HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-09, Page 1, 0, 0! .7 1Wr.;• 44, ^ ' 7t. FO 7.4 4 niiniety-Fifbh Year Whale Number 46.01. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1954 89 -YEAR-OLD LIBRARIAN SERVES VARNA DISTRICT Custodian of more than 4,000 books, Mrs. Elizabeth Beatty, Lib rarian of Varna Library, has no thought of giving up her work despite her 89 years. The library, located in Mrs. Beatty's home, was organized in 1921. It receives grants from the township, county and province, and is served every three months by the Huron mobile library. Members of the board are: Rev. T. J. Pitt, Fred Mc- Clymont, Eldred Mustard, Elmer Webster, Fred Watson, John Smith, George Rei,d, Mrs. Sherlock Keyes and Mrs. H. Elliott. (Photo by Cantelon) Seaforth Churches Plan Holy Week Services Holy Week community services, .as arranged by the Seaforth Min- isterial Association, are as follows: Tueeday, April 13 — Northsidie United Church; preacher, Rev. W. E. Milroy. Wednesday, April 14 — Egmond- wille United Church; preacher, Rev. D. Glean Campbell. Thursday, April 15—First Pres- teeterian Church; preacher, Rev. J. 'H. James. Good Friday, April 16-9L Thom- as' Anglican Church; preacher, Rev. J. W. Stinson. Service4 will begin at 8 p.m., and all are cordially invited to join in this preparation for the great Eas- ter Festival. • Seaforth Lady Chosen Ds. Deputy President Of Huron Lodges Pride of Ehnen Lodge, Exeter. as :hostess for the semi-annual sleeting of Huron District, No. 23, comprising Rebekah lodges from Clinton, Goderich, Sea - forth and Exeter. Twenty-eight rast noble geands were .present wille..no. representation from Brus- sels lodge. Mts. Kay Cann, Exeter, district deputy president, presided, and Miss Mary Gardiner. dietriet-secre- tary, gave a distrirt report. Splen- did reports, denoting much activ- ity and progress, were given by the representatives of the various lodg- es and Mrs. Cann gave a detailed summary of her years work. During the business session a communication was read, Stating that Mrs. Anne Henderson, past amble. grand of EFeiweiss Rebekah Lodge No. 117, Seaforth, would be the newdistrict deputy president, commencing her duties in June. Plans were made to hold the point annual past grande' picnic of the lodges of Huron and Perth, at Lions Park, Seaforth, .on July 7, if that date is -suitable to Perth lodg- es. Following the business gession, 1Vtrs.' W. G. Cochrane, of Exeter, showed pictures taken of the Coro- nation and of several places of in- terest in Scotland and England. She also described the trip in a -anost inteiestin'g manner. Junior Farmers, Institute Plan for Coming Activities Earl MeSpatiden, President of Seaforth Junior Farmers, presided over the meeting heldin the audi- torium of the Seaforth District High School on Thursday. A mem- bership drive planned at an execu- tive meeting, brought out many McKillop Awards Bridge Contracts Meeting in Carnegie Library ou Monday, McKillop Colleen awarded contracts for two bridges and two drains. An indication that .construction work is more competitive than during recent years is the fact that there were three tenders for each of the'drainerndnine and ten tenders. respectively, for the bridg- es. Iu each case, the successful tender was below the estimated cost. The Keys drain award went to Wnwn BaldwinsWinTwo,SeriesContinu 1 'd 1 K Dublin • Resident Passes new members The roll call, "What occupation I would choose if not farming," was answered by 54 boys. This proved very interesting, with "carpenter" being the most common answer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. All of the representatives on the various committees or the Seaforth Agricultural Society were appoint- ed for another year. A committee made up of Jim Chapman, Mac Bolton and Doug Keys, was ap- i-ointed to look after placing tables and chairs in the auditorium for the Homemaking Clubs' Achieve- ment Day on April 21. A mdtion was passed to have membership cards obtained. The topic, "Quebec, Vermont and New York." was dealt with by Bob Cmbert, farm editor from . CKNX, Wingham. He gave a very excel- lent account of his recent trip through Quebec, Vermont and New York,. He stated that travelling with an open mind and the idea of learning something on every trip is Reined Nicholson, of Monktoti at very important, especially to young $438 00 while John