HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-02-12, Page 7" a • • r° ry r 4 • This is the l',t of a} aeries of lave, .lit which it' is the Intention tto explain in e've'ryday terms, whilst a Dreddt Union is, and how it oper- ates. A Credit 17niou is a group of pep. ode having a :Mammon band of f . ae- sociation, snob as workers in a dactory, ,members of a parish, or •Mtlzens of a commranity, who band themselves together for the pur- pose ut'pose of creating for themselves a safe place in which to save small aflsountg. of mongyr tat they; e3D spare. and to melte ft b to use the money so saved by loaning it to t1 eir members who Reay, sit to borrow for provident dr .produc- tive purposes. in the course of forming this organization many other 'benefits. are derived which will be elaborat- ed on in future articles which will appear in print at a later dates First, let us delve into the sav- ing angle a little, to show just hoW NOTICE ! Town of Seaforth PARKING BY ORDER OF POLICE To facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations. vorlmr R` aMOW Of peovle ag` eo -tu ba0 tltchoir -together, to !Zonis , e credit mij ni, ' o MRS. that vet40 he dyne iv la Polk. tioul the PQ0111 kLl.00Vergauent for A eka$er, Whlebi 94. be lmuod to accordance witb•4he **At Union Acct .-of 1940... awn** 1954- • This ie dote Klry the sigaing of 'what is known as a Memorandum of Assoc- iation. It must be signed and wit- nessed itnes'sed by, at least twenty people, who in effect are asking the gov- ernment to grabt them a charter to operate a credit halon. A draft copy„of the proposed by-laws must be sent in with the memorandum for the approval of the govern- ment, overnment, along with the fee for incor- poration ($204. This must be done at a meeting . duly called for the purpose, and from that time on the group may continuo to solicit menrberehip, mud savings on an Yov caiIqo Miff If you feel KALLIN These lays most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to Iese-harder to regain. Today's tense firing, lowered resistance, *uncork, worry -any of these may affect normal kidney actino. When kidneys get out a order, excess adds and wastes remain m the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "teed -aur heavy. headed lading often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the Kidneys to normal actiso. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug reinter. 53 l}Aitir' �.;, et' "• co e, w�hti ; Itx' iG41lFtpntn. e1$+ lip citable capital beriai have regalarly, 0911,01_i$ 9017. .'Secondly, .let's alae •' tie dU i)$ fiki A1P PAP. Xrgit wItfi with the eekettal when t '14 oil A9...110 . +lit 4ATit3 '4;6400 lie erl.•. d.eaus are grant"); to meintWe low ..as arty cents, and the saver in good standing for, pyovidtat at' 14ee110 :mug rte ,productive purposes. In *WY In- er she hap :tbe art i'Q11n't of 46.1p In stances , members can sacure a bet, - the 44NO.1#pt. Five d011a 1 • con- ter .ileal when puro1 asiag geode, by eiiderr, d a share,• and t3*ea.,the tato her .continues on• to save -for-Abe *Wend and third ekare, and se, en. The post of joining a credit union is twenty-dve cents. This fee is placed in what is called a guar antee fund, and is retained by. the - credit union, and Can be used only in the case of writing off any bad loan that may be encountered later on. To bolster this guarantee fund, it is required by law that, at the end of -each year 20 per cent of the net profit of the Credit Union also - be placed in the fund, there- by creating a sound scarp tth in ease of need. ,Usually there is no limit on the amount of money that a member may save in the Credit Union, but the by-laws require that a notice of 60 days be givep in the case of a large withdrawal, but in most cases the treasurer -is able to al- low the withdrawal of monies when requested. Credit Unions make it easy to save because they are convenient- ly, located, and they accept such • USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE v, INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, ONT.. President, William A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Vice -President, Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin. DIRECTORS -Harry Coates, Cen- tralia; E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Mitchell; Alex J. Rhode, R.R. 2, Mitohell. AGENTS -Thos. G. .Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harriet, R.R. 1, Mitchell; E. Ross Hough- ton, Cromarty. - 1 SOLICITOR—W. G. Well/line, Exeter. SECRETARY - TREASURER — Arthur Fraser, Exeter. by a 9t.. - t�afigW *«.. . In CoverContest Huron County wall aiward prize% paying cash. A loan firma the oQst4xh6in a contest for a Cover design, It. -Credit Union natural'iy . --- was decided et a meeting of Vie County Coul;ieil's Historic Commit; tee at the . Court House. member interest, but most of the time the member will eventually save money on the deal. The law requires that a credit Union can- not charge more than one per cent per month on the unpaid balance for a loan. This ' means that a member can borrow $100.00 for a period of one year, and pay it back in equal monthly instalments, at a cost of $6.50. There are no hidden charges in the credit union plea. If a member chooses to pay the loan back at any time before the due date, he or she may do so, and in doing so save money:. For in- stance, if $100.00 was borrowed on the first dray of the month and the borrower decided to pay, it back on the 10th, the interest charge .would only be 30 cents, with no minimum Charge applicable. -To many people a credit union would mean that these two servic- es are available, where before it was not. In dealing with a credit union, you are dealing with Your fellow workers or parish members, or your fellow citizens. They will know something of your problems, and will be more apt to extend to you the help that you need. Ninety per cent of the loans. that are granted in credit unions.. are based. on the character of the borrower rather than the material wealth. If a member is honest and indos- trious,, he or she can build up a good credit standing in the credit union by paying ell obligations promptly, and thereby assure them- selves hemselves of future loans without em- barrassment mbarrass ment Next week the topic will be, "How Does a Credit Union Operater Pulp and paper operations gen- erate one of every eight dollars in the income of all Canadians. ON D 19 LAY TO DAV e, AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S OtCSMOPI.E AMM [&_&47 *7 04640M et4:60/-xfoex. y2a44-f OLDZN1OBILE exa THE CAR OF TOMORROW oter i s.:�. orf ,•.� f ANNOUNCING the breathtaking new. Oldsmobile Super "88” for 1954! The Oldsmobile so ultra -new in design ... so original in style throughout . thes'e's never been.a car like is before! Just wait till yon see its new lower, longer, lovelier silhouette! The daring.new slant -of its Ipanoramie windshield ! The dramatic new flair in its sweep -cut -doors and fenders ! And just wait till you drive the new 185 -horsepower World's Record"Rocket"Engine with 8.25 to 1 compression ratio - the . engine that outperforms, and out -economizes even the power- famous owerfamous '5fl "Rocket". For a new view on.modern automobiles - see the new Super "88". And watch for Oldsmobile's new "Dream Caf" - the Classic Ninety -Eight ... coming to your dealer's soon!. Car ill a:rated : 1954 9npar "58r' Honda,. Coupe. A Genera! Muton Valtu. 0 A Prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will be awards' for the bent three de- signs submitted. The cover will be for a booklet telling about the obpects on dis- play at the County Museum in Goderich, which will be written .by. Professor James Scott, of Seaforth, who has also been commissioned by County Council to write a his- tory of Huron County. The contest is' open to any stu- dent of coliegiates, high schools or continuation schools within Huron County. Members of the Historic- al Committee, as judges, will make the awards. Suggestion that the contest • be held was made by the chrdirnian of the committee, Deputy -Reeve Joseph Allaire, of . Goderich. The booklet will deal largely with the way of life of pioneer settlers of Huron as depicted by the many exhibits in the Museum. Entries in the contest must be in the hand's of County Clerk - Treasurer A. H. Erskine, Goderich, by March 15. Brodhagen Rink Schedule Drawn ,Up The annual meeting Of the Stew- ards of the Christian Home, the married couples group of St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, was held in the •basement • of the church recently. Rev. W. Becker was In charge of the devotions; Harold Elligson, the president, pre- sided over the business. It was de- cided' o-cided' to bold a crokinole.party in the church basement on Friday, Feb: 12, to which all married cou- p1eb are invited, It was also de- cided to hold a Fireside Hour for Bible study, open to all adults, at the parsonage Sunday night. As this group sponsors the skat- ing rink at the shed, a schedule was set as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, hockey ; Wednesday, Saturday evening and Sunday, skating; Saturday, 1:00 to 3:00 ,p.m., junior skating; Satur- day, 3 to 5 p.m., junior hockey. Elect Officers • The election of officers' resulted as follows: president, Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth; vice - president, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligson; sec-'. rertary, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ellig- son; treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer; $eereation committee, Rev. and Mrs. W. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle, Mr. and Mrs. Man- uel Beuerinann, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt; lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. George Rock; auditors, Mr. aid Mrs. Reuben Buuck; pianist, Mrs. Russell. Sholdice; cik-commit- tee, Mr. and Mrs., Harold Elligson, Mr. 