HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-03-26, Page 19G'
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$dnetr-Fiflts Year •
bole Number 4499
Night classes, which have been under way at the Seaforth District High School for the past 16
weeks, concluded Thursday evening. The classes, attended by more than 200 district residents, were
carried on by a committee which included: back row, left to right, Keith Sharp, vice-chairman; G.
W. Montgomery, Huron agricultural representative; Gordon McGavin, chairman of the high school
board; front row, Gorden Scott, secretary; Le,Plumsteel, chairman and principal of the school.
Name And. Houston
Road Superintendent
Selected from eleven appli-
cants, Andrew 'Houston was
appointed Tuckersmith road
superintendent at a special
meeting of Tuckersmith Coun-
cil Tuesday evening. He suc-
ceeds William Rogerson, who
'resigned -
Other applicants were Regin-
ald Ailin, Harry Caldwell, Ver
asen Alderdice, Robert M. Wit-
' eon, Eric Doig, Mansford Coop-
er, Arthur Nicholson, Roy Me-
Geoch, Wilber Keyes and An-
gus Brown.
Remuneration was set at 80
cents an hour, en increase of
lfie cents over last year.
Medical Group Meets
The Huron and Perth Medical
Association met in the nurses' resi-
dence of Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth. Dr. N. W. Scratch, of
ord, gave a paper on "Dia -
Dr. W. A. Oakes, of Clin-
ton, conducted a lengthy discus-
sion, being assisted by Dr. Penis,
tan. pah'hologiot of Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital.
Refreshments were served and a
'tents of thanks was extended to
the superintendent, Miss V. Drupe,
and' her assistants.
Curlers to Incorporate
Plan to Constuct Building
Seafcrth curlers, at an enthusi-•
astice and well -attended meeting Seaforth 4-H Clubs
Tuesday evening, took steps to in-
corporate as a private company Are Organized Here
and to proceed with the construe -
tion of a three -sheet curling rink.
The proposed building will be
erected on property which has
been purchased and- which is lo-
cated south of and adjacent to the
Community Centre. It is expected
construction will commence this
spring, so that the building will be
in operation for fall activities.
The committee responsible for
ilrnflditi'g"`'ihti'ltidgg''rFrank' ling lei.
MacLean, Wm. Campbell, J. A.
Stewart and Harry Ball. The fin-
ance committee includes William
Leyburn, M. A. Reid (treasurer),
W. J. Duncan, Dr. E. A. McMaster,
C. A. Barber, J. E. Keating, Dr. H.
A. McIntyre and A. D. Whetham.
Dr. J. A. Munn is .president of the
Wind Up Next Week
It is intended to canvas the dis-
trict. Stock in the company being
formed will be available to the puib-
Activities for the present season
will wind up pext Wednesday when
Enthusiastic Crowd
Applauds Seaforth
Skating Club Carnival
Seaforth skaters, members of the
Seaforth Figure. Skating Club, pre-
sented their annual carnival Friday
evening to an audience that well
filled Seaforth arena,
From the opening dance group
until the concludingnumber, nearly
two hours later, the large crowd
showed its appreciation of the pre-
cision and rhythm of the skaters
by almost continuous applause.
Special lighting and scenery com-
omplemented the contributions of the
The club professional is Ross
Smith, of Stratford. In charge of
arrangements for the carnieel were
President John M. James-, John Cr
Crich. Reeve James Doig, Mrs. M.
W. Stapleton, Mrs, W. T. Teall,
Mrs. G. R. Love, Mrs. Ross Hamilton
and Mrs. F. Kling, who supervised
the preparation of the lunch which
was served those taking part fol-
lowing the program.
The organization meeting of the
Seaforth 4-H Beef Calf Club was
held, in the auditorium of Seaforth
Districrt High School on Monday
evening, at 8:30. 'Phe leaders are
Bob Campbell and Jim Scott.
The officers are: 'president,
Doug Keys; vice-president, Don
Moylan; secretary, Ken Campbell;
e reporter,,_Neil ti
Iless .augh ;.
There were 17 members' present:
Ken Campbell, Laverne Goa:in,
Jean Scott, Neil Haugh, Doug
Keys, Catherine Campbell, Audrey
Godkin, Doroehy Keys, Agnes Hick-
nell, Robert Scott, Charles McGre-
gor. Arnold Campbell, Don Moylan,
Paul Murray, Louis Nigh, John
Nigh, Bill Scott.
