The Huron Expositor, 1954-04-16, Page 4777 9 '7717! THE HURON EXPOSITOR' ossified Ads ossified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1 Cent % Cent lst Week 2nd Week 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each. insertion25 Cents Each fig-ure, initial and abbreviation counta aa one word - Garde of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Corning Eventa--1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents trer week. Z`nauiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dant of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted (free of charge. Anation Salea, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. • Tenders Wanted Coming Events • MHE LAI)IES On"nliE s'r. THOMAS' TENDERS s'hureh Guild hoe decided to hold a t --,OR SALE --TEAM OF HORSES. RIS - Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 24th. in' 3 , and 6 years: also Yorkshire QEALED TENDERS n' 11_1. BE RECEIVnext. 4502-1 ',ow due Aril Sist. first litter: Apply to - , ed until April 20, by J. A. SieKEN- JOHN POWELL, Jr. Phone 667 r 4. Sea- ZIE, R.R. 3, Seaforth, for the purchase forth. 4502.xl of his farm. Lot 13, Concesnon 2. Tucker - smith. Inspection in, ited. 4.501-2 For Sale QEED FOR SALE — TIMOTHY A,ND " sweet clover seed. Apply to JOHN THOlktPSON. Phone 833 is 81, Seaford). 4502-1 FOR SALE—MOTORBIKE (CORGIE); new paint job, good running order; good tires and tubes; 125 miles per gal- lon. Bargain for quick safe. DON ISIc- KINDSEY. Phone 24. 4501x2 poft SALE -1 PEERLESS ELECTRIC pump, new; 1/6 H.P. motor, 60 cycle; a number of pipes; 1 used alumin- um Coffield washer, 60 cycle. PRONE 67. Hensall. 4502-2 -won SALE --BUDGIES: 1 GREEN MALE "` at 99; 1 Albino female at 97: cage. slightly used, 58. regular *310.98. TED SAVAUGE. phone 120, Seafoods 4502x1 FOR SALE—MeCLARS' COOK STOVE: Astral refrigerator; oak dresser: kit- ahen cupboard: utility table. Apply to 31. P. PATTERSON. Main St. 4502x1 Personals TENDERS WANTED HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, aealed envelope with prioe list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept- T-78, rinHE W. A. OF DUFF'S UNITED NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. 'Church, Walton. are planning to mod- ernize tbe church kitchen. Tenders are ont- invited to submit plans and estimate of cost of same to the undereigned on or before April 23rd. :HRS. A. COLITTS, Walton. 45024 TENDERS WANTED 'VENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY ' the Township ef Stephen for building a concrete bridge across Concessions 4 and 5. osmosite Lot 3. Marked cheque of 3200.00 must accom- pany tender, and must be in the lien& of the Clerk not later than April 30th; 1954. Blue print may be examined at the Office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4502-2 TENDERS Township of Tuckersmith TENUEES ARE INVITED FOR SPRAY- ' ing township roads for weed control in the summer of 1934. Contractor to supply all requirements. except spray material. which will be ,up - plied by the Township. Work to be done in the period between June 20 to June 30, 1954. Tender to state a flat rate per hour. Tenders to be sealed. marked -Tender" and in the Clerk's hands by 2 p.m.., May 4, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. okrESNEY. clerk. 4502-2 TWP. OF STANLEY Tenders For Gravel EA_LET) TENDERS WILL /3E RECEIV- "-' ed by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 1, 1954, for the crushing and hauling of 5.000 or more cubic yards of gravel, crushed to in -inch size, gray"' to be put on township roads under the supervision of the Roan Super- intendent Contract to be completed not later than October 15, 1954. Marked cheoue. for $200.00 to accom- pany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Poultry VOIR SALE -1.000 ARBOR ACRE WHITE Rock pullets, for delivery April 23rd. Apply KIPPEN GARAGE. 4502-1 VOR SALE -0.000 SUSSEX X RED 12 - •weeks -old chicks, bred to lay. Reason- ably priced. F. STAPLETON, Dublin. Phone 28 r 3. Dublin. 4:50.2x1 Livestock Wanted nEAD, DISABLED HORSES 011 CoWs removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient. service. phone -STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Farms For Sale pAltm FOR SALE -110 ACRES, LOT 24, Concessfsn 4, Tuckersmith. Two barns. 36x56. 30x50; hen house: 7 -room frame house; Hydro.; 73 acres fall plowed. Apply ROBERT McLACHLAN, R.R. 3, Kippen. 9102-1 p.ARM FOR SALE -50 ACRES MORE or less, good clay loans; barn. 44, IA,: new cement stabling and water in the stable; implement shed and brick house with hydro. Buildings all in very good repair. Close to school. West 1.