HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-22, Page 7"IIRIO.IfiPfFf;Pf?!: Yr Arr0 Altffr A , • .-kw„ • • teeeietnsItette •,ttete.-4„ ,110. ..1'-'1.411)5f4"iffi: :21" — • 411 Laugural Meeg Held By UsbOrpe Council, January 11 The Municipal CoUncil. of Uldr. I Appoint Officials • borne 'held its inaugural aneeting Appointment of all (municipal of- necerding to statute on bleiReY ilelais was confirated for, the Year arenuary. 11, at 11 a.m., with_ all .as (mews: olive:assessor, members present: Reeve,. Verne H. FE. 04 Strang; treasurer, N. 0. Anlineombe, end Councillors Harold oialto; tax collector ,and school „Jeffery, Hardld Hera, Earl Mitehell attendance officer,' William Jones; • aued Clayton Smith: rOad superinteedent, W. J. Routly; After subscribing to the oath of auditor, T. A. Wiseman; welfare offie0 before the Clerk, the reeve administrator, N. 0. Clarke; solid- : called on Rev. W. Moores to lead tor, W. G. Cochrane; livestock the Cirlincil in a deVotiortal period, valuator, Charles Stephen; repro& atter-which the reeve, on behalf of optative 'to Ausable River Cower - the Council, thanked Mr. Moores. vation Aothority, W. R. Brock; re- 4 9 4' 1 Denn•is Electric All TYpes of WIRING AND REPAIRS We Also Stock Electrical Appliances Agents for VISIONAIRE TELEVISION SETS DEEP FREEZE REFRIGERATORS • Dennis Electric Shop and Sales — 'Commercial Hotel PHONE 467 MAIN STREET twik '•111 rwint Se11,901, WtVer. Zen: 1011'0_,O0404.' ehOVSO, nye, tock r,startal 'DY.49,NI W. 'Routr we.e4 hispeeter, G.„01firbel fencreeweno, 14.1111/Ort. Nal - son' C0111telarelte Thee irealvn' G e r ea l dTie.% herNal; Proundkeepers, ,Metniee 00ahea; Rebert Jeffery, popiunit Alexander, E'verett Skinner, Herbert Shute, John. BraY, Thom* Yellow, Rus- sell Fengleson., James Anderson, El- son Lynn, Evera•rd Employees were eel:firmed -as Pollee -1a: caretaker of Hall, John. Kellett;, grader operator, Harry Sperling; crawler tractor operator, Emerson Penhale. Salaries for reeve and council and all Municipal officials and em- ployees -were confirmed at the. 1953 level, excepting that grader plow helpers are to be paid at the rate of- $1.00 per hour, instead of 90 cents, and the -tractor mower op- erator to be paid at the rate of 95 "Oliat40,50,60?" Man, YOU're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try "pepping 514" Ostrex. Coats= tonic .for 'weak, feeling due solely to body's' lack of inns 'which many men and. women call "old." Try. Oatrez Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. For sale at all drug stores everywhere. , - k 4„ • t• '0'. i ,w,P •elysi, '4t I, POW,e,Or *Or': ; $9, .,f1,11; the road 60/01411400' QV-.$Vi§t rata og.80'41 Ger120114' 11. e 6420 ee 19-0.30.*0 te.ebor. ge etnMe antee for ,O1101.0111 *OA by tOwnebIP 41aChinerY. The e1er4 wOeiltatrileted to prepare a by-law to clover confirmation of aPPOInt- Monts and salaries and rates of pay for passing at the. regular Igebrilary meeting. Road Accounts Paid The road superintendent's report and Velment Of road accounts, in- cluding repairs to the power main- tainer to a total voucher Of $3,- 014.84, was Wised on motion of Mitohell and Hern. The tax collector report-earetlec- tion of a considerable -amount of outstanding 1953 taxes since De- cember 15, present total et:unpaid 1953 taxes being $5,174.61. Council discussed at some length roan, appropriation by-law to be aubmOted to the Department of Highways for 1954, final approval being left over Until the special meeting to be held on February 1. The road superintendent was in- structed to advertise gravel tenders and tenders for eulyerts at Lot 35, Concession 2-3, and Lot 30, Con- cession 6-7, in the Daily Commer- cial News, and tenders for a half - ton truck in the -Exeter paper. Me Clerk was instructed to ad vertise tenders for the construction SEAFORTH MONUMENT WpRKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 4:0411.6 IreCkeY-11404 4141 7,40,1q417 apraii4,49r,40, °341fel. raftagng Febrilnry'll Jibe trea.surer repOrted reeelet•Of 'Fe , $10.25 i0 roads and heldgen aOCOU4 int 54 11,1rd $53,472.73 to general account - ' since Decernber 15w Baltic balance at December 31 was 419,411,94. To- tal of all unpaid tax account,. 