The Huron Expositor, 1954-03-19, Page 4!f' 43 assitiea Ads lassilied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week �y' Cent 8rd Week 1,6 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion... 25 Cents • Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. ' (bade of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Conning Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. - - Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Lost and Found Ten amts additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. T UST - WOULD THE PARTY THAT Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of c3(ax e. aa picked up a milk coal error at the 33 t of S fdYth N Tender of Wm. Watson. Accepted by-R'� y Council Huy Council meeting was held in the council room, Zurich, on Mon- day, March 8, at 1:30 p m., at w hich time the following business was carried put: That the minutes of the Feb. 1 meeting be, adopted as read. That Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on 4ppjtcatjon. corner. toes en on o. 8 Highway, on Sunday, March 7, please • Coming Events ANINVITATION IS SENT TO ALL TO come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. 448842 For Rent FOR REN'T-50 AURES IN McKILLOP Township; ploughed. Apply L,E0 RYAN; 87 r 5, Dublin. 4498-1 ROOMS TO RENT -TWO NICE COM- 3ortable rooms to rent; heated. Breakfast optionaL PRONE 64 r 3, Dub- lin. 4498 ' OR RENT -FOUR BEDROOM APART- ment, self-contained ; four -piece bath ; hot and cold water. Newly decorated. Im- mediate possession. DR. E. A. M.cMAS- TER, Seaforth. 4497-2 Property For Sale 11OR SALE -SIX -ROOM COTTAGE ON Centre St.; insulated and in good condition. Apply FRANK SMALE, Wil- son St., Seaforth. 4498-tf 1 OR SALE -FRAME RESIDENCE IN 1� Village of Dublin ; seven rooms, in good state of repair. Situated on two lots. MRS. JOHN DARLING, Dublin. ,4498-2 1 OR SALE -HOUSE AND DOUBLE r garage; three bedrooms upstairs. FOR SALE - 4,000 USED WHITE front room, bedroom, living room, kitchen ti`s and bathroom: full basement. C. P. bricks for sale. 3 cents each. Apply VAN MIL, Seaforth. • 4493x3 to GEORGE SMALE, Hensall. 4496x4 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goode), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26,c ; l4 samples 61.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Boa 91, Hamilton, Ont. Livest$ck Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. S'or prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect. Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. By -Law No. 3, 1954, respecting the exemption from treatment for warble fly within tthe municipality of tate 'Township of Hay in accord- ance with the provisions of the Warble Fly Control Act, 1952, be given third reading, That having received a resolution from the Town of Clinton requesting that the proposed site of the new Coun- ty Court House be in Clinton, we, the Council of the Township of Hay, take no action and that a copy of this motion be sent to the return same. ELGIN NOTT. Phone 847 Town of Clinton, 5, Seaforth. 449851 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -40 ACRES, LOT 28, boundary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Also hardwood tops by the cord. Apply to JAMES STEVENSON, Phone 604 r 4, Brussels. 4497x2 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Machinery and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 10, Concession 3, Tucker - smith Township, H.R.S., first farm south of Egmondville, on Tuesday, March 23, at For Sale 1 p.m.: HORSES -Matched team of Per- eheron mares (middle-aged). CATTLE -8 Durham cows due in April and May; 1 Brown Swiss cow due in May; 4 steers rising 2 years old: 7 heifers rising 2 years old; 20 Durham heifers and steers. 