Films were shown on 4-H Club
work, as well as a comedy Sim. -
a local bonspiel will be held. It is
anticipated there will be a large
attendance of curlers and potential
Farrn Forums Have Closing
Meetings for 1953-54 Season,
The Fireside Farm • Forurn, Hul-
1ett, met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Dalton with 15 adults pres-
ent. There was no topic, but a
ottestionaire was held on previous
topics. Prizes were given for tests
3n the form of an essay on car
giving. Highest points were giv-
en. to Mrs. Dubs, for the ladies, and
to R. Jamieson, for the men. Ten
subjects were chosen out of 20
for topics for next season.
Mrs. Jessie Tebbutt was. named
president, and Mrs. W. C. Dolmage,
ears. Babcock and Don Buchanan
were chosen as a committee for
;picnic preparations. Mrs. R. Jam-
ieson and Mrs. George Carter were
named to start the forum in the
Progressive euchre was enjoyed,
with the following as winners: lad -
lies, high, Mrs. Harvey Taylor; lone
hands, Mrs. George Carter; conso-
lation, Mrs. George Hoggart; men,
high, Mrs. Jessie Tebbutt; lone
hands,- George Carter; consolation,
Vies Frances Cook.
and presentation made by Mrs. W. i
Harper. The Hibbert forums meet
Friday night in Staffa Hall.
S.S. No. 2, McKillop, Farm For-
um "met at the home of Mr. and,
Mrs. Stewart Dolmage on Monday
evening of this week, this being
community night and the conclud-
ing meeting for the season. There
was no discussion, but the group
listened to a radio broadcast on
the subject of "Surplus."
The conclusion of the speakers
seemed to be that if a working
committee was given the authority
to arrange for the disposal of sur-
pluses, the Job would have a good
chance of being done. On the re-
port of the National Farm Forum
Secretary, regarding school tax, a
large percentage of forums said
there was need for some revision
in the school tax system. With re-
gard' to accidents on the farm, the
forums listed downright careless-
ness, children riding tractors,
speed, and lack of ordinary pre-
caution, as some of the causes of
accidents. ,
On the question, "Are our min-
eral resources being used to the
best interests' of all Canadlane?"
some of the answers were: Too
much outside capital is being used
in developing the minerals; also
we should have more control over
our products.
Following the broadcast a social
hour was event in rprogreseive
euchre. 'Winners were: ladies,
Mrs. S. McBrien, Mrs. Ellwood
Clarke, Mies Elsie Storey; men,
Sam Storey, Secord McBrien, Al -
Vin Dodds.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke
kindly offered their home for the
opening meeting next November,
when a leader and secretary for
the season will be appointed.
The Parr Line Farm Fortim, Hay
Township, were guests Monday ev-
ening of Mr. and Mrs. Ross John -
Ston at the Dominion Hotel, Zur-
ich, for their closing meeting of
1953.54 forum: Twenty -slit members
representing each home, sat down
to a delicious turkey' dinner, serv-
ed home style in the attractive din -
Cromarty Farm Forum held arbox
social, euchre and dance in the
school Wednesday evening and had
as their guests Munroe Forum.
There was an attendance of sixty
members and guests.
Winners in euchre were: ladies,
!Miss Ethel Hutchison and Mrs. J.
Rowe; gents, John Norris and Wes
Mussell. Mucic for idae dance was
furnished, by Alden Allan, Angus
1eKaig and Ivan Norris. Presiding
tat the piano were Mrs. Harvey Dow
Mid Audrey Norris. Lindsay Mc-
Kellar was floor manager.
"Me last meeting of the forum
eras held Monday evening with
euchre the highlight of the eve -
:sing. Winners were: ladies, Mrs.
S. Rowe, A. 'Miekle; gents, Gerald
Carey, Carlile Mieklle; most lone
bands, Bill Harper.
