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The Huron Expositor, 1954-02-19, Page 8
EIGHT ?Si PRE, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY. GUARANTEE BONDS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS ° BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who Sire Security with Service ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THRESHER.MAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Iimormnation gladly giveai. WATSON & 'REID K A. REID - Proprietor Insurance and Real Estate Plums 214 Seaforth Priced For QUICK SALE Insul Br ck-Si 'ed One -Storey Dwelling Centrally Located $2,500.00 Possession February i, 1'964 M. A. RELT) Realtor Other Good' Properties Listed Church Notices The Salvation Army. -Corps Offi- cer, Lieut. H. Heats: Sunday Ser- vices: E p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. Thure- day, 4 p.m., Hobby Claes; 8 pan., Prayer ffi'eettng. A welcome awaits you. 8t. T"homad Anglican Church. -10 a m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. Morn- ing Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Marga, Dublin -2:30 p.m-, Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. —Rev, J. H. James, Rector. Egmondvi4le • United. Church. -1O a.nr., Church School; 11 am., ser- mon subject, "The Rigihteousness of •G<td"; 7 pan., Sing -song and story time; Wednesday. 7:30 p.m., Mid— w eek service and ,choir practice.— . W. E. 'Milroy, •Minister. Northside United Church. — 1'd , Church School and Adult l;i.ble Class; 11 am., "The Residue u' Thought"; Junior Congregation i .u:d Toddlers Group; 7 p.m., "Seek - Mg the Way" (illustrated); 8.15 p.ni.. Y.P.U.—Rev. J. W. Stinson, \FI iii Y(er. See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State Farm Mutual R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth AT THE,.. Community Centre THURBDAY, FEBRUARY 18 8:30 p.m.—Junior 'B' Hockey WINGHAM vs. SEAFORTH ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 8 - 10 p.m. - Skating 10 - 1 a.m. — Dance SA11URDAY, FEBRUARY Hi 4:30 -,3:30 p.m. — Skating 8:30 — MIDGET HOCKEY Harriston vs. Seaforth INSURANCE ' • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH MOuuWUI11111111111111111111111I111111111U ems, -kteMMssiessIIIIIIiiiliesilili1111111111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O v W. J . CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. O O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'O O Night or Day -Calls — 335 0- .0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director O O and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. O 0 - Night or `Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000'00 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Home O Goderlch St. W., Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds O tor rent. O FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 O ON Telerphonel Day or Night 119 0 0 Residence 65 0 0 O 000000.00000 O O'-O<>\poo0oo•o •'©' , O 0 BOX 0 - junerai erbice o' al, e, sox 0 0.r Ltcen'iled Embalmer 0 ' O gA slid Careful attention O 0 1/00$141 a FOR ALIL 0 OCCASIONS O ftoldea: O ' 0. M. SOW `' Sicca 4S 0 `4t040000000A rj 2%080 41, des- w,fib' uG hi'el'. lti FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell M inlater 10 a.m. — Bible [Rase and March School 11:00 A.M. "HIGHWAYS OF THE HEART" Junior Congregating, 7:00, P -M. QUESTION BOX "Was Paul inspired When lice Wrote About Women?" CONE TO CHURCH —"This" only is man's true good --to worship."—Temple. St. James' HOLY NAME SOCIETY HAM EUCHRE to have been held this Friday evening has been postponed indefinitely. FOR SALE 135 ACRES . On Mill Road Good Barn — Brick House Pressure System 70 -Acres Plowed —Call— W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL 11ii111111111111111pu1111111111111111u1111111 THE SON EXPOSITOR ' LOCAL BRIEFS * Weddings 4k 1111111111:1111111111uu11111111111111111111111 CARTER - FOWLER The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler, Huron Highway West, was the scene of a pretty wedding on :Saturday, February 6, at 2 o'clock. when their daughter, Douua Jean, became the bride of P/O. R. 'A. Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Qa.rter, of Chilliwack, B.C. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. of First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, 'per- formed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father and chose a grey wool flannel suit with gold acces- sories and, wore au orchid corsage. The maid of 'honor was Miss Jean Benjamin, of London, who wore a navy gabardine suit with white ac- cessories and a corsage of dark red roses. Miss Alma Fowler, Hullett, as bridesmaid, wore a green gabar- dine suit with white accessories and a,.corsage of white carnations. 