1 year old. PIGS -1 pure bred English York hog, bred by Kemscott Farms, Milton; 1 pure bred English York hog 8 months old; 2 pure bred English York sows, bred two months: 8 York sows, bred; 6 young York sows, bred; 10 York chunks. HAR- NESS --Set of breeching harness and horse collars. MACHINERY -Model 'S' Case tractor, fully equipped (like new) ; Inter- national 2 -furrow plow (like new) ; Case tractor disc (like new) ; Case manure spreader (like new) ; Case 7 -foot mower (cut 50 acres) ; Case 10 -foot packer (like new); International siderake; 10 -foot Massey -Harris dump rake; International drophead hay loader; 1 -horse mower; horse Bissell disc; 9 -foot steel land roller; 15 double dise fertilizer International power drill with markers, used one season ; 4 - section diamond harrows; scuffler: small cutting box; 2.000-1b. Renfrew scales; fanning mill with pulley: 30 bags cement; Surge milking machine, two units (like new); farm wagon; 16 -foot flat hay rack; wagon box ; steel rubber tired wagon. HAY AND GRAIN --.20 tons mix- ed hay. 150 bushels of wheat: mixed grain. POULTRY EQUIPMENT - 3 chicken shelters; Royal brooder atone; chicken hoppers and troughs. - HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS -Radio; kitchen cabinet, and other articles. Terms -Cash. No re- serve: farm sold. A. C. LEVEY,'Proprie- tor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. FOR SALE -800 BUSHELS FEED BAR- ,Chesney, Clerk. 4498_1 rrABLE POTATOES FOR SALE, 81.65 A bag. Apply to GEORGE SMALE, ensall, Ont. 4495x4 FOR SALE - YOUNG PIGS, JUST weaned. W. C MONTGOMERY, Wal- ton. Phone 834 r 4 ,Seaforth. 4498-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY TIMOTHY seed. LEWIS BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22, Seaforth. 4498x4 (IUANTITY OF ALFALFA SEED FOR ''9K'i Sale; albs some timothy and clover seed. Apply ORVILLE WORKMAN, 677 r 11; Hensall. 4496x8 F SALE -RFT J, & HOWELL 8 M78. movie camera: good as new. Half Price. APplY DR. E. A. MCMASTER. Phone 26, Seaforth. • 4497-2 poat SALE -IN HENSALL, 7 -ROOM solid brick house with garage and FOR SALE - HEAVY DUTY TWO - ,large garden, slate roof, heavy duty wired. burner electric stove: also car radio. four -piece bath with copper piping; built- fits 1940 Ford. PHONE 646 r 2, Seaforth. in cupboards in kitchen with tiled floor; 4498x1 hot air furnace and full basement. Close to church and post office and well located. FOR SALE -MOW OF OAT STRAW For information apply to Bus 306, NUR- and one hind quarter of beef. JOHN ON EXPOSITOR. 4498-4 F. BELL. Phone 847 r 4, Seaforth..' 4493-1 Help Wanted ley. Apply to EARL DICK, Crom0r- `' ' ty Phone 14 r 5,' Dublin. HELP WANTED -COMPETENT CLERK 449832 Cards of Thanks • for electrical store. Apply F. KLING.'FOR SALE -44 PIGS, SIX TO EIGHT ..eek, .41. Apply to 'MAC" CHES- I WISH TO THANK ALT, THOSE 1VHO HELP WANTED - SERVICE EM- NEY, Phone 653 r 16. Seaforth. so kindly remembered me durin; my ployee; part-time employment, Please. 4489-1 recent stay in Scott Memorial Hospital. apply in personManager*BANK to The Mans. g ',4498x1 THERESA J. HAY OF MONTREAL, Hensall. • 4497-2F OR SALE - ELECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner with attachments, including MRS. PETER LINDSAY WISHES TO WANTED - RELIABLE WOMAN TO demother and spray gun: powerful cuc- l"l ex -press het sincere appreciation for care for elderly couple. Apply to tion; $22.00. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. the kindness and sympathy extended by HAROLD AGAR. Phone 536 r 2. Sea- 4498-1 neighbors, relatives and friends during her forth. 4459-1 recent bereavement: also to th 1 'R • 7 ACCOUNTANT E XlPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT O T FOR office and credit manager of progres- sive, well -rated manufacturer Western Ontario. Must be good cost man. Ex- cellent future, for alert, resourceful. am- bitious man. Kindly enclose photograph and give- full details and salary desired in, first letter in confidence. Box 305, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 44982 APPLICATIONS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED BY the Township of Tuckersmith for the position of Road Superintendent. Applicants to state age and qualifications and applications must he in the Clerk's hands by 6 p.m., Monday. March 22, 1054. Wages Will be determined on qualifications of person employed. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith, • Seaforth, R.R. No. 4. 