Barry Norris was appointed pre*
[dent and Mrs. Gerald Carey, secre-
tary -treasurer. It was voted to hold
e picnic at Springbank the second
week in JVine. -Mrs. F. 'Chappell
aurae presented with .a gift by the
ttpontbers of the farum km her va'
gina Dei ieea as eecretarrtreasua'-
et for the put ttttoyears, The ad' -
ream Was read 1»' Mee. G. Carer,
ng hall.
Mr. Ross Dick presented the
oast to the Queen. Mr. Ross Love,
secretary -treasurer, in a few well-
chosen words, gave thanks to the
adies for their hospitality and ef-
forts. which made the evening so-
cially enjoyable. Mrs. John Soldan
replied for the ladies, expressing
appreciation for those of leadership
and ability; who had promoted the
project and helped bring it to a
successful completion in its first
year of operation on the Parr Line.
In a few brief thoughts she out-
Iined the value of forums, which
may not be included in defining its
prime valve. -
The Program
The program included: Dance
Group: College Tango -Ruth Sills,
Sheila McFadden, Marie Rowland,
Pearn McLean, Karen Nicholson,
Marilyn Kling, Joan Bach, Barbara
Mennell, Jane Somerville, Corrine
Snaith, Ruth Teall, Beverley Lith-
goe, Faye Love, Judy Crich, Cath-
erine Boshart, Penny James, Vir-
ginia Smith, Janice Adams, Cath-
erine Doig, Joan Reynolds.
Tiny Tots -Katie Scott, Linda
Lane, Barbara James, Connie At-
kinson, Gale Edier, Elizabeth Shol-
dice, Mary Jenn McLean, Mary
Ann Snowden, Susan Carter, Linda
Precision Pair -Pamela and Mar-
garet Ann Stapleton; solo, Judy
Dance Group: Dutch Waltz -
Faye Love, Sheila McFadden, Rubh
Teall, Pearn McLean, Pamela Stap-
leton, Katherine Boshart, Marie
Rowland, Beverley Lithgow, Ruth
Sills, Judy Crich, Margaret Ann
Stapleton, Karen Nicholson.
.Precisionettes-Joan Teall, Joan
Reynolds, Sharon McNichol, Judy
'James. Susan Snow, Mary Jean
Boshart, Connie Eckert, Ann Kling,
Bonnie Weiglund, Corrine Smith,
Emily Elliott, Phyllis Bryans, Mary
Crich, Gerda Christenson, Barbara
Mennell, Virginia Smith, Pearn
,McLean, Karen Nicholson, Judy
Crich; Ann°T'routbeck.
Dance Exhibition -Elizabeth Od-
bert and Donald McPherson; solo,
Elizabeth Od'bert.
Seaforth Ballet
MGL earl gvo
$2.50tiy in7A
Hereford, Jersey
Shows Assured for
Seaforth Fall Fair
The Regional Hereford Show will
be held at Seaforth Fa11 Fair Sep-
tember 23 and 24, directors learn-
ed Tuesday evening at a meeting
to make preliminary plans for the
fair. Confirmation had been re-
ceived earlier that the Perth -Huron
Jersey Breed Show will be held at
Seaforth. President Arthur Nich-
olson presided.
Jack Campbell and Clair Haney,
of the Seaforth Driving Club, ap-
peared• as a delegation and asked
for stabling for several racing hors-
es at the Fair grounds. They ask-
ed to be given the use of one of
the new open cattle sheds, which
they would close in and stalls could
be built along one-half of the build-
ing, with a door at either end. As
an alternative, they suggested re-
building and relocating the present
horse barns, which are presently in
a poor location and in a bad state
=of repair.
Committee Named
James M. Scott, eh -airman of the
society's grounds and property com-
mittee, along with J. F. Scott, J.
W. Crich, A. Nicholson, R. W.
Campbell and R. Bolton, were nam-
ed a committee to meet with a
delegation of the Driving Club at
the fair' grounds to look over the
R. Bolton, R. W. Campbell, A.
Nicholson, R. E. McMillan and F.
J. Snow were named a striking
committee to appoint the various
committees of the society.
A. Nicholson, R. Bolton, J. W.
Crich and A. E. Crozier were ap-
pointed in charge of arranging a
suitable event at which to draw
for the TV set on which tickets
are being sold.
