HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-12-18, Page 4}ta J' rr. 'inserted At New Low Cash Rates BALE„ WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent enderd Wed % Cent Minimum charge. each insertion.-, 95 Cents Each flga;e. initial and abbreviation counts al one word. of 'rima, In, Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. lilisbnam, a cant* Pet week.. illasadelas saw be directed to • Baa N0.. o/o The Halon Eryodtar. for 10 *eats edam ;t y + nen Aldi oval will be charged if ads In above class are not paid witbia 10 days do,e•I fins insertion. Rothia, Muariagea and Deaths inserted fres of ebaeae, *adios Sales, Noone.= to Creditors. Ete.—Bats on application. Coining Events F-IRRICTMAS CONCERT AT S.S. No. 8, V Me—Killian, on Monday. December 21st, M. 8:15 p.m. 448524.1 1'NJOY DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF the Night Hawks every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. APAGEANT ENTITLED,"THE FIRST 'Christmas Morn," will be presented In Varna United Church on Sunday night. December 20, at 7:30 pm, under the aus- pices of the Varna W.A. 4486-1 CHRISTMAS CONCERT—S.S. 5, MIL - lett. will present their concert in Londesboro Hall, Friday, December 18, at 8 p.m. Admission, 40c and 25c:4 pre- school age, Free. Farms For Sale • EOR . SALE -200 -ACRE FARM, BANK barn, eight -room house; on No. 8 Highway, between Clinton and Goderfah, one mile from Holmesville. Can be sold with or without stock and implements. Apply CLARENCE STURDY, R.R. 2, Clinton, Phone 901 r 13, Clinton. 4485x2 For Rent 'OR RENT -1 NEW FOUR-BEDROOM 1' apartment for rent; all conveniences. Apply DR E. A. McMASTER. 9484-2 Notices OUSTOM GRAIN SAWING — CUSTOM chain sawing by hour or logs by thou- sand. EMERSON ANDERSON, Hensel]. Phone 675 r 4. 448452 Auction Sales LIVESTOCK SALE IN HENSALL SALE Barn every Thursday at 2 p.m- For further particulars phone HARRY SMITH, 187 Hensall, or VICTOR HARGRAVES, 635 r 21, Clinton, or contact ALVIN WAL- PER, Auctioneer, Zurich- 4479x8 Property For Sale FOR SALE — ONE of SEAFORTH's moat beautiful homes; four bedrooms; hot water heating with oil ; completely re- decorated; fireplace: insulated; two -car garage. Well landscaped- Apply to DR- E. A. McMASTER. Seaforth. 4481-11 Personals DYGIF.NIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with prloe list- 6 samples 26e; 24 samples 5.1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO-, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE— VI -TON MERCURY '51 truck; 17,000 original mileage; custom radio. Priced to sell. Box 283, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4486x1 For Sale VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL FOR SALE — TWO VEAL CALVES. makes; 22 years' experience. We pick Apply WILLIAM BOYD, R.A. 2, 'Mallon. Phone 648 r 41. 448'6x1 up and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4482-tf TeADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR. opposite Dick House Seaforth-OB CORN FOR SALE—DELIVERED. Phone 347-R. 4363-52 C LEO O'SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4. 4484x2 i FUEL COSTS SLASHED! LEARN HOW Dublin. to save up to 25% with the best blown FOR SALE—BUDGIES, THE PERFECT rock wool insulation. For free estimates 1' gift for Christmas: also cages and consult V. S. LATSCH & Son, Queen's stands, Phone Ito. TED SAVAUGE, Hotel, Seaforth. 4483-tf Seaforth. 4486-1 FOR SALE—CHRISTDIA.S TREES. AP - ply STANLEY HlLLEN, 848 r 2, Sea - forth. 4484-2 (]LEASE VISIT OUR BIBLE BOOK 1 .OR SALE—PAIR BOY'S SKATES AND c afineselection of Room. We have F hymn books, Bibles. children's books. Mir -1 Doors, size o. good condition Reason- ,_, ror plaques a specialty. Call or phone ; ay priced. NEIL 3leGAVl V. Phone Seaforth, 666 r 12. MRS. W. E. MILROY, l' :3'1 r 3 Seaforth• 4486x1 The Manse. Etrtnondville. 4480x7: OR SALE -14 HEAD OF CATTLE, BE- 'tween 600-700 pounds. Apply URBAN DUCHARME- Phone 91 r 7, Zurich. 4954-2 ATTENTION, FARMERS ! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and .disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If yon have a house, apartment. furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please cab STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. 4436-51 ATTENTION, FARMERS I — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- .A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Aceid: t and Sickness Insurance. and Hort,,;-American Life Insurance. Consult ERI H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 994-M. 4456-tf • FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Top Notch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 878 448442, NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop AMEETING OF_ 71ir, ELECTORS OF the Townsfiip of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall, on Monday, December 28, 1953, for the purpose of nominating fora Reeve and four Councillors. Nomina- tions will he received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the after- noon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, January 4, 1954. Polls will be open from 9 a.m- to 6 p.m., at the following places: No. 1 --James Carlin's house, Lot 10, Co.n5: James Nolan, D.R.O.; William Maloney, P.C. No. 2—Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 13, Con. 4: James R. Hogg, D.R.O.; Alex Kerr, P.C. No. 3—Joseph Smith's house, Lot II, a r3tb Concession: Elmer Dennis, D.R.O.; Stephen Murray, P.C. No. 4—School No, 7, Lot 26, Con. 12: J. Campbell, 0.5.0.; Rose Driscoll, P.C. J.M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. 4486-2 TWP. of TUCKERSI1ITH Notice of Nomination Meeting A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in Watson's Hall, Kippen, on Mon- day, December 28, 195.3, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1954 and School Trustees (two to be elected) for the year 1054 and 1956. • Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, January 4. 1954. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the following places: P.S.D. No. l -1M161. Sheila King's House, Egmondville: D.R,O., Harry Chesney; P. C., William Cameron. No, 2.48.S. Na. 8: D.R.O., Roy neGeach: P.4., William Scotebnier. 1y9,D. No. 2--S,Ss l'lo. 4: D.R.O., W. P; Roberts; P.O Colima Tattier. 1',S D No, 4-•d5 148;91 rint.O Nor- trl Silken inti , John Thread.. „ir"b .No. 5==•S Noy„� l' Il} ttttl,, 11Relo 6'ra4Yiafr; P.0 Y Obit Bell. AO IVmO J1li�fts 9 'b it -O.. W. flfibF budfoot: •lenniisRobet't t,'estenell. 4•• o xt. FOR SALE—QUEBEC HEA 1 P:R AND several pipes, in good condition. Ap- ply to ROBERT SMITH. John St. • 448651 VOR SALE—.BUILDING OF MATCHED lumber, cedar shingle roof, 10x20. four years old; suitable for garage or colony house. Apply to Box 384, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4486-1 OR SALE—WOOD AND COAL BURN- 'ing Annex, all white enamel, black base; 25 feet of pipe; 53.5. Mao Woods' electric grain grinder. PHONE 842 r 14. Seaforth. 4486-1 FOR SALE -1,000 FEET OF 2 -INCH hemlock plank, 31.00 per thousand; De Laval cream separator, used only two years, 4.50: some feed beans. EMERSON ANDERSON, Hensall. Phone Hensall 675 r 4, 4484x2 GIVE NURSERY STOCK for Christmas 40 to 609 cash discount sale. April delivery. Special Christmas trade only. Roses,, reg. 31.75, now 79c. Evergreens, 97 to 59 value for 43.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hedges, "while we have them. Order now. Act fast. HOGLE NURSERY, Campbellford, Ont. 4483-8 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ABIGAIL T. JACKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Abigail T. Jack- son, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of January, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DArI;D at Seaforth, this 7th day of December, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4484-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALVA CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alva Carnochan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow. deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed an or before the Ind day of January, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DAPED at Seaforth, this 30th day of November, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4484-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS youNG,• Idlwp7t SPawva Bow am any reeving. ANA, MifiB DENNIB. Phone 786 between 6 and 7 p.m, 44$2x1 wAN71:D—r AM pURCH4SWG BOARS at 9c to IZe per pound. live weight. Phone or write LEROY .AORBSON. At- wood, 163 collect. Please get in touch with nae direct as I have no'boar buyers in the Seaforth district. 