1951 52 and 53, is 08,055-61. Regarding prepayment of county rate for 1654, the treasurer was in- structed to prepay 1954 rates Ur County of Huron in the ;mount of $12,000, on mitten of Mitchell and Sroith. Several Grants Approved Grants of $25 each were approv- ed to the Salvation: Army and the Huron County Branch of the On- tario Soil and Crop Improvement ario od Roads Associatioa at Associa*, and membership in the Ont $10. Fox bounty on all foxes killed with the townsthip is to be paid at the rate of $2.50 in 1954, on motion of Jeffery and Hem. Council di- rected the road superintendent to have a telephone installed in the machinery building. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Department of Highways, re 1954 road appropriation by-law, fin- al adoption left over; Department of Highways, gasoline branch, re tax remittance, attention of road superintendent; B. M. Ross, Pro- fessor English, Goderich, re bridge work, filed; County Treasurer, re tax payment Stephens property, at- tention of Clerk. Current accounts in the amount of $322.65 were passed for payment on motion of Hern and Jeffery. Council agreed to meet on the second Monday afternoon in each month, with a special meeting to be held on Monday. evening, Feb- ruary 1. All motions were carried unanimously and Council aljOurn- ed. Fire accounts for seven per cent of the annual forest consumption. ... • '''' tts-• tftlfilfeo.""!ri‘.:4'w •..r•••• • • • Novi ° 1 • • It' . • r ' • the/5 IJIC Is got it - e Big Change you've been hoping for! The instant you see these 1954 Buicks, you'll know that some- thing sensational has happened in automobile styling. . Here is vastly more than the usual model changeover. Here is vastly more than could be done just by warming over what Buick had before. Here is something accomplished by going far,heyond artful face-lifting. Here is that rarity of rarities—a completely new line of autnmobiles. But Buick didn't stop with the bolder, fresher, swifter -lined beauty you see in raised? and lengthened fender sweep—in the htige and back,swept expanse of windshield—inthelowered-roof- line—in theliost. of extra glamor features of exterior modernity. They upped all horsepowers to the highest in Buick history. They engineered a new Y8 for the low-priced .SPECIAL, so that now the entireBulek line has Buick's famous V8 engine —and in the process Caine up with new Power -Head Pistons that boost gasoline mileage in every engine. They brought to market a sparkling newcomer with a famous nonce, the Buick CENTURY -La car with phenomenal horsepower for its weight and price—a car with more pure thrill per dollar than any Buick ever built. And they did all this without change of the price structure which, for years, has made Buick the mot popular car at its price in the world. - We invite you to come in and insciectthese great beauties, these great performers, these great buys. Then you'll see why previewers are already saying, "Buick's the beautiful buy!" WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT—BUICK WILL BUILD THEM • -tlw: beautiful. buy ^4 Great Series — Special, Century, Super and headmaster. - ' titi.) `I UU.t 0)1 M -554A , t1' D.n4 Twkwill • wi bogy. • 0$1011 Howiek -COuncil met in the clerk's'. _office. The- members-eleet Were OR present and took the neeteatearY declarationzof office es fellows: H. Gowdy, Reeve; Arthur Gibson, Depoty-Reevei Elmer Kaufman, Iv- an Haskins and Harvey MelVfieln ael, councillors. Rev. Puller was present and addressed the Coun- cil and led in. prayer for their sue - cess in 1954. The business of the Council -pro- ceeded, with Reeve H. Gowdy itt the chair: The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of McMichael and Kaufman were adopted as read. Movel by Gibson and Haskins: That we instruct the tax eollector to return the collector's roll at the February 5 meeting. Moved by Gib- son and MeMichael: That we jean the Good Roads Association for the year 1954. Moved by Kaufman and Gibson: That we appoint IL Cow- dy, Reeve, and Iva): Haskins, coun- cillor, as members to the Belmore Community Centre Hall Board. Moved by Gibson and Haskins: That we appoint Elmer Kaufman and Harvey McMichael as members of the council on the Fordwich Community Hall Board; also Hay - old Pollock for the Curling Club; Mrs. W. McCann for the Women's Institute; Harry Sansom for