Siemon. Me- p€:ople looking to the future. The Killer), was successful in tendering on the McQuad drain at $1,183. Mowbray Construction, Wing - hunt. was awarded the contract for the Holmes bridge at $5,192, and Looby & Looby, Dublin, the McGav- One of Dublin's oldest residents, Mrs. Barbara Holland, died at her home Thursday, April 1, after an illness of 10 days. She had lived in Dublin fo'r 31 years. She marked her 90th birthday on March 17. Mrs. Holland wits active and alert until her final 'illness and took an interest in community ae- tivities. She was injured seriously when she was 86 by a fall downstairs, but made a complete reeov,ery. Mrs. Holland was the former Barbara Eckert, daughter of the late, John Eckert and Cunagunda Arnold. and was born in Strat- ford. Her husband, George K. Holland. died 22 'years ago. They had operated a general store at Beechwood for 30 years, Since his death Mrs. Holland made her home with her daughter and son -in -raw, Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, in Dub- lin. She was one of a family of nine, of which two survive, a brother, Fred Eckert, of Dublin. and a sis- ter, Mrs. John Murray, McKillop Township. • Mrs. Holland is survived by eight of ten children: J. J. Holland, St. Columban; Mrs. James F. Carlin, Beechwood; Mrs. John' Flynn. George and Gerald, all of Dublin; Leo and Thomas, both of Windsor, and Mother Stephanie, of the Ursu- line Order, Windsor, and 35 grand- children. Two daughters prede- ceased her, Mrs. Nora Dorsey, of Duluth, Minn., in 1937, and Sister Paula (Elizabeth)., of St. Joseph's Order, Peterborough, in 1941. Mrs. Holland was a member of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. Dublin. The body rested at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flynn until Monday, when a large number of friends and relatives from Dublin and the surrounding district attended the funeral at St. Patrick's Church. Solemn Requim High Mass was sung at 10 o'clock by Rev. Dr. 3. B. Ffoulkes, He was assisted by Rev. E. P. Weber as deacon, knd Rev. J. McCowall, as sub -deacon. Mrs. William Lane presided at the organ. The pallbearers were Ed- ward. losetih. Conrad, William and Gerald Holland and Leo Cfflin. The flowed bearers were James P. Kraus- kopf. Stephen Holland, Frank O'Connor and Leslie Gasper. Bur- ial was made in St. Columban cem- etery. Among those attending the fun- eral were Miss Barbara Holland. Calgary. Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. John Frappler and Edward Holland, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hol- land, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holland and Billy. Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Holland and Mary Holland, London; Cam Scott and Clare Finn, London. and Mr.. and Mrs. Leslie Gaper, Windsor Doug Riley Benefit Is Splendid Success meeting was then adjouriled: The Junior Institute met with the Junior Farmers for the joint meet- ing. which was presided, -over by Earl -McSpadden. The meeting was opened by singing the Junior Far - in bridge at $3,498. In the case of niers' SOTIg', The minutes of the ce,ment and steel. Indt. meeting were read and adopt - bridges, the township supplies the The following, committees were appointed to look after the supper which was held Tuesday: decora- tions, Betty Campbell, Joan Somer- ville, Marilyn Bolger: coffee, Iso- bel Speir: waiters, Lloyd Cooper, Stuart Wilson. Ken Campbell, Bob Broadfoot, Doug Keys; in charge of tables, Joyce Glanville, Betty Canipbell, Mary Whyte, Doris Stev- e Mission Band To Take Sunday Evening Service The regular meeting' of the Eg- mondville Mission Band was held in the basement of the church on Sunday. April, 4, with a good at- tendance. The meeting was open- ed by 'Dorothy Jackson with the call to order and the theme song. Scripture Proverbs 13, verses 1 to 5, were read by Shirley Storey. Miss Mae Smith told the children, an Easter story." A number of the choruses for the next meeting were practised. The meeting closed by repeating the Mission Band Pur- pose in unison. The special Thankoffering ser- vice will be held next Sunday night, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. The children are taking complete charge of the meeting and are having Miss 'Clare McGowan, who was in China for a number of years and who is now working with the Children's Aid Society as guest