HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-30, Page 1f5il fr W'
$47nety-Fiftih Year
;thole Number 4504
Shown here is the architect's design for the new auditoriumaddition, designed by Charles W. Gillen, London architect, is sited
which is being erected at the Seaforth District High School. The I to the east of the present building. Construction is well advanced.
Bishop Showers Guest
ZionChurch McKillop
On Sunday evening, April 25, the
e>'.ongregation of Zion Evangelical
Church, MMKillop, held a special
;service to dedicate the new electric
Sights recently installed. The guest
speaker was Bishop Showers, of
iludianapolis, Ind. His sermon was
Oa "The Church and the Trinity of
Learn RCAF Impact on Community
Driving Club Builds i economy of the district was given by Group. Captain H. C. Ashdown, when
An indication of the extent to which the R.C.A.F. affects the
he told members of the Seaforth Lions Club here Monday evening that
the service pay -roll is $250,000 monthly. In addition, another approxi -
New Barns at Track mately $50,000 is paid each month to civilian employees, he said.
Group Captain Ashdown, who is the Commanding Officer of R.C.
A.F. Station, Clinton, told the Lions Club of the function of the Station
and explained the background. He commented on the happy relations
that existed in Huron between civilian residents and service personnel.
Describing the major role which•
graduates of Clinton had played in
World War lI, the speaker said 'Legion Ladies Hold
that the success of many major op-
Hensall Club Receives Charter
• Kinsmen from clubs throughout •
Western Ontario were in Hensall
Wednesday night to take part in.
the Charter presentation. ceremony,
marking the official birth of the
Hensall Kinsmen Club. Some 200
hundred enjoyed a turkey dinner,
served by the Ladies' Auxiliary of
the Hensall Legion in the Town
Mr, Mrs. G. Mowbray
Manned 50 Years
Valued residents of Seaforth since
1931, Mr. and Mrs. George Mowbray
celebrated their 50th wedding an-
niversary at their home, North Main
God, bow it brought light to our,St•, Tuesday evening.
Lives." Joining in the anniversary occa-
Bishop Slhowers is a very able. sion were members of their family.
Speaker and was much appreciated and a sister of M'rs. Mowbray. Mrs.
be the well-filled church. As this Harry McAllister, ,of Ripley. who
eras the first time a ,Bishop of the was the bridesn''id at the wedding
Conference visited this congrega- on April 27, 1904.
Vein, it was a . very special occa- [ Mr. M'owbra',f was born in White-
,sien. Mrs. Harry Regele'-sang "The church, the son of the late Mr. and
gioty City," while Mrs, Elmer Koeh- ,Mrs. George Mowbray, while Mrs.
'Iter sang "The Odd Church Choir," Mowbray was the former Martha
Mr. and M'rs. • William Koehler.. Durnin, daughter of the late Mr.
Mrs. Fred Hoegy and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Durnin, of St.
Irvin Rock were at the dedication Helens. Following _their marriage
services held in Sebringville Sun- Mr. Mowbray fanned for a few
,slay morning. year Sr.'.sequently he joined the
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murr, of mairten ince section of the C.N.R.,
fr.ebringville, were Sunday visitors while he screed more than 10
•a.ith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert. years, retiring in 1947.
Mrs. L. Beuermann, Joan and I Mr. : nd Mrs. Mowbray have a
Maida, Mr. Rudolph Fisher, M. family of three daughter: Janet,
and Mrs. Ed. Fisher, Mrs. C. Mil Mrs. Lorne Hiles. Atwood; Mae.
ler, Mrs. Chkmbers and MT. Ray- . Mrs. Charles Funnel. Stratford, and
mond Chambers 2visited Mr. and Irene ,Mrs. Earl Sippel, Tavistock.
Vars. Wilbur Chambers at Preston and, four sons, Robert. Stratford:
«,u Sunday. Charles, in England, and Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Huether, Mr. and Kenneth at home. A daughter,
and Mrs. Wm. Huether, Pauline Mary. passed away in 1935.
and Buddie, of Morriston, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray were the
John Huether, of Pushlinch, were recipients of many gifts and mes-
S•unday visitors at the Eggert sages of congratulations front their
home.• family and many friends.