4498-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UN - til March 31st. to supply and deliver ' 20 !twenty, cords of 12 -inch body hard wood to Tuckersmith School Area W. P. ROBERTS. Sec., R.R. 3, Seaforth 9498-1 Notices YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS. Phone 785 between 5 and 7 p.m. 4482x1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL • makes: 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. FOR SALE -LADY'S CLOTH COAT. short stout, size 44: in good condi- tion. Cheap p fpr quick sale. Apply to Box 304 HURON ON EXPOSIT OR. 4498-1 FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF ALFALFA and timothy- hay. Will take a number of cattle for grass. R. J. DOIG. R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 849 r 11, Seaforth. 4498-1 F OR SALE -ZIP -GRIP CLOTHES LINE: needs no clothes pins: lifetime guar- antee. Good Housekeeping seal of approv- al. For home demonstration. Phone 296. HARRY JESSOME, Seaforth. 449853 FOR SAIE - REGISTERED SHORT - horn bull. 13 months old, red roan; also a few bushels of red clover seed at 815 per bushel. Apply to PE1eat E. MALONEY & SONS, Beechwood. 449851 IjOR,SALE-COKE COOLER., VENDOR t n ; Coke cooler plain top: McCaskey adding machine: McCaskey cash register; Remington portable typewriter; Wolf Cub home workshop: Electrohome air condition- er: - small safe: boy's sidewalk bicycle. PHONE 745, Seaforth. 4497-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of PHOEBE A. BOOTH ALL PERSONS, HAVING CLAIMS against' the Estate of Phoebe A." Booth, late of the Town of Seaforth, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of February, 1954, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1954; full particulars of their claims, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DA rEU at Seaforth, this 8rd clay of March, 1954. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor, Etc., Seaforth, Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate. 4496-8 4482-12 NOTICE to CREDITORS RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR., opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I - PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREW'S. 851 r 11. Seaforth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! - McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. AiOCOM IODATION QULT].ED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished of unfurnished, to rent, please call. STATION HOUSING OFFICE et Clinton, 882: local 252. 4486-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I - McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Aeoident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life Tnaurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 894-M. 4456-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We will, without cheese to You, take samples of 4 the In your fields and have them TopALL Notch Feeds Limited , PHONR 15 or 376 4484-tf Try Hawn ELTIooitor Want Ads, Phone 41, Seaforth. In the Estate of WILLIAM CALLOWAY GOVENLOCK ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William Gallo- way Govenlock, late of the Town of Sea - forth, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day- of February, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March,. 1954, full particulars of their claims, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED et Seaforth, this 2nd day of March, 1954. ALVIN W. STLLERY, Solicitor, Etc., Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4496-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES J. CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Agnes .1, Carno- chan. late of the Town of Seaforth, Spin- ster, deceased, who died on or about March 2. 1954. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3r4 day of March. 1954, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last Mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, end the undersigned will not be liable co any person of whose claim the under'tigned shall not then have notice for the assets eo distributed or arty part thereof. DATED et Seaforth, this Ilth day of March, 1954. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. • 44954 a W. Stinson and all those.whoa sist0d in l any way. 910851 THE FAMILY OF 1'ou L ATE W. Orlan Hodge wish to express their t err appreciation to those who extended their sympathy by sending flowers and who contributed in other ways, and to Dr. Mc- Master and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. 4498x1 T WOULD LIKE TO 'THANK ALL MY friends and,peighbors, also the ladies of St. Thomas' Church, who remembered me with cards, flowers. treats and visits while I was a patient in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital and since returning home. 4498. MRS. BERT BRADBURN T WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to express p my sincere thanks a s to all my friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. J. B. Fox and Arnold Circle Mem- bers, Archdeacon W. A. Townshend and Chalmers' Presbikerian Church, London, the nursing staff of Victoria Hospital and Dr. A. E. Mowry, 9498 MRS. ISOBEL TROYER Births FISOHT]R--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 14, to Mr. and Mra. Harold Fischer. RJR., 2. Mitchell, a daughter. MULVALE-At St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, on March 13. to Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Mulvale (neeMary Neville) a son. VERBAKEL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mardh 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verbakel, Egmoudville, a daughter. Deaths FOSS -Entered into rest on Sunday eve- ning, March 14, 1954, at the home of his daughter. 10 Alhambra Ave.. Toron- to. David William Foss, in' his 96th year: beloved husband of the late Mary Carlisle; loved father of Mrs. Edgar T. Stewart (Florence Anna "Flossie"), sis- ter of Mrs. Sarah Knuckle, of Goderich, Ont. Resting at the Turner & Porter Funeral Home, 436 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto. Service in the Chapel 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. MURRAY-3n St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, on Tuesday, March 16, Thomas Al- bert Murray, son of the late John Mur- ray, Manley, in his 62nd year. Tenders Awarded That we accept the tender for treating warble fly grubs as receiv= ed from William Watson at 20e per head single spray. That we accept the application for warble .fly inspector as received from Leon- ard; Erb at 80c per hour and mile- age 71/2c for each mile travelled. That we accept the 1954 gravel tender to crush and haul approxi- mately 8,000 cubic yards of crush- ed stone as received from R. H. Jennison at a flat rate of 88 cents per cubic yard, and 30c for crush- ing and loading Hay Township truck, contract to be signed as soon as tender is approved by the Department of Highways; all work and materials to be approved by James Masse, road superintendent, and also to conform with tender. The salary of H. W. •Brokenshire, as Treasurer of Hay Township, was increased $200 per year, this be- ing the amount deducted' from tike salary as treasurer for ,,the Hay Municipal Telephone System. Accounts Passed The following accounts were passed: Roads -Alphonse Masse, $264.70; Dominion Road )Machin- ery, $61.35; Stratford Beacon -Her- ald, $9a Jim's Machine Shop, $18; Klopp's Garage, $429.72; Interna- tional Harvester Co., $59,47; Des- jardine Auto Supply, $8.67; Drys- dale Hardware, $5.60; Lorne R. Becker, $144; L. Rose, $5.13; Hay- ter's Garage, $3.44; Louis Ayotte, $113.60; Peter Masse, $59.20; Paul 'Watson, $15; Gerald Northcott, $2.80; Bob Wildfong,.$20.25; Leon- ard Zirk, $3.50; Dwayne Tinney, $1.40; James Masse, $251; London Free Press, $21.84; H. W. Broken - shire. 106.75; Alvin Walper, $34.50; St. Joseph's Service, $45.15; Larry Snider Motors, $8.4; Traquair's Garage. $1.50; Richardson's Gar- age, $5.75; Rader & Mittelholtz, $3.34; Sheridan Equipment Co., $695.21; Louis lasse $192.60; .6 0 Al- vin R' . Walper, p $ i...2 5, Wm. Watson, $.7.50; Homer Campbell, $5.60; Frank Wildfong, $18.75,; Kenneth Wildfong, $29.60; Roy Clarke, 312.60. Hay Municipal Telephone System -H. G. Hess, $2,710.34; J, W. Hab- erer, $140,52; Pye Canada Ltd., $278; Northern Electric Co., $374; Mose Erb, $3.30; Hay Stationery Co., $7.50; Hackbusch Electronics, $239; Bell Telephone Co.. $130.92. Township of Hay -The Municipal