HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-04-02, Page 47 1 ht.f400$34!.n.40,4Wee`Y-^1'..,,,Yr••••;',....-y. ' [... 1444,71,4, 44.1140,114,01,01174:4 Mr, Mk 7 -ssaatestiesee.....semeeteetre. st. ,t classified Ads Wed 'Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: 18t Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week % Cent Mamma charge. each insertion26 Cents Each 'figure, initial and abbreviation counta as one word. Bards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Doming Evento-1 cent per word Minimum. MI emits per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 seats extra_ Ten Cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days et date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales,' Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. • Coming Events Help Wanted AN INVITATION IS SENT TO ALL TO .I AAJANTED--CATHOL1C COUNTRY GIRL' • • come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal ! or young °man for genera; house - Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday !..ork. Write MRS. M. FOLEY. Neustadt. night to the music of Clarence Petrie and on,. 4500x4 the Night Hawks. 4488-12 Livestock Wanted IWO. IMAM= BOSSES OR COWS and efficient, Beryls% ghone ''STOPW° resinnieti fret of charge. For collect. Ingersoll *1.. or Sesforth 85 r 1. FIDELITY LODGE • N. 57., meets first and third Wed- ne,sday evenings of each menth at 8 p.m. Noble Grat,d, 1. 'Irsneartha Secretary. Harry hIgLv,,,l• 4 ;9•,•18 April 7 Official s isit trt t Pt' his :is ;,- and .ge oho h a YOUNG MAN For Employment in Newspaper Shop Personals Farms For Sale paled. FOR SALE --40 ACRE1S, LOT as, A. boundary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Apply to JAMBS STEVENSON. Phone 604 r 4. Brussela. 44997,2 Lost and Found nnoUND - YOUNG BROWN FEMALE hound. strayed onto Lot 23, Concession 9, hIcKillop. Owner please contact IRWIN TREWARTHA. Phone 840 r 33. Seaforth. 4500-1 QTRAYED-ONTO LOT 12, CONCES- " sion 2. Tuckersmith, this week, a large white dog with brown markings. Owner may have same by paying charges. JOHN W. MODELAND, Egmondvil/e. 4500-1 Teachers Wanted WANTED TEACHER FOR U.S.S S. NO. 1. k ch wond Pit oac state , i'iti :atiens. experience an.ld salary ex- At',,it'SrE DUCH RME. II II. 2, Dublin. Phoot, 17 1. 41, Dublin. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES tit U IS 14 14 R !HE lit'.10N E ). POS1TOR 4700-1 G-oods 1 . mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples .:Sc 24 samples SI 00. Mail -Order Derr T-73 NOV A-RII 1; BLit CO., Box ,1. Hamilton Ont. -• • Property For Sale FOR SALE -.411x-Re)1., NI Co'VIAGE 074 Centre St, : .1 at.ii ittg- 6s:1 condition. A pi I 14.574 7. S'.11.).LE 78 sun,. St.. Seat....th. FORS:E-•-.110L'e-E i1 1101.13LE front room. tIch'en and bathroom I " •t -rent. L'. P. VAN Mi; 'Sea :'.• 711 r'- , • ON 1-1X nttut. • : irt i'herte '7:87.8 LE IiOnKKEEPER-CLE_: Notices To Creditors RTA.; REQUIRED "'1.\N.1740EiL NOTICE to CREDITORS sl'A.:1:11 tit 1 ,CE :. har.tio, THE ill'BON E TDSITOR estar..:11 tmtario Wanted \\. ..1: Lin. • • • • . ! \\- : • Tenders Wanted SF PARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of McKillop For 'Sale FOR SALE- ) NTS'sl.): P'1.1-111,1 -h 7lait, St Irlstate ,of AGNES J. CARNOCHAN Og EXPoSITOR Hensall News of the Week • ,P.1115rIIRON • Breaks Hip In Fall Mrs. 'William Boa, who resides m No. 4 Highway, south of 't11, was was admitted to Victoria Hos- pital, London, on Friday with a broken hip. An operation was per- lermed Sunday and plate inserted. The hip was broken while Mrs. Boa, who was standing on a 'table, tell to the floor. Dr. J. C. Goddard Attended, Fractures Shoulder R. J. Paterson, who is employed as bookkeeper at Bob Cook Motor Sale. Service, while returning from lunch on Tuesday, had the misfor- tune to slip on the ice and in fall- ing fell on his shoulder. X-raye at he South Huron Hospital, Exeter, revealed a fractured right shoul- der. Dr. J. C. Goddard attended. • Carmel Church Notes At the morning service the choir .