speaker. It Is hoped a good number of parents and friends will be able to come out and enjoy this meeting with the Minion Band. The benefit dance for Douglas Riley. injured hockey player of the Londesboro team, Friday night, was a huge success. There was also a draw for a television set, which was won by Bliss Edna McDonald, nurse oat the Clinton Public Hospital. Over $1,000 was realized from the sale of tickets. Douglas is reported progressing favorably In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, following his eye injury received in a game in the Wing - ham arena. C. of C. Names Fair Standing Commtttees McKillop Friends Fete Mr., Mrs. E. Dorrance A large number of friends of Mr. said Mrs. Ed. Dorrance, well known residents of McKillop, gathered at. S.S. No. 2, -Mc(Killop, to spend a social evening with them in honor of their recent marriage. Euchre was played during the early part of the evening, with the winners as follows: ladies, high, Mrs. Sam Mc - Claire; lone hands, Mrs. R. E. Mc- Millan; consolation, Mrs. Robert Dalton; men, high, John H. Storey; lone hands, Arthur Anderson; con- solation, F. Hunt. After lunch was served, Walter Scat read an address and John Thompson, Stewart Dolmage and, Walter McClure presented Mr. and ivirs. Dorrance with a set of dishes and a number of other gifts. Hard at. work planning for the coming year, the recently -elected executive of the Chamber of Com merce, under the presidency of M. Ross Savauge, has appointed stand- ing committees for the year. These ens. A donation of $10 was voted to the Canadia-n Oiincer Association A committee. made up of Jima Chapman. Jim McGregor, Doris Johnston and Mary Dennis, was appointed to look after the lunch for the county formal, to beheld in Clinton en April 22. Harold Baker, 'Sssociate agricul- tural representative, showed an in- teresting film, "Farmers For the Future." This was followed by games, lunch and dancing. McKillop Busy Beavers Have Final Meeting The eighth meeting of the Mc- Killop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Sandra Doig on Satur- day with a good attendance of club girls and their mothers. It being the last meeting of the club, the girls entertained their mothers. To open the meeting, "Jingle Bells" was sung by all. The club girls repeated the 4-H Club Pledge in unison. The roll call was an- swered each. girl handing in her completed slip. The minutes of the last meeting were , read by Joy Santa. The business followed, with Mrs. J. Keys showing the girls the completed wooden book -covers. It was decided that the club would have a practise of the skit which is to be put on at the Achievement Day in Seaforth Dis- trict High School on Apr11.21. The practise is to be held at Jean Scott's home on April 17. The guessing of baby pictures followed and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. R. Doig read a. poem entitled. "Tomor- row May Be Too Late." A contest was conducted by Mrs. .Tames Keys, with Katherine M'oy- Ian as the winner. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen," and a pot -luck supper followed. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Dorothy Keys to Mrs. Doig and Sandra. Sandra replied gracious- ly. On behalf of the .mothers, Mrs. Aaron Jantzi thanked the club girls for the afternoon. A social afternoon was enjoyed by all. SUdCUMBS Mrs. Barbara 'Holland, who passed away at her home in Dublin, Thursday, April 1. Car Hits Kippen Store; Varna Driver Injured Mr. John Williams, 21, of R.R. 1, Varna, was taken to South Huron Hospital. Exeter, early Sunday morning after his car skidded into Emmerson Kyle's store at Kippen. He suffered face cuts and a pos• sible broken shoulder, Mr. Wil- liams was going north when his car went onto the shoulder of the road and skidded sideways. The car, valued at $300, was a total wreck. Provincal Constable Cecil Gibbons, of Exeter, investigated'. 