'Mr. Fred Carson, of Hamilton, was groomsman, and Mr. Bert oyes of.Clinton, was usher, and slap sang "I'll Walk Beside You," with Mrs. Boyes as pianist, • The reception was held at Fair- view Farm, Tuckersmith, -then guests were present from Torouto and London. Following a trip to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Oar - ter will reside in Belleville. The bride travelled in a costume of brown novelty rayon slub, and wore a corsage of red roses and white carnations. • ALEXANDER - NICHOLSON • Wedding vows were exchanged in First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, on Saturday, February 13. at four o'clock, w hen Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson. Tuckersmith, and Ross Cecil Alexander, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Waander, of Us'borne Township, wee united in mar- riage. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell of- ficiated, The bride was gowned in Trini- dad rose. taffeta with overskirt of net, embroidered inn . silver. She wore silver shoes and hat to match and carried white mums. Miss 'Marian Alexander, of Hensall, was bridesmaid, and wore a mauve lace dress with net overskirt and match- ing headdress. Mr, Allan Nichol- son was best man. The wedding dinner was held at Fairview Farni, Tuckersmith, where the house was beautifully arranged with streamers, bells and mums. The wedding cake adorned tthe centre of. the bride's table. Dur- ing the dineer Rev. Mr. Campbell proposed a toast to the 'bride and the groom responded. A. reception was held' later at the home of the 'bride's parents when Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs, Alexander received the guests. Some 50 guests were present and enjoyed cards and music through- out the evening. Guests from a, dis- tance were present from Flint. Mich., Kitchener and Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs. Alexander will reside on the groom's t'„rat in Ushorne. LAMONT - SPENCER St. D.avid's Anglican Church. Galt, was decorated with .spring flowers Saturday. Feb. 6, for the marriage of Lucy Ruth Spencer and Norman Archibald Lamont. Rev ' J. T. M. Swan 'officiated' at the cere mossy and the wedding music w•as played by Mrs. Thomas Hoskins. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. A. R. 'Spencer. Galt.,. and the late 'blue coal' "The World's Finest Anthracite" SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Me Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M Cooper's Groceries WEEKEND SPECIALS TALISMAN STRAWBERRY JAM—Large 24 Fluid Oz. Jar.. Aylmer Choice Golden CREAM STYLE CORN -2 15- oz. s HABITANT FRENCH CANADIAN PEA SOUP -28 -oz. Tin:. McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM SODAS—"4 in pack" One -Pound Package ROBIN HOOD'QU!CK COKING OATS--5-Ib. Bag CANADA PACKERS "KAM"—Tin 3'IlO'S' EYE -FROZEN RASPBERRIES—Package FRESH HEAD LETTUCE -2 Heads LOIN PORK CHOPS—Pound 39c 23c 15c 29c 37c 34c 49c 29c 69c WE NOW HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE FRESH MEAT LINE Orval 'Cooper 722 FREE DELIVERY SELF SERVICE or COUNTER SERVICE y....111111/ Paint' ENTIRE STOCK OF PITTSBURGH WALL - HIDE, IN FLAT, SEMI -GLOSS AND GLOSS FINISHES ALSO KEM TONE 1-3 OFF Your opportunity to save on the Best Quality Paint! Buy now while all colors are available. Crown Hardware peon �lf Messrs. M. A. Reid F. KI$ng, W. J. Duncan and W. G. Campbell were in Toronto this week attend- ing a bonspiel. Miss Marilyn Hillis and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and Elizabeth Anne, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Miss Mabel Turnbull. Mrs. F. Devereaux and Mr. Ed. Devereaux, of Toronto, were here Iast week attending the funeral of the late C. P. Sills. Dr. E: A. McMaster was in To- ronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robinson left Monday for their home in Regina after spending some time with relatives and friends in'town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall are on a trip to Florida and the Southern States. Miss Marjorie Bickell, of Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith in Hullett. :Mrs. W. J. Faulkner, of Galt, was in town Friday 'attending the funeral of the late C. P. Sills. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Huras, Gloria and Patty, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mrs. E. C. Chamber- lain. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. R. H. Mode - land last week were: Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Miss Irene Hen- derson , and Mr. Ross Henderson, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Richards, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. John Quail, Henry Fowler, William Marsh and Mrs. Blanche Modeland. of Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Rowcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. William Leyburn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.' G. A. Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh, of Dublin, have returned from Florida, where they spent the past two weeks. Mrs. E. Geddes spent a few .days in London this week. - Mr.. and Mrs. N. H. 'Bailey, of Galt, spent a few days. this week visiting Mrs. E. A. McMaster. 'Mrs. W. R. Plant, Ottawa, Mrs. Arnold Allen, Toronto, and Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Dunn, Boston, Mass.,' were guests last week of' Mr. and Mr. Spencer, Russell, Manitoba, and the groom is the son of 'Mr. and Mrs, •A. N. Lamont, Seaforth. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Basil Spencer, looked lovely in a gown of Chantilly lace over net and taffeta. Style points of the gown were a tiny stand-up collar and lily point .sleeves. She were a headdress of tiny seed pearls, caught to a finger-tip veil of silk illusion and carried a cas- cade bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Burton Meyers, sister , of the bride, was matron of honor, and Sandra 'Spiers, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Mrs. Meyers chose a gown of nile green net over taffeta, with matching' [headdress, and cascade of pink carnations. Miss Spiers wore orchid nylon ~neer over taffeta; matching head- dress, and carried a nosegay of mixed flowers. Both gowns were floor length. John Casier, Cathcart, Ontario, was, groomsman, and the ushers were Arnold ,Lanront, Hamilton, and Charles Cohen, Galt. A reception was held at Lang Trim Hall, where the bride's moth- er received the guests wearing a navy dress, with navy and white accessories and corsage of pink ro-as. Assisting the bridal party the groom's mother chose a grey drays, black accessories and cor•- sa,t,e of red roses. For a wedding trip to Eastern Ontario, the bride donned a grey wool dress, with red accessories, white nylon coat and corsage of red carnations. On their- return Mr. and Mrs. Lamont plan to make •.their home on Glenmorris St., Galt. The wedding was on the ;anlq%day as that of Mr. Lamont's grandparents. the late Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, which took place Feb- ruary 6. 1875. KLINKMAN-°McRAE • Members of the 15th Girl Guide Company of Lpndon. Ont.. formed a guard of honor for Dorothy Joyce McRae, London, and Mr. Kenneth Charles Klinkman, IS'ara ilia, when they pledged vows at Elmwood Ave. Presbyterian Church. London. Ont., Feb. 6. The bride was es Id tII 11 of the com,pana. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus J. McRae, London, and formerly of Seaforth, and the par- ents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred P., Klinkman, Elmira. Rev. Jolla Fleck officiated and org •anist. was Mr's. H. McGilton. W'''hite mums and snapdragons were arranged with carnations, ferns and' two white candelabra for the set- ting, A gown of white nylon tulle over white taffeta . was worn by the 'bride. featured by classic neckline and white taffeta jacket styled '6ith lily point sleeves. Her white Juliet cap was studded with seed pearls and it held her fingertip veil of nylon tulle. She carried a white Bible crested with white orchid and' red rosebuds. She also wore the bridegroom's gift, a strand of pearls. Miss Roberta Scanlon, London, was maid of honor, wearing valen- tine red nylon tulle over red taf- feta, styled with matching bolero. Her headdress was fashioned of red feathers and rhinestones, and she carried white carnations. 'Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Lou sBestard, London, and Miss 'Marian Colvin, Windsor, who both wore valentine red, nylon tulle ov- er red taffeta and red feathered headdresses. They carried white carnations. 'Mr. Archie ,McKee, Smiths Falls, was beat man, and the ushers were Mr. Kenneth A. McRae, London, brother of the bride, and Mr. Jack Gudgeon, London. The reception was held at Island Club, London, and the ,bride's moth- er was in rosewoods lace and crepe With navy accessories. Her corsage was of. Johanna Hill roses. The bridegrooYu's Mother was in navy French seer with navy .accessories and a colvage o$ reds roses, , 'or a, wedding trip to Florida. the bride wore a mink' 'brown stilt with. pow dor Me hat, swagger tan acc or: lee and an• orchid t+orsage. 