HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-02-12, Page 2!@,
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� � stubborn growth with which Nature Irne, .
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", 1. , adorned his face. - IN . " I
,'. -4 �� '. This wifortunate, . , NTY PAPER .
1. " � i � SEEN I Pro'ZOU PERS To The Editor.
I �_! NOR, . � �,10_, ..., - 1K
` ", 18�0., - . . . �11. .;1 -_ -1 . - . I &
,�. � . E . . . . . I I man has spent 3,467 hours doing . .. . - — , -
, I ' ... I I I - . - 1, . . - , — — — — — - " - � 1-'
... 1"'��.'L. . nothing but shaving. - ' t
, . ftbUshed at Seaforth'Ontario, ev- Receives Coronation Medal The job in KItcbener wT 'I) 'is � i - . Toronto, Feb. 3, 1954. veterans. Everatt Ferguson, World. 11
11 . - 0 ;. ate! i I "-A, .
.... 11, 1, "Sociologists may wonder why Elmer D. Bell, Q.C., was among first experience In TV a!,,oi Is � . . . war 1, Pikes to hear from Wlorldt
,,�"T��,,'tr W Thursday afternoon by McLean the officers of the 210t. Royal ()an, looking forward to the venture in . Editor, The liuron Expositor: - Rev. Mebeher, Y
',��.�!': - y . I moderif woman has so improved her . .1 . . . . "r I veterans
, to a nervy field.-Witighimi Advance . . .. . compliment Methodist Church, Lisbon, Iowa,
.. "", sm I adian Artillery Field Regiment who Church,
,., 1. Dear Sir: I wish -to comP
I" position in relation to her male coon- received Coronation Medals recent- Times. I ... * i
t. , U.S.A., likes to hear from ministers,;
A. Y. Mi ly from BrigadieV&Sta. Todd, Senior , , Please -publish this. .
,. r .;Lean, Editor I-, The,Exposdtor on its "Make More
1:.�, 1. . I
A. terpart in the last 50 years or 30. we Excel In 'Competitions the immi-
Irk I I - . -Exeter . I Jobs' editorial, In which . I
6 �,-; - . "04oe_�,�� - Yours truly,
Reserve Artillery Officer. , X ".
'.% , Subscription rates, $2.50 a year in don't wonder; the answer is quite Times -Advocate. Ja,6k Fischer and Arnold Roney L - 1-1. - gration scene is dealt with obJec- LOUIS N1CHLES
,,; _
I ". - ' . .-� 4 tively and constructively and with 0
I I X -Ray For Injuricis of R.R. 2, Mitchell, and members ------,. - - admirable clearness. - Mechansville, Iowa, U.S.A.
, 1, r, obvious." . . __ .
11�, *dvmce; foreign $3.50 a year. Single I was eapec .
,, I - I ' cents of the- Mitchell Farm Machinery _=Z:__ - tally attracted to that iflual view- * * *
F, "pie% 5 cen each. The writer comes to this conch)- Robin Lee Regier, daughter of Club, took top honors in an inter i
- � point,'duly credited, -to your prairie I_
�, . . Mr. and Mrs, Ra Regier, R.R. 1, provincial farm machinery ,equip-
"I. sion: "Man spends so much' of his contemporary (Winnipeg IF r e e Seaforth, February 9, 1954.
' 11=�er of Canadian . Creddton. was X-rayed in South. went contest held in Toronto on press): ,,In contrast', (to the pre- I I
"""�, -
Member lifetime shaving that he can't com- Huron, Hospital for injuries, to her Thursday, competing against 37 -
, !�� . . Editor, The Huron Expositor:
, sent inflow of'165,000) "this. coun
, �. Weekly Newspapers I pete any longer with beardless wo- arm received when she fell from other two -main teams from coun- i
I �. her, bed on Tuesday afternoon. Dr. ties all over the province. They 0 immigrants Dear Sir: in the passing of the-
�., . . Anociation. ... - Mankind." R J. Milner atterided,heT.-Exeter, were questioned on phases of ma, in a sdngl(� year before the First late Charles Sills, Seaforkh's popil- k
t�r� I 11 . -
" . World War, when oilr total popula lar Postmaster, our district has, lost �
Times,Adfvocate. ch'inery operations and on road
. 'Certainly in the light of these eta- - -
I 1111� r Advertising rates on application. safety and also ,won on practical Brush your teeth - tion. was but 7,632,000, and our to a ,public servant who will be miss .1
, I ,!, . tesfts; and on I. their knowledge of bad labor force was about half as
, I � PHONE 41 I tistics, shaving no longer will be a - without delay ed for many a day., How can his
l... * large as today. A comparable Im- close associates ever -forget his
,;_ . MT. Ivan L. Kalbfleisch recelitly machinery Parts. The contest was k
!r - Authorized as S,4�und Class Mail / routine task. In the future we will received a trans-Atlantic telephone ,sponsored by the Ontario Retail Every time you eat. migration figure for, today would be winning anorning smile, or his, ever -
r � .1, Post Office Dt,partii,L:nt. Ottawa - , I regard it in relation to the days of ,call from a lumber broker in Lon- Farm Equipment D6alers' Associa, Then, mother dear will 800,000 rather than 165,00,0. Indeed jocund, ,speech, which seemed rtbLor- . 0
M�11" . our life it occupies. don, England, regarding a large, tion, and was held in conjunction- the total of 165,00,0 islonly, a little oughly unassumed and naive,_.