114 • 0 Coming from behind with tbTee , games against them, Seaforth Rata, defeatedwins, inasuapteerrlob odistpwlosay.otrigfahaehtleeg d w become positive contenders for, the best -of -seven series. The sixth game is in Seaforth Thursday night, with the final game in Wia- terloo Saturday night. F. of A. Resolution Has Varied Reception in Huron A resolution forwarded by the' Huron County, Federation of Agri- culture requesting the various mun- icipalities in the county to remove the months of May and September from Daylight Saving Time in an effort to eliminate some of the hardships on farmers. has had a varied reception. The Town of Clinton at its regu- lar ntonthly council meeting, did not comply with the request, rather i1 passed a motion, following suit o( the Town of Goderich, to adopt Daylight Saving Time, at 2 am., April 25, and to revert to Eastern Standard Time at 2 a.m., Septem- . ber 26. Hullett Township, meeting at Londesboro, filed the county fed - ration's resolution, while Stanley Township, meeting at Varna. en- dorsed the resolution, Seaforth Council took tie action it .its March meeting, deciding to wait until neighboring towns had acted. The ,matter will come up again at the April meeting Monday evening. Officials of Ontario Hospital Auxiliary • To Speak Here Mrs. W. C. Vaughan, St. Cathar- ines, vice-president of the Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries, will be the gust speaker at a meeting of the See)forth Hospital Auxiliary being held in the nurses' residence Tues- day evening, April 13. The president of the Ontario As- sociation, Mrs. H. G. Horning, of Woodetock, will also be present. and in addition guests are expect- ed front auxiliaries in this district. Hibbert Couple Celebrate Twenty-fifth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. of Hibbert, celebrated twenty-five years of married lite on Saturday, April 3. Mrs. Kennedy was the former Anna McGrath. and they were married in Si. Columban on April 3. 1929, by the late Rev. J. Dantzer. They have a family of two daughters and two sons. Mrs. W. J. Kenahan, St. Augustine; Lewis, of aR Toronto. nd GordonGordon• and at home. The immediate family were guests for dinner at six o'clock at the Hillcrest Tea Rooms. During the evening' friends and neighbors gathered. with Lou Row- land reading a congratulatory ad- dress, and Albert Cronin making the presentation of a.tri-light lamp. smoker and silver teapot. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy thanked their friends briefly, and all wish- ed the couple many more years of happiness. are: Fall Fair Committee'— Keith Sharp, Ted Southgate, .Gordon Wright, -John C. Crich, Eric Mil- ner. Don Woods. Industrial Committee — Nelson. Canino. James A. Stewart, Frank Sills, Jr. 'Civic Improvement Committee— Gordon Wright, B. F. Christie, TackStevene. Stevens. Town Planning and Zoning Com- mittee—A. Y. IVIcLeetn, L. P. Pluinsteel, John Longeiaff. Membership Committee — R, S. Box. R. R: MeKindsey, E. C. Bos- well. Harold Whyte. Merchants' 'Committee—W. At- thur Wright, J. A. Weatcott, Rose Hamilton. "Seaforth Days" Committee—El- mer 'Larone, James A. Stewart. Fire Brigade Answers Two Calls Monday S. Stothers, Lucknow, Speaks to Jr.Farmers, Institute a t Banquet Foymer Huron County agricultur- al representative, Steve Stothers, of LucknoW, 'addtressed a large gath- ering of Junior Institute and Jun- ior Farmer mernUers at the annual banquet Tuesday evening at the Seaforth District High School. During his term in Huron Mr. Stothers organized five junior farm groups, the first two being at Exe- ter and Fordevich in 1920-21. By 1914 he said. all counties in On - trio had agricultural offices and reeresentatives, except Huron, Wel- lington. Perth and oneeastern county. Junior farm organizations must have leadership, enthusiasm and a well-balanced prograna, he said. Introduced by Ruth Keyes, Sea - forth' Junior Institute president, he was thanked by Helen Johnston. Huron County Junior Institute president. The club's project. concession signs for Tuckersmith Township. planned and the public is invited. Gregor announced. luno, committee. Oldest Resident of Henan 96 YearsOld Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, the for- mer Elizabeth Carlile, oldest resi- dent of Hensall, and well-known Hensall pioneer, will celebrate her 96th, birthday Thursday. She will Send the day quietly at her home with • her daughter, Jennie, who takes care of her. Mrs. Buchanan, in spite of her advanced years, enjoys compara- tively good health and takes an interest in current events. Up un- til recent years she enjoyed knit ting, crocheting and gardening, and Mill be glad when the warm weather comes so she can sit on her ver- andah to enjoy the sunshine. A native of the second concession of Hay Township, Mrs. Buchanan attributes her long life to plenty of hard work and