0478-9 Lost and Found LOST- ON DECEMBER 4, BETWEEN Bayfield and Seaforth, one car wheel and tire. 165600. J. E. HOWARD, Bay, field. Phone 52 r 8. 4484-2 LOST—A TOOL BOX IN HIBBERT 5-4 Township on the Town Line between Hibbert and Tuckersmith, on November 27. Contact EARL R. DICK, Cromarty. Phone14 r 6, Dublin,, 4486-2 Cards Of Thanks MR- AND MSS. LLOYD BEDARD AND family wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindly remembrance received for Christmas. 4486x1 T WISH TO THANK ALL THE NEIGH - hors and friends for their kindness and help while in hospital and at home. 44E651DAVID PAPPLE L EIPER—THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs. Annie Leiper wish to express sincere thanks to the neighbors, friend.; and relatives who sent floral tributes, sympathy cards and so kindly as- sisted during their recent sad bereave- ment. 4485x1 ,I WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCERE thanks to all my friends and neigh- bors for the many treats, cards. sowers, visits and favors during the time I was a patient. in Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home; also my appreeia- tion of care and kindness by the doctors of Seaforth Clinic and the hospital staff. 4486x1 D. A. MOFFAT WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SIN- " appreciation to aH our friends who were so kind in the time of our sad bereavement. Special thanks to Mr. and lairs. Whitney, Rev. James, also Mrs, Wm. Collins. Last but by no means least, those who called to offer words of comfort at a lonely time. MR. AND MRS. HARRY PEPHICK AND FAMILY. 448651 • In Memoriam CUDM.ORE–IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear sister, Bea, who passed away suddenly in Toronto on December 22. 1952. —Sisters and Brothers. 448551 WAY -1N LOVING MEMORY OF A " dear mother who passed away Decem- ber 22.. 1946, and dear Dad, January 7, 1947. and a dear brother, Casey, Decem- ber 25. 1947. In • the Estate of CHARITY JANE KNIGHTS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Charity Jane Knights, late of the Village of Egmond- ville, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, who died on the 28rd day df October, 1963, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4t11 day of January, 1954, after which date the tweets will' be distributed, having' re. geed 0811 to tidies, than receives, ' DATED at 80 forth, this 80th day of November, 1958. •iltaOOIDIELt & HAYS, &forth, Ointario, • Solieitorb for the Snide 44844 Somewhere beyond the sunset, Where skies are always blue, God has a svecial garden for mothers. Fathers, brothers, such as you. And there theroses,our Father h re amid said: "Well done" • s d The Heavenly gates were opened wide. He whispered softly, "Come." Now in God's lovely garden. all pain and sorrow 3,ae4, Somewhere beyond the sunset, You sleep in peace at last. —Ever remembered by the Way Family. M4LCOLM—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear husbfnd and father, James T, Malcolm. who passed away two years ago, December 25. 1951. Beautiful memories are all we have left Of him we loved dearly and shall never forget: His loving senile and happy face, A 'broken Inc we can never replace. Sad was the parting, no one can tell, Sr, sudden on earth the ,,sorrow fell ; Memories we treasure. no one can steal. Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal. '—Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family. 