World, $21.68; Registrar r of Deeds, 8.25; Rader der. & Mittelholtz, $23.92; Gordon Hess, $6.64; Harry G. Hess, $70.32; Ontario :Municipal Board, $11; H. W. Brokenshire, $190; V. L. Becker, $70.85; Hensall District Co-op, $10.27; Exeter Times -Advo - a c te.3.96 • Treasurer surer Huron Coun- ty, $117; Hay Municipal Telephone System, 32,000. Council adjourned -to meet again en Monday, April 5. For Better Soil Ideal garden soil is a rich, well drained loam which never bakes or cakes, holds, moisture well but is not muddy. Unfortunately few of us are lucky enough to find that right at the door. But so long as we have not pure rock it is amaz- ing what one can do. The best medicine for any soil; light or heavy, is a liberal application of old-fashioned barnyard manure. But manure is bard to come by in these modern days and it is liable to be filled with weed seeds. And so most of us will have to turn to something else. Fortunately there are many substitutes, commercial or chemical fertilizer, special soil conditioners, sand where the soil is heavy clay, lime where it is sour, and humus anywhere. The latter we can make ourselves. It is simply rotted down vegetable re- fuse, like leaves, grass clippings, weeds and even clean garbage. This can be dug directly or piled in a corner, covered with layers of earth, watered occasionally and al- lowed to rot and then dug in. Don't. Delay! Bring your tractor in now - for a - (heti - up and repairs Daly Motors FORD - MONARCH SALES & SERVICE Phone 102 Seaforth HENSALL " Mr. Keith Lindsay, who ` has been on the staff of the Bank of Montre '1 for two yer rs hcs been trandfcrred to Goderich branch. Mer.',t.'rs of the staff here present- ed hi: with cuff links and tie pin prior !o his departure at presen-' t"lieu ell: to: him at tits home Of Ir. M s W. W Jar ett h u: Liking s le he d in •'•e ' it tea t'hurt•h Saturday after- noor • onsured by the Evening 1uxili rt'•. was very successful, $60 being, realized. M. nd Mrs. Walter Spencer are t'acstioniug' in Florida. The Hensall firemen and mem- bers of the t ouncil enjoyed an oye- er supper in the Town Hall last Friday evening. Mrs. George ]less has returned home after spending a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family in Toronto. Bible Society To Canvass A meeting was -held ha the Pres- byterian manse Mopday evening to form a committee to represent the Bible Society and to make arrange- ments for the canvass of this dis- trict. ,Mrs. C. Kennedy was chosen as president. Mrs. R. H. Middleton is vice-president, and H. W. Hor- ton, secretary -treasurer. Other members of the' committee are Mrs. A. Shirray, Mrs. T. Lavender, Edison Forrest, George Hess, Har- ry Hoy, John Henderson, Rev. J. B. Fox and Rev. W. J. Rogers. It was decided to start the canvass Maroh 29, to end by April 11. Each of the committee have been allot- ted a zone to look after and ar- range for canvassers. It is hoped to have a good response from the people this year, as this is the 1501 h • anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Services last Sunday morning in Carmel Church were largely at- tended. Rev. J. B. Fox for his ser- mon topic spoke on "The Badge of the Christian." Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mrs. C. 'Kennedy rendered a duet,"'.Down From His Glory." The choir anthem was "O Sacred' F ead Now Wounded." ' �w At a recent meeting of Hensall- Chiselhurst Young People's Union of the United Church, the follow- ing officers were elected: presi- dent, Ken Tuckey; vice-president, Bill Brock; treasurer, June Ross; secretary, Maja Robool. Last Sunday morning in the Unit- ed Church, Rev. W. J. Rogers preached impressively on she theme, "The Power of God.'