HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-22, Page 3a 5 A e cw• C R p'. :Mrs. G. a. Goddard and hlrs. D. Kyle were hostesses for the mnonbk- `ly meeting, :the:. health meeting, of the Hensall Women's Institute in the Legion Kell on , Wetinesday night. lei's. Armstrong called: the meeting to order with the Lord's Prayer and "0 Canada." Owe followed the roll call, "A resolution I ought to keep." Miss Greta Lammie contributed a violin solo, "I Dream of Jeanie." Matters of business brought up included the secretary reading thank -you notes ' from Margaret i r 1>a. '- gangster, 1'iiyllls Cep.' Ws. lnex MoEwem and Mrs. Henry. As a result of the special collection ta'k- en at the Decennber meeting, the 7,,ondon War Memorial Children's Hosp,;,ital received $28.50. ; Letters of 'appreciation wore read. Cor- respondence was read from Blue Cross. Members enrolled were in- formed that in future Blue Cross subscriptions will be paid, directly to the plan, instead of to the group leader as in the past. A letter Was received from Mrs. Chaffee, superintendent of the roM P O R RENT NEW, ' MODERN WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION In Town of Goderich Easy terms to the right party. Possession January 1, 1954. SAM McDONALD PHONE 392 - CLINTON Apply - i rq 4,04 b► r ,o rl�Anl? ,114, �QlrNl< 1. fl'ee. ''!+AhWAUIT901 or .140 tint -Intaiiits'rVean•'Mime who re-• quire wool: '-are•:,asked to Contact' Mrst..Orr: 'for same. •.A letter w'aa read; referring to a meeting to be held on Thursday.. Jan. 28, at 8:15 p.m., in Knox. Presbyterian, Church, Goderich' This gives you an AP' portunity of meeting the board of directors and :staff of the Huron County Children's Aid Society. Mrs. Goddard introduced to the audience Mr: Hale, sanitary inspec- tor, whose work is with the Clin- ton Health Unit. Two instructive films were shown, "The Unadulter- ated Truth" and "What's On Your Mind?" Mrs. A. Elgie interestingly dealt with the motto, "Health is wealth; let no man be a spend- thrift." Mrs. W. Alexander, a patient in Victoria Hospital, will receive cards. The 'hostesses next month are Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Horton.. • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating SEE OUR 1954 WALLPAPER DESIGNS WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton Phone 835 r 4 Phone 48 r BEAFORTH BRUSSELS VARY urc The Wiornen's Mie'a4anarY ;Society' of Reagan United Church: ponvened Thursday afternr oon lu the church Schoolroom and were addressed by the Rev. W. J. Rogers. In his ad- dress Mr. Rogers said, "The only way to overcome those' who are fanatical •and willing to be mar- tyrs, for a wrong cause is by :peo- ple who are fanatical and willing to be martyrs for a right cause. The Christians have the opportun- ity of meeting great needs in. the world, even if it requires 'sacrifice, or others who cannot bring the Christian Gospel will gladly do it." Rev. Mr. Rogers installed the following officers: president, Mrs. W. B. Cross; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. E. Geiger, Mrs. L. Eller, Mrs. W. J, Rogers, Mise M .Ellis; treasurer, Miss K. Scott; Roll call will be, "A Canadian book and its author." At this' time Miss Ellis gave a clever interpretation of several poems penned by Pro- fessor Louis McKay, a former Hen- sall native. Mrs. Anna Walker, in a pleasing manner, expressed thanks to all. "God Save the Queen" followed. The hostesses and the committee in 'charge provid- ed a dainty lunch at the close. recording and; correoponding aet;?re- tary, Mrs. George G1enn; • assista t, Mrs. A. Clark; Community Friend- ship secretaries, Mrs. W. Carlile, Mrs. W. R. ,Stephenson; supply secretaries, Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. W. R. Dougall and Mrs. W, Forrest ; Christian,Stewardship. secretary, Mrs. W. Carlile; .tem- perance secretary,. Mrs. W. Henry; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. J. Horton; pianist, Mrs. T. J. Sher- ritt, assistant, Mrs. T. C. Coates; Associate Helpers' secretary, Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. Sherritt; i•press secretary, Mrs. George Hese; Mis- sion. Band superintendents, Mrs. D. Kyle, Mrs, J. Flynn; Explorers Group, Mrs. Robert Cook; Baby Band, Mrs. L. Ei1er and Mrs: W. R. Stephenson. Mrs. Geiger spoke of departed members. One -minute silence 'of prayer was observed for Mrs. Em- naa McDonald, Mrs. Agnes Lammie, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne and Mrs. George Smale, valued members, who had passed on in 1953-54. Mrs. Cross presided over the meeting. Roll call was answered with the payment of fees, Scripture reading was given by Mrs. A. Alexander and prayer was offered by Mrs. W. For- rest. Yearly reports werepresent- 1Obittianes � GEORGE COWAN. , ,YTH.