• Mrs. W. Haugh was given a grant
towards prizes for the Garden Club
exhibits at the fair, the amount to
be spent being left to her discre-
tion. e
Mrs, J. Hillebrecht was named
chairman of the Women's Section
to arrange a meeting at which their
officers will be a opointed.
expe ected'her report will be receiv-
ed at the next meeting of the board.
Seaforth Ballet with Faye Love
as ballerina -Marie Rowland, Pearn
McLean, Judy Crich, Karen Nich-
olson, Joan Bach, Ann Troutbeck,
Kathy Boshart, Elly Vanderzon,
Barbara Mennell, Kathy Eckert,
Janice Adams, Katherine Doig,
Elizabeth Stewart, Jane Somerville,
Donna Elliott, Mary Ellen Gorwill.
Quartette - Sheila. McFadden.
Beverley Lithgow, Ruth Sills, Mar-
ilyn Kling; solo, Ruth Teall.
Dance Exhibition - American
Waltz, Lorraine Odbert; Tango,
Ross Smith; Paso Doble, Lorraine
Olbert; Blues, Ross Smith; solo,
Wayne Graham.
Dance Group: Swing Dance -
Ruth Sills, Sheila McFadden, Marie
Rowland, Elizabeth Olbert, Ruth
Teall, Beverley Lithgow. Faye
Love, Donald McPherson.
Stratford Senior Ballet with
Joan Finnegan as ballerina; solo,
Ross Smith; comedy, John Wild
and Jack Alexander; pair, Joan
Finnegan and James Hutchinson.
Jazz Eight -Penny James, Sheila
McFadden, Ruth Teall, Marie Row-
land, Faye Love, Marilyn Kling,
Beverley Lithgove Ruth Sills.
Wilfred Mousseau, with Irish
ability of speech, amused the group
with hie jokes and gave a resume
of his impressions of the forum.
John Soldan, while upholding the
ideals of the forum, favored the
theory that farmers should become
organized into Iarge.r unions and
get price control through market-
ing boards. He quoted the West-
ern Ontario Marketing Board as
one which has proven to be satis-
factory to the 'bean producers.
Marketing boards should be the
answer to our price problems, op-
erating as we do today with prices
which are not paying for the cost
of production, and which are leav-
ing the farmer without purchasing
power is going to upset the econ-
omic -system, the speaker said.
Kippen East W.I. Holds
Successful Euchre
The Kippen East Women's Insti-
tute held a successful euchre and
dance in the Town Hall, Hensail.
on Friday. There were 31 tables
in play, and the prize winners
Ladies, first, Mrs. Glen Bell.
Hensall; second, Mrs. Joseph' Mc-
Lellan, Kippen; consolation, Miss
Nancy Pepper, Tuckersmith; gents,
first, George Varley, Tuckersmith;
second, Ross Love, Hensall; conso-
lation, Ross Richardson, Zurich.
Murdochs, orchestra furnished
music for a few hours of dancing.
In short, the fafiner will be forc-
ed to cease to be a producer and
the laborer will -find. himself with-
out work, as is the case in a num-
umber of the implement manufactur-
ing plants in Ontario at present.
Ross Dick 'moved a vote of thanks
to Mrs. Joh.neton for the hospi-
tality she had extended to the
group, to which Mrs. Johnston
made a delightful reply.
Ross Love extended, an invita-
tion to the members to come to
his home for a game of cards. The
Winning players were: ladies, high,
Mrs. Ross Dick; consolation, infra.
Howard Atkins; gents, high, Carl
Reickert; consolation, Gordon Cole-
man. Dainty refreshments were
served by the hostess.
The Forum will hold • their Brit
fall meeting et ,the dome of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Rubinson.
Members Review Proposal
For $40,000 Programme
Members of the Seaforth Farm-•
ers Co-operative, holding their an-
nual meeting in Egmondville
Church schoolroom Thursday night,
will consider a recommendation of
the Board of Directors to proeede
for the improvement and rearrange-
ment of Co-operative facilities.
Inherent in the recommendation
is an expenditure of approximately
$40,000 to provide for new plant
capacity and the renovation of ex-
isting structures. Details of the
proposal went forward to members
some time ago.
The meeting learned that 'both
the mill and• produce departments
enjoyed an increase in volume dur-
ing the year under review. Total
turnover of the two departments
was $559,337. Payment of a 21
per cent deferred patronage divi-
dende on 1953 mill business and
% cent 'per dozen eggs was recom-
mended by the board.
