HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-01-01, Page 4cre•ti,1A,VatIA Inf rm„ .. ..�•r.v. "Si" a.ssifiea Ads1 mined Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rat's FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: let Week 1 Cent Ind Week fa Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion26 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. fiords of Thanki, Inweek. lam Notices, Cpming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, >Aaquirrs may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Haran Expositor. for 10 Dents tea. Tun cents additional will be charged if ads in above obese are not paid within 10 days of date of final Insertion. BOON, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Amnion Salsa, Notices to Creditor, Etc.—Bats on appllcatloa. n Coming Events WELCOME 1N THE NEW YEAR AT the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. Lancing from -10 till 2, Novelty hats, horns, etc. 4486-2 I.O.O-F. MEETING—FIDELITY LODGE No. 55, will meet on first and third Wednesday of each month. Grand Mas- ter's banquet January 6th. Harry Mc- Leod, Secretary; I. Trewartha, ' N.G, 4487-1 Help Wanted WOMAN WANTED FOI43. GENERAL house work. Ayiply to Box 285, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4487-1 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with -price list- 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Property For Sale FOR SALE — ONE OF SEAFORTH'S most beautiful homes: four bedrooms; hot water heating with- oil: completely res decorated: fireplace:insulated: two -car garage. Well landscaped: Apply to DR. E. A. McMASTER Seaforth. 4481-tf Notices Wanted YOUNG LADY LS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DENNIS- Phone 785 between 6 and 7 p.m. 4482x1 Births NIGH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Deoember 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nigh. Egmtondville. a son. SNOW --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 30, to Mr, end Mrs. Fred J. Snow, Seaforth, a son. Deaths WRIGIIT--In Seaforth, on Monday, Dec. 25, Winifred Agnes Wright, widow of the late William T. MIL in her 67th year. Mrs. Margaret Erratt, of Toron- to, visited with her brother, Thos. Robinson, and family, and with Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Milroy, at the manse, and spent a few days with relatives in Stanley - Euchre & Dance FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 Cards at 8:34 Seaforth Community Centre MURDOGH'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Ladies. please bring Sandwiches Lucky Lunch Prize AUSPICES OF SEAFORTH W. I. VACUUM CLEANER. REPAIRS ON ALL TO THE RATEPAYERS RS makes; 22 years' experience. We pick �xT wy7�•� np and deliver. PHONE 1&2-W, Seaforth. OF THE TOWNSHIP NSHI OF 448'1-tf RA oIra OREPAlI —FOR ALL LLIO D TUCKERSMITH: - PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Ravin been nominated Phone 347-R. 4363-tf g6. r, UEL COSTS SLASHED! LEARN HOW for the office of .Reeve to save up to 25% with the best blown for the COm ▪ 11( year I rock wool insulation. For free estimates f 7 consult V. S. LATSCH & Son, Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. 4453-tf PLEASE VISIT OtJR BIBLE BOOK Room. We have a fine selection of hymn books. Bibles. children's books. Mir- ror plaques ' a specialty. Call or phone Seaforth, 666 r 12. MRS. W. E. MILROY, The Manse, Exmondville. 4480x7 ATTENTION, FARMERS ! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all' dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd, 4399-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have - a house; apartment, furnished or unfurnished; to rent, please tail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 382; local 252. 4436-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1— McKILLOP Fire ,Insitrance. Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- aoe, (MA -A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult 'ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 1194-M. 4456-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need- We will, without charge to yon. take samples of the earth in your fields and have .them analyzed. CALL Top Notch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 376 4484-tf TWP. of TUCKERSMITH Notice of Nomihation Meeting A'MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF the Township of Tuckersmith will be' held in Watson's Hall. Kippen, on Mon- day, December 28, 1953..for the purpose of nominating candidates for the ofcee of Reeve and Councillors for 1954 and School Trustees (two to ,be elected) for tate year 1954 and 1955. Nominations will be received from the hour' of one o'clock to two o'clock in. the afternoon. In . the •event of more being nominated than are required to 1111 the positions, an election will be held on Monday, Jantfary 4, 1954..Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the following places: P.S.D. No. 1—Mrs. Sheila King's House, Egmondville: D.R.O., Harry Chesney; P. C., William Cameron. P.S.D. No. 2-8.3. No. 8: D:R.O., Roy McGmeh : P.C„ William Scotchmer. PILO. No. 3---S,S. No. 4: D.,R.O., W. P. Roberta; P,C., George Turner. P.S,D No. 4—S.S. No, 3: D.R.O., Nor- ris Sillery: P.C., John Broadfoot. P.B.D. No. 5-5.S No. 1: D.R.O., Mel- ville Traqualr: P.C., Glenn Bell. P.S-D No. 6-S4.S. No. 9: b.R.0., W. S. Broadfoot; P.C., Robert Gemmell, E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer. Cards Of Thanks Ii NORMAN LONG WISHES TO thank boxholders and friends on Aural Route No. 2, Kippen, for the gifts and treats which he received at Christ- 'nas. Wishing all •'8 Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. ' — 4487-1 I WISH TO THANK 'ALL THOSE WHO were , so kind to- me and who sent tarda and gifts while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and particular- ly the staff of the hospital, Dr. M. W. Stapleton and Dr. E. A. MoMaeter. 4497x1 MRS E. Me NORMAN In. Mgmoriaim LOVING M 8MOIWX OF MBS, B'RANg «C�ve; who gamed awes tiro teat's eteftther 29, 1951. , ' a;tl`dlrforiret you, ttM 45 ate lihtend; tint M anti, ate Will to the ferfaiteris * mate you trey be. Weer twelleil ran met Will be. bene br heitelt u, 1 respectfully solicit your support in the interests of the Municipality. Sincerely, • JAMES DOIG Mr. and M. Hon Joynt and John flew to Hellertowa, Bethle- hem. Pa,.. to spend Christmas, with Mr. and Mrs. Carey Joynt. Mrs. William Henry, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, London, with a fractured hip, returned home last Thursday. Signainian Bob Davis, of Vimy Barracks, Kingston, spent Christ- mas and New Years with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis. Mr. Hilliard Lawrence was taken seriously ill last Saturday and rushed by Bonthron's ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. where he has been given blood plasmas. Mr. Norman Heal, of Wingham, who has been a patient i&, Victoria Hospital, London, returned Sunday and is staying with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heal. Mrs. Heal, Sr., who is re- covering from a fractured shoulder and ribs suffered in a traffic acci- dent last Wednesday, is expected home the latter part of this .week from South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter. Signalman Eric Burton, of Vimy Barracks, Kiugston, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Davis and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne, of Walled •Lake, Miohigan, spent Christmas with Mrs, Ballantyne, Miss Scott and Mrs. Graham. Miss Ann Hildebrandt, of Lon- don, visited 'over the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt, and Marrin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and family were Christmas- visitors with Mrs. Minnie Cook. Mr. and Mrs. George Sangster and little son, of Portage La Prairie, Man., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Noakes and family. Christmas visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Maja were'" Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gelderland and Ronnie, of Ridgetown; and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Greenway and family, of Hensall. Hensall Firemen are sponsoring a New Year's Eve dance in the Town Hall Thursday night, Dec. 31. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Shorthouse and family. Orville Hedden, of St. Catharines. and Mrs. Betty Barrett and Roderick, of London, spent Christmas with Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb. Mrs. Owen Price and little son, Clifford. of London, England, ar- rived ill Canada Saturday and are staying this week with Mr. and " Mrs. H. W. Horton before leaving for Hamilton, where she will' reside with her husband. Mrs. Price is a niece of Mrs. Horton. Mr, Price w'as a Christmas guest. with Mr. and Mrs. Horton, eIrs. Alice Joynt was visited ov- r the Christmas holiday by Dr. and Mrs. H. Joynt and Judith Ann, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joint and family of Toronto, and Dr. W. Joynt, London. Mrs. Glazier. who was a patient in .Clinton Hospital for several months. is now visiting her daugh- ter. Mrs. R. Dayman, and Mr. Day - man. i ' Miss Elvera Churchill, of Toron- to, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and M1;`s. E- Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs, R. Dayman were visited last weekend by Mr. and Mrs. E,' Johnston and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bak- er. and daughter, of• Lambeth. Mrs. Johnston and sons remained a few days. Largely attended services were held in Hensall United Church last Sunday in charge of Rev. . W. J. Rogers. At the morning service the choir repeated the cantata, "Chimes of the Holy Night," un - TO THE RATEPAYERS OF TUCKERSMITH: Having been nominated for Reeve, I solicit your support and vote. As a member 'of Council for four years and Acting - Reeve since the illness of Reeve Moffat, I feel my experience can be of benefit to the. Township. Wishing all the Compliments of the Seaso)1. ANDREW E. CROZIER `Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY 'FOR Estate Planning aid Wills • Investment Management. and Advisory Service 470 Guaranteed Investments , 2% on savings --- deposits may be mailed -Real Estate Services For prompt attention cif RAYE B. PATERSON - Trust Officer Hensel], Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY" OF CANADA TeltOn'i0 • incortnau. o'rtnieA • WINDSOR' Z latta A /ALLS • 91inular ' Wits ar1i. aura* Ceitnent • V'KtiClin ala Ba1dwinsTop London (Continued from 'Page, 1Y Shantz searing on Stone's Pass from a faceoff to the right of the London nets. Baldwin® were minus starry "Oheeta" Ohouinard, the league's top scorer, who .is still holidaying at his Noranda biome; and Andy Roberts, another • potent scorer London was, of course, minus John Bergere (broken bpne in ankle) and Bob Morrison (broken nose). SEAFORTH Goal, R, 'Salter; de- fence, Aitcheson, Barton, Storey, Elliott; forwards, Shantz, 'T, Sal - 'ter, R. Muir, Stenlund, Stone, J. Muir, McIlwain. a LONDON—Goal, MacAiash'; de- fence. Wilson, W. Lamport, Oig- eon; forwards, Quirie, Granville, Bourne, .Walker, Horlick, K. Beat- tie, Thompson, MMFalls, D. Beat- tie. Officials—Higgins and Robertson. First Period — London, Pigeon (Walker, Horlick), 7:14;. 2, Sea - forth, T. Salter, 11:48; 3, London, D. Beattie, 12:46; 4, Seafoith, R. Muir (Mclllwain), 1$;52; 5, .Sea - forth, Meliwain (R.' Muir), 19:39. Penalty—+Granville (tripping), 9.39. Second Period — 6, London, Bourne (Quirie), :51; 7, London, Bourne (Granville, Quirie), 9:05; 8, Seaforth, Shantz (Stonek 10:00. Penalties — Aitcheson (interfer encs) 1:00; K. 13eattie (charging) Stenlund (boarding), 6:03; Wilson (tripping), 5:48; Stone (roughing), 10:17; T. Salter (trip-, ping), 15:24; Pigeon (tripping), 19:16. s. Third Period -9, London, Gran- ville (Lamport, 'Bourne), 6:27; 10, London, McFalls (Thompson, Lara - port), 7:37; 11, Seaforth, S'hants (T. Salter), 7:52; 12, Seaforth, Mc- Ilwain (R. Muir), 13:19; 13, Sea - forth. T. Salter (Storey, Aitcheson) 15:50; 14, Seaforth, Stenlund (Stor- ey, Aitcheson), 19:21. Penalties— J. Muir (roughing), '5:07; Pigeon (fighting, major), 9:25; StAniu d (fighting,. major), 9:25; Pige (handling puck), 15:43. MAE LANE INSTALLS OFFICERS The regular meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held inthe basement of Northside United Church December 21. A candle- light service was,held, after which Mrs, J. W. Stinson led in prayer. A Christmas story was told by Mrs. Leesming. The minutes were read and adopted and. Rev. J. W. Stin- son installed the slate of officers for 1954 as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. J. W. Stinson; president, Mrs. N. Schneider; first vice-president, Mrs. G. Ferris; second . vice-president, Mrs. P. Dunlop; secretary, Mrs. W. Dalrymple; treasurer, Miss J. Mof- fat; literature secretary, Mrs. K. Hulley; conveners of Toddlers' Group, Mrs. MacLennan, Miss Bet- ty Langford; cards, Mrs. D. Bright - rail; pianist, Mrs. J. Hoffman; Cir- cle Captains, Miss Eleanor Hen- derson, Mrs. N. Bell, Mrs,- W. Hen- derson. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, after whish a social half-hour was spent. Canada's pulp and paper output exceeds in value her, output, of wheat and all other grain crops. der the, direction of Mr S. Rennie, choir leader, and Miss Laramie, or- ganist. Baskets of flowers were placed in loving memory of - the 'late Mrs. Susan Soldan. Next Sunday, Jan. , 3, . services will be held as usual, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Communion service will be observed in the morning. Chisethurst, worship is. at 3 p.m. Sunday School meets at 2 o'clock. Dennis Electric - All Types of "•" ` " WIRING AND REPAIRS We Also Stock Electrical Appliances ' Agents for VISIONAIRE TELEVISION SETS DEEP FREEZE REFRIGERATORS • Dennis Electric Shop and, Sales — Commercial Hotel PHONE 467' - MAIN STREET McKin1eys'. Baby Chicks CANADIAN APPROVED • PURE-BRED NEW HAMPSHIRE • PURE-BRED LIGHT SUSSEX • PURE-BRED WHITE ROCK • N. H. X L. S. CROSSBREDS . • `N. H. X B. R. CROSSBREDS and our Popular r THREE WAY CROSS—W..4. X H. S. Northside Choir _Woodwind from Page 1) and.i1n aforth each of the Church Sunday'Schools and the dist:let 'schools held open bouse when the children presented programs and Santa Claus distributed. gifts. Some- times there was trouble when two entertainments fe11 on the same evening, and Santa had - to - mill from one to the other. But in the end everything worked out all right. Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas if there were not spe- cial services in the Churches, and in Seaforth the choirs- were heard at practice well ahead. of •Ohrist- mas, fie that their contributions would be letter perfect. Christmas is a wonderful sea- son. In Seaforth, like•other places, there -was the physical activity, the excitement, the planning that pre- ceded: the day. But now that the day has , actually arrived, those things, to a great extent, are for- gotten and it is the spirit of Christmas that prevails, In this world over so much of which there is a reign of confusion and of tyranny; th spirit of Christmas .stands "s a beacon indicative , of free man's faith in the fact that the teachings of Him, whose birth- day we celebrate today, will in the end triumph. CROMARTY Miss Marguerite Duncanson res spending the holiday season at the Manse with her parents, Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson. Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott and family visited, on Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Thiemas Gilles- pie arid• family at Koznoka. Audrey Kemp spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs, M. Houghton. • Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossip and daughter, Betty, spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forrester at Port Albert. • •Mr, and. Mrs. Ted Storey and daughter visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Guest, at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Ross •Houghton and family and Mrs: M. Houghton vis - Red with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family on Christmas Day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKeIla'i were visited on Saturday evening by the members of- their family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and citydren, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ross and family, of Staffs, and Mr. and Mrs, Murray Christie, of Roys, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. A family gathering was held on Christmas' Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr, anc). Mrs.' Thomas Scott vis- ited with Mr; and_ Mrs. Gordon Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, of Listowel, accompanied by mem- bers of their family, visited with Mrs. R. Robertson and John Rob- ertson on Sunday, - Mrs., M. Houghton and Mr. and R Mrs. oss Houghton end family. were at Mildmay on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Houghton and family and with Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton and Leonard Gordon. We are pleased to report Mrs. James Howe, Jr., is.mueh improv- ed after her illness. ' BRUCEFIELD Mr. J. R. Rathwell has been suc- cessful in winning the H. A. Glover prize for accounting in the prim- ary examinations held by the In- stitute of Chartered