-eudered the anthem, "Message of Peace." Rev. J. B. Fox preached ei the theme, "The Jerusalem Road." The evening service was e. interdenominational service. to 11 augurate the district canvass of the Bible Society. Present were members of the executive and cone Mit lee. canvassers, members of the ..hree churches. toecther with their m.nist,ns, who took part 141 the nice. liev. Norman Knox, rector of St. Paul's Church, delivered 0 very .941.11 ancl timely address on the :values of the Bible for our time. 1.0.11911.1111913 The choir rendered the anthem, "0 Worship the Lord." Miss M. Good- win and Mrs. Broderick sang a duet, "Face To Face." At the conclusion of the service the canvassers were commissioned Choir Presents Concert The Community LadiesChoir, under direotion of J. L. Nicol, A.C. C.O., presented a delightful concert of music in the Town Hall Tues- day evening to a large and appreci- ative audience. Following is the program: "0 Canada"; "Take the High. Road With a song," Choir; "Spring Song", Choir; duet, "Las- sies 0' Mine," Min, C. Kennedy and Mrs, R. Broderick; "The Blue Dan- ube," Choir: reading, Mrs. -R. Simp- son; "Land of Hope and Glory," Choir; piano solo, Fugie, Waltz Miniature, Nelson McClinchey ; "John Peel and Sweet Kitty Clov- er," Choir; duet, "Be Still and 'now." Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. R. Broderick; "Bendemeer Stream," "Where the Bee Sucks," Choin: Col- let tion Idano solos, Carol Brown; 1'l7 9.1 Day" and "Bells of St. Marys." Choir; quartette. "One Fleeting Hour." Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs, Broderick. Miss Mary Goock.vin and. Mi. II. Hann; "Goin' Home" add -Como To the Fair." Choir. In the Hensall UnitedChurch last Ree. W. J. Rog - 1 s de! re..1 a stirring sermon en - Tile Man Who Missed the Pm," anthem 44 aS; "The 1,1 P.ace." under the direc- ;ion e Mr. S. PM:in:ie. and Miss erganist, The 77 61117114 .,,,rvice was. witinlyaw,n in favor of ALL 47:4(67716 17.87:747 C' A I )1 S KIPPEN , (';.'01•1;:;•1 ChIlf,•11. Sortiot.5 will be 1",th. zits .1 Corn,- i•1.7 .he 1 a ; .e. assissameamasmams' Senday. April 4. as us-' •• in a .• nne. Mr. 3111111 Donn of Grand Rapid,. 11 11 111. ana 7 pin, "..1:',..1 ' - '''' ' \ i. hi:: ti.. -pent 11 short Crite at his 1,. \,„.;" itep,;insett 011)1 iittle . ., • • ,Itt. . l.,,i,..:',... .lei,.1. ol Litho Inead, are ;;Ild Nils. Beverley 73^477011 (.,' ..,;,,.,..,,,, ,„ .,7,-.., 1; 784-'111 ti, fornler.s 1 isif• fl, Sill:tiny 881141 T'll. '• `l a; 0 '.'.Ir.. N. F.. f'ook. i'• (an., r. Mr .11;iti,11 In•e•71 .o -01, e ,,ti nn 1), en r1 . • •; ' ' • : 1••••••• ..,. ;•.', :;•'. ,i I; . : . •‘. ', :.•-. .:.x. Al in,na .. , , c: - ,::. " - 1 •: ; -'l • ,' ' • •noun'.17. a e 8.“ Au et Sa lc -; Le* Consimplifol of • Cheese hi Canada In 19&I,-5 a itady waa made of the eebuutePtiou ot cheese in Me- ade and the possibilities et *cress- cingitiesitswerusee sehrectICeitailareiR1124 stEueydyen: Saint John, N.B.; Three Rivers, Que.; Toronto,. Ottawa and find bury, Ont.; Saskatoon, Sask.; and Vancouver, B.C. Some preliminary reports haye Ibsen released pre-v- iously, but a final report, "Sales of Cheese in Selected Canadian Cit- ies" by L K Drayton, Economics Division, Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa, is now available. In general the report points uo the great variation in the nee of cheese in Canada. In few homes is it conifidered as a staple in the family diet which no doubt ac- counts for the relatively low con- sumption, which since 1926 has varied between three and six pounds a person annually, This