HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-02-12, Page 8fy� eh#; LM„16 r.l rA di arm HITRION EVOszmaR FEBRUARY/4 ti ec a ize in 1: A raliV1iOB11.,E,. CASUALTY, 911JARAIIITEE BONDS #%ENT AND SICKNESS i>1u IARY AND WINDSTORM $Alp!'epbut Dg Compgi les who Siiir Security With Service *AO AGBNTS FOR ONTARIO THRESHERMAN S M't" f U AL rum INSURANCE Yfodolmnation gladly given. WATSON & REID ic. A. REID - Proprietor • teur'anceand Real Estate Phone 214 Seaforth Priced For QUICK - SALE insul Br'c -Si 'ed One -Storey Dwelling Centrally Located $2,500.00 Possession February 1, 1954 M. A. REI[) Realtor Other Good Properties Listed LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PBONEB: 162J or 162W See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State Farm M utuat R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth This Week AT THE Community Centre THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 8:30 p.ni. 1)litcheli vs. Seaforth Midgets FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th 8 - 10 p.m. - Skating S:30 p.m. - Euchre and Bance' Tuckerentith Ladies' CIub SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th 1:30 to 3:30 p.m_ - Skating 9 p.m. - Junior •B' Hockey WINGHAM vs. SEAFORTH INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH uH11W11111111111111111111111111It111ein .arfacYYN{IIIIIIi11111/1rr11111111/11t1111t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J . CLEARY o O Seaforth, Ont. O O UCENSED EMBALMER -0 O and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls - 3V 0 O 0 0 000 00 0 0:0 00 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 O Funeral Director O O and Ambulance Service 0 O DITBLIN - ONT. O 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Home 0 • Goderich St. W., Seaforth O O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 O Ad'jnstabie hospital beds 0 0 for rent. O 4 FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 O OCCASION O 4 Telephone: Day or Night 119 0 4 Residence 65 0 4' '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000000000-0 BOX 0 utttral ibetbitt 4 R. S. SOX 0 teemed Embalmer 0 ,.POSMpt and oaretul attention 0 'rtospltal Bed O !LOWSFOR ALL 0 OCCASION O litotes: it el�i,' 11 t`rW.w Store 43 4 '4 0 O-rc'y *0 ri • Pihil►lile►; • 4Z .Sea.aro goo•. Church Notices The Salvation Army:• -Corps Offi- cer, Lieut. R. Keats: Sunday Ser- vices: ervices: 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meetin8. Thurs- day, 4 p.m., Hobby Class; 8 p.m., Prayer Sleeting. A welcome awaits you. 8t. Thomas' Anglican Church. -10 a m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. Morn- ing Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin -3:30 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. -Rev. J. H. James, Rector. Northside United Church. - 10 a.m.., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., '"The Recov- ery of Family Lite"'; Junior congre- gatioa and toddlers' group; 7 p.m., A Service of Song, "The Spirituals", by the Senior Choir; 8:15 p.m., Y. 11 le -Rev. J. W. Stinson, Minister_ Egnlondville United Church. -10' a.ni., Church School; 11' a.m., Morn- ing Worship, "The Argument of :he Lord"; 7 p.m., Evening Praise, subject, "Caravanning"; 8:15 p.m.; 1'.P.tT.; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mill- e eek Services.—Rev. W. E. Wil- ley, ey, Minister. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell MInlater 10 a.m. - Bible (lass and Ohurch School 11:00 A"r. "WHEN TROUBLE COMES" Junior Congregation 7:00 P.M. "THE SPIRIT OF ,GOD AT PRAYER" 8:15 p.m.