HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-03-05, Page 4assified AdsJ 41, ssiied. Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: tat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week i5 Minimum charge. each ineertio . 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. - Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Couting,Evente-1 cent per word. minimum 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. B. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge Motion Sales, Noticea to Creditors, Eta—Rates on application. • Coming Events ICE CARNIVAL, "HOLIDAY ON ICE," ISea4orth Community Centre, Friday, March 19. 4496-2 AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE ON St. Patrick's Night. March 17• Danc- ing to Desjardine'a Orchestra 4495-3 Wanted YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS. Phone 786 between 6 and 7 p.m- 4482x1 E4 XPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER -TYPIST would like full or part-time employ- ment. Contact Box 294, HURON EXPOSI- TOR -+., 4.96x1 AN INVITA,IION IS SENT TO ALL TO WANTED—OVAL TOP TRUNK, ALSO come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal known as seaman's trunk. Apply J. Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday SIMKINS. c/o Harry Pethick, Seaforth. night, to the music of Clarence Petrie and 4496x1 the Night Hawks. 4488-12 ` For Rent WOR RENT — FOUR -ROOM HEATED apartment, with sun porch and bath. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth. 4496-1 P{ O.RRENT--HOUSE 114 SEAFORTH, a on East William Street. Apply to Box 300, HURON EXPOSITOR.. 4496x1 Property For Sale WLNGHAM APARTMENT BUILDING Excellent investment for surplus funds; four separate suites. Each has living room, bedroom, modern kitchen, bathroom- Separate meter each apart- ment Good construction, nice large lot, residential location. Price 613.900. Berms can be arranged. For inspection call or write exclusive agents, LAUER & W11':BE LTD., Realtors, 16 Queen N., Kitchener -- 3-0213. 4494-4 Help Wanted HELP WANTED ---.•A SALESLADY wanted for a retail store. PJease ap- ply in writing, stating age. etc., to BOX 302, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4496-1 FOREMAN FURNITURE FINISHER. fully experienced. for top-quality., pro- gressive manufacturer. Our foreman re- tiring through age. Pleasant working conditions. steady employment. group in- surance, etc. Enclose photograph and give full details in first lettter in confi- dence. Box 301. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4196-2 Agents Wanted vERE IS YOUR. CHANCE TO MAKE to 'big money year round. '-Become a Jito Dealer in selling from door to door 225 Jito Products: Toiletries. Culinaries Medicines, Domestic Necessities. Tea. Cof- fee. etc.. every orie used and needed by every housekeeper. Splendid varant tcrfi- tories in your neighborhood. 818 needed. Particulars: JITO: 5130 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of PHOEBE,A1 BOOTH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Phoebe A. Booth, late of the Town of Seaforth, Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 28th day of February, 1954. are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1964, full particulars of their claims, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 8rd day of March, 1954. • ALVIN W. SIIaLERY, Solicitor, Etc., .. Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4496-3 ,NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM CALLOWAY GOVENLOCK A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William Callo- way' Govenloak. late of the Town of Sea - forth, deceased. who died on or. about the 31st day of February, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1954. full particulars of their claims, after which date the assets Ivill lo' distributed. having regard only to claims then re- eeived. 1 D.4'LEP at Seaforth. this 2nd day of March. ...,.. AI,VIN W. SILLERY, S,+licitor., Etc.. Seaforth. Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate. 4196-3 Auction Sales Livestock Wanted nEAD DISABLED HORSES OR COWS L removed free o1 charge. Dor prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" -tolled,. Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Personals ITYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B BE R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 sampled 2604 44 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Baby Chicks HICK BUYERS. HAVE YOU SEEN our price list listing a score of breeds and crosses? If your market calls for 'dual purpose' birds—Canadian approved— I birds that lay Grade A Large when mar- kets are best ---good hefty birds that put on weight for later tables markets --.we have them. Dayold, started -such breeds and crosses as Barred Rocks. Columbian Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Australorp, N. H. or N.H. crosses. We have others too. Pullets from $17,90, We suggest you write right now for full complete list to FRED W BR -4Y LIMITED, 120 John North, Hamilton. Ont. (P.S.--Do,-you know a good man to ,:act as our agent in this locality? Good commission. Advertising to back him up). 4495.3 For Sale FOR SALE=19-INCH TIRE FOR SALE. Apply HABEIRK'S GARAGE, Sea- forth- 4496-1 FOR SALE -17 STARTED PIGS. Ap- ply WARD KNOX- Phone 23 r 12, Blyth. 4496x1 FOR SALE—TWO GOOD SOWS, TO freshen soon. GORDON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth. 4496-1 TABLE POTATOES FOR SALE, 51.65 bag, Apply to GEORGE SMALE. Hensall, Ont. 4495x4 fUANTITY OF ALFALFA SEED FOR Sale; alto some timothy and clover seed. Apply ORVILLE WORKMAN, 677 ✓ 11, Hensel]. 4496x8 FOR - SALE — 4,000 USED WHITE bricks for sale, 3 cents each. Apply to GEORGE SMALE, Hensall. 4496x4 FOR SALE—FIVE BUDGIES, ALL COL - ors. ready for muting : also two large flight cages. Reasonable prices for quick sale. PHONE 114.J, Seaforth, 4496x1 Tail '!�'►�►, IT Hensall Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary to the !tensa!! Canadian Legion Branch No. 468, held its regular meeting in the Legion Hall Tuesday night, with President Mrs. S.' Rennie in the chair. Applications for m11ein bership were received from Mrs. Jean Smith, MrsH. Camplbell, and Mrs. L. Noakes. The president asked for volunteerstto conduct the Red Cross canvass, and Mrs. H. Hor- ton. Mrs. J. Simmons, Mrs.. H. Bon- throu, Mrs, R. McKenzie, Mrs. S. Minnie and Mrs. W. Brown volun- teered. The, president outlined plans for the Kinsmen banquet April 28, and also the Masonic :banquet March 31, when the auxiliary will eater. Mrs. F. Beer and Mrs. R. Taylor are conveners for the latter. Accounts were read by the treasurer, Mrs. D. McKelvie, who also presented the financial statement. Correspondence read included letters from Mrs. Ken Powell, sec- retary of Seaforth Ladies' Auxil- iary, extending an invitation for this auxiliary to be their guests March JO. The invitation was grate- fully accepted; from Mrs. Richard- son, Provincial Branch, re ledger, this to be procured for the treas- urer; from Mrs. McMillan, re res- ervation to convention in Toronto in September; from Huron -Perth Unit Ontario Cancer . Society, it was decided to make a donation of $25 to aid this fund. Mrs. E. Davis reported for the sick committee, and Mrs. Bertha Euchre & Dance ' SEAFORTH Community Centre FRIDAY, MARCH'5th Cards at 8:30 _MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA . Auspices (iUANTITY OF LARAIN, CARTIER scC, and Beaver Oat,- for seed; also 600 hales of mixed hal. Apply F.D. GODKIN. Ladies Phone 948 r 31, Seaforth. 4496x1 FOR SALE --20 PURE BRED YORK - shire sows. breeding age: eligible for registration. For further particulars ap- ply to, J. ARNOLD JA',MIESON. Phone 616 r 33, Clinton. 4496x2 ,FOR SALE -- P1'RE BRED SHORT - horn bull , roc in color: a "deep- sslied low -set calf 4y a grandson of the international gran .. 0:.rnriin. E4vllen Penman Mercury. A^;:ply to GEORGE L. RFI0. Varn, Ont. 449612 1 j; OR SALE--QUANTT .Y OF ONTARIO •vhear fir fer•,1: also come red clover _' n! : white Mi,helite henna for 'seed. ''-n.•..•n from registered seed. Apply to \MES T,.ANDSBOROUGH. Phone 661 r 1: .Seaforth. 4494-3 Cards of Thanks 'AUCTION. SAr.E OF LIVESTOCK ANDrf,HE FA51IL1' rlE LATE FRED Farm •Machinefy. at Lot 15. Concession Smallaccutibe sc is n to express their 3. Stanley Township. l'4 miles west of i sincere appreciation r the sympathy and St. Hubert, •Montreal. Brucefield. on Thursday, March 18, at 1 Ic«osideration shown them 'during their 4493-4 p.m.: CATTLE -9 choice Holstein cows. recent hereat ernent. 