The April meeting of bile Horne
and School Association, which was
Ito have tbeen held Friday, April 30,
Ins been •postponed. Members are
reminded, however. of the regular
sneeting on May 18, when reports
of committees and nominations will
lire received. The speaker will be
Constable Gordon Ferris.
Slips On Stairs,
• Leg is in Cast
. When •abe slipped as she was
costing down stairs irons her
Main Street apartment Sunday
evening, Miss Marguerite 1)un 1
fractured a hone in her ankle.
She ie confined to her home
with her lee to a cast.
Chairman for the evening was
Ralph Genttner, president of Exeter
Kinsmen Club, which sponsored the
new club. Rev. W. J. Rogers, of
Hensall-United Church, gave the
Referring to the .Kinsmen organ-
ization as the only national associ-
ation, R. D. McCormack, Preston.
deputy -governor District One, in a
toast to Kinsmen, told the audience
he knew of no service club that
meant so much to the young busi-
ness or professional man.
Speaker of the evening was W.
T. Valentine, National Vice-presi-
dent, who was introduced by S. H.
Bantick, Toronto, general secre-
12 Huron Clubs C
m e
In Achievement Day Here
forth, No. 1, Mrs. Dale Nixon and
Mrs. John Hillebrecht; Seaforth,
No. 2, Mrs. W. A. Haugh and Mrs.
W. L. Whyte; McKillop. firs • Jas.
Keys and Mrs. Beth Pryce;' Wal-
ton, Mrs. W. Humphries and Mrs.
P. Holman; Londes,boro, Mrs. L.
Shobbrook and Mrs. Sidney Lan-
sing; fllyth, Mrs, William McVittie
and Mrs. C. Wheeler; Auburn, Mrs.
A. Nesbitt ark. Mrs. M. Bean; Dun-
gannon, Mrs. C. Crozier and Mrs.
C. F7nnigat.n; Colwanosh. Miss Do-
reen Lamb and Miss ,Tean Clarke,
Receive Certificates
Certificates of achievement for
completing two units each of club
project work, were awarded to
Phyllis Cann. R.R. 3, Exeter; Mar-
ilyn Strang, R.R. 1. Hensall; Mari-
lyn Hicks. R.R. 3, Exeter; Barbara
Teernick, R.R. 3, Exeter; Maureen
Stewart„ R.R. 3. Exeter; Phyllis
T.aateil, Kippen; Ruth Ann Crozier,
R.R. 2, Seaforth; Margaret Lazet.
R.R. 1, Londesboro; Betty Camp-
bell, R.R. 1, Dublin; June Smith,
R.R. 5, Seaforth; Ella Nethery,
Blyth; Doreen Howatt, Blytth; Jean
Govier, Blyth; Shirley Deer. R.R.
1, Auburn; Carol Beadle, Auburn;
Marlene Maize, Dungannon; Do-
reen . Lamb, R.R. 4, Goderich;
Margaret Clai.rk. R.R. • 5, Goderich ;
Betty Ross, R.R. 1, Brucefield;
Janet. McGregor. H.R. 2, Seaforth;
Mona Clarke. R. R. 1, Walton;
Catherine Buchanan, R. R. 3, Wal-
Catherine Moylan, R.R. 5, Sea -
forth.. Elaine Hern, R.R. 1.. Wood-
ham; Marion Creety, R.R. 1', Wood -
(Continued on Page 6)
Six district girls won county -wide
Honors a.t the South Huron 4-H
H3omem,aking Club Achievement
Day, held in Seaforth District High
School last week, when they, were
presented with honor certilcetes.
The six girls, each of whom com-
pleted six homemaking club pro-
jects, are: Marilyn Moussea.u, Kip -
pen; Phyllis Lastell, Kippen; Ann
Tensink, Seaforth: Catherine Mop-
Seaforth; Carol Beadle, Au-
iburn; Marlene Maize, Dungannon.
