HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-12-25, Page 8.. r f.., ..,.:- _ ..., ,., r.. l ,.., i ,,., _. ,. ,.. t. �. , ,.., Il. IA .. :—.,. �ri •. 1. f.. I' 1 .f. p
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A „•,.iA . �� RhQ 4 ° eat took o :>R e ce a 1
T,h d # place 1YIr§ `GP 6 �R, A�a'3`o«.evenxi8 , , to .1?'
t e. tr'4 <, : a a ':� "rC , Xa1 M's 113 , $
3Qr AtRt . ,ot •the WQ1 A & Mi&Alberta
SF .SQ1 I✓1 r , a I$.. lr P.t:.r 1
@ I' i R Deer; be411W-4,40,„r. ,..,. 4 .
per,.. Pnt3Qp . Me etiA Tht a H, we liver n e Al . rt .- . lexge and , ativ,. n M,
?r.i P.. !G'R 8
r s ottary Society of Northside v'nit�'p, Ta
,e'�A'•r �tt�FS' Claw , P.:n , on L?eGerntber 12 at Tier h lne hh a ' ribs Fiens�all �owu xia�#i :. a choir oh :gee l�clrt}sesr and group ttpin . - ��' 1.
welcome a ed urah was held an the schoolAO,
„ „ . J
? #[aetlau A wa,ita s, Welliver was th f0 . er under direotlon of J, T•, N'1.. l C o ��N ,$I:�AdI?N
Mrs, .. �P r «, ., RlerB Re>4 1'011, wed;lrY.. a l?Rst4g1g: •�'7`�kY�k?� ��'°i}NS1tEP
room of the ohureh leash w6ek. 'The. e _ ,
Grace E1dr'.andr Caught dor Aatamy C:Q•, Preaeated th foRkciytin Huta ,b Mo. i h re
1 — president, Mms. H. Snell, w i he y. Shaw _ N c Ql:.:anl a, 4itlt Z'hp3S ::
pxW •$ oh9 dpit ter o $enr ;. �')4pIIt1't11k1'1R
9,,wiTQ>?51vRi a Unttgd Church. 10 p Sn i > as u tr yearn in Seaforth ?'uhiic School. fibers.. tion Ry GlaYtton Cp. , Qll>,
Quilrch School; 11 a.m., Morn. chair, and, the meeting was opened .� s , -... .�i ., � ,,,
she was bhe tau titer of the lata 4 Come, All Yo k`�a,l,#ih9ul,” '",”
Ing Warship• Sermon subject, "The by Mrs. Pr B. Moffat reading a ,� .
• A bY4tte �`he &tory*, pfvhrls.{
' Dr, and, M£rs. Elder, Dr. . )der wars' First Cihristmas, Morn,” Angel@ mss ' Ro1Row. 'litre' _40111M
: ! r
Y YR>!rbell da Was bright Lord is Colne"; 7 p.m., Sang ser Poem, fibs Ballad of the wase .r;,
' ! r1t! tlrias lan'texn- — a veterinary surgeon :here. The We Have Heard'. on.. glt> Ca}ol, AIq.mber of 'tke eehool, took a r NROtNpj4Ye
ur vtee and, story time. Rev. W. E: Men." l� 1CU•EBD�►y;''.;WfDIN:R�►X .
4010. Q itis for, you, funeral Was held pecemTber 16, with •Sweetly Carol, Hark! Whet Means ;'nr gKte, tune to. prose ,gip story #�i fc r ,
Micro Minister. M'rs. J. (Pollard led in prayer. yn�n AA
Y, burial in Red Meer cemetery. 'Those Holy Voices, ChrfstiaR ', itR!d, r'TTatFity Herald, „e, �'+ %' � i :. a1[ p yr. Y .
& ,RE S&, Thomas' Anglican Charch>- Mrs'. SRei1 spoke a few words of Awake;" "Infant Holy; "'Glsod $!ng B Kr ?meth VIIR.,tiiNlA M
WATSOUN IH Rack on , I rl Caim�keu. Trunpfi :. A1PQ 1111 Ne1,80N•
Christmas Flva, 11:3Q: 'Christmas welcome, and' the business session LATE ANDREW (?KE Wenceslas," "Good Qhmisltlan .Men, eters, Jint..and $ill Flanagan, 'the,
surance,and Real Estate carols, followed 'b the Hol Com- followed- Annual reports were re -
Y y Rejoice," "Silent Night" apt That } !ork ng hal '.way flit iColl
ceived from the various' secretaries', There Passed awe in Toronto Fraghet., Neil Broadfoot, (�>d,l Cwtle' bacAc on
Phone 214 munion at midnight; Christmas Y ! Angels!.'