4496-1 some fresh and due to freshen in March and April; 1 Holstein heifer sine to April : 8 Hereford heifers due to freshen • in April: 1 registered Hereford bull ris- ing 2. years old: 5 young sows, bred two mI months: 5 young sows due time of sale I and ^ in April. MACHII4ERY-3-section drag harrows; 1 Massey -Harris all -steel 11- 'h frtilize r ']10 e r d i l. e'th 811on milk tg ►ENDER$ ARE WANTED FOR •'30 cans. All cattle are calfhood vaccinated. cords 14 -inch body wood for U.S.S. Terms—Cash. BRUCE McCLING Y HE & Nos. 1. 2, 3 and 4, McKillop and Hibbert, 'Son. Proprietors: Harold Jackson, Aue- 'to be delivered to the four schools. Ten- 'tioneer. _• 4496-2 ders to be in by March 18, 1954, Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Please state variety of wood. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. :Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot AUGUSTE DUCHARME '28. Concession 1, Hibbert Township, on R.R. 2, Dublin. No. 8 Highway, 3 miles east of Seaforth, 4496 71 on Tuesday, March 16. at 1 p.m.: Two Durham cows due time of sale; 7 Durham FOR SALE. BY TENDER cows, fresh and recently fresh: 3 Dur- ham heifers. bred; 1 Durham heifer 2 years old; 3 Durham steers 2 years old; 9 Durham steers and heifers 1 year old; IIPHE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE OF- ;6 young Durham calves. All above cattle fereet for sale by tender, namely, Luta `are recently T -B. tested and females calf - `'hood vaccinated. PIGS -1 York sow with Numbers 22 and 23, Con, 1, Township of 'litter at foot: 1 lock sow. due middle of Stanley, containing together 200 acres +:April ; 7 York sows, bred: 1 good Collie. more or less, located on No. 4he Vil- lage I heeler 1. MACHINERY -- John approximately •two miles north of the V il- 7age of Brucefield. Deere Model B tractor with power take- off and power trol: Il -foot John Deere Tenders must be in the possession of 'spring both cultivator; 2 -furrow John the undersigned on or before the 12th day Deere plow: all above wachinery has of March, 1954, and be accompanied by a been used only two yea t.- on 100 -acre cheque fort, of the amount thereof. farm: 7 -font McCormick -Deering binder like new•r: 13 -disc McCormick -Deering On the said lands there are approxi- fertilizer drill: hay loader: Deering sulky mately 58 acres of bush and there are rake; 6 -foot McCormick -Deering mower; said to be erected two frame barns; 86 'reel land roller; dise' harrow: 5 -section acres workable land. Possession on clos- diamond harrows: 6-sectionhxrrow pole; Ing subject to existing Leasee No, 4 Cockehutt manure spreader: fan - 'thing mill with motor: stoneboa't; Renfrew These lands are offered for sale to close electric cream separator: National milk- the',estate of Byron Waldron. The high-ing machine; barrels: set farm sleighs and I est or any tender not necessarily accept- at rack : rubber tired wagon and sLiding ed. Balance of tender to be payable id • 16 -foot rack : set breeching harness : horse cash on closing thirty days after' accept- collars: gas pump: hay fork rope and ance of tender. ' pulleys; colony house. 10x12: chicken 'shelters: hroodex stove: chop box: forks.. MCCONNF7.I & HAYS, shovels. chains. etc. HAY 10 tons mixed Seaforth, Ontario, hay : 19.5( Chevrolet truck, '❑-ton• with 4495-2, -Solicitors for the Executors. plywood racks, in excellent condition. FARM will be offered for sale if not pre- ' viously sold : 100 acres. situated on Hirth- . way No. 8. three miles from Seaforth, IL, I ,storey brick house, bank barn 40x8([ drive • 'shed. Hydro and water pressure system 'throughout buildings; Bind in good state VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL of cultivation, Terms: Chattels- Cash: es; 22pick Property -- Made known day of sale. I ma years experience. We JOHN R. ('RONIN. Proprietor: Harold up and' deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. Jackson. Auotioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. I 4482-tf 4496-2 Notices RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S. RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDRTWS. 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter- Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. '4399-tf CAI HEttINE'S HAT SHOP, GODE- rich. formerly Mrs. Leone McArthur's. has Spring Hats arriving daily. Miss Hays will be pleased to show you hatsshe selected in Montreal in late January, among them some New York imports. All her hats "tire very reasonably priced. '4 ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house. apartment, furnished or unfurniahed, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; local 252. , . 