HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-03-12, Page 6tAr y5 niid et�tr.;rig4m lom4114t 'rrraerel+limtl'ieas y�,r 'G411 1k.• li !ti rev+ rsmith Council Makes 00 Grant to Federation Tuekerkspith Municipal Council met 1n the Town Ball, Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 2, at 2 p.m. All ,embers were present and the reeve presided. William Dougall, county weed in Spector, was present and request- ed is formation as to spray opera- tors in the township, and as to whether roadsides would be spray- ed. He was advised as to the names of operators and also that it was the intention 'of Council to 'have roadsides sprayed for weed eontrol. Hensall Stock Show was made a grant of $100. to be paid to the 25 boys from Tuckersmith showing calves at their show, at the rate of $4 each. Central Hur- on Agricultural Society was grant- ed $40 and Council promised a grant of $700 to-' he Federation of ' griculture. The clerk was instructed to re- quest Engineer S. W. Archibald to report on the McCullie Drain un- der Section 77, M.D.A., to relieve flood conditions on Lots 17 and 18, Concession 4, L.R.S. I Tenders for crushing and haul- ing gravel were opened from the • Lavis Contracting Co. at 70c per Town of Seaforth TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1954 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4% per annum, up to August 31, 1954, on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON - Treasurer cubic yard, and ream George F. •1tfl- Iltitt at 71c -.per cubic yard. The tender of t+he Lavis Contracting Co. was accepted at tender price of -Oe, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, Tenders or spraying cattle for warble fly were opened from Jack Little at tOc per head per spray; Victor Hargreaves at 9c per head per spray. The tender of Jack Little was accepted at tender price of 10c per head per spray. Inspector Named Applications for the position of inspector tor warble sly control were received from K. P. McKen- zie, John Broadfoot, Roy Cons,itt, Wilmer Broadfoot and Arthur Nich- olson. The application of Arthur Nicholson- was accepted. Council set a price of 14c per head per spray to be charged cat- tle owners, and a price of 75c per pound, for powder purchased from the township. Convention expenses of $20 each were allowed members of Council who attended the Good Roads Convention, and the Road Superintendent was allowed $30 re BACKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess adds and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dkabarbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed leering may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pits. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you MI . better -sleep better -work better. .Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 The. ations a cd You A cagefu1 of guinea ,pigs, together with a consignment of typhoid, smallpox and cholera cultures, pass- ed through the Khyber Pass, Iast summer, treadling for Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. Addressed to the city's new public health laboratory. these unusual items had been sent by the United Nations Children's Fund to start production in one more of a chain of laboratories that now stretch from Pakistan to Peru. These vaccine production cen- tres, built with UNICEF equipment under WHO technical guidance, are bases for a world-wide assault on ill -health among millions of mothers and children. For.the first time, many of the national health teams taking .part will have at hand the latest resources for deal- ing with disease like twberdulosis, whooping cough and diphtheria— still affecting a substantial per- centage ercentage if the world's population. More than 25 million children in 30 countries have been immunized with BOG against - tuberculosis, the same, A request by the Town of Clin- ton to support a. resolution request- ing the erection of the new Court House in the Town of Clinton was not granted, nor was an 'applica- tion by the Huron County 'Indus- trial Board for a grant of $25. Accounts passed included: roads, $3,563.43; hospitalization; $15.88; salary. allowances, $175; grants, $140; convention expenses, $80; Brucefield street