HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-12-18, Page 8tub in the Mated, mahogany and the- lea,d, was invented , rapsson of Ciecinnati, ;Peon enjoyed his first egeontrivanee on Deem). - 2, and on Christmas Day tarty to which he invited ttri. ends to try it out. News of invention Nesulted in contra - and legislation banning the iub was passed oe considered in finvlf. centres of chlture as Phil- adelphia, Hartford, Providence, Charleston and Boaton. These statements first appeared In an anonymous article entitled "A Neglected Anniversary" in the old New York Mall on December 20, 1917. They were written by H. L. Mencken as a hoax, and there is not a word of truth in them, Nev- ertheless, they have since been widely and frequently reprinted as history, 'despite the efforts of Meneken to reveal, the hoax and scotch the story. At no time in history has oppo- sition to bathing been as great as is popelarly supposed. From earl- .. lest times our ancestors did bathe, although perhaps not as frequently as we do, and more often for rea- sons of godliness than of eleanli- fleas. For exa.mple, the Hindus have for thousands of years been sprinkling themselves out of little jars or dunking themselves it the holy Ganges River, but the object is spiritual purification, not dirt re- moval. The consequences of failure to wash one's feet at the proper mo- ment can be serious indeed, We are told that a certain King Nala offended the god Kali, who kept constant watch on 'him for 12 years until finally he caught him neglect- ing to wash his feet at the pioper time. Kali immediately turned himself into a set of dice, and the next time Nala gambled, caused him to lose everything he owned except his loin cloth, Writing ten centuries before the birth of Christ, Homer mentions the bath as one of the first forms of refreshment offered thy a noble- man to a guest. The visitor was invited to sit down in a bowl made of silver or wood, while cold water was poured over him by a hand- maiden. Usually, however. the Greeks contented themselves with stand- ing beside a glorified bird bath and splashing themselves rather than plunging- in. They also had show- ers, accommodating more than one bather at a time: the water pour- ed down from gargoyles on the tops of pillars. Despite a fondness for diving in- to hot springs, the early Greeks condemned the use of hot water in the family basin or in public wash houses as unmanly. In later de - e e • g n rate days, however, hot water came into increasing use, 'and in Athens the State itself set up es- tablishmenta for warm water bath- ing. Lacking good soap, the ancient Greeks cleaned themselves by ap- plying oil and removing the dirt with iron or silver scrapers, This practice was adapted by the Rom- ans, under whom the art of elabor- ate bathing reached its height. By the fourth century A.D., Rome had a bath for every 1,000 inhabitants. The bath of the Em- peror Diocletian could hold 3,200 persons and included a theatre. That of Caracalla, had lecture rooms and a library. Just like the modern bather, the Roman of old left his clothes in a locker, Then he could take exer- cises in a gy-nanasium, perspire in a steam room (sudatorium) or hot room (calidarium), dive into warm water 10 the tepidariuna, and final- ly into cold in the .natatorium. Cleaning was carried out on the way by servants armed with scrap- ers. There were also lotion and scent rooms. The philosopher Seneca wrote, "To such a pitch of luxury have we reached that we are dissatisfied if we do not tread on gems in our baths." During the Dark Ages the barba- rian invaders of the Roman Empire allowed the great aqueducts to go to ruin. It was this more than op- position to the use of water that caused bathing as an art to decline duaing the Middle Ages, Pope Gre- gory, about 600 A:D.. strongly re- commended bathing as long as it did not degenerate into a "time - wasting luxury." On the other bend, some monks washed only three times a year—at Christma.s, at Easter and on September 8. Medieval baths resembled wood- en wash tubs, and might be round or oval. They often had canopies and curtains to keep out the draughts inevitable in medieval castles, and sortie were padded with linen. By the 15th century, the oval bath came to be preferred, but the reason for Increasing the length was not to enable the bather to lie down, but to permit a sec- ond one to get in. The two faced each other, often with a tray stretched across between them for dining while soaking. The private outdoor. swimming pool is not a Hollywood inv-ention. Even in the Middle Ages, in coun- tries with summer climates, there was outdoor bathing in garden Pools. These were open to the sky with perhaps a screen or so