taking each day in its stride. A resident of Hensall for the past 25 yeers, she came. here after residing with her hus- band, following their marriage, on a farm in Tuckersmith. She likes to remininsce over the early days arid recalls how she walked to Bon- thron's store at Rogerville, a :lite tance of 31/2 miles one way, with eggs and butter. and would return home laden with groceries. Mrs. Buchanan recalls there were no binders then; the farmers would follow the reaper and bind the sheaves, stook them, put grain on the barn floor and flail it out. She attended church at Rogerville with her parents,• who came to Canada from. Ireland, when the late Rev. John Logie was the minister at that time. She has two eons. one . the Waterloo backwall and slipped num.'Ler three past Reinhart. Fol- • lowing this the locals were able to pump home two more counters be- fore the game ended in a puleup beside the Seaforth cage. First Period -1, Seaforth, Sten- lund (Mcllwain), 18:45. Penalties—Barton, Wright, Chou- itiard, Jesson. Second Period -2, Seaforth, J. - Muir (Chouinard), 15:10. Penalties—Aitchison. Falby, Sten- lund (major, minor)„ Wright (ma- jor, 1) -minute misconduct). Third Period -3, Waterloo. Ford (Thiel), :56; 4, Seaforth, Stone, 13:01; 5, Seaforth, Chouinard Muir). 14:55; 0. Seaforth, R. Muir, 18,:50. Break Jinx in Seaforth Saturday night's 5-1 comeback for the Seaforth Balelwins, eaUght) the Waterloo SIAM& pompletely by surprise.. The do-or-die efforts of , the locals had the visitors holding high doubts if it was .the same team they had swamped. 124 only one week before. Over 1500 fans saw the fast action tilt, which was classed as the best game played in Seaforth this season. Seaforth started the ball rolling late in the first period, when Ken Stenlund teamed up with Jack Mc- Ilwain to fire the first past Doug Reinhart in the Siskin nets. At the time of the Seaforth tally,"the Waterloo squad was launching a power play on the short hand, as they hoped to take, full advantage of Don Jesson's penalty for inter- ference. • Bedlam broke out in the early minutes of the second period when Stenlund and Wright started let- ting off steam, which cost each of them a five-minute' rest in the cooler for fighting. Wright's strong protest cost him an additional 10- minute miseonduct. While both , clubs were battling it out, five to ' side, Seaforth launched a drive on the Siskin net that resulted in Jack Muir's goal from the back of the Waterloo fort, putting Seaforth out in front 2-0. Although Waterloo started an early power drive on the Seaforth goal in the early minutes of the. final frame. the Baldwin defence • weathered the storm, while superb goaltending of Rpn Salter yielded only once. Don Stone put the game on ice for the Baldwins at the 13:01 mark of the period when. he stickhandled his way through daughter, 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Bride -Elect Honored By Choir of First Church Following regular/choir practice on Wednesday evening in F:rst. Presbyterian Church, Miss P. Pat- terson was honored by the choir when they presented her with a lace tablecloth. in appreciation of her long service in that organiza- tion. Stanley J. Smith spoke a few words of appreciation and Miss H. Murray made the presentation. An interesting programis nearing completion, Jim Mc- is being Refreshments were served by the "Keeper of the Trees" by Local Writer to Run as Expo sitorSerial Seaforth firemen were busy on Monday and Tuesday when they' answered three &Bs. 'two of a minor nature, and the third, a false alarm. An overheated stovepipe at the residence of Lorne Dale, James St., led to the first alarm Monday morning. No serious damage was done. At 11:45 p.m. the brigade was called to the home of Don Wallace, George St., where damage could have been extensive. A faulty oil stove set fire to an upholstered chair, burning the floor around' It and filling the iaouse with dense smoke. The family, who were all in bed, had difficulty making their escape. Mr. Wallace managed to toss the burning chair outside be- fore the firemen waived Fire Brigade Plans Local Talent 'Show The Seaforth Fire brigade will sponsor a local talent show for two performance g on May 6 and 7, it was announced this week. "The Gay Nineties," as the show Is called, is directed by the Empire Producing Com- pany. Commencing with this issue, The Expos'tor