-'s of Lot 5, Con. 4, 312 miles from town. For further particulars apply to WARDEN HANEY, Seaforth. 45021 Help Wanted WANTED—CATHOLIC COUNTRY GIRL or young woman for general house- work. Write MRS. M. FOLEY, Neustadt. Ont. 4500x4 pOREMAN FURNITURE FINISHER, " fully experienced, for top-quality, pro- gressive manufacturer. Our foreman re- tiring through age. Pleasant working conditions, steady employment, group in- surance, etc. Enclose photograph and give full details in first letter in ,confi- dence Box 314', HURON EXPOSITOR. 4501-2 ACCOUNTANT VXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT FOR 4'4 office and credit manager of progres- sive. well -rated manufacturer Western Ontario. Must be good cost man. Excel- lent future for alert, resourceful, ambitious man. Kindly enclose photograph and give full details and salary desired in first let- ter in confidence. Box 312, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4501-2 FRED" WATSON, Clerk. Township of Stanley, Notices To Creditors RR. 3, Bayfield. Ont. Notices 4502,2 NOTICE to CREDITORS f.ALig FIDELITY LODGE No. 33, meets first and third Wed- nesday evenings of ... each month at 8 p.m. Noble Grand. I. Trewarttta; Record- ing Secretary. Harry McLeod. 4493-18 . . . P , , , cia ‘1,11. District Deputy. NOTICE — WILL SHARPEN LAWN mowers. Will pick up and deliver. Phone JOHN MacLEAN, 649 r 3, Sea - forth. 4501-tf VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes': 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE I62 -W, Seaforth.1 4482-tf Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLI) EP- " fects, in the Village of Heiman, on Saturday, April 17th. at 1 lam.: Kitchen table and china cabinet; chairs; clock; 2 radios; dining room table and chaira: an- tique walnut pie crust table; sofa bed; 2 occasional chairs; commode chair; Ray- mond drophead sewing machine; small table: rocking chairs: settee and chairs; 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and chest of drawers; washstand; bath- room scales; basin and pitcher; trunk; Edison phonograph: Thor washing ma- chine: dishes: bedding; fruit and fruit jars; tools: 2 -ton stake Dodge truck, '37 model: 100 feet of garden hose; one power lawn mower, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. ESTATE OF LATE MR. THOMAS BUTT; Harold Jackson, nnotioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk; John and Roy Butt, Execu- tors; Elmer Bell, Exeter, Solicitor. 4501-2 In the Estate of ELIZABETH REGELE• A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Regele, of the Township of McKillop, County of Huron, Wfdow, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of March, 1914. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April. 1914, atter which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, thii, 2nd day of April. 1914, A UCTION SALE OF FURNITURE AND ▪ Household gffects at the home of Mrs. J. Pollard. Centre Striet. Seaforth. on S aturday. April 24th, at 1:30 p.m. Five - piece parlor suite: 3 rusts: hall rack; bed spriags and new mattress: dresser and wash stand: 2 small tables : lounge: round extension table: sideboard ; centre table: book stand: 9 chairs; arm chair: main - mode chair: bookcase and writing desk; Beach cook stove and pipes; buffet : elec- tric iron : 1 eight-day clock : 3 rocking chairs; paper rack: pictures; 2 toilet sets; dozen silver knives and forks; china: sealers; boiler; 2 wash, tubs; stela ladder: lawn mower; garden and farm tools; quantity nut coal; cellar table: dropleaf table: kitchen table; small bench: trunks; Cofield electric washing zn.achine, in good condition; hand washing mach- ine; some lumber; quilting frames with clamps: wheelbarrow; bucksaw and tress sels. Terms—Cash. MRS. J. POLLARD, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk, 4502-2 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EP- £' fects at Lot 28, Concession 1, Hibbert Township, 3 miles east of Seaforth, on NO. 8 Highway. on Wednesday. April 21st, at 1:30 pm.: McClary electric stove; Kelvinator frigidairen 9.9 ft. with quick freeze (like new): Simplicity white en- amel washing machine; Princess Pat cook stove; kitchenette set; buffet, table and 4 chairs: extension table and 6 dining room chairs; elhild's high chair; day bed studio couch; walnut dining room suite. table, buffet, china cabinet, 6 chairs (like new) electric radio: Quebec heater pan- try high chair; 2 modern waInnt bed- room suites complete. beds, dressers; van- ity, bench. chest of drawers ; springs; 3 spring -filled mattresses: all above men- tioned like new: 1 brown iron bed; 1 brown single bed, springs and mattress: dresser; Wash stand; antique chest of drawers: sewing machine; trilight lams): table lamp: dining room tables; end tables; mirrors; large quantity of floor covering and rugs !like new); clothes hamper; tubs; quantity of sealers; dish- es; kitchen utensils: lawn mower ilike new, : chicken, shelter; other articles. Terrnss-Cash. JOHN CRONIN, Proprie- tor: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4502-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock. Implements and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 1, Concession 1, Stanley Township. 