HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-02, Page 7tr 4 .t 4 1 t 1, :S!'RMtiln4V H'vrer�i•r71•�,AtJIf,Yt�+ifAk%2,•r Rev. Bert Turner Royal Oak, Mich. WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER FOR CLINTON AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST, —in the— CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE Saturday, April 3rd 8:00 p.m. f Those who heard this dynamic speaker on a previous engagement will notmiss the opportunity of hearing him again! Expositor Want Ads Bring Results --- Phone 41 Tyndall 01ads Ha4e International Reputation Continued from Page 1) In ata -lair 1934, be took the big jump and was married, settled down in Brucefield. Ont., and de- voted himself to earning a living as a builder. His interest in Glade became ap- parent in 1935, when Mrs. Tyndall ("Peg" to everyone) purchased a few bulbs from a Montreal seed. house, and it 'Inas only natural that the next year they bought more, and continued to inereese their stock until by 1944 they had one and a .half acres under cultivation, and in that year their first cata- Iogue, a single sheet of paper, with i prices and descriptions printed on it, and having no knowledge of what prevailing prices were, he priced them at what he thought they should •be in order to make la reasonable profit, and ironically they sold all they cared to. He and "Peg" try to get along with as little outside help as pos- sible, and at the same time,hold their acreage down to not more than one and a half acres. This allows them ample time to look atter their hybridizing, and to pro- duce more volume of their own originations, plus growing only the cream of varieties already In com- merce, and those of these that do 'not measure up to their standard are sold as mixed bulbs regardless 'of their price. 1 Their business is mostly in re- tail bulb trade, selling only blooms SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 The Gnat and the Bull A GNAT alighted on one of the horns of a Bull, and remained sitting there for a considerable time. When it had rested sufficiently and was about to fly away, it said to the Bull, "Do you mind if I go now?" The Bull merely raised his eyes and remarked, without interest, "It's all one to me; I didn't notice when you came. and I shan't know when you go away." MORAL: A person of substance isn't easily bothered by trifles. That's why so many substantial citizens from coast to coast maintain savings aVcounts with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Why not follow their example? Open a savings account with our nearest branch today ... add to it regularly ... and as your balance grows, you, too, will be able to ignore little worries and enjoy life more. IUtutnation 6y Arthur Raciham, from the Haaemalu• Edition of Aesop's Fables. IIS Ns„, The Canadian Bank of Commerce N-" �f built fo Iasf 1 • fr A large s tied Meehan etlrlallis latiek. wlrieh deem not a,Yerage aver 10,(1411:1)1SsAa in an ;entire see on. Select blooms are tagged eaeh year for tree in improving the strain in the varieties in their own planting, and all old bloom are Kept trimmed at all times. Murray, first began drawing pub- lic attention iu 1951 when he intro- duced "Yellow Flare" and "Lady Grace", and then became nationally known with the introduction of "Wonder Boy", "Modern Miss" and "Red Tower" in 1952. It is too early to tabulate the public acclaim to "Royal Velvet", the sensational medium purple, air unusual and attractive shade, that he introduced in 1953, along with "Roselyn"; "Dixie Rose" and the delightful deep red miniature, "Charmette". Again this year 1 had the plea- sure of growing some of his seed- lings, some of which were outstand- ing, A beautiful pink with a creamy white blotch, which 1 understand is to be introduced in 1954 as "Pink Harmony"; a grand 'tall scarlet to he named "Revelation", and a med- ium purple to be named "Purple Jewel". l' freely predict a great future for these. All glad growers, especially hy- bridizers, have a few secrets wihich they keep to thenerelves, and Mur- ray is no exception, but they all differ to some extent, but I sin- cerely believe that they all mean well and none of them are •anxious to put something on the market as an introduction, that will . have a tendency to hurt their reputation in any way, and Murray'® integrity is,eo well known that these two great U.S. growers—Brttce Collins, of Utica, Michigan, and Elmer Gove, of Burlington, Vermont, are the outlets of Murray Tyndall's introductions is that country. So, let us hope that the coming year- will be kind, to Murray and "Peg" and that his shirts become brighter with the times. Eggs and Dishes Eggs are a bargain at any price, for they can be used in hundreds of dishes from the poached egg for breakfast to the de luxe chiffon pies. Lunch box packers and toters are aware that a hard -cooked egg, devilled' or stuffed with salt, pep- per, .butter, a little mustard and vinegar, or with leftover minced ham, can lose an argument with your appetite any time. • .Eggs also are economical in sub- stantial main dishes and an excel- lent substitute for ash. You can prove it in some of the following ways: Chinese Omelet 2 -taiblespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 6 eggs, separated % teaspoon salt 3 teaspoon pepper, paprika 1 teaspoon dry mustard. 2 cups boiled rice. Make a white sauce 'with butter, flour and milk; cooking until thick- ened and smooth. Beat.egg yolks until light colored; add seasonings, white sauce and cooked rice. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into greased skillet or omelet pan and cook on element turned to Low or Position 3 for about four min- utes, or until omelet is browned on bottom when jifted by spatula. Place in moderate oven of 360 de- grees for 10 minutes. Crease down centre and fold by lifting half out of pan as it is .inverted on platter. Garnish with parsley. Serve at once. Scalloped Eggs and Noodles 1 (4 oz.) pkg. noodles 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 11/4 cups milk or broth 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 teaspoon pepper Huron -Marian .. ti Presbytery Meeting The Hurpn-Maitland Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church met in St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingthem, on Thureday. Present, in addition to the Moderator, the Rev. A. J. Simpson, B.S.A., and the Clerk, the Rev. D. J. Lane, B -A., of Clinton, were the Rev. R. J. Boggs, B.A., end Mr- W. L. Campbell, of Molesworth; the Rev. A. Nlmmo and Mr. H. F. McGee, of Wingham; the Rev. W. B. Mit- chell, B.A., and Mr. J. McKay, .of Kincardine; the Rev. J. R. McDon- 'ald, of Ripley; the Rev. D. Glenn 'Campbell, B.A., B.D., Th.M., of Sea - forth; the Rev. W. H. T. Fulton •B.A., and Mr. W Smith, of Brus- sels; the Rev .1. Pollock, ILA., of Wingham; the Rev. M. Bailie, B.A., B.D., and Mr. E. Zinn, of Blue - vale and Belmore; Mr. J. .Bennett, of Dungannon; Mr. F. Marshall, of Teeswater; Mr. J. itichardson, of Whitechurch, and Mr. J. G. Mullen, of Seaforth. , The meeting was a special one, called for the purpose of dealing with a call from the congregation of Coldstream in the West Toronto Presbytery, made out in favor of the Rev. M. Bailie, of Bluevale and Belmore charges. The Rev. D. J. Lane introduced the call and read the terms of it. The Rev. J. R. Gra- ham, B -A-, B.D., of Chalmers' con- gregation, Toronto, Interim Mod- erator of Coldstream, and Dr. E. Foreman, B.A., of Morningside con- gregation, Toronto, Clerk of the West Toronto Presbytery, were present and .spoke in support of the call- They described its unanimity and the enthusiasm of this new congregation in one of the fastest growing districts in the city, and asked that Mr. Bailie be released• in time to 'begin his ministry in Toronto on Easter Sunday. Present representing the congre- gation of nuevale were Mr. E. Nichol, Clerk of Session; Mr. R. McMurray, Superintendent of the Sunday School; Mr. C. Higgjne and Mr- H. Robertson, Elders. The Bel- morre representatives were Mr. A. Mundell Mr. T. Inglis and Mr. E. Zinn. the congregation's represent- ative elder at the Presbytery. Re- gret was expressed at Mr. Bailie's passing from their midst and they added that they wished him God- speed in this new sphere of labor - The call was •placed, . in Mir. Baffle's hands and he ind'iceted his 2 cups diced celery 6 hard -cooked eggs % cup sliced olives. Cook noodles in salted water about 8 minutes. Make a white sauce of 2 tablespoons (butter, 3 tablespoons flour, the milk or broth and seasonings. Brown celery in remaining 2 tablespoons butter. places noodles, celery, olives and eggs in alternate layers in greased casserole. Pour white sauce over all. Sprinkle with paprika - Keep hot in warming oven of the range. Serves six. Custard Pie 2 cups milk 3 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons sugar Grated nutmeg Pastry. Scald milk. •B -eat •the eggs slight- ly, add salt and sugar and scalded milk. Line an 8 -inch pie plate with plain pastry and flute the edge. Pour egg mixture into pie plate and sprinkle with la tea- spoon nutmeg. Bake in oven pre- heated. to 450 degrees for 10 min- utes; then reset the oven•tempera- ture to 325 degrees and continue baking about 45 minutes, or until knife, inserted into custard, comes out clean. aceep h eI arrange ext : fora44 I flees safi--tr942 and;"" the Rev,. A. 4.100;01.P w ,, painted hatealeaMadeleiata T h e Rev- W. I3 aaitehell, of ,1illtcl> +� was apjointetl ,press secreted lu Mr. Bale's plate. VARNA 0 The March meeting of the Wo• man's Association was •held is the basement of the ehureh on Wednes- day afternoon and opened, with the theme song. Mrs. Louis Taylor presided, Fifteen ladies answered the roll call with a housecleaning hint. The association is sending a Conation of $15 to the Polio Vic- tims' fund. The meeting closed wham kid sr8 tapve:,ewus you end. waster ileo; ices, tired fe4ii* , daetwbed rpt, diteq'. follow. Uodd'e; idaey Pills etgit4.• tete kidnyys te•: sonnet. duty. Tdu' feel bettor—sleep; better work be' }fit peril's at, auvtter; �s depend etersas. DoYdoud'ta map 54 rN; On the job: Chief Wilmot F. Young, Brockville police head for the past sixteen years. Brockville youngsters know him as the founder and athletic director of the Police Athletic Association; the trophies behind his desk were won by boys' and girls' athletic teams and the 50 -girl bugle band sponsored by Me Association. THE TELEPHONE IS ESSENTIAL TO A COMMUNITY'S SECURITY AND PEACE OF MIND Chief of Police declares Brockville's popular chief knows from experience the tremendous reassurance people feel, just knowing drat any hour of the day or night they can depend on the telephone in case of need. You may never have to call the police. Yet the fact remains that you and your family feel more secure —are more secure - because of your telephone. Peace of mind is an extra value that is part of your telephone service; a value that cannot be measured: THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 1 1 Your Business - Directory LEGAL MEDICAL A. W. SILLERY , Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: •Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 99 