The Achievement Day program
[brought the announcement by Miss
.Jean Steckle, home economist for
Neuron, that 126 girls completed
"homemaking projects in South
lefuron 4-H Club work during the
avinter just ended. The number was
• si very high proportion of the 132
lgirie who commenced the winter
project, "Being Well Dressed and
Weil -Groomed."
Assisting Mist, Steckle in direct -
dug the Wednesday program were
-Wigs Jean Scott, Stratford. super-
-vising economist; Miss Flora. Durn-
atx, Markdale, home economist for
Jrey, Wellington and Dufferin;
Mise Leslie Wall, Woodstock, home
economist for Oxford and Norfolk;
Miss Florence Arnold, Chatham,
home economist for Kent, Essex
end Lambton.
Ciubv taking part in the day's
program were; ElimVille, Mrs.
Warden Hern, leader, and Miss
Marie McBride, aseistant leader;
j;turondale, Mrs., A. Rundle and Mrs.
13. Tuckey; Kippen, Mrs. W. F. J.
!tell and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott; Sea -
Referring to Kinsmen as being
"Brotherhood of Kin," the spencer
explained brotherhood meant group
of like kind and that in joining a
Kinsmen club a member was es-
societin.g with others who had as
their prime purpose the service to
eople or their comtnutlity. Broth-
ei,hood, he said, Le something that
starts at home and not something
that concerns nation; only. It is
t1te manner in which others are
treated, the rights of individuals,
the 1' spec•t given opinions other
than Mir own. Kinsmen can help
offset inalduOUs Communistic con-
cepts, in that the association leads
to better understanding. Quarrels.
he said, are emotional luxuries
which can not be afforded.
Lcd b}' president-elect J. D. Mc-
Kelvie, the officers of the new club
were installed by Irving Canteir,
Leamington. District One Governor.
Each officer kits instructed in his
duties. Speaking of the work of the
president, the speaker warned
there would be trying hours and
pitfalls. but that rbiy co-operation,
by delegating responsibilities, these
could he lessened.
Seaforth Merchants
Plan Bargain Event
Seaforth _merchants are plan-
ning a buying event that will
attract consumers throughout
the Seaforth trading area, it
was announced this week by
Chamber of Commerce officials.
Dates for the special co-opera-
tive bargain event are May 13,
14 and 15. 'Full details will be
announced next week.
Members of the Seaforth Driving
Club have been hard at work dur-
ing the past couple of weeks get-
ting theirconstruction.program un-
der way.
Some time ago the ctub arranged
with the Agricultural Society to re-
build the horse barns at the raceerations of the war had been pos-
nvitation Euchre
track, and it is this work which is sible only because of the advent of I
underway now. The old barns have radar. Clinton Station provided the
been demolished and the materialmen to 'man and to perfect radar rhe fifth in a- series of invitation
will be used in building new burns. installations. euchre parties, in -aid of the Sea -
In the present defence program,!forth Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, was
the Station plays an even more tm- i held in the Legion rooms on Wed -
portant part, because any presum• I ttesday evening. The arrangements
fad attack would be by air, and, were in charge of Mrs. J. Taylor,
rears. Morey and Mrs. McKibbon.
'Nine tables were in play and af-
ter an enjoyabie evening. lunch
was served. The winner of the
prize for most games was Mrs.
A. W. Dunlop; lone hands, Mrs. N.
Scoins, and consolation prize, Mrs.
J. McGregor. The mystery box was
won by Mrs. Scott.
Other parties in this series were
held at Mrs. Huissers, with the
prize winners being: most games.
:vlrs. N. Scoins; lone hands, Mrs.
J. Taylor; consolation, Mrs. J.
Eisler: mystery box. Mrs. C. Pin-
der. At Sirs. Barry's: most games.
Mrs. Muir; lone hands, Mrs. Tay-
lor; consolation. WS: \\'toils: mys-
tery box. Mrs. Bennett. At Mrs.
Sallows and'. Mrs. 'Mills: most
games, Mrs. E. McGrath: lone
hands, Mts. J. Taylor; consolation,
Mrs. J. Eisler; mystery box, Mrs.