is publishing the first instalment of an original novel by a Seaforth writer, M. C. Doig. While Mrs. Doig has contributed many short stories and articles to various publica- tions, this is her first full-length feature. Titled "Keeper cif the Trees," the story will be read with interest by Expositor readers. ` Part One THE STORE talked about things "coining green" when there was work to be done. -The Ohl Forest should be cut down." be declared. rudely. "Half the trees in it. are rotten at the heart. Let me in there with a couple of good power -saws and I'll show the 010 Forest what's what." Nets' horrified look silenced even Sigmund for the time being. and he stood watching as Nels raked the ashes out of the old box stove that heated the store from the lst of October until the 24th of May. -Sigmund's eyes followed his youngest son's movement's with disheartened pnzzlement: "How come 1 ever had A young one like that?" he muttered. "He's not like Ted or Jon or Evelyn or Karen. Andhe certainly isn't like me or Janet. Why, he doesn't ev- en look like us!" Which was true enough. Nels differed from his brothers and sis- ters in so many ways that Janet sometimes wondered it' he could be a changeling. He did not look like the rest. being very dark !mired end dark skinned. He did not act ;ike the rest, being a lone wolf and as secretive as a pack rat. His mind seemed to function on a plane set apart not only from the rest of his family and schoolmates, but from the world. He was consider- ed slow at school, and he hated figures. He could day dreeam for hours on end without giviag any- one the slightest inkling as to what he was dreaming about. Of all the tens of thousands Of books in the world Nels loved only two. KIM AND SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. and he had read both of them times without number. Some day he hoped to have a house in a tree. • "He'd have to like those two oldies," Jon declared, .scornfully. "Something that nobody else reads. Something without a car in it. let alone an airplane! He wouldn't thinkN of reading a book on hockey, or aidylanes, or even Buffalo Bill. I'll bet he has no use for Buffalo Bill because he wns good at killing buffalo." Nels knew the Old Forest from end to end. and could have made his way unerringly to the middle of it on the darkest night. Underneath his' surly exterior beat a kind and gentle heart, and he hated animal traPs with -all his heart and soul. Dave Menzies was the hunter and trapper of Brig End Mills, mho kept the fox ,population within .bounds, to the great satisfaction of the Nels Kelson was mad at the world. He was mad deer through. And when Nels felt like that he had air unholy knack of putting a blight on everyone in the vicinity. His father, Sigmund Kelson; his mother. Janet; his brothers and sisters; even the customers in the store telt. after one look at Nels' dark end stormy face. that the world WAS a bleak place with no worthwhile goal in sight and very little fun along the way. He was the only boy in Brig End, Mills who had to work on Satur- day. He would bet that he was the only boy in Canada who had to work on Saturday. By gosh! he was ready to het that he was the only boy in the whole danged world who had to work on Satur- day! And all because they had a general store that made enough work for fou' families. Why didn't his father ask Jon or Karen to sweep out the store? They liked the store. They liked. the people who came to the store. Whereas he, Nels, hated them and it like— like fractions! • And why? demanded Sigmund aggrievedly, of Janet. All he had asked the boy to do was sweep the store and carry out the ashes and help around .a bit. It was Sat- urday, wasn't it? And what was a thirteen -year-old boy good' for if it wasn't' to do chores around the place on Saturday? Heaven knows he ate enough. He should be glad to do something in return for his clothes and keep. And what had. he saidi when Sigmund suggested a little labor? "But, Dad, 1 was going over to the Old Forest teday! It's spring. Toraorrow's Aril fool. . Every- thing,"—longingly—"will be just. coming green in the Old Forest to- day." Sigmund Kelson was a hot -bead- ed man with vety little patience; least of all with dreamers who Penalties—Smola 3. .Tuesday's Game The big surprise of the week was when the Seaforth. Baldwins ran over the Wate.,rloo Siskins 5-1 in Waterloo