r . surely spy 'natural in-
rL". shipment of kiln, dried Canadian with the qutarlo, Soil and Crops better than half our As a student at the Seaforth Col- q
, I SEAFORTH, Friday, February 12 . That gleam is just a treat. crease." � I
� — I 'hard- maple which the local mill is Improvement Asepteiation. - Mit- legiate institute, his attitude was
. SHOULD NOT BE LICENSED getting ready to export across to shell Advocate. I I I TO justice, Of Course, it should be marked by steady and punctilious
K�: . ' England. Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey, � � said that we are opening the West- application to the work in han&I (
11, DANGEROUS 1'i cif f the local telephone staff, hand- Select Police Officer Dept. of National Health and Welfare ern .Prairies in the first decade of With -�hisr immediate associates, h&
For a long time we have had a ' When MItCbell Town CoUnICJI I - hand, counted his lot fortunate, to be un-
. 1: led the call very efficiently, as re- the century; yet, on the other I
,11. The more than usual snowfall this suspicion that the impatient horn- ception was clear -Zurich Herald, met Tuesday night, Elwood B. Me- I - we were definitely on an agricul- der the tutelage of "a gentleman k
Oulligh, of Watford, was engaged, - -_ - - - - - tural and raw material operating d a scholf�rj" the late Charles
winter has provided excellent'oppor- blowing motorist, the passifig-on-the- Child Loses Fingertip as assistant to Chief of Police . - - - - - - 'base, to be contrasted with today's 1,ca-tarkson, S.A., the first Principal of 4
,., tunitieSL for youth of the district to hill type, and all the other smart-alex ' Jeffrey Craig, 16-month"Id son Ralph Chisholm, at a salary of massive industrial achievements, the school that came into being,
. of Mr. and Mr.. R. J. Craig, Au- $2,400 and $50 'Dar allowagee, Oil Years Agone which are attracting 85 per cent not many, years.; following the Con- & q
. enjoy skiing, tobogganing and all the types that from time to titne one burn, met with a painful accident motion of Reeve Douglas and Coun- of these New Canadians, and have federation. .
, other sports which a combination of sees in charge of a car, were suffer- recently when he got his hand, cillos Aitchison. Mr. McCull4gh Interesting Items Picked From sent Canada into the front rank of Fortunate we were, for the cur- 4
.�: family 9 highly r ende e 3 The Huron Expositor of Twen. the training nations. rent report, in those days, cl�timed,
Z. boys and girls, sleighs, hills arid snow ing from some form of mental dis- caught in 'Ile Pulley Of t'he f in"' come 'g ly ecomm d- H I .
m3akei possible. - ability. . washing machine. The child was 28, married, three children, 5 feet "ve and Fift* Years Ago 9 a primary producer of food Mr. Clarkson to be a "TripleSohol- . (
.1 attended by Dr. R. W. Stree,t, of 10% inches tail arid weight, 205 and', fiber, I tend to measure this ar," having -graduated lion Toron-
1, , ' '
, . . — vital traffic in terms of a recent to
'L� That full advantage is being takerf - That, o Blyth, and was taken to the Clio- pounds. He had ,had, five years' ,of I , University with honours in �
., Our suspicions were well ton Hospital, where Dr. Oakes ,at- Police experience, two of which address by President Eisenhower, English, Mathematics and- Science. -
by Sea�orth boys and girls is evi-* founded is borne out by a tendled him. Jeffrey lost the tip were spent with the Ontario Pro- From The Huron Expositor before the Future Farmers of Am- "Thd good that men do, live after k
� . report of this Index nigger of his right vincial Police, from which he,re- . February 15, 1329 erica, at Kansag City, Mo.: "In the them." This is a truism. We still
2111� dented by the crowds that almost made to the National, Safety Coun- hand.-Bl"A Standard,. signed one year -ago. With four past half our nation's •,pop'u- have,, in memory, a casual class- k
. A successftl skating piirty was
, daily have been seen along the roads cil of the United States by Dr. Alan years of army experience, most of -held at the Hen8all rink on Friday lation has almost, doubled, in the room saying of our late Principal, I
- "
, Man Hurt By Bull t,
.. -which was spent In England, Sicily next six years our population will "If a student is able to masteor 14
1 and on the hills! near town. Canty, psychiatrist of Detroit, evening by the scholars of the pub-
;. . I S traf- A 75 -year-old Cfedilton. man who and Italy, he was ,honorably dis, lie s,chool- Among the race win- grow by the equivalent of the pre- Latin, he should be able to sur '
' But the op' ortunities that eiist for fic clinic. Dr., Canty said that of charged in 1945. Latterly he has sent total population of our great mount any subject on 'the curricu- �
1, p wag attacked by a bull in his. barn ner_q ,were William Drummond, Al- '
l I been timekeeper with a construe- � neighbor, Canada. The promise lum,,, .