McGregor. At Mrs. McGrath's and
Mrs. McGregor's: most games,
Mrs. Eaton; lone hands, Mrs. Dal-
rymple; consolation. Mrs. John-
son; mystery box, Mrs. N. Scoins.
Grands Night"
In addition, , a building has been
purchased from Ben Rising, Centre
St.. and this is being moved to the'
tracks, Foundations 'for the new
barns have been poured, and it is
expected all construction will be
completed in plenty of time for the.
opening race meet scheduled for
June 9.
"Past Grands Night" was observ-
ed at the regular meeting of Edel-
weiss Rebekah Lodge here Monday
evening, with Mrs. Mary McElroy
presiding as noble grand. Other
past. noble Brands holding office
were: vice -grand, Mrs. Alex Boyes;
right and left supporters of the
noble grand, Mrs. F. E. Willis and
Miss Jean Scott; right and left
supporters of the vice -grand; Mrs.
M. McKellfu' and Mrs, William
Manson: recording secretary. Mrs.
J. Grunimett; financial secretary,
Mrs. A. Balser; treasurer, Mrs. J.
Hillebrecht; musician, Miss Mae
Smith; chaplitin, Mrs. Roy elcGcnt-
igle; junior past noble grand. Mrs.
Ila Dorrance; warden. Mrs. ('.
Hen[lersnn;• conductor, 'les.• W. 0
Johnston; color -hearer, Mrs. Sam
Dougall: inside guerdian, SL's. Mae
R.H. Middleton Heads
Hensall Organization
The annual meeting of the Hen -
sail Chamber of Commerce was
held Tuesday evening when 28
members sat down to a delicious
beefsteak dinner, arranged by a
committee which included Jack
Drysdale, Doug Cook and George
A trophy, donated. -by. the London
Free Press for the grand champion
of the 'Western Ontario Champion-
ship Fiddlers' Contest, to be held
June 4, was on display.
Mark Drysdale was chairman for
the election of officers, which re-
sulted as follows: [honorary presi-
dent, T. L. Pryde, M!L.A., Huron
South; past president, Lorne Eiler;
president, R. H. Middleton; first
vice-president, Laird folickle; sec-
ond vice-president. Ron Mock: sec-
retary. W. W. Jarrett; treasurer,
Rev. W. J. Rogers; chairmen of
seven different committees,: public
and industrial relations, Walter
Spencer; membership, Robert Drys -
Accepts Charter.
In accepting the. chatter, Presi•
dent McKelvie told the meeting he
did so with an appreciation of the
responsibilities which he was as-
suming. Ile expressed appreciation
to those iuho had assisted in get-
ting the club organized, and for the
support for it, which already had
been indicated.
. Presentations of gifts to the new
club were carried out by W. A.
Wright. Hanover, Deputy Governor
Distc;et One.
Greetings from clubs across Can-
ada were read by Will Collett, sec-
retary of the Hensall Club. Disc
t.rict Expansion Chairman J. H. Mc-
Guire. of Leamington, spoke brief-
ly and Reeve A. W. Kerslake, of
Hensall, brought greetings from ,the
village. R. H. Middieton, president
of the Chamber of Commerce, and
Don Dayman, president of the Hen-
sall branch of the .Canadian 'Leg-
ion, also extended greetings.
Entertainment followed in the'
Hensall Arena.
Officers and members of the new
club are: president, J. McKelvie;
1st vice-president.. W. I.vMic1tle:
secretary. W. J. Collett: treasurer,
.1. E. Heal; registrar, W. H. Fuss;
bulletin editor. F. L. Tiberio; di-
rectors: W. J. Clement, D. C. Joynt,
.T. VC-. Tllcrmpson.
Other charter members are: H.
J. Bontht•on, J. A. Clarke, R. H,
Cook, J. D. Cowen, J. W. Drysdale,
M. R. Jinks, H. E. Knight, L. W.
Marks, M. J. Quinlan, W. 13. Row-
dale; merchants. Alf Scholl; spe-
cial events and fund raising, Wm.
G. Parke; recreation, Howard
Scone; social, Jock Drysdale; hous-
ing, Norman Jones.
Ihmranee: outside gem dem. lies.