'end. Mrs. Milton Rock. No Substitute For AdvertisinginWeekly Newspapers --- Bruce "More and more large Canadian companies are discovering that it pays to advertise in Canada's weekly newspapers. "And Household Finance is no exception," states vice-president A. W. Bruce in announcing that his company will use regular advertis- ing space this year in The Huron Expositor. "I grew up in the Ontario 'town of Beaverton," Mr. Bruce explain- ed. "and I know personally the im- portant part which the weekly A. W. BRUCE paper there played and still plays in the life of the entire commun- ity. "Weekly newspapers are not on- ly thoroughly read brit the charac- ter and calibre of their editorial and news coverage makes their ad- vertising columns effective beyond what might be normally expected from acomparaible circulation in a large city daily or magazine," Mr. Bruce added. "The Huron Expositor is. this this year one of about 200 weeklies in which we will carry a series of advertisements on 'Builders of, Canada'. "WiMle our company," he con- tinued, ontinued, "bas not yet established offices in each of the loarkettit served by these newspeperl, the use of conneumer .credit ,has 'noW become an, integral part of the Jives of most Canadian.. Aman; inatatment loan !services, 'tprvices, illi • mpe `49re eo1' : t •Fvtt` ,... u' .4h i the Wit* tit ..:nadiall COnernMer.lean .co; pasties;, tv .dell' our story !anew', oaa is the holo na$ outas, 'ren' .bat In --c ktompt lilies .s$'et*e- 4b.'•- n.,,.... ada's leading weakly uewee04il dr "This advertising assoe:140a withweekly newspapers started TOWNSH1P of Mc ALL CAR OWNERS IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF McKILLOP ARE REQUEST,. ED NOT TO PARK THEIR CARSON THE ROADS OF THE TOWNSHIP DURING THE WINTER Cars that are left on the roads are con- trary ontrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a- detriment to operation of snow plows. AFTER JANUARY 1, 1954, PLEASE NOTE THAT PROVINCIAL POLICE. WILL TAKE THE NECESSARY AC- TION TO SEE THAT CARS ARE NOT LEFT ON ROADS, AND PROSECU- TION MAY FOLLOW. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent SEA.FORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN .DAILY PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 Your Business Directory MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON - Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-3 Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 - P. L, BRADY, M.D. ..Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26, EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. VETERINARY D. J: McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon 13ENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 99 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC • J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105- . Seaforth ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal. Bank Office 561, Res. 455 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH L RYAN Specialist in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satismaction guaranteed. Licensed t Huron and Perth Counties. or particulars rod open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r 6, ,Dublin. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Lleeneed'AUotioneer Correspondence •promptlyanower- ed. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 4654, Clinton. Charges moderate and oethilectton guaranteed. LEGAL A.. W. SILLERY Ba rri ste r,•,$o ti el tor,•Exy._ Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 ............__......_.: SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist' Eyes Examined... Glasses. Fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- day, oaday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 •m. ; Saturday, . 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday,. 9 a.m. to 12:30,.m. CLINTON-Monday, 9 a.m. tet 5:30 p.ln. (MeLaren's Studio). PERCY C. WRIGHT Utet'ia4d Auctioneer Crentaety /, o* held Farm .,ttitlei in tale, +Deli% the tietionear. Photo 2 INSURANCE• FOR ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE LOW COST PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE and RETIREMENT PLANS Phone, Write or Wire E. C. (Ned) BOSWELL` JOHN ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 113 gpecial Representative: The Occidental Life Insurance Co. of California. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE --SEA FORTH, Ont. OPFIOIIS: President - J_ L. $talon, Seaforth Vice -Pres. - J• 1 . ` RcBv/ing, Blyth Manager and Seo.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. TrAwarprs, i71in'ton: J. 1iaE Malone, Seaforth; B. H. Whitt' more, Seaforth; Ohlila.. '' , shalt, Bornholm; Robert A1+cbib :a Near forth; John 'ttPilliam S. Alexander, W vey F5t1teP; Gederleht .t Ilrueefteld, MMus Le A.(121013: : :el L at..'(t