HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-16, Page 39 • { R ' 4 • APRIL 6,-1954 RS THE Hensall Legion Auxiliary Initiate Two New Members The Hensel' Legion Auxiliary Westminster Hospital. met in the Legion Hall on Tuesday with 37 members present. Also present was Mrs. Luella Hall, of Blyth, Zone Commander, and mem- bers of Blyth Auxiliary . This was Mrs. Hall's annual visit and her address was much enjoyed as was the visit of her auxiliary. Plane were completed for the Kinsmen banquet. on April 28, to be held in the Town Hall. Mrs. Hall initiat- ed into membership in the auxil- iary Mrs. William Noakes and Mrs. Mona Rose Campbell. Lynda shows tyPical little -girl interest in her mother's telePhone call; that's 18 -month-old Donna. Perched in her high chair. Delegates to the convention in Toronto in September will be Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. Ross Dick. Mrs. Inez McEtwan won the mystery prize. President Mrs. Rennie, who presided, thanked the members who canvassed for the Red Cross. runt. also the conveners nit' the Masonic banquet. Mrs. L. Sang- ster consented to buy a gift for the birthday of the adopted veteran at District Obituaries Tuekersrnxth Ladies' aub Plans Toronto Bus Tdp The regular meeting of the Tuck ersmith Ladies' Club was held en Wednseday, April 7, at the tome of Mra. Walder Pepper, with 14 members and nine visitors present. The meeting opened with the "Opening Ode, ' followed Ny the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call, "a housecleaning hint I learn- ed myself," proved very interesting and helpful. Several reports were given anti business discussed. Plans were completed for the bus trip to Toronto, which the ladies will take in May. In place of a program, a very interesting dem- onstration of Stanley products was given by Mrs. Brock of Centralia. The meeting was brought to a close with the Homemakers' Pray- er. A delicious .lunch was served by the hostess; assisted by Group No, 2. A diecussion was held about ex- tending the kitchen 'wall to the ceiling, but no decision could be made until permission is received from the Legion. Lunch committee for May was appointed. • A bouquet of flowers was sent to Miss Gladys Luker, a valued mem- ber of the auxiliary, whose mother recently passed away. Bingo was played, with prises being awarded to several members of both Blyth and Heneall auxil- iaries. Mrs. Hall was presented with a lovely cup and saucer. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. William A. Kerr, who has spent the winter •months with his wife and family at Exeter, left for Sturgeon Falls, Northern Ontario, on Sunday, where he will be en- gaged as sawyer for a lumber com- pany for the summer months. "When you have to do everything for two small children it's not easy to leave the house even for essential shopping," says Mrs. Bernard Renaud of 755 Desaulniers Blvd., St. Lambert, Que. "I've really appreciated our telephone in.the last few years. It means I can still pkk up bargains I see in the paper and do my shopping in a matter of minutes ... by telephone. So, my 'phone saves me money and gives me time to do other things that crowd my busy day. That's why I think one of the best bargains I ever bought mas our telephone!" CONTRACT BARLEY THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA We are now taking contracts for 1954 CONTRACT EARLY Acreage has been greatly reduced COOK BROS. MILLING CO. Phone 24 Hensall, Ont. LExpositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 The Fox without a Tail A FOX once fell into a trap, and after a struggle managed to get free, but with the loss of his brush.- He was then so much ashamed of his appearance that he thought life was not worth living unless he could persuade the other Foxes to part with their tails also, and thus divert attention from his own loss. So he called a meeting of all the Foxes, and advised them to cut off their tails'l "They're ugly things anyhow." he said, "and besides they're heavy, and it's tiresome to be always carrying them about with you." But one of the other Foxes said, "My friend. if you hadn't lost your own tail, you wouldn't be so keen on getting us to cut off ours. - MORAL: When an acquaintance says to you "Why bother with a savings aecountr he may be acting like the fox without a tail. Any man who knows anything of the chances—and mischances—of life, makes a savings account the first step in his investment program. That's why,level-headed Canadians from coast to coast maintain savings accounts with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Why not join the procession? MRS. E. FAHNER EXETER.