2,, south of Brucefield. on No. -1 Highway. on Tuesday. April 20th, at 1 p.m. sharp: HORSES -1 matched team of black Belgians. 1450 lbs. each; 1 brown gelding. 1500. CATTLE -1 black cow, due time of sale. 1 white cow. due in April. 2 farrow cows, ready for market; 3 Polled Angus calves. PIGS -9 York and Tam chunks. MACHINERY --W-40 McCormick - Deering tractor. about s55 RP.; Allis- Chalmers C, with bean scufiler ar.d puller; Pali threshing machine, 32-54, with cutter and elevator, 110 feet of 8 -inch drise belt. as feet of 7 -inch belt; 1 Smalley grain land straw blower : International hay ehop- ; ping machine ,like newl; International 13- diss fertilizer drill (like ,new): Interne- , tionaf 7-fout binder, 2 years old: 8 -foot International spring tooth tractor cultiva- tor ,used one season): 0 -foot Internation- al tractor .lisc lgoodi: Cockshutt side 3-aertion ha --roses : S-P:tca McCor- !rni,k-Deerine mower: 3 -furrow Coakshutt tractor plow : dump rake: culti-Packer. 8 - foot: 1 rubber, tire Wagon: 1 large hay box : 2 16 -foot hay racks; 1 farm wagon ; 1 grain box. 120 bushels: 1 Viking cream separator with motor; grain grinder with elevator; 3 ono-tt. scales; 2 moulds for cement tile. 21 -inch and 30 -inch ; circular saw: drag saw : emery on stand: set farm sleighs and box; McCormick -Deering man- ure spreader on rubber fused two seas- ons); 2 iron kettles half barrel of No. 40 motor oil; steel drums; land roller; 100 8 -Inch tile: 40 rods of new woven wire fence: 400 51 -inch tile; 12 large end Posts: number of iron posts: 3 100 -foot rolls of snow fence: quantity of rock elm plank; some lumber; 2 sets.double blocks; 1 set of backbend harness and collar. GRAIN -200 bushels of barley; 200 bush- els of Cartier oats; quantity of household effects. Terms—Cash. JANIF.,S MUSTARD, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 45021 ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 4501-3 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS NOTICE to CREDITORS' of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House. Seaforth.1 In the Eatate of ISAAC HUDSON -Phone 347-R. •' 4363-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS ! — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREW'S. 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4.399-02 ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As - sat, (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness Insurance: and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE Seaforth, A OCOMMODATION REQ u Litgll FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please roll STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 282; local 252. 4426-t1 FREE SERVICE To Farmers DONT WASTE MONEY ON MINER, ale your land does not need. We will. without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 878 4484-tf NOTICE Applications for the position of "Fire Hazards Inspector" for the HAY TOVirNSITIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. will be received by the undersigned Secre- tary of the Company up till noon APRIL 80th, 1954. Aymlicanta must be able th supply their own transportation. Please atate qualifi- cations, experience, age and salary ex - tweeted. Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company REGINALD G. MACK, • Seeretatp4reamlref. Bois 69, Zurich, Ontarlo. 4 450e.4 A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Isaac Hudson, Late ot e lown of Seaforth,the County of Huron. Produce Dealer, deceas- ed. who died on the 23rd day of February, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 30th day of April. 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of April, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4501-3 For Sale port SALE—QUANTITY OF GALORE Barley, MRS, HELEN KALICHUK, R -R. 4, Walton, Phone 834 r 24, Seaforth. 4501x2 pOR SALE—HARDWOOD TO,PS, CUT this winter. MRS. HELEN KALI- CHUK, RR, 4., Walton. Phone 831 r 24. 4901x2 FOR SALE—RABBITS, ANY SIZE. Ap- Ply to FERGUS JANTLI. Phone 849 ring 13, Seaforth. 4502x1 port SALE — QUANTITY OF RED " Clover seed. Apply JAMES LAND - BOROUGH. Phone Seaforth, 665 r 16. 