.. �4eaforth. "ITark The Herald Angel's Sing> Lind'& Savau Broadway and ther.'brt�t_i3�ht� Ale Q19�PASfi�l.
- -- — -• Morning: The Holy Communion', else the report from the nominat on (Saturday, •December 19, Andrew ge and' rSwsan 9rtcwR,
in 'committee, Mrs. Ai'kenhead, Oke, a former well -know resident Solos were sung 'by Mita C. Ken- Mary, #tvtl� '1'iittdert ,Joseph, Rill
10:30. Sunday, Dec. 27-11 a.m., g n
FOR SALE neat', "The star of Bethlehem' and soon; the S'hei6 rds, xerrylCaft- THURSDA F t 41Y, $�4Ttai�DAY'
Christmas Service for all the Rasa gave a splendid report of the af- of Seaforth, in his 81st Year. Miss Jean Henderson, " "The C'h'rist- , . �"e ,' .
Modern Dwelling on East Wil- ternoon session of the Sectional M'r. Oke was well known to bell, Gordon Ferris' .anti $cyan sc
>ly; 7 p.m., The Christmas Story man Rose." ��
A3u ;5t. New air conditioning unit. with Carols. St. Mary's, Dublin— •meeting at Moncrieff in Sepltem- many here as rhe conducted a har Brady;, Kings, Robert SueIl, Larry SMALi .�OrY i� CI L' _
y Miss Coral 'Brown played a piano Berger and Kenneth Thopapsori. JANE PI IA(E4 L FAR'L;EY GRANGER
mediate possession.Suaday, :Dec. 27—The Holy Cont- ber. Hess shop 'in town and also was solo. Ifiss Ellen Lave accom an
Tame Dwelling with all modern Mrs. Snell, retiring after two a tea salesman in the district. p In modern costume were: Tyros,
ottveniences, 011 heating. Suit- munion—Rsv. J. H. James, Rec- led the soloists, and Mr. Nicol
tor• years as president, voiced her ap- His wife predeceaseld him s'ev- Donnie Pretty and CLeJyton Can
able;' for V.L.A. purchase. reeiation of the co operation giv stat years ago, trot is s :vet• •by the choir numbers, Rev. W. J. neli; •Explorers, Gorda Christensen THERE WILL BE NQ M/�TINF qN l !RiSTiNAa PAY ,
Northside United Church, — 10 p � Rogers presided, and Rev, J. $.. and Marilyn Batt; Scouts', Jahn
lilt ilern Naw Dwelling, very fen- a m•, Church Slchool and Adlult en her in her term of office, Circle one son, Alvin, Toronto. Fox gave an address. (Luncheon
gaily located; ,,bit '. heating. All Bible Class; 11 a.m., Christmas 'five then hook charge of the Christ- The remains rested at the Ros's was. served -to the choir b Mr. and Scott and (Paul Besse;
:evenieupe8, mss program. Mrs. E. H, Cioso, 'as• Ccai Funeral Parlors, Toronto, un Y Carol Adams and Merle Cooper;
Service; sermon' theme, "When g Mrs. William Brown at their home Senior o,
tf++'ssame.Dwelling on Victoria St., Herod Was Troubled"; Jlunior and leader, was assisted -by Mrs. Snell til M'ondlay, then brought to the Tyr Donald Wright; Be
10ft ail rtnodera conveniences. Pos- Senior Choirs:- 7 p.m., Candlelight and Mrs, wm. Ball. Mrs. J. A. Box Funeral Home here, tubers ser- ginners, 'Brenda .and Barbara El- -b •.