is considerably less than Many other countries with an equivalent stand- dard of living. Even between the seven cities studied there was- a variation in consumption of 4.5 pounds a per- son, with annual use in Sudbury of 8.67 pounds and in Three Rivers 4.17 pounds a person. Not as much cheese is served as cheese dishes as might be expected and moat Canadians eat less cheese than nutritionists suggest as desir- able for a well-balanced diet, The difference between the amount eaten tiis. etiedthat suggested as desirable is generally greater in families includ- ing children than in all -adult fain- iCheese preference appears to change with age. The tendency is for a larger proportion of older people to prefer cheddar, especially old cheddar, Ulan younger persons. But there are indications that the pattern, of cheese preference is not changing over the years. Process- ed cheese is supplementing rather ilian replacing uheddar cheese. Seine suggcslions for increasing .., l'.....• ,• c ! 1,.....1, St.i...,: Thar- ' '' ' '' .1'.1c..,:'11, „„ i, ., ,,„ien, sales are made in the study. Ile- . cc,: I ,.. In , ' . I, „. 1: : 1 „1,1 011, ; a,ase an 1111441 has a relativtly high ,. .41 ,,,:1. .;111:;, ,.. .. 1. 1,.14,s5ofr.1 o of cheese tonsumption is no •• '• ,.1 C. 1:-!'a ..1 1-aele,ir.,11.1 'W. 10115011 to neglu616141(7:7 111 nide. ;I 51111)1, ;, . 1 -...: y. „. C,, 1,,.1,,b. an area may show the qtii!hrni n,- 1 , • v: 0. /i.11:14 !!'511-1, in sponse to incroastal stile 1144,11, In 11.,-, ..1:2. marketing it is important to have 44 !'• '' -!' ,.'''.-:' '-v,•-• \''''71: '11' 1.;(1,1• '01 - - ' ''' ' ' :,'.'.....-.L1.4.• ,'' l'..,,•:,•1:1:1;f141-.1e,.'11..0s‘v1 ailsie tat;a:c1,1iliceaLtlt°:. iik".1;'er''titi111111cyl' 11 18 :s.,,, ''' ::.;.! o: 4311111g ' ' 6. . ... H.:.,:ii.o, in.z. un.eiy. three (19144169 of matur°i'ly or Hied- .. , . . .1,.. ,nn.... „mi., i,, :,tn,(111.r, mild, medium and old. should ,..!..t• ,,, ! ! 7 .‘'. i'.- ....;•1 ':•4p, • • ' . 1'; ;•., . i.,..... ut. NV, ,;(,,, be readily available re-nirstorners. ,.i.71 : 1 1 :-'1.:',. , :11:1.;. 1.`111i1;11,"\': n . !..-• :•., • - ! . .,,, ,•;.!n.n.i \viol I Continuous publicity is cles1rable N. E. tts to the nieritst of cheese as a. . - . ' ..;.:.....I..'s .IelITC8oics1,11- .. ''' ., ., . . i food and particularly its adaptabi7 anteliMed by Pout, epeaidag Van- adium. _ coPies ot the rePOrt May be ob- tained from Information Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. A cow Wes crossing the road and the speeding motorist ran Into it. no . Out of the torwhoute roe the OW*. or, "Now, now," said the MOW)* "Keep calm. Ea replace your cow.° The farmer stopped ettddenly s�i looked at him up and down. "Sheokel't he eaid. "You OWE give _ 11.41.512.4191..111....150. • essesseei ; )11's. Incl4E•j: Innowe4 with his CROMAIZTY • M. an,: .n. ••• ;•!.n.,• • ; small :\11's •1' • ::. -; hoi _ tan.: Mr. and Mis. Prank Routley and ha., . t tntrr.r :7 r, radio , Mrs. NItrlymon: AlCd Sunday 11 Rite inmney ".1 6(1 on Sun- E.Xtst,-:. wilh len daughter. Mrs. it ,y Mr. ;111.! Mrs. Arelle,A Mc- Lachlan. Mr and Mrs, Frank Caddick and daughter,'Sharon Grace. and Mrs. Grace Seott of Lendon. visit -el with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and Mr. and. Mrs. John Wallace on Sunday, Gordon Houghton. of London, vis- ited for a few days during the past week with his mother, Mrs. M. Houghton. and with Mr. tied Mrs. Ross Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen. of Mit- chell. visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan on Saturday and also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. We are sorry to report Mr. Thos. Scott is seriously ill. Mr. .Ross Houghton and two daughters. Dianne and Linda, and Mrs. M. Houghton visited on Sun- day at Wingham with Mn•and Mrs. Leonard Houghton. d.. °es, s ea t t . , I.E W its BOLTON. .sashirt: ir . hc:rse : step lad- Phor.:- "111 1 .17. Sea forth. •114. ; .4.er . eee: ,1.11 10.416 .4e.4 kitchen utcnsils FOR SALE-INTERNATIoNAL 11-D171C man4 items. Terms -Cash, 7114: -11411 a ocal ne/e. Apply 71i46 EMMA REAUMA N. Proprietress: FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RE- LOUIS O'REILLY.. McKillop. Phone ;6 r Hacel.! Auctioneer 1 E. 1'. Ches. pair. arc:co-ding to Engineer's succin- .