4501x3 post. SALE—TWO-ROW TEAM CORN snuffler, bean puller attachmenn Ap- ply FRANK MURRAY. Phone 83 r 8. Dublin. 4502x1 pou SALE—QUANTITY GOOD HOME- ' grown alfalfa need; also some timothy. MILTON STEWART, Seaforth. 4602x1 port SALE—FRANCES - BERNETTE motorcycle, in fair condition : 8100.00 or best offer. DON SMITH. Egmondville; 663 r 4, Seaforth. 4502-2 von SALE—USED CAR PARTS FOR Fords, 1929-1940; Chevs, 1982-1941; Plymouths, DeSotos, Dodges, Olds and Pontiacs, eta Our location saves you money. CUDMORE'S GRAVEL. Phone 171 r 8, Exeter. 4499-8 NtOR SALE-4P1J7E CLINTON also Clinton oats and Mantenlm bar- ley, cleaned and treated, 81.00 per bushel. Some pare Montealm barley: Ropers Ma- jestie oar radio. Apply IMBEDISON COLEMAN, 41115 r 11, Geaforth. 450241 C LEAKING AUCTION SALE OF TRAC- tor, Farm 'Machinery, Livestock. Hay and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises. Lot 10. Con. L. Rd. West. Stanley Town- ship, 4 miles south of Bayfield, or 4 miles north of Drysdale on Highway 21 The undersigned Auctioneer has received in- structions to sell by public auction on Monday, April 19. 1954, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m.. sharp: LIVESTOCK— Part Hereford and Durham row carrying second calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow. milking: part Holstein and Durham cow, milking. with calf at foot: roan Dur- ham cows, fresh one month, calf at foot: Durham cow, milking: Hereford cow car- rying second calf, due in June; red Dur- ham cow carrying third calf, due in April: blue roan cow, bred two months: 7 yea rl Inc% Herefords an el rhams; 4 rham a. inter calves. TRACTOR--Me.- Deering Super "A" Tractor. completely equipped with hydraulic lift and 1 -row seuffler, in guaranteed ronditinn, used two seasons. IMPLEMENTS--Me.-Deering 15 - run power -lift fertilizer drill on rubber, in brand new condition: International 2 - furrow tractor plow; M. -H. 7-21.. binder, like new NicaD. side delivery rake; M. - FL 17 -tooth power -lift arming tooth mild- sator ; Cockshutt tractor; manure spread- er, like new; 3 -drum steel roller; rubber tire wagon; hay loader; 16 -foot flat hay rack: 4 -section diamond harrows, like new: horse-drawn disc; dump rake: Oli- ver 2 -row scuffier and puller; Case "8" hammer mill and sieves; 60 feet Manner mill belt, like new; walking plow; wagon truck; Clinton fanning mill; 1200 -lb. capacity platform scales; De Laval elec- tric cream separator; Lister crearn sep- arator; electric fencer; new oak barrel; circular saw; wire stretcher; block and tackle; Lowden door track Quebec heat- er; 90 4 -inch tile; set sling ropes; Clin- ton fanning mill; new steel water trough; Iron kettle; potato sprayer 2 steel bar- rels; power' band -saw; one-horse seuffier ; 2 new crosscut saws; Cyclone grass seed er: chains; forks; shovels; quantity of hay; 4 bushel:1 clover seed; many articles toe numerous te mention. No reserve as the farm is rented. Terms --Cash. JOHN RAO, Proprietor: Alvin Rau. Clerk: Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. 45024 Auction Sales KIPPEN VIEW FARM COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF 100 `-) Regiatered Holstelni, Valuable Trac- tors, Truck, Combine and full list of Power Machinery, on the premises, Lot 28, Con. 1, Hay Township, County of Huron, two miles north of Hensel), first farrn south of Kippen, 85 miles north of London, No. 4 Highway. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed, to sell by public aue tion on 'Tuesday, April 20th, 1954, cote- meneing at 12:30 o'clock p.m., sharp: TRUCK. TRACTORS and COMBINE—'58 International L 1-20 pick-up truck; Water- loo •'1.7" Standard 53 model tractor, com- pletely equipped MoDeering "M" Farm- an tractor ; Jubilet Ford tractor, used 135 houra. equipped with Dearborn manure fork and loader; MeDeering "H" Farm- an tractor; all tractors in new condition; M. -H. 90 self-propelled 12 -foot swath com- bine. used one season. POWER MACH- INERY --Massey-Harris take -off hay baler; MeDeering 20 -run double disc fertilizer drill; New Holland green feed harvester ith hay and corn attachments; McDeer- ing blower with 90 -foot pipe: McDeering No. 400 poweaOtakesoff manure spreader; alcDeering 3 -furrow tractor plow ; Mc - Deering 4 -furrow tractor plow: McD. 10 - blade one-way disc; AL -H. side delivery rake on rubber: M. -H. 10 -foot stiff tooth cultivator; Uni-tiller 18 -tooth cultivator; John Deere 4 -row high speed corn planter; McDeering 6 -row beet and bean drill; Mc - Deering 6 -row cultivator; 2 sets Fleury Bissell 38 -plate disc; 4 sets of 6 -section Coekshutt harrows with three