H. E. Smith; Huth, Miss l.ibbie
As c,ach, 11 tt grlit 1 was escorted
to her r'hair. she w'tls preseetel
With a gift.
Reporting for the visiting com-
mittee, Mrs. S. Habhire said the
had taken a pot of tickers to the
lodge's adopted patient in West-
minster Hospital, and she asked
e. ade
the members to donate homemade
radar provides the eyes with which
to see an approaching force.
Defence _Expensive
Defence, the speaker pointed out,
is expensive, but should be regard-
ed in the same manner as insur-
ance. The extent • to which defen-
sive measures are provided should
be viewed in the light of modern
developments in destructi\•e,forces.
"Who can estimate." the speaker
asked, "what would be the worth
of an additional five minutes warn-
ing in the event 1111 attack came?"
Describing Station organization.
the speaker told of the methods
adopted to ensure that full ,value
was received for every dollar
The growth of Station Clinton
was indicated, Group Captain Ash-
down said, by the fact that today
there are more persons on strength
than were in the entire R.O.A.F.
at the outbreak of World War II.
During' recent years an extensive
construction program, amounting
to 15 million dollars, has been com-
pleted. The program resulted in
the. employment of some 450 dis-
trict persons. Wages paid out, to-
talled nearly six million dollars.
Mrs. W. H. Fulton
Honored By Group
The Young ,`omen's, Guild of
Iatville Presbyterian Church, Brus-
sels, held the April' meeting at the
home of Mrs. Mac•I: Cartiff. with
Mrs. James McFarlane -presiding.
Mr-, John Armstrong led in prayer
and Mrs. W. H. Fulton read the
scripture lesson. on e hicit she bas-
ed her topic for the et euros. "The
Day of Pentecost." .1,t the close of
her talk she divided the e,eeleine
into three grolll'-t and ❑'i', �'�'c'll a
question sheet to be :null;er"t1.
Mrs. Calvin Kr:otter-tnok shtn•ge
of the business session. Al: it:frac-
tive birthday box. rn,rde in the forth
nt a decorated bit;thday ,:tire. oc-
r'upied the centre of the :able. Into
it members will put e elctir-a-
lent to their age when theft birth-
days come. Plans 1%.,14,
n: •,.•- nnc
committees appoint e,
[!inner to the Chani
coerce of Brussels
basement in June.
Mrs. 'W. H. Fulton.
mesa helpful in the
society and who will
with her family tri
liilititat. B.C., was I,
a double strand or pearls SI
Douglas Henhingeay mole the p
serttttion and expti•sa,i 'lo'
Thanks Speaker
"It makes it easier to pay taxes
when you know -that so much of
the money is going to protect our-
selves and our families," J. E. Keat-
ing said, as he .expressed the ap-
preciation of the meeting to Group
Captain Ashdown. He expressed
the , hope that on another occa-
sion the speaker could enlarge on
various aspects of the work of the
The speaker"' Was intro-
duced by Andrew Y. McLean.
The meeting wa,e arranged by
}"ions John Model and and Harvey
Traviss, Mr. Modelan(t was chair-
Zone Commander Roy Cousins,
of Brussels, spoke briefly. being in-
troduced itt Mr. Traviss.
C. A. Barber told of arrange-
ntenis being trade for the eanc•er
drive. while le J. Spittal told the
club $516.e0 had been contributed
;o the (castor 5e;t1 1'ttnd, and that
the fund was t. -training open until
May 14.
Dahill re Heavy As
Bicycle,`Car Collide
'1',t0 men were imine.:d Wednes-
day wit, 0 a cur and a bicycle col-
lided on No. 4 1{lgitway a utile
south of ileus:ill.
The r. i driven by Jelin M.