'j'1'e 'Will We itt Sarnia. •u d�:nSJ1Ad bu tsl'ifrTx 'k? Siaia Obituaries 1 MRS. ROBERT T. McINTOSH Word was received in- town of the passing of Jane Oarnochan, on Sunday, February 14, wife of Roiert T. McIntosh, of Ingersoll, following an illness of over five weeks. 'Mrs. McIntosh was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Carno- chan, Tuckersmith, After -their marriage Mr. and Mrs. :McIntosh lived in Seaforth where Mr. 'Metlntosh and the late George Turnbull conducted' a livery bus - nese. Later Mr. McIntosh purchas- ed a bus business running from London to Ingersoll, which he car- ried on for 'a numiber of years. Deceased' is survived by her hus- band; one daughter, Mrs. Wesley 'Heslop, and two sisters, Mrs. Smith, Exeter, and Mrs. Lille, Pembroke. ' Temporary interment was made in the Ingersoll Mauso- leum, with interment to be in Mait- Iandban'k Cemetery. Seaforth, later. WILLIAM J, BEATTIE A lifelong resident of McKillop passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; on Tuesday, Feb. 16, in the 'person of William James Beattie, following an illness of six weeks. Mr. Beattie was born in McKil- lop and was in his 76th year. In 190,6 he was married to Jean Kerr, who predeceased him iu 1936, 'bat he is survived by bne daughter, Mrs. R. M. Scott, 'McKillop, and one sister, Miss Louise Beattie, also of McKillop. There are three grand- children. A farmer all his life, he took an active part in the activi- ties of the district in which he liv- ed. He also served as school trus- tee for Duff's Sohool and was an elder of Duff's Church, McKillop. The funeral willake place on Friday at 2 p.m. from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, with Rev. H. E. Livingstone, Winthrop, con- ducting the service: Interment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. WILLIAM FLANNERY Following an illness' of three weeks, William Flannery, of Tuck- ersmith, passed away in Stratford' General Hospital on Saturday, Feb. 13, in his 88th year. He was born on the 13th concession of' Hullett and was married in St Columban n 1896 to Ellen O'Rourke, who pre- deceased him two days before on February 11. He was the sora' of Miohaei Flannery and Maria Ken- nedy. He lived in Hullett for five years .following his marriage, but spent the most of his life in Tu'ck- 'ersmith. Deceased was a member of St. James' Church, Seaforth, the Holy Name Society and the League of the Sacred' Heart. A double funeral was held Sat- urday morning at 11 a.m. at St. James' Church, when Requiem 'High Mass was sung by Rev. E. P. Web- er. Pallbearers :for Mr. Flannery .were M. Williams, Emmett Malone, Auguste Ducharme, John Flannery, William Ryan and William Ma- loney; for Mrs. Flannery: Wilfred O'Rourke, John Meagher, James Krauskgpf, John Nigh, Maurice Melady and David' Bolton. Inter- ment was made in St. James' Cem- etery. JOSEPH L. ROWLAND, The sudden passing of Joseph Louis Rowland on Monday, Feb. 14, in his 45th year, was a shock to his relatives and many friends here. Mr, Rowland, who had suffered a slight [heart .attack six months ago, was at work at Top Notch Flour Mills when stricken. Born in Logan, Township, he was the son of Winnifred McGrath and. Mrs. Russell Sproat and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hudson and, family, of Windsor, and Mr. Leon- ard Hudson, of Toronto, were here owing to the serious illness of their father, Mrs. Isaac Hudson. Leading Seamon Lorne Goudie, who has been on active service in Korean waters with the Navy, is spending 'a month's leave with (Continued on Page 5). the latte Patrick Rowland, and was educated in Dublin, where he at- tended Gon'tin'luatlon tSIehool- He was married in St. Ooluntban in 1934 to Dorothy Ann Melady, wllo survives him, .together with a fam- ily of two sons, Gordon and Fer- gus, of Toronto, and two daugh- ters, Marie agd Pauline, at home; his mother, Mrs, P. Rowland; three brothers, Jahn Rowland, Calgary, Alta.; Edward and Francis, of To- ronto, and three sisters, Mrs. Bert Gallant, Windsor; Mother Agnes Clare and Mother ' Mary Afra. For sixteen years Mr. Rowland served as sexton at ,St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and' later at St. James' Church, Seaforth, for a number of years. Lately he had been employed at the Top Notch Flour Mills. The funeral took place Thursday morning fron} this late residence, James SG, to St. James' Church, where Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. E. 