winter fun have resulted this year in 10,000 ."problem drivers' referred to at Crediton on Sunday, was• taken beirt Wolfe, Bill Joynt, Dick WdIsh, that this rapid growth holds out f
1, tion firm at Watford. There were As a, student, Charlies Sills' in-
. to Victoria Hospital, London, with Aldoin Appleton, Bob Passmore, to all our people, and especially timate classmates readily saw,,t'�e,
� se becoming alto- the clinic by the courts, 100 were four applicants interviewed, 15 aip- Kaye
: a broken right lower leg. He is . Paterson, Mary -Hemphill, farmers, is tremendous. .It repre- ease with which he sompod'
. the -found to be crazy enough to be com- Harry Fattier, whose. daughter and plications' and, decision was made Olive Brock, Harold Foster, Ed. -Oq more breaktas-ts. 7,000 t.broug,h Virgil's prosaic "Aeneld," I
J:ether too prevalent. And this is the Mr -and Mrs. Ross Krue- by ballot. -Mitchell Advocate. Little, Florence McDonald, Hazel seats 7,0 - .
. . habit of hitching sleighs or tobog- mitted to an asylum, 850,were feeble- `-lu", more danners, 7,00 more suppers, the lighter lyrics of .Horace, ands I
.. I ger, live on the farm with him. He Receives Ac�lamation Hudson, Beryl- Pfaff ,and, Edera each day, thail the day before," the heavier poetry, of ill-starred
; gons behind moving cars. It is ser- minded and 1,000 were former in was alone when injured, and Mr. Munroe.
! . Most of Krueger said he did not know how 'Goderich Town Council will have -There were 13 deaths, in the, My understanding is that Can- "Ovid." We feel certain- that, in l
,. JOUS enough on a little -travelled coun- mates of mental hospitals. M( the attack happened. Mr. Fahner another new member at the council Township of Tucker -smith during ada's population, i.e., fret natural higher seats of learning, he could! I
, 'the remainder table when, it meets again. The now Plus immigrants, is grow- handle with the saltie consumate,
Y' -try road, but when it takes place on , P apparently, ,were was taken first to South Huron . . the mouth of January, the largest i,ng about 1,10t) every day. If that ease, :fiery Cicero's conspiratorial
I 94 member is, Councillor Prank Sk-bl- number in One month in the his- presidential formula app
. Hospital, Exeter.-Zurlich Herald,
. a busy highway, not only those on emotionally unstable." . ton, who was named- by asthma- I lies to "Catiline," Xeriophone's. historical
." . - tory of the township. I
... Win Honors in Speaking Test tion as, a result of last Canada, it is pleasant to po,nder "Anahasis," or Homer's great Tiro -
the , the toboggan, but'also the driver of The problem now of course is to . Thursday " A presentation was made Friday the trend in the home demand for jan epics, "llaid and Odyssey," not
11 ' ) t . Alexia Lostell and Michael Par- night's nomination meeting. Count- evening to Mr. and, . Mrs. Frank
row were winners in the public - ial sense, a Canadian 'does. not live dies of Sophocles and Aeschylua.
. the car, are asking for trouble. evolve some means of identifvine cillor Skelton, a newcomer to civic ]Bruce, Tuckers,mith, when a num food. Moreover, even in a plater- for, the more abstruse trage 4
,.. The swinging of the toboggan pro- . these unfortunate and dange�roiis &peaking contest sponsored, by Exe- Politics, was the only one of three ber of friend's and neighbors met .
nominated at the meeting to qual- , -
. alone'. - Whether. in the gymnasium or om,
, vides a hazard that can'endanger the types so that there will be no possi- ter Lions Club al S.H.D.H.-S. Pri- ify by the deadline, 9 p.m. on F'ri- at their home to bid, them farewell, . "GROU NDLINE" ' � tke school campus, no more . . h
11 . . daA The two will compete in a ditty. He was nominated by ' Miss:Ada Spence made the presen- doughty champion could be found.