—Mrs. Edward Fainter, 70, of Stephen Township, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, was the former Rosina Finkbeiner, and had lived all her life in Steph- en. She and her husband farmed for some years in Stephen Township, and then took over the Central Hotel, at Crediton, which they conducted for 20. years. For the past nine years they have resided with their daughter, Mrs. John Quinliven, in Stephen Township. She was a member of the Evan- getlibal U.B. Church. Surviving besides her husband are three daughters: Mrs. Harry Trick, Crediton; Mrs. John Quin - liven, Stephen, and Mrs. Norman Norry, Exeter; one brother, Fred Finkbeiner,' Exeter, and one sis- ter, Mrs. Mary Niohols, Adelaide. Resting at the Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter, services were conducted Tuesday at 2 Pan. by the Rev. E. N. Mohr, and inter- ment was made in Crediton ceme- tery. FUNERAL OF THOMAS SCOTT OROMARTY.— The funeral of Thomas- Seott was held from the family home, •Cromarty, on Thurs- day afternoon, with Rev. Robert Duncan, of Cromarty, officiating, ,of Thamesford, and Rev. George M. Lamont. of Mitchell. During the SerViek't Ernest Tem- pleman and Frank Stagg' sang "Saved By -Grace"' and "Breathe on Me, Breath of God." Many floral Pallbearers were six nephews: Lyle Worden. staffa; Thomas L. S.cott, Cromarty: Frank Rowley, Kirkton; Laurie Colquhoun, Clin- ton; Donald Wallace. St. Pauls. and Fergus McKellar. Senforth. Flower -bearers were grandchildren. Duncan Scott, Muriel- Scott, Ina and Dorothy Scott, with nephews Rugg" McDougall and Bob McKel- lar. Burial was made in Staffa Those attending the funeral were from Woodstock, Tavistock, Ayl- mer,,St. Marys, Galt, Clinton, Lon- desboro, St. Pauls, Thamesford. Zurieh, Kirkton, Exeter, Mitchell, Cromarty and the surrounding dis- trict. S.H. W.I. Executive II a s Exeter Meeting The executive meeting of South Huron District Women's Institutes was held in the Legion Hall Wed- nesday afternoon. All of the nine branches were represented. Mts. Kenneth Johns, district president, was in the chair. Arrangements were 'made for the district annual, to be held in Egmondville United Church, May 20, unless a change in date is made later. Wedding gowns of past years will be modelled. by three members of each Institute represented at the clistrict annual. The Huron scholar- tund was discussed and all In - <hues in South Huron were in favor but one. It was decided that tiO0 bond is to be used for this Mrs. J. McLellan, of Kippen East \V I. and Mrs. E. Cameron, Seaforth Institute. contributed to the meet - 11 -2.„ the former with a reading and the latter a piano 'solo. The nom-. Mating. committee met to bring in a slate of officers, to' be preseuted ,,t , the district' annual. Sailorfh Gr Meets ...100 regulair.;iwougo tue $e forth 4-$ Grain CIO) was. held en Friday evening in. the SeaforthDis- trict High Schaal, with President Donald Dodds as chairman. The meeting opened by leading in the 4-H Pledge. The m3nntee 61 the Previous meeting were read by the. secretary, Bob Broadest. Harold Baker, assistant agricul- tural representative, epoke on "Par- liamentary Procedure" and later showed pictures,on the 441 Club work which is .being done in the comatanity. The wtneetiug was then adjourned. The next 'meeting will be held some bare i* May. oonseeittiV0 Oto It is ep44tigN , . Bose: "S1 sine on 55914, know what we d4 Wlth 9 _,. who tell lief?