were conducted by Rev. Norman McLeod, assisted by Rev. Mr. Con- nor, of London. Interment was in Baird's Cemetery, Brucefield. ORTHSIDE W.M:S. MEETS Th regular meeting of the Sen- ior Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Northside United Church, was held in the schoolroom on Tuesday eve- ning. Mrs. J. M. Scott opened the meeting by reading a poem, "Be Kind." A hymn was sung and Mrs. Aikenheud led in prayer. The presi- dent. Mrs. P. 13. Moffat. took the chair for th'e business session when the various secretaries and treasur- er gave their reports. It was decid- ed to collect clothing for another bale for Korea, same to be brought in at. or before, the June meeting. Plans were made for the usual spe- cial meeting in June. Mrs. L. Law- son, delegate to the morning ses- sion of the Presbyterial, gave a very comprehensive report, also some of the highlights of the ad- dress of Miss Young, guest speak- er. at the afternoon session. Mrs. H. Snell. captain of Group No. 4, led in the study period. After sing- ing a hymn, Mrs. C. Walden led in prayer and Mrs. W. Dundas read the scripture. Mrs. J. A. Stewart favored the audience with a beau- tiful solo, "The Garden of Prayer." Miss McIntyre reviewed a chapter of the study book, comparing the spread of religion in some of the islands of the East to the chain re- action set up by the explosion of a bomb. The meeting' closed with a hymn and a prayer of benediction. ALEXANDER -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Rose Alexander, R.R. 3, Seaforth, a son. COL MAsN-At Scott Metnorial Hospital. on April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Prangs Coleman, .5L . 1, Sca•torth, a daughter. PA -1(11B --,At Scott Memorial ,Hospital, on April 128, to Mr, and Mrs. Wayne. Payne, Bayfield, a daughter. TitillaMSONwe ll ora In C Upton PAM Moro iell A1Y` ;141 21,1954„ to Mr, and 'Mrn> Bet Thorn tett, TC'ioven, a death. tern A Motet for 3obn. WOOD'S Model F 165 — Canada's Only Combination Freezer and Frig 12 cubic feet of sub -zero storage space with no special freez- ing compartment. necessary; h.as 4 cubic feet- of frig. Stores all your meat at home. You oan have fresh, fruit and vege- tables the year around. REASONABLY PRICED" Let your Local Agent show you how easy it is to own one. Contact V. J. LANE 4 Seaforth R.R. 5 Phone ' 46-12, Dublin KIPPEN visited, over the Easter holiddys• with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Dietz. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jno. Riley is confined to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. May she soon re- gain her strength. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl, Listowel, visited Sunday with Mr- and Mrs, Norman Dickert and Merle, The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. Rev. and Mrs. Alex Rapson, .of Sarnia, were visitors on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock. Mr. Harry Jacobi, of O.A.C., of Guelph, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jac- obi. Mr. and Ml's. Fred Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock and David visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John McElrea, of Kirkton. The Misses Norma and Joanne Young returned home Sunday after spending a few days in London with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young, of London. spent the weekend' with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Young. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mr:. Raymond Forbes and family, who have moved to St, Joachim, Essex County. Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet have returned home from Grand Rapids, Mich., where they spent the winter with the former's son, Mr. John Doig. . K Mrs. Munroe, of Fox Point, Lake - of -Bays. returned td her home ac- companied by her son and daugh- ter-in-law. M'r'. and Mrs. Tom Mun- roe. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson. Mrs. Gibson, Sr., and Mr. Tom Burke, of Wroxeter, visited Saturday after- noon with Mrs. Gibson's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Mellis. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson on the arrival of a baby girl, born at Clin- ton Hospital. Mrs. Alex McGregor returned to her home Sunday from Clinton Hospital, where she underwent an operation. Mr. Hugh McGregor, of Detroit, MODERNIZE YOUR COAL OR WOOD RANGE WITH THE NEW Oil Burning Superflame Pot -Type Range Burner $54.00, Pts\ Installation — No Wicks —• No Rings — No Noise — No Cleaning — No Eleotricky SEE THE West Bend Rotary Mower 18" — $85,00 Ahiminurti cast; easy to shove; makes cutting grass a pleasure ST'AF'FEN'S PLUM. ING and HEATING Phbfe. 49 �. Seaforth colas e.1.• - LUNDELL FARM E Q UIPMENT We are agents for LUNDELL Farm Machinery FORAGE HARVESTERS will pick up hay in swath, straw, or cut standing grass with no changing of machine. For further information contact FABER BROS. Kipper, Ont. There's no finer gift than a fine watch. and no finer watch value than H.CO. The graceful model illus- trated has a 14K. solid go,d case, and precision 17 jewel Swiss Movement t,49.50 - in handsome gift case, gats- OTHER SMART STYLES from $29.75 up Savauge's APRIL 80, 1954 CONTRACT BARLEY We are now taking contracts for 1954 CONTRACT EARLY Acreage has been greatly reduced COOK BROS. MILLING CO. Phone 24 Hensall, Ont. Expositor Want Ads Bring ,Results — Phone 41 Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH NocxxxicseixocoNowiorm MICKLE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall A BUILDING SHOULD BE "FARMED" THE SAME AS A FIELD If Grandfather returned today to take charge of, his old farm, how surprised he would be 'by the changes in machinery and. methods IN THE FIELDS. Machines and applications of power never seen in this farm- ing days would make him change most of his ways doing field work. But the chances are that he' would feel quite at home in the barn. He would find a few changes there, but not many; and it's more than likely that he would pick up right where he left off, doing most of the same old chores in the same Old way. HANDLING MORE in less time with less labor has been the constant (and profitable) a.irn in the fields. More and more farmers are coming to the eta,nclusion that if they are to realize real returns from their • buildings t h e y must "farm" them with the same aim -producing. more market vol- ume in less time with less labor. This takes thinking and planning . . . 'but it may prove the path.to profit. • One of the worst problems' we find in poultry house's. we've visited lately is poor ventila- tion and damp litter. Those houses have been kept closed up so tight there's no way for the damp air to get out. Re- member that hens can stand a lot of cold as long as it's still dry cold -not damp or drafty. Keep windows open a little at the top and make some sort of vent openings at the high- est point in the roof. That warm damp air has to get out before it cools, condenses and begins to drip. ,r Phone 103 Park Disease Germs 'Outside. Cleaning and disinfecting brooder houses and farrowing pens is not enough. Disease germs "hitchhiking" on shoes must be stopped, too. A gun- ny -sack pad soaked with Purina Disinfectant and 'placed at doorways makes a safe "park- ing place for dangerous germs, I just saw a report on Piga being raised at the Purina Re- search Farm, Sows there have been weaning an average of 9.17 pigs per litter (twice a year) right along. That means Purina sows are weaning al- most 3 extra pigs per litter, above the average. They explain it this way: its poorly fed sows, enl'bryO pigs are resorbed, so fewer pigs are farrowed. Then many pig" alive at birth, are so small and Weak they cannot survives That's why the general wean- ing average is so low. We know a lot of local sows, conditioned on Sow and Fig Chow, are weaning big Iitters. too. Ever figure up what three extra "pigs marketed per litter would do to your profits? NOTE: Many farmers have asked ne about the costs on our Cain Club calves. Are they retail or wholesale prices? Mho cost figures are based on the retain prices in all cases. The hay was figured at $16.00 per ton. If there are any more doubts in your mind, drop in and see us, and we will clear them up for you. Service is a big feature of our business. Next time you're in town, drop in to see our live displays and to get better ac- quainted. If you have feeding ID or management problems wen do our best to help. Or, if you prefer, Bill Clement, our Gradu- ate Feeding Advisor, will stop by your place when he's in your neighbourhood. Geo. T. Mickle & Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 103 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CAR 1953 CHEV. DE 'LUXE SEDAN 2-1952 CHEV. STYLPLINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 OFIEV. 'DE LUXE SEDAN—Fully equipped 1951 OHEV. POWERGLIDE FiLEETLiNE SEDAN—Fully equipped. 1951 AUSTIN 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHEV, STATION WAGON 1950 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 DODGE. SEDAN 1946 PONT/AC COUPE 1946 PONTiAC SEDAN 1942 CHEV, 1IAElir LINE CO CH 1940 CHEV,' SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH TRUCKS 1946 CHEV. 2 -TON STARE TRUCK 1 ARMY TRUCK 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCK SPECIAL -1952 CIHEV. SEDAN—E1r895.40 SPECIAL—New No. 20 Cookshutt Tractor • A wrlttenZguarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS BRUSSELS PHONE 73—X --'Tho 'Home Of Setter Uieed Cars" 1, MOTORS O1�1 1'eflRiV OPEN EVERY EVENING