^. Dubtin, 170C1x1. ro..y, Clerk. cations, will he received until April .3D4. , 1954:F°0 SALE - VACUUM CLEANER. i •• 1. Keys DraM---2.245 lineal feet of ex- cavation and levelling material, etc. 2, McCuaid nrains-7 000 lineal feet of excavation and levelling material and brushing, for digging. laying' and bac 5 - filling 911 lineal feet of 7 and 10 -inch Ole and pipe. three 0,-1,1 stone protections: and two catchbasins and brushing. Township to supply pipe and tile within one mile of drain. except 10 -inch tile. in Township yard. A marked cheque for 10 per cent, with a minimum of 8I00.00. to accompany each tender. Tenders to state when work will be done. Lowest o8. any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans. specifications, etc, may be seen atrthe Clerk's Office. McKillop Township. J. M. ECKERT. Clerk. McKillop TownshiP,. A.R. 1. Seaforth. Ont.. 4499-2 TWP. OF STEPHEN .QEALED TENDERS WILL FIE RECETV- " ed for crushing. loading and hauling 9.000 cubic yards gravel. %Ands size. from Monteith's pit flat rate anywhere in the Township. Also rate for crushing and loading township truck. Marked cheque of 8200.00 must accom- pany tenders and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before April 5, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • F. W. MORLOC-K. Clerk -Treasurer. Crediton, Ontario. 4499-2 TENDERS ' FOR TRUCKS 83 cylinder type. with attachment; Eric- A UCTION SALE OF CATTLE. MACH- ccllent condition: 511.00. PHONE 7.62-W. Seaforth. 4500-1 FOR SALE- A NI:MBE-II OF TATTLE chunks of pies. Apply to BORDEN RIEHL. R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 24 r 9. Dublin. 4500-1 VOR SALE -2 -FURROW DEARBORN ▪ rlow for Fordson Tractor. Good as new. MORRIS MELADY. Phone 17 r 22. Dublin. 4100x1 R NO, 11 ELECTRIC cream separator. in good condition. JOHN WOODS. Phone 651 r Sea - forth_ 4500 FOR SALE-1.5'PRIGHT PIANO. VERY rtasonable: alas 7't -H.?. General Elec- tric motor. 815, PHONE 265. .Seafnrth. 1,00-1 11 SALE -QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY hse and some clover seed STANLEY HILLEN. Phone 848 r 2. Seaforth. 4500-1 Y. • VOR SALE - 1951 ONE-HALF TON inery. Feed and Household Effects, at Lot 1;3. Concession 6; Tuckersrnith Town- -hip. 334 miles south and 1-4 mile west of Sea forth. on 'Thursday, Aprii Sth. at 1 p.m. : CATTLE -2 Curham cows. one fresh ; 3 choice thoroughlsred heifers 6 Durham heifers 1 year old, vaccinated: 1 steer rising 1 year : 1 calf 2 weeks old. MACHINERY -- Ford - Ferguson Tractor, A-1 condition, step-up, lights: Dearborn manure loader, almost new. with dirt at- tachmen : D.B. mower, 6 -foot, almost new; D.B. wagon, almost new, rubber tired; Ferguson plow. 10 -inch. good shape; 1 trailer in very good shape; 1 oil bath pump jack, A -I condition: 1 Cocksbutt manure spreader, good condition; front- end bean puller to fit Ford tractor: seed drill, double disc: some horse-drawn im- plernents:' '1 wagon on steel: 1 Beatty hay car: set of hay tongs: 1 fanning mid with screens : 1 sugar kettle ; 1 trout'. separator. FEED -A quantity of good baled hay: 570 bales of straw: some good Clinton oats. SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS : also 1 chicken shelter, and other articles too numerous to mention. , Terms -Cash. REG, ALLIN, Proprietor: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- Clerk, Chev. truck. with pl ywood rack. in ney, ellent condition: also a nuantitY of r hay. Apply JOHN CRONIN R.R. 4. Seaforth. 