'P. Webe. The pallbearers were James O' onnor, Joseph Malone, Jack HO ham, Jrt, John C. Stevens, Leslie Fleming and Maurice Etue, Interment was in St. James' Cemetery. CHARLES P. SILLS Funeral services were held Fri- day morning, February 12, from his late residence, High Street, for Charles P. Sills, Seaforth Post- master, who passed away Tuesday, February 9. The services were under the aus- pices of Branch 156 Canadian Leg- ion. Solemn Requiem 'High Mass aaas celebrated by his pastor, Rev. E. P. Weber, assisted by Rev, Dr. J. 'B. 'Ffoulkes, 'Dublin, and Rev. 3. McCowell, 'Stg Columban. Father Weber delivered the funeral ora- tion. Organist was ,Mrs. Frank Devereaux, Toronto. Frank Sills, Jr'., sang "Penis' Angelicas" during the Offertory, and after •mass Frank Sills, Jr., and Mrs. H. Enzensber- ger sang "Sweet Saviour, Bless Us 'Ere We Go." • Members of the Canadian Legion formed a guard of honor. Led by the ,Seaforth 'Highlanders- Band, they 'preceded the remains to St. James' Cemetery for interment. Heading the Legion parade were Zone Commander D. J. 'Thorndyke, Clinton; President Stewart Wigg, and Past President Leslie Beattie. Parade Marshal was F. E. Willis.' ,Included in the ,parade was a detachment from the R.C.R., of London, in charge of Cpl. Robins, which formed a firing party at the graveside. The detachment in- cluded Ptes..Smythe and Peters, of London, Eng., and P'tes. Black, Heron, Wolfe and J. E. Robins. The Last Post was sounded 'bly Bandmaster Stanley J. Smith. Pallbearers were Postmaster -,E. J. Hingst, Mitchell, George Hays, P. J. Dorsey, J. ,Hoth'am, Jr., John Earle and Dr. J. A. 'Munn. Honor- ary pallbearers were W. J. Dun- can, J. J. Cleary, J. L. Slattery, Gordon McGavin, Chad Glew and P. D. 'McConnell, Attending in a body were the Seaforth 'District High School Board and staff and a number of students, both from there and Irom Brescia Hall, London. Mr, Sills had been a memtber of the Board of Seaforth District High School. Ushers were Con Eckert, Arthur Devereaux, Jahn James and Ed. Devereaux, AL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth i aarnseeissivoisaameterensormes Rumor 0;PK' ,. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR " CORNEL-WILDE CONSTANCE SMITH Romance,. Action and Adventure on the grand scale, filmed in Flaming Technicolor in tlhe steaming jungles of Guatemala. MONDAY - - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY •" THE CRIMSON PIRATE BURT LANCASTER EVA BARTOK • Idol of beautiful women, undisputed King of the Seven Seas. Here's the fabulous story of the Crimson Pirate, Romantic Swash- buckler of the Spanish Main. THURSDAY - 'FRIDAY - SATURDAY " THE PATHFINDER " MONTGOMERY 'HELENA CARTER GEORGE YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF . . TO SEE HOW MUCH FARTHER \YOUR DOLLARS S -T -R -E -T -C -H — at the WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" —' SEAFORTH JUNIOR 'B' HOCKEY PLAY-OFFS — TONIGHT THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 8:30 P.M.—WINGHAM at SEAFORTH Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 4t MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR (including. Classes for Western Ontario) Western Fair Grounds, LONDON March 2, 3, 4, and 5, 1954. Secure Prize Lists,from Your County Agricultural, Representative or the Secretary. MR. W. K. RIDDELL, Room 210, Richmond Building — London ENTRIES TO BE IN BY FEBRUARY 27th After Stock -Taking Sale DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON ALL WINTER STOCK ! 20% OFF ENTIRE STOCK From February 18th to February 27th, inclusive THE KIDDIES SHOP Seaforth, Ont. NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE VALUES= USED CARS and TRUCKS jark CAR SPECIALS Ford' 1953 Sedan Meteor 1950 Sedan Ford 1950 Coach Dodge 1949 Coach Ford 1948 Coach Dodge 1939 Sedan DEAL NO!VAND SAVE Daly Motors Phone 102 : Seaforth CROSLEY Radio and Television CANADA'S TOP RADIO LINE 27-95 29.95 - 49.95 69.95 ' CLOCK 'R ADIOS IN ALL COLORS 39.95 .49.95 54.95 69:95 Crosley Television - FROM 29,50' to 729.100 NO PLASTIC CABINETS ' One Year Guarantee on All Parts — Complete Service We Let You Compare — No Pressure Selling ' — YOU .SEE IT BETTER ON A CROSLEY TV -- Whitney Furniture FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones':- 119;-esidence 66 . ' Seaforth ,ttff�i44,±xr'1dikYt��, •i �tltiitl� a at 1