0 4486x1 Births SCOTT—In Saskatoon, on Saturday, Dec. 12, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold .1, Scott, a daughter, WALTERS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters, Seaforth, a daughter—Dianne Louise. A woman had been inoculated and the next day she remained in bed to get over the effects. A call- er arrived, and the woman sent her small daughter downstairs to explain the situation. "Mom's in bed," she said. "In bed?" "Yes, she was intoxicated yester- day and she has a bad headache." Present Play ' Before Carmel Congregation .At the morning service in Car- mel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, the choir sang the Ohrietmas carol, "The First Noel." 'White gift Presentations were received and dedicated. Rev. J. B. Fox spoke on the theme, "Hardening of the Heart." In the evening a play was pres- ented, "Christmas With the A1- lens," by the church school and choir. The play took the place of the regular Christmas concert. Those taking parts in the play were Bill Kerslake, Gerald Oesch, Gladys Baker. Other members of the church school taking part in recitations and vocal numbers were: Jean Kennedy, Carol Brown, Eleanor Wright, Billy Brown, Bill MacKinnon, Douglas McGregor, Shirley Bell, Wayne, Neil and Ter- ry Forrest. In addition to these the church school choir was: Earl Bell, Patsy Bell, Betty . Bell, Vera Tinney, June Tanney, Fred, Jim and Norman Hyde, Marlin Hildebrant, John McGregor and Joan Kerslake. The junior congregation, under Mrs. W. Brown, also took part in the program. Members of the Sen- ior Choir assisted the Junior choir. The musical portion of the program was under the direction of J. Nicol, organist. Soloists in the play were Mrs. W. Brown and Shirley Bell. The play was under the direction of Mrs. A. Kerslake and the church school staff. Following the pro- gram the children were given their annual Christmas treats and pres- entation downstairs. Next Sunday at the Sunday School open session, the film, "0 Holy Night" will be shown, and at the evening service the film, "Emmanuel." The Young ,People's Society will hold its Christmas meeting Wed- nesday, December 23, at 8:15 inthe Sunday school rooms. HENSALL Mrs, Garnet Jacobi. R.R. 1, Zur- ich, was the winner of the $5 gift certificate at Brown's Hardware store Saturday night. KIPPEN Tuesday evening-, December 22, theSundaySchoolof St Andrew's d United Church will hold. a Christ- mas concert and play by the Blue - vale Young People, Rev. Brooks' charge. Mr. and Mrs. art Gibson and Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and Mrs. Gibson (mother of Mrs. Mellis), all of Wroxeter. visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Pri-tstap, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs, Stokes and Larry, London, were Sunday visitors of Mr. Robert Thomson_ Mr. and Mr_ Wesley Green, of Mitchell. visited Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Jonah Green. Miss Etta Jarrott. Toronto, is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. Catharine Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickers visited Sunday in Clifford With Mr. Dickert's mother and brothers, , Mrs. Norman Long, accompanied by Mrs. Ducker, Toronto, visited in Southampton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and Linda; Mrs. 'Durst, Carol and Bobbie, and Mr. Albert Collingwood all of Hamilton, were Saturday vis- itors with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Gack- stetter. • Christmas service in St. An- drew's Church will include special Christmas music, also a White Gift service when all the Sunday School scholars will present gifts of money or gift parcels for the relief of children in areas of distress. All members of the congregation will have an opportunity to join in this gift service. Do Your Christmas Shopping Now SMOKED PiCNIC 'HAMS—Pound 49c AYLMER MINCED MEAT -2 -Pound Tin 55c FINEST CHOCOLATES -1 -Pound Box 99c FINEST CHOCOLATES -3 -Pound Box 2.19 MIXED CHRISTMAS CANDY—Pound 39c MIXED NUTS -2 Pounds 75c CHRISTMAS ORANGES -2 Dozen 49c JELLO -3 Packages 29c SWEET MIXED PICKLES -24 -Ounce Jar 33c FINEST SEEDLESS RAISINS -2 Pounds 39c Please Phone Your Order Early! Clair Haney - Egmondville For Prompt Deliveries — Phone 72 Christmas Bingo Hensall Town Hall Fri., Dec. 18th Bingo starts at 8:30 15 Regular. Games