HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-22, Page 4.. k1dp,S �,� y !P. JAM tis- _._... ;._-..�..-..._,. ..,-.-...-..,-..� 2lassified Ads ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week ,2nd Week Srd Week 1 Cent �y} Cent ' Cent Ni'inirdum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. 60 zente per week. 'Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. ,E91 Cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within, 10 days of date of final insertion. 'Myths, Marriages and Ueatha inserted free of charge. aluetiou Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Races on application. a Minimum 1 Coming Events Hb cL. U. B. A. INTEND HOLDING eacrhrea on February 19 and March -19. 4490-1 AN INVITATION 18 SENT TO ALL TO come and enjoy dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday l �ht Ha the� of Clarence Petriethe 4488-8 VALENTINE SUPPER, WEDNESDAY, February 10. at Northside United Church Sunday Schoolroom, from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission: Adults $1.00, Children 40c. Under auspices of the W.A. 4490-2 Wanted YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS. Phone 786 between 5 and 7 p.3. 4482x1 WANTED—hrARAGE IN vIcwrr OE' Main Street Apply J WAL. LACE. Phone 582-W. 4490-tf WANTED TO BUY—PRESSURE COOK- ' quart -sealer size. PHONE 667-W. Seaforth. 4489x2 WANTED TO BUY — HIGH QUAL- ity cow manure. Write EARL MAGUIRE. R.R. 8, Scotland. 449010 Bt LDEF.LY COUPLE WANTS TO RENT small cottage or ground apartment. Apply Box 289, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4490-tf WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED MID- aleaged lady wishes employment at once with one or -two adults; housekeep- ing preferred. Apply to Box 291, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4490x1 Opportunities BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, STEN- ograp'er, or typist in your spare time. Lessons '56e. For particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURS- ES, 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. 4490x2 For Rent pox RENT—THREE-ROOM UNFURN- ▪ ished apartment : heated: hot and cold water. Apply to Box 290, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4490x2 Livestock Wanted DISABLED HORSES, OR COWS ▪ removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll -21. or Seaforth 666 r 2. Personals HTG NIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with .price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mall.Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Notices NOTICE--WILL NOT BE BREEDING any more sows until further notice. FRANK NOLAN, ER. 4, Seaforth. 4490x1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL makes; 22 yearn' experience, We pick up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-tf RREPAIRS—FI )R REPAIRSR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE-. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847.11. 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS i — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4899-tf 'OCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel etationed at CBn- If yon have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 882: local 262. 448641 ATTENTION, FARMERS 1— McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile Aa - ace. (0-A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North. American Life Insurance. Coneult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone N4 -M. 4456-tf APPLICATIONS Township of Hullett i!IT31E COUNCIL OF las W TONSHIP 1 THE Hallett .will receive Applications for the position of Warble -Fly Inspector for the Township for 1954. Wages to be 90 cents per hour and .05 cents per mile mileage while inspecting. Applications to be in the hande of the Clerk on or before January 80th. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, Londesboro. 4490-1 FREE SERVICE [['o Farmers DONT WASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analysed. CALL Top Notch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 376 4484-tf ANNUAL MEETING THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE VS- '. BORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE to.