HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-12-18, Page 6„ S TV DRAW SURE TO GET YOUR TICKETS ON NSALL • MERCHANTS' TELEVISION DRAW ! A ticket with every Dollar Purchase or PAID ON ACCOUNT Look for the Big Yellow T.V. Draw Sign SHOP IN HENSALL AND SAVE ! PEANUTS IN THE SHELL Pound MIXED NUTS Pound ENGLISH ASSORTED TOFFEES Package OLD-FASHIONED GLOBE CHOCOLATES Pound MIXED CANDY Pound ARABIAN STEED PACKAGE DATES Package Smyrna FANCY FIGS 29c 39c 39c 39c 39c 27c 2 for 29c CROSSE & BLACKWELL PLUM PUDDING One -Pound Tins 59c CRANBERRIES Pound 27c CHRISTMAS ORANGES — Now in Stock Steven's Grocery Free Delivery Phone 443 NOTICE! Town of Seaforth PARKING BY ORDER OF POLICE To facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations. ; HAVE YOU DONE YOUR CHRISTMAS HINTING ? BAGGAGE and SLIPPERS A large selection shown in each line Also RUBBERS rnith's Shoe Store SEAFORTH eria .or Character It is generally conceded) that t develop character in men and w men is the great objeoty of th Protestant Churches. In its highest sense, the word "Church" may be used to wean "moral building." We are well ad- vised to divest our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life, thereby fl•tting our minds as living stones for that spiritual building which is to he eternal. Therein we have a true conception of immortality. It is the thoughts that occupy our minds and absorb our hearts that form -the material for the Church. Every human being is a builder of his or her eternal habitation• whether they will it or not. We determine our own reward and our own punishment. God does not puhish us. We do that full well ourselves. We build our thoughts into a temple, or into a prison. If we build according to the plan God intended us, our reward will be a glorious future, in which our Divine •Father Himself 'will dwell within us. If we build not to that plan, our punishment will be a prison of our own building, The• development of personal character is of primal importance. It is very important to our Church, because each church member is a representative of the Church in the eyes of the public. It is important to the individual because the ulti- mate success of his or her life de- pends upon the extent to which, he or she comes to realize that de- velopment of personal character is dependent on the control of their thoughts. That realization usually comes only after a considerable portion of life's experience. How much bet- ter if the young man or woman be properly influenced by the sincere teachings of our Protestant Church- es. The teachings of these church- es should be and is made to give us inspiration to live splendidly and to become nobler creatures. We should be and are shown that we write otfr own personal histor- ies for tomorrow and the future, by the thoughts which we enter- ain today. Truly, our lives are the result of the kind of thoughts we have chosen to hold. There is a beautiful personality lying closely fixed within the ani- mal life of every person. The churches try ro aid in the unfold- ing of that personality• 111 order to accomplish that result we should show that cause and effect is an absolute and undeviating in the realm of thought, as in the world of visible and material things. We should convince the individual member that a manor a woman may become great* by discovering within themselves the laws of thought. In that manner we should teach individual human dignity• and strive to promote development of individual personality and - power. If, by self-analysis, we can dis- cover and discard those traits which seem to lead us in the wrong direction, and at the same time cultivate those natural tendencies which point the way to higher achievement, then we have carried into effect one of the great prinpi- pals the Church teaches. The great law of the universe is just this: That what we think in our minds will 'be reproduced in our experiences. The great law of reward or punishment is, that all coming experience is to be affected by every present feeling. The law of reward or punishment presses upon every person, whether they think of it or net. Whatsoever a man seweth, that, and not some- thing else, shall he reap. A person always has the