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensen JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-3 Seaforth Plant a Tree, Jock! CN VR LE does more work per day ... more work per dollar! i1 „ "`m":1,950,. -"`m":1,950,. -t a. `i Fyt 1 ►r,, Increased acceleration and time where it counts. And economy and shifting for good! Th transmission is optional at models. You Save Hours on the Road. Thanks to new high -compression engine power, you can maintain faster schedules without driving at higher maximum road speeds. hill -climbing ability let you save you do it with greater safety and You Save Time on Deliveries. With new truck Hydra -Matic transmission, you save valuable time at every delivery stop. And you can forget about clutching is proved, economical, automatic extra cost on %a 3/4- and 1 -ton MOST TRUSTWORTHY TRUCKS ON ANY JOB( Chevrolet Advance -Design Trucks You Save with Lower Upkeep, too. New Chevrolet trucks are e'.:. momO., built stronger to last longer and --A save you money on maintenance. For example, there are heavier axle shafts in two -ton models ... bigger clutches in light- and heavy-duty niodels . - . stronger frames in all models. Ant, Your Savings Start the Day You Buy. In fact, they start with the low price you pay — and they never stop as long as you own a Chevrolet truck. And Chevrolet is also the truck that has a trade-in value. traditionally higher Come in and see all the wonderful new things you get in Canada's number one truck. We'll be -glad to give you all the money -saving facts. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CT -6540 ym gale., �wm Ad •}nb,N t�t'}�4fWkF ,trJ4 It Will Be Growing While You're Sleeping! HARDY STOCK OF TREES, SHRUBS and FLOWERS Apple Trees Pear Trees Plum Trees Cherry Trees Peach Trees Raspberries Strawberries. Grapes Black Currants Red Currants — BEST VARIETIES — EVERGREENS—All Kinds ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES FLOWERING SHRUBS—All Kinds PERENNIAL FLOWER PLANTS Plant once and have Beautiful Blooms over the years. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED If you need our help in selecting varieti„ ca g!k1r CHARLES BEAR ETT P.O. BOX 303 Seaforth mUMliaammeiSMOIERINITIMBREN Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company. NOTICE re DEDUCTIBLE CLAUSE Policytholders of the Usborne Rc Hibbert Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. are advised that com- miencing March, 1954, the sum of $5.00 (five dollars) will be deductible from claims for loss by Lightning on Elec- trical Appliances, Devices and Fixtures. WM. A. HAMILTON President A ERASER Secretary-Treaatirer 241 "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2%%© on savings deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services Far prompt attention ell nasi Oftarr Hama. Ormrtta. Plume $1 or mil *we 04 GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL o'rrA VA . wnmsoa R1AcARA VAdLS • JUIBUIT SAULT 9ti- MARIE CALCARy r vANooivaa eYYlYa1pL„sYJ'nN}t4+.w�pj�pai.�"�.@>,�ii4iu CHIROPRACTIC, D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- day, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.ni:-ty 9 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CLINTON—Monday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (McLaren's Studio). INSURANCE FOR ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE LOW COST PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE and. RETIREMENT PLANS Phone, Write or Wire E. C. (Ned) BOSWELL JOHN ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Special Representative: The Occidental Lite Insurance Co. of California, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE--6EAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS: President - J. L. Malone, Seafortb Vlee-Pres, - J. H. McEw'ing, Blyth Manager( and Sec.-Treas. - 11R, A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewnrtha, Clinton; J. L Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whit- more, hitmore, Seaforth; Chris, Leoahardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Bea - forth; John H. MoEwing, BILA; William 8. Alexander, Walton; Har vey Puller, 0oderlch; J. E. Pepper, Brucn9eld. AGF1NT8: Wl Hams Leiper, Jr„ Londeaboro; J. 3'. Prater, Brodbagen, oellrj* Baker, Biltasels; Ririe IIDI'hteN% (466 b. SEAFORTH CLINIC - Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26 IVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m - Appointments may be made, VETERINARY D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon EIENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 99 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105 Seaforth ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON : ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 455 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 66 South St. Telephone Goderlch 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH L. RYAN Specialist In farm skeet aad 11n - ;dements aid household effects. 8atlstactionguaranteed,; License' 1a Tsron and" ("girth -Catiettes. For particulars and open dates, write of phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, I3 It 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r °fr, Dublin. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer CorrespendefCe;promptly answer - ad. Immediate arraegemeats ibis; be made for gale date& by°phoflif/ 455-3, Clinton. Oharge$ ltluwllbrlif l► and satisfaction gu Mateta'd& PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Attntlsheer Cramarty Livestock flied Parra Bated GPeiblilty or a bettar'talie'tlbii lode, eta tilt) AuotiOUMIA ROD ,;G