of Bingo — Chickens 10 Special Games — Turkeys: 2-25c, or 5-50c DOOR PRIZE: TURKEY Sponsored by the $ENSALL BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION General Admission -- BCU Telephone Staff • Enjoys 0,.0m Mins • Margaret Hadegn, 044 operator, entertained 11{ta staff' et the local Bell Telephone° office \Tuesday, 'when an enjoyable eve, ning was spent in 'progressive euchre- The winning ladies were Mrs. George Hildebrand, Miss Ena I,Mllico and -MTs. Ronald McDonald. The part of Santa Claus Was played by Evelyn Cardno and Madeline Fortune. when an ex- change xchange of gifts was held. Reports Heard By WMS In Presbyterian Church The December meeting of the W.M.S. was held in Finn Presby- terian Church Tuesday. Reports of various officers were read and received by Mrs. D. G. Campbell. A poem, read by Mrs, Campbell, preceded the scripture lesson read by Mrs. R. Smith and a prayer by Mrs. McLaughlin. A song by Mrs. F. Kling and a story by Miss S. I. McLean were enjoyed. The sing- ing inging of a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Campbell concluded an interesting meeting. White Gift Service is Held at Hensall Church Inspiring services were held in Hensall United Church last Sun- day. At night, the White Gift ser- vice took place. Miss Laramie was organist. A Christmas film. "Where the Littlest Camel Knelt," was shown by Rev. Rogers Mrs. Douglas Cook told the story in an interest- ing manner. An impressive can- dle -lighting service followed under the direction of Mr. Rogers. The church was beautifully decorated by Mrs. McKelvie and Mrs. J. Drys- dale. At the Ohiselhurst service, the Misses Fay Ross, Maja Roobal, Marilyn Eyre and June Ross sang a pleasing number, "Silent Night," Special Christmas services will be held next Sunday, December 20. At the afternoon service in Chis- elhurst at 3 p.m., the White Gift service will be held. 8-�t''•,C+ wed• w.v ,...,.yr<.sLw! q,l;; As n ra>�itia.! f 6'6r::'3i' :0)4 Hensall Arnold Circle Hears Address by Rev. J. B. Fox at Meeting 'Airs. J. B. Fox was hostess at her home Monday night for the Christmas meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Mrs. Harry Hoy presided over the meeting and Mrs. Fax conducted the devotional per- iod. s Rev. J. B. Fox was guest speak- er and addressed the group on the theme. "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men.' Annual reports were presented and the group decided to purchase plants for the sick and shut-ins. The following officers were elect- ed and installed by Mr Fox: past president, Mrs. C. Forrest; presi- dent, Mrs. Harry Hoy; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lawrence Baynham; as- sistant, Mrs. L. Tiberio; treasurer, Mrs. .Mary Hildebrandt; pianist, Mrs. William Brown; Home Help- ers' secretaries, Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs. C, Ken- nedy; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Fred Peters; supply, Mrs. R. A. Orr; Mission Band, Mrs. Harvey Hyde; literary, Mrs. C. Forrest; press, Mrs. Roy Bell. Evening Auxiliary Holds Christmas Meeting in Hensall United S. S. The Sunday School rooms of Hensall United Church, decorated with a vari-colored Christmas tree and emblems, was the setting Mon- day night for the Christmas meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary. The president, Mrs. Lorne Chapman, ex- tended the welcome to the 37 mem- bers present. Hostesses were Mrs, S. Rennie and Mrs, G. E. Walker, Mrs. Keith Buchanan conducted the devotion- al period, assisted by Mrs. Doug- las Cook. Mrs. Byran Kyle offered prayer and Mrs. Ron Mock sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Goddard. During the business ses- sion it was disclosed that the group had cleared $125.53 at the recent bazaar. Miss M. Ellis presented the new 1954 slate of officers as follows: past president, Mrs. L. Chapman; president, Mrs. D. MoKelvie; first vice-president, Mrs. S. Rennie; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. D. Cook; secretary, Mrs. Wesley Richard-; son; treasurer, Mrs. J. Drysdale. Members exchanged Christmas gifts. January hostesses are Mrs. D. Cook and Mrs. R. Cook. Pulp and paper is Canada's -lead- ing enterprise and exporter. MAR ?iter': itiq!d It"Eraeei erica, Sheila and Mary X11: Mitchell, vinited Sunday, With Mr• and Mrs. Frank Aden. We are sorry to report that Mrs, Howard Wright 'haa been removed to Scott Memorial 'Hospital, Sea- forth- We wish her a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Ross Houghton, (Menne and Linda, Ms. Lin McKellar and Mrs. M. Houghton. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp, Mitchell, 4o Lon- don, to visit with Billie on Sunday, who is improving and is still in the isolation ward. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glossip were visited last week by Mr, G1os- sip's sister, Mrs. R. J. Boss, and her husband, R. J. Ross, who has just returned from the Columbia Technical Mission of South Amer- ica. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Far- quhar. Mr, and .Mrs. Fred Walters, San- dra and Judy, visited Sunde.y with Mr. and Mrs. Egan, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. -New- man Baker, of Willburn. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Hur- ondale, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and Margaret visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff :Brock, of Crediton. Members of Cromarty Church Mission Band Review Year's Work The ,Mission Band of Cromarty Presbyterian Church held its regu- lar monthly meeting and ,appoint- ed their officers for the coming year. Alice Sorsdahl presided and opened the meeting with singing, a familiar Christmas hymn. Miss Ina Scott read the scrip- ture lesson. The roll call was an- swered by "something about the Christmas story." Hugh Scott gave the financial report of the year's givings. .Connie Sorsdahl took the offering and Mrs. Duncanson gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. Duncanson read a Christ- mas story and also read the clos- ing chapter of the study book. Alice Sorsdahl sang a solo, "O Lit- tle Town of Bethlehem." The election of officers followed: president, Ina Scott; secretary, Margaret Coleman; treasurer, Dav- id Scott. The meeting closed with the benediction. "Do you realize, my dear, that you have never done anything to save your fellow -men any suffer- ing?" "Didn't .I marry you?" See me for remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State Farm Mutual R. F. MCKERCHER Phone 849 r 4 Seaforth Christmas Trees SEE OUR HARDY CHRISTMAS TREES BEFORE YOU BUY — ALL SIZES — In SPRUCE and PINE 13, Order Now! PHONE 787 Ball -Macaulay Ltd. Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 %% FOR SEE THESE BIG BU LOVA BUYS At J. A. Westcott JEWELLER Special Evening Appoint- ments if desired during December PHONES: 218 or 599-W Seaforth 41WPP'SR 17 jewels, sall•wi d3 g. wslestlte• slack resistant, cs:i-nwgnetic, toss proof, wasp second bond, team tends t diet SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 DODGE SEDAN—Fully equipped 1953 CHEV. BEL -AIR 4-DOOR—Fully equipped 2-1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWIIRGLIDE FLEETLINE SEDAN—Fully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE COACH 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1950 AUSTIN COACH 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN 1949 CHEV, SEDAN 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1999 METEOR COACH 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 1947 OLDSIIIOBILE FLEETLINE COACH—Hy- dramatic Drive 1942 OLDS FLEETLINE COACH 1933 PLYMOUTH COUPE TRUCKS 5-1943 DODGE STAKE -BODY TR.g a "SPECIAL" -1947 MERCURY A' -written guarantee for 80 days on all Late 'Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS PHONE 73-X —'The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING d THERE IS STILL TIME TO ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS GEESE DUCKS CHICKENS At Whyte's Butcher Shop you find thy, Best Selection of Everything that helps to make a Good Christmas! The Finest of Fresh and Frozen Foods just waiting for yourshopping visit. Phone 9 • WHYTE'S BUTCHER SHOP 4 m i1 Seaforth Ski ' A •. ,