3500x1 FOR SALE - .0000 PURE BRED Shnnhorn cow, due in April. guaran- teed right : also her last May heifer calf. :W. C. MONTGOMERY. Phone Q31 r 4. Seaforth. 1700-1 VOR SALE -ZIP -GRIP CLOTHES LINE needs no clothes pins : guar- antee. Gnod Housekeeping seal of approv- al. For hom^ cl^monst rat ion. Phone 200. I HARRY JESSOME. Seafcrth. 4196.3 rENDE'RS ARE INVITED FOR THE supply of one to four trucks and will be received by the undersigned until noon. Monthly. April 5th. New 1953 models, where available, also to be submitted. Motor Size --Approximately 360 cu. in. displacement. 10.00 x 20 12 -ply tires. Heater and dee froster. Rear View mirrors. Reinforced frame. Direct in 5th trans- mission. port SALE -USED CAR PARTS FOR • Fords. 19'19.1910 : Chevs, 1932-1911 Plymouths. DeSotos Dreiges, Olds and Pontiacs, oto Our location saves 1.011 money. CrOMORE'S GRAVEL, Phone 171 r 3, Exeter. 4499-6 Notices VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS 014 ALL T Makes: 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-41 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS "v of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-12. 4363-t1 BECOME A BOOKIMEPER, ST&NO. grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars. °write CAN- ADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES, 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. 4499x2 Two -Speed rear axle. ' Cast spoke wheels. Electrical direction- al equipment. 0 All marker lighta required by maw. Dark green in colour. Two units are to be equipped with 6-7 yard capacity Galion dump bodies. • TWO units to be equipped with neces- sary trailer brake and lighting equipment Lamest' or any tender not necessarily excepted. Panther information may be obtained at the Wile* of the tmdersigned. PN,rnp. D. I'Ai"I'ERSON, Huron County Engineer, Gederleb, Ontario. 44094 • , A TTENTION. FARMERS! - PROMPT • courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Gall collect. ED. ANDREWS. &it r 11. Seaforth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - MeRILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Fanners' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. Hoepitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MT.INROE, Seaforth. A OCOMMODATION REQUIRED Poo Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. if you have a house, apartment. furnished or unfurnished. to rent.please rail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 382: local 252. 4436-tf CLEARING. AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery. at Lot 34, GOT, McKillop Township. 11, north and 2 mile.; west of Seaforth. on Tuesday, April Sth. at 1 p.m.: HORSES -Team good work horses s and 12 years old. ' CAT- TLE--l)urhar co, 7 sears dld. due May 21 : Durham cow 5 years old, fresh : Here- ford and Durham cow 3 years old, fresh Durham cow, fresh two months: Holstein and Hereford cow 4 years old, milking, due in July; Holstein and Hereford COW '1 years old. due in May ; 2 Durham heif- ers rising one year old : 1 pure Holstein heifer. rising 1 year old : 2 part Here- ford heifers. rising I year old : 2 steers 12 months old : 1 baby beef 6 months old 2 Durham and Hereford calves. POUL- TRY -i-77 one -year-old hens; 225 Hybrid Red and White Rock pullets II weeks old. MACHINERY - International combine 17214) with motor, scour cleaner, pick-up and straw spreader 1 like new' 60 Cock- shutt tractor with starter, lights and pul- ley, in good shape .2 -furrow Cockshutt tractor plow (like newi : spring tooth harrows, used two seasons : 3 -drum steel roller : 1 set harrows : Mosaey-Harris 13 - run drill with fertilator : International