lights, $20.12; supplies, $2; postage, $4. Council adjourned to meet Tues- day, April 6, at 2 p.m. :Road -Test the Newest ...and you won't settle for less! wr' Wit o •x -K ., x So much that's new.... and completely proved! You'll find that the Dodge Royal V-8 brings you the y finest of new car features for 1954... a combination of the "dome-shaped" combustion char`riber 150 h.p. Red Ram engine, famous for power and economy . and PowerFlite, the smoothest and most powerful of fully automatic transmissions. No other car offers you this great performance combination at so low a price. You'll be.frankly amazed at the control you have over this Dodge Royal—how it clings to curves, and holds the roughest roads with smooth -riding ease. You'll like its beauty and luxury, too. New chrome treatment increases that longer, lower look . . . colourful two-tone interiors have wide, restful chair -high seats . .. floors are covered by rich, deep' `'wool -type carpeting. Twelve new body colours, in lustrous baked enamel can be adapted into 48 two- tone colour combinations. A road-test will convince you that the Dodge Royal offers you more of the finer qualities you want— unequalled at the price—plus traditional Dodge Dependability. POWERFLITE fully automatic transmission is standard on Dodge Royal V -8's. It lets you move in one effortless motion from starting to highway speeds—without lifting your foot from the accelerator. Its built-in fluid torque drive gives extra acceleration for fast, oil -cushioned starts. FULL POWER STEERING takes all the hard work out of parking and steering. It's on the job all the time from the moment you start your engine. Optional at moderate cost on all 1954 Dodge cars. - THE DEPENDABLE NEW '54 ODGi ROYAL V8 e "tfetn2a u, eun, tv,"tfie, DODGE 'tAu4 hIcjAktoK, rim, tscoad3, Phone 267 Rowcliffe Motors Seaforth through the Joint efforts, of UNICEF, WdiK (Word Health Or- ganization) anal other co-operating agencies. Actual elimination of this disease from the world is a foreseeable possibility. Th'e same is true of diphtheria, which continues to be is. serious (and unnecessary) threat to children in many parts of the world. Whooping cough which is false- ly regarded as relatively uninipor- J,ant, has been described by Dr. A. M. M. Payne, of the World Health Organization, as "the most deadly of the infectious diseases of child- hood," causing many deaths which are incorrectly ascribed' to other Causes—even in tropical regions where it has supposedly been rare. He declares that vaccination on a sufficiently large scale should con- tribute to the virtual !elimination of whooping cough. • When a diphtheria epidemic struck in the Philippines, 1JNICEF provided vaccine worth $84000—en- ough for 350,000 children. At the same time, UNICEF purchased for the Philippines essential equipment valued at 525,000 to make the vac- cine locally. Today this new labor- atory is producing enough to con- trol diphtheria on a continuing basis among the islands' entire sus- ceptibleChild population — some 3,000,000 youngsters. For a nation to.s..clualify for this type of self-help, UNICEF requires a guarantee that most of the out- put of the laboratories will be us- ed for mothers and children, flee of charge and—that as with all UNIC>✓i+' grants -the assisted coun- try shall 'match the total of UNICEF's aid with local goods and services. The under -developed countries desperately need their own supply sources for essential public health programs. Apart from the obvious convenience of home supplies. lo- USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, ONT. President, William A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Vice -President, Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, Cen- tralia; E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Milton. McCurdy, R.R. 1, Mitchell; Alex J. Rhode, R.R. 2, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, R.R. 1, Mitchell; E.. Ross Hough- ton, Cromarty. SOLICITOR—W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY - TREASURER — . Arthur Fraser, Exeter. i'eremialSowThistle A Very Serious -Weed But It Can Be Licked Perennial Sow Thistle (Sonchus .Arvensis. L) is one of the .,common est weec'is' in Canada and where uncontrolled it causes heavy Loss both in the eastern and western provinces. However, like virtually all plants, it has certain weak points and once its habits are un- deestood the farmer can easily bring it under control and get com- pletely rid of it. Perennial Sow Thistle 'is a hardy deep rooted weed 'superficially re- sembling dandelion in general shape of leaf, yellow flower and' wind borne eeed. However, it dif- fers in some very important char- acteristics- Perennial Sow Thistle is upright in habit of growth, fre- quently reaching a 'height of three feet or more.