HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-22, Page 1a • 4 • , 4 I R lr fa Ninety -Fifth Year Whole Number 4490_ SEAFORTR, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1954 . J. pale Chosen Huron Warden Hallett Reeve Is Elected • On First Ballot Tuesday WILLIAM J. DALE Malloch Chapter Here Installs New Officers J. W. Crich, Past Master of Clin- ton Lodge, No. 84, A.F. and A.M., was installed as First Principal at a meeting of ;Malloch Chapter No. 66 on Monday evening-. The in- >stallation, ceremony was performed by Rt. Ex. Comp. W. Roope, of Maitland Chapter, Goderich, assist- ed by Eir,„ Comp. O. Miller and Ex. Comrp. W. Ross. Other officers installed were as follows: First (Principal, J. W. 4 bosh; Past Principal, George Thompson; Second Principal, J. 13. 'Higgins; Third Principal, Amos Corby Scribe E., C. A. Barber; Scribe N.. James Doig; Treasurer, B G. Mullen; D. of C., James Neil- ,ans; P.S., D. E. Kyle; S.S., W. J. F. Bell; JS-, Frank Case; M. of 44it Veil, A. Matheson; M. of 3rd --Veil, D. R. Cooper; M. of 2nd Veil, O. Oke; Tyler, Harry Charters; aud3tote, J. E. Keating and John Bach; sick and visiting committee, George Jefferson, Dalton L. Reid and D. McLean. % Will Celebrate 92nd, 94th Birthdays Mrs. Janet MacDonald Will mark her 92nd birthday at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. C. E. Smith and Mr. Smith, on Monday, January 25. Despite her years, Mrs. MacDonald en- joys fairly good health and is thoroughly interested in day-to- day happenings. Mrs. Agnes •Baird, who re- sides at the home of her son, T. B. Baird, Brucefeld, will ob- serve her 94th birthday on Saturday, January. 30. In gen- eral her health is good. Mrs. Baird continues to 'have an ac- tive interest in community and district affairs. Huron County Council, at its* inaugural meeting Tuesday, elected William J. Dale, Reeve of H'nllett Township, as Warden. Thee" only other candidate was Reeve Roy 13. Cousins, of Brussels'. The motion to confirm the choice of warden was moved by Reeve Cousins. The new warden was for- mally escorted to the rostrum, by Reeve A. W. Kerslake, of Hermit, wardens in 1953. The oath of office was administered by Ins Honor, T. M. Costello, county judge. Urges New Court House In his address to the warden, Judge Costello urgedhthat the coun- ty councii should seriously consider the need tor a new court house. The time is long past, said the judge, when "this old •museum', was ade- quate for its purposes as a home for the county offices and admini- stration of justice. It will be necessary to scrutinize all grants carefully and eta where possible, said Warden Dale, if the county is to hold its rate to 10 milia "Of course, if you want to spend 12 mills, you'll just have to be sure you're able to go home and tell your supporters why you did it., tProvincial estimates presented at the Wednesday meeting of Council suggested the .possibility that Hur- on County may keep the same mill rate as last year, 10 mills. Although the mill rate is likely to be the same, Council is budgeting for a eldght deficit. It is expected that $417,450 will be raised, while expenditures are slated to be $426,025-,a deficit of $8,576. Only change would be in the ac- tual structure of the rate. Last year Council authorized 5.75 mills for the general account and 4.26 mills for the highways account. The budget is usually approved at council's june session. This year it is proposed to take, one mill off the, highway account and adld it to the general one, leav- ing the setup with 6.75 mills for general .and 3.25 for -highways. The clerk- treasurer explained that last year the highways ac- count had been built up to allow for tyle one -mill reduction this year. One of the reasons for the trans- fer to the general account is that $125,000 must be raised to pay for construction of > the new addition to the County Home 'at Clinton. For the past two.. years, Council has levied $50,000 fd - - the addition, making this year's levy an in- crease ncrease of $75,000. The Home addition levy is the biggest in the whole budget, ac- counting for 2.2V mills. Cost of operating the County Home is also expected to increase .,this year to $38,000, compared with $28,000 last year, accounting for .7 mills. P.U.C. Inaugural Re-elects Chairman The Public Utility Commis- sion at its inaugural meeting reelected Frank Kling as ehairman• - The Commission discussed a program of work in connection with its distribution facilities which will include the removal of 60 foot poles on East Wil- liam St. and Victoria St. Work will . be eontinned oe street lighting on Goderich St. as weather permits, according to Manager R. B. Holmes. Clinton Meeting To Discuss Brucellosis Act A special meeting will be held in Clinton. on Friday, Feb. 5, at 1:30 p.m., when Dr. Harold Worton, pro- vincial veterinarian, will give all the necessary information about the recently passed Brucellosis Control Act, and the best methods. of inaugurating the program in the townships in Huron County. Veterinarians practising in the county, municipal officials, Federa- tion of Agriculture officials', and others interested in a calfhood vac- cination program have been invited to attend the meeting. New Curling Rink Being Explored Construction of a curling rink was mooted at a meeting of the Seaforth Curling Club Wednesday evening, w' h• e n members reviewed the possi- bilities of erecting a building. The meeting, learned that 'similiar.. rinks in Wingham- and Mount Forest were operating successfully. In view of the enthusiasm: •that_exiate through- out the district, it was felt a curling rink here also would be a successful operation. No decision was reached, but the meeting named a commit- tee to explore the proposal from all angles and to bring in an immediate report. Members of the committee are M. A. Reid, . J. E. Keating, William LeyRirn, F. Kling and Harry. Ball. "I think you're wanted on the phone, sir." "What do you mean you 'think' I'm Wanted?" "Well, sir, somebody at the other end said, 'Is that you, you old fool'?" Local qhurches Hear Reports NORTHSIDE UNITED The annual meeting of Northside United Church was held -in the church schoolroom on Tuesday eve- ning. vening. The opening worship service was conducted -by the easter, Rey John W. Stinson, who ueedeJohn 15 as the basis Por the Meditation. A welcome was extended to all Pres- ent, and the meeting began with the election of the minister as chairman, and .Mrs. Ross Murdie as secretary. The various _reports were very interesting and encouraging.. The Sunday School reported a good year with growth in each depart- ment„ with 'a substantial financial balance to carry over lnto the new year. The Mission Band, Explor- ers, Junior and .Senior Tyro Groups, the C.G.I.T., Y.P.U. and Junior Choir presented 'statements which were very happily received and showed a healthy condition prevail- ing. Atter the report from the Senior Ch 'r, an expression of sin- cere. appreciation and gratitude was expressed .to Mr. and Mrs. •Jas. A. Stewart, and to Miss Mabel Turnbull, for their kindly and cour- ageous leadership during the past year. This was heartily endorsed by the whole congregation. First In 40 Years The W.A. brought in an encour- aging statement, with fine efforts being made by each group. Fore- most among the .projects planned during the year Was the comple- tion of payment for the church car- pet and floor coverings, atnounting. to over $2,400. 'The W.M.S. oi*ere warmly congratulated on reaching fiheir • allocation of $800, and the Mae Dane Evening Auxiliary had a good year also. It was with much regret that the recording steward and his wise, Dr. and Mrs. F. Harburn, could not be present. Due to Sane* Dr. Harburn found it necessary to fore- go orsgo the pleasure of attending, though this lathe tfirat annual ,meet- ing in 40 years that he has mias- ed An oxpressdon of good wishes' was presented to them both. It wee unaniniousl1;, agreed' that the congregation eke* • s to the Milted Mirth b� Briar Pailful. Thelfinierol ihneacild petite et SO eatt .?ere er> ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN St. Thomas, Anglican Church held its congregational meeting in the parish hall Tuesday evening, which was preceded by a pot -luck supper at: 7 p.m. The rector, Rev. J. H. James, presided and outlined objectives for the ensuing year. The reports of the