�'�ed• Seivice,—Jtev.�J. W. Stinson, Min- Stewart and Miss Ruth Cluff sang vice was held -that afternoon. Rev. liott; Little {Kind Girl, Lois' Scott; ��
i+'liiml9 Dwelling in Egmandville; inter, a duet, with Mrs. B. F. Christie as J. W. Stinson, of Northside United LOCAL BRIEFS Vespers., Mary Belle and Maurice
u' ;
pww7prage. Immediate possession. accompanist. Mrs. W. S. Hay led Church, officiated. Pallbearers Stinson; Curtains, Crary Ast and
iQvime, Dwelling on Louisa St. Rev, D. Glenn Campbell conduct- in prayer. were Wilson Hawkins, James' T. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Adams and Barry Fleming, The narrator was
Rev, J. A. Stinson gave a fitting Scott, F. Pennebaker, James Hen- daughter, Go'derich, spent the week Moss R. Fennell, and Rev. J. W.
33i4iderlt conveniences. New fur ed "Church of the Air" at Wing- address on "A world of Brother- d,erson, Cecil Oke and Lew Teb- end with the formers parents, Mr. Stinson led' in the Pageant Prayer. GIVLI,,This Store.a T _
,e04C.e. Possession November 1. ham's' CKNX Wednesday morning. and Mrs, Fred Adams, . E}gmond Tho fourth seebion of the pro-
iMer Properties Also Listed Mrs. Frank Kling was soloist, ac- hood," which could, be achieved if butt. ',Burial was in Maitlandbank villa.
com•pauie>d� by Mrs. John Card -no. we all lived and worked in the cemetery. gram was the presentation of the
M. A. REID a .irit of Chaistmas, he em hasized. Mrs, E. Dinnen left Monday for film, "The Night Before Christ- YUtI will { always Christ -
,Mrs. W. S. Hay and Miss Jean P p LATE W. J. ELLIOTTWindsor, where she will spend mas," in charge of Mr. Lawrence find
4'IEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 McLean are spending Christmas' Carol singing was enjoyed' in the Christmas with her son and daugh- 'Plu'msteei. Atter the +�inging of
with the form,er's daughter and program, and the meeting closed One of the leading figures in Hur- a lterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Din- carols, Santa Claus
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Neil Tay- with prayer. 2. football activity in the 90's and nen. bells, ringing and, 'dis'tributed treats
arrived with Outstanding Values
O lore Kingsville. a son of a former Seaforth 'town Mrs. James' Kerr left last week to all the school. Mr. Scott wished
r' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oliver, Mr. clerk, W. J. Dubbie" Elliott died to spend, Christmasin Toronto with everyone a, very "Mary Christmas," — at the —
and 'Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and, District — in hospital in Edmonton, Alta., this her son and, daughter-in-law, -Mr. and led in the singing of "God Save
v Mrs. Annie Coleman were in Strati month. and Mrs. Howard' Kerr.) the Queen."
ford' Wednesday attending the gol- Mr. Elliott was' born in Egmond- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ament,
den wadding anniversary of M'r, eddings vine, 'and was educated in Seaforth Waterloo, spent Saturday with the f �y�
and .Mrs. R. F. Hay. and the. Ontario Agricultural Col- former's mother, Mrs. W. Ament. � • ++•US SHOis STORE
MILLER - PEPPER lege at Guelph. on graduation the Name I1Te% OffiOerS For "The-LifAle Store With the BIG Values" - SEAFORTH.
Miss Ernestine white, W. Ar, of Brucefield Women's
LEGION NOTES HENSALL. —A quiet wedding became dairy instructor at Bozo• Toronto; Mr. and, Mrs. A. W..Armi- `
man College, Montana, and in Missionary Invitations to the Christmas was solemnized at the United tags and d'aaghter, Elizabeth Anne, ,
night dance, sponsored''by the local Church Manse, Hensall, Friday ev- September, 1903, magyt•ied Miss Ed- Guelph, and, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson rY Society �.---.-......--
M incewish towishes
extend to one and branch of the Canadian Legion, ening, December 18, at 8 p.m., na Sarah Spooner ,Leroy, :Min- White and family, London, are The following slate of officers
�, sincere wishes' 'Por a hap-
W holiday, and our heartfelt have been. neso'ta. sent out this week. when Rev, W. J. Rogers' united' in Christmas guests of their mother, for 1954 was named at a recent
thmiks for your considerate In 1910 he was appointed, man-
Those who did not receive one, marriage Hannah Margaret Pepper, Mrs. Margaret W4iite. meeting of the 'BTucefleid� w.MwS.: COLLINS?
ager of the C.P,R. farm at Strath President, nd SERVICE STATION
Igatsonage. and wish to attend, may get an daughter of Mr, and ,Mrs. John ,Pep- Mr. Donald 'MacTavish and Mr, Mrs, W. J. ,Maines;
invi'tation's from any member, per, Hensall, and Robert Alex"- more, • and in 1913 became the Napier Simpson, Toronto, and Mr. 'first vice-president, Mrs. R. Allan;
der Miller, Staffa, son of the late first principal of the Olds School Oban 'MacTavi'sh -and 'Guy McCul- second vice=preslldent, Mrs, T. B.