Tentplrttot. or lslinclntt, rolled leer
e cud+'d It ,
•iu 0 lit 1.11 trier
1 t„ .":,e ;lila 1ice ;l 1
ber t Com- .Mr. T•niple;on seeded in an at-
e: 'lt. , l;ur,h tempt. 10 ttvoi,l the bicycle. The
bicycle hit the (-entre cif the, ear.
eAha'tits been Janes Pt ice. 56. of R.R. 1, lien -
woe.: of the sill. was 1!.s, rider of the btr•yc:le.
stove-!icmtly ile wits t:tkea to S11111 11 Huron
new work in Hospital in Fact( r and teat. d for
resented with a Incite -et tinkle and head cut=. Mr.
rs. Tepletnn ‘‘a,,, also treated iu h
1•e- 1 il:,i tor head cuts.
so- }'rovincial Constable Cecil Gib-
tnd u'tu-' Leette, e,ho investigated, es- been nrtinla
Announce Sale of
Farm, Town Properties
Recent property changes arrang-
ed through the Wilson Olte agency
include the sale of the Ray- Nott
farm. Tuckersmith. to Warden
Haney. The residence on Side St.,
owned by Borden Brown, has been
sold to John Gordon. McKillop•
Advance Plans: for
Seal oath Fall Fair
Plans for Seaforth Fall Fair .we 'a•
advanced another stage Tueedayee
evening when directors held their "
monthly meeting, Reports receiv-
ed indicated that committees were'.
hard at work on details having to
do With the various features, plan-
ned for this year's fair.
Revision of 'the prize list is well
under way, with the work complet-
ed in a number of the indoor de-
partments. Details of the domestic
classes are being advertised in or-
der that members flay commence
preparations for exhibits.
Seed for the Beaver oats field
crop.competition is being distribut-
ed. the meeting was informed:
Pians for a corn crop competition
tee chairmen, Harold Pryce and
Ken Stewart.
Vandalism was reported as hav-
ing been evident about the fair
property. The extent to which
windows have been broken led the
board to approve the purchase and
installation of wooden shutters.
The board also approved a poo -
poral of the property committee to
provide a new roof on the exhibi-
tion hall.
Huron Health Unit
Discusses Quarters
1 ' and cookies for a box ,.t'ot' Piety's wishes for haat t: sss ;
bine Mrs. .Johnston. past noble success.
cant y
grand of Huronic Lodge, Clinton.
end associate member of Edel-
weiss Lodge, extended an ,invitt.t-
1 ion to 1111 past Moble gratis of
Edelweiss to meet with the past
gra lids club of Hurcnlic in May at
;ler hone.
On ,behalf of the past gent is,
Mrs. Leslie McClure. noble grand,
was presented with a girt, Mrs. C.
H[ Writ rson was winner of the
ir.ystt ry box. At the conclusion of
business; euchre was played with
Miss Jean Scott, Mrs. iia. Dorrnnee
and Mrs. J. Grunimett \\inning
prizes. :1 lunch was served by tate
social r•nnlmittee convened by Mrs.
Hobert Dodd,.
Huron Federation _
To Buy Projector
Directors of the Huron County
Federation' of Agriculture decided
to forward. the resolution regard-
ing the removal of the months of
May and September from Daylight
Saving Time to the Huron County
Council to deal with at, its ,Tune
The meeting agreed to purchase
a film projector for use of the
county and township federations.
A lively discussion 'a.rose regat•ri-
ing the increased price of concen-
trates in farm feed4. The federa-
tion will sponsor a booth at the
Huron County Trade Fair in Clin-
ton, June 10, 11 and 12.
Douglas McNeil, of Carlow, drstt
vice-president, presided i11 the ab-
sence of the president, Wilfred
Shortreed; Walton.
Formerly of Hullett
James J. Hugill Passes
Following an illness of two weeks
John James Hugill, former well-
known Hullett resident, passed
away at his home. West William
St.: Wednesday evening. He was in
his t89t'h year. • •
Married in Harlock in 1899, he is
survived by his widow, the former
Ellen N. Tasker. He is also sue
vived by a son. Joseph -T. Huggill,
Seaforth, and a daughter, Mrs.
Ruth Wilkinson, Stratford, and five
Following their marriage they
lived on the 5th concession of Mc-
Killop, where he farmed for seven
years, later moving to Alma, Elul_
lett Township, en 190'8. Twenty-
tin'ee years ago they removed to
Constance and three years 'ago
came to Sea.forth. He was a mem-
ber of the United Church.