-Y.P.S. Fireside COME TO caITRCH-"Let up keep the Silent Sanctuar- ies, for in them, are preserv- ed the eternal perspectives," -T. David. EUCHRE Seaforth Community Cehtre WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Admission 35 Cents - Auspices - Ladies' Auxiliary, to Canadian Legion ST. YAL€NTINE's DAT _kvFEMUR Say "1. LOVE YOU" with her Birthstone BY Ida VA With Heart shaped shoul- ders $7.95 Hearts and Flowers de- sign $13.25 Heart shaped Birthstone $14.75 Savauge's 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Weddings 4 111111111111111111111 B 1111111111111111111111111 KOTYK - Eisaitt The wedding of Marjorie Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler. Seaforth, and William John Kotyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kotyk, Stratford, took place in Egwondville United Church on Sat- urday, February 6, at 2 p.m. The church was arranged with two large baskets of pink and white flowers, and the guest pews -were marked with white tapers, evergreen and ribbon. Miss Marion Lillico play- ed traditional wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Ross Hamilton when she sang "Through the years" and "0 Perfect Love." Rev. W. E. Milroy perfoemed the cere- mony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin floor length gown with strapless bodice of lace, nylon net overskirt with face inserts and lace jacket with lily point sleeves and jewelled col- lar. Her floor -length veil fell from a jewelled crown, and, she wore a gold bracelet worn .by Grandmother Eisler on her wedding day. Her flowers was a cascade of red ros- es, centred with an orchid, and streamers witdi white baby mums. 'llhe matron of honor was her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Chessell, of Mitchell. She wore a floor -length gown of orchid taffeta, bodice of lace, nylon net overskirt and net stole with brilliant trim, matching mittens and flowered headdress. Her flowers were a cascade of yel- low carnations, centred with yel- low roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Helen Kotyk, sister of the groom, who was gowned in blue net over taf- feta with lace bodice and lace bol- ero, matching mittens and blue sequin headdress, Her flowers were pink carnations with pink roses: Miss. Vicki Chessell, niece of the bride, was flower girl, wearing yel- low taffeta crinoline style with matching mittens and, flowered headdress of yellow and mauve flowers. The second flower 'girl was Miss Darlene Chessell, alsoa niece of the bride, wearing green taffeta, crinoline style, with match- ing mittens and flowered headdress, and carried pink and green ,b'aby mums. The best man was William Eis- ler, brother of the bride, and the ushers were Jack Eisler andi Ken- neth Chessell'. • The bride's mother received in a gown of midnight blue crepe with gold velvet accessories, and pur- ple orchid corsage. The groom's mother was gowned in navy and, white nylon with navy accessories with purple orchid. The bride's grandmother, who was a guest, celebrated ber 78th birthday. The wedding dinner was served in the church ,parlor with ladies of the W.A. as waitresses. The roflm was decorated• in white and pink ribbons, bells and spring flowers. A three-tier wedding cake adorned the bride's table. For a wedding trip to Brantford, Toronto and Niagar Falls, the bride travelled in a navy suit with win- ter white accessories and an orchid corsage. Guests were present from Mit- chell, Stratford, Dublin, Kitchener, Embro, Brodhagen and Seaforth Sell that unnecessary piece o1 furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 41 'blue coal' "The World's Finest Anthracite" SOLID FUEL FOR OLID COM FORT The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M Notice ! The QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH will feature Three Meals a Day Please Phone 45 For Res€'rvations FO.R .SALE $600 Down Full Price $3,800 For this FOUR -ROOM COTTAGE with Bath. For more information — Call — W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Northside United Church • REV. JOHN W. STINSON, MINISTER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th Sermon Subject: "The Recovery of Family Life" EVENING SONG SERVICE Featuring a group of well-known Spirituals, by the Choir, tinder the direction of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart The Minister will speak on "The Spirituals'' . THE C'H2O'IR---"Lord,.1 Want to Ria Christian" LADIES' (9SHOBItTe•-••-`rlxlobody Blame the Trouble I've Seen" BASS SOLO -i'Let Ue•.I`3reak Bread Together"..l tr. Dick Headley MALE anogrestesi Away to Jests 'Ii.E« CliOtarint,.Home _ Dvorak nqs c.