sets of draw bars; set Initco 15 -foot harrows Fleury - Bissell land packer; 4 -section rotary hoe: Cockshutt 10 -foot dump rake; McDeering heavy duty rubber tire wagon; Service No. 900 Airplane Tires 7 -ton wagon; rubber tire wagon: (all wagons equipped with beet and grain box and hen racks); new bean puller, steel corn "V'r; 3 heat houses; 2 sets of wheel weights for Mc - Deering tractors; 2 50 -pound grease guns; 2 electric fences; 2.000-1b. platform scales; rubber tire wheelbarrow; 5 -bushel power take -off grain seeder; vise. drill press, blower: 2 sets of 12 -wheel draw bar; chains: forks; barrels, and many articles too numerous to mention. The above mentioned articles are all like new. Con- vince yourself by seeing them on day of sale. Due to extra large Sale, Complete Hol- stein Dispersal will be held on Friday, April 2.3rd. at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp: 100 Registered Holsteins, fully accredited and vaccinated. HEIRD SIRE — Wonderland Historian De Kol, born March 30, 1951, best record of seven nearest 'dams, average milk 17.658 tbs.. fat 664, test 3.76. 48 COWS and HEIFERS—With few ani- mals over five years of age: heavy pro- ducers; nice udders and a pleasing uni- formity of type; many fresh; some due time of sale. Leading blood lines in this herd 41 re as follows: Breaiarr Patsy Mercedes, Macha).en Pabst Roburke De Kol. MachaYen Roburke Var Susy, Machav- en Lochinvar R. A. Emily, Bonivue Ab- bekerk Finest 'A., Braejarr Patsy Lucinda. Pontiac Johanna B. Voyageur, Hillview Penny Drewdrop. Machaven Roburke Inks Mae, Machayen Pabst Roburke Inks, New - land's Delight, Springbank Roburke Piebe, Victor Wayne It, A. Susanne, Thamesside Pabst Roburke Jean, Alcartra Dewdrop Snow, Machaven Lochinvar Keyes De Kol. Beaucrest Paula Colanthan. 19 open heifers, some bred, ranging from 1 year to 16 months, carrying the blood lines of these notable sires: Rex Ideal Cuocessor, Pabst Regal Burke, Eyebright Pabst, Burke Lad; 7 Yearling Heifers; 5 six -months -old heifers; 20 heifer calves. This -herd is high ranking in R.O.P. production tests and blood lines. Sale of cattle to be held under cover. Additional items to be sold on day of Cattle Sale: Dairy Equipment - 35 804b. milk earls: new 4 -pail Surge milker. HAY and GRAIN -3,000 bales mixed hay: 25 feet grass ensilage; 12 feet corn ensilage; 350 bales straw; 400 bushels mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-- Dohenty piano; 2 beds, 'complete with springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; din- ing room table with 6 matching chairs; buffet china cabinet; 2 oak rockers; West- inghouse electric clothes dryer, new, etc.. etc. Please :take note af separate Sale Dates. Plan' to attend this sale. Booth on grounds. No reserve, everything will be sold as owner is giving up farming. Terms—Cash. RAYMOND FORBES, Pro- prietor; Garnet Hicks, Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Ringinan ; Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Phone 119, Dashwood, Ont. Wanted stp.SS Hensall News of the Week Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ibbotson, of Hanover, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Miss Minnie Reid has returned after spending die last four months in Miami and Daytona Beach, Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman were in Brussels on Tuesday of „this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Jennie Stevenson, of Brussels, who passed away, Sunday at the General Hospital, Wingham, in her 97th year. Her death was the result of a fall three months ago, when she fall and fractured her hip. She was an aunt of Mrs. Day - man and a sister of Mrs. Sarah Glazier, mother of Mrs. Dayman. To Hold Annual Trap Shoot The seventh annual trap shoot will be held at. Kippen Good Fri - ay afternoon. There will be a five-nian team shoot for the Blue Top trophy and many merchandise events for both classes. Shooters are coming from many different clubs .in Ontario. Shooting will start at one o'clock and continue all afternoon. Everyone is welcome. Win At Music Festival In the vocal duet class at the South Huron Music Festival, Exe- ter, Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. R. Broderick were in fire place; Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. Broderick, second. Mary Ann and Dianne Rannie won first pize at the festival on Monday with a vocal duet.. The double trio, composed of Gwen Spencer, nary Ann and Dianne Rannie, Jean Henderson, Mary Ann Vanhorne and Joan Koehler won second prize. The unison chorus placed third. All these contestants took part on Monday, the first day of the