around them, iPersons of both sexes imlght be present, and there were minstrels and refreshments. ,Special mention might be made of the Ancient and Honourable Or- der Of the Bath. On the day when a squire was to he knighted, he went to court with two sponsors. A barber prepared a tub equipped with elakoratecanopy and curtains and draped with linen..The candi- date was Shaved and escorted by minstrels "singing, dancing and eportilng" to the bath, where the eponscifir tilidreetied hitt and oat hini in. While ,,:he sat in the cold 'water, aknight leetured hint en the rules ankitraditioitiOollhe. tor, de14, After *Int driedm: theorte elothet.V.Yety.,-Witt.titu.40i; hillnii,rdght Vigil In the Chapel. In , the, morning he Was, knighted', A recipe ter inakeng a beauti complexion in the time of Que Elizabeth 1 was first to take a ve hot bath to induce excessive p epiration and to follow this up washing the face with plenty wine to make it fair and rudd Mary Queen of Scots is alleged have bathed in wine, for which re son she had to apply for an i creased allowance. This practi was adopted by the elder ladies the court, but the younger ones h to be content with milk. (In th 1830's Florenz Ziegfeld publiciz the actress Anna Held by report: that she bathed in milk.) We a told that Louis XIII liked to soa amid red roses floating on the w ter. Despite these hopeful report bathing was still iby no means ge eral at this time. In Germany, was the custom even at court to a young lady to give up washing a soon as she had obtained a hu band. During the 17th century expert ments were made with baths sha ed like wooden shoes. The bath er' feet fitted in the toe, and onl his head appeared. The usual tu however was a rather skimp hi bath, with a high back to support the bather while his feet dangle over the end. It was not until th beginning of the 19th century tha ry er- by of Y. to a- n- ce of ad ed ng re k a, 5, n- it r s s- 13- y b p d the present form made its first ap- pearance. During the early years of this century the mast popular form of fixed tub, chosen because of its comparative cheapness, was made of wood lined with copper. Gradual- ly, however, the enameled iron and porcelain tubs found favor. To- day, in Canada and the United States, the 'bathroom is so glorified that one writer has even suggested that it is the only necessary room in the house! That is, the modern family is so seldom at home that even the functions of dining and sleeping are carried on outside. But it should not be assumed from this that bathing has been neglected in foreign parts. The Japanese, who have been called the cleanest people on earth, are noteworthy for their complete lack of any false modesty of the body in the bath. Both sexes bathe to- gether, and frequently little effort is made to conceal the nude bath- ers from view of passers-by on the street. When the Occupation auth- orities asked a Japanese bath house proprietor to segregate the sexes, he tied a string across the pool. To Russia belongs the credit for having the hottest and the coldest baths on record. Russian steam baths often ran higher than 130 de- grees. The bathers flogged one an- other with birch twigs', and after enduring this torture as long as possible, dashed out to roll in the snow or dive into the river through a hole in the ice. In the days of the Tsars, it was hard to get a servant without promising two such baths a week. "Oh, what's this in this priceless vase?" "That's my 'husband's ashes:" I'rn sorry. I didn't know he'd passed away." "He hasn't. He's just too care- less to reach for an ashtray. Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest Successors to TONE GLEANERS We Pick Up and Deliver Monday and Thursday • Phone 230 - Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT Ladies' and Gents' 2 -piece Suits, $1; Plain Dresses, $1; Plain Skirts, 50e; Gents' Trousers, 50c, Quality Plus Service is Our Motto S. BUCHANAN - Proprietor illismeogesemeemememoommening rot pRiNTING PROBLEM 41 The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH Defeating I. G. Wright by 49 votes, J. V. Fisher, shown here, was elected Reeve of Turnberry Township for a third term last Saturday. About 65 per cent of the 899 eligible voters went to the poll to mark ballots for the reeveship only. All 1953 Councillors were ac- claimed for 1954 office, as well as public school trustees. Northside W.A. Group Hears Address By Mrs. David Ritchie Tuesday evening Mrs. James Riley, North Main St., was hostess to 30 ladies of Group No. 1 of the W.A. of Northside United Church. Carol singing was enjoyed before the evening's business was con- ducted by Mrs. W. G. Campbell. The treasurer showed, that al- most $400 was raised during