� COBBIAL WALCOMB TO ALL HOME AND SCHOOL TO MEET The Home and School Associa- tion will hold) its meeting Tuessiay,, Feb. 16, at 8:15 p.m., in the public school auditorium, with Mrs. Paul L Brady, Mrs. Clare Reith and Mrs. Milton Berger asthe commit- tee in charge. There will be a flim, "Who Will Teach Your Child??" Members are asked to bring some- thing for the penny fie The,pub- lic is invited to attend. Snappy Seaforthettes Hold Two Meetings, The members of ,,the Snappy Sea- forthettes met at the home of their leader, Mrs. W. Haugh, on Satur- day, Feb. 5, for the fifth meeting. The meeting opened by singing, •"Frosty, the .Snowman." The roll call was answered by "How to wash- woollens." The minutes of the last meeting were read and adlapted. The group discussed; on how to make the covers for the books. Anne Haugh spoke on the care of the teeth. Mary Whyte talked on. feet and legs; Muriel Dale dlscus'sed care of stockings, while Joyce Smith spoke on the care of shoes•. Mrs. Haugh showed many sam- ples of sewing sleeves, buttonholes, etc. Mrs. W. L. Whyte taught how to sew on a patch and an ov- erlapped seam. A potluck supper served by Mrs. Haugh and Anne, was enjoyed by all. After supper the sixth meeting commenced, with singing "The More We Get Together." The roll call was answered by one correct posture habit we had been practis- ing. Mary Broadfoot showed how to mark a skirt with a skirt -mark- er. Mrs. Haugh spoke on burying clothes, looking at labels, seams, etc. A sample hook was looked over and new materials were discussed,. Home assignments were: (1) Fin- ish samples, slip and. camisole; (2) Keep record; book up to date. The meeting. then adjourned. DUBLIN A very successful euchre and -so- cial evening was held in the Parish Hall. Dublin, on Friday evening, when 35 tables of euchre were in play. Mr. Wilfrid O'Rourke, Miss Marie Maloney and Mr. Edward Melady were the prize winners. Af- ter lunch was served by the ladies of the Altar Society, dancing was enjoyed for seyeral hours to the music of Mullins' orchestra of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray won the spot dance prize. Mr. James McQuaid. visited with Mr. and MTS. Frank McQuaid, in Windsor. Miss Monica Byrne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dill, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle and Marie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill' visited with Mr. and MTs. Ralph Dill in Stratford. Obituaries 1 MRS. RICHARD H. MODELAND The death of,,a . former well- known resident of Tuckersmith in the person of Susan McConnell, widow of the late.Ric'hard H. Mode - land, took place on Monday, Feb. 8, in Toronto, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson, after a ,long illness. porn in Tuckersmith, she was in her 91st year, and was one of the pioneer residents of the district. Mrs. Modeland was a faithful work- er and a life member of the W.M.S. of Egm,ondville Church. She was the'i daughter of the late William McConnell and Agnes McGeoch, who were of Scottish descent. Surviving are one daugfhter, Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Toronto, and one son. John W. Modeland, Egmond- ville. The -funeral took place on Thurs day from the G. • A. Whitney Fun- eral HomeNt 2 p.m., with'Rev. W. E. Milroy, of Egmondville United Church, officiating. During the ser- vice Mrs. Ross Hamilton sang "The Old Rugged Cross." accompanied iby Mrs. John Cardno. Interment was in Egmond'ville cemetery. Pall- bearers were Alex Boyes, Ed. Boyes, Roy McGeoch, Geo. Kruse. David McLean and David Papple. Flowerbearers were Willla.m For- rest, Scott Cluff, Andrew Houston, Ivan Forsyth, Alex Irvine and Al- bert Hudson. .MRS. DAVID H. STEWART There passed away in Toronto on Saturday, Feb. 6, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold At - len, Margaret .Tordan, widow of the late David H. Stewart; in her 80th year. Mrs. Stewart was born' in Sea - forth and- was married to Mr. Stew- art who predeceased, her in 1937. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart were engag- ed in the dairy business, and: Tet- er in the butcher business in former years before they went to Toronto, where they have lived' since 1928. Mrs. Stewart was a person of unusual kindness, giving aid when- ever she could. She was a faith- ful worker in the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian, Church in her earlier days. Surviving are four daughters: Mrs. W. R. Plant, Ot- tawa; Mrs. Dunn, Boston; Mrs. Arnold Alien, Toronto, and Mrs. McIntyre, Puerto Rico. One son, George A. Stewart, passed atl6ay in Toronto -several years ago, and a daughter, Mrs, Elton, Umbaoh, •died in Seaforth in; 1928. The funeral was held. from the Box Funeral Chapel on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.with Rev. D. G. Calp m - bell, of Piot Presbyterian Church, conducting the- service. Intermentwas in Maitlandbank eetiietery, The pallbearers were M. McKellar, J, A. •nesteott, Ohester Henderson, I . ,R; Smith, Wk R. smith Mid R. R. Sproat. FlQwerbearere ..were 3st' Cardno, Tohn Beattie and il1e S nlflY3nr,,. , . . Legion 'Auxiliary Meeting Hear Reports The regular meeting of the Sea - forth Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the Legion rooms with Mrs. J. Taylor presiding. Twenty-eight naem'bers answered the roll )call. One application for membership was presented and passed. The .in- itiation of four new mem:here fol- lowed.. Accounts owing were ap- prdyed for payrnen and paid. The financial report was read by the treasurer. Correspondence includ- ed ncluded thank -you notes from sick mem- bers and a letter from the Hospital Auxiliary. . Mrs. G. Eaton was presented with a Past President's Badge and lapel pin, in recognition of her services during her presidency. Mrs. Eaten spoke briefly, expressing her ap- preciation. ". The mystery box was won by Mrs. J. McGregor. The euchre con- vener, Mrs. W. Little, reported a successful euchre in January. A vote of thanks was moved to Mrs. H. Coombs for donating all the ladies' prizes. A second euchre -is to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 17. It was decided to have a social evening on Wednesday, March 10, waren Exeter and Hensall,,Auxiliar- ies will be invited. An invitation will also be extended to Zone Come mender Hall to attend the next meeting. The meeting closed in the usual manner. Bingo was play- ed and lunch served.- WINTHROP erved.- WINTHROP Many friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. Lorne Elliott is in Scott Memorial Hospital suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Glen Haase hada tonsil op- eration in hospital on Monday. Mrs. Betty Bach and Eric, of Russell, Manitoba, spent the week- end with flier grandfather, Mr. John McClure, and are now visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. McClure, Harlock. The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet on Sat- urd.ay, Feb. 13, at 2 o'clock, in the schoolroom of the church. Wood fibres when wet will adhere to one another as the wa- ter is evaporated. Thus is paper made. • E -U -C -H -R -E • Sponsored by L.O.B.A. in L.O.L. Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, FEB. 19th at 8:30 p.m. Lunch ADMISSION 40 CENTS In aid of Hospital Games Festival , 0 Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 : • Seaforth Junior B' HOCKEY PLAYOFFS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13th ' • WINGHANM at • SEAFORTH 9 p.m. ADULTS 75c CHILDREN 25c Subscribers! Please pick up .their tickets by 7 p.m. SATURDAY used Cars & Trucks '53 Dodge Sedan '51 Dodge Sedan '51 Plymouth Sedan '50 Custom Dodge Sedan '49 Plymouth Sedan (new motor) '49 Pontiac Two -Door '48 Chevrolet Two -Door '48 Dodge Two -Door -UCHS — 47 Chev. 1 -Tin 46 Ford %-Ton fie Motorso��h 7/lll i ;:26'i' Seaford' Baking Sale Feature of Hospital Games Festival The Women's Hospital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital held a successful 'baking sale in the Pub- lic Library on Saturday afternoon when they realized over $54. The tables were attractive looking with the display of 'home-made- baking. The event was in connection with the Games Festival Week, and was. in charge of Mrs. R. R. McKind'sey. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. John Cardno and son, Kenneth, spend,t a few days in Georgetown with Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. McKenzie. Dors. Cecil Kaiser, of Toronto, visited friends' and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. ,and Mrs. Roy Kerr, of Flint, Mich., were week -end guests of his mother, Mrs. W. J. Kerr. - Miss Gladys Thompson, of Nia- gara Falls, spent the weekend. with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Stewart, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. While -'here Mr. Stewart sang a solo in First Presbyterian Church at the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason, Brant- ford, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle. Mr. and Mrs. Yarwood and. fam- ily, of Brampton, were weekend !guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mc- Donald. Mrs. Yarwood sang a solo very acceptably in First Presbyter- ian Church Sunday morning. Mrs. D. Lemon and Mrs. Alma Chesney left this week to spend a holiday in Florida. Mr. and, Mrs. Dunn, of Boston, Mass..; Mrs. W. R. Plant, of Ot- tawa; and Mrs. Arnold Allen and Mrs. George A. Stewart, of Toron- to, wrere here this week attending the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. D. H. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg, Col - lingwood, spent the ,weekend with their daughter' and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs.Bedford Dungey. Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar spent a few days in Toronto and Lind- say. Mrs. F. Storey and Mrs. Joseph ,(3rummett left Wednesday to at- tend the Agricultural Societies con - S'ention in Toronto, which is being held' in the King Edward Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rogers and family, of Hamilton, were the guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, John St. Miss Karen Kidd and Miss Mar- ilyn Butt spent the weekend in To- ronto. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Arkell of Sarnia, visited with his sister, Mrs. E. A. McMaster, and Dr. McMaster. Mr. and .Mrs. L. R. Agopsow-icz. of Peterboro, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Rus- selL Mrs, Robert Strong is in Scott Memorial Hospital, where she is receiving treatment. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson and: daughter, Miss Ilrene, of To- ronto, were here this week attend- ing the funeral, of the late Mrs. R. H. Modeland. Mr. George A. Love, of oderich, spent Thursday in town. S Prizes Awarded At Londesboro The first session of the Women's Institute?` cooking school was held in the Community Hall on Monday with about 100 women attending. The class was conducted by Miss Kathleen Brown, Toronto. A turkey was won by Mrs. Clay- ton Ladd, of Blyth, Miss Josephine Woodcock, Blyth, made the draws. Other winners were: bags of groc- eries, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. Elgin Josling, Mrs. L. Reid, Mrs. S. Mac- Lean, of Clinton; Miss Laura Lei- per, Mrs. Russell Brindley of Nile, Mrs. Charles Johnston of Blyth, Mrs. David Anderson, Mrs. Nellie Watson, Mrs. Art Colson, Mrs. John Armstrong; bags of assorted prizes, Mrs. Jack Hesslewood of Blyth, Mrs. Frank Tierman of Blyth, Mrs. Frank). Tam'blyn of Blyth, Mrs. R. Farrservice, Mrs. Wilmer Howett, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor of Kinburn, Mrs. Nellie Barr of Auburn, Mrs. Clarence Ball, Mrs. H. Sprung, Mrs. George Caldwell. of Nile, Mrs. Ivan Hoggart of Clin- ton, Miss Flossie Jamieson; spe- cial prizes, Mrs. George Powell, Mrs. Harold Phillips of Blyth, Mrs. L. Caldwell,' Mrs. Lorne Badley of Blyth, Mrs. Jack Creighton of Blyth, Mrs. Bert S,hobbrook. Food baked by Miss Brown was won by Mrs. M. Henry of Blyth, Mrs. Ward Knox, ¥rs. Lorne Hun - king, Mrs. Glen Carter, Mrs. I. Petts of Blyth, Mrs: C. Ladd of Blyth, Miss Alice Rogerson of Blyth, and Mrs. Charles Bell of Blyth. Hold Supper and Program The Londesboro Women's Insti- tute held, the annual Family Night pot -luck supper with about 75 per- sons sitting down to the meal; af- ter which a short program was provided, Miss Phyllis McCool sang a solo; Mrs. Donald Sprung gave two readings; Misses Karen Allen and, Agnes Riley sang a duet, and a humorous skft was given by seven of the members. .Progres- sive euchre was played, and the evening brought to a close with a dance. CROMARTY Mr.. and Mrs. 13. 0. MacDonald and daughters, Ruth and Joyce, of Georgetown, visited with Mr. .and Mrs. John Wallace on Sunday. Young People Meet �1'he Young People's Society held their meeting on Sunday eVbndng in the basement of the cbniteh. Alice Sorsdahl• presided;. Tire scrip- ture lesson was read by Jim Chap gel, followed with ;gii'ayer by Rev. R. Duncanson, Miles 3oyr Sritr'lait road a story+. and Rev. R. Dunean- sdfn, had charge .of: tete topic, Shit -,ley Wallace favored; with an fih�trii. znentah REGENT THEATIESEArORTh THURSDAY - • FRIDAY - SATURDAY : 1 CRAZYLEGS ALL AMERICAN " ELROY HIRSCH -- LLOY-D-NOLAN 1 The story of Elroy Crazylegs Hirsch Ail American and bis great comeback to pre -football. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY " NEVER LET -ME GO " CLARK GABLE GENE TIERNEY It's Clark Gable in his most' romrantic adventure, and Gene Tierney, the beauty for whose love he defies the Iron Curtain! THURSDAY - FRIDAY - •SATURDAY " TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR " CORNEL WILDE ,CONSTANCE SMITH Coming Soon — "Crimson Pirate" We Are Not Going .. To Tell You . 'The THAT WE -HAVE "THE BEST VALUES" in Western Ontario EVERY ONE KNOWS IT !• WILLIS' SHOE STORE Little Store With the BIG Values" - SEAFORTH 'HOCKEY - JUNIOR 'B'. PLAY -OFFS -Saturday, February 13th Wingham at Seaforth, 9 p.m. - Adults 75ct Children 25c ' Subscribers, please pick up their tickets by 7 p.m., Saturday -. PLAY "MAMA'S BABY BOY" Presented by Seaforth Junior Farmers, in CAVAN CHURCH, 'WINTHROP FRIDAY, FEB. 19th 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by W.A. of. Cavan Church Adurissdon 50c1 Children 25c k. ST. JAMES' H.N.S. HAM EUCHRE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 ST. JAM -ES' PARISH HALL 8:30 p.m. Cooper's Groceries WEEKEND SPECIALS. 'AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS -2 lbs. MONARCH SWEET MIXED PICKLES -Large 24 -oz. Jar CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP -2 Tins DOLE'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL -20 -oz. Tin SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS -3 Pkgs. GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN -2 14 -oz. Tins YORK ICE CREAM PIES FRESH GREEN CELERY -2 Bunches SIDE BACON -Pound 37c 27c 25c 35c 29c 37c 45c 19e 65c WE NOW HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE FRESH MEAT LINE Orval Cooper fog FREE DELIVERY SELF SERVICE or COUNTER SERVICE OK Guaranteed Used Cars & Trucks 1952 Chev. Sedan $1,625.00 1951 Pontiac De Luxe. Coach 1,475.00 1950 Chev. Coach (Radio) 1,275.00 1946 Ford Coach 625.00 Seaforth Motors Phone 541 : Seaforth f ii,MinrlrtlFsi%h?cla 3'�mdl2fi'lvla? Valentine Specials AT Whitney Furniture BOSHART and LANE CEDAR CHESTS ' in Walnut — Blonde Oak AT SPECIAL VALENTINE PRICES "You Always Shop With Confidence" -- at r the hFurniture�' .u'i�1.. and AMBULANCE`O'EflVICE PHONES: 110; Net alga t BEAFOIfl'H aa< 5