Accountants. Congratulations, Jack! CONSTANCE Family gatherings were held at the homes of the following at Christmas; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mont- gomery, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hog- garth, the Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and Mr, and Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain and family spent Christmas 'with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd were guests of -•Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Leitch, Reeve and, Mrs, W. J. Dale and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McMichael at Auburn. -• Miss Beulah Wood, of Anderson, Indiana, is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. .Montgomery. Miss Muriel Dale and Miss Mary Whyte are taking a course at the Agriculture College, Guelph. Mr. Murray' :Dale, of Weston, spent a few days with hif#iarents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. District Obituaries ' LnTE PETER STEWART BRUSSELS.—Peter Stewart died on Christmas D"ay in Brussels fol- lowing .a short illness with influ- enza. He had celebrated his 91st birthday in September. Born in Morris Township, the second son of Alexander and Mar- garet Fisher Stewart, he receiy-gid' his education in Brussels schools. Al the age of 17 he went to the West and lived In the Canadian West and in Langdoh, N.D. In 1906 he returned to Brussels, where he has lived since. Mr. Stewart is survived by three daughters: Mrs. D. 0. (Hazel) Matheson, Brussels; Mrs. Gbrdon (Florence) McGavin, McKillop Township, and Mrs. Sinclair (Jean) Hemingway, Toronto, and four sons: Roy, Toronto; Archie, Wind- sor; Graham, Bay City; Mich., and Stewart Lowe, of Brussels. One brother, Duncan, lives in Burbank, Cal-, and there are 19 grandchil- dren, and three greis-grandchil- dren. His, wife, Mary C. Lowe, died seven :y iti'k:it8,o. . : - lie *au A taitanber of Melville Preabyt Milli: chaTek. Burial was til Y)i Yll)# i11it h+E itaite'1"y ohs .Monday, MITE Mra. Robert MiaBride and die, spent, Chrishatan and the weeken4 with Mr. 'and Mra, Wilbert Me - Bride in Kitobener. - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmaore spent Christmas with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudniore, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Diekert and Merle spent Cllrist'mas with the former's mother and brother in Clifford. Mr. and .Mrs. Grant Love, 'of Cairo, Michigan, visited Mr. and Mra Robert Dalrymple on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Pat andi Terry, of Stratford, spent Christmas with Mins. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Verne Alderdice for the gift of a baby boy at Clinton Hospital •last week. The family of Mr. Robert Thom- son :net at his home Christmas Day, including Mr. and Mr.s, Bob Stokes and Larry, London; Mr. and - Mrs. Bert Thomson and John, of Kippen;' • Mr. and Mrs. Priestap and family, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and family, Strat- ford; Mr, and Mrs. Cornish and family, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn visited .the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Grand Bend, on Christmas Day. Mr. William Ivison is enjoying the Christmas 'holidays with his' sister,,, Mrs. Barnby, in London. Mr. and Mrs-. Stewart Beattie and family, of Wingham, are holi- daying with Mrs. Robert McBride and Lorne. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton and Ronald, of Goderich, were Christmas • Day visitors of Mrs: Beaton's. father, Mr. Jonah Green. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell and family spent Christmas Day in Ex- eter with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunning, parents of' Mrs, Bell. Mrs. Minnie Little, of London, formerly of Kippen, was a guest of TvIr. and Mrs. Long on Sunday. Dr. James Jarrott, of London, Dr. Gilbert C. Jarrott, of Stratford, and Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane vis- ited Christmas Eve with Mr. Coch- rane's niece and ,nephew, Dr. and. Mrs. A. Addison, Clinton. - Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore and family, of Waterloo, were the weekend visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and children, of Loudon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren, of Preston, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Gor- don Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl and Allan, of Listowel, visited Saturday with the latter's brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. N. Dick- ert. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and two children. of Porter's Hill. and Mr, and Mrs. Ivison Torrance. of Mit= clad], visited Sunday with Mr. Henry and Miss Jean Ivison. Mr. Orville Workman. Mr. N. Dickert and Mr. Robert McGregor were in London Sunday to see Mr. Thomas Butt in Victoria Hospital, and who has since passed away. Mr, and Mrs. Elston Dowson spent Christmas Day with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cooke in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Win- throp, were recent visitors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dowson. On Sunday evening a carol ser- vice under the auspices of the Y. P. U. was held in St. Andrew's Church, The ,president, Hank Ben- indyke, presided. Keith Love gave a reading, on "Carols." Carol Faber gave the Story, and Don Bell sang a solo with Miss Jean Ivison at the organ, The hour of carol singing con- cluded with a candle -lighting ser- vice in charge of • the president, Hank Benindyke; vice-president, Elaine Bell; secretary, Phyllis Los - tell; treasurer, Jack Bell, acting for Don Kyle who was: unable to be present. Ushers were Douglas Cooper and Wayne McBride. On Sunday, January 3, Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Andrew's Unit - Church. To Hold Watch Night Service There will be a Watch Night Service at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on New Year's Eve, commencing at 11:30 p.m., concluding at approximately 12:10 a.m„ in charge of the .Rev. Nor- man McLeod. Everyone -is cordial- ly invited in attend. To compete in world markets Canada must grow low cost wood. 00 a rci WEEKEND SPECIALS DgLES' PINEAPPLE JUICE—Large ± -oz. Tin no QUICK QUAKER OATS JLarge 3 -pound Box Sia DAINTY RICE -1 -pound Package - 100 WAGBTAFFE'S LIGHT FRUIT CAKE MIX -29 -oz. Pkg. ,,' gyp KIST GiNGER ALE -2 Large Bottles 880 (Plus' depoldt) BURLINGTON TOMATO CATSUP -11 -oz. Bottle lee V-8 VEGETABLE JUICES -2 20 -oz. Tins 35e CHECK THE FRUIT COUNTER! "We Wish Everyone A Happy New Year" • --PHONE 8 Orval 'Cooper seaf� , FREE DELIVERY SELF SERVICE or COUNTER SERVICE Expositor Want Ads Bring Results --- Phone 41 We cannot let this Joyous Season pass with- out extending to you our sincere wishes for A HAPPY NEW YEAR' 'sik f rt. Seaforth Lumber Limited Phone 47 Seaforth 4.11 over the world Important News is breaking Every Day. Your way of living . , your cost of living . - is influenced and altered by events which happen in other parts of the world. In London . . . in Washington,-... in agar world capitals , :. men and wcmert are makilvg laws . . , saying things and doing things affect your life. • • The Toronto Daily Star brings you the, news of the world ... the day the news happens ... anti the latest news pictures, • Have The Toronto Dairy Star _delivered to your home. This big, bright, enterprising newspaper keep. you in touch with what's going m pterywltes7 Delivered by - Map Subscription ' Asp Carrier 30c a week Rates Aghast' 1 month —_- $ 1.511 D months 6 months 1 year 22.00 Address Circulation Dept., Ddiy k- 80 King St. W., Toronto q,4 STAR lieu tear reefings to til 'Our familia SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 DODGE SEDAN—Fully equipped 1953 CHEV. BEL-AILR 4-DOOR.—Pally equipped 2-191i2 CHEV. STYLPILINE SEDANS 1952 PONTILAJ,C SEDAN 1951 OHEV OW:atiGIJI9 PLEE11L1NH 'SEDAN—Pally equipped. 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE PLEETLINE COACH 1951 CHEM. DE LUXE SEDAN 1951 CHI'HV.-STTL81L.INEE, elEDAN .1951 OH EV. Powns.4LIDE comm, swift radio 1950 AUSTIN COACH 1949 PONfiiAO SEDAN ' • 1949 OHJiVV. 91f1DAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1949 METEOR OOAC'H 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 1947 OLDS'MOBILE 1 .EEIVIN p dramatic Dt'ive 1946 PONT>IAC SEDAN 1942 OLDS PLEE'PLI NE ®OA EI 1988 'PLYMOUTH COUPE TRUCKS 1949 0.M.C. %Jam PIOKUP 5-1943 DODGE STARE -BOW "SPECIAL" -1947 MERCURY A written guarantee for 10 days on all Late Model Can MANY OTHER MODELS TO COOBE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ' i.S e.., ONTARIO PHONE '78 X "tie Home Of fitter tlwrd0,10. L OPEN EVE111Y i.vi ,.a e