HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-03-19, Page 3.feeke,„ • 4 4 t)Itr .11111 14.1 r ' .rairirre nirwro 4 • 4 • • • 4 • t., • 4 • 4 4 4 4 • • 6 Henson WI March Meeting ears. Armstrong, president or the Hensall Women' s Institute, preeld- od at iho monthly meeting held in the Legion Hall Wednesday night. The Ode, the Creed, the Lord'a Prayer and "0 Canada" followed, after which the members respond- ed to the roll call, "What I serve to unexpected company." "Annie Laurie" was sung. Mat- ters of business dealt with includ- ed thanleyou letters from Mr. and Mrs. C. Jinks, Miss Ellis, Mr. J. 'McAllister and family, Mrs. Har- -vey, Bare Logan, Mrs. Eva Carlile, Hathie Henderson, Mrs. Norminton and Mrs. C. Forrest, Sarnia. It was moved by Mrs. Eagle, sec- onded bAfro. Shemitt, tbat $00.00 be &awarded to the Perth -Huron Unit Canadiari Calmer Society. Car- ried. It was moved by Mrs. Good- win, seconded by Mrs. Beer, that we support the 4 -II Club's scholar- ship fund. Carried. It was moved by Mrs. Middleton, seconded. by Miss Consitt, that $2.6.00 be given tothe Legion. Carried. Mrs. Mid- dleton, Mrs. Lavender and Mrs. H. Horton were 'named a nominating committee for the purpose of choos- ing a new slate of officers, this to be presented at the April meeting. The president mentioned the dis- trict executive meeting to be held in the Town Hall on April 7. INTRODUCING -AT- Dennis Electric MODEL F-960 • 9.6 CU. FT. CAPACITY Refrigerator by Deepfreeze • All Types of WIRING AND REPAIRS We Also Stock - Electrical' Appliances Agents for VISIONAIRE TELEVISION SETS • Dennis Electric Shop and Sales — Commercial Hotel MAIN STREET PHONE 467 An attlIngtv,0 blunter . work of *MM. MY* were • ea. At date _of writing, Mier. Orr is waiting for More wool , _from Mre. Chaffee, superintendent ef the Huron County Ohildren's Aid filo- ciety„ Goderbele for whom this 'pro- Ject is madertaken. Mrs. Shirray pleasingly introduc- ed Mrs. 11. Caldwell, of Klppen, who discussed "Home Economics Away From Home." The speaker having taken several trips, one in the 20's and others during recent years, depicted the changes in travel, "Then and Now." She out- lined plans, mentioned problems, and suggested solutions to thdee desiring to travel. •Robert Bruce Cameron, in pre- senting a showing of colored illme taken on his recent trip to Scot- land, added much to the enjoy- ment of the evening. Mrs. Middle- , Veteran's CAB GEORGE, H. MILLER, Prop, • Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH After Midnight, 230 ensali o of the WS- lierb filteetton• wise harl Blend bhe past few weeks with her Mother, Mre. Ilinine,Sangeter, has returaed to Luean. Mr. Chester Lee has purehased the property of the late Fred Small- aconsbe, in which they have been living for some time. Mrs. E. Geiger, who has been spending the past weeks with her daughter and son -in -taw, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray and family at Winnipeg, returned, home on Theo day, March 9. The trip was made by plane. Visitors over the weekend, with Mrs. Minnie Sangster and' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sangster were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sangster and Sandra Lynn and Miss Margaret Sangster, ton operated the projector. Out- standing was the demonstration. by Mrs. E. Davis, on "Sewing." Mrs. Chapman acted as model. Mes. Norminton, and Mrs. A. Mousseau will be hostesses at the April meeting. Reports of stand- ing committees will be given. Mrs. Shirray and Mrs. Chapman were in charge of the successful ar- rangements. Mise Jean Henderson favored with a beautiful solo, "Lassie 0' Mine." Miss Consitt voted hearty thanks to an. The riatloia1 anthem followed. The bos- tesas and their assistants served dainty refreshments at the close. Contract Barley WE ARE AGAIN CONTRACTING ACREAGE FOR THE CANADA MALTING CO. Treated Seed will be available at 'our Warehouse. Seaforth Co-operative Ltd. Phone 9 Seaforth 4-11 An Organization Meeting of the SEAFORTH DAIRY, BEEF, CALF, SWINE • and GRAIN CLUBS will be held in SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Monday, March 22nd at 8:30 p.m. Films will be shown on 4 -II Club Work Parents will be made welcome Anyone interested, please attend II • TWO GREAT OFFERS! • MARCH 17th TO 27th ROCK -SPAR VARNISH SALE A tough, durable, flexible, interior finish for floors. woodwork, furniture, etc. . . DOES NOT SCRATCH WHITE • FIRST GALLON $9.25 - FIRST QUART $2.75 - FIRST 1/2 PINT $ .95 - - GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW, EVEN IF YOU • - EXTRA GALLON lc - - EXTRA QUART lc - EXTRA 1/2 PINT lc DO NOT NEED IT UNTIL LATER ON 10 10 10 10 1$ 1$ et INTRODUCTORY OFFER ! GLIDDEN'S NEW.ALKYD TYPE SPEED -WALL SELF-SELING . . . . EASY BRUSHING ONE COAT COVERS MOST