• The foliage is suc- culent, palatable to livestock, and is in fact, among the favorite for- ages of both cattle and dee where this weed is common. The plant is unable to adapt itself to conditions requiring rproetrate growth, and Will not survive continuous close grazing or mowing. And in hay fields or pastures close grazing or frequent mowing is exactly what experts advise to get rid of this troublesome pest. In cultivated crops, however, er- adication presents more difficult problems. The most effective -con- trol is to spray with one of the 2-4-D chemical mixtures. 'The plant is broad leaved and only moderate- ly resistant to this chemical. Even a light application is sufficient to prevent formation of seed, and heavier applications will result in a complete kill. This weed will thrive and choke out more desirable growth in hay - lands, lightly grazed pastures, and cultivated lands where no control measures are undertaken. From a seedsman's point of view, tris weed seed should be considered as high'- ly noxious in'hay. or pasture tures containing legumes or other 2-4-D susceptible crops, as chemi- cal control is impossible under such conditions. Fortunately the seed, which is small, elongated and: ridg- ed, is eaily removed by commercial cal production costs usually com- pare favorably with the cost of im- ported vaccines. With this kind • of incentive aid, UNICEF is stretching its' funds as far •as possible around the globe in an unflagging -battle for improv- ed child • health. lgitA .01,!.!4:4R$14."0171aahTtiimss. tieally 3> . e$Sw gi3c ceptign of the Blue gra6sea; Ked( Top =pore rarely BaoM„ca and some of +'the other are. a ed: graeaes, where the email thistle seed will attach itself to the larger seed and defies efforts to shake it loose. Very properly, this weed is not considered a, problem in lawn grass mixtures, and up to 50 Par- en•nial Sow Thist}e per ounce is permitted in No. 1 Lawn Grass Mixtures,under the Canada Seeds Act. As the weed is unable to withstand continuous mowing, it will not persist in lawns. In fact, Perennial Sow Thistle is virtually unleno,wn as a lawn weed in Can- ada, anada, in, spite of the fact that the Canadian crop of Kentucky Blue Grass for the past 10 years, has usually contained some of this weed. In lawns, the weed is nev- er able to attain the height nec- essary to come into flower and the continuous cutting slowly but sure- ly killsthe plant. In Winnipeg, where vacant lots are frequently) a mass of Sow Thistle, the weed is unknown as a lawn weed. With lawns, Perennial Sow This- tle should be regarded as trivial when compared with dandelion, which is capable of !pro rate growth and flowering, or Chick- weed, hickweed, which is resistant to 2-4-D, or Couch Grass which cannot be eradicated without destroying the lawn. Covered Wagon (Continued from Page 2) the farm as it was mostly needed for feed. Thefirst few acres brok- en by oxen were hand sown and cut with a scythe. The cradle sycle followed the seythe and lat- er when the six-foot binder was in- troduced our pioneers figured' that they were mechanized to the high- est degree. On April 27, 1892, after much of the seeding was done, a fierce bliz- zard blanketed the countryside. Water was frozen in sloughs and about a hundred cattle were bogged down and Lost while trying to re- turn to the shelter of the yard. Fire Destroys Crop In the tall of the, same year, a prairie fire- swept through the farm and burned twelve stacks of sheaves which had been built on the edge of the hayland. All the hay stacks had been fireguarded but no thought had •been given to the grain. A' threshing outfit arriv- ed that