horse-drawn scuf9er with bean Puller at- tachments; Massey -Harris manure spread- er: Massey -Harris grain gnnder, 1014 -inch plate: 50 feet of 4 -ply 6 -inch belt: Me - Cormick -Deering mower, oil bath; Mas- sey -Harris side rake: Massey -Harris hay loader : Massey -Harris grain binder; 2 steel tired wagons; 1 hay' rack; disc: 1 cutter, 1 set 2,000 -lb, scales; hay fork and sling chain: car: bay fork rope and 4 pulleys: fanning mill; sloop sleighs; sugar kettle: Cyclone grass seed sower; Massey - Harris cream sephrtitor,: feed box; water trough: stone boat : 2 sets harness; scoop shmel ; pig crate; electric fencer; quan- tity mixed grain : 1 Collie dog one year old. Terms- Cash. No reserve, farm sold. ALEX McDONALD, Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4600-1 FREE SERVICE To Farmers nOWT WASTE HONEY ON MINER- '" ale your land does not need. We withal* charge to you, take famous of the earth in your fields and have them enslysed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PROMO 15 or MS \ „MIMS • • „"4.• Mel, Afit,H*;'44af':.$(14...kiiiii. • • • =,Cards of Thanks MRS. JAMES T. SCOTT WISHES TO express her sincere thanks for the many cards, treats and flowers sent her while' a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal; also to thank Drs. McMaster, Brody and Elliott and Miss V. Drope, special nurses and the nursing staff. for their kindness and thoughtfulness. 4500-1 ein, who Mts been ill. Mr. tun! Mrs. Norman Long ivere Sunday vis:tc,rs of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Priestap. of Mit- chell. visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Priestap's father. Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Haist, of Zur- ich, visited Friday evening with Mr, arid Mid. S. Cudmore. Friday visitors of 'Mrs. McCly- mont included a nephew. • Rev. Leonard Schnell, of Saskatchewan; and Mr. and Mrs. Heideman, of Zurich. On Monday her daughter, Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of .Dashwood. was a visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Jones. of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and family; visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson in Blyth. Miss Kathryn Gackstetter. of Exe- ter. visited over:the weekend. with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack- stetter, We are happy to report Mrs. Catharine, Jarrott is improving a little in health. Mrs. Dowson has returned home from Scott. Memorial Hospital. Sea - forth, somewhat improved in health. TII0M,AS A. MURRAY AND family wish to express sincere thanks for the Many acts of kindness and sym- pathy extended by neighbors. relatives and friends during their recent bereavement: also to Dr. M. W. Stapletotf and doctors and special nurses of St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London. 4500%1 WISH TO EXPRESS THROUGH THIS " column my sincere appreciation and thanks to all neighbors and friends who sent get -well cards. letters. treats, flowers and who visited me during my stay in the ho1epital `Mid since returning home: also the nurses and staff of the hospital, who were so kind. A sincere thank you. (Mn. Robt.) BEATRICE EBERNA151_' 4500x1 This Week AT THE Community Centre FRIDAY, APRIL 2 8 - 10 - Skating . SATURDAY, APRIL 3 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. - Skating 9 p.m. JUNIOR 'B' HOCKEY WaterloO Siskins vs. Seaforth Baldwins Tickets must be picked up be- fore 8 p.m. or they will be sold. lemoiRIEMmill1011111m11111111115=111111111elee For Rent FOR RENT - FURNISHED APART. ment: heated. Apply to JOHN TREMEHR, Victoria St. 4500x1 Births DALTON -At Scott Memorial Flosrpital, on March 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dal- ton, R.R. 2, Walton, .a son. HAUGH-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haugh, Seaforth, a