WALL AND WOODWORK SURFACES NO UNDERCOAT NEEDED Most Colors Motch SPRED SATIN INTRODUCTORY OFFER — MARCH 17TH to MARCH 27th only 1/2 PT. SPEED -WALL ONE 2" BRUSH 'TOTAL VALUE $1.80 BOTH FOR .98c TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE TWO GREAT OFFERS TODAY Baldwin Hardware Phone 61 Seaforth lendone Mr.. John eleFardane, For et, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Stretton, Lucan. Hensall and Exeter Legion. Lads les Auxiliaries were entertained to a delightful evening by the Sea. forth Auxiliary Wednesday evening. of last week. In a draw for a large crocheted dolley, Mrs. A .Clark, of Hensall, was the winner. Ringo was a highlight of the evening. Luncheon was served. Lodge Entertains Hensall Lifts LO.O.F. 223 en- teltained their wives and members of Amber Rebekah Lodge to a so- cial evening in the lodge hall on Wednesday evening, March 10. Highlight of the evening was pro- gressive euchre, the winners being: ladies, Mrs. Russell Ferguson, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Earl Camp- bell; gents, Howard Lemon, Laird Jacobi, Russell Ferguson. Lun.cle eon was served and the affair•rauch enjoyed. - Societies Forward Bale The Women's Missionary Society and Women's Association met in the Sunday School room of Chis- elhurst United Church Wednesday afternoon, March 10, for their March meeting. The president, Mrs. William Brintnell, took the chair for the meeting. Mrs. W. R. Kinsman conducted the. worship period. Scripture was read by, Mrs. T. Brintnell. A quartette com- posed of Mrs. Lloyd McLean, Mrs. C. Coleman, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs, W. R. Kinsman, with Mrs. C. Stoneman at the piano, rendered an appropriate number, "God's Way." Cards from shut-ins were read. The study, "Where'er the Sun," was taken by Mrs, C. Stoneman, who reviewed the ninth chapter, "Our Backyard." Mrs. Earl Kins- man presented a temperance, poem. During,the business meeting it was revealed that a bale valued at $100 had been packed and forwardedrfor Korean relief, and that three quilts were recently completed by the ladies, • Mrs. Percy Harris, president of the Women's Associadon, conduct- ed a brief meeting during which arrangements were made for flow- ers for the Easter service. Lunch- eon was served by the lunch com- mittee—Mrs, W. R. Kinsman, Mrs. Carl Stoneman, Mrs. L. McLean and Mrs. Glen Slavin. To Hold Birthday Party Friday, March 26, was the date set for the annual birthday party of the Women's Missionary Society of the L'hited Church at their meeting held Thursday afternoon, March J1, Invited guests will be the societies from Chiselhurst Unit- ed, Carmel Presbyterian, St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall; Thames Road and Elimville churehes. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, Hensall. will also be guests. Guest speaker will be Miss Bessie MacMurchy, who haw spent 21 years as a missionary in India, and wht at present is taking a course in the University 01 West- ern Ontario, London. The meeting is scheduled for eight o'clock. Re- ception committee will be Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Miss M.Ellis, Mrs. L. Eiler and. Mrs. E. 'Geiger; program, Mrs. T. J., Sherrittyconvener; decorating, Mrs. L. Eller, convener; lunch, Mre. A. Clark, convener. President Mrs. W. B. Cross had charge of the meeting. Miss A. Consitt conducted the devotional; Mrs. W. Forret led in prayer. Mrs. W. J. Rogers had charge of the study, assisted by Mrs. Eller, Mrs. J. Horton, Mrs, T. Coates and Mrs. J. Richardson. Twenty-four members answered the roll call. The ladies quilted in. the church schoolroom on Monday afternoon. Quilts when finished will be for- warded to Toronto for overseas re- lief. District Obituaries MRS. CHARLES REGELE BRODHAGEN.. — Mrs. Charles Regale, of lot 3, concession 9, Mc- Killop Township, died in Scott Memorial ,Hospital, Seaforth, Sun- day afternoon in her 70th year. She had bgen a patient in the hos- pital for the past 22 days, bad not enjoyed good health for several months, and was seriously ill for the past three weeks. However, death came very suddenly; She was the former Elizabeth Eggert, daughter of the late John Eggert, and his wife, .the late Eliza- beth Hoegy Eggert, and was born on lot 4, concession 9, McKillop, on October 5, 1884. Her husband, the late Charles Regele, died on Nov. 25, 1943. Other than five years spent in Saskatchewan, she had al- ways resided in MoKillop. She was a member of McKillop Evangelical United Brethren Church, McKillop. Surviving are one son, Harry Regele, on the homestead in .Mc- Killop; three step -sons, Edward Regele and Clarence Regele, Mc- Killop; George Regele, Logan; four step -daughters. Mrs. Wesley (Elm- ina) Fischer, Fullerton Township; Mrs. -William (Annie) HoegY, Sea - forth; Mrs,- William (Ida) Gross, Auburn, and Mrs.. Alex (Adeline) Stoskopf, Fullerton Township; six sisters, Mrs.VHenry Kleber, Brod- hagen; Mrs. 