the Library Board; Stanley Bride for the Lions. Club, and Kenneth Gra- ham for the Police Village Trus- tees. Moved tby Haskins and Kauf- man: That we appoint the reeve and deputy -reeve to the Gorrie Community Hall Board. Moved by .McMichael and Gibson: That we instruct the Clerk to apply for nine subscriptions to the Municipal World. Moved by Kaufman and Haskins: That we appoint all mem- bers of the,C,ouncil as delegates to the Good Roads convention, allow- ing up to $30 for expenses. Moved by thbson and McMich- ael: That we call for tenders for supplying powder for warble fly spraying for the Township of How - ick ler the year 1954, powder .to be stored and paekaged to the in- structions of the inspectors, ten- ders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 okleck noon Feb. 4. Moved by McMichael and .Haskins: That we hereby call for tenders forwarblefly spraying in the Township of Howick, ten- ders to state priee per head if wa- ter has to be heated, and also for ordinary water, -tenders -to he in the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock nooM. Feb. 4. Mov- ed by Gibson and Kaufmart;,:, That we eall for -.applications' fed' two inspetctors' to supervise tho warble fly spraying in the -TownsbiP of Howick for the. year 1954, a.ppli- cants to state rate- -per hour and rate per mile for driving own car, applications to be the hands of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 4. Moved. by Gibson and McMkh- ael: That we join the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario for the year 1954. Moved by Haskins and Gibson,: That (the reading of the engineer's report on the Wills Drain No. 2 will be held at the Clerk's office, Gorrie, on Feb. 5, at 2 p,m. Gibson and Kaufman: That the road accounts as approved be paid. Accounts Paid Moved by McMichael and Gib- son: That the following accounts be pair: R. H. Stephens & Son, brooms for Clerk's office, $2.10; Association of Assessing Officers, membership, $10; Treasurer, Coun- ty of Huron, hospitalization, $13.50; H. Zimmerman., fox bounty, $2; El- mer Haskins, fox bounty, $2; Good Roads Association, inembers:hip, $10; Glen Austin, -fox bounties, $6; W. D. Colby, survey, plan, report, expenses, etc., on Wills Drain 2, $151; J. Will, labor on Wills drain., $7; E. Cathers, labor on Wills Drain, 47; H. Gowdy, labor on Wills Drain, $15; P. Durst, registrations of deaths and births, $6.25. Total, $231.85. ' Moved by Haskins and Kauf- man; That we hereby certify that Anson Galbraith has been a full- time employee of the Township of Howick for five years and is ex- pected- to continue in such service for an indeterminate period. Moved by McMichael and Gibson: That we do n,ow,adjourn to meet again on Feb. 5, or at the call of the reeve. EV -en the simplest orders, de- livered in the sergean't loudest voice, had ,missed fire, and the N.C.O. glared at the batch of recruits in despair. Then he had an idea. Disappearing for a min- ute, he returned leadingthe regi- mental mascot—a sheep dog. "There' you are, boy," he said, patting the dog's head. "See what you can do with them!" THE CE OF TEMPERANCE An editorial in a recent issue of -the United Church Observer, al- though tod long to quote in full, is well worth giving here in part. Twenty years ago crime in Obtario was at a very low figure. According to Government statistic. for 1933, the ratio of population per 1,400 committed for trial was 6.41 and sentence -d- to prison 4.14. In 1934 there was an improvement, 5.01. committed, 3.82 convicted. In this year the Government announced a plan for open sale of beer. Note the crime record from now on. In 1936 the ration was 6.52 and 4.43. By 1939 the figures were 9.31 and 7.45. The Second World War years saw a slight levelling off to 6.89 and 501 in 1945. But after the war, up went the figures rapid- ly. In 1946 they, were 7.17 and 5.27. By 1951, double ligtiregfitivere reached, .3.0.1„9 • . sof cording figl urea, min* 04, the dqWb previous' to beer oornbigot, on the upgrade er since mot ie.now at the high-- ordedwithr Onwi • 1, . Bement is it - ed bi' the10frOtt Ainnty V•in, perant derMthD. 