festival, The following pupils of Miss Greta Lammie were successful' Prize winners at the South Huron Music Festival held at Exeter: piano, 9 and under, Peggy Goddard, 3rd; 12 and under, Jane Horton, 2nd; 14 and under, Gwen Spencer, 2nd; 15 and under, Dwayne Tin-' ney, 3rd; pia.np duet, 9 and under, Peggy Goddard and Margaret El- gie, 2nd; piano duet under 13, Jane Horton and Bernice Ferg, 3rd; quick study, Jane Horton, 3rd. Section Party At S.S. 1, The annual section party at the White School, Tuckersmith, was held on Friday night. A varied selection* of choruses, two and three-part songs, a junior solo and duet, alternated with piano solos, combination numbers, the Rthythm Band and Foot -Sweet Orchestra. This was followed by an Easter duet by Mrs. M. Traquair and Mrs. S. Rootral and piano solods by Maja Roobal, who also very cap- ably acted as pianist for the duet and community singing. A con- test, conducted by Mrs. R. Brode- rick, proved very interesting. For the last part of the program the pupils presented "A Skit in Color," which was both enthusiastically given and received. To close, all joined in singing "The Queen." Suffers Facial Lacerations Philip Salves, 5, son of LAC. and " Mrs. Salvas, R.C.A.F. Station, Clin- ton, was admitted to South Huron poARDERS WANTED — ACCOMMODA- "' don for two or three male boarders. Apply Box 311, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4501x2 WORK WANTED — READY TO DO work of any kind—truck driving, machinist. farming. Box 316. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4502x.1 ('sISASS FOR PASTURE—WILL TAKE eight or nine head of cattle for pas- ture. AUSTIN DOLMAGE, Winthrop. Phone 834 r 11. 4502.1 For Sale or Rent R SALE OR RENT—az-ROOM MOD - ern brick house; 4 -piece bath. hot water heated, automatic stoker. In good state 0 repair, Ideal basement. 1Former residence of Miss Sarah Brow -n). Locat- ,.(1 one-half mile west of Seaforth on highway. Also parcel of land. Posses- sion May 1. Apply JOSEPH GRUM- METT. 511 r 31, Seaforth. 4502-1 In Memoriam ' TnEDDEN'—IN LOVING MEMORY OF George Edward Hedden, who. phased away April 19, 1927. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet: You were the kind of husband and father Your loved ones would never forget. ----Ever remembered by his Wife and Family. 4502-1 Cards of Thanks J WISH TO THANK DOCTORS BRADY. •fl 114c114.aster and Elliott, the nurses of the Hospital, and all who sent flowers while 1 was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, 4502.1 MRS. ALMA CHESNEY MR. KENNETH ARMSTRONG WISHES An' to thank .his many friends for cards, treats, etc.; while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; also Drs. Oakes. Staple- ton and Addison, and the nurses. Special thank, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor and Carol East. 4502x1 WE WISH TO THANK THE NURSES " and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for their kindness while Mr. Bell was a patient there, Ono friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers in the time of be- reavement; Rev. D. Glenn Cam.phell, and those who loaned cars or helped in any way. MRS. J. L. BELL AND FAMILY 4502.1 J SINCERELY THANK MY NEIGHBORS, friends and relatives for the flowers, treats, cstrds. letters and visitwhile a patient in Scott Memorial Hoapital and since coming home. Special thanks to Rev. J. J. McCowell, Rev. E. Weber, Dr. Stapleton and the nursing staff of the boa - Vital for their kindness Also special thanks to all the good neighbors who helps ed out in any way at 'home. 43.02x1 TERES A LyNCIT WORDS PAIL ME TO EXPRESS MY most sincere thanks to all my friends and 4lat1ves who called on me during the afternoon of nay 91st birthday on Friday, April 9th, and those who re- membered me with birthday cards, letters or otherwise. It was a grand day arid I only hope and pray that when eaeh one of you reach that age you vrill enjoy the day as 1 have done this one, and may God spare you to do so. I received 35 birth- day cards and nearly an many letters and congratulations from everywhere. 4502.1 NEM MURRAY Births BOWMAN -4t Scott Memorial RAspital. on April 15, to Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Bowman, 11.11. 2, Clinton, a son. Scarrr—At Scott Memorial Romital. on April14, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 13: Scott, RA 2, Seaforth, a son. Hospital, Exeter, Sunday after- noon suffering facihl lacerations when he fell out the right door of his father's car. The door flew open as the wind caught it and threw it back. The child spun three or four times in the air and landed on his face on the gravel, and was unconscious when picked up. The accidEnt happened one mile south of 1-lensa11. His condi- tion at date of writing is satisfac- tipry. . Hold Euchre and Dance The Town Hall was packed to capacity for the euchre and dance last Friday night, sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute. Door receipts were $130, Euchre prize winners were: ladies, Mrs. T. Brintnell, Mrs. A. Pepper, Phyllis Lostell; gents, Bill Coleman, E. Whitehouse, D. Tremeer; luck7 lunch prize, Mrs. Roy McBride. Thirty-one tables were in play* for the. euchre. Murdoch's orchestra furnished music for the dance. LodtTer 'Hears Fine Address The regular meeting dr Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednes- day evening in the Lodge rooms with Vice Grand Miss Ma.bel Whiteman presiding. It was the official visit of the D.D.P., Mrs. Kay Cann, Exeter, who gave an interesting and informative address and told of the forming of the first THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A recent editorial in one of the leading Toronto dailies has a time- ly word to say in regard to the ser- iousness of the growth of the drink evil. It accepts as correct the find- ings of the Alcoholism Research Foundation of Ontario, recently published., e.g., that 70 per cent of' adult Canadians "use" alcohol, that 76 per cent of Canadian men "use" alcohol, and 64 per cent of Cana- dian women. "The Foundation's fig- ures should occasion thought, if not anxiety. Can we feel that the laws governing the sale, distribu- tion and. consumption of liquor are adequate?" It points out that On- tario is the only Province which has made positive changes in liquor legislation within recent times and where there has been time to as- sess the consequences. The main purpose of the 1947 legislation was to bring drinking out of hotel bed- rooms into the open. "To a large extent this has been done." But it did not clean up the beer parlors, "as a visit to almost any of them clearly (and rather repelletitly) shRws." A further quotation, "of the 170 arrests made by the police over the week -end, 135 were direct- ly connected with liquor, and of those, 87 were for drunkenness." We in Huron County have no beer parlors or any other licensed out- lets. If the Canada Tempera.nee Act does not restrict the consump- tion of liqUor, why do those finan- cially interested in promoting eon- sumption agitate for its repeal?— "SAdvt.). Rebekah Lodge with the first as, sembly session being held in Strat- ford. Following the ineeting a so- cial hour was enjoyed, highlighted by a penny sale. A delicious lunch- eon was served. South Huron Ministerial The members of the South Hur- on Ministerial Association were gues.ta of Padre Larry Mould, Protestant Chaplain, R.C.A.F., Cen- tralia, on Monday. Meeting at the Protestant chapel at 11 a.m., a brief Communion service was ad- ministered by F/Lt. Mould, after which an interestin paper was pre- sented on the theme, "Martin Luth- er," by Rev. E. L. Heiwrich, of Zurich.. At noon the members were lunch- eon guests of Group Captain W. W. Bean, Commanding °facer of R.C. A.F., Centralia. The remainder of the meeting took place following lunch, after which the members were taken on a tour of the Sta- tion by F/0. Arthur Bowlby. Memlbers present included Revs. H. Snell, W. Parrott, E. L. Heim - rich, H. Roppel, W. Kratz, E. Mohr, G. `iliTanless, W. J. Rogers, N. Knox, W. Smith, J. B. Fox; C. Down and W. Moores. When you invite trouble, you can be sure it will accept. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace vis- ited on Sunday with. Mr. Wallace's brother Tom, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, all of Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and daughter, Alice, and Mr. Oswald Walker were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet CocIrwell at Dashwood. Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun has re- turned to her thome in Clinton af- ter s,pending a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar and Gary, of Seaforth, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKel- lar one day last week. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl attended the 40th annual meeting of the Hamil- ton and London S3rnodical of the Presbyterian Church held in St. Andrew's Church, Owen Sound, on IMPLEMENT SALE We are reducing our stock of Imple- ments at Bargain Prices! New Im- plements in stock: Dearborn One -Way Plow Dearborn Disc plow Dearborn 10" and 12" Plows Dearborn Field. Cultivators Dearborn Disc Harrows Dearborn Drag Harrows Dearborn Culti- packers Dearborn Mowers SEE THIS BARGAIN! Dearborn Combine, complete with scour kleen and rotary pickup; used 80 hours. $900.00 off list • DALY MOTORS PHONE 102 Seaforth April 6, 7 and 8. The highlight of the synodical was the address by Miss Margaret Kennedy, mission- ary borne on furlough from India. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg, of Exe- ter, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton On Siutday. Miss Margaret Jefferson, of Mun- ro, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing. The members of the bowling club were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing on Saturday evening. Mrs. D. Colquhoun and daughter spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott and family last week. ri'gr ARRM-16, 19,54 ..0111111110,111114.011111111.0111111t Fiax Contracts I am contracting Flax for Canada Linmed Oil Mills Ltd., Toronto -LOUIS LECHNER Seaforth : Phone 49 umwmump–mow-imp.iraw. For Lease MODERN SERVICE STATION ON NO. 4 HIGHWAY, IN HENSALL_ Real Business For Right Party Doing good gallonage -24,000 gallons ht 8 months Possession May 1st TELEPHONE 329 - CLINTON in evenings N40:40:40:4c44 MICKLE'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Hensall • Phone 103 Farmers, as many of you know, last Nov. 12, 1952, we put hi our Showroom two calves for the Hensall Calf 'Club. Our aims were to keep feeding losts and gains. We fed three different rations from starting, to April 10, 1954. These rations changed ass the animals became heavier. The starting ration was: 100 Ibir- Purina Steer Fatena, 300 lbs. Western Oats, 100 lbs. Shelled Corn. This ration was fed until calves averaged approximately 506 lbs. This ration was changed and we included 200 lbs. of Shelled) Corn instead of only 100. The remainder of the ration remained' the same. As the calves got heavier and reached around the 600 pound weight, our ration changed. This time we used Purina Beer Chow instead of Steer,,Fatena, so as to finish them for the Calf Club Show. This ration consisted of 100 lbs. Purina Beef Chow, 300 lbs. Western Oats, 200 lbs. Shelled Corn, 100 lbs. Purina Omolene. This ration is now being fed to she two calves. The results of our feeding operations are as follows: Calf "A" C381110 Weight November 12, 1953 400 lbs. U. Weight April 10, 1954 720 lbs. 361 ilbto: Gain 320 lbs. 3 Total Gain 650 De. Amount of feed consumed -•-2,020 lb& of meal 645 lbs. of hay Cost of feed $102.60 Cost per pound gain 15.80 2.2 lb. Daily gain per animal Come in and see these calves. You have a standing invitation - If you're just starting your Chicks now, here's something worth considering: If these chicks , are to be laying big eggs in time to cash in on the top prices_of this year, they Will have to be developed fast and fully. Start them on Purina Chick Startena — famous for the "flying start" it gives them — and then keel) them coming on a Purina grow- ing ration. Be sure to remind us to give you a copy of the Purina Book, "Profitable Feed- ing," next time you're in the store. This 48 -page, fully -illus- trated book is packed with helpful hints and ideas. Come ,in and get your copy. We're looking forward to seeing you. Give yorir Starting Pigs a Boost with New Purina Pig Startena. Farmers tell ne pigs grow faster on Purina Pig Startena and therefore get to market sooner. If you want to. get in on the high hog market,, start your pigs off on the right start with Purina Pig Startenas and follow with a Purina' Hog Growing and 'Finishing Ratios. Make our store your thee& quarters when 4n town. We get latest research informatieni. from Purina, know what your neighbors are doing. We might have just the answer to some problem that's worryting you. Come see us. Geo. T. Mickle & Sons LTD. HENSALL, ONT. • PHONE 103 WOCONIMICENCONINCOX42 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEM DE LUXE SEDAN 2-1962 CHEV. STVLIELINE ::t:kDANS 1952 PONTIAS SEDAN 1951 CHM. DE LUXE SEDAN—Puliy equipped 1951 CHEV. POWERGLIDE FLEE'rLINE SEDAN—Pally equipped. 19511 PONTIAC SEDAN 1950 CHEM STATION WAGON 1950 may. DE tuma COACH 1949 OBEY. SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1947 DODGE COACH 1946 PONTIAC 11101IPE 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1942 (HEV. FIAEETLINE COACH 1940 GREY. SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 FORD COACH • TRucK13 1946 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE TRUCE 1 ARMY TRUCK 1942 DODGE 1 -TON TRUCK SP ECI A L-1952 CH EV. SE OA N-61 ‘1395.00 SPECIAL—New No. 20 Coolathutt Tractor A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Carte MANY OTHER MODEL8 TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 711 -X --'The Hoene of ,Better Used Cdre OPEN EVERY EVENING