choice of learning by spiritual unfoldment or of learning by painful experi- ence. The Church should and does aid in activating that spiritual un- foldment. ou ,or R” (contributed by .L l Wm. Murray y o Harlow, Thomas Rathwell, end o- Irwin Trewartha. e "The selling price of Jerseys has gone down materially do the past year or so, •and most of us have plenty in our stables," said Dr. Riddell. "We're not going to get any- where," said Mr. Harlow, "by sit- ting down in a well and hollering. We've got to get up in the open and do something." Huron -Perth Jersey Club Names Officers At the annual meeting of the Huron -(Perth Jersey Club in Strat- ford last week, Irvin Trewartha, R.R. i, Seaforth, was re-elected for a second year as president of the organization. R, Ruthig, St. Marys, was elected first vice-president, and Thomas Rathwell. Clinton, was named second vice-president. The annual meeting of the West- ern Ontario Jersey Cattle Club is to be held at St. Marys •on Janu- ary 16, it was announced by Syd- ney Harlow, He urged a good at- tendance by Perth and Huron breeds, observing that the meeting is to be held at the Anglican Church in St. Marys, where there is ample and convenient, parking accommodation, "You can't get away from those iron horses, as we call them," said Mr. Harlow, Breeding Program Trend The 1954 parish show of the Huron -Perth breeders is to be held at Seaforth, September 17, it was decided. Invitations were received from Seaforth a.nd from Palmer- ston. It is the custom of the club to alternate the show between Huron and Perth Counties. At the suggestion of Irwin Tre- wartha, it was decided: to increase the annual club membership fee from $1,00 to $2.00. The trend of the future in breed- ing programa, Club members were told by Herb Armstrong, field- m•an for the Ontario Jersey Cattle Club, may be toward higher :milk contents of solids -not -fat, with less attention to be paid to butterfat percentages, Mr. Armstrong reported that 875' Jerseys 'were entered for the Rai, al Winter Fair Ulla year, and 814 Of theta.*are aece»ted! for. IhOW. coaimfttge,„•*Abs -e.puoliite4 to• consIdei t'te .possibility of holding an auction sale of Jerseys in 1954. ComMitteti menabere are Sydney Farm News of Huron Fine weather has been very much in favor of beef cattle feeders in the county the past week and most farmers feel that they are winter- ing their cattle very economically at the present time, according to H. R. Baker, assistant agricultural representative. On December 8 the Huron Here- ford Association held their annual fall sale and 31 lots brought $1,045, for an average of $387, this aver- age being $12 higher than the av- erage of the 1952 fall sale. Christmas Concert at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith MONDAY,aDEC. 21st at 8:15 p.m' Everyone Welcome DANCING TO FOLLOW ,.a Sok Owned 'Q *ire la$ !1'Ihursdcy 4040ted barn owned by William Watt .on the 9th concession of Kincardine. Township, five milers southwest of Glamis. Loss was $7,000. Eel'gh- tedn cows and four calves, lost in the blti Vd, 1700' 0141,9 ;.1 D g ihbgt n, sari •of 14 rs. WW 11A', 'Per, ensall, w'lto ' 1,140, theillrnalS uered in ;hid nei�har 8 ab4#ild gm0+ntlPy lilt '}Tared' ba,Lr a nearby Stenhouse were glib de- stroyed. No alarm was sent in for firemen owing to the lack of wa- ter in the area. The owner, • Mr. Watt, lives on the 7th concession of I{incerdine township. Mr. and Harg1 8•1134 ,11 and ly, St , Uort, and y and Mrs. layton Sheldon and fa'atnlly, St. Marys, visited Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Maleolnt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annie and Qatniiy visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Templeman, on Sunday, ley t . k. ansa V'r8 Earl • Barktir' , • '01.0- visited with! • (11016 Roy Hannon on S1lnddlay. :;l'1t1 1 e 4 s aAhren. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney vim ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bete Tubb. Pulp and paper generates alta eighth of the national income r Aloimmilimitotiolimmummo // ///////////// / Sunbeam and Canadian General Electric TOASTERS, IRONS, ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES, MIXERS Our stock of these famous make appliances is complete. You can't better quality any- e r where. FROM 9.95 OTHER IRONS AND ,TOASTERS from 5.90 up :( HEATING PADS . Just the thing for cold nights. Quality makes. FROM 6,95 UP SANDWICH GRILLS and WAFFLE MAKERS Tthe gift the whole family would appreciate. Just the thing for eve- ning snacks! Q pC from 9.95 up FrankKlin Plumbing - Heating -*Electrical Work Phone 19 Seaforth BED LAMPS „In a wide selection. The a1- ) ll ways welcome gift. FROM The Best in TELEVISION Now that CFPL-TV is on the afr, Television reception is a certainty. Now ifs the time to give the whole •family a treat — in time for all .the good entertainment that TV molten •possible. Come in and see Gsflr eras-Electrd•c TV in operation. : \\111///4 1 A v4i) FREE All -Band AERIAL With Every TV Set from Now Until 'Christmas ! ON DISPLAY TOMORROW! .,.....>. vin The Bel Air 4 -door sedan. With 13 models in 3 series Chevrolet offers the widest choke in the low-priced fief& More things more people want, that's why Power brakes Re aea4,94,& for easier stops Chevrolet in the low-priced field brings you another great advance in driving ease — Power Brakes. Stopping is almost unbelievably easy and convenient—just a swing of your foot from accelera- tor to brake pedal! Optional at extra cost on all models. Come see the. most beautiful, most powerful Chevrolet ever built ... the new car that combines great new performance with money -saving gas mileage! This is what you're going to find when you come in to check over this new '54 Chevrolet: In every way, Chevrolet now brings you even more of the things you want. More beauty with brilliant new styling in Body by Fisher and bright new color harmonies outside and inside the car. More power and finer performance with new high -compression engine power in all models. More comforts and conveniences, includ- ing the richest and most luxurious interiors in Chevrolet history, and such new optional features as automatic electric window and seat controls. And, thanks to advanced Chevrolet engi- neering, all this with new economy, too. The fact is, you'll find that no other car offers so many things you want at such low cost. The colorful, new 1954 models are ready for your inspection. Stop in and 'take a good. look at the best -looking Chevrolet you ever saw ... and your best buy for 1954! Thrifty new power in all models Now Powerglide models offer. the most powerful Chevrolet engine ever — the "Blue - Flame 125". Gearshift models have the advanced, more powerful "Blue -flame 115". Both high -compression en- gines bring quieter, smooth- er and finer performance with important gas savings! New, automatic window and seat controls Now,at the touch of a button, front windows are electrical- ly raised or lowered. Touch another conveniently placed control to move the front seat up and forward or down and back into yaw most com- fortable position. Optional on Bel Air and'"Tivo-Ten" models at extra cost. POWERED FOR PERFORMANCE ENGINEERED FOR ECONOMY! New styling that will stay new There's a new, lower, smart- er look about this new 1954 Chevrolet.The new front-end and rear -end designs are even cleaner and more distinctive. Massive new bumpers extend even farther around the fenders. All around the car, new styling presents Fisher Body at its beautiful best. New interior richness Here's the kind of quality you'd expect to find only in highiriced cars. Fine new upholstery fabrics with a more liberal use of durable, beautiful vinyl trim. New color treatments in harmony with the brilliant new ex- terior colors. Built-in arm rests on all Bel Air models. New, lower price on Power Steering Chevrolet Power Steering substantially reduced in price! That's good news to everyone. Chevrolet Power Steering does 80% of the work to give easy, sure con- trol. It's optional on all mo- dels at extra cost. SYMBOL OF SAVINGS New, wider choice of Powerglide models Now, Powerglide automatic transmission is available on all models. Powerglide auto,- matic transmission gives its- stant response and positive acceleration. Teamed with the "Blue -Flame -125 en- gine, it's optional at extra cost A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE EMBLEM OF EXCEL ANCA(