Lack Of Interest;
No F. of A. Field Day
There will be no Federation of
Agriculture Field Day in 1954, di-
rectors of the Huron organization
decided at a meeting in Clinton
Thursday. Interest in the field day
which has been an annual feature
since the founding of the organiza-
tion, has been decreasing in recent
years. The 1953 field day was held
in Seaforth.
The directors are supporting a
McKillop Township resolution re-
questing that the months of May
and September be removed from
Daylight Saving Time.
In answer to a request by the
county federation for a third agri-
cultural • representative for the
county. James Garner. director of
extension of the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture, said the de-
partment is. not in a position to
appoint a third man.
The request was made because
of the increased work being done
by the present men.
The federation plans to prepare
a mobile education display which
will be exhibited at agricultural
fairs throughout the county.
Mother: "Where do bad little
girls go?"
Daughter: "Everywhere."
Lions To Sponsor
• - Cancer Driver -Here
Seaforth Lions .will sponsora
drive on behalf of the Ontario Can-
cer Society, it was. decided follow-
ing the club's meeting Monday
evening. The epea.ker at the meet-
ing was John Stratton, chairman of
the Perth -Huron Unit'..of the On-
tario Society.
Mr. Stratton told the Lions of
the work of the society in its fight
against cancer. It was hoped, be
said, to have an organization in
Huron before too long. Arrange-
ments for the cancer drive were
left in the hands of the Health
and Welfare Committee. Chairman
for the meeting was Willis Dundas,
assisted) by Rose Savauge.
Decision as to whether a crip-
pled children's clinic will be held,
this year will await the results of
a survey now being undertaken
among school teachers, John W.
Modeland told the club.
The annual rural relations night
is to be held on Atpril 12. The
speaker will be Rev. Douglas Stew•
art, Toronto.
Northside Honors
Mr., Mrs. J. A. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart,
leader, and organist of Northside
United Church, were honored Sun-
day evening when a Fireside ser-
vice was held, during which Mr.
and. Mrs. Stewart were presented
with gifts, indicating the apprecia-
tion of -the congregation. The affair
was under the auspices of the
Board of Stewards.
Singing, under the direction of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. was follow-
ed by a rendition by the men of
the choir, and a solo by Dick Hed-
ley. An impromptu skit, presented
iby- B. F. Christie and Dr. J. C. Mac-
Lennan, brought many of the gath-
ering to the platform, including Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart, at which time
the presentation was made. The
gifts included an occltsional chair,
a nest of tables, a coffee table and
a table lamp.
JULY.14, 15, 16
Days to circle on the calen-
dar hanging in the kitchen are
July 14, 15, 16, when the 19th
annual Lions Club summer
carnival is being held at Lions
Park. For some time now a
committee, headed by James A.
Murray, has been hard at
work making special arrange-
ments for the big event.
Jr. Farmers, Institute
Name New Officers
Huron County Junior Farmers ie
large numbers attended the annual
meeting at Clinton District Col-
legiate Institute Friday evening.
Howard Pym, R.R. 1, Centralia,
was elected president. He succeeds
Ron McMichael, of Exeter.
Other officers are: first vice-
president, Arnold Alton, R.R. 1,
Dungannon; second vice-president,
Earl McSpadden, R.R. 1, Seaforth;
secretary, Lloyd Holland, Clinton;
treasurer, Harold R. Baker, Clin-
ton, associate Huron agricultural
representative. Directors: Larry
Wheatley, R.R. 1, Dublin; Glen
McMichael, Wroxeter; John Clark,
R,R: 5, Goderich; George Turner,
R.R. 3, Seaforth; Ross Dobson, R.
R. 1, Kirkton; Bev Skinner. R.R. 3,
Exeter; Murray Bradburn, R.R. 1.
Belgrave; Maurice Hallahan, Bel -
grave; Glen Underwood, R.R^ 1,
Wroxeter; provincial director for
the association, Ron McMichael,
with Howard Pym as alternate;
press reporter, Mabel Selves, R.R.
1, Hensall.
R d A d Ss
ea s
An address, read by Dr: -J. C.