. C�Oun_ tation of a salad) bowl -and silver * * * �
� . .
lives those it carries, as. well as bility of drivers' permits being IS-. district cornpetition, arranged by cillors Ken Pennington and Frank service. A. W. Norris read the I The part he played as a member
placing approaching. vehicles at a sued them. . � the service club. Miss Lost,ell won service. The other two, John Vin- address, . Mechansville, Iowa, of the unconquered, Huron football ,
I , - - - - I - - __. the girls' ,division with a speech mat, who was, nominated, by Wal- - . team will not soon be forgotten.
dangerous disadvantage. - - on "Albert Einstein". Kay MOPP ter Hern. and Thomas Do Mrs. F. D. Hutchison went to the Editor: , � There is still extant, a ,clipping A
1. - I placed second and Elizabeth Hun- Dougherty, Mitchell on' Saturday to help cele, I
"..'. � . , Surely there are enough placZs ter was -third. Michael Farrow top- and C. M. Robertson, nominated by brats her mother's 95th birthday, Dear Sir: I am a World Witir I from an issue of The Huron Exposi- I
'' . What Other Papers Say.* Couneillor..Reuben Besse and J. A. American Legion member. I found tor, while still owned and publish-
, li where sledding can be enjoyed with- ped,the boys' class with. the sub- Snider, failed to file qua,lifleatlon and was delighted to find, her well your place in an ad.; read your ad. ed by the grandfather of the pres- I
1, ,..out employing busy highways. Mo- - - - � 11005- ject, "Tin Tan. Alley". Don Tay, papers with the result that no and happy after a -serious illness. and I thought that I would -write to eat owner, viz., Mr. M. Y. McLeam.
I � 'Tyr was awarded second -place and election was needed. The annual. meeting of the Sea- " ,below
torists who permit or encourage use Councillor forth branch of the Red Cross was you. -1 would like to hear from; a The list gives the names of (.
. .
11 . . Good Old Days Tom Easton third -Exeter Times-' Skelton filed his, qualification pa- held Friday World War I veteran from there. all the classmates, in Charlie's.
; Advocate. ' l
at the home of the
111 . of their cars for towing, are taking (Kamloops Sentinel) Pers immediately -after the nomina- president: The following officers Send me a copy of your newspaper.. graduating year, at the Seaforth: /
, .
", an unnecessary, risk for which, in the Takes,TV Job in Kitchener tion meeting. Mr. Vincent was, the were elected: -president, Mrs. H. J. We bave.a fine active town, popu-- Collegiate Institute, Names are in,
I. . defeated• candidate for the deputy, Gibson; secretary, Mrs. P. J Bur— It(tion 950, on Lincoln Highway 3() alphabetical order. We, quote-. r
, I .. event of an accident, they would be . Time was when a gallon of gaso- Don Hildebrand, announcer On reeve post in DecernbeT'S municipal J.
-25 miles to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, "Resultp, of Christmas Examina-
,. rows; -assistant., Mrs, I, T. De-
,. Station CKNX, has obtained. a.
"., I P69i- election, w1i.J.-le Mr. Robertson was Lacey; treasurer, Mrs, A. D. S population WON-" ,liolne of Quaker tions, 190,2: Form IV - 'Hal -Vey
: held responsible. . . line 'would take you pretty far at a tion as news announcer on the new defeated) candidate for the mayor- erland-. uth- Oats, Company. We ,have a large Brownell, Fred Broadtoot,' George. t
;. fair price. Today a man is ]Uekyto, Kitchener TV Station. CKCO-TV, alty. Both were members of last Ed. Lindenfleld and Albert Tr" stock 'sale; barn 'sales twice a Buchanan,, Rebecca ,Carter, John,
. . and will be leaving to assume his year's council. Councillor Skelton qu a. week; hog capital of U.S.A. Gardiner, Tom Gormley, Frances. I
HENISALL CONSIDERS ICE be able to afford a drive downtown new duties on February 15. Th . � air, Hensall, are forming apart -
be - ' e will fiVIh""-seat on council left rsh Our Legion post is building a Gray. Mabel Hartry, Melvin Keys, f
I I PROPOSAL ..... . ne il) to Carry on the ,hardware
1. I new station will- be sending Out vacant . e resignation of Frank business, which- they have purchas- new $65,000; Legion Memorial build- Geoffrey Hamilton, Robert Hum- I
test patterns around; the middle of Callow. 6 will replace Mr'. Gal- . ing on our Mair) corner; many pec- Phreys, Elizabeth Lawrefice, Fred-' , it
I I . and a penny left for the ,
'. 11 .