LEMONS TAXI Mr. and Mrs. Warden Miller, Staffa. of Agriculture. For the next 24 lough, London, were weekend visi- Baird; recording secretary, . Mrs. will ` be op @n
4:; 2%ne 162-J Seaforth Hullett School Pupils The attendants were Joyce E. y he was principal at Olds or tors' f Mrs, John MarcTavis:h. Alice Ham; corresponding secre On Christmas Nftirn
Present Concert in Glanville, Seaforth, and ,Arthur Vermilion, with the exception of MI K. McCuaig is- spending tart, Mrs. C. Christie; treasurer, We extend 'to you and yQurs,
a few years with the United Grain until 12 o'clock noon
* PAINTING Smale, Staffa. The young couple Chris mss in Toronto. MTs. (Dalrymple; pianist, .Mra. A. the joys mid good „wishes of
LOndesboro Hall left for points south for their wed- Growers, M1 and Mrs. J. E. Keating and Johnston; Christian Citizenship the seaeou,'-
o PAPERHANGING Despite Inclement weather, a ding trip. In the past Pew years the couple 1lLiss Mae Hagerman will spend secretary, Mrs, Fotheringham; and throilghout_the
resided in Edmonton. Mr. Elliott
fpr and Exterior. Decorating large esowd attended' the Christ- Christmas in Windsor. Temperance secretary, Mrs, walk- PETER E. MALONEY weekend:
is survived by, his widow; two &SONS
,_al=E OUR 1954 WALLPAPER mss concert in Load'esboroHall Paul Matthews spent the week- �'• '
DESIGNS Friday, evening by the pupils' and "What outstanding :contribution daughters, Mrs: J. A. Strathern, of end in -Mitchell visiting his sister Community' Friendship, MTs.
WALTER PRATT teacher, Miss Ruth Keys, of S.S. 5, has chemistry made to the world?" Vancouver, and Mrs. G. Hr Lam- and brother-inlaw, Mr. and- Mrs. 'Keyes, Miss' M. Swan, Mrs. Thomp. PHONE 66ii r 12
Hullett. The than was decorated by "Blondes, sir." bert, of Edmonton; one son, W. F. Stewart Henderson. son; M.M. and W .Funds, Mrs. A. Cream and E Seaforth
R.R. 1, Walton Elliott, Fort Saskatchewan; nine gF'g
.Phctio 835'r 4 Phone 48 r 9 the children. Pianist was Mrs. E. Miss Janette 'WHlson, of Toronto, McQueen; Supply; Miss E. •Bovey;
grandchildren and- four great Associate Members aeeretary, Mra. (Phone 64 r 110 Dublin
$gAFORTH BRUSSELS wrsJoh and master , ceremonies spent tihe weekend with her sister,
was Jahn Armstrong, Londesboro. see me for romarkablp grandchildren. Mrs. k. NI'ccuaig, R. Scott; (Literature secretary, Mrs, .
The program included welcome Mr. and-' Mrs. Well Beattie, 'To- W. Scott; Expense, Mrs. W. Doug -
songs, recitations, monolognes', LOW RATES ONronto,-ale Christmas guests- of Mr. las; C.G.I.T., Mrs. W. Scott; Mis-
drills, dances and two play's. Chickens, Turkeys Won and Mrs. Thomas Beattie, sion Band Superintendent, Mrs. E.