MacLennan. in the absence of the
chairman, Mr. James Scott, fol-
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart:
Dear Friends: The Board of Stew-
ards -have have arranged this special
gathe ' -tonight. to culminate the
accepts, from the congregation,
of contributions towards a presen-
tation for you and Mrs. Stewart.
On behalf of the members and
adherents of Northside United
Church, we wish to take this op-
portunity of expressive our appre-
ciation of the beautiful music which
has been rendered by your efforts
as choir leader and organist. We
sincerely hope that we may be
privileged to enjoy such for a long
time to come.
Your devotion to our church and
your untiring efforts. Jim. in the
renovation and redecoration of our
church during the past year, de-
serve 'special mention. To you we
aregr'eatly indebted.
We would like you and Mrs.
Stewart to accept these vias from
the congregation. They are an ex-
pression of our appreciation. and
of the esteem with which you are
held. May you both enjoy these
gift's' for years. and years. and,
years. J. M. Scott. Chairman; J.
C. MacLennan: Secreta' y.
Following a delightful hunch,
served by the 'Board of Stewards,
with the able assistance of Mrs.
Christie anti Mrs. MacLennan, the
meeting wasebrought to a close.
-Farm Youth Plan
Busy Club, Season
Junior Institute
Helen Johnston, R.R. 2, Blyth,
was elected president of the Hur-
on County Junior Institute, suc-
ceeding Dorothy Pattison, R.R. 3,
Other officers are: first vice-
president, Lois: Jones, Clinton; sec-
ond eeVieeeleeesidedteeeeadee
Michael, Wroxeter ;' secretary,
Elaine Hern, Woodham; directors,
Ruth Keyes, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Cath-
erine Campbell, R.R. 1, Dublin;
Fern Cook. Gorrie; Doreen Lamb,
R.R: 5, Goderich; Mary Durst,
Goderich; Margaret Holland, Clin-
ton; Mildred Ballantyne, R.R. 3.
Exeter; Nancy Carter, R.R. 5.
Wingham;‘ Miry Lou Hallahan,
Belgrave. •
Seaforth area farm youth oras;
ized for a busy season when .nibree
than 1.04 attended a meeting-laelee"
in the Seaforth District Hier
School. During the evening four
441 Clubs were format"
Harold Baker, assistant county
agricultural representative, presid-
ed and showed films on internation-
al rural youth exchange and 4-H
Club work in the United ''States...
The program for the coming •year
was outlined.
The clubs, with their leaders and
officers. are:
4-H Beef Calf Club -Robert W.
Campbell and James M. Scott,
leaders; president, Douglas Keys,
R.R. 1, Seaforth: vice-president,
Don Moylan, R.R. 5, Seaforth; sec-
retary, Ken Campfell, R.R. 5, Sea-
fdrth; press reporter, Neil Haugh,
R.R. 1, Brucefield.
4-H Dairy, Calf Club -Bill Boyd
and Irvin Trewartha, leaders ;
president, Betty Storey, R.R. 2,
Seaforth; vice-president, Louis Mut,
ray, R.R. 5, Seaforth; secretary,
Barbara Trewartha, R.R. 1, Sear
forth; press reporter, Donna
Riehl, R.R. 2, Walton.
4-H Swine Club - Ken Stewart
and R. E. McMillan, leaders; presi-
dent, Lavern Godkin, R.R. 2,. Wal-
ton; vice-presidents, John •; e,
R.R. 2, Seaforth; secretary, Do
Dodds; press reporter, Pr
McKillop 4-H Grain Clu
ley Hillen, and Eric Anderson, sail-
ers; president, -Donald Dodds, R.R.
2, Seaforth; vice-president, Larry
Wheatley, R.R. 1, Dublin; secre-
tary, Bob Broadfoot, Brucetield;
press reporter, Leonard Miller, R.
R. 2, Walton.
Crash in Blinding Snow,
Three Sent To Hospital
Drifting snow and visibility that
was reduced to a. minimum result-
ed in a collision northwest of here
Saturday afternoon that sent three
persons to hospital.
They are: William John Storey,
45, R.R. 2, Seaforth, with a broken
leg, and William Cowan, 2i), Lon-.
desboro, with arta injuries, in Scott
Memorial Hospital, and Kenneth
Armstrong. -'t>. of Londesboro, with
injuries to his leg and arm. in Clin-
ton Public Hospital.