, ed from Mr. Heaman, Exeter.
The citizens of Hensall' long "have ' parking meter. the month; and is expected, to go low as chairman of council's park , pie donated the money and lot. J. Lawrence, ,(Miss) I. ,Nl,c '
. I . r the pride which they I the spe- A successful charity euchre and Don,
February 28. Mr. Hildebrand has I cial, industrial. court of revis] '
1. On the air full time on Monday, committee and meraber of dance was held, in the Town Hall, a disabled, World War I overseas Charles Sills, (Miss) R. Smith,
been known fo' Edith B. Helene, of our Legion is, .old, Ernest Murray, Arthur Scott, P?
, Sweet Reason Or the Paddle been with -CKNX for the Past two I and -water, light. and Hens,all, when they were 46 tables
" take in their community. , ,harbor om- in play. nurse and can't walk. She lilies to Alec Waugh, .Clayton White-- ', t
.1 ' years, coming there from Stratford. mittees_--Goderich Signal -Star, Mrs. Alex Smith captur- get letters from. other folks fo_?'Den I
L. . This is reflected in the care with - - r the ladies-; John Is. Leon Ralston, World War 11. Yours truly, .
, .. . .(Ottawa Journal) . - - . d first prize for pa �
J, which individual properties are main- I - .— -ft.WW Murdoch, Brucefield, for the men; likes to hear from World War 11 �
,-, ; rained, the neat, attractive homes, There, is sitting in Toronto a select — � Miss Mary McKaig, Hensall, won I . r
;, - the consolation. Music was sup- - - -
" committee of the Ontario Legislatur� plied by,Gordon. Bolton, Alex Me- . .
"..., and the'prosperous business places. I
I 4
, * 'PI PV . Gadgets F;� , It is also reflected in the manner in on Reform Institutions, and .this - J Gregoraud Rubert Norris. The ac -
I companists were� . 40Ach. I -I -.Mrs. John Mur- ,000 To Mak.. I
L ........... whick ',,the,., citj�ens_ have, provided we&- an interesting difference of m McLean.
. .1 I . . Miss Jean Drager, Walton, has
_ , "I returned from Toronto to take a I
'. themselves with those amenities opinion eloped between its chair- Life More Agreeable .
�: which go so far to make poisisIble a man, Mr., W. J. Stewar� M.L.A. for , - — _---ft0-__1ft-0"-ftft0W-ftft.0-_ - 0 -ft W." - - �... *110 Position in Bernie & , McLeod's . - .
. store. . I
snore pleasant living. Parkdale, and Mr. A- R. Virgin, di- Approximately
Farm, News of Huron or inived4ead and- the- tail dries up .Mr. Fred Ennis, Walton, is at (From the Saint John Te -le -g%. A
� The modern waterworks is an ex- . proximately 15 to 20 inches of and falls, off within a short time', Present' drawing gravel for the . ra ph- shape of a red felt ,hat topped with
; - rector of Reform Institutions the
snow ell in some sections of the Experience at the Indian Head foundation under J. Campbell's Journal) a translucent red dome
� -ample, as also the library, with its 11 f I . (in the as�
. . ' county last week and particularly Farm has shown that such infec- dwelling. .. tral ibub,ble fashion of I
I many worthwhile books. Another is- - provincial government. over the weekend. tion can be controlled, effectlively . • All the great rainds, aren't work- bombers)
` However, with 0 . which blinks from Power. coming
� I I up-to-"te snow removal equipment, and the tails savedi by the applica- * ' ing on new uses for atomic ener. V
:, the.CommunityCentre and Arena, The argument concerned the be- farm meetings held in the county tion of tincture of iodine during the . Frorv% The Huron Expositor gy. .Many inventors, still try- from a battery carried in the hunt- I
. -
, I I I-arl9t wee -It were exceptionally well early stages of infection. Treat- February 12, 1904 ing to iraProve mousetraps and egg er's pocket, I .