'Charles Fischer,'"Glad- win, Mich.; Mrs. James Campbell and Mrs. John Keszler, Victoria, 13.C.; Mrs. Lloyd McLean, Elbow, Sask.; Mrs, Edward Scherbarth. Logan Township, and one brother, Charles Eggert, McKillop. Her hus- band, one step -daughter, Mrs. Wm. (Caroline) Doerr, two sisters. Mary and Caroline Eggert, and one grandson, died previously. The body rested at her late home, lot 3, concession 9. MeKil- lop, where a brief service was held Wednesday at 2 p.m., followed by service in McKillop Evangelical United- Brethren Church. Rev. Reward L. Brox, of Sebringv.ille, officiated, and burial was made in MeKlllop Etrangellent 'United Breth- ren cemetery. ogle Landscaphl FilniShown to Groups Members of the Thrifty F•ipeen- otters and Huroudale Club and otb.- era enjoyed beautiful colored edu- cational slides on 'Home Landecap- Inge, ,shown through the courtesy of a Strathroy nursery, at the Sea - forth District High Sobool Monday etening. • Frank Lee, representative of the company, was introduced by Har- old Baker, assistant Huron agricul- tural representative. Mr. Lee ex- plained how to transplant any shrub, tree or plant. •He named the different types of dwarf ever- green shrubs for home foundation, stressing that the size of the shrub ten years from now must always be considered when planting, and in mature years should never ob- struct light from windows or over- shadow the door. Color contrasts can be gained by planting Japanese Barberry, roses or shrubs, like Golden Mock Orange and bulbs for early spring. Shrubbery plantings are best planted on the boundaries of the property, the foundations of build- ings and borders -of walks or drives for it is a general rule in landscape gardening that the central part of the lawn should be kept open. Good plantings relieve the angularity of the foundation and round off the corners of the yiard. Alwaynplant two feet from the foundation, for it takes moisture from the earth. Trees, whether specimen or sev- eral, should be a' frame. for the home around sides and at the back. The beauty of the roses pleased as always, but the value of the floribunda roses was shown for bedding and, hedges, while the climbing roses added that touch of color to the home. The French hybrid lilacs delight with their beauty, but wonder of wonders they do not sucker like the cern- mon lilac. Fruit was not forgotten, with the dwatf apple and pear trees, and NOTICE ! Salvage WANTED WE WILL PICK UP iron and All lands of Metal, Rags Highest Cash Prices Paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest Successors to TONE CLEANERS We Pick Up and Deliver Monday and Thursday Phone 230 - Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT Ladies' and Gents' 2 -piece Snits. 31, Plain Dresses, $1; Plain Skirts, 50e; (lents' Trousers, 50e. Quality Plus Service le Our Motto S. BUCHANAN - Proprietor fer YqP .intlete •'.' welX4 ,13,43ptO10,47 bete* Mimes Jean aW3 /4118 An ermine, trecOMPatileR by Mr lo,. Pierce, tteliglited with a lovely daeft. and Mien Betty Magee*, aaort,M. '49 03' • rrr Phone 109 Have Those Leaky Eavetroughs Repaired NEW ONES INSTALLED Free estimates on all jobs All Week Guaranteed! SEE US NOW BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH JACK SCOTT Phone — DUBLIN 69 r 8 voa .teed et pleat e? SEWAGE DISPOSAL OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMSI Let FIL put it in. Talk over a Farm Improvement lean with your nearest B of M manager as soon as you can. BANK OF MONTREAL &ea.:14416ga gelati working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817, °MY ow /0 2 MILLION CONADIAMS AD, 20 immos, Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday As illustrated, set 3215.00 April is the most popular month for engagements .. . per - As Illustrated, set 3150. vv" As illustrated, set 1210. Diamond ring without shoulder stones — engraved wedding ring set 3145. haps because April's Birth- Set 3580 and up, stone is the diamond, traditional symbol of love and enduring affection. If you are planning an April engagement or a birthday gift to be cherished above all others, choose a Bridal Bell Diamond Ring. With Bridal Bell. beauty, brilliance and craftsmanship combine to give unsurpassed value. And with the exclusive "Stepping Stone" offer, you may turn in your ring on a larger diamond, at any time, and receive full credit for it. ASI( YOUR "BRIDAL. BELL" JEWELLER ABOUT THE "SUITING STONE" OFFER depending on centre stone Sae Special Sale Prices on All DIAMONDS and WEDDING RINGS During March. It will pay you to come to Savauge's March Dinnerware Sale SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH •