HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-29, Page 4k d .t txssified Ads ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates 11 SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: r let Week ▪ ' 1 Cent 2nd Week Cent 3rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. ' a4iatds of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events, ---1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per,, week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days Sof date of final insertion. Ina' Abs. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Eta—Rates on application. .' Coming Events AN Ii4VITA'110N IS SENT TO ALL TO d1 come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal Palace m Mitchell, every Friday gace B allroo might, to the music of Clarence Petrie 4o the Night Hawks. EDELWEISS REBEKAH LODGE WILL sponsor a euchre Darty in LO.O.F. Hall, Seaforth, Monday, February 8, at 8:80 p.m. Proceeds in aid of the Wo- men's Hospital Auxiliary. 4491-1 VALENTINE SUPPER, WEDNESDAY, February 10, at Northside United Church Sunday Schoolroom, from 5 to 8 p.m.; Hot Beef. Admission: Adults 81.00, Children 40e. Under auspices of the W.A. 4490-2 Property For Sale FOR SALE- MODER1ti..ILF.,SIDENCE ON Centre Street, Seaforth; six rooms with bath and oil heat; newly decorated inside and outside. MRS. MARY C. POLLARD. 'Tel. 1314. 4491-2 Opportunities 'BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, STEN- ograp'6er, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For :particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENUE COURS- ES, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto 4490x2 Wanted YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS. Phone 783 between 6 and 7 p.m. 4482x1 ANTED—GARAGE IN VICINITY Or Main Street. Apply JAMES WAL- LACE. Phone 682-W. 4490-28 WANTED TO BUY — HIGH QUAL- ity cow manure. Write EARL MAGUIRE, R.R. 3, Scotland. 4490x4 ELDERLY COUPLE WANTS TO RENT small cottage or ground apartment. Apply Box 289. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4490-tf WANTED—MIDDLEAGED WOMAN TO do general work in cottage. Must b good cook- Apply to HOWARD WRIGHT'. , Phone 690 r • Hensall 4491x1 FOR SALE—SHED, APPROXIMATELY 18' by 20' : gond condition. Can be T� easily moved. SEAFORTB SHOES 4LTD.. For Rent Phone 188. , For Sale von SALE—EIGHT PIGS. PHONE DIRK W'OLTERBEEK, 22 r 14, Dub- lin. 4491-1 FOR SALE—BALED HAY, MIXED alfalfa and timothy; 312 per ton. PHONE 665 r,,4, Seaforth. 4491-1 FOR SALE -SIX COLLIE PUPS. AP - ply MRS. HAROLD PRYCE. 4491-1Phoe 840 r 2. Seaforth. THE RN EXPOSITOR ,. Hensall Lddies' Auxiliary Holds Social Evening FOR -- SAFECHESTERFIELD 2 -PIECE suite. Phone 108-W. Seaforth. 4491x1 FOR #ALE—BUDGIES, MALES,_$9, and 1 females, $7, also cages and stands. TED SAVAUGE. Phone 120, Seaforth. 449lxl NEWS OF HEN SA1- The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held a social evening in the Legion Hall Monday evening, entertaining as their special guests, members of the Legion. Bingo and cards were featured during the evening, with' winners of `bingo as. follows: Dr. and Mrs. D. McKelvie, Mrs. By - ran Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. F. Aiken - head, Mrs. Sam Dougall, William Brown, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. George Varley, MIs. E. R. Shad - dick, Mrs, Alice Joynt, Mrs. Win. Clement. At the conclusion of lunch, danc- ing was enjoyed! with Dr. 'McKel•vie, furnishing the music at the piano. Recreation conveners were Mrst Bertha Moir and Mrs. Keith Bueh- 'nau: lunch conveners, Mrs. 'Har- old Bonthson and Mrs. By -ran Kyle. The affair was much bnjoyed and was attended by over fifty. ' FOR RENT—COTTAGE, TWO BED - rooms. PHONE 841 r, 2, Seaforth. 4491-tf FOR RENT- 1'HttEE-ROOM UNFUiRN- ished apartment; heated; hot and col I FOR SALE—BELL AND HOWELL 8MM. water. Apply to Box 290. HURON EX- . movie projector, good as new. Halt POSITOR 4490x2 !twice. Apply DR. E. A. McMASTER. Phone 26, Seaforth. 4491-1 FOR SALE . GIRLiS SKATES AND white boots, size 12. in good condi- tion, $3.00. PHONE 678-51.. Seaforth. • 4491x1 Tenders Wanted • TENDERS rpENDERS WANTED FOR WOOD - 1" Tenders will be received up to Febru- ary 15 for the supply of 10 cords hard wood,to be delivered at School Section 3, Mullett, by the end of June. WALTER SCOTT, Secretary. R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4491x2 TENDERS TENDERS, WANTED FOR 'SUPPLY OF 1 nix (6) one-half ton pickup trucks with the following equipment: Heater, defroster. anti -freeze. six -ply sires, including apare, undercoated. Purchaser reserves right to divide pur- chases as he so desires. Please quote prices in various quantities up to nix. Mark tenders for trucks on envelope andfoiward Rn to undersigned n erai ed not later than 6.pm, Monday. February 1, 1954. '?west or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, - Deputy Clerk, Huron County, Court House, • _ Goderich, Ontario. 44914 • Notices Church." The choir rendered the anther,, "Bless the Lord, 0 My Soul." In the evening Mr. Fox con- tinued the series of sermons on the sd.ory O; the,church, with the third, entitled, "Paul, the Soldier of Jesus Christ." T:he a.nnUal congregational Meet- ing of Carmel Church will he (held Friday night, January 29, in the Sunday schoolroom at 8 p.m. Of interest to the church people of lit -mall will be a meeting in Carmel Church, Sunday night, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m., when the Rev. W. Tonge, B.A., district representative of the Bible Society, will be pre- sent to speak and to show the film, "The Book and the World of Tomorrow." This (meeting is for the purpose of• reorganizing this work in the community, -and mem- bers of all denominations are in- vited to meet in Carmel Church for this occasion. Y.P.S. Plans Concert The regular meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Y. P. Society was held in .the Sunday schoolroom 'Monday night , with 10 members present. President Edith Love was in the chair. The worship was conducted by Russell Faber, arid: the study and film strip .pre- sented by M'r. Fox. The Society made final prepara- tions for the concert to be held on. February 4, midi also for the inter - Church Rally of Young People on Sunday, February 7, when Carmel Y.P.S. will be host to members• of other Y.P. groups in the commun- ity. Refreshments were enjoyed! at the close of the meeting. Carmel Church Notes At the • morning service Rev. J. B. Fox spoke on the subject, "Three Charges Againstt he FOR SALE-- UPRIGHT PIANO: 14 H.F. General -Electric motor; pair men's skates, size 7: metal baby bath. All in good condition. ' PHONE 265. Seaforth. 4491x1 eaf rth.x1 IIONEY FOR SALE—CLOVER HONEY in 8 -pound pails only, $1.50. Amber honey. $1.35. in 8 -pound pails only. WA.L= LACE ROSS APIARIES. Seaforth. 4490x2 VACUUM GLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL • makes; 22 years' experience. We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4452-tf' RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-5- 4363-t3 N 4TICE--WILL DO BABY SITTING any night except Saturday and Sun- day nights. PHONE &86-R. 4491n1 ATTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDRTWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth. or 235,. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf Auction Sales Personals HSUPPLIES UPPLIES (R U BRE R. Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c.; 24 'samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. 'B-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AUCTION 'SALE OF FARM STOCK. Farm Implements, some Feed and Household Effects, of Russel Morden, Lot 25, Concession 8. Hibbert Township, on Tuesday, February 2nd. 1:30 pet.: CAT- TLH—One blue cow, bred June 20; 1 Ayr- shire cow, bred June 6; 1 red cow, bred June 10; 1 Holstein cow, bred June 12e 1 2e.1 blue heifer, bred July 20: •1 Holstein heifer. bred September 2: 1 red heifer. lu, years old: 1 black heifer, one brown heifer, 1 blue heifer, all yearlings; 2 red heifers ; 1 Tam sow; 12 pigs, 10 weeks old : 50. hens IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey- Hartis No. 22 tractor. two years old. Massey -Harris tractor mower; 1 rubber tired wagon; 1 circular saw: two -wheeled trailer; 1 two -furrow Oliver ,plow; 1 cream separator with motor: two -unit National milking machine; 1 wbeelbarraw; 1 bag truck: set of 11200 -pound scales; 3 oil drums. CARS -1 1938 Dodge car: 1 1989 Nash car in running order. FEED -- 2 or 3 tons of • miited grain.' HOUlSE- 'HO LD EFFECTS—Piano and bench; ; lib- rary table: 2 occasional chairs; 1 dining room suite, complete: 2 rocking chairs; extension table: 4 kitchen chairs; 1 stand with drawers) Clare -Jewel cook stove„ Bream enamel; 1 electric stove: twin beds,. complete; 2 dressers: double bed. complete No reserve as farm is sold. Terms—Cash. RUSSEL NORDEN. Propeietor: Joseph. L. Ryan. Auctioneer; William Maloney. Clerk. ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED IFOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment. furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please call • STATION HOUSING OFIFICE at Clinton. a82; local. 252. 443641 ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McXILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Tnrurance. Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.0. Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness Insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE. Seaforth. Phone 394-M. - 44.5648 Notices To Creditods "Livestock Wanted Mr. Roy Soldan left on Sunday for Florida,.where he will 'vacation for two months. Mrs. E. Geiger flew from To- ronto to Winnipeg in- less than four hours on Monday night, Jan. 25, leaving Toronto at 7:20 and ar- riving in Winnipeg at 11:10 pm. Ma's. Geiger is- spending a month with her daughter and, son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray, and family. Ross Jinks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manley; Jinks, was taken to Vie- toria Hospital, London, Saturday night for an emergency appendix operation. The many friends of Ross extend to him a quick recov- ery to health. DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" rolled, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. In Memoriam NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary. Beale. Dseeasd ALL CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ing any claim against Mary Beale, late of the Village of Dublin. In the County of Huron, Telephone Operator, who died on or about the Srd day.of Janu- ary, A. D. 1954, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned .full particu- lars of their claims on or before the 80th day of January. A. D. 1954. After the last-me'htioned date the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereo. having -regard only to the claims of which notice bas been received. DATED at 'Mitchell, Ontario, this llth day of January, A. D. 1954. CLAUDE HORNE, Mitchell. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 44894 FREE'SERVICE To Farmers DO WASTE MONEY ON MINER - ale your land does not need. We will, without charge to yon, take nappies of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL °v Top Notch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 dr 876 4484-21 ANNUAL MEETING' THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE US - BORNE & HERBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will be `held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1964 gt 2:09 sons. �oUGHTON�.IN` LOVING .MEMORY of William Houghton, who passed away Jsnuary 9. 1991. and daughter, Pearl. who passed away January 24. 1942. These days we 'do remember. A loving thought we give To them no longer with us, But in our hearts still live. NOTICE to CREDITORS for the Purpose of receiving the reports of the Dlf'eetora and Anditort; for the past Sea ,; for the eleatton of two Directors for mide yrothe'r toes, ibat of In the reiterate of tiie.Conlpana r!!Iw lfrcdtore Waage tote of office to tittlie rry Cost* fold Prattle 14` el, Oi fif *)bolts ate Arndt for readiest 4491x1 Births ZION HENDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi. tal, on January 27. to Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, RR. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. MILLER—At Scott Memorial Hospital,. on January 25, do Mr. and Mrs. George H: Miller, Seaforth, a daughter. •MATTHEWH—Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Mat- thews (nee Mary Margaret Cleary) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Mary Jane, on January 21, 1954, at Se Joseph's Hospital. Chat- ham. Ont. Mother and daughter very well. RICHARDSON--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Janua, y 23, to Sgt. and Ibbs. Maurice Richardson, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. emorial Hospital. RARA•S—At Scott M D SA on January 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Serena, Cromarty. a son. SPRAY—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray (nee Mary Geiger), Winnipeg, Man., an- nounce the birth of their daughter on Saturday,. January 23, 1954, a sister for Martin, David and Stephen, and grand- daughter for Mr. and Mss. E. Geiger, of Hensall. ' WOODS --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 24, to Mr. and, Mrs. Don Woods, Seaforth, a son. WHITTAKER—In Fort Worth, Texas, on January 15, to Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Whittaker (nee Eileen Chapman), . a son- -Marc Chapman. In the Estate of Winnifred Agnes Hill (also known as Winifred A. Hill) ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM S against the Estate of Winifred Agnes Hill (also known as Winifred•`A. Hill), late of the Village of Brucefield, fn the County of Huron, Widow. deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of De- cember, 1953, are hereby notified to send In full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of February, 1954, after which date the as- sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. Ray Deputy -Reeve VALENTINE:,BECKER Croiflai-ty Church Congregation Meets The annual congregational meet- ing eeting of Cromarty Presibyter-ian Church was held in the basement' of the 'chureh on the afternoon of ThursdaY, Jan. 21. Rev. R. Dun- canon opened the meeting with a scripture reading, followed with prayer. Thomas L. Scott,,,Was ap- pointed secretary for the meeting. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by'Calder Mc- Kaig. The Session repo'i)t was given by Ernest Templeman. Eldon Allen gave the, auditors' report.. Tress` trey's report was given by Lloyd Sorsdshl, The Women's Mission- ary -report was given by Mrs. T. L. Scott; Ladies, Aid report by Mrs. Calder 111cKaig; the MMtion i Mrs - FrankEverting Auxil ary by Frank Hamilton; the Young Peo- ple's Society by Mrs. Lloyd Sors- dahl In the absence of Wilmer Harper. The Mission • Band report was given by Mrs. T. L. Scott for Hugh Scott; the Stinday School re- port by Mrs. Mac Lamond; Ceme- tery Committee report by T. L. Scott; Trustees' report by. Andrew McLachlan. The following officers were ap- pointed: secretory, Eldon Allen; treasurer, Lloyd; Sorsdahl; Sunday School superintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott; .trustees, Andrew McLaoh lin, Gordon Hoggarth and Ernest Templeman; managers, Phillip James, Gordon Hoggarth, Carter Scott, . Robert Gardiner, Sam Mc- Curdy o-Curdy and Wesley, Russell- ' usse1L' At the close of the business meet- ing, with Rev. Newton Reid, of Av- onton in charge, plans for future pulpit supply and other matters of interest to the congregation were discussed. Picture of New Manager In Bank's Annual Report The 83rd annual report of .the Dominion Bank, which has been issued recently, contains, in addi- tion to a review of the bank's af- fairs; a series of pictures of recent- ly -appointed managers. Included in the series is a pic- ture of Arthur F. Edmunds, who is the manager of the Welland branch of the bank. Mr. Edmunds is a brother of Mrs. Frank Kling, Sear forth, while his wife is the former Janette Finnigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, Egmond4 vine. , Mr. Franklin Roney is wearing a smile these days. A little boy has come , to 'brighten their 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and Mrs., Charles' Roney and family visited with Mr. and Mre. Bert Tubb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Strathdee and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson.. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mena anti Mr. Hugh Gordon spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. • Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper vis- ited her mother, MTs. Balfour, and Dalton, on Sunday. Miss Elaine Shackleton and Mr. Ronnie Gibb spent tile weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mrs. Herb Britton visited, her mother. • Mrs. H. Workman, Hen- sall, encall, on Sunday. • DATED at Sefforth, this 11th day of January, 1964. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 44894 Cards of Thanks T 'WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO remembed me while T was a patient nt Victoria Hospital. London. 4401x1 ED. MORAY SMALL INVESTMENT EARNS EXCELLENT SPARE TIME INCOME New type of automatic coin-oper- ated machine. this is an opportun- ity for those willing to spend a few hours a week with the expectations of starting a profitable business. Please reply to Box 292, Huron Expositor. State address and tele. phone number — bank references required. MR. AND MRS. (PATRI011 raa.NEY wish to thank all the neighbors and friends who extended good wishes, sent dowers, gifts, telegrams and cards on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary two weeks ago. '44111x1 Brucefield WA Holds Successful Concert District Obituaries Thrifty - ppenettes Mei, Discuss Good Groomint, The third meeting of Being 'Wil Dressed and Well Groomed, was Held at the Home of Mrs. W. J. F. Bell, and opened by singing, "The More We Get Together.", The ruin.- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. This was followed 'by the roll cal- "One indication of a well-groomed girl," answered by 18 members. •" Mrs. E. Jarrott led the discussion on the care Of the bands and arms and; the care of rayons when wash- ing and ironing. The group was then shown how to do the "flat fell seam," the "French seam" and the "lapped seam," in which any oise of these may -be used on the slip. Roll call for next meeting will be: A good 'habit in cage of clothing. MiSS MARY SCOTT CLINTON.—Funeral service for Miss Mary Scott, 86, Clinton, who died at. Clinton Public Hospitafl Sun- day night, was held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from 'the Ball and; Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton. Rev. D. J. Lane of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. officiated, and: burial was in Burns' . cemetery, Hullett town ship. Pallbearers were William Leiper, William Hamilton, Thomas' Beat' tie, Joseph Shaddick, Hugh Miller and A1listair Broadfoot. - Miss, Scott was born' in Hullett township, on the llth concession, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, , and five years ago she moved' to Clinton. She was. a member of •Londesboro United Church. Surviving are two broth- ers, Robert Scott, Clinton, and John Scott, Lendesboro. FRANK E. KRAUSKOPF A very successful concert' was held recently by members of the W.A. The program was varied and included choruses by children from S.S. No. 10 and S.S. No. 13 sehdols. Readings were given by Miss Shir- ley hinley Maines and - Mre. Ross Chap- man. A skit, "The Official Visit," was also presented. Jack and Bill Dallas played violin and gelato numbers, -as did Mr.' and Mrs. G. Henderson. and Mr. V. Taylor. Duwayne_and Gaye Elliott played a piano duet and Gayee Elliott sang a solo. Vocal duets were given by Bobby McClung •and Fred Lobb, Elaine and Irene Taylor, Brian Mustard and Mary Lou Taylor, Mrs. H. Stevens and -Mr. G. Elliott Vocal -trios were presented by Fred, Phyllis and Dick Lobb, and. Glen Zapfe. Roger Layton and Brian Mustard. Mrs. G. Henderson and Mrs.. A. Mustard were accompan- ists for the numbers. Mr. and MYs. Alex Paterson were in, Londiau Saturday. is r. Paterson atte ided a Butes' banquet , while there. . Several from the village attend- ed the golden anniversary"_af Mr. and :Mrs. J. E. (Cap). Cook ale Clin- ton 011 'Saturday. •• Mrs. Agnes Baird will celebrate her 99th birthday on Friday of this Week. • !Mrs. Fred Burdge is , much im- proved; mproved in health. Miss Marion Ross, is in Minton Hospital recovering from a recent operation. Mr. Thornton Mustard spent the week -end With • his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Mustard. WINTHROP The W.A. and W.M.S. of Cavan Church will Meet in the 'school- room of the church on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 2 p.m. Roll call • will be answered by a verse on "Prayer" Home assignments include: (1) Work on Line the slip; Baste (2) Wor._ Record Book. The . nex't meeting is to be Meld at the home of Mrs- J. E. McLellain, on February 3. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen" and a delicious lunch was served, CROMARTY n `I. UO Y pis M r. iidl+et• raw won a 04 dents of this cam it Wo 00* them miry amore 7000,4t tem warded life. Mr. and Mee:. Gerald Cockwelil, aE Exeter, visited 'withMr. and 115 Otto Walker - Mr. and 'MTs. Len lipughtons Frank and Leonard Gordon, d Wingham, visited. with Mrs. 71. Houghton and Mr. and Winn Roar Houghton. Y.P.S.• Meet" '. The Young People's Society ®•e1 in the basement of the church on Sunday evening. Wilma Harper .presided. Shirley Wallace had charge of the devotional period,R- followed with prayer' by Duncanson. Phillip James read a story. A duet was sung by Anita and' Alice Sorsdahl. Mrs. Robea+t Laing had an interesting topic en` titled, "Soil and the Soul." The meeting closed: with prayer. The Marlon Ritchie Evening auns- 4)IIDe, e� the h Tuetld'a• atth diary met Y Mrs. John HoggarLh. Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided, and Mrs. James Miller bard charge of the devotions,. The study book was taken by Mrs.. Calder MMKaig, Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell and Mies Wilda Harper. A New Year's topic was given by Mrs. Fran Hamilton, and Misty Alice Sorsdahl sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank Caddick and little daughter, Sharon, vinited ov- er the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and 'Mrs. Grace Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossip and Bette were at Port Albert on Sun- daY{ with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur For- ster. • Mr. and,: Mrs. Anthony' Allen and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing at- tended the golden wedding cele- bration of Mr. and Mrs. Witham Patrick at, the 'home of Dr. and Mrs. Lance Norris, in Wyoming. Seaforth Girls' Club Meet at Hulett Home The members Of the Seaforth branch of the Being Welt Dressed and Well Groomed Club met at the home of the assistant leader, Mrs. W.L. Whyte.e meeting opened with the 4so, "The More We Get Togetb- er.Roll call was answered by "The type of slip I'm going to make," The minutes of the last meeting were • read' and adopted. Mrs. Haugh gave many interest- ing nteresting ' points on cleanliness of hair, face, etc. A number of demonstra- tions were held. Mary ,Sroadfoot showed how to alter patterns..Mur- iel Dale told how to prepare ma- terial, Mary Whyte. and,. Anne Haugh demonstrated how to wash. a sweater and press a skirt. Home assignments included hav- ing minutes up .t0 date, having samples of bias binding and fagot- ting done, also having slip pattern cut out. The meeting -iv -as adjourn- ed djourned and lunch was served. DUBLIN.—Frank E. Krauskopf, 83, Arlington, Washington, died Friday evening, January 15, follow- ing an extended illness. He was born in Dublin, December 4, 1870 and went to the State of Washing- ton in 1893. In 1896 he moved to Arlington. where he operated) a blacksmith and. machine 'shop un- til his retirement in 1933. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Emma Krauskopf. at the family home; one son and six daughters, all of Arington; three brothers, James Krauskopf. Sr., of Dublin; Leo, of London, Ont., and Henry of Arlington; two sisters, Mus. Louise Flanagan Mrs. e a e, as and Agnes) O'C'on- nor, both of Dublin. Requiem High Mass was sung at the Arlington J:mhlaculate Concep- tion Church, 'with Rev. J. H. Deady officiating. WILLIAM ELSIE T WISH TO MANIC MY MANY J friends . and neighbors who sent me treats and cards while I was, e ° en:lent ft Sett Memorial '2 tiniltal, , abeefal &s'aka to lite dootord of the Seaforth OiD ia, find the . biting staff as the hos. 16066 Str : mli ' e Your Work .. . ... Stamp It To Speed It Let Us Supply Yon With — Rubber Stamps And All Types Of Marking Devices Rubber Stamps Made to Order . . . Bank Stamps .. - Circular, Oval and .Rectangular Stamps .. . Stamps with Changeable Dates and Numbers . Signature Stamps . Die Plates for All .Purposes . . Printing. Wheels . . . Numbering Machines . . Stamp Racks . . . -- . The Huron Exp�-sit�r Phone 41 Mort* "Only cheese for dinner to- night?" - "Yes, dear. When , the chops 'caught Etre and . fell into the tart, I