, which was made possible a few years beaters. I But the strangest invention Of
- attended. ment on two or three -successive . ,all, we
ago as a result of the united -efforts William Carter, Constance, think, is the night club . I
of juveniles, and how they should be It was reported at the annual days is advisable. Care should be ha s Showing syjnp�thy r6r human -
,I taken, that the entire affected area been very successful with his fancy sty's ol,aily, Problems, Edisons and ,check with the Luminous total, We I I
of the people of Hensall and district. meeting of the County Hog Pro- always thought the totals, on bills
:. peopledealt with. Mr. Stewart w;&`afl for -du,er's' Association that weanling and the region surrounding it is fowl this winter. 'He exhibited 110 Da Vinci's of all age-, stormed the
r Now the community is explorifi and the like stand out quite en-
. ", 9 . PI ivere selling at comm ng well painted or covered With iodine. at Toronto Winter Show, taking U.S. patent office in 19�53 .
� , the old-fashioned woodshed treat- unity and- -•nine first prizes, and one seepnol with more ough' with -out putting*
,, I It treatment is delayed, until com than 40.000 ,devices. Some may be 1, them in
" , , the possibility of installing artificial .. farm sales, for as. much as $28.50
I .. - � ice -making equipment in the arena, ment.' It used to be, he said, that a apiece. plete girdling of the tail has oc- He .sent 14 entries to Lincoln -show harelbrained, perhaps. But most- is interesting, nevertheless, to .1
` .. Approximately 100- people, . currvit there is little chance of and was successful in taking 14 of them are in the tradition ,of bbe _6r9_- that inventors, think about ,
'O �, in- success. first prizes. I door -k -nob ,and, the zipper as gad- such things. . I
i . so that it can provide even greater juvenile court judge could take a bad eluding Veterinarians, municipal
:1 - and teredation of agrtculture of- I * * * I . The oldest inhabitant of Kippen gets sincerely offered, to 'help man's .
� service. So that every person inter- boy out into the Boiler room and give ' does not recollect so ,severe or so struggle-tbrough time. . -
, ficials and farmers, attended a gen- Creeping Alfalfa Proves Hardy long a stormy period, as they are Quite a few
". opportunity of him a - sound spanking, and eral calfboad vaccination of the year's im
i. he Oil meeting PIP 'are. working to ,en- A Smile ox .
fully discussing the proposal, a meet- thought ,departmental - policy had
to hear the provincial veterinarian tit breed�&rs, now having. The residents have al- tions won't make a great de,1.1 of Two.
I;! I explain the calfhood vaccination develop hardy, creeping rooted, Das, � most forgotten what a freight train money for their creators, The
l .1 ing is being held in the Town Hall gone astray in eliminating Corporal Program, which is functioning 1111- tore types, of alfalfa which will .per looks like. briefcase with builtin mittperhaps- I
I .
�' der the Brucellosis' sist under grazing. There is also a The dock of the roof of D. D. won't find much The
,. next Wednesday evening, That the punishment. Mr. Virgin disagreed. is, Act. of a market, but frail old, lady
. fell down I
� Possibility that Such a type -might Wilson ' 's large brick stable fell in if you happeneil to have one, it .stairs and broke a leg. The doctor
;1. . I meeting will be largely attended, and He favored "an across-the-table-dis- . * * * I be developed: to be more adapted, on Saturday night about 9 o'clock, would come ill very handy when Put, it in a cast and warned -her k
� than existing varieties to s,ha'IlQw giving way under th.e *eIgbt of the weather is cold. 22()t to walk up or down stairs, Af-
1�- _ tha"he proposal will be thoroughly cussion attitude" as more likely than Save the Tails of Little Pigs or poorly dTained soils. I stow. The sides of the, roof which For people who get tired when ter several rnon.ths of .S,Iow healing . 11
xeWe*ed, goes without saying. a spanking to convince the young The tail of -a pig is of little ,va- Rbizoma, a creeping -rooted type are covered, with slate, are 10"t in- sitting on 'hard chairs a man. ,
. of- has the doctor tool, off the cast.
' lue to the packer or butcher. But developed -at the University Of Bri- tact. There were several horses in invented a Pair of trousers 'Way 1) climb the stairs now?" A
�, � fender of the error of his ways. Mr. without tl�is small appe the stable a with a I
. ,ud.a.ge no tish Columbia, has not shown too t the time, but none of built-in cushion. Another inventor asked the old lady.
NO ROUTINE TASK,'THIS Stewart retorted that, the modern pig can attain ;the ultimate in much of the creeping habit in tests .them were injured has ,Patented a doorbell for the
` . .1 '
-, form, balance or poise, that means in Eastern Canada. Creeping -root- Mr. JC. G. Ault, Seaforth grocer, family dog, while still another has, "ye -9." replied the doctor. IT
J�,:l I Tasks that require to be performed ideamas to let children express thein- so much to the eye of the feeder, ed alfalfa strains a.re being devel- �as -placed an -automatic cash "Goodie!" she chortled. ra
. reg- presented a Pair of shoes Which sick of climbing up anti, down the
1�, each day tend to become routine, and selves, which they . certainly (lid, breedoer or show -ring judge. To the oped at Swift Current from.,cross, ister in his store, to keep. pace will permit the wearertowalk on drainpipe!,,
1�11- I 64 observant feeder, tightly curle,d; ing creeping-roifted plants of a with his largely increasing trade. water.