�� Week
"Uncle Hdram's, Cold" and "Santa's AUTO INSURANCE At Hensall Legion Bingo (Mrs. Shanley F. Grainger, Mr. Allan, Mrs. S. Baird; Baby Band'
Whiskers:' Three outstandin'gnum- Grainger, Bill, John and Jim, of superintendents, Mrs. W. Moiiat,
Coopetys Gr�o►r er'res
AT THE lbers were the Blue Skirt 'waltz by The Hensall branch
of the Cana- London, are spending Christmas Mrs. A. Zapfe,
the senior girls, "winter Ride in With State FarmMutugl than Legion held a fowl bingo in with: the formers "mother, Mrs. W,
mynuna An Old -Fashioned 'Cutter" and, a the Town Hall last Friday evening. Ament. CHRISTMAS SPFCCIA'LS� ,
ity Centre Christmas pageant by the pupils. R. F,, McKERCHER Fifteen ch'icken's and 10 turkeys Mrs, Mary. McElroy will spend
Pupils tatting part were: June were given away. prizes during Christmas with her son and daugh- DIstri-Cy
L' ;ST�FKELX'S HONEY POD PEAS—,2 -5-Ounce Tina......,. 370
Phone 849 r 4
FRIDAY. DECEMBER' 25 Goleworthg, Barbara (Pickett, Pat Seaforth the evening. ter -in-law in Kitchener,
&10 p.m -Skating Murch, Jim Carter, Gloria Al'lau. The door prize, a turkey, was 'Mrs. Joseph Miller has returned Obi"fuarles AYLMER PEACH.E$-(choice Naives) -2 15 -Ounce Tins.... SU
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 Rose Carter, Jo Ann Rapson, Har- won by W. ID. Wdison, Brucefiel'd. from Stratford General Hospital, WeRhey's TANGY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE --2 20 -Oz, Tins 230
vey Carter, Keith Allan, Paul Glos. Winners of the turkeys were: where she spent the 'past three
1:30 - 3:30 p.m. -Skating worthy, Paul McCool. Agnes Riley, Lloyd Stewart, Exeter; Mrs. Alda weeks. APEX FANCY FRUIT COCKTA'6.L-15 Ounce Tin.. • :.,... 25a
8 - 10 p.m. -Adults Teresa Golsworthy, Karen Allan, ! ! Simmons, Mrs. May .McLellan, Mrs. LATE ORVAL STEPHENSON WESTON'S CHOCOLATE DROi S -Pound ................. $90
Kay Carter, Clare Vincent, Wayneb►ive coal , g • •
Roy 5male, Mrs. Bertha Moir, John McINT08+H APPLES FANCY -6 -Pound Ba' 59c
MONDAY, DECEMBER 28 Kennedy, Thelma Riley, Ronnie "The World's Finest Anthracite" Glenn, Mrs. James Clark, Mrs. Roy EGMONDVILLE.—There passed 1go
ShaUng for Adults -8 - 10 p.m, y GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS—Pound
Carter, Bob McColl, Bonnie Tien- SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID Smalet Mrs. Mtilton Russell and „ a'w'ay at Marlette, Mich., on Dec.
Hedy, Karen Radford. Brenda lien- COMFORT Mr • Cecil Van'L`orne, all of
12, Orval Stephenson, after a "We Wish Everyone a Mer Christmas"
nedy, Ruth Golsworthy, Jahn Van Dhe Color Guarantees the Quality &all, Jack Tudor (was master of lengthy illness. He was in This 59th Y Merry
-a! der Har, Linda Murch. ceremonies, �� / • Year. PHONE WILLIS DUNDAS Chi'cken's were also woir by resi- Born .in Marlette, the son of Wil-
�? h S�� Z The man dashed into the store, Phone S63 -J Res. 192-M dentis attending from Seaforth. M'uph joy and hairpines's is our liam H. Stephenson and Jane (-M,-
' "Quick," he yelped. "Let me have Clinton and Hensall. wish to all this glorious Yule- Clinchey) Stephenson, he lived on Orval C �`At011`tl1� a mouse trap," tide Season. the farmwith h1s parents for some .
• �. :
"Just a moment. sire'' said the WILLIAM M. HART • time. He enlisted In World war I, FREE DELIVERY
clerk. Coal and on his. return followed the SELF SERVICE or COUNTER SERVICE
t "Well, hurry, S have to catch a
y ( bus." t/- Phone 784 Seaforth. Plumbing business, for 20 years. In
1925 he was united in marriage to
"I'm sorry, but the ones we have d n Marjorie Davey, daughter of Rev..
aren't large enough for that." George.P. awl Mrs. Davey.
rJ Besides his wife, he is 'survived) •, •,
by four daughters; Amaryllis (Mrs.