variousorgan- izations were received and all showed balances. The elections for officers of the chairch resulted as follows: people's warden, John Earle; rector's war- den, T. T. Jackson; delegates to Synod, E. C. Boswell, J..R. M. Spit- tal; substitutes, W. E. Southgate, FL G. Meir; treasurer, W. E. South- gate; envelope secretary, E. C. Boswell; vestry clerk, U G. Meir. In addition to the above the following were elected to the Board of Managers: Miss C. Pinkney, Messrs. G. Wright, .. J. McCabe, H. Palin, George Flewitt. Robert Archibald and E. Larone. couraging. The building fund treas- urer presented a plan for the re- tiring of the church bonds in five years' time. The Missionary and Maintenance • fund showed more than. a 10 per cent increase over last year's allocation, and the Gen- eral Fund a goodly balance. In ap- preciation of Rev. and Mrs. Stin- son, an increase was ,made in the salary a :or the coining year. Total receipts for the year, from all sources, local and missionary, was in advance of $20,000. Elder* elected for three-year term were E. B. Goudie; Senator W. 11. Golding, Robert .McFadzean, 'Clarence Walden and Dr. Paul L. Brady, and Stewards elected for a three-year term were William Ball, Edward Pryce, Gordon Elliott and Ellwood Clarke. Car Leaves Track When Rails Spread When rails on a siding at the C.N.R. depot spread,, a freight Car left the-teacks., toaded "Mixt els tone of, Coal, ' destined ter Wr' ht. Bart, the ear wea'lpttt batik on the India y geodes, sled *ad the 'ieIRST PRESBYTERII The annual congregational' meet- ing' of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, was held in the church schoolroom on Monday, Jan.. 18, at 8 p.m. The meeting was. opened with devotional exercises by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell.' F. E. Willis was appointed chairman for the meeting, with K. I. McLean acting as secretary. The following reports were read, with all societies reporting an en- couraging and successful year: 1953 Session report and Session Fund report, Board of Managers, Treasurer's, Auditors', H'arpurhey Cemetery, Ladies' Aid Society, Wo- men's Missionary Society, Goforth Mission Band, McKillop W.M.S.. Barbara. Kirkman Auxiliary, Men's Club. Flower and Gift Committee, Fireside Fellowship, Choir, Sunday School, C.G.LT., and Young' Peo- ple's Society. The reports were adopted as read. Adopt Report C. M. Smith was reappointed church treasurer. F. Kling, C. M. Smith, Jas. F. Scott and W. J. Stuart were elected to the Board of Managers for a three-year term. F. E. Willis and James. Murray were reappointed church auditors. The .Boardof Managers reported that during the year a. great deal had been accomplished in repairs and renovations, repair of the church steeple .being a major item. The meeting approved recom- mendations contained in a report of a joint committee of the Kirk Session and Board of Managers, presented -by James F. Scott,. which provided for the installation of new lighting fixtures, insulation and the redecorating of the church. -It --•was indicated: the proposed renovations would be carried out in the near future. Mr. M.' M-oKellar, as representa- tive elder, expressed appreciation to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mrs. Campbell for the splendid leadership they are giving to all departments of the church. Rev. Ca.mapbell replied to Mr. McKellar'e renter)te, • The- meeting addourned folletwing the abenetd4etiou by Mr. -Caseribelll, to enjoy a social hour and Mfrogh, Metes. served by the Ladles' Add... }iaMSd(, rri443i& M t 4 ratio,: a a lunr.:�s.