- The choir sang "Praise My Soul." In the evening the film, "The King's Man," was presented to a large audience. Rev.J . B.Fox, 0 of Car- melChurch (, pronounced the bene- diction. Remember the services next Sunday as usual, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., with Rev. Mr. Rogers in charge. During the Sunday School ses- sion inhi e C s lhurs t Church, c Rev. W. J. Rogers r s showed a moving film, "Joseph and His Brethren," At three..o'clock the Chiselhurs.t congregation had the opportunity of viewing the film, "The King's Man." Next Sunday afternoon the Sunday School meets at 2 o'clock; worship follows at 3 o'cl0 ck. Hensall and Chiselhurst Young People's Union acted as hosts to Carmel Cheroh. Hensall, Kippen'. and Zurich Lutheran Y.P.U. Sun- day night, in Hensall United' Church following the evening ser vice and saw a film, "The King's Man," which portrayed the story of Frederico Massili, native work- er amongs the people of Angola, Africa. A quartette, composed of the Misses Fay and June Ross, Marilyn Eyre and Mary Lou Mc- Lellan, sang two selections. Maja Robool accompanied. Ken Tuckey president of the Hensall Society9 acted as chairman for the meeting. Arnold Circle Meets • Mrs. Harry Hoy was hostess at her home Monday evening for the March meeting of the Arnold Cir- cle. of Carmel Church. Mrs. Hoy, who is president of the organiza- tion, took the chair and opened the meeting with the singing of the hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," Roll call was an- swered with a Proverb. During the business session the m=embers discussed the . Synodical to be held' in Owen Sound April 6, 7 and 8. The Apia] meeting was also discussed. Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, Seaforth„ President of the Presbyterial, will be guest speaker. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren brought the message and chose 'for (hher topic, "The Three Hills"-lst, Mount Sin- ai; 2nd, Where Moses received the Ten Commandments; 3rd, Calvary. Mrs. MacLaren enlarged on each aspect of • her subjec"i" at greater length, presenting an inspiring message that was much appreciat- ed by the group. Glad Tidings and Record were reviewed by Mrs, L THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Nobody will deny that alcohol has many important uses. Modern civilization could not continue with- out ithout the industf•ial and scientific aid of alcohol. But we are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that beverage alcohol !has a peculiar af- finity for the human body, and more especially the brain of man. The explanation is simple. Alcohol is a dissolver of fats, and the brain is a fatty substance. Alcohol also picks up water out of the tissues and the brain is nearly 80 per cent water. When alcohol is taken into the body it passes at once into the blood stream and acts first on the clever forebfain. This is the part of the brain that controls conduct, The action of alcohol is quicker than we realize. Within a matter of minutes it enters the cerebo- spinal fluid and seeps through to the brain and nerve centres. The result is a numbing and paralyzing effect which causes man to act as he would not act under normal cir- cumstances. It is well to remem- ber then that once alcohol passes into our body, the normal free- working reeworking of the brain is endanger- ed.-(Advt.). Cromarty, Staffa Ladies Unite ..fpr World Day � of Prayer The World Day of Prayer ser- vice was held in the basement of he church on Friday- with the lad' les of Staffa United Church uniting In the service. Mrs. L. Sorsdahi presided for bile first portion of the meeting and Mrs. Arthur Kemp for th second part. Those taking part were Mrs. Alvin Worden, Mrs. Lyle Worden, Mrs. Ruby Reed, Mrs. Jas. 114iller, Jr., Mra. Thomas Scott and Mrs. R. Duncanson. Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar and Mrs. T. L. Scott favor- ed with a duet with. Mra. William Miller as accompanist. The inter- esting address was given by Mrs. A. Daynard, who very ably dealt with the theme, "That They May Have Life." W.M.S. Holds Meeting The Women's Missionary Society held their meeting at the home of Mrs. James Scott Thursday with .,Mrs. Mac Lamond presiding. The devotional period was given by the president. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl led in prayer. The roll call, a verse On prayer, was answered by 13 mem- bers; one vistor was also present. A story was read by Mrs. Frank Harburn entitled, , 'Let not your heart be troubled." Mrs. William Harper had the Glad Tidings pray- er. Current events were given by Mrs. J. Scott and the offertory prayer bf•11frs. T. Scott. The study book was in charge of Mrs. Dun- canson. The introductory portion was entitled, "Of sues is the King- dom of Heaven." Mrs. Kenneth McKellar, Mrs. Frank Allen and Mrs. Houghton assisted in portions of the chapters. The meeting clos- ed with the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Mrs. Thomas Laing has returned, home from the hospital, where she had been receiving treatment. Gordon Houghton and Shirley Gale, of London, visited on Sunday with Myfe. M. Houghton. Several of the members of the Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary attended the quiltings at the homes of ,Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Miss Jefferson, of Munro, visited with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Laing. DUBLIN Personals: "Miss Marie Bruxer, St. Joseph's Hospital,i tar London, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Bruxer; • Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan; Mr, and Mrs. John Cleary, London, and Mr. Bill Evans, Merritton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Ba nham A period of recorded ' sacred music .preceeded the wor- ship, conducted by Mrs. E. Fink. Mrs, Peters read the scripture les- son; devotional by Mrs. C. Kenne- dy; a poem • by Mrs. A. Kerslake, and closing prayer by Mrs. Fink. Hymns were sung during the wor- ship period, Mrs. L. Tiberio was program convener, and Mrs, Bayn- ham, Mrs. Fink and Mrs. J. Mc - Ewan, lunch conveners. - Euchre ' & . Dance in the Town Hall, HENSALL WEDNESDAY, MAR. 24 8:30 p.m, HARBURN'S ORCHESTRA Sponsored by South Huron Agricultural Society Ladies Please Provide Lunch GOOD PRIZES FLOOR PRIZES General Admission 50c- Rummage 6e Rummage Sale Sponsored ty Group 2 W,A., of Brumfield United Church - in - TOWN HALL • CLINTON on - SATURDAY, MARCH 27 , at'2:30 p.m Good Used. Clothing BRUCEFIELD Miss Janet Watson, of Aylmer. spent the weekend • with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson. Mr. and yrs. K. Sholdice and family and Mrs. B. Sholdice, of Alba 10raig, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson on Sunday. Miss Marg. Alkenhead, London, spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. H. Aikenhead. She- took him for better or for worse, but he was worse than she took him for. 09 Eight', and Dan HENSALL Town Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 19th Sponsored by Klppon E.W.I. CARDS AT 9:30 Ladies, please bring Lunch Murdoch's Orchestra Admission 50c Good Prizes EXCITING! AMUSING! ' FASCINATING! HYPNOTISM! "The Laughter Show of the Century-- EDWIN HEATH, M.B.H. The Amazing World's Master Hypnotist YOU'LL LAUGH . .. SCREAM . . . YELL Don't Miss This Sensational Attraction! Must Be Seen to Be Believed! HENSALL TOWN HALL • Thursday - Friday- Saturday March 25 - 26 - 27 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults 60c - Children 300 Spo red by Hensall Kinsmen PR DS FOR. Cif TIC PROJECTS Programs FOLLOW The Purina Feeding Sanitation Programs TOP RESULTS The Lowest Costs COME IN AND LET US HELP Y -O -U WITH YOUR FEEDING PROGRAM - of • POULTRY, HOGS and CATTLE To GGet° MORE MEAT, MILK and EGGS Geo. TI'MickIe& Sons Limited PHONE 103 HENSALL, ONT. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED 1963 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 DODGE SEDAN -Fully equipped 2-1952 CHEV. STYLEKANE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1961 011.m. DE LUXE SEDANS -Fully equipped. 1951CHEV. POWEE41L1DE FLEETLINE SEDAN -Folly equipped, 21-1950 CHEV. STATION WAGONS 2-4949 CHEF. SEDANS 1949 DODGE SEDAN 2-4948 FLE T'LINE COACHES CARS 1948 CHEW, SEDAN 1947 DODGE COMM 1946"C'H1 V'. SEDAN - Spetji l 95.BO 1948 PONT/AC SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC COUPE 1951 OHEV, TRUCKS N PICKUP 1949 Gi:MSC. 1 -TON STAKE mem 1944 CBEV, 2VON STAKE} TRTIcK 4 -2 -TON STAKE BODY. (A1lMY TR.ITaK$) SPECIAL --New No. 20 Cockehutt Tractor A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Care MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS' MOTORS ,BU LS ONTARIO PHONE 78 -X -•-°The 'Home of Better Used Carr OPEN EVERY EVENING