had to use the soup to4put the flames out." DASHWOOD. — William Elsie, known to thousands of holidayers as a merryrga•round and restaur- ant operator at Grand. Bend, suf- fered, a heart seizure while shovel- ling snowWednesday at his- home and died shortly afterwards. He was 73. He was born in Hensall and had lived at Dashwood before going to Grand Ben& 40 years, ago. Mr. Elsie was ,a member of Grand Bend United Church. Surviving are his widow, the for- mer ormer Lucinda Geiger; a daughter, Mrs. Ellis Brodrich, and a son,,, Percy, both of Grand Bend; a sill - ter, Ml's. Catherine Pfaff, of Sar- nia; two brothers, Hartman and nam, of Dashwood, and four grand- children. • A fuireral service will be coni ducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Hoffman Funeral Home by Rev. W. Smith, of Grand Bend United Church. MRS. GEORGE E. THOM.SON •• ILENSALL. — Mrs. George H. Thomson, life-long and highly es- learned steemed) resident of Hay Township, died suddenly at 19,er 'home on the second of Hay Saturday night. In her 78th year, she was the former Ida Dl-gnian, and was born in Hay on the Zurich Road. A member of Sit. Andrew's United, Church, Kip - pen, she was a life member of the Women's 'Missionary Society. Surviving her• loss are two sons. Samuel W. Thomson, Kippen, and William. G. Thompson., who resided at home with iris mottier; three daughters, Mr1. Albert Alexander (Elizabeth'), Hensa.il; Mrs. Iw•ed Parsons ( Mary), London; Mrs. El- mer Keys (Florence), Varna.; two brothers, Arthur Dignan, of Sas- katobewah; David Dignan, Hensall; two sisters, Mrs. Florence Fee and Mrs. William Forrest, Hensall, and five grandchildren. Mr. Thomson- predeceased homsonpredeceased her 12 years ago. Private funeral services were held from the home of het dau.grh- ter and son-inalaw, 'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, Hensnll, on Tues - d y' alt 2 p.m., conducted by her mdniater, Rev. N. McLeod, who paid thigh tribute,to her life, assisted by 'Rev. W. J. Rogers, Hewed. Initial °was ' to Henault Union tremetery. The pallbearers were Edson For- est, Warren Thomaion, Earl Ng- tan, Harold Dignan, Bert Thomson i'gftr Williatb Petty,. 1''loEverbearera ,:.. . fj8t,Pai,a6',6ldt Rep113 Ashfield Reeve CECIL BLAKE Social Evening Presenting Winthrop Football Team with Jackets WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3 Winthrop Hall GOOD MUSIC — Ladies, Bring Lunch — EVERYBODY WELCOME! • PAINTING • 'PAPERHANGING • STEAMSTRIPPING Have your Interior Work Done during Winter Months. See the 1954 Paper Book! , GEORGE COYNE Phone 57 R.B. 3, Dublin -Town of Seaforth TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1954 TVe Town of Seaforth win pay 4% per annum, up to ,August 31, 1954, on all Prepaid Taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON - Treasurer Carmel Church YPS PRESENTS A CONCERT featuring " A QUEEN IS CROWNED" (in' Technicolor) " WHO GETS THE CAR TONIGHT? " (A One -Act Comedy) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 — 8:30 p.m. in Herman Town Hall ADULTS 50e — CHILDREN. 12 A07D UNDER. 25e t. SEE THISE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest /Market USED for CARS 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN- 1953 EDAN1953 CHEV. STANDARD, SEDAN 1953 DODGE SEDAN—Fully equipped 21953 CHEV. BEL -AIR 4-DOORS—Fully equipped . 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWERGLIDE FLEETLINE SEDAN --Pully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE PLEl rL1NE eOACH 1961 CHEV. STYLEIANE SEDAN 1951 CHEW. POWER -GLIDE COACH,'with mato 1950 AUSTIN OOAC 1949 PONTIA,C SEDAN 1949 thinly. SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH 199S CHEV. %-TON PICKUP 1947 DODGE COACH 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC COUPE 1938 PLYMOUTH COTTPE TRUCKS 1949 G.M,C. %-'TON PICKUP 1943 DODGE STAKE -BODY TRU( "SPECIAL" -1947 MERCURV A wilttett guarantee for M. days on all Late Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSE'LS MOTORS. Bosom ONTARIO 4 PHONE 711%,,X4,01-#4. HOMO iii'' Weed Oaten, ...a,.w:.�-'. ,✓.. ..... +_wh,,. , vim•„t•,.sl t.,..;1 ' h 8,,,;. r irev , ,n 0,, •,,, a-.,,er.rF bJ°.':,'4I& o1Si',f.•'+'. ,t' 4 f3142f. ilt't114 ,tifsa:l;•�-.., xRP lie • r.e 4