,�', as such are taken for granted by, probably by. . heaving something tail's , -On Tues.
;,.�. I are also an indication of good Siberian strain with plant - day morning the ther- A man from Virginia patented 0,
, ?p I & .from
?J�` , inost'of us. ,..--- throuell the window'. health and, thrift, while straight the Ladak variety. The Swift Cur- urometer registered .15 degrees, be- what he calls a dis,ciplinary Paddle .. . .
ITYX � . . uncurled, tails convey the opposite rent station has a few "trains of low zero, &9a on Wednesday i,t which is •,designed, to Protect cbdl.
,, �
�, So it is with shaving. It requires It is not, of course, a new question meaning. . A teacher who believes in giv-
,�,' this type in tests at a number Went to 22 degrees, below, dren fr ni being injured by par� ing children their, full Christian, .
,�o . of
�� � Obs,ervations made at the Damin. Ex'perim'ental Stations across C At Tuckersmith Council meeting encs
who names,' not, diminutives, was. M
%,' , of few moments of ones time each and it is not confined to the juvenile . Can ho forget bow strong they. cent,
ioa Experimental Farm, Indian ada. These -strains are ,showing a on Tuesday the contract for four 'are when they take young Willie y ,getting
to know
ho�r A*W
,T�,, -�ak a court or to reform institutions. Many Head, Seek., says W. W. Cram, in- more definite creeping ch,&rsveter iron bridges was -awarded,, Mr. F. to the woodshed,
,But now
is that.
, k I w along .comes the Brock. a parent has met it in the dofii68tie (Mcate that toss' tails usually oc- than R.bizoma. Single plants grow- Guttridge, town, got the ,contract ergy 19 put into If too much e,- class. "What are you m4led?"
h, she 'asked, the first little, bo7:
I IF � - , 1, 11191 the "rat mouth of the Ing In Spaced planting may show for two' of these for the . tM the whack thb
11i . *i1le Recorder and filmes to remind sphere, hasi wondered whether spar- curs during e &W ant handle breaks in the middle. "Dall," he replied.. .
- ' pig's life and that a large propor, a spread, of from three to five feet .work, and, Nagle & Looby, Hibbert, For the habitual . . "I shat call you Daniel 11 she told
1� ,f ing the rod -do tion of such losses lip Caused lip, a In ,t ear time.. - . snorer, a Seattle ],,M.
.k- us that the average male spends al- I e§ really spoil the WO years' 'a for the other two. I tan 1kan.11
for, of external Infection. woman (we thought It would ,be a "It's much better I'
1""�.'., tie darAng, whether the soft answer At the Kapuskasing .Station, in The Jamuary thaw Came In Pelhru- W,omalk) The next boy said
,4` Jilost a year of his life doing nothing Little is known regarding the in, Northern Ontario, where winters ary'fAIF9 year. There *as a d,061ded patent6d an anti -snoring Sam. his. name was
1111'but 6' have. and the reasoned argument are.more lection' which causes tthe fail device �WIIIC,h fits behind the lips, "111 this form it - will be
94 I I s of are severe, Rhizoma ibas compared thaw On 51tutday' And-serveral ,cm- and over the teeth r Samuel," said th4a •teatber. .passing
, t -e on Sull
1 � "uming that the male star eftetive than the razor stmp in young P'gst to drY up and, fall, off, , favorably With varieties' such as lairs Were fl000fed for a, tita, - sleeper from �,T) eventing the
I - ts blveat ng through his to the next ,boy, she asked: "And
It appears PrObSble that it may be Grimm, Cossack, or Ontario varte- day, when On that day there was mouth. �
, I . lw�,111t'8'your.b-ame?"
! ,,,! Ah-aving,at the age of 18,11 the Re- buildinj character and turning raw a form, or PRrastf(I fungus on straw gated. Under unfavorable 'condi a -001etlt change in the weather, A one -legged milking stool came I., "J
i . which has the ability to transfer tlOfts dest
. , I
I ,;;L, &6rder and Times reasons, "and that ... (sometimes Very ., raw) material into to, .,d, live on, the skin of F .. f,j� the Winter of 1.9rD,2_53, And Monday was the col� In b1W into 'being, tboi And all that the I 0 deli.