•„ INSURANCE COMPANY ill he held in Farquhar Hall,' Farquhar, MONDAY. FEBRUARY '1, 1964 at 2:00 pto. tirpose of receiving the reports of :tore and Auditors for the past the election of two Directors for Yaw term, oletti011 0f Anditore. ;other Madame drat, see Be in .. r of the CDalr . wham tteate,__odsalikee fal MOW!`moi For Sale - pUR SALE—COB CORN, DELIVERED. LEO 'J SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4, Dublin. 4490x1 FOR SALE—WINE PRAM, GOOD CON- dition ; 312 cash. PHONE 442, Sea - forth. 449021 FOR SALE—"FRI GI D A IRE" REFRIG- erator, in good condition. PHONE 377-W, Seaforth. 4490x1 FOR SALE — NUMBER OF COWS. Phone 661 r 4, Seaforth. DALE NIXON. 4488-8 FOR SALE—SHED, APPROXIMATELY 18' by 20f ; good condition. Can be easily moved. SEAFORTH SHOES LTD. -Phone 188., 4490-4 OR SALE—SIX COLLIE PUPS, NICE- "'ly marked. Apply to GERALD SLOAN. Phone 64 r 12, Du 4490x1 COMBINATION DESK AND TYPE - writer stand; working surface, 40x88. Suitable for office or personal use. Rea- sonably priced. F. E. WILLIS. Phone 133-3. 4490-1 FOR SALE—UPRIGHT PIANO: Yt H.P. General -Electric motor; pair men's skates. size 7: metal baby bath. All in good condition. PHONE 265, Seaforth. 4490-1 HONEY FOR SALE—CLOVER HONEY in 8 -pound pails only. Special phice. 31.60 while supply lasts. For this week only, a few sections of comb boner. WAL. LACE ROSS APIARIES. Seaforth. 449 • Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 10, McKillop (Winthrop School). Duties to commence September 1, 1954. Apply to. IRWIN TREWARTHA, Secretary. R.R. 1, SEAFORTH. 4489-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS • Township of Hullett THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Hullett will receive tenders for the supplying of 1.000 pounds of Warble - Fly Powder. Powder to meet the require- ments of the Warble -Fly Control Act. All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday, January 80. Lowest or any tender notnecessarily ac- cepted. GEO. W. GOWAN, Clerk, Londesboro. 4490-1 TENDERS Township of Hullett TIDE COUNCIL OF THE . TOWNSHIP of Hullett will receive tenders for. the Spraying of Cattle in the Township for Warble -Fly. Work tobe done no- cording to the Warble -Fly Control Act. Tenders .to be for so much per head per spray. All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday, January 30. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. GEO. W. COWAN. Clerk, Londesboro. 4490-1 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract to SPRAY CATTLE in the TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE FOR . WARBLE FLX will be received by the undersigned up to 9 p.m., February lst. Bids to be in the form of a price per head per spray. and must be accompanied by a guarantee of 875.00. Township to supply spray mater- ial. Township of Usborne H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, Hensall, Ont. 4490-1 Notices To Creditods NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Beals, Deceaul ALL CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ing any claim against Mary Beale, late of the VilIsge o1 Dublin. In the County of Huron, Telephone Operator, who died on or about the Ord day of Janu- ary, A. D. 1964, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned full particu- lars of their claims on or before the 30th day of January, A. D. 1954. After the last-mentioned date the assets of the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereo, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. - DATED at Mitchell, Ontario, this 11th day of January, A. D. 1954. CLAUDE HORNE. Mitchell, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 44894 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Winnifred Agnes Hill (also known as Winifred A. 11111) ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Wlnnifred Agnes Hill (alio known as Winifred A. Hill); late of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. who died on of about the 28th day bf De- cember, 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the Undersigned au or before' the 8th day of Febreare, 1964, after which date the as- sets ,nein be distributed, having regard (sly to claims then teetered. i11G'tsli 2 at Seafoiths t81a lith day ed Jdneaiti. 1058.' ALVIN W St/LEST. fleatere.. Ontario, &Udt6r fee Ow 8airta, . 