the year. Mrs. Glen Pryce opened the meeting with a poem, "What Shall We Remeraber?" and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Gordon El- liott. Mrs. J. Pretty read a paper on "Christmas is in the Air," writ- ten by F. E. Ellis, and Mrs. Pryce concluded the devotional with a poem, "Thoughts By the Way." Mrs. D. Ritchie gave a talk, "Put- ting the Christ Back in Christmas," using as her theme, "The Angel Sang in Bethlehem." She conclud- ed her remarks with the thought that the selasacaificing love of you and me is what God wants most, Thanks were given by Mrs. A. Fer- guson to Mrs. Ritchie for her in- spiring address, while Mrs. C. Walden thanked Mrs. Riley for her hospitality. The hostess was assisted by Nil's. Bert Stephenson, Mrs. David Lem- on, Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth and Mr The W.Jonieres Misedonary Sootety of Crorlarty Presbyterian 'Ohulch held its annual meeting last week at the home of Mrs, T. 'L. Scott. Mrs. Thomas seat Sr., presided. Mrs. Mae Lamanond read the scripture lesson. Mrs, Lloyd Sors-' dahl completed the reading of the study book on the Christian Church in Africa. Mrs. Duncanson read a letter which she had received from Mrs. Lillian Dickson, of Formosa. Two hundred and fifty-nine dollars was sent to the Presbyterial from the society, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl expressed her appreciation of the year's work. The reports of the several organ- izatons were very favorable. Mrs. Duncanson brought in the report of the nominating commit- tee: honorary president, Mrs. Thos. Seott, Sr.; president, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; assistant secretary, Mrs. Kenneth McKellar; treasurer, Mrs. William Harper; Home Helpers, Mrs, Houghton; assistant Home Helpers, MTS. James Scott. Glad -Tidings, Mrs. Houghton; ex- change secretary, Mary B. Currie; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. T. Laing; press secretary, Mrs. Ken- neth McKellar; auditors, Mrs. L. Sorsdahl and Mrs. Houghton; Mis- sion Band Leaders, Mrs, Duncan- son and Mrs. Sorsdahl; literature secretary, Mrs. T. Laing. Mrs. Duncanson closed the m.eet- ing with prayer. Northside WMS Group Three Holds Meeting The Christmas meeting of Group Three of Northside Church was held recently at the blame of Miss Thelma Elgie. After a brief bust - flees period when reports were heard and a successful year was reported, the meeting continued with carols, readings and the Christmas story. An exchange of Christmas gifts and a delicious lunch brought the evening to a close. Mrs. B. F. Christie and Mrs. E. C. Chamber- lain were chosen as co -leaders for 1954. Newsprint is Canada's chief ex- port and manufactured product. NOTICE ! Salvage WANTED WE WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Raga Highest Cash Prices Paid E, H. Close in serving lunch. LOUIS HILDEBRAND lid BIG MONEY NEI on BIG TOP Room Ow. CFPL Radio 3 to 4 p,m. Daily me SW with Box Tops from CANADA PACkERS Big Wash Day Products DishclothInside each NEW DOUBLE SIZE PACKAGE OF WAX SOAP POWDER • GIVES YOUR WASH THAT CLEAN LOOK • MAKES COLORS BRIGHTER, WHITE CLOTHES WHITER oil ACTS QUICKER The following retailers of Seaforth Double Size and "BYE" Detergent: — SEAFORTH — CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET STEVENS' GROCERY ORVAL COOPER WRIGHT'S Superior Food Market and District stock "QUIX" McGONIGLE'S GROCERY DUBLIN — FRIEND & WHETHAM GOETTLER'S GROCERY rrobytetnuf Orop The Goforth allenien Aland Orr First freebYterien 0.13,Ureb, beld' its Christmas meeting Monday with RI children ie 'attendance. The Meeting 'was opened with a poem of welcome to the guests by 411zabetb, Stewart. The Pledge was repeated .and a carol was sung. The scripture was read' by Jean Char- ters and Jean Nixon, and the Cluistenas Prayer was given by Grace Hellen:name. The offering was received by Murray McFadden Kenneth Cardno gave the offering prayer. Fourteen members were awarded with seals and certificates for per- fect attendance during 1953: that year; Kay Charters, Katie Scott, :;W;ON! Tao aigvag At.evtjAg eitAto ItasTua 14.0.L.,j035 was held Pecemb_er 10, County' Master ABMS Coleman ill, Kenneth Canino; aecond year, Nora GorwIlli third year, gordon' Grace BetterMann, Bobby Reith, Gloria Beuermann, Oonule Glew, Ronald Reuermann; fonrth year, Ann Kling, lillizabeth Stew- art, Murray McFadden. A gold seal and a life member- ship in the ;or the fifth year was presented to Joan Char- ters by Mrs. Et G. Campbell. A film shown by Rev. and Mrs. Camp- bell was enjoyed. Ann Ming read a closing poem and:a carol was sung. Refreshment§ were served to the children following the meet- ing. IMO; MTV #,Stert, Nr#7,' Fredcaigter; epu1y*414.4ri 40.4 Keys; 0141)1411AR' AtViTaT'sUP.14nt'r/: reOerding necretnryi Charles nekl; hanneial neeretarY, qusTa.7191!;. trettesPgr, jcelan Aldin4tely Mats sha.1, Grant Webster; tlroitk er, Gordon Oolemaat; second lee. 0,40Y.