1, �`. 11 I oung Rhizoma came through the winter tOrY., �40t'�Jthst&Udftg the - *
�� a person fit for human society. - -nursing Digs. . severe wearer (it 19 strapped to lift) )was
' fie' fiVes, to 75, he will then have been with o* eight to nine per cent of severe "turns find- cold, -
' weather of 'to 'do Is to assume a sitting 1)os
A, The trend certainly is, again .'The first sign Of this tYPe of In. winter killing compared with 25 to the Past month, Friday W&S _ An old fellow; low: Out of work, took '
,*A M dr a period of 57 years. If & tore and the milking stool fa I
_ ,,,:V
") � ,•
,. g ov Wthe
.11� , - '
. . �, ''.. , Q16,1Q 4OW 't
� . i W ' � _ fectiou In Young P1981 is usually a 2-5 per cent in the other varieties. first day that - SeAf0fth Was wft. light Into ptac kl 119 to tralilping the roads. At noon he
. ....,,)I , , . 8 hila 10 minutes Pei- shave strap, in favor of the milder methods arm" sot Or :Scab On th(A upper This *90 lat'Wbuted to die wet fall Out a'matl'Of Any kind ,e. What with auto- got Up enough COUrAke• to knock on
� T i " '' , . I I I W In the uratic milkers so cO�'Mon these Mr. BrIckley,4 back door to ask for
. , ,
s4do 41id near the root of the tail, .IA 1962. faced on " flet, M. A. 4"t of *eat,
I y Wi 11pd that in, one, year he which, al to the expertUr. Vir- UAg qmall spot the Irdedtion VW64,61co, In -1 .e � of forage and . After,.fhe aoh*ol
,,, `,.,,',4a,, From . d this' Is a little a bite to eat, 0
IL' b 'ip hutes with r abd gin, but it is interesting _
911. �d [61 .660.1ii - razor ng to see, I that I rapidly spreMs, arwnd, .thb tail. t 11#14 cio" at P"kAdwilm . Meeting of S. .I&te' but it may 0=0 *111SIldrY. for Mrs. Brickley, 0, :amd tired ftom. 0
.. �,, , , � _q a-*�12,"9tti16t0a9J? MOMi kon&y AU ey, h, t
I % Ytire ''
form a narrow, dark-eOlOred baid 0, ,er�#Wntiot"b Wad. &6�6)ijer'.4w bjok,ew.
, I the',W061ity Mr. Sftwaft Al*ele, I ,10. 1*94 16461 to 'm"c"a"'s' and StrawbOri7 doing the wgghing, t'hftw,,
I , ; 'r-1 "-,i1'-1_,- I .V I I �tho I
. bbor M Fox �" � fi I '. ' door and aftapbed,'."Did you w1A i
, w4H spend ivs ft'' , �, , bdfi4r of tbe'tft$t6e6 And then there I
}flys ��LFf�-,f��.'�, �Jw � S a"g whieh -eamOstely girdles the tail, dvolgopeA _& 11 r In ,4 Afi4 opou I
��, 11 ��,, 4 1 � t :1 , , ,1 g, 57 - y6ars, he xly uneonvineed. 0 a ' neralIT ,v#thtt two -to $Our day$, 10*!.10fol , . .. � . �Ak UTYVL nuffm
' � '� , .� re A 'Fbowar fig 8 the Httlo' to "* *671#
� 10,11,11rw ."fling.,W& . ft �,*L..,
� �r , W, . I . I I , I "or, ,,,,,;,, ", .. I - M, I,'' bowar ' W'deh 19"WO esft&ar I ' r
,� I . " T,
' ",I �, .. , , ,
�j, , � I M Mr� 01 '. *0 � I
, �".�"��i��$ % * .1 Nuas Is complewil, dr.� in, 1, k Ir
�'o . . . - V t8W' - The 0141 •fedlovr, ,bieked :away I
I """',$ 1 1 1 W, � ; � I .1 a , ".` I!. I to
, ,�, : , I I I T P I 1%w
I , I .1 . . . 1. I 1, I / I � 4 twa The tau is sto�PA i J_ i # � " � '. ; dkers, it ,,�-d "Okly
I r 1. I I 1P *iC# , = 1=
1.1; I I I 1* . . I . � . . . . I I . * " - ' "W6111, it. I dfi% � *A*00, - I I I
, . . . . I . . , Mylift"ftom's "16-4
I , I " : , � 1, 1� - I I , . . md t9k I got thy VLoh"., : ,ym.�, .
�4 , , , '. (;', ' 1! I I I . .
"I dI I ,.� '. , , , . , I .. 1, . . 1- � I N I I .
-1 � A r!',41'+1• �. 1�J " , , . 0
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