>J,u, PUBLICATION DELAYED The publishers regret that as a result of mechanical trouble, some subscribers waill receive their copies of The. Huron Ex- positor a day later than usual. W.I. Seeks Aid in Vent i lating _Centre Members of the Seaforth Wo- men's Institute are co-operating with the Community Centre Board to raise funds to be used for tike installation of a ventilating fan in the auditorium of the Centre. The Institute hold a large number of functions in the hall and has found that an exhaust fan is badly need- ed. As a means of raising funds, a dance is being held in the Com- munity Centre on Friday, Jan. 29. All proceeds will go to the Fan fund. In discussing the project, Insti- tute ,members felt that other groups might care to raise funds to assist, or that there may ,be individuals who would wish to contribute di- rectly. Su -ch persons or groups are asked to contact Mrs. R. J. Doig, in McKillop, or Mrs. Wilfred Cole- man, olaman, in Tuckersmith. Northside Tyro Group Sponsors` Program. On Friday evening the Tyros of Northside United Church enter- tained- their parents in a happy meeting. After the opening wor- ship service led by T -Men, Gary Ast and Darrell Schneider, Tyro plaques, T's and shoulder tabs were presented' to the following by Dr. P. L. Brady: Darrell 'Schneider, Lee Fleming, David Stinson, Keith Butt, Gary Pryce, Elliott Clarke, Terry Ast, Karl Campbell, Ro Muegge and Kenneth Black. Rev. J. W. Stinson presented Carl Ber- ger with his Blue Flash, -and. Nel- son BaI1 and Robert Elliott _with their Maroon Flash. A varied program was presented by the boys, which included games and stunts, including a circus. Two excellent Sims on India were pres- ented by Mr. L. Mosher, after which doughnuts, chocolate and tea were served, with Mrs. Pinder, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Stinson assisting. Midgets Take Fourth Straight Game In the first game of Saturday night's douibieheader, the local Mid- gets outscored the Goderich Lions 6-3. The 250 fans saw the Seaforth clan come up with their fourth straight win, as they make a strong bid for first place in their WOAA Midget grouping. Although the Port town opened the scoring in the game, Seaforth did. not hesitate to score twice, to take a 2-1 lead at the end of the first 20 minutes of play. The scoring sheet was left clean in the second period, with only two penalties being handed out to Gode- rich. It was the closing of both teams that barred the doors to both goals. Seaforth was able to start the scoring rolling in the final period as they shot four past Goddard in the Lions cage, while Bob McGon- igle only mi,s:;ed two for Seaforth. A case of overheated- • tempers showed in the final minute of play. when Dale of Sea -forth mixed with Bource of the Goderich team. When the scuffle was finally broken up, referee Charles Reeves. awarded each a fivaruin•ute major for ftgha ing. On the way to the cooler, Dale started letting off more steam ;that brought him an extra 10 minutes for misconduct and left him. rest- ing on the bench for the rest of the game: First Period—Goals: •Goderich, Doak, 6:07; Seaforth, Murray (Rob- erton), 8:32; Seaforth, Dinsmore (Wright, Mason), 9:27. Penalties— None. Second Period — Goals: None, Penalties—Lamb; Wilson. Third Period --Goals: Seaforth, Roberton (Murray), 0:31; Gode- rich,,-Graham (Lamb), 2:27; Sea - forth, Mason (Wright), 4:53: Sea - forth. McFadden (Roberton), 17.06; Goderich, Doak, 18:52, Penalties --- Wright, Lamb, Dale (major, mis- conduct), Bourse (major), Mc- Michael. F. of A. Officials " At Ontario Meeting Huron County was well rearm. ented at the meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in Toron- to lest week. Heading the Huron delegation was President Wilfred Shortreed, With him were Douglas McNeil, Colborne, and ,Winston Shapton. Exeter, vice- presidents. Arnold Alton, of Ashfleald, represented Hawn Junior Farmers, while Gar - don Scott, of MdKillop, and. Mt Dart)ar, Of Grey, attended tilie mottllgon b of their tows, . Ship ,organi 14, District Citizens Celebrate John Crawford, Mary Souter Exchange Vows 60 Yrs: Ago Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, who were 60 years wed on January 17, celebrated the occasion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pryce on Saturday. On January 17, 1894. John Craw- ford and Mary Souter were mar- ried arried at the bride's home in McKil- lop by the Rev. Musgrove. They were attended by. Mr. Crawford's sister, Elizabeth, now deceased, and Mrs. Crawford's brother, Alex Souter, of Tuckersmith. Telegrams of congratulation were received from the Queen, Premier pet and others, also cards and g fts from friends and relatives. In the afternoon the guests were received by kliss Linda Pryce and the guest book was attended by Miss Elaine Pryce. Mrs. 0. Daw- son and Mrs. Cameron poured tea, assisted by Mrs. A. Boyee• and Mrs. A. Matheson. In the evening Master Garry Pryce received the guests and Mrs. Robert Joynt and Miss Nellie Pryce poured tea, assisted by Miss Eleanor Henderson and- Miss Hel- en Pryce. The tea table was tastefully set with Irish linen cloth, gleaming silver, tall mauve candles and cen- trepiece of golden baby mums. The wedding cake held a place of honor on, the buffet. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford, of Brussels, who celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary last year, were present, also Mr. James Fulton, of Brussels., a cousin, and a guest at the wedding of 60 years ago. Seaforth Couple - Marks 54th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly, weld -known Seaforth residents, cel- ebrated the 54th anniversary of their marriage on Saturday. Mrs. Kelly was the former Mar- garet McQuaid. stud lived near Sea - forth until her marriage in 1900 to Mr. Kelly at St. James' -Roman Catholic Church here. The Rev, M. J. McCabe performed the cere- mony. Following their marriage they resided in Morris Township, near Blyth, where they farmed for 48 years before retiring to Seaforth six years ago. Mr. Kelly had op- erated the same farm for 52 years. They have one son, James, of Seaforth. Mr. Kelly is one of a family of eight brothers and sis- ters. Those living are Mrs. Wil- Seaforth Bowlers Hold 'Annual Seaforth Bowlers held their an- nual meeting in the Town Hall Monday evening and re-elected H. 0. Free as president. Other officers elected were: vice- president, Dr. John MacLennan; secretary. •A, W. Sillery; treasur- er, John Longstaff: tourney secre- tary, M. A, Reid, Dr. MacLennan; corresponding secretary, George Hildebrand ; executive, Norman MacLean, W. J. Duncan, C. A. Bar- ber, 13. F. Christie, Gordon Muir, M. Merriam, F. C. J. Sills, Fred John- ston.; official referee, John Beat- tie; auditors, M. McKellar, C. P. Situs. tomrnittee. reliorts presented to meeting indicated, the club had a4 + oat a1,10esafud year. Plans for '+g 1*tin disowned. ithe ineeking its *reel. Liam Devereaux, Seaforth; Leo J. Kelly, Morris Township; Thomas, Blyth: Albert J., London. Mrs. Kelly is also one of a family of eight, of whom only' one sister, Mrs. Joseph Murray. Stratford. is living. Both of the celebrants are al- most 83 years of age. Mr. Kelly, who had been confin- ed onfined to the hospital, had recovered sufficiently to be ableto return home for -the occasion. Mrs. Kelly is enjoying good health. ------------- Wilmer Broadfoot Heads School Board The inaugural meeting of the 1954 Tuckersmith School Area Board was held in Seaforth Town Hall when members present were W. Broadfoot, R. Forrest, D, Day - man, C. Neil, and M. Falconer' The two newly -elected trustees, W. Broadfoot and M. Falconer, took oath of office. The trustee board elected Wil- mer Broadfoot. as chairman and hoes Forrest as vice-chairman of the board. W. P. Roberts is the secretary -treasurer. An application for a refund of school taxes in lieu of tuition fees, paid by Reg. Me - Niel. was granted. The general liability insurance compensation policy and secre- tary -treasurer's bond were renew- ed enewed with Watson Rc Reid. 'A number of 'accounts were passed for pay- ment. John Lancaster, former Grade, VI teacher at the. Crawford Pub* 010 614 Tint Willem in now tee4hr ilk tart •SiS 4, 1'titekeomiili'ttr. Mr., Mrs. Patrick Feeney Wed at Dublin, January 1894 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney celebrated their diamond jubilee at their home on the 4th Concession of Hibbert on Satuyda.y. On Janu- ary 16, 1894, the late Very 'Rev. Dean Murphy united in marriage Patrick Feeney, of Staffa, and Mary- RoaJa of St. Columban Church, then known as Irishtown. Mr. Feeney is a son of the late Martin Feeney and Mary Woods. He is the last surviving member of a family of eleven. Mr. Feeney is in his 89th year. Mrs. Feeney is the eldest daugh- ter of the late Edward Roach and Catharine Carlin, of a family of nine. Mrs. Feeney has two sisters and one brother to help her cele- brate her anniversary, and is in her 87th year. Miss Ann Roach, of De- troit, who wasp bridesmaid of 60 Seaforth Red Cross Financial Statement The following is the financial statement of the Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross Society for 1953: Recelpts Cash 'on deposit. January 1. 