1 i uary� {�?Fa' 4�'.v 11 9 ii io55 t ., Motor Cars . For Sale m I Ag.reeMarketinq Ply DODGE SEDAN — AVERAGE 1 �P11 Y condition. Will trade for cattle or hogs. Phone Molesworth, 18 r 2, or write H. NEABLE, Gerrie. 4490x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Ee'- feces of Mrs. Maude Kirkby will be held hi Brussels, Saturday, January 23. at 1:80 p.m. 9 -piece dining room suite; ebestergeld suite; dining room table; 2 antique living room tables; 6 dining room chairs; 2 kitchen cabinets; 2 cook stoves; coffee table; trilight; Philco radio; rag and pad, 9x12; Singer drophead sewing machine; 2 cheats of drawers; kitchen chairs; antique bed; springs and mat- tress. walnut ; electric ironer ; . electric washing machine; brass bed; 2 Simmons beds; wardrobe; small stands; tray hold- ers; dishes; cooking 01505113; 2 dressers ; bookcase; 2 writing desks; many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms —Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Cards of Thanks SEASON'S GREETINGS! MY SINCERE thanks to my good friends for their kindness to me during my recent illness. 1490-1 MRS. BELLA PARLMER MR. JOHN WALSII WISr4ES• TO thank all those who were so kind to him while a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Special thanks to Father Weber and Dr. Stapleton. 4490x1 T WANT TO THANK THOSE WHO sent - treats, flowers and cards while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. I also wish to thank Dr. Brady and Dr. Elliott an the nurses of Scott Memorial Hospi 4490. CAROL DENNIS MR- AND MRS.. GLENN PRYCE WISE fo thank all those who called on Sat- urday, who sent telegrams, cards and gifts to Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford. Special thanks to Mrs. Charles Erre, Mree,.. Wilkin- son add Miss Jessie Little, Brussels, and Mrs. W. Drover; to those who poured tea and assisted them. '4490x1 TEE FAe1ILY OF 'MiE LATE MRS. ' William Landeborough wish to thank (heir many neighbors and friends -for the kindness extended to them in their recent sad bereavement: special thanks to the doctors of the Seaforth Clinic and Whit- ney Funeral Home, and also to thank the 'Itrckeremith 'Road Superintendent and his stall. 4490x1 T WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends and neighbors who sent treats and who called to see me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. E. P. Weber. Dr. M. W. Stapleton and the nursing staff of the hospital ; ,also thanks to the Women's Aux- iliary, C.W.L., Lions Club, 'Salvation Arnty for treats given me at Christmas. 4490x1 • J. KELLY Y , SMALE.-.THE F - LY OE IEE LATE .Mrs. George . _ le wishes to thank th many .fr' : . s, neighbors and rela- t 'es or t kindness and sympathy hown - . . em during their recent sad bereavement; aI3o for the beautiful floral tributes and -cards of sympathy. A special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, the Bonthron Funeral Home, and to the men who acted as pallbearers and flowerbearers, and to those who loaned cars. - 4490x1 In Memoriam . WATSON--IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear mother, Annie Watson, who passed away January 27, 1948. Her cheery smile and happy ways Are golden memories of bygone days. —Sadly missed by the Family. 4490x1 pURDY—IN LOVING MEMORY OF our parents, Mary Elfreda McPher- son, who passed away March 17, 1982, and Henry James Purdy, who passed away one • year ago, January 24, 1953. These days we do remember: A loving thought we give To them no longer with us, But in our hearts still live. —Ever remembered by Lenwood and Mabel. . , 44502:1 Births ELDER—Lorne and Sue Elder, Hamilton, !formerly of Hensall, are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, John Ben- ,jamin, January 17, at Mount Hamilton Hospital' , WILLERT-94r. and Mrs. Milton Wiliert, Exeter, (nee Gladys Saundercock.), form- erly of Hensall and Montreal, are pleas- ' ed to announce the birth of their daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, January 15, 1954. Deaths LANiDSBOROUGH—In Seaforth, on Fri- day, January 15, Mrs. William Lands - borough, widow of the late William Landsborough ; . dear mother of Mrs. Secord McBrien, Mullett; Mrs... Walker Carlile. Hensall; James, Tuckersmlth; William, Clinton, in her 84th year. . Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 4L For Wheat Desirable A marketing plan for Ontario winter wheat is desirable,, a meet- ing of the directors of the Huron Federation of Agriculture and wheat producers. of Huron, held in Clinton, concluded. The meeting was concerned as to whether wheat producers were sat- isfied with present marketing facil- ities for Ontario wheat, or whether they would support a proposal to market wheat through a provincial organisation udder the 1 Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act. Wilfred Shortreed, Walton, is president of the Huron Federation of Agriculture. The discussion per- t iod with regard to the wheat prob- lem . was led by Russell Boltogl, Dublin, zone -representative for the Counties of Grey, Bruce and Huroe on the Ontario W'beat Producers' Association. . Those present see:iied decidedly in favor of marketing wheat through the Canadian Wheat Board if proper legislation could be se- cured. If proper legislation could not be secured, then• the meeting favored a market scheme under the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act. Delegates Report Delegates wlho attended the On- tario Federation of Agriculture's annual meeting in Toronto las week, and who reported at the di- rectors' meeting, were president Wilfred Shortreed, Walton; vice- presidents Douglas, McNeil, of God erich, and; Winston S'hlapton, Exe- ter; Junior Farmer delegate Arn- old Alton, Diplgannon; and: secre- taryrfleldmaan Gordon Greig. Russell Knight, Cranbr'ook, gave a report to the directors of a meet- ing of the Ontario Beef Producers' Association's directors. in Toronto on. January 7. A resolution will be presented at the next directors,' meetingeto cover some loopholes. that have been found in the Health ' of Animals regulations covering the tubercu- lin testing of cattle coming into Huron County. 'Bert 'Lobb, chairman of .the Hur- on County Hog Producers' Associa- tion, announced that the annual meeting of the 'association would be ,held Thursday, Feb. 4, at 1:30 p.m. in the agricultural office board rooms, Clinton. • A grant of $25 was made to the Huron County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association for its 'Seed Fair prize list. BRODHAGEN Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Colquhoun and Janet, Science Hill, with Mr. and, Mrs. Mervin Hodgert; - Mt: and Mrs. Stanley Beuermani} and Dennis, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beuer- marin;"Mr. and' Mrs. Ed. Kressler, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. 'W m. L. Querengesser; Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Mogk and Nancy with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McMillan, Gadshill; Mr. and Mrs. Russell S'holdice and Bever- ley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John A.mstein• of Mitchell, in Kit- chener with Mr. and Mrs. Robert- Amstein; 'Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock have bought the farm on which they have been, living from Otto Kuntz, CONSTANCE Congratulations• are in order to Reeve Wm. J. Dale, who was elect- ed Warden of Huron County at Goderich on Tuesday of this week. Mr., Dale has served. as reeve of Hullett for four years. Miss Verna Adams, Welland, was here over the week -end to visit her father, Mr. Miller Adams, who is in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Joe Riley entertained her group of the W.A. at a quilting par- ty on Tuesday. Mrs. Verne Dale entertained her group of the W.A. at her home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Byrd have moved from ,Borden Brown's apart- ments in the village to•Holmesville. 'Mrs. Jack Davidson, Huron High- way west, is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. Jack Busby, in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. .Lorne Lawson were in Stratford on, Thursday. TELEVISION 21" TABLE MODEL Model C-1084 You can buy cheap- er Television than those sold by us, but years of experi: ence in Television have convinced us to handle only makes of proven merit, even if we must ask a higher price. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR ! MARCONI 17 Table with Base $300.00 HALLICRAFTER 17"—Console $350.00 HALLICRAFTER 21" Table with Base $400.Q0 DUMONT 21"—Table, with Base $535.00 Installed Prices With London Aerial DALY ::.i, MOTO Phone 102 Seaforth s MSALL• Mr, Milton Love returned home on Monday of this week after spending a month's vacation at Pheontx, Arizona, in the interests of his health. Mrs. 3. Helm and family, of Tiv- erton, and Mr. Robert Reid, o1 Kincardine, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincardine, who spentthe week- end at the Reid residence, return- ed home with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riley and Sharon spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Watson, in Londesboro. At the January meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Carrie] Presbyterian Church, held last Thursday ,afternoon, Mrs. Sam Dougall was presented with a life membership certificate, Mrs. J. B. Fox reading the address., Inspiring addresses were given by Rev. W. J. Rogers In the United. Church last Sunday. His. morning theme was "The Rich Church." The choir offered the anthem, "Like As the Hart," Mr. Ronnie taking She solo. The Chisel'hurst service was held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Next Sunday afternoon, January 24, Mr. Rogers will make the pres- entation of seals and diplomas to the Sunday 'School scholars. Ser- vices ervices will be as usual next Sun- day: Hensall at 11 o'clock and at 7 pan„ Chiselhurst at 3 o'clock. Mr. Rogers will be in charge. Present Life Memberships The January meeting of the Arn- old) Circle of Carmel Church, Hen- sall, ensall, was held' Monday evening, Jan. 18, at the Mune of 'Mrs. Alvin Kerslake. Eighteen members and two visitors were ,present. The president, Mrs. Harry Hoy, presid- ing, the meeting opened by singing "Hymn 593, followed by 'prayer. Roll call was answered with the text word "Fellowship." This was fol- lowed by singing Hymn 572.- The minutes were read and approved) and business discussed. Visits were reported and. birthday and) mem- bership fees were accep�ted_ Mrs. Roy Bell, the program' con- vener onvener for January, conducted the following program: piano solo, "Spangles, by Mrs. Wm. Brown; topic, Mrs. J. B. Fox, an interedt- ing paper written by Helen Brick- er on her visit to -India while on a tour around the world. Reports were given by Mrs. J., B. Fox and Mrs. C. Forrest on the Presbyter- ial resbyterial annual meeting held at Clinton. During the eveping two life memberships' were presented to Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. The presentation • of these certificates reminded' all the members of the society of their duty and constant faithfulness to help spread the Gespeito the dark and unhappy places of the world. Short articles from the Record' and Glad Tidings were read by Mre, C. Kennedy. A trio, 'Mrs. _Kerslake, Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. C. Ken- nedy, • sang "Beautiful Saviour." The worsthip period, prepared by Louise Reith, W.M.S. Literature Department: Toronto, closed the meeting and • was conducted by Mrs. C. Forrest as follows: Cali to Worship and Hymn 568 sung as a prayer; passages of scripture read. by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Fred Peters and Mrs. Forrest, A hymn was sung and after each verse .a s,hort program was given. Prayer for missionaries and our work was given by Mrs. Fox. Hymn 554 was sung and the Miz- pah benediction was repeated in unison. - Lorne C. Elder, son -of John El- der, Hensall, has been appointed' chief engineer and works manager of the Wallace Barnes Co., of Ham- ilton.' Mrs. Elder is a daughter of John Passmore. Hensall. On Sunday morning Rev. J. B. Fox occupied the pulpit, preaching on the theme, "Keeping An Open Mind." The choir sang the'anthem, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." In the evening Mr. -Fox preached the second in a series of sermons on the story- of the church, entit- led "Dangers Without and Conflicts Within." On Sunday night, Jan. 31, the district representative of. the Brit- ish ritish and Foreign Bible Society, the Rev. W. H. Tonge, will address the Combined congregations• of the var- ious church. churches in Carmel Church. This meeting is' for the purpose of renewing'interest in this work, and if possible, of reorganiz-• ing