Mr. Storey's daughter. Betty, 16.
and eight-year-old son. Robert.
were treated at Scott Memorial
Hospital for cuts and bruises and
then released.
The accident occurred on a
county road three miles northwest
of Seaforth, in Huilett Township.
Mr. Storey was driving the truck.
Mr. Armstrong was driving a car.
with Mr. Cowan Cts a. passenger.
Contestants representltg schools throughout the district took part .in the Lions oratorical Con-
test at Seaforth •District High School Friday evening. Representing Seaforth District High School
were, from Left to right, Elaine Dale and Jimmy Axtman, while from Mitchell were Jean Pridham
and Jim Hennekam. -
Hensall District Youth
Heads 4-11 Calf Club
A 4-H Club ,organization meeting
was held in South Huron District
High School, Exeter, Tuesday eve-
ning when 13 members joined the
Grain Club and 19 the Calf Club.
Officers for the Grain, Club are:
president, Edward Hern, R.R. 1
WoodIlrant.- '
Hern, R.R. 1, Woodham; secreta y,"
Keith Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia;
press reporter, Lorne Ballantyne,
R.R. 3, .Exeter. Douglas May, Exe-
ter, and Harry Strang, Hensail, are
leaders' of the Grain Club.
Officers for the Calf Club in-
clude: president. Murray Dawson,
R.R. 1, Hensall: Vice-president, Jim
Etheringtort. R.R-1: He•nsalle secre-
tai y-, Bob Kinsman, R.R. 2, Kippen;
press reporter, Jack Taylor, R.R. 3,
Exeter; leaders. Bob Hern, Wood-
ham. and Howard Pyrti, Exeter.
District Orators Hold
Competition at SDHS
Well delivered speeches featured
the district final; of some three
Lions International public speaking
contests, held in the Seaforth Dis-
trict High School Friday evening.
Ten competitors, two from each
of the five centres Goderich, Cline
ton, Seaforth, Mitchell and Strat-
tratford-had previously been the win-
ners in their respective • schools.
Five girls and five boys, one of
each from each centre, competed.
Margaret G. Innes, Form 1i3 -A,
Stratford Collegiate Institute, was
the winning girl speaker. She is. a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
G. Innes, R.R. 1, Embro. Jean.
Pridham, of Mitchell, was the run-
ner-up. The winning boy was Jim
Hennekam, of Mitchell, followed by
Jack Kincaid, Form 11-C, Stratford
Collegiate Institute, son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Kincaid, 348 Ontario St.,
Stratford, as runner-up.
Doreen McKenzie. Clinton. spoke
on "Culture via the Movies"; Jean
Pridham, "How We Canadians Won
Our Freedom" (responsible gov-
ernment.) ; John Kane, Goderich, •
"Teen -Age Drivers Skilled, Not
Killed"; ,Jim Hennekam. "The
Sword Versus The Cross": Ken
Ashton. Clinton, "Alcohol and the
Human 'Brain"; Elaine Dale, Sea-.
forth, "V1ltite Cane Week"; Mar-
garet G. Innes. "Guy Lombardo";
Jim Axtman, Seaforth. "Why I Am
Going To Be Farmer"; Jack Kin-
caid, "Problems of a Lasting,
Pease"; Jeanette Austin, Goderich,
"Freedom and What It Meens To
The prepared speeches lasted five
minutes. In addition, each con-
testant gave an impromptu talk
lasting two minutes.
Mrs. K. B. Clysdale and Miss •
Mary Carter. of St. Marys; Lloyd
Edighoffer, Mitchell, and H. E.
Smith, Seaforth, were judges, and
scorer was W. T. Booth,.Strat-
ford. Chairman for the evening
was R. N. Bissonnette. Stratiord;
and awards -..were presented by:- -
Ward Bolton, St. Marys', district
deputy Lions governor.
Pupils of Seaforth District High
School presented mhnisieal num-
bers. Fred James played a piano
solo and accompanlied, Alice Ann,
Nixon as she sang a sole. Mat..
Dennis accompanied) for sa1Q`f ..
Anidrey' Hackwell and for
pet selection by June it& Atidree