* Boys: "Yes sir.' 7111*lpi.' j' old enough, the Anil sei out as salesmen."' Hensall Plans Annual Mddlers' Show At a meeting of the fiddlers' con- test cominittee, held in Hernsall on Thursday, the date for the Western Ontario Champion Fiddlers' Con- test, was set for Friday, June 4, In Hensall arena. Committees were appointed to look atter arrangements: stage, Ear! Dick, Cecil Maxwell, Norman Jones, Fred Harburn; lights and decorating, Jack Drysdale, Bob Drysdale, Harvey Keys, Dr. D. Mo- Kelvie; booth, Bent Heaton, Geo. Hess, William Fairbairn; gate and Prize money, W. W. Jarrett; en- tries, Walter Spencer, G. M. Drys- NOTICE ! Salvag WE WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of rMetal, RSVP Highest Cash 'Prices Paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND. Veteran's ,GEORGE H. MILLER, Prep, Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH • Illustration by Arthur Roaham, from the Heinemann Edition of ilesqu's Fablesl, The Canadian Bank of Commerce P E 5ATI A 4" NYLON BRUSH AND ONE PINT RIPOLIN I ONLY, . Vs PINT RIPOLIN WHITE ENAMEL 1 ONLY, QUART SPRED SATIN 1 ONLY, 4" NYLON BRUSH Zurich 4-H Club Holds Initial Meeting The first meeting of the Zurich 4-H Calf Club was held in the Zur-. ich Town Hall Wednesday evening when five new members joined. They were: Marilyn Erb. Ronald Neil, James. Love, Floyd . Turner and Oscar Ducharme. The meeting was opened by re- peating the 4-H Pledge in unison. The minutes of the last uteeting, were read by. the secretary. Mary Geiger, and Kay Klopp Moved their adoption. seconded by Edgar Wil- lett The roll call was answered by each member present repeating tlfe' Pledge, The officers were con- gratulated by the associ:ite :agri- cultural representative. Ha l'Old Baker. in the'.way tbey conducted the business of the meeting. 'Par- liamentary procedure %V a explaie- ed by Mr. Baker. Interes+ing slides were shown, depicting the club pro - :feet for 1953. Presentation of the trophies for the 1953 project took place. pres- entations being made•hy Mr. Stein - back. president of thr, Federation of Agrieulture. Names. of ihe win- ners are Mary Geiger. Kay Klopp apd 'Don .Horton. The president. Keith Love, thanked,,Mr. Baker for showing the slides and giving hints on calf care. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde and family visited Sunday eveningwith Mrs. J. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton Sunday after - MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, ONT. President, William A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Vice -President, Martin u•alia; E. Clayton Colquhoun., 1, Science Hill; Milton McCurdy, AGENTS—Thos. G. I3allantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, R.R. 1, Mitchell; E. Ross Hough - .on, Cromarty. SOLICITOR—W. O. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY -TREASURER — pails= Fraser, Exeter. K Guaranteed ifk.5 " 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN Radio, Power Glide — $1,850.00 1951 Dodge Coupe (radio) 1,375.00 1948 Dodge 5 -Passenger Coupe (radio) 850.00 1946 Chev. Sedan 675.00 1946 Ford Coach 650.00 1940 Ford Coach 240.00 r937 Pl3anouth Sedan 225.00 1937 Pontiac Sedan =275.00 1937 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pickup 150.00 1937 Chev. Sedan—Excellent ..... 225.00 6 Seaforth Moters Phone 541 Seaforth Did you know that, Stainless Steel Washer 2.20 3.25 6.00 SPRED SATIN IS SCRUBBABLE, WASHABLE, DURABLE 6.00 ALL THREE FOR 3 8 TOTAL VALUE — Limit 3 Deals to a Customer — SPRED SATIN has no equal - - - RIPOLIN is the white enamel,that stays white. The 4" Nylon Brush is Canada's finest. Get 'fours Today Baldwin Hardware Phone 61 Seaforth THIS 1890 COAL-SURNER IS ONE OF THE CLAIMANTS TO.TRE ARST AUTOMOBILE IN NORTH AMERICA" DISTINCTION. IT WAS STEAM POWERED.•• REAR SEAT WAS FOR THE ENGINEER- FIREMAN. Veaseikei 10 Pace 94t EN-01€41diee Even %without ,t1se extras, the Beatty Washer is the best buy_ h washes cleaner than any other washer—Beatty washers akvays have washed cleaner. h wrings drier, so clothes dry tower on the line. it has a stronger mechan- ism aryl fag auflosts other types. This gift ensemble includes TWO Caldwell Bath Xowels, TWO Guest Towels, TWO Face Cloths, ON ETex -made Double Sheet, TWO Pillow Cases, vaeLONE Ayers "Homespun" All -Wool Blanhat. DIGGER, SOFTER SU PER - CUSHIONS BY 6000YEAWSOAK UP" THE BUMPS TO SIVE YOU COMFORT. AN YOU' LL ENJOY LONG, TIROUBLE-FREE RIDING TOO, AT VERY REASONABLE COST. SEE US TODAY FOR THIS GOODAEAR TIRES LOOK FOR THIS 'HIGH SIGN" OF QUALITY NEIL C. BELL PHONE: 452 YOUR SHELL SERVICE STATION SHEET Atte PILLOW CASES ALL WOOL BLANKET BATH AND GUEST TOWELS SMALL DOWN BIG $30.00 GIFT VALUE PLUS $50•°° TRADE-IN TOETC Till SNP") PAYMENT — EASY TERMS Geo.A.Sills&Sons Frank Skelton SEAFORTI1 Phone 66 GODERICII— Phone 89W