4486-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A. A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone .894-M. 4456-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers tON"i' WASTE MONEY ON MINER- ats your land does not need. We will, mithott ehatge to you i take samples of the earth fn YOU, fields and have them sitnsibiteoL CALL • Notch Feeds Limited PRONE 16 or 476 4464 AUCTION SALE—JOSEPH L. RYAN. Auctioneer. has been instnicted to sell by public auction on Lot 34. Concession 8: Township of Logan, Cou,nty of Perth. five miles north of Dublin and one-half mile east, or one-baif mile west of Rrodhagen,. on County Road, on Wednesday, March .1 7, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following Horses. Cattle, implements and Feed: HORSES -al blue roan gelding. 15 years old : 1 grey gelding, aged ; good work 'team (these are good work horses). CATTI/E-1Registered Hereford bull, 20 ,months old, O'Neill's breeding; 10 Durham and Hereford heifers, 700 to 800 IUs.: 30 Durham and Hereford steers, 700 to 800 'mms. 'IMPLEMENTS --1951 Ford tractor with starter, lights, belt pulley. tires lead- ed ; 2 -furrow Dearborn plow for Ford trse- tor : Dearborn new power mower, 7 -foot cut: new McCormick -Deering tractor cul- tivator. 7 -foot: new McCormick -Deering I fertilizer drill, 15 -run, power lift ; New Idea siderake, four -bar with tractor hitch : new Fleury -Bissell double disc. 7 -foot, with power lift; New idea manure spreader on rubber, 75 .bushel ; new Fairbanks -Morse hammer mill, 11 -inch: Massey -Harris mower, 6 -foot cut: new robber tired wag- on ; new hay rack with sliding rack ; fan- ning inn] with bagger: pump jack and motor; set of 4 -section diamond harrows; set of sleighs and reek; farm wagon gravel box; root pulper; grindstone: horse rake; two -wheeled trailer; horse scufler : new 1/4 A.P. electric motor: steel water trnueh: self -feeder for pigs; 100 pounds Finn's hog mineral: set of pea bunchers and harvesters; 12 pressure water bowie; quantity of new lumber; set of reeks for wagon ,box ; wheelbarrow; 2 crosscut saws feeders and waterers for chickens; 16 elm plank, 3-2x'12 feet; 2 wooden barrels; 100 three-inch tile. IEA:RNESS--Set of good breeching team harneas; collars: horse blankets: whidletreea, neckgoke*, tongues, forks and shovels, hnd a host o4 other articles too numerous to mention. HAY •-80 tons baled .mined' hay. Also 2 tabes and some chairs. IVAN • qtiOnambli IR, Proprietor; William Malehey C ez3t• /Meth L, Ryan, A9etlene r. 44196.4 it IRS. GEORGE MILLER WISHES .TO thank her many friends for the cards, treats and flowers sent her while she was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home. 4496x1 MRS. \NILLIAM ANDERSON WISHES to thank her many friends,,for all. their kindnesses extended to her while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and also the doctors and nurses of the hospi- tal. 4496-1 I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MISS Drope and staff' of Scott Memorial Hospital for their kindness to me while I was a patient recently, with a special thanks to Dr. Brady- and Dr. McMaster. 4496-1 . MRS. JESSIE CAMERON MRS. ISAAC HUDSON AND FAMILY wish to thank all those who sent flowers, treats and cards to Mr. Hudson during his recent illness at home and in S cott Memorial Hospital: also to thank the doctors and nursing staff of the hos- pital h MARCH 0* Plan Draw To Further Maintenance Fund A special 'Meeting ' of the Man's Bowling Club was held in the Town, Hall Thursday evening todiscuss means of raising funds for activi- ties during%he year. Certain main- tenance expenditures, such as re- building the power roller, are a re- quirement this year. The meeting decided to sponsor a draw in the near future. CONSTANCE Group two of the Women's As sociation are having a social eve- ning and crokinole party in the basement of the church on Friday evening, March 12. HENSALL The annual meeting and. elegtion of the Hensall Bowling Club will be held in the council chambers Friday evening, March '5, at 8 p.m. At the monthly meeting of the Hensall (branch of the Canadian Legion, held Monday evening in the Legion Hall, the meeting re- affirmed their motion of last No- vember supporting artificial ice in, the Hensall Arena. The meeting was presided over by the presi- dent, Don Dayman. Fred Peters, who has been ' a patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, for the past three months with injuries.. following a serious accident, is now able to sit in 'a wheel chair, and is very bright and cheerful. A series of operations are being performed on his throat. United Church Notes Last Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Rogers chose to speak on "Our Need of Comrades -hip." The choir sang the anthem, . "Teach Me, 0 Lord.'"" The evening service was withdrawn. Services next Sunday will be at the usual hours of 11 Seaforth W,I, a.m. and 7 p.m„ with afternoon ser- vice at 3 p.m. at Chiselhurst. Dur - Admission •50 Cents ing the Sunday School period, at Lucky Lunch Ticket.....I2 o'clock, Mr. Rogers -Till show please provide Sandwhes films. Notice ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP Vire Insurance, Western Farmers' 51Ind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A. ), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident 'and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life insurance. Consult EitlC H. M.L`NROE. Seaforth. In Memoriam LEMON—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A darling son, brother, grandson, great- grandson and nephew, Cecil James (Jim- my) Lemon, who passed away March 9, 1913. at the age of seven months and -'11 days. He 'was a flower. too sweet for earth, Sent here but for awhile: God marked him and He ;gave him birth And took him with a smile. • ---Sadly missed by all the family. 4A96x1 Births BOSWELL, — Nancy and Walter (nee Flei'scher)., London. are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son on March 1554, at St. Joseph's Hospital. A brother for David. ECKERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. O CONNOR—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Connor. R.R. 2, Dublin, a daughter. OKE—Mr. and Mrs. Orville G. Oke (nee Wilma Rowcliffe), of Seaforth, wish to announce the birth of a daughter (Mary Thelma), on March 2, 1954, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. PARKER—Leslie and, Margaret Parker' (nee Tudor), Hensall, are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son, Leslie Michael, at South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter, Thursday. February 25. SPROAT--Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Sproat are for their kindness. 4496x1 happy to announce the birth of a daugh- ter on March 2, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor. TAYLOR—At Clinton Public Hospital, on February 18, to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor: .Brucefield, a son -- Stephen cent sad bereavement. for the beautiful., Charles. MR. JAMES McALLISTER. IAN AND Jean wish to thank their many friends, neighbors •.n,? relatives for their sincere sympathy shown during their re - floral tributes. cards. gifts and many acts , - of kindness during hr -r long stay in Vic-; traria Hospital. wh'. 1.. were deeply ap-' preciatedt 4496-1 , MRS, ISAAC HUDSON AND FAMILY Irish to express their sincere apprecia- tion for the kindness and sympathy extend- edto them my neighbors. relatives and friends during their recent sad, bereave- ment : special thanks to Rev. J. W. Stin- son. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Melick, Mrs. .tames A. Stewart. Mr, G. A. Whitney. and all others who helped in a,j.' way, 4496x1 • Deaths 1300TH—ln Seaforth, on Sunday, Feb. 28, Phoebe Pillman Booth. in her -91st year. CARNOCHAN--In Mitchell, on March 2, Agnes J. Carnoehan, dear sister of Mrs. Joseph Scott. Roxboro, in her 78th year. McALLISTER--in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don,' in Sunday. February 21, Rossie E. McAllister (nee Broadfontl. beloved wife 1 of 'James .McAllister,, and dear mother of Ian and Jean. EVEN Micro = Mixed 2'O% 0 PURINA Chick Startena Etts Assures You AN' EVEN FLOCK OF BIRDS LET US HELP YOU GET MORE FROM WHAT YOU HAVE ! No One Beats- Our Service! • eo..T.Mickle& Sons Limited Phone 103 Hensall, Ont. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jini Paterson, Lon- don. spent the weekend -with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Patei`son. Mrs. Ken Scott is a patient in a London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Boyce -and family visited over the weekend with Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Boyce. Miss Marin. Aikenhead, London, spent the weekend with her moth- er, Mrs. H.. Aikenhead. Miss Tena MeNaughton visited recently with her sister and fam- ily, Mr. and• _Mrs. C. Smillie, Hen - sail. . World Day .of. Prayer services will be held on Friday afternoon of this week in Brucefield United Church at 3 p.m. All ladies in the community are urgedto attend. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Douglass and Mrs: Consitt on the deat'her of their brother; Mr.' I. Hudson.. CROMARTY Mr..and Mrs. Frank Glossop and (Betty and' Alice Howe visited with Mr. and. Mrs, H. I. Durst, Wroxe- ter. Misses Donna. and Celia Norris 'and Robert Hubert, Seaforth, visit - 'ed the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Miss Margaret Walker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher, Carlingford. Jimmy Ramsay, of Georgetown, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay, Mr, and -Mrs. Otto Walker visit- ed with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Alvin Corn' ish, Exeter. Moir 'gave' the recreation report. Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. D. Mc- Kelvie are conveners for the next Kinsmen banquet. Mrs. John Hen- derson won the mystery prize, a cup and saucer. The Hensall Com- munity Memorial Arena draw was brought up and it was decided to have the, Ladies' Auxiliary name appear on the tickets. This draw is in aid of the artificial ice pro- ject. and takes place at a later date. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. McKel- vie were named a committee re- garding the 'purchase of table- clothsq The ladies decided to have a hot water heater installed in the kitchen. Appointed for this pro- ject were Mrs. Byran Kyle and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau, The aux- iliary are inviting the Zone Com- mander to the April meeting. Mrs^ Keith Buchanan and, Mrs. Bertha Moil conducted a period of bingo, after which refreshments were served under the direction, of the social committee. , THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE An editorial in a recent issue of the United Church Observer, al- though too long to quote in full, is well worth giving in part, Twenty years ago crime in Ontario was at a very low figure. According to Government statistics for 1933, the ratio of population per 1,000 com- mitted for trial ,was 6.41 and seli- tenced to prison, 4.14. In 1934 there was an imlptovemeet, 5.91 committed, 3.82 convicted. Inthis year the Government announced a plan for open sale of beer. Note the crime record' from now on. In 1936 the ratio was 6.52 and 4.43. By 1939 the figures ,were 9.31, and 7.45. The Second`World War years saw a slight levelling off to 6.89 and 5.01 in 1945. -But after the' war, again the crime figures' mount- ed. In 1946 they were 7.17 and 5.27. By 1951, double figures stere reached -10.19 _ and 8.86. "Thus, according to the Government's own figures, crime which was steadily. On 'the downgradeNprevions to 'beer rooms, has Ibe'Se'n on the upgrade ever linee, and is now at the high- est figure ever recorded in On KU l EN MTs.' James . McCiYeaent Went Sunday with her eon and daugh- ter-ip-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Me- linchey, Verna. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes,, and Larry, of London, visited Sunday with their father, Mr. Robert' Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of Goderich, visited Sunday with Mr., and Airs. Dowson, Mr. and MT*. Murray Scott, of Exeter, visited Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. The newly -appointed elders of St. Andrew's United Church were inducted at the Sunday morning service by the Rev. Norman Mc- Leod. o-Leod. They were extended the hand of fellowship by the members of the ees ion. Mr, Harold Jones has been con- fined onfined to his ped for a week with the flu. We wish him a epeedlg recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Rugus Turnbull and daughter, of Grand' Bend, were re- cent visitors of the tatter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mbusseau. Mr, 'and Mrs\ Alvin McBride and MTS, Robert McBride on Saturday attended a ceremony to a class of 17 students at Stratford General Hospital, where their daughter, Donna, is in training. ELIMVILLE The Euchre Clu,b hostesses for Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. Winners were Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mr. Alvin Cooper and Mrs. Jud Dykeman The 