Edwin North), Freeland; Mich.., 9,
Ira( alwaye a pleasure ; for us FIRST l (/ • -Marjorie Jean, Saginaw, and Ann
•tO vris'h everyone of our friends ^TG and, Cheryl at ,Thome; also a sister,
tyhn•Isimas and New Year PRESBYTERIAN • � �- � ,*• � Mrd. Alex Wylie, Marlette, . •f•.. ., ''£• • ' .>•f „��'
Ito overflowing with 'hap- CHURCH ! ti Orval n t stony relatives and "":Y2:,;.:, Y .•
Y Y Happy Y � � � )+�// friends, in 'tthis' vicinity
May the Jo of this Ha Holida Season } y and' made �>•....,"'' '>�rF • f�;:
Rev. D. Glenn Campbell be With You and All Through the Year! l frequent visits here. He and hi's
�. E. SOUTHGATE g � � wife and daughters were outstand-
JUST RECEIVED ; -0f�� Ing singers and gave freely of their s:;4rsr•..,'
6NSURANCE 10 a.m. - Bible Class and services. His clear tenor voice . .'"�``
Pie 964 Seaforth Church School Another Shl ment of Christmas Chocolates will long be remembered. '''
p No Christmas would be cam -t
lid 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The funeral service, largely at- +.;.
10 11:00 A.M. from Smiles n Chuckles — 50C to $2.50 plete without an expression of tender, was' heI'd in the MethodistMilli
O Mena Chorus- the warm feeling that: We have Church, Marlette, on Tuesday, Dec.
4 W. J. CLEARY O "O Night Divine' -And - for our many loyal and five
15. Friends attending from this ;
i0 Beaforth, Ont. O Anthem -"Christians Awake, Baby Bunting Assorted Nuts ---Fant Box ative friends, A -Merry Christ- part were: 'Mrs. David Stephenson, ••� •
LICENSED EMBALMER O Salute the happy Morn" $2,00 m'as to all!' Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson,
A> an/ FUNERAL DIRECTOR O Lee Ml Connell, John McCon'n®14, ;. i +r
Sermon— PUBLIC UTILITY Mr. and Mrs. -Pence Johnston and
aCi Night or Day Calls - 335 O WITH THE HELP OF GOD" McKindR
'�' O COMMISSION Phyllis, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mr.
and Mrs, W. R, Stephenson and t
7tm M CIVS ruffs Phone 100-J Seaforth Mark Drysdale.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Christmas Music ,.., .. ...
Sermon -
+1C� Funeral Director
and Ambulance Service
last .Sunday of 1953—Come
.0 Night or Day Calls:
in the morning and you will
0 Phone 43 r 16
be back in the evening.
r ----
*040000001 00000
l� Funeral Home `
New Three Bedroom Louse—All
Sixipsdsrleh St W., Seaforth
on one floor. Oil furnace and gar -
X> Aditiatable hospital beds
'i0 for 'rent.
New Two -'Bedroom House - oil
i'w ftn ICVFIRY
OCeA'c11QN O
4D'1'stpDhoa �nce X4ghts 119 0
Seven -Room ,Brick --On large lot.
Good location.
O O C 0 0 O O O O
100 Acres -On No, 8 Highway,
Good buildings, with Hydro.
100 Acres:-�Tu Tuckersmfth. Steel
(food House,
60 Acres ---In 33irbbort, ,Prleed to
(tall r kYerlr� ('iter
r ,1
�I Clt18 tl tt�tition,
1 1:7CQ
,y hA
i11''IYhyt pp
6/ �{R �jj,
Ga ter +'It `" "'ate
, ...
10 one
d All
O®c,dv ,%% and
`o '' - 0nIFIF 0
Phone 267 .
"The Service You
VMII Appreciate”
aur 'sincere wish to our
Friends and :Pafxons is
in the slril. a words:
Cleve Coombs
'len Nixoi
Is That You and Yours
Rave a Very
lei Fuiniftre
1 ktiNElTAi;,t t411d AM13ULA1VG 8 i1+IitLi* [l
lerre�nte�: 1�9; tae: � ��1��►�o�tN r��