1953 $ - 213.99 Campaign receipts 2,069.49 General donations 2.00 Bank interest 2.90 $2,318.38 Expenses • Amount remitted to ,Divi- sion $ 1.393.49 Workroom supplies Loan cupboard Civilian welfare Administration expense Express 1.30 Cash on deposit, Dec. 31, 1953 27432 579.69 58.50 8.23 2.85 $2.318.38 Ivy M. Butt. Treasurer During 1953 the workroom ship- ped to headquarters 1,034 articles of sewing, 275 knitted articles, 20 large arid eight crib -size blankets. Volunteer workers will be wel- come at the workroom in the Pub; lis Library the first Friday after- noon of each mond,, when work is given out. There is an urgent need for knitters. Seaforth W.I. Has Trip to County Home The Seaforth Womdn's Institute visited' the County Home, Clinton, on Friday and presented, a program of musical selections and readings to the 90 residents,. The program included selections by 8)rlin Whitmore, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Nancy Pepper, Mrs. J.' McGregor and Glori Carter; tap dancing by Mrs, vibe Storey; reby M J. Doig and Mrs. red Coleman, and a comic nem,ber in costume, entitled, "Mt. Gallagher and Mr. 'Sheen,' by Mrs. Eimer Cameron and MM. Coleman, Po lowh ig the program, 1. 3..a;b- ob, saPerintendent, took the lrotlt t on a tor, *title bullrtilltlpi, alb tits* new ifing rrbfeh li a • years ago, and Mrs. Catharine Mc- Quade, of Detroit, and Peter Roach, of London. Mr. Feeney was assessor of Hib- bert township for 20 years and was highly commended in the accuracy and efficiency 'of his work. He en- joys fairly good health at present. He was always a very successful farmer and was a lover of good work horses and beef cattle. Mrs. Feeney was a kind and helpful neighbor. A great knitter,' she enjoys fair health at present. Mr. and Mrs. Feeney have a six sons, all living: Joseph E., Dub- lin; Thomas, London; Louis, Al- bert, Jerome and Elmer, all at home. There are seven grand- children and, four great-grandchil- dren, They are members of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, and are the first parishioners to celebrate their diamond jubilee. Solemn High Mass was celebrat- ed at 10 o'clock in St. Patrick's Church, the celebrant being Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes, (pastor; Rev. J. A. Feeney, London, rector of 81. Peter's Cathedral, and a nephew of the jubi.larians,as deacon; and Rev. J. J. McCowel-1, pastor of St. Columban Church, as sub -deacon. Family dinner was served at the family residence, and a reception held in the afternoon from 3 to 5. Mr. and Mrs. Feeney lived all their life in Hibbert township, first on the llth concession, and then on the fourth concession. , Home and School Hears U.N. Address The Home and School Associa- tion held their monthly meeting Tuesday evening with the presi- dent, Mrs. F. Kling, in the chair. Mr. Hoffman's class opened the meeting, after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, fol lowedby the national anthem. The picture for the month went to Grade VI, Mr. Hoffman's room.. Mrs. Hugh Thompson won the prize as mother of the month, having the most letters in her name. The February meeting will be Mother', Night, and Mrs. C. A. Reith, Mrs, P. L. Brady and Mrs. M. Berger will be in charge. The Mardh meet- ing will be Father's Night, with Mrs, Adam Ast In charge. Mrs. Jason Ellis introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Andrew Y. Mn - Lean, one of the five delegates chosen from Canada to attend the seventh assembly of the United Nations in New York, and who elle cussed the work of the orgaaifta. tion and indicated its. relation to the Canadian way of life. Mr. Tal- bot expressed the' appreciation I the meeting to tite`bpesiter. Teachers of room 5, "' and • were present in their rooMe fo41* cuss matters with. the parents. meeting closed With "0 and Req. W. E. Milroy 411,6ii0 the benediction, We. . and her eannntlitttee e and cookies.: Men never , od�yanee.`''. halt tb,*'wed > thee