nighrt from Newton just 24 hours too late to save the crop. The elder son Alec did most of the teamwork and during the win- ter months he had to draw four loads of hay a day to feed the stock. With a growing mixed fam- ily, Dave was faced with,a housing problem. so .he built a new log house in 1577 and wherein Rebec- ca, the last Child, was born. Neigh- bors -were few and far between and other old-timers will recall the Tate's, the McDonald's and Sin - c l a ir's. Church meetings were held at St. Eustache and on one occasion during a flood, the family went to - church in a punt pulled by an ox- en. Amusements were 'all home- made and local picnics were held on the farmnow occupied by Mr. Bob Alfordo. The family grew up and moved out to leave Alec in charge at tsi ` ort al ay or {oft to Yana WA The ladles of the Woman's ,.A*- sociation met at the home of Mrs - Robert Taylor on Wednesday at- ternoon, February 24, at 2:30 p.m.. The president, Mrs. Louis Taylor presided. The meetingopened witb the theme song, with Mrs. Ralph. Stephenson at the piano. , The hymn, "0 Brother Man, Folds To Thy Heart" was sung. Mra. Pitts read the scripture lesson from 2 Corinthians 8:10-11. Mrs. Lee' McConnell read -the thoughts 015 the lesson abased • on "practicing habits of kindness," followed by prayer. The roll call was answer- ed by 21 ladies, giving their maid, en name and the place of birth - Next month eack member is to an- swer by giving a spring house- cleaning hint. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Ernie Mc Clinchey. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Perce Johnston in the absence of Miss Rachel Johnston. Thank you notes. were: read from 'Mi'ss Rachel Johnston. and from Mr. • Wil}iam McAsh, sec- retary of the building fund, for the donation given by the association - Mrs. George Baird read a Ietter of thanks from a missionary in Korea for the parcels sent. The film on "Home •Beautifica-- lion" is to be shown on Thursdays night, April 1, in the Town Hall,. Varna,- by the .Downham Nursery of Strathroy. The program for the, March meeting is to 'be.: given by Mrs. Fred McClymont and . Mrs.. Sohn Ostrom. The meeting closed with the W- A. Prayer,. after which Mrs. Wil- fred (Muter gave an interesting contest, and Mrs. Orrin Doweon favored with a reading, "Cleaning the Lamps." A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Anson Coleman and Mrs. Lee McConnell's' group. Mrs-' John McAsh moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Robert Taylor for the use of her home, and Mrs. Tay- lod made a very fisting reply. Economical Tomato Soup 1% cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon sugar Few grains pepper % teaspoon salt 1 pint milk 2 slices onion 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour 3/4 cup cooked mashed potato % cup cooked peas. Heat tomatoes and sugar (strain if desired). Add seasonings. Scald milk in double bonier with onion. Melt butter, add flour 'and -blend well. Add scalded milk (first remov- ing the onion). Add tomatoes to the milk slowly. Beat well. Adds potatoes and peas, reheat and serve at once. home. The daughter Elizabeth, married J. J. Grant in 1901 and it is to her that I stn indebted for this story. Dave McKinnon died in 1912 and the farm was! sold. Alec started on his own and I will en- deavor to give you his career later on. Mrs. McKinnon, Sr., then re- tired toElie, and then to Winni- peg,' where she passed away in 1932. The McKinnon era is now only a memory, but the name will rank among the earliest of our pioneers. n e � UIYN6,04. Open twenty-four hours a day— Do you leave your work behind when you quit for the night? Or do you—and your wife—often answer business calls that are too important to wait till morning? This sort of thing happens so often to so many people iliey've come to realize how important a home telephone is in helping them to keep their jobs going. In fact you may be one of those who say that, for business reasons alone, your_ telephone at home is worth more than it costs! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA OCMf1 ar e Simplest is Bent In gardening as in a lot of other things, the simplest design '18 us- ually the most\ effective, and for the non-professional it is also much the easiest. Except, of course, along walks, walls and similar fixed fea- tures it is best to avoid straight lines bothin the flower garden and in laying out shrubs and trees. The experts strongly advocate planting in clumps. with two or three or more (depending on the size)' of each plant in a group. For the centre and foreground nothing is better than a real good lawn. On the city lots this may only be a few square yards. The grass sets off the whole layout and it should lead up to the flower garden with possibly shrubs or trees or a vine covered trellis or fence in the back- ground, or as a division between say a kitchen or vegetable garden plot at the rear. Shrubs and flower borders are also used to line driveways and fences. Against the house itself but at least a foot or so in front, one can plant groups of shrubs or taller flowers. ,UN® DOC, MY BIRDS JUST CROWD AROUND THE STOVE AND DON'T COME OUT TO EAT. © ra® goi®i Chudz NO WONDER, 1 WOULDN'T SIT OUT IN THE COLD AND EAT EITHER. LOOK AT YOUR CHICKS- THEY TELL YOU BETTER THAN ANY THERMOMETER WHETHER YOUR ROOM 15 WARM ENOUGH YOUR CHICKS ARE AFRAID TO LEAVE THE WARMTH OF THE BROODER TO EAT AND DRINK. ' 5<9 ( HOLY SMOKE, DOC, WHAT A BUSY BUNCH OF CHICKS. THAT'S RIGHT, JOE- NO COLD SPOTS INTHIS PEN.THE BROODER 15 THE HOT SPOT BUT THESE CHICKS CAN RUN AROUND, EAT, DRINK AND KEEP OUT OF MISCHIEF WITHOUT FEAR OF DRAFTS Olt COLD CORNERS. By Rbe Farms Service Dept. SO TRUE, JOE. AN INSULATED BROODER PEN HAS AS MANY SANTA6ES AS ROE VITAFOOD CHICK STARTER. 1. KEEPS PENTEMIS'ERATURESTEADY. 2. ELIMINATES COLD SPOTS. 3. GIVES ALL CHICKSCHANCETO, EAT AND DRINK. 4. SAVES ON FUEL . 5. KEEPS LITTER DRY. �O „kook 1 11 SEEING IS :7)..• .�� `► BELIEVING, �: + i r� r • DOG. r I\"fir, �" .BUT THERE ARE NO HOLES IN THE WALLS, WHAT (*YOU MEAN T I 11. FOR 1//60ROUS, HE�JILTHY6A90Ty, FEED ROE VITAFOOD CHICK STARTER. f.r, tit.L. team* GUtMRNSWWNIC 1 \ MASH OR CRUMQLE$wmas W. R. Kerslake, Seaforth . Lorne Eiler, Hensall A. J. Mustard, Brucefield J. A. Sadler, Staffa R. Shouldice, Brodhagen 14. In the flower garden or border the informal or 'clump planting is continued. Rather than setting out in rigid rows, one should plant groups of various flowers with the little thitigs like alyssum, dwarf nasturtiums, lobelias and so on, in front. Taller things like zinnias,, petunias, asters towards the cen- tre, and really tall flowers such as cosmos, marigolds and delphiniums at the rear. For Bouquets For bouquets for our own table andfor giving to friends, garden authorities urge a special row or two of flowers in the vegetable garden. Given' regular cultivation these will grow vigorously and the blooms can be cut often without marring the beauty of the regular flower garden. Almost all fair-siz- ed flowers will do well under these conditions, and some like gladiolus and sweet peas are (beat grown here in any case as their foliage is not particularly attractive. It's a goal plan to save a little seed in each, packet from the regular planting and sow this is one or two long rows in the vegetable garden or along the edges. From this room there will be plenty of bloom for bouquets. Early Jobs One of the very first planting jobs' will not be in the garden out- doors utdoors at all, but in the hot bed or special flats placed in 'bright win- dows indoors, A hot bed is simply a glass -covered, yard or so of spe- cial rich fine soil, heated wit manure, electricity or some other ears. Wbere a lot of plants aro1be started- t�hot beds is the !eel solution and one is ad-vissit ft]." get a Government bulletin no the subject and follow the direc- tions. ireo-tions. Where only a few dozen started plants are need one can sow seed in fine soil in a shallow box and place in a sunny window_ Where this is not possilble or prac- ticable, one simply purchases the started plants later on from acyl seed store or nurserymen. In Me indoor planting it is im- portant to use fine rich soil, 'mix- ed with a little sand or leaf mould. One should not plant more than a few weeks before it will be safe to transplant outdoors. If these things start to grow too- early they__with get too tall and spindly to staid the Shock of transit IatitIng well- , i�; 4 f