• 1i r. Hugill was the last member.....,'
'of a family of ten children. his
father. the late William Hugill, hav- .
Huron County Health Unit hoard, 1 .`
meeting at Clinton Wednesday,
ling come here from F.ngla.nd 125
years ago. In his youth Mr. Hugill
heard a report by secretiryirea's \tn,� well hr:owu as a 1.>enman, an
user A. H, Erskine. GoderO'h. oft ;ihility whl(•h he e ontinued to pos-
Ihe pro.gl•ess of aUerattors nit lila tic„s despite his years. On the ocea-
old GudPric'h Collegi;[te For :,rrolll sign of his olden wedding anni-
modation of the unit. Peralta- nt \ ersarc five years ago, Mr. Hugill
offices will be in the nee court recalled that in his youth he had
house. It. is ex;,ectt•d the unit will intended to he an instructor in pen -
move front Ct.i::u>n emeriti the end it.in: hip, and with this thought had
of June. I ti'
:\tr•nditis ;lie meetttl r was Dr.t tided Canada Business collegess-
1!. M. e1�'is, eteeetnr. ;incl bu,u•rl to Testi. One of his proudest posses -
ions n+as a hook written by his
members. t,•i:uty Reeve Step (1 ii lt• • _.:au :ia;htr. also a well known pen-
f'tit;tnttl Ibeve A. '\l-. in tri. i11 1>[[6.
Hill: I?eget Clifford i;n•:'I:-utd' ',41. i nal seri ices will be held
taec Town-hti and 10 A. flat'•' t fro:o the G. A. Whitney Funeral
o' \V1:0 ..u, luutiucittl !'' Homt on sattn•day to :,:15 nm. and
esentative. i(! •1:''ruitd.tered by' Rev. John
In a report ;o the patent, 1.0. T. }ticson, li:t, r:' • ut will follow in
11. M' l•[fly-. pohhe health \• tenni \lain ::nlh:n:k cemetery-.
:n•iint, infnrnt•',l nienihers tltot :I
reek Heel contraeatively modern
;tnyh lel'hoitre is ttl:Il•-1• (•rill.• 11•Itr•
tion in t'--bore:e Tim nship. tltll,,t's
:l rt I,irunt.-(i !. 1 .;ith•t' n int 1Yin:Z. !
11:1 111.
lie reported that :[ S, tfori1
rest,!, nt has 1•:Ifd an ad•ii'ien:[1
�2.-e a: fin• s :1:+ tits Iseult of roam
rc•tr,14 udder 1Le aeinlet roil
tit.gioll5 Pii.s'tIse :>,ct. 11.• said th;u -
i; al.pears that further action is
necessary, as hogs owned by the
resident continue to forage in the
Seaforth municipal clump.
Bilis e ontel in the county 1l::s
S t•1 •.F:i\
illed in t1iP Il.l , l ,
t.fiu.:i d datna.ge to the car at $1.200. he said Blood testing of certain
!leads or bluce;losis has been
hiss Norah Cunningham. super-
visor of nursing. reported that pre -
1 c•lasst- 00 an experimental
btisis have been started in Exeter,
.111,1 one such class is alsb being
stalled in ('11'11100.
'I'w t successful meetings held by
the staff included one with Walter
Chambers. R"ingham. district wel_
tare supervisor, whose office ad
meet:4 're mother's allowances, dis-
ability pensions and old age as-
sistanre as well as giving help
with relief
Seaforth Pee-Wees captured the 'B' Series Championship and
the McGree Trophy after eliminating Temiskaming in the final
game of the series in the Young Canada Hockey tournament at
Goderich Thursday, The team returned home late that after-
noon and occupled seats of honor in a victory'parade along Main
Street. Shown here are: `front row (left to right): Gordon Miller,,
Billy Pinder, Ray Scoins, Bryan Brady, Larry Dale, Brian Planel-
an, Doug•Rowollffe; rear row, H. M. Mason (manager), Rebel*
fliott, Bob Reith, Gordon Ferris, Gary Ast, Jim Broadfoot,,
"Archie” Hubert (coach), (Photo "hq lihlllitbtj ,.