$044:, oari•P . . •POtr* igooh Pte..00.100k.':•..,. • • 10Proine and ii/aka' 11.94001,4 tell 84 per cent or the we*/ oppos Iirsj the OPaistilan PAP and eOwe ;WIN. $ .„2.ifa e",:aseleise. • zkieeasaaaeeitiaes,a,:;,,,a ealetteraieireeeilireaaa 'O.K.' SPECIALS O.K. APPEARANCE — O.K. PRICE O.K. CONDITION 1951 Chev. Special, 4 -Door, two-tone grey $1,525 1948 Chev. Coach 875 1947 Ford Sedan, extra clean 850 1946 Ford Coach 650 TRUCKS 1951 Chev. 3/4 -Ton Express, excellent buy $1,050 1947 Fargo 1/2 -Ton Express; see this one. 475 1937 Ford 1/2 -Ton 125 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1942 Dodge Coupe—As is $100 1937 Pontiac—As is 100 1937 Chev. Coach—As is 50 1934 Chev. 4 -Door Sedan — Outstanding throughout Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth 5 We can't afford to take chances . that's why we like Debentures" "When 1 retired, 1 looked for an investment that was safe, that paid good interest and that could be bought for a short term. 1 wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity. My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me . . . at interest on my money." 4% Ask for the folder '20 Quesliandi ri'iiron&Erie MORTGAGE ,C0l2F-30112.\TION "Older than the Dominion of Conoc3c..,' District Representatives listed below: eiieaa. eeSo elealeitaaatevaeseesseesesemaaa.a.,a,,,,,a • • evesevaiaatteaseaavelea,:ateaseeetaietaaa.esa, se•aiS. unataatileateeleioaaAlgaVO%a" Hensall — F. G. Bonthron Seaforth — Watson & Reid Head Office — London, Ontario The Hendersons had u good year in 1953! ASSETS Cash on hand and in other banks Government and other Securities Call Loans Total quick assets Current Loans Bank Premises Acceptances and Letters of Credit Sundry Assets "A year of real progress for. me and my family... 1953! Early in the year, .I decided to go ahead with plans for expanding my garage business. But the job required a substantial outlay —more than I had available. So I talked it over with Pete Bingham, manager of our Dominion Bank Branch. He showed me wayi to stretch my capital and be- tween us we decided how much financial assistance I needed. "The move paid off in increased business and profits—even better than I had hoped! Besides repaying a good portion or the loan and meeting other commitments, I've been able to put aside extra money in our Dominion Bank savings account. "Yes, 1953 was a good year! It helped me increase my assets—business, savings and so on. And it brought security for my wife and children a big step 'closer!" Like you, Mr. Henderson, The Dominion Bank had a good year in 1953. Just as your business expanded, so did ours—maintaining its impressive record of growth. Like your personal balance sheet, our annual statement shows imposing figures—in assets, deposits and loans. During 1953, more people than ever took advantage of the services of The Dominic' a Bank . . . where every account is an important Mak THE DOMINION BANK' • Condensed Statement as at October 31st, 1953 LIABILITIES Deposits Sundry Liabilities Total liabilities to the public Acceptances and Letters of Credit outstanding Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund Undistributed Profits $108,830,677 107,885,568 17,092,795 $233,809,040 257,031,886 8,116,264 8,711,339 227,996 $507,896,525 $478,740,838 801,886 $479,542,724 8,711,339 7,000,000 12,000,000 642,462 $507,896,525 An interesting, illustrated booklet con- taining the Bank's Annual Report and highlights of the Bank's various activi- ties; is available on request. Ask at your nearest Branch, or write to the Head ?Office of The Dominion Bank, Toronto. _ 7"ie 3E4604T/N/65 --ro AO- OUR F-giENDS .... - 1°9 Ifikee ONE FROA1 DOC Roe . Vsa4 gasta 4e .9 wrzorr4 yea/4 a wedik, 744alvio a AllopPtiff-ot aa /witie/Aes ge:couteig Paea 6. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Year Ended October 31st, 1953 Profit after making appropriations to Contingency Reserves $ 3,443,7/0 620,251 1,430 000 Less: Depreciation Income Taxes Net Profit Less: Dividends Profit & Loss carried forward Balance of Profit & Loss, October 31st, 1952 Less: Transfer to reserve fund $ 1,642,462 1 000,000 Balance of Profit & Loss, October 31st, 1953. $ 642,4624° • 1,393,455W 910,000 483,459: 1,159,001: ROBERT RAE President E ONIINION A. C. ASEEPORTH General Manager BANK 82 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE firfrOm YOUR ROE FEED DEALER. ,Zire.,(V103441":0 ; • • 044#0:' ' tomoo,64,40ofilvio.414-4440:,„Jg4.,444...:4- .44eo A. NAPPY tliW • • teralweaswmtrawnttS"