HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-03-12, Page 54 r 4 { • r V tt N H. r r 4 J . it :.='i<,tk^N+ •Hip... ::.r�..(�r::x;.e: You.AlwaysPayLess for the Best FRESH PORK BUTTS • 590 Ib, BURNS' SPORK-12 Ounces 2 for 690 ROSE MARGARINE 2 for 55c COASTLINE FANCY RED SOCKEY-E S'ALM'ON 7% oz, 2 for fj5c RED ROSE BLACK TEA --(free Strainer) We lb. 49c RASPBERRY and STRAWBERRY JAM 3 -Ib. Tin 750 TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE -48 Ounces 2 for 49c STAFFORDS-PIE FILLING' Pineapple, Peach, Raisin 20 oz. 85c (Free Package Pie Crust Included) GRANULATED SUGAR-�Cvv't $8.39 Cash IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS - $519 Clair Haney - Egmondville mondville � PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY AVINC i is}tted Sunday wtt lt' jtoq galrke , .. r, and Mrs, IvanBrssc'iir MA, famIIjr visited Sunday wit s. Mr ads. Mrs, William Dobbs, of ballgtell.. Mr. ;tynd Mrs'`. Jain-:Battean 'visit- ed' isited' on Sunday with Mr. auk: Mrs, -Ralph Batten, of F.IXeter. Mr. and Mrs.' Cliff Carty) of LOG - don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Gordon Prance Mr. and Mrs. William Brock and fia4u1iy, of London, visited Sunday with' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayanan•, • of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong and Janice, of Hensel', spent Sun- day, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bat- ten. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family spent Sunday with rel- atives at Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, of Exe- ter, and Mr, and Mrs. Bev. Mor- gan and family, of Thames Road, ss. But Hurry ! I 4111 CIINNON �°� T SET • 4 Generous 22, x 44" Bath Towels • 4 Matching' 16' x 26" Hand TowbIs • 4 Matching 12" x 12" Wash Cloths • 4 Matching 11" x 10" Finger-tip Towels • 4 Multi -Stripe 15" x 16" Dish Cloths • 4 Multi -Stripe 17" x 32" Dish Towels • 4 Multi -Stripe 7" x 7" Pot Holders • 2 Double Bed Sheets 81" x 108' (extra large) • 2 Matching 'Pillow Cases 45" x 36ie with every WASHER TERMS This Offer for Limited Time Only! BOX FURNITURE Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Phone 43 Nights 595-W • Seaforth WASHES BETTER only INGLIS has AGIWLOW ACTION the superior top -to -bottom washing action perfected by Inglis. It washes ' cleaner, taster -gets your clothes clinic dean! GIGANTIC CLEARING r r Baldwin Hardware STOVE AND APPLIANCE SPECIALS , t?w 3 Premier Vacuum Cleaners -Reg. $119.50 On Sale $79-00 1 Beach Electric Range -Reg. $239.50 On Sale 160.00 1 Wingham Classic Range -Reg. $139.50 On Sale 95.00 1 Wingham Coal & Wood Annex -Reg. $72.750n Sale 56.00 1 Coleman Space Heater -Reg. $84.5Q • On Sale 59.00 1 Astral Refrigerator -Reg. $139.00 On Sale 75.00 2 Used Washing Machines - MAKE US AN OFFER FOR WASHABLE or SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS See Our 1954 Books BICYCLES-C.C.M. or Wherlich-Reg. $57.50 On. Sale $42.00 2 Sidewalk Cars -Reg. $26.50 On Sale 15.00 SAP SPOUTS -6 for 25c • BUCKETS 69c TRICYCLES and WAGONS On Sale Less 20% WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR OUR FIRST BIG PAINT SALE 0F THE YEAR ! IBA HARDWAREh.DWIN Phone �1 . Seafort • 4Y4cy,rrt�'..d'.: a5lz L,y. iIJ45_ 2J 1 C NSTANCE_ 'Miss Marilyn Taylor repelled first-class honors in her recent Grade 2 theory examination in connection with the Royal . 'Con servetory of Music, Toronto. Miss Taylor is a pupil of -Mrs. G. Wen- dorf. HENSALL -The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Pres- byterian Church convened for their March meeting in the ch{irch schoolroom Monday evening with a splendid attendance of members present. The meeting was presid- ed over by Mrs. R. J. Cameron. Mrs. •Clarence Reid conducted the devotional period; opening prayer by Mrs. Glenn Bell; scripture les- son read by Mrs. Minnie Sangster; the devotional. by Mrs. Alex Mer Gregor, and a poem. by Mrs. Reid. During the business session it was disclosed that the proceeds from the bake sale and Valentine tea were $41.., Plans were outlined for the rummage sale to be held in the church (basement Thursday, April 29. Mrs. John Soldan will be•hos- tess for the April meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clarence Reid's group. Seaforthettes The members of the Snappy Sea- forthettes met at the home of Jan- et McGregor on February 27. Mrs. Haugh looked at slips, camisoles ands samples. The aneeting openedf with "Rock Of My Soul," and the .roll call was answered by "one spot that I have removed." The minutes of the last meeting were read' and adopted. Mrs. Haugh showed how to do invisible mend- ing. The members discussed Achievement .Day and home as- signments given were: 1. Do club story; 2. Have books done for next meeting; 