'hostesses. and committee served a dainty lunch. After lunch Mr. and I11:rs. Johns were called to the front and were presented with a gift from the club on the occasion of their tenth wedding anniversary. Al- though taken by surprise, Mr. Johns made a suitable reply of thanks. Mr. and Mrs'. Laurie Stephen and Ross .Dining, of London, spent last Saturday with Mr. and MTs. Aus- tin DiIling. Mrs. Harold Bell, Elim'ville; Mrs. Don Bray and Mr. William Elford, Thames Road, and Mr. C. -Christie, Rays, sang a quartette. Miss Anita Carroll, of Toronto,: spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Bob Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen and Betty Anne spent last Sunday with the former's mother, Mr's. Mary Stephen, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hec,kalan, Dashwood. Mr. and `Mrs. William Routly, Ann and Grace, spent last Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg, Thorndale. Mrs. Charles Stephen was hos- tess for the February meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. About 25 ladies and two visitors were pres- ent. Mrs. John Ridley had charge of the meeting and. Mrs. William Waiters read the scripture, Mrs. Franklin Slanner reviewed the chapter of the study book; Mrs.' William Routly gave a reading, and a group of Iadties, Mrs. H. Delbridge, Mrs. H. Bell, Mrs. W. Routly, Mrs. Wm. Johns and Miss Ruth Skinner, sang a song. President ,Mrs. Win. Johns of the W.M.S. ' and Mrs. Rosskine S r for the W.A., had' charge of the business. Lunchwas served at the close. FOR SALE 4,000 PULLETS TWO MONTHS OLD Place Your Order Now! FOR MAY DELIVERY All floor started H. LAWRENCE Phone 69-R - Hensall - ' FREE MOVIE . COME TO THE FREE MO''ViE "That Man May Live" to be , held in the Walton Community Hall — on — MONDAY EVENING MARCH 8th at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored liy: GORDON McGAVIN COCKSHUTT and NEW HOt.- LAND. FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER Walton, Ont. W-A—N—T—E-D GO'OD LOGS - HIGHEST PRICES PAID ! Thos. Welsh- & San Phone 109 . ' \Hensall A Concrete Silo IS A FARMER'S BEST INVESTMENT THESE TIMES ! We have 20 years' experience -- Better Workmanship, Better Re-inforced, Cheaper than Cement Slabs. ' Twice as safe and stronger! No rods to keep tight on outside. WILL WITHSTAND TORNADOES AND LAST A LIFE-TIMFii Phone Jonathan Ei Hugill 667 r 13, Seaforth 616 r 13, Clinton or better' still: ' Caine in — Examine one of our Silos SHOW and SALE 363 ---- BEEF BULLS ---- 363 Under the auspices' of THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Sheep and Swine Arena Royal Winter Fair Building, Toronto Tuesday, Mar. 9, and Wednesday, Mar. 10, 1954 Aberdeen Angus and Herefords Show and Sell on March 9th Shorthorns Show and Sell on March 10th Shows commence at. 8 a.m. Sales at 11 a.m. Each Ontario resident who buys a bull In this sale will be eligible for a premium equal to one-third of the purchase price but not exceeding $150, provided such a bull Is bought for use on a herd owned by the purchaser and located In this PrOVjnce, GLEN RIEICHEILD President, For Catalogues apply to, W. P. WATSON, See°y., Parliament Buildings, • ' Toronto. FARM HELP P Now Is the Time to Apply for Workers Farm labour is scarce - . . - but help may be made available from Canadian and European sources if farmers make their needs known at once. Time is required to select and distribute workers. Apply now to the nearest Office 'of THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE THE ONTARIO FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL FARM LABOUR COMMITTEE SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1948' CHEV. SEDAN 1953 DODGE SEDAN—lily equipped 1948 PLYMOIUTH COACH 2-1952 CHEV.. STYLELI'NE SEDANS 1947 DODGE COAT 1952, PONTIAtC SEDAN 1946 POWITA.O SEDAN • 2-1951 C!HititV. DE LUXE' S'EDAN'S'—•Fully 1946 PONTIAC COUPE equipped. . 1951 (7Sk3V. POW'ERIGILLIDE FLEEPLANS TRUCKS SEDAN -Wally equlp4ed. 1951 CHEV. %-TON PICKUP 1949 PONTIAN SEDAN - 1949 G+:MjC. 1 -TON STAKE TRUCK 1949 OBEY. v. SEDAN 1946 CHEV, 2 -TON STAKE TRUCK 1949.DODGE SEDAN 1949 MVIWOR COACH SPECIAL --New No. 20 Cockshutt Tractor A written guarantee ter N days on all Late Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 2-1948 FLEIIMINE COACHES BRUSSEL.S.MOTORS•-own= PHONE 734X"JThb Halm of Batter Weil Cara' m OPEN EVF,RY EVENING f4d�itu: • 4 1" ) ) 4 4 4 •1 a 7 e A