it. All friends and supporters of the Bible Society are invited to attend, this service,, which will be at 7:30 p.m. A iiim, "The Bible on the Table," will also be shown. Misses Betty Mickle and Marion Irwin, nurses -In -training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited ' last Tb,ursdasn and Friday with the lat ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle and family. Hold Congregational Meeting Rev. Norman D. Knox, B.A., for- mer ormer rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist at New Lisk- eard, Ont., and who recently took charge of his new parishes, Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and St. Paul's; Hensall, .attended his first annual meeting of St. Pau's An- glican Church in Hensall, held on Tuesday evening. Mr. Knox wel- comed the members of the congre- gation and expressed' -bis thanks at the improvements done to the rec- tory at Exeter. A pot -luck supper Preceded the ,business session. A very successful year was reported in alt departments, with finance in good standing. W. 0. Goodrorin submitted the treasurer's report; Sunday School, Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton, and W.A. report, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. Officers elected were: Rector's warden, W. F. Riley; people's war- den, arden, John Henderson; treasurer, W. 0. Goodwin; clerk of the vestry, R. H. Middleton; lay delegates to the Synod,..T. 'Lavender; substitute lay delegate, Frank Forrest; sidesmenl, T. Lavender, Jack Henderson, 3r1, Tom Lavender, Jack La',v811d51'l board of maemelit, Mra. W. 0. Goodwin, • Mra. John Henderson, Mre. Louis Clark, Mrs. Aldwinkle, .Mrs. T. 'Lavender, plus the 0111er offiicers of the chiiroh; auditors, Mrs. T. , Lavender -ani Mrs. Re fl ( Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell batt, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Rag McBride, left recently on a trip to Florida. They expect to be away about a swath. BRUCEFIELD The annual meeting of the Bruce - field Fire Department will be held In the Oddfellows' Hall on the eve- ning of Tuesday, February 2. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance, of Mitohell, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Torranee, Lynda and Murray, of Porter's Hill, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr., Henry Ivi- son in honor of his 90thbirthday, which he celebrated this week.. Messrs: Willi -am Bell and Robert McGregor have returned home afr ter spending a week in the U.S.A. Mrs. John L. Henderson was in London a day last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Elston Dowson, Mrs. Winder and Mr. Robert Thom- son visited friends, in Stratford on Monday: Mr. and Mrs. Einar Mousseau and Marilyn. were Sunday visitors of Mrs. •Mousseau's" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Irro'wn, Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Die/tett and Merle visited relatives in Lis- towel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, were Saturday visitors of Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss 'Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Arnold, Gacks'ietter and -daughters- are spending a week in Hamilton. ' Miss Willy Te Rietaltap, of Ber- gentheim, Holland, is making her home with .Mr. and Mrs, Haver- camp. avercamp. We are happy in reporting Mrs. •MCOlymont, who has been i11, is up and around again. Wie are pleased to report Mrs. Catharine Jarrott is slowly im- proving in health. CROMARTY Mr. and Mirs. John Wallace and family visited' with Mr. and Mrs: Donald Wallace, Carlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Miss Caroline Walker and 'Miss Mary Sharpe, London, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Alex Ramsey is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. W.M.S. Meets , The Women's Missionary Society met at the home of :Mrs. William Miller. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl pre- sided and Mrs.. Frank Alien led in devotions. The new' study book, "A Voyage. of Discovery in Canada -and Overseas," was introduced by Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs. Mac Lamond and Mrs. Wln. Harper. Mrs. Thos. Laing led in the Glad Tidings prayer. The topic, "Needing a Saviour All the Year Through," was presented. by Mrs. Grace Scott. Ladies' Aid Elects Officers The annual,,.•.Ipge,ting of the Ladies' Aid followed the W.M.S. meeting.'Mrs. Houghton opened the meeting with a New Year's prayer. An encouraging financial report was given by Mrs. Calder McKaig. After dlisonssing plans for the year's work, the election of officers was held, resulting as follows; president, Mrs. ' Martha Houghton; vice-president, Mut& T. L. Scott; secretary, Mrs. JUR. Wallace; as- sistant, Mrs: James Scott;' treasur- er, Mrs. Calder McKaig; work com- mittee, ommittee, Mrs. Wm. Miler, Mrs. Lloyd Soradah1, Ma's. Tho'. Ming, Mrs. John: Wallace, Mrs. William Har- per, Mrs. M: Houghton. Mr. and 'Mrs. K. C. Davidson and daughter, Kendra, of Listowel, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. KIPPEN EAST WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Euchre & Dance HENSALL TOWN HALL —0n'—. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 at 8:30 p.m. NORRIS ORCHESTRA Ladies 'please provide sandwiches LUCKY LUNCIH TICKET Admission — 50 Cents 'pailaals 1919199ip and daughter, Bette. Mins. Ruby Routley', of St. Marrs. and- Mra William mBimiing'and Riofft- ar of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken 'McKellar on Sun- day. un- Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Thomas Laing, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and Mrs. Williams • Harper attended the Women's Missionary ranmral meet- ing of the Stratford Presbyterial on Thursday of last week. The membeas of the Young Peo- ple's Society enjoyed a bowling party on Saturday evening in Exe- ter and- were afterwards entertain- ed at the ;home of the Misses Shir- ley and Wi Harper. ' We are so to report Mrs. T. Macintosh is a ent in Scott Reception ®A Dance for Mr. and Mrs.• Alex Miller HENSALL TOWN HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 Murdoch's Orchestra Memorial }I'oepibaal. SeSA198llI.. Miss MargueriteDUpeaa sOniecPent the weekend at the 'manor mitLelit parents, Rev. R. and Mee. Duman - soul. Evening Auxiliary Meets The Marion Ritchie Evening Aux- iliary met Tuesday evening at home of Mrs. Jack Hoggarth. Mea Lloyd Miller presided. M`ra Jaime Miller had charge of the devotion, The sillidy book was taken by Maw. Calder McKaig, Mrs. Wesley Rude sell and WilmasTho title of the book is, "Whois Your Neigh- bor?" A New Year topic was gl-• en by Mrs. Frank Hamilton, and Alice Sordabl sang a solo. The meeting closed . with the Lord'ea prayer in unison. Euchre & Dance VARNA TOWN HALL FRIDAY JANUARY 22nd 0. GOOD MUSIC Lunch Counter Admission — —Popular Prices Snow Tires SUBURBANITE TREAD 6.70 x 15 Recaps EXCHANGED AT $32,00 PER SET — at — Seaforth Motors Phone '541 - : Seaforth aesweleW — aualneamPOSk vieweerweeweeellunelna NOTICE TOWNSHIP of McKILLOP ALL CAR OWNERS IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF McKILLOP ARE REQUEST- ED EQUESTED NOT TO PARK THEIR CARS ON' THE ROADS OF THE TOWNSHIP DURING THE WINTER Cars that are left on the roads are con- trary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. AFTER JANUARY 1, 1954, PLEASE NOTE THAT PROVINCIAL POLICE WILL TAKE THE NECESSARY AC- TION TO SEE THAT CARS ARE NOT LEFT ON ROADS, AND PROSECU- TION MAY FOLLOW. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron) County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 DODGE SEDAN—Uy equipped 1953 CHEV. BEL -AIR 4 -DOOR -•--Fully equipped 2-1952 CHEV. STVTmILINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWERGLIDE PLEETTaN'flI SEDAN—Pully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE iTi LEETT TNT+` COACH 1951 Cf3i V. STYLBiLINB SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER-GL!DE COACH, we&'radio 1950 AUSTIN COACH a . 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1949 METEOR OOACR 1947 DODGE COACH 1947 OLDSMOBILE PLEOMLINE 1110L1015-112.4 dramatic Drive 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN 1946 PONTIAC COUPE 1938 PLYMOUTH COUPE ---- TRUCKS 1949 G,M.C. %-TON flOKllPi 2-1943 DODGE ammo -nom mums "SPECIAL" -1947 MERCURY (; A written guarantee for M days on all Lata Model Can MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS. MOTORS igussmas ONTARIO •r- • 1 1 • I , t I « • • "-4 v eel r1 � , • 4