3. Have clips finished. Lunch was served by Mrs. McGre- gor and Janet. KIPPEN Kippen East Women's Institute will meet at No. 10 Schoolhouse on Wednesday, March 17, at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. J. Grummond is hostess and Mrs. Winston Workman will be co -hostess. The Seaforth W.I. will be guests of the Kippen group. Roll call will be. "Dont's for the sick -room visitor." The motto, "A nation builds its walls on shifting sand unless it is nurtured in the land," will be taken by Mrs. R. Simpson. The music will be furn- ished by Seaforth W.I. The guest speaker will be the Chaplain of Centralia Air School. Current ev- ents will be given by Mrs. Alex McGregor. A reading will be giv- en'by the Seaforth group. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Ivan For- syth, Mrs. E. McBride, Mrs. R. Gemmell, Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs. C. Eyre, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs: W. Caldwell,- Mrs. Ross, Chapman, Mrs. R. Upshall, Mrs. W. roadfoot and (2rS. A. J. Finlayson. NORTHSIDE GROUP 2 MEETS Group two of the W.A. of North- side United Church met at the Euchre & Dance SEAFORTH •' Community Centre POSTPONED FROM MARCH 5 FRIDAY, MARCH 12th Cards at 8:30 • MURDOCH ORCHESTRA Auspices Seaforth W.I. Admission 50 Cents Lucky Lunch Ticket. Ladies please provide Sandwiches See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State'Farm Mutual R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth . District Anuutif Scheduled For Seaforth , The regular meeting of bhp' Sea - forth Women's Institute Watt: held et the home of Mrs. Carlyle,Coro let qn Tuesday with a. large at- tendance of members• and visitors. The meeting opened w'Ith the In- stitute Ode, followed by t}ie Lord's Prayer. All repeated, the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Alex Pepper was in the chair and took charge of th•e busi- ness. A donation ro the fan in the Community Centre was given. An invitation to meet with Kippen East W.I. on March 17, at 8.30 Pm., was accepted. The district annual is to be held in Seaforth on May 20, and plans are being made to have Don Messner and His blend- ers for an evening early in June. A nominating 'committee for the coming year was appointed and in- cluded Anona Crozier, Gladys Doig and Ruth Papple. Six members" were appointed for the Agricultural Beard - Lillian Peeper, Audrey Cameron, Evelyn Carter, Beth Pryce, Doris 'Hugill and Kay Whit- more. The meeting approved repairs being made to the card tables. Plans were made for work to be done -by May meeting. A Work Shop is being held In Clinton from March 15 to March 25. Any of the mennbers that are interested are asked to contact Mrs. Harold Hug - This was the historical research meeting, with Mrs. Paul Doig in: charge. A :number of olds songs were sung. A panel discussion fol- lowed on the Huron County Schol- arship Fund, with Mrs. A. Crozier, Mrs. H. Hugill and Mrs. Lorne Car- ter taking part in the discussion. Letters of appreciation were re- ceived from Mrs. Ross Gordon, and the Scott and Hudson families. A home of Mrs. William Leeming with an attendance of 15. Mrs. W. S. Hay acted, as chairman and op - 91 -led the meeting with Hymn 263, followed by the scripture lesson, Psalm 1. by Mrs. P. B. Moffat, and prayer by Mrs. Dale. A business period followed' in which curtains for the 'basewent and catering for the father -and -son banquet were discussed. Mrs. Hay gave an interesting talk on "A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine. This was much enjoy- ed. The Tweeting closed by the use of Hymn 267 and the Mizpah bene- diction. A delicious lunch was served by, Mrs. James Carter and Mrs. F. Storey. NORTHSIDE GROUP 4 MEETS Mrs. .\: \\'right (Oke Apts..) was hostess to Group -t' of Northside W.A. on 1"uesday- evening with a good .,attendance. Mrs. Kenneth Hulls= ",presided over the business part of the meeting. A bale of clothing is to be sent away as soon as possible _to Korea. Anyone having woollens to be, ex- changed for blankets 'are asked to have .them at the church Friday. Mrs. :11. Cuthill and, Mrs, W. Wil - bee had charge of the program. Mrs. Hulley read a hymn, follow- ed by the scripture reading of St. Luke, 9th chapter, and prayer by Mfrs. A. Porteous. Mrs. J. F. Scott. guest speaker, choAe as h.er topic "Fear" (anecdote) "Faith," a talk Which was inter- esting and helpful, with Tuany beau- tiful thoughts of Easter. ' A read- ing, "The Birth of St. Patrick," was given by Mrs. J. Currie. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Homer Hunt. The Meeting closed with the Miz- pah benediction. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs, Wright, Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Corlett. Mrs. W. Wilbee moved hearty thanks to Mrs. Scott, the hostess, and lunch commit -Me alleill•r STC: PATRICK'S DANCE Seaforth Community Centre WEDNESDAY MARCH 17th - Desjardine Orchestra Admission - 50 Cents BOW a 4FIP4i6t "tQA IlR 46` iQ4h ture on Irll(n 7:5514) 8 3#dkR en Fridlt y eieziin ,. the program. *Aug prepared for 4 -ii Oiub M'.ome making member We. DoIg read come very interesting items from the Tweedmuirr History. Duf['a Church history was given by Mra, Gordan Papple. The oldest grandmother present as Mrs. C. Simpson; the grand- mother with the most grendcliil- lren was Mrs. David Papple, and .he grandmother with one great- ;randchild was Mrs. Alex Wallace, OK Guaranteed USED CARS 1953 Olds Sedan -Radio, Hydramatic .. $2,850.00 1952 Ford Coach 1950 Chev. Coach -Radio 1948 Dodge 5-Pgssenger Coupe 1946 Ford Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1937.Pontiac Sedan tr 1,550.00 1,275.00 850.00 650.00 240.00 225.00 275.00 Forth Motors . lea . . phone 541 Seaforth 1'• This Week AT THE Community Centre FRIDAY, MARCH 12 8 - 10 p.m. - Skating' Seaforth W .1 . Euchre and Dance 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 13 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. - Skating 8:30 p.m. Orillia vs. Seaforth Baldwins O.H.A. Junior 'B' Playdowns WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 St. Patrick's Dance DesJardine Orchestra FRIDAY, MARCH 19 "Holiday on Ice" evevesesentrmersemsumniengegimalleiggellatil FOR BETTER DEALS 111 . Used Cars & Trucks SEE Rowcliffe Motors We have the following Cars and Trucks on hand: 1953 Dodge 4 -Door 1952 Plymouth 4 -Door (Radio) 1951 Dodge 4 -Door 1951 Plymouth 4 -Door 1950 Dodge Custom 4 - Door (Radio) 1949 Plymouth 4 -Door (Radio) 1949 Meteor 4 -Door 1948 Dodge 4 -Door • TRUCKS 1947 Chev. 3/4 -Ton Pickup 1947 Ford Panel 1946 Ford 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1951 Dodge 1/, -ton Pickup •. Rowcliffe Motors NEW SPRING CELANESE CREPE DRESSES 3.95 A fine quality "''Dortfit" Celanese Crepe in a wide range of new Spring print designs on pastel .back- grounds grounds of white, mauve, green, blue, rose and grey. A classic `tyted short sleeve dress with full but- ton fronts, self -belts and large pockets. SIZES 12 TO 20.. 3.95 Fe. Ilre lel'e'`. 'New kC+ We )lits Bonnets, : •oi,000 scoop styles, prettitY4lee' ed with dainty SprJ flowers. • ,Choose your new Splits! hat from our big showing in the new shades of grey? pink, mauve, red, yellow, navy, blue, natural and white. Budget priced at 4.95 7.95 OUR BIGGEST Sale of TOWELS Regular 1.00, to 2.50 Caldwell Towels, bought in case lots, in assorted sizes, colors and designs, at a fraction of their original cost. SAVE UP TO 50% ON THESE TOWELS at 49c 1.59 Stewart Bros. Phone 267 - Seaforth Expositor Want Ads Bring Results Phone 4T Home Improvement Finance Plan for Home Owners Who is Eligible? Any home owner of good credit stand- ing who has a reasonable equity in his home. What Improvements Can Be Financed Under the Plan? A repair, alteration or improvement of an existing structure, including a detached garage, e.g., finishing attic rooms, adding rooms, re -roofing, new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathrooms, making basement room, etc. Where Do I Apply For. Advice? Go to BALL - MACAULAY. They will give you expert advice, examine your home If' you so desire, help you to determine your exact requirements, give you a quotation, or find a satisfactory contractor. If you wish, you can do the job yourself. The BALL - MACAUTAY Yards at} Seaforth and Clinton are phased to announce that through membership in Inter -Provincial Building Credits Ltd., they are now able to offer to HOME OWNERS a low cost Credit Plan. by which repairs, alterations .and modernization of existing homes can be financed. How Do I Arrange For Credit? Fill out a simple confidential applica- tion in SALL - MA4AULAY Office. Are There Limits As to Amount and Time Allowell For Payment? Yes. The minimum credit is $100 and Cha maximum $2.000. The repayment plan provides for equal monthly instalments in round figures over periods of six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months, as you may select. You say how muck you can afford to pay each month and a patisfactory plan will be selected. What is the Down Payment Be- fore I Can Get the Job Started? No down payment is necessary on build- ing material. Call us today. , Let us tell you how -easy and economical it is to have those long -wanted alterations or improvements made now. ,r Bali.- Macaulayacaulay Ltd. LUMBER - LIME - CEMENT - TILE - BRICK SEAFORTH „Phone 787 CLINTON Phone 97 �ilt'k it.>5tt 6111 ,a.e,x..1611'n0411SN+3`.A?Sir ttttidic u,5 twTh,.uMR,.. h.r,e«Ymi.Nkih413fa25