son. SKINNER-Verlyn and Ron Skinner. Mit- chell, formerly of Egmondville, wish to announce the birth of their daughter. Linda Diane. on March 24_ TAMAN-Jim and Diane Taman (nee Mowat) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Diane Lynn, on April 1, at the Selfridge Air Force Base Hospital, Michigan. Deaths AGAfFt---In Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday. March 30, Sarah Anne Smythe, beloved "wife of Robert W. Agar. McKilloP, in her 75th year. OAMFBELL-In Weston on Prides. March 28, Jean Aletander, widow of the late James Campbell. District Obituaries iity to all kinds of meals. It is de• sirable to stress the low cost of cheese relative to its high food va- lue: The indicated rates of cheese consumption for Sudbury and for bilingual families in Ottawa sug- gest that there are possibilities for increasing the quantity of cheese SUDDEN DEATH OF L. O'BRIEN An autopsy on Tuesday revealed that Lennis O'Brien. ,r.9 -year-old Zurich resident. whose body was found Sunday in a nearby creek, died from the shock of sulid 1 mersion in icy water. Coroner Dr. F. J. IVIiIn xe- ter, ruled out drowning V heart attack as causes of the death of Lerfnis O'Brien. He said no in- quest will be held. Funeral service was conducted Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the Westlake Funeral Home in Zurich by the Rev. H. E. Roppel. Burial was in the Evangelical Bronson Line cemetery. GLEN W. CORNISH HULLETT.--Glen W. Cernish, 64, who had farmed all hislife in Hullett Township, .died sudden- ly from a heart attack Tuesday at his home, R.R 1, Clinton. He was a member of thetOntario Street' United 'Church in Clinton. Surviving besides this wife, the former Essie Pickett, are one son, Wray, at home; two daughters, Mrs. Fred Vodden and Mrs. Clark Ball, R.R. '1, Clinton, ad one sis- ter, Mrs. Melville McFadden, Cooks- town. Resting at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton, services will be conducted Friday an2 by the Rev, Glen Eagle, with in- terment in Clinton cemetery. MRS. N. H. KEITH The death took place at her home in Mount Forest On..Friday, March 26, of Margaret Beckner, beloved, wife of N. H. Keith, in her 76th year. Mrs. Keith had been serious- ly ill for five weeks. Born in Proton Township, she war married an Conn on June 12, 1007. to Mr. Keith, who survives herntogether with a family of two sons and three daughters. CAar ence and Douglas. Toronto; Mrs. E. Waters and Mrs. Nelson Moore, Arthur Township, ,and Miss Elva Keith, of Seaforth. There are 'also one brother and two sisters surviv- ing. Mrs. Keith was a Member of Mount Forest United Church, from where the funeral was held, on. Monday, with Rev, R. G. Hanle. obhunei. FoserrvesieteeernIZ wteortnettod cot Wodasucintinmg tent • • ; NOTICE 'Annual BOARD MEETING of Scott Memorial Hospital FRIDAY, APRIL 9th 8 p.m. in Nurses' Residence Euchre & Dance HENSALL Town Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 9th Cards at 8:30 p.m. MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Ladies please bring linich LUCKY LUNCH TICKET Under the auspices of Kippen East Women's Institute Admission -- 50 Cents anui PRINTING PROBLEM 41 The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH To Our Customers To permit our Staff to enjoy a half - holiday each week COMMENCING Sat., April 3rd AND EACH SATURDAY THEREAFTER Our Office and Mill Will Close at 12:30 -- BallmMacaulay LIMITED' LUMBER LIME CEMENT TILE BRICK SEAFORTH Phone 787 - CLINTON Phone 97 MiliniESSIESSIONEEF PREVENT DISEASE By USING ELBOW GREASE and SCRUBBING THOROUGHLY USE Purina Sanitation Products To KILL. DISEASE • PURINA DISINFECTANT • PURINA INSECT' OIL Let Us Tell You How You Can Keep Disease to a Minimum ! 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