last 'Tuesday night. Once again it was a standout goal -tending effort by• Ron Salter conelean,ty poultrymen. He rode a that licpt the Baldwins in the game rice Nein:: oath spring trapping 'until his noes stirred to activity. and shrmting muskrats, and he al -I Waterloo k-att: . the only goal of acs -Ine:let of skunk. He lived ; the first period, Doug Faiby get - e ramshackle cottage on the Inie.ks ot' the Little Beaver river, and betWeen him and Nels Kelso!: existed ti deadly feud. al- beit ,ntirely unktiOwn to the un- suspecting :Menzies. Wit' -neer Nels came across one of Menzie's traps, and he had an eye haw k for such thir:s he would set it off with an impieh grin of seitiefaction, He. often fol- lowed the Menzies trap ,line. and i 111 timiboli ,a1 inspiration wodld pull hair from his own dark head and set it between the jaw,s of each sprung trap, Hours later he would listen with a completely straight face when Menzies- stamped into the store, cursing his luck and the traps that manufacturers put out 11°::1\li ald:y7Kelson, if you'll tbelieve it. there had been something in. every dadhlamed trap and it got away." One memorable day Janet saw into Nels' shy and shining soul. She was never to lorget it. It VCRs on a. twenty-fnurth of May, and Nels was helping Ted dig fishworms in the- flower -bed under the kitchen Nlvvianrddo.w. An airplane droned over- head and the two boys gazed sky - "Gosh!" said Ted, longingly. "That's w hat Urn going to do if it takes me the rest of my- lifel 11 like to be a forest ranger away up in the North country, flying a plane and lookine for fires and every- thing." "That's a rood thing to be." said Nets, approvingly. "But me—I'm going to work in the places that grow the little trees first, and 11 set out hundreds and, hundreds. and thousands, and thousands, andmil- lions and millions of little trees. The M holt, world will be green with the trees I'll plant." declared Nets, jetting himself go. "And I'll go right. ,tround the world and see how people- grow trees in other countries. Did you know that Sweden where .Dad tomes from they haven't had a bad forest fire in nearly a hundred years? Why can't we be like that here? You know what It's like in Canada_ Tensof thousands of acres burned over every year. Oh yes, and I'll learn what Makes the leaves shriv- ping, 11:50Stdee ). ll el some years, and I'find out what makes some trees grow up Reinhardt 6 12 26L38 (Continued on Page 6) Salter 9 14 10---96 ling this one. Realizing the threat of elimina- tion. the Baldwins. oared back in- to the seci•nd period with a hard drive that collapsed the Siskin de- fence twice, Don Stone and Andy ledierts banged home passes from eheeta Chouinard to give the Bald - Mils a 2-1 lead at the end of 40 minutes of play. Play turned wide open in the last period with both clubs skating at top speed in an effort to capture the all-important victory. It was Don Reinhart who' suffered from the wide open. drive as the local Baldwins tested him with 20 shots, three of which he missed. Don Stone notcheddhis second of the night before Rick Elliott and Mery Shantz polished off the scoring to repeat Saturday night's score. Waterloo rested. 14 minutes of the game in the sin -bin, while Sea - forth put in time for five minor offences. WATERLOO SISKINs — Goal, Reinhardt; detence, Faliby, Daub; centre, Heideman: eines, Eatough„ Oberie; subs, Dares. Ford, mole, Youngberg. Gravett. Wherrnsby, Thiel. Wright. Eallman. SEA F'011 TH BALDWIN'S —Goal, Salter; defence, Aitcheson,.Elliott; centre, Mcilwain; wings, Stenlund. R. Muir; sobs. Storey, Barton, Jes- son, Stone, E. Salter. Shantz, Chou- inard. Roberts, J. Muir. Referees — Jack Hogan. Larry Lewin, Galt. • First Perlod-1, Waterloo, Faiby (Wright, Vilharmsby), 13:22. Penalties—Heideman (tripping, 1:17), allman (kneeing, 6:57): El- liott (tripping. 9:25); Dares (elbow- ing, 15:32). Second Period — 2. Seaforth, Stone (Chouinard), 15:56; 3. Sea - forth. Roberts (Chouinard), 18:18. Penalties - Roberts (tripping, 3 : 36 ; ou n a rd .h.i gh-eticking. 18 : 32) ; Gravett (high -sticking, 13:32). Third Period -4, Seaforth, Stone (Shantz. Salter), 6:34; 5, Seaforth., Elliott (J. Muir, Roberts), 7:34; 6,- Seaforth, Shan t z (Aitcheson), 9.45. Penalties—Chouinard (high -stick- ing, 7:50); Eatough (high -sticking, 7:50) Oberle (hooking, 8:42; Sten- lund, (triprring, 101:13).d Smola (trip- -55