11\ nn: dn ingalithe :#11:11.1"i;16.: e, osop ate OW o am` aft,t94e Coltx«•0, rived to surprise thm 04 EROS tlx0r ,1),t it •Ixpolyx 4244 PrOaPerity during ate. yelp. freeeire enehre was Played; and an evening of tun followed. Higrite went to Mies Hubner And Roy Fawcett and low Wires' 100 - Alex Tiegs and Bruce FaIreett. At midnight Charles Tubbiread a con- gratulatory address and Warren McDougall !presented them with a three-piece dresser •and bed -lamp set. Doug thanked everyoe On behalf of his wife and himself for the lovely gift and extended an levitation for all to visit them. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Tubb, Miss Grace Buipaer, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tiegs, lir. and Mrs. Rill Burlington and Warren McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. August IroPPenrath were unable to be pre- sent. —Mitchell Advocate. ,"Those shoes you made for me —I can't walk in them." "Really, madarn. -people who shop here, don't usually walk." NOTICE.! Salvage WANTED WE ,WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Raps Highest Cash Prices Paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND " 4 , tt kJ i.1 IL ' trocataammen.wwwwwwmam.- ' IT 4, GEORGE ii. Milek4 Pa'Ssbngert. After MiclA USBORNE MUTUAL w.au4ANct H EAD OFFICE EdiETER, 'CRT. Prissiilent, WthI4ZA. Hamilton., Cromarty; Vice -President, Meet* DIREOPORS—Harry Coitegf, Cen- tralia; B. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Mitchell; Alex J.'Rlinde, R.R. 2, Mitchell. • AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1,. Woodham; Clayton Amis., R.R. 1, Mitchell; E. ',Boss, Hough- ton, Cromarty. SOLIOITOTL—w. G. Cochrane. Exeter. SECRETARY-- TREASURER — Artiste Fraser. Exeter. NicKinleys Baby Chicks CANADIAN APPROVED ' • .PURE-BRED NEW HAMPSHIRE • PURE-BRED- LIGHT SUSSEX • PURE-BRED WHITE ROCK • N. H. X L. S. CROSSBREDS "4it • N. H. X B. R. CROSSBREDS and our Popular • THREE WAY CROSS—W. R. X H. S. Your Business Directory MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOI-IN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. I nternest Telephone 27 P.* L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. VETERINARY D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon HENSALL, ONT. - PHONE 99 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105 Seaforth ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON : ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 455 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. Telephone Goderich . 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. AUCTIONEERS JOSEPH RYAN Specialist in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satisfaction g-uaranteed. Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, R. R. 1, Dublin. . Phone 40 r 6, Dublin. EDWARD W. ELLIOrr Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can belm4m,s.dclie tottsal4Icmodules Of itqw*A AN,1heed. PEROYA1RAG Ucenied Livestock and Porn *Mao .400PARii.' .1,"'Vr"" Got tiletialt MIlk,bidi ths GG01010100, • *AL, 1". '„ LEGAL' A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 7811 SEAFORTH : ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT.' Telephone 174 CHIROPRACTIC - D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursdasy ---.1 to 8 pas. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses M.A. Phone 791 MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- day, 9 a.m. to -5:30 p.m.; Saturday. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.•, 'Wednesday, 9 a.sn... to 12:30 p.m. CLINTON—Monday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m: (McLaren'. Studio). ' INSURANCE FOR ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE LOW COST PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE and RETIREMENT PLANS Phone, Write or Wire E. C. (Ned) BOSWELL JOHN ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 113 Special ,Repiesentative: The Occidental Life Insurance Co. of California. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COrf. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH. Ont. OFFICEIRS': President - 3. L. Malone, Seater*, Vice -Pres. - J. IL McEwing, BlyIh Manager and Swan-Treas. - M. A., Reid, Sealer& DIRbe101161: 3. Treowthe,,, Malone, Seitroillif niore, ,801ite • 18," /Urn/Wm; Otte fere; -4ehit H. 41 WilIlam p4dapArs11 ey Pfllier, Odpe 4. rucitilas 4'6 tit 34 ti.11VrAVidaTi • , • 1' , th,l,g,UAA,AALtd, A A „ , „ • , ,