-Funeral seryfee ,, QoF George Cowan,. 75, wile died at his home in East Whwanosh township following a. recent stroke, were conducted Saturdlay, at 2:30 pan., by the. Rev. C. J. Scott, in Blytiti United -Church, and interment made Blyth Union Cemetery. He had lived all his life on the homestead' where he was born, and had been an active member of Blyth United Church, and a mem- ber of the se Sian. For 20 years he was mail carrier -on R.R. 1; Blyth. He was married three times. His first wife, rotary Barrett, Blyth, died many years ago, leaving two children, Kenneth, who has been teaching school for the 'past eight years at Maitland, and Mrs. T. ed. Miss Ellis brought up the matter of quilt blocks, size of The Huron Expositor, to the made for the spring bale for European relief. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. Lunch was served by Mrs. L. Filer, Mrs. A. Alexan- der, Mrs. N. Cook and Mrs. J. Hor- ton. itJ 'ans,n ••n wa?s Berle "W2ek y His u atford. 414 died in 1918. Mr. Cowan later Mar,' Tied 'Mies Edith Augustine, of 'I;7NIik gannon, who aurviees, with .three sons, Benson, 'S2raaitferd; CGeorge Coolssville; WdlliaM, at hearse, and one daughter, Mrs. Leslie Dal- gleish, Stratford. Alsp ourn'iving are two sisters, Mrs. J. Neweomibe and Mrs. L. L. Walter, Goderich. MRS. JOHN ECSTEIN ZURICH. -Funeral services for Mr's. John Eckstein, 72, of Zurich, who died in South Huron Hospital' at Exeter, Thursday; January 14. were conducted Sunday at 2:30 p.m. by the Rev. H. E. Roppel, in the Evangelical Ohurch, Zurich, and interment made in the Bronson Line ,cemetery. Her husband died several years ago. She was the former Margaret Zimmerman, and she and her hus- band farmed in Hay township for many years before, coming, to Zur- ich. Surviving are one brother, Solo- mon Zimmerman, Zurich, and two sisters, Mrs. Clarence. Otto, •Seb- ringville, and Mrs. Kate Alnes, Tavistock. terian 'Ziffr�,tfi;ea Beli•, Mirk, ,7; B Fol. ri Mrs. G. Forrest, Laren, Mrs. Len Purd'9' Sam Dougall: B.uch. nan schen Mount Forest- Successors orest Successors to TONE We Pick Up and ' Deliver M and Thursday Phone 230 ANDY CAW AGENT" Ladies' and 'Gen 2 -piece $U1M; Plain Dresses, $$'lain Gents' Trousers,, '5 Quality Plus Service Is Our" liwlaftf3`'`". S. BUCHANAN - ,Proprietor • •' OIM �Y�U1iL..K13SF r.�t +u,e.W,N.,..,n.'�:�e�avl,.v,::st• rii-L�'Jr.M w ammem Y. AT HENSALL These Leading Hensall Merchants Offer You Outstanding Values in a Wide Range of Brand New Quality Merchandise. Buy Now and Save at These Low Prices. 10 DAYS ONLY --- JANUARY 21st to 30th HOUSECOATS Reg. SALE NYLON .... 12.95 8.73 WOOL .... 12.95 8.73 SATIN 9.95 7.29 CHENITJ.F5.95 4.89 59c YD. To CLEAR Values to 98c-Gingihams, Topmost Percales, Wabas- so Flannelettes, English Cottons. Perfect for ap- rons, housedresses, kid- dies' wear, quilt/. 25% OFF Don't miss this special on our complete stock. SKI RTS _ BLOUSES BLACKS ALL-WEATHER COATS REMNANTS Be sure to see the Remant Table full of Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Wool- lens, Suitings, Curtaining, Plastics - Perfect for the lady who sews! WINTER UNDERWEAR Kayser Snuggles, Turn - bull's all -wool, Turnbull's Krag, Turnbull'd Wool and Cotton. 20% OFF SLIPS PANTIES All picked from "regular stock arid huge savings to you. Stock up on these bargains! STATION COATS The perfect winter coat; full collar; quilted lining. Regular 21.95. Sale Price 15,88 PEA JACKETS All -Wool 18 -oz. English Melton cloth. The newest style in winter wear. Regular 19.50. Sale 12,95; A Real Buy on Thirsty, Absorbent BATH TOWELS Regular 1.98 pair; for this Sale: 1,00 for One 25c for the 2nd one HALF PRICE Girls' PLAID DRESSES Size 7-12. Reg. 4.95 audi 2.98, at One -Half Price: 249 and 1.49 ANGORA GLOVES Reg. 1.95; Sale ... 1.19 ANGORA1.79; Sale E78 1.19 Reg. FLANNELETTE - Yel- low only. Reg. 59c; 45c to clear at, Yd .... Girls' CASHMERE 'HOSE Brown or White; 25% Off, COTTON MARQUISETTE for Curtains • - 25% Off PLAYTEX GIRDLES 33 1/5o% Off To Clear Snuggledown Pyjamas & Gowns Snuggle into Snuggledown for perfect sleepwear. Reg. SALE 5.95 and 4.95, 31.98 3.95 2.98 Crochet COTTON. Coat's Large Balls 3 for 1.00 LINED JEANS Reg. SALE 14-20 4.95 3.49 8-14 4.50 3.19 3-7, Boys' and Girls', 2.98 Jeans and Shirt, 3-7 .:. 195 3.88 Plaid Shirts 12 to 20 2.95 2.29 Middleton's Drug Store Are Glad to .Bring SUPER -SAVINGS on Articles You Need! TOOTH BRUSHES Everyone needs a good Tooth Brush. Regular 3Oc, for FREE ! That's Right Folks ! ONE PAIR OF PANTS F -R -E -E WITH EVERY MADE -TO - MEASURE SUIT DURING THIS SALE ! Your Choice of Our Complete Range of Samples - Gabardines, 39c Serges, Pic and Pics, Flannels and Many Other Wonderful Cloths. - All Tailored by Saville Row, in the Latest Styles - TEN DAYS ONLY - JANUARY 21stTo JANUARY 30th HOT WATER BOTTLES All Guaranteed. Every house should have two Hot Water Bot- tles. Come and get your choice and save. Regular Regular Regular $1.50 for $1.19 $2.75 for $1.89 $2.35 for $L59 BALL POINT PEN -Regular 79c; to clear at BILLFOLDS ---All fine quality Leather; zipper and plain. 2.39 ' All to Clear at Regular Prices, less 30% Discount YARD GOODS Woollens, Taffetas, Rayon Plaids, Velveteens:, Wool Tartans, Feather Flannels All 25% OFF Dr. Denton SLEEPERS FOR CHILDREN The finest sleepwear for kiddies. Pink or Blue. 20% OFF Snowy White PILLOW CASES Stock up on these; hem.. stitched. At 59c Each Not Just Another January Sale, But a Real Honest -to -Goodness CLEARANCE Sale, Because We Are Overstocked'. We Have to Sacrifice Profits to Clear Stock! TU LADIES' WEAR 1'" HENSA%L ixii, n a 1}al ik •i R'S DRY 000DS 01601<'i 41, iplioNE 70 49c VITAMIN SPECIAL ! $2.00 BOX FREE with purchase of a 100 -day size Complete Vitamin Treatment; 8 Different Vitamins - Iron and Liver ASK FOR PLENAMINS ! FARMERS ! - We carry a full line of Animal Medicines and Mineral Deficiency Tonics, Sulfas and Penicillins, Iron for Pigs. Mix your own feed; use our Royal Purple Concentrate Mixes - Stock, Hogs and Poultry.. (Mastitis in cows, we have the Bougies) OUR WALLPAPER DEPARTMENT Has a Clearance of Room Lots At Less Than One -Half Price COME AND SEE THEM! During Our Sale we will give 20% Discount on All Purchases of Wallpaper. Come and see our Bright News Designs. They are most pleasing! TOOTHPASTE - Pepsodent: Save 17c - 2 33c Tubes for 49c ALL WOODBURY'S CREAMS: Cold, Cleansing & Face Creams LARGE SIZE -Reg. 78c, for ;55c SMALL -Reg. 45c, for 33c SOAP SPECIAL - lc SALE WOODBURY'S SOAP -Regular 9c a Cake 1 CAKE FOR 1 CENT, with a purchase of 3 Cakes of Soap Special - 28c per Unit SCRAP BOOK - Beautiful Loose -Leaf Scrap Books BOARD COVERS SOFT COVER Regular $1.59, for 99c Regular 89c, for 49c Phone 20 Coo r' As An Added Attraction, We are Offering Our Complete Range of TOPCOATS AT 20% OFF - and our - STOCK SUITS AT 10% OFF, with Some Special at 1/3 Off'' MEN'S FUR FELT HATS -Values to $10.00. AT THIS. SALE ONLY Men's and Boys' WINTER COATS In Gabardines, Wool Plaids and Satins, made in Station Wagon models, Strol- lers and Stadium styles. All One Price! 25% OFF Men's DRESS SOX Wools, Nylons and Mixtures, in short and half hose. 69c RUBBER FOOTWEAR For this Big Winter Sale, all Rubber Footwear will be, sold at 20% OFF Broken MEN'S SHOES $4.95 and $6.95 lines and sizes, in qualities to WINTER UNDERWEAR Penman's, Stanfield's, Turnbull's, In combinations or two-piece. Cottons, Wools and Mixtures. y 20% OFF Men's WINTER WORK SHIRTS Doeskins, in plains and .plaids. One price only! $1.95 Boys' WINTER SHIRTS Plaids and Fancy Doeskins. MO and $1..98 Ladies' and Children's SHOES Ladies' Sandals. and Oxfords. $2.95 Children's Oxfords 'Sandals and High Shoes $12.95 • $t50 SEE OUR OTHER GREAT VALUES IN SPORT SHIRTS, SWEATERS and DRESS SHIRTS All Other Articles Not Mentioned in this Sale Will be Sold at 10% Discount! momommomme • TEACI YOUR DOLLARS MORE CENTS - SHOP